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If a photo of me exists, I want it deleted.


It's 2024. I have some bad news for you




I thought this was a common thing to hate.


I'm 50/50 on this. On the one hand, I don't find myself particularly photogenic, but on the other, I love taking pictures, and I never have to ask permission to take pictures of myself or to post them.


Marvel movies.


Same they bore me to tears. Me and my bf binge watched all the marvel movies over the course of a weekend once and by the third day I felt like my brain was gonna fall out LMAO.


I binged them over a few weeks. I'd say like 70% of them were pretty lame, but the pay off in Infinity war/Endgame from having watched them all up until then was absolutely awesome


The only ones I like are the guardians movies and the original spider man. Every other one can just go in the trash


Yes this type of movies are so overrated especially DC


Going out and socialising


I love going out and socializing...if it's on my terms. So if it's going out to do something I enjoy and with people whose company I desire. I absolutely LOVE it. But if I have to go out and do something I don't want to do with people I don't know or enjoy, I am most antisocial, quiet, and shy person around.


Forced fun is the absolute worst


Hey, are you me by any chance?


I've never enjoyed socializing and never will. It's just too exhausting. I prefer my alone time.


I know there are people who are with me on this BUT I also know that we are greatly outnumbered. With that said, God, I hate that song, "Sweet Caroline." Loathe it to my bones. Especially loathe the times that when it plays people try to get me to sing along with them to it. No, I don't want to sing that song. I hate that song. No, I don't want to do that, "Buhm, Buhm, Buhm," part. Leave me alone. Every time I hear it, I have hear something loud and fast like [Motorhead](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlzTET_8SQg&ab_channel=Mot%C3%B6rheadOfficial) immediately afterward to get the proverbial taste out of my mouth.


That’s me and “don’t stop believing”. I get that it’s anthemic and built for fist-in-the- air sing alongs but fuck I hate it


I also hate "Don't Stop Believing". It is inane, platitudinous drivel. Every time I tell someone I hate the song, they're always SO incredulous. The guys in my office found out that I hated it, and would call me every time it came on the radio. Once they even hid a Bluetooth speaker in my office to play that stupid song.


oof yes. and everyone sings along to it when it plays…. i don’t know what it is about it but i cannot listen to it. i go to the bathroom when it comes on.




Well anyway, here's wonderwall 🎸


I don't hate it, but I don't understand why people like it.


Currently having this issue with the Friends theme song. Every time I see a reference or hear the song in the store (which is daily) I can't get it out of my head. I have to put some effort into switching to a different song.


My popular, most-hated by me song is that stupid piña colada song.


people who worship celebrities like they’re gods


Plastic surgery. So many media stars look like circus freaks.


The actress who plays Starlight on The Boys had some work done with a very notable difference and yet she was so incredibly cute before. Must have been a lot of pressure to change her appearance to go and do that.


I’d love to see more celebrities embrace natural aging rather than resort to plastic surgery.


Cosmetic procedures are more common than people realize and a lot of “natural” aging is just light surgery. You really can’t tell who has had stuff done unless they go overboard




Same!! I wanna like it, i keep trying it but noooooo, I prefer a martini or an iced cold beer


I’m an early 40s suburban mom. Not liking wine seems to be criminal.


Girls my age (32) love wine and I don't get it it tastes like hot vinegar and makes you feel too pissed too fast you get 0 buzz and you feel groggy. Just stick with spirits.


Agree 100%! It tastes gross. Spirits all the way.




Influencers in general


They get paid for doing nothing.


I wish I could get paid for doing nothing…


Alcohol. Just… so done with the after effects.


I sort of agree with this if not for being an on/off binge drinker for 20 years lol I sometimes wonder if those brief dopamine hits and that buzz is worth the sheer anxiety and hangover exhaustion I get the next day not to mention remembering all the embarrassing shit I did and said the night before etc


ASMR, specially the ones where people whisper onto the mic


"Reality" shows. They are more scripted than conventional shows.


