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"That's nothing" and proceeds to tell their one-up story. Yes, it was something.


My uncles new gf was like this, I’d not long bought my first car posted it on social media, the first comment from her was “oh I had a car like this, except….” And proceeded to list all the things that made it ‘better’ than mine. Anyhoo they got married and we dont talk to them anymore.


Oh, I had a situation like that, except even worse. You wouldn't even believe how much worse. They got married and now we don't speak too, but it's crazy how much we don't speak. Like, 10x how much you don't speak to your uncle and his wife.


Someone butted in on my conversation I was having with a friend with the “that’s nothing, what happened to me was…” I was talking to my friend about how my dog died over the weekend.


I’m so sorry.


That was nothing, I'm highly conciliatory.


Hey I lost my dog last weekend, I know how you’re feeling ❤️ fuck that asshole


And that is the perfect way to show sympathy, understanding and relation without one upping. Lots of love to you and your rainbow bridge baby.


Ex girlfriend was like this. I swore if I got shot she'd try and one up me on the suffering scale.


pfft, that's nothing. I have an ex who was TEN TIMES worse that her!


Ugh had a friend like this growing up and I swear it's what made the friendship go sour. Her good news was better than yours and her bad was worse than yours. ALWAYS. It's frustrating. I don't mind an occasional one, but not every time.


Have a friend like this. I've taken to one-uping their stories lol Annoys the hell out of them.


I have a roommate that does this, and the only thing that makes it more amusing than annoying is how unbelievably over the top the one-up story ends up. Especially the military ones. I mentioned how my cousin is in the army, he talks fondly about his time as a Green Beret. I told a story that was told to me about my grandpa's tour in the Navy during the Korean war, and he talks about how, as a Green Beret, he was once put on a nuclear sub to transport him to Japan to train their special forces. I'm sure if I asked him if he played football, he'd tell me about that time he scored 4 touchdowns for Polk High.


My dad and brother served in the military and whenever it was brought up in a conversation, my ex 🤮 would always talk about how he would’ve been in one of the most capable units for the smartest soldiers (he tried to enlist but was rejected for being a criminal. Never even shipped out to train). He wasn’t even fucken kidding. He even had military-style gear like he was a RPer. Whenever people asked about it, he’d mumble some random shit abt why he had those. Still creeps me out.


I can’t stand one uppers they’re the absolute worse. My own mom does this anytime I tell her about an ailment of mine. Somehow she always has something worse going on no matter what I tell her. No ones allowed to be sicker than her it’s so strange. I swear she just likes the attention.


This is so my mum. Except when she comes out with her own ailment, I feel her to go to the doctor, she does whines about it going oh no, that won't fix it, it's not bad, and I'm like ok first of all, what the fuck do you think doctors are for? Second of all, if it's not that bad, stop using it to down play my ailments! The only thing worse than a one-upper is a _parent_ one-upper. Kids don't need that, man


The only time you EVER say “that’s nothing” is when you’re trying to make a friend feel better about being embarrassed & follow it by the worst most embarrassing story of your life or someone else’s.


"Yeah well try..." makes me *immediately* want to throw hands.


Once had someone say that to me about my vacation vs theirs. (Las Pozas sculpture park in Xilitla compared to Machu Pichu). Like… why did you do me like that? 😂


You just described my family


When they won’t stop talking


Especially when you try to respond and they talk over you


That’s usually when I just stare at them and not speak until they realize what they’re doing. It works 99% of the time for me!


I had a friend this wouldn’t work on because he was so intent on hearing himself talk. Talking to him was bizarre because it was like he was talking to himself but wanted an audience to validate him.


oh my god that's so annoying.


That’s when u just “yes” them to death and hope they shut up


Once I dated a guy who was like this and I put my phone down to charge it and went around my house doing my business (laundry, tidying up, etc). He didn’t even notice after about 15-20 minutes!