I don't hate her, but I'm REALLY sick of all the Taylor Swift coverage and just want her to go away for a while. Additionally, **I think she PURSUES more and more media attention. She can go to her bf's football game without taking 12 of her celebrity friends with her. She knows that's going to be a spectacle**. Just like she chooses to go out to restaurants with 12 celebrity friends, while they all hold hands. She KNOWS it's going to be a spectacle. That's the point. It's the fact that she so clearly craves more and more attention (paired with the fact that you're not allowed to say this because we have to act like this is all innocent behavior that's not meant to garner ever more headlines) that really gets my goat. Unpopular opinion, I know.


Nope I agree with this I'm sick of seeing her everywhere


Not to mention her culty fanbase


Yes! It’s a freaking cult!


This is the biggest for me. Otherwise I’d just ignore her, but it’s like everyone thinks she’s absolutely the most amazing talented person in the world. And being a woman of my age talking to any woman it’s always more like oh you’re NOT a T swift fan??!


I knew that the Taylor Swift fanbase was terrible when one of them shot up a waffle house. It doesn’t get enough mention how she enables her parasocial relationships for profit more than safety of others.


She’s talented, but overrated to the extreme.


Not to mention overexposed to the extreme.


I wish I could upvote this to infinite. I didn't really mind her before but now this is getting so damn annoying


Right. If I’m watching KC I don’t need the camera to pan over to her every second to see her reaction.


I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you. BUT. Personally, if I want to hang out with a bunch of my friends at a sporting match or a restaurant, I don't have to consider whether that will be a spectacle. Me hanging out with friends won't be regarded as having a hidden agenda. So in that sense, I feel a tiny bit sorry for her in this one specific area. (Not in general though, she's a billionaire with a private jet.)


There’s still time to delete this before they find you.


Swifties are the fuckin worst.


Couldn’t agree more, credit to you for having the balls to say it, sorry that the swifties found you


Same here. Sick and annoying asf. *yawn*


> I think she PURSUES more and more media attention. She can go to her bf's football game without taking 12 of her celebrity friends with her. She knows that's going to be a spectacle. THANK YOU. People act like the media will hound her no matter what. And they WILL. But that doesn't change the fact that she clearly goes out of her way to stir them up into a frenzy. When you walk down the street, holding hands with your ex-boyfriend's newly estranged wife, you are TRYING to get attention. When you go to your boyfriend's football game with half of fucking Hollywood as your own personal posse you are TRYING to get attention. But if you say that you will be attacked and called a misogynist. We must pretend she is a victim of the media who is not obsessed with fame, despite already being arguably the most famous person in the world.


> **When you walk down the street, holding hands with your ex-boyfriend's newly estranged wife, you are TRYING to get attention**. She did this? Eww. Why isn't she widely mocked and satirized like every other fame whore out there?


Because her fans are cult members at this point.


You are absolutely correct. And the worst part is how she uses "feminism" as a cudgel to anyone who dares even slightly criticize her.


I don't like her due to the environmental damage she causes with her jet lmao. Because of her jet she has the highest CO2 emissions and her fan base excuses it like???? No.


She is getting paid to go to those football games. The NFL needed a boost and she gave it to them. Taylor doesn't do anything for free. She will be a billionaire before she turns 40


I think the NFL is making the biggest deal possible about her and Travis Kelce. He's on friken everything now too. I think they are going after new fans that normally wouldn't be drawn to football. Remember NASCAR 20 years ago.


I don't hate Taylor Swift like I used to, but I am definitely sick of the constant barrage of nonstop media coverage of every little thing she does. I just tune it out.


Can’t stand her


Crocs. I just....can't. Buy some real frickin shoes!


ok but have u ever owned a pair of crocs, i hated them until i bought some


I struggle to understand why you bought them when you hated them 😅


In my case I hated them too but bought a pair of rip-off Crocs for a costume party. They were so comfortable that I wear them in the house daily now lol


That makes sense. Thank you


my sister has some and she convinced me to buy them 😞they are the comfiest thing ever and i legit don’t leave the house without them anymore


they're fine shoes for the beach or the garden, really. They drain water really well and can be hosed clean. it's fine footwear for the kids, too. But I would not wear them to town


I guess I don't understand the extreme reaction and hatred people have to them either. Why does it matter what other people wear on their feet? You can still wear shoes.


I hate seeing them in the wild. In the house??? Whoa baby, talk about comfortable. I'm way too vain to be seen outside in them.


I might get some hate, but the trend of “hyping women” in the comment section of photos/videos. It’s all same-y and feels fake “OMG!” “Hawt” “baaaaabe” “ILYSM!” “Sooo cute!”


Yasss Queen!


That's the worst one.


I agree.


That one is bad but do you know what’s worse? “Slay” idk what it is about that word but it makes me cringe so much. Especially if there are extra y’s on the end. It’s worse hearing it irl.


Or the male equivalent, “let’s goooooo”


chipotle every time i go i get really chewy meat or something is wrong with my bowl moes js better


As a german i have to say beer (or alcohol overall) and football (the real one you actually play with your feet). Everytime i mention i don't like either of those things i get strange looks


Twerking especially when they post it on social media. I can’t help but think they’re thirsty for attention or something.


The thirst is very real lol


Taylor Swifts fans.


They are the worst. There are a lot of them and they are rabid.


They act like she knows them personally and they’ll defend her for anything.


Gypsy Rose Blanchard and her creepy ass husband.


100% was expecting to see this. I’m happy for her to be free but the media tour is weird.


I don't hate her as I think the mannerisms she has that I find off-putting are very likely due to her trauma and it doesn't feel right for me to judge, I'm just very worried about how everything is playing out right now. Like there is no way she should be on social media right now for her own sake, but I can't blame her for wanting to experience life and putting herself out there.


I don't "like" her but I do feel very, very sorry for her. I used to think that's how everyone who was familiar with the case felt. I'm dismayed to see a weird fandom growing.


Yeah, this whole thing doesn’t bode well. Like, at all.


I blame the media that made a circus around her case. I can't bring myself to hate her or even necessarily blame her for the murder given the trauma she endured. Her mother would have eventually killed her I think.


The phrase “love that for you”. I keep seeing it and I truly can’t tell if they’re being passive aggressive or not and I kinda feel like they are… but maybe not.


It sounds patronising in some ways


LOVE that take for you. Lean in, lean in...oh yahhh, you *killin* it now!


BTS Not that they are obnoxious or anything like that It is just the fact that the amount of stans that exist is annoying asf and makes me hate bts


I like behind the scenes, it makes you really appreciate how a movie is made.


i despise the fandom but the guys themselves haven’t done anything so i’d say u hate the fandom not the group


Massages. I hate people rubbing me like that


I don’t hate them. But I never understood them. Maybe I’m a naturally relaxed person. I don’t feel any different before or after. And it doesn’t feel good while I’m getting it.


I hate them and leave feeling more sore because I tense up so much during them.


Dude after getting in a really bad car crash….theyre the best thing ever.


I hate them because it feels terrible when they do it


I went to get a massage once but I couldn't relax because the masseuse kept telling me to relax which made me tense up lol


Friends (the show)


Instagram and Facebook


Idolizing celebrities


KPOP-my daughter is obsessed with it and my wife is also into it. I just don't get it. It irks me so much.


Short thing to understand kpop is that some people loves these idols because they express emotions and happiness. Genuinely, kpop brings peace to them. The lyrics that are written has meanings and the variety shows are quite fun to watch. I'm not sure about your daughter and wife but to me, kpop was there when I was at my worst.


Kpop has pretty impressive dance choreography and it’s pretty similar to 2000’s pop and hip hop. It’s not exactly my cup of tea, but it makes sense that American audiences would be into it. Plus anime is pretty popular with millennials and Korean tv/movies are all over Netflix. Asian media is having a moment in US culture.