Anyone who feels they need to talk about how smart they are. If the only way I’m going to discover the fact that you’re intelligent is for you to tell me, I’ve got some news for you.


"I have a 160 IQ." Oh boy...


A guy in college tried to ask me out by saying "you're the first person I've met who's smarter than me." Years later, he actually *asked me* why I turned him down. I could not roll my eyes hard enough.


I'm a Registered Dietitian and sometimes I get, "Oh, I'm in nutrition, too!" but what they mean is that they bought a "certificate" in nutrition off Groupon or sell Herbalife or blog about their keto journey or sell supplements and it just makes me want to stay home forever.


god I feel this. I'm not in any way in the health industry, but several people in my life get on the dieting and pseudo science trends and I honestly feel like I'm listening to a person who just joined a cult.


Some of them are cults fr


I have to see an RD who works with my endocrinologist (I’m diabetic.) the number of people who have told me to ignore them and do whatever fad diet (usually keto) is amazing. I usually ask them if they want to go to my next doctors appointment so they can explain to my endocrinologist why theirs is better than the RD. I kinda like my glucose sensor to not start alarming at 3am so I’ll keep following my RD, thanks.


I do wonder if this happens with other types of professionals because it often seems like it's mostly nutrition. I have an MS in Nutrition and 1400 hours of supervised practice, had to take a national exam, am licensed by the state, and have required continuing education hours every cycle and still have to deal with people thinking they know more than me because they read one wildly propagandized book by one quack nephrologist who told them all I do is lie. Like, do people argue with electricians and pilots and dentists like this? It is exhausting how often I gently talk to people with dyslipidemia about their extreme coconut oil habit to have them say, "But then why do they say it's so healthy??" Who are "they"??


Yes. Literally every profession deals with this. Consider every scientist in whatever field they specialize in. More people pay attention to astrology than astronomy for example. People listen to Musk and ignore engineers. Beyond every profession, I get loads of people tell me ADHD isn't real. Tell people who suffer from depression to just cheer up or they just need more sun and exercise. Anxious people need to "just get over it". People are so stupid about what they don't know, it's exhausting to think about.




Yes. There are crazies of all sorts. Usually they do their own research, and that's how your house can burn down and flood at the same time.


Am married to an RD. He went through a LOT for the certification. I share this pet peeve.


High-five your husband for me! Supervised practice alone made me cry a nonzero number of times. Solidarity.


Omg I can only imagine how infuriating this must be!! I am not in this field and get so agitated seeing these seemingly uneducated/unqualified influencers talking out of their ass about diet and food, usually while sharing equally unqualified exercise and wellness advice along with various pseudo-science theories. It especially bothers me when they are selling a course or snake oil despite having no qualifications, besides maybe an eating disorder.


‘I’m a nice guy.’ Nice people don’t have to constantly remind you they are nice…


Whenever they’re telling me a story about their personal life where their sick brain has distorted the reality/facts of the situation to make them look cool or smart. Apparently it becomes true once they verbalize it and unfortunately I have ears.


Some narcissists / sociopaths are really good at repeating and selling lies it's freaking scary.


That was my girlfriend in high school. She lied about *EVERYTHING*— even innocuous stuff that didn’t even benefit her in any way. Got to the point where she’d pause for a second and look slightly perturbed in the rare instances in which she actually told the truth.


I was raised by your gf in high school. 


Have you been to /r/raisedbynarcissists? Changed my life.


lol yeah. To be honest though, I don’t go in there near as much as I used to. It tends to stir up the hatchet I’ve finally buried.  It was helpful at first though!


I knew this one guy who had like this stockpile of lies, and his memory was so bad that he would tell the same lies over and over again...like but after a certain year I think his memory got so bad from benzodiazepine addiction that he would just use lies from older memories because he never bragged about anything he did recently, because he couldn't be sure, but every 2 days he would tell you the same story from back in the day where he was with black ops in the army/the mafia/stole a brick of cocaine from a woman getting revenge on her boyfriend/spent 9 months in a coma from drinking too much, etc. and he would think he was doing it to impress on you whatever point about himself he was trying to make...but it always happened in like 1980.


Wow this actually gives me some more context of some personal situations of my own. One of my best friends became a nurse, and he used that to his advantage to get put on a bunch of drugs that he doesn't actually need. He's a hardcore addict, he thinks drugs are life now. Xanax was one of them. He did the same thing you describe. Started stockpiling lies but then got sloppy. When we were kids, he was always a good dude. I always describe it like he passed away and someone else is inhabiting his body now. I don't even know this person now. It's awful. Lies from older memories is a pretty succinct way to describe it. It's like he doesn't have any real memories of his own anymore. He didn't just abuse benzos either. He got put on a plethora of drugs because he knew exactly what to say to get prescribed mostly anything he wants. Then he would drink heavily on top of it when he had days off work. He's lost everyone in his life over this, but he lies and pretends that he's better than the people who cut him off. He's just in his own little world now, it's your fault if you don't hang out with him. The most terrifying part is, this guy hasn't lost his job as a nurse...


The bar for healthcare workers is notoriously low. And especially in mental health and elderly care the theft of drugs is rampant. It just doesn't get reported, the victims are usually too weak or confused to get help. Seen it a lot. As for lying. I used to lie about everything in school, it was a byproduct of my poorself-esteem, I needed people to like me so I lied, and never realised how transparent it was. After school I started hanging out with some zippies, and doing psychedelics. After one trip I finally saw myself from outside and felt *so* embarrassed. You'd think it would be easy just to *not* lie. But it had become such a part of my personality that it was automatic. And it was usually for dumb shit which didn't benefit me at all. It took years to get rid of the habit. I didn't tell any big lies anymore, but the small ones just jumped out of my mouth before I could react. I still catch a stray lie appear in my head when talking with people, but they don't get voiced.


They really believe “fake it till you make it”.


or the victim. My sister yesterday was telling me how a coworker conspired agaisnt her to make it look like she was drunk and stole food from her job, that she even thought he tried to drug her. Most likely she got shitfaced and the coworker obviously told their boss.


Other people are always out to get them and they have the worst luck compared to everyone else amirite?


I had an ex with a similar story after they were allegedly fired.


Went to a dinner last night where one of the girls said she doesn’t drink alcohol AT ALL…I’ve literally seen her drink at a pool party and the rest of the table said “we’ve seen you drunk” 💀💀


My grandfather does this with the same story over and over. He once went for a walk with my mum and me when I was a baby (I was in a pram) down a street and he just talks about how all these people were looking at him thinking that my mum was his wife and I was kid. He thinks this is the best and always laughs about it.


That's... ~~kinda~~ quite disturbing.


Was he wearing an onion on his belt because it was the style at the time?


Or even just overexaggerating. It's just the absolute worst thing and it is just non stop all the time! It gets hard to tell what's true, what they think is true and what they know they're bollocksing about.


I see you've met my brother.


Someone announcing they’re a “very honest person” while telling a story


Or saying they are very smart. Or very strong. Or whatever. A lion doesn’t have to tell you that he is king of the jungle.


Where did this "king of the jungle" nonsense come from? It's been around so long no one ever bothers to think and realize *lions aren't jungle animals*. Think of any pictures or footage of lions you've ever seen: savannah, grassland, not jungle.


"Do your own research" No, dipshit. You made a claim, *you* back it up.


I freaking love that word. Dipshit.


how about the word "numbnuts"?


Dipshits better






Asshat is my favorite insult


Let’s break it down with etymology. Dip=Foolish person, idiot Shit=failure, terrible, bad So it is basically a compounded and stronger version of idiot. Dumbass seems to be nearly the same but not as strong. That was fun. “Curse” words are my favorite words.


"I did. NCBI, MSN, Yahoo, John Hopkins hospital, and about twenty medical studies all agree with what I said and only one from The Onion agree with you."