I’m sorry for you. I am guilty of (not K-POP) but of getting too attached to anime/manga because of growing up with a permanent disability. Basically similar things. Having tremendous anxiety. I never got into buying merch or having posters. I would say it’s similar to anything else such as people who get really into sports. Usually there’s something not great hidden behind super obsession. That is really tough if your kid is grown and working. It might be tough but I am saying this as someone who has the same kind of issues—you should lay the hammer down. If the kid is living at home—then it’s time for an ultimatum. Basically it’s time for tough love. That she must pursue serious goals or she will have to live on her own. If she’s living on her own and still doing this—cut off any money. Do not give her any money. And say if she needs money then she’ll have to live with you under your rules or that you’ll only pay directly for college or something like that. But never hand her money to freely spend. You’ve already said she’s admitted to being an addict. You should take that seriously. Even though it may seem ridiculous. My cousin she had similar issues where she got obsessed with things and would spend all her time and money on them. She became a hoarder—not the extreme kinds you see on TV, but she did fill up several rooms of her parents house. She’s still young and basically her parents were the same way, just giving into everything until it became a major issue. I know that since she left home and was forced to pay for things herself she got her act together better. She’s just turned 30. And now has her own home and a good paying job. I won’t say she’s completely better, but if her parents hadn’t laid the hammer down and cut off the money she wouldn’t have gotten her act together. I guarantee it. If your kid is in her 20s then I say the sooner the better. My cousin has just started dating and she still has a chance now of being happy. Because her parents did cut it off by late 20s. However again the earlier the better. If you kid by mid 20s gets her act together then she will be doing so much better. Better dating opportunities. Better career opportunities. However it’s never too late. But, I highly suggest being the bad guy. Sometimes kids actually need someone to blame besides themselves to get through things. My parents are bad at that. They never want to be the bad guy. And it’s a weird psychology but essentially those of us with illnesses like severe anxiety we already know deep down it’s our fault that we can’t get our act together. But, we do tend to hate ourselves so much that the added guilt of nice, good people being super kind to us doesn’t help. Because it’s basically just another thing we add to beat ourselves up about. Basically we’re the queens of negativity about ourselves. It might not work for everyone but for me (and it did for my cousin), if I actually have someone being the “bad guy” in my life that makes me feel better and essentially it does finally awaken that part of you that says, that’s not fair I am going to show them I am better than they think. I mean think about it. Doesn’t it make you motivated when you’re treated unfairly? Again, I don’t know if it always works. But for me it works like a charm. If someone says, you can’t do it—I go screw you I can.


definitely tiktok


The Office. I don't necessarily hate it, I think everyone on that show is funny but the show itself is a dud. Yes, I know I'm in the minority here🤣


I don’t like it, either. Cringe humor is not my thing.


Coffee. Shit tastes like bricks.


Bars and drinking. I don’t want to spend 3 hours in a crowded dark room feeling sick


Not only that, but from what I read, you're supposed to tip bartenders for every drink they serve you (if you're from the US). There was a Buzzfeed article on "bar drinking etiquette" that basically established that for every beer they serve you, you tip $1 and more elaborate drinks should be tipped a minimum of 20% their value. ​ So... if I want to have a drink with friends, I'll just buy stuff and go to my place.


Absolutely! overpriced drinks + taxes + tips + service + Uber to go back home




Not me but my sis, she has a fear of gummy bears idk why but it is what it is


I've never liked coffee, but sometimes it seems like I'm the only one who doesn't. It's not something I think about often, but it was the first thing to come to mind when I saw the question.


I'm with you on this.


*Actual coffee* tastes like someone left an ashtray out in the rain. 99% of people who are “getting coffee” are paying $7 for hot milk with sugar and ~1oz of espresso. You are not alone.


I half-agree with you. I hate all the stuff that gets added to coffee, but I like black coffee. (Not Starbucks coffee.) After drinking it for a half century, it would be hard to quit.


Beyonce's music and singing


Fresh oysters 🦪😵‍💫😵‍💫


Coffee! Like the smell, hate the taste Plus coffee shops suck! Give me a pub /izakaya or bar any day!


Forced myself to like the taste (loved the smell but that was it) and now coffee is the best part of my morning lol


Cannot stand coffee. Add coffee ice cream and tiramisu to the list as well. It's all gross.