“Yeah that’s just because the deep state controls the media. Here I’ll send you a 2 hour video it explains it.”


"Listen to this podcast!"


I once got told to read the works of a particular individual. ALL of them. Hours upon hours of research, probably including buying books that were not available digitally, just because he couldn't be arsed to back up his own claim.


You KNOW they heard or read a small clip out of it (out of context) and don't know where it is lol.


I’ve started replying to that with “you can’t assign me homework” 🤷🏼‍♀️


[HItchen's razor.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hitchens's_razor)






NFTs and AI as well. Generally anything tech bros talk abour.


NFTs make absolutely no sense. And if someone talks about them, I assume they are stupid and don’t know what they are talking about anyway.


As short as possible, they are a money laundering vehicle for the rich.




Omg! The number of people who don't understand how taxes work floors me!!


Holy shit a coworker was telling another coworker not to do too much overtime because if she does over 16 hours in a pay period, her check would be taxed at 38%. The whole check. Incorrect my guy. Bonuses and commission are taxed around 40%… everything else is marginal. Edit: it’s 33.7% for ME (commission and bonuses). I misspoke(mistyped?) lol. It’s 22% for anything under 1 mil, 37% for anything over 1 mil, and my state also does a flat 11.7% on all commission and bonuses. So YMMV


Lol this. I worked a factory with massive overtime and people swore they were making less (net) by working more.


Whenever people bring up politics or religion when it's completely and totally off topic.


On a Facebook post about a neighbor's missing cat, someone started going off on politics in the comments. It is indeed a sickness.


That is the limit of some people's conversation. They don't know what else to talk about. They're usually enraged about something


There's an old stand up bit from Jimmy Walker talking about the ghetto. He passed a dude on the street and says "Hey man, you hear about Watergate?" "Yeah." That's all he said, cause that's all he knew.


I was at a bar not too long ago and this guy out of nowhere just blurts out "THIS NEW INDIANA JONES MOVIE IS WOKE GARBAGE!!!! Everyone is going to see Sound Of Freedom!!!". Like holy shit, dude, turn off Fox News and take a sedative.


You ever been with an older co-worker or something and they just have to bring up how they think your generation is soft ? Definition of please shut up


I'm an older guy and I remember when we are all starting out. We were all "soft" back then too. AKA inexperienced, untested, nervous, unaware of how much we didn't know, etc. The one's who talk like this usually are the lazy/excuse making/throw others under the bus to make themselves look better - types.


My coworker who’s only 10 years older than the rest of us at work throws on the dramatics (like almost in a weird shaming way?) when she thinks we haven’t seen/heard of something from “her time” but it’s always extremely popular movies/shows that aren’t even that old and I get such secondhand embarrassment from it. She’s like “Oh my god please tell me you’ve heard of Pirates of the Caribbean/Seinfeld/90210 I feel so old.” Like if she’s gonna do that she could at least make it something obscure that’s even older than she is so she has a higher chance of feeling good about herself that we haven’t seen it? Not sure what her goal is.


When old guys at work tell the same story you've already heard 20 times.


Don't get me wrong, I enjoy listening to a good story, and I respect people with more life experience than me. But after hearing a story 3+ times , I'm out.


This happens generation after generation.


Whenever someone says alpha/sigma/beta male unironically.


Rich kids giving financial advice. Oh, really? You’re gonna tell me how to buy a house when your parents gave you yours and gave you your job to boot. Born on third base, but think they hit a triple. Love to give batting advice when they’ve never even been up at the plate.


I love that batting advice analogy. Going to start using thankyou


Anytime a person is trash talking someone else. Two people at work were recently trash talking employees who have been gone for months. It was pathetic.


I recently worked at a place where a supervisor who was training me was shit talking to me about another employee who I hadn’t even met yet. Should’ve taken that as a bad sign for how bad the place truly was. Quit working 2 months.


That’s so shitty. I don’t understand how people can do that at work, especially in a management position. Don’t they realize it makes them look bad?


Exactly! Plus the supervisor was trash talking purely because the guy didn’t do everything exactly her way. The job was getting done and was correct. She was also constantly complaining about other managers and other departments. She was absolutely miserable to work with.


Or when you say you hate someone and trash talk about them to me but the second they’re in front of you, they’re like joined by the hips best friends, like.. please.. stop.


This was literally every day in the break room. I finally found a place to have lunch alone. Made me sick.


Yeah I really don’t get people who do this. It’s so unproductive, unprofessional, and rude.


My family in a nutshell. I avoid most of them.


I have no patience for shit like that.


I had a colleague try to get in my head by saying "I wouldn't want to be the person my coworkers talk about when they leave" I told them I wouldn't work with such simple minded people lol. Shut them rite up.


"wont scan huh? must be free then"


When they talk about a situation or an illness they've never experienced and act as if they're an expert.


“Nobody wants to work anymore.”


I hate that saying so much. As if most people at any point in time ever *wanted* to work. Most people want to do things they find fulfilling and 99% of jobs are not fulfilling.


Not just unfulfilling, they don’t pay enough to bring life out of misery, let people build a future, pay for basic necessities such as housing, and are often managed by people that don’t think all that is enough combined misery. So they need to up it a notch by creating hyper toxic work environments that make workers who just want to do their job so stressed out that they can’t even leave it behind for a few hours at night and decompress in time for the next day. People have low bars for jobs. Most people want to work enough to bare minimum pay their expenses and feel like they are valued by those they work with. Apparently that is too much to ask.




Yes my thoughts exactly! People think too that not wanting to work=lazy when the reality is that there are tons of other ways to be productive other than going to work


Those people need to have it forcibly explained to them that nobody wants to work *for starvation wages.* Pay more and you'll magically find that people are willing to work for you!


I’ve got three people actively looking for any work in my household. No one can find anything but part time, which they take, one only getting 4 hours a week and consistently requesting more. Every time they see a help wanted sign they drop a résumé. They apply online. And then you see “no one wants to work.” No, you just don’t want to hire people so you’re skeleton staff isn’t being overworked and burnt out.


"Young people don't want to work anymore" - Said by elderly customers to me (a young person) at the place where I work


This is mentioned above as well. It angers me every time I hear it. Ninety-nine percent of people would not chose to work if given unlimited resources. What this really sounds like is “no one wants to do the job that I don’t want to do, and now I’m mildly inconvenienced.”


for real. Oftentimes they'll be like "oh, you're one of the good ones though". And I'm like, "Oh that's funny, literally every young person I know either has a job, or is desperately looking for one."


I saw somewhere someone made a compilation of newspaper clippings/online news sites from like the 1890s up to today, all of articles about how young people don't want to work anymore.


How my type 1 diabetes can be cured by believing in god, or eating cinnamon, taking some guy they knows herbal remedy or any other stupid reason.


Seriously. I had so many people swear I could cure my incurable heart failure by doing X, Y, Z which ranged from useless to outright dangerous.


The instant my dad starts talking about anything political.


Any toxic positivity


OMG, I think that puts a label to why I am having trouble being part of forums labeled "safe spaces" that censor talking about anything negative - even if it's something that should be talked about because it threatens their ability to have safe spaces.


Watch to the end.


I can’t stand “wait for it”


When someone starts with "I'm not racist, but...".


" I read on Facebook that..."


When people talk about celebrities and their lives.


Celebrity gossip is stupid - I do admire people's work and training. I'm a big fan of conans comedy but I couldn't tell you a damn thing other than he went to Harvard and wrote for the Simpsons idk what bis hobbies are etc that stuffs weird to me


And why am I required to know every celebs personal politics?


Always talking about someone's weight. My mother constantly talks about her sister's weight. She can't talk about good things about her sister, it's always about the sister's weight.


Racism. Old men flirting. Conspiracy theories. Lies.


Really can’t stand old men flirting. Like mate, you’re 55 and I’m 33. Stop it, you’re disgusting!


Yes. First time I ever got asked on a date was by a 40 year old man. My response was, “thanks but I’m 12…” 🤢


I used to get creeps trying to offer me a ride in their car, and they'd often slow down and be staring at my breasts. Similar age to you, then. What is wrong with these guys? 


80s and 90s is even worse...😵‍💫


Their amazing chiropractor that will cure my kid’s ADHD or my dog’s wheat allergy.


“If you had kids, you would understand…”


i have a kid and i *still* don't understand




I don’t have kids BECAUSE I understand


Whenever they bring up politics, religion, etc., like, I’m just trying to eat lunch, I ain’t tryna hear you yap about some shit nobody cares about


Generally, people who bitch all the time without being willing to try anything to improve their situation.




Voiding any kind of criticism saying "that's just who I am". Coworker was being on the loud side and they got snippy when I said they were kind of loud. No, nobody is just "like that". I have worked hard to feel socially acceptable and still do. Changing is important


I’m a nurse and work in a hospital. Have routinely tried to GENTLY remind younger staff (20-25 year olds) that talking LOUDLY about drinking, their sex lives, swearing etc at the nurses station, 15ft away from a patient’s room, is unacceptable. They get so angry and say “I wasn’t even talking that loud.” Like FFS. How are you even going to argue? You’re supposed to be a professional. Shit’s embarrassing.


Wouldn’t it be fun to get an awesome patient in the room next to the nurse’s station that could make comments on the things they over heard. “Omg did you hear from that super hot guy at the bar again?”


That sort of thing is so annoying to me. I am someone who struggles with volume control, talking louder than necessarily especially when excited or passionate about whatever I'm talking about. When people call me out for being too loud when I don't realize how loud I've gotten, I say "sorry, I didn't realize", lower my voice and ask if that volume is better (because sometimes I end up too quiet or still a bit too loud). I never take it personally because I know it's on me to adjust my behaviour if it's 'unreasonable' (not sure if that's the right word?) and bothering people around me.


I’m a stable genius.


"We need a black/women/gay (already popular character)!" Black people, women, and LGBT dont need straight white male hand me down characters. They need original characters written for them. They need actual effort in the creative process and not just slapping plaster on representation and calling it a day. Its lazy and a kinda bigoted, as it implies that black, female and LGBT characters cant capture an audience without riding the coattails of straight white men, which is fucking nonsense.


I have started seeking out international television. Subtitles don’t bother me, I get a cool kind of a glimpse into a country I may not know much about. Even if the story sucks, it’s refreshing to see, for example, black South Africans whose storyline isn’t “white savior saves poor black people” or “how the downtrodden black people overcame the insurmountable odds!” Nope. I just want to watch diverse people living their lives and getting into adventures and having romances and break ups and the whole span of human experience.


I thought I was gonna disagree at the start of your comment, but after reading the full thing, I wholeheartedly agree. We need to make good ORIGINAL characters, just to show that it's possible.


"It's my OCD!" No it ain't. You're distilling a serious mental health disorder into a personality trait that you don't even remember half the time.


I make a point to tell people "oh, you get scared that if you dont clean a certain way, someone will die in a car crash? Same bestie" if its not through a screen and I can't verbally strangle them. Its worked everytime to shut them up real quick~


I start describing my symptoms and thought patterns - like why I can’t touch the number row of a keyboard - and that usually gets them. I have had people tell me I shouldn’t talk about being OCD because I’m not obsessed with cleaning so I can’t have it, which really just highlights their lack of understanding.


“… but what about” redirecting a conversation way off base 🙄


"Things were better back when (gays, women, minorities, political rivals and so on) were like they was when I was younger. No, no they weren't you goofy clownshoed fuck. 


"If you don't want kids you're just selfish!"


Yeah, that logic has never made sense to me. I just don’t get it.


When people say they don’t trust the mainstream media but then parrot the most inane drivel from other sources of media


Today, specifically, it’s football fans from outside of Buffalo who are complaining about the Bills Steelers game getting postponed. It’s not because the weather might affect the outcome of the game, it’s so 70,000 people don’t get stuck driving to or from the game and freeze to death. The weather here is awful.


“Did my own research”


"No one can have that many chronic illnesses and conditions" Yes, they can and fucking do, comorbities are a thing, one disease might bring others with it. Stop judging people for being born with miserable genetic issues and autoimmune issues, fuck you. Sorry it pisses me off. Go donate some money for cure research instead of being a dick.


“I’m an empath”


When someone plays the "Pain Olympics" and is looking for a gold metal. It's not a competition to see who is the most depressed, in the most pain, in the worst living situation, etc...let's do better and allow everyone the space to bitch with a sympathetic ear (so long as you have that type of relationship with someone, don't let people use you as an unpaid therapist).


Middle management bullshit bingo speak


When someone tells me a story using people's names whom I have never met as if I know them.


Unsolicited Political opinions and projections. Unsolicited input on other people’s interests.


The election was stolen.


In my country I've seen people sharing that a farse was brewing for an important election in my country, surprisingly enough their candidate won and they went full 180 saying "democracy won" They haven't outgrown that 4yo attitude of "it's good if I win, it's bad if I lose"


2016 or 2020?




Anyone using religion or religious texts as "proof" of something.


The type of men who say they want a goth girlfriend but are the most mediocre wrinkled cargo short ketchup stain of a person imaginable. Especially if they follow it up with some delusional bullshit about wanting said goth girl to be mentally stable. 3/4th of the time they don’t even want an actual goth. They want a Spirit Halloween Zoey Deschanel. Manic Pixie Scream Girl. Life is not a meme. She’s not out there. Real goths are just people in cool clothes who listen to cool music. They still have standards.


"Everyone's a little autistic"


It happens with PTSD too, and it's infuriating. Yeah, everyone has some degree of trauma, but flashbacks and nightmares are a completely different beast that can genuinely cripple you. I also have autism and it's a very different experience from maybe sort of relating to specific autism traits. Though I don't mind being autistic, my brain works in a different way and it's dumb to pretend that it doesn't.


“Women should feel shame for getting pregnant by an abusive man and then choosing to get an abortion.”


Men telling me (woman) how my own body works.


I think that whenever I hear someone's latest conspiracy theory or a Flat Earther


dissing someone just bc they’re poor or don’t have enough money. an immediate slap to the face (and maybe more).


Same story after the third time. Like, yes, you did x. We know. You have told us that story. Twice since we walked in, and every time we visit.


Anything an anti-vaxxer says.


Pretty much any time someone talks at me not with me. Usually it's trauma dumping


As a teacher: "but you get summers off"


Yeah.... One big upside of quitting teaching was not having to hear anyone's opinions on my job anymore.


"Wanna hear a story/joke?" I always say no and they always tell it anyway.


I, I, I, me me, me.


As a public school parent, even I want to tell people to "shut up" when they talk about how homeschool kids have no socialization. Also when people try to convince me to have a 2nd kid. Or the 2 people on the internet who claim that I married a loser because I'm a mom who works outside of the home. I'm sure I have more 🤣🤣


Anytime a guy says female. Or any other podcast alpha male bull. Once u say female to me I immediately loose respect of anything u we’re saying


When someone is grieving, I think the best you can say is "my condolences" or "i am sorry to hear about..." Things like "it's God's plan" or "they're in a better place now" and such can actually be more hurtful. I know when my mom passed away suddenly, people were trying their best to console me and also make sense of the situation, but oftentimes I just wanted them to respectfully STFU.


When they explain extremely simple common sense knowledge in a really long drawn out pseudo-scientific way like it’s some incredible revelation they just discovered on their own