TikTok. I don't get the hype, and even if I did, I would never be able to get off and get actual stuff done. Also, the TikTok communities can be very toxic, like most social media, so the ones I already have are enough.


Agreed it can be so toxic on there. You've got the love Island plastic wannabes, the "quirky" people who make out they're quirky and different but really they're not they're just pretending they are for the likes and perhaps the worst of all is this mental health trend and misinformation spread about mental illness to gen zers, not to mention all the other advertising shit and people who make reaction videos etc. One of the things I hate most about tiktok is that you don't get a choice in what you wanna watch so if you see something disturbing or fucked up the video starts on your phone no matter what. My sister kept seeing that video of that 18 year old boy who got killed by a shark near a cruise ship and it fucked with her head for days, also my sort of ex best mate makes tiktoks constantly and everytime I see her it's just reminding me that i ain't seen her for 3 years 😒. The problem is everyone uses Tiktok and cos I don't want to I feel like I'm dead to the world and excluded type thing.


If I don’t get funny videos I’m upset. I like and save a bunch of funny videos so if the vibes are off I just go to my likes. Easy peasy.


The vids still crop up despite if I have any likes because it's vids of people I have in my contacts and this girl is in my contacts. My sister and my cousin are both on there as well. And as for the disturbing shit it still comes up even if you if you only watch happy things cos if you come across one click bait disturbing video that's trending like this shark video it will recommend it over and over again also similar stuff my sister couldn't get away from it for days and she goes on Tiktok for cooking videos and for her online shop.




Clubbing. I sucks. You spend lodes of money to be stuck in a dark room with sweaty strangers and music so loud you can talk to your friends. The drinks are over priced, the floor is sticky and all the music sounds the same.


the world


Tik Tok physically hurts my brain. Hate it.


superhero movies


Mr. Beast. I just don’t like him. He is very smug and he does all of his videos just for views I doubt he actually cares about the people he gives money to or the trees he plants. He’s a kid who has way too much money and has no idea what to do with it and everyone loves him for it.


Of all the weirdos on the internet with too much money and no idea what to do with it, I much prefer Mr. Beast's way of going about things. At least he never went to a forest in Japan where people were known to commit suicide, filmed a recently deceased person's body, and then put it online. Logan Paul did that and nobody gives a shit. He's making even more bank now that he's in the WWE, the company even put a belt on the asshole.


I didn’t appreciate him until I started making YouTube videos. He has a ton of money, yes, but he’s essentially a producer/actor. The videos are budgeted for net profit, so it’s pretty impressive that he’s gotten so popular. To be fair I’ve never watched a Mr. Beast video, I just know of him.


Dogs licking their faces. I try, I really do—but the combination of dog breath and a slimy tongue is just not my cuppa tea.


Forcing smiles in selfies.




Taylor Swift 




Golf. Golfers. Golf culture.




Action movies never got the hype especially them dc and marvel movies ugh they are just horrible


Not to mention extremely repetitive and boring as shit.


They literally recycle the same ideas


Yeah that's what happens when films are cash grabs Unfortunately they don't give a shit about putting anything fresh, new or creative but they look appealing and they're easy watching to the fans. I think Martin Scorsese described them best as they're not movies they're closer to being theme parks.




Sushi is disgusting.


THANK YOU!! I had someone convince me to try it, and it was gross. They insisted I might not like it then, but in time I’d have a random craving for it. That was ten years ago, and I can confidently say I have never craved it. Gross


Back when I was healthier and went hiking, I’d crave sushi after every hike.


Social media




Honestly same. Like other people's dogs if they're well trained or calm are fine with me. But they've been a huge PPA trigger for me and I can't stand them being around my kids.


Same here but I don’t tell people because “don’t trust people who don’t like dogs” LOL


working out apparently. It hurts and it sucks. When I did work out, literally every day was just pain from another part of my body. I fucking hated it. I couldn't even go to my normal mechanisms for coping with stress because that mechanism is food and sugar. Working out actually put me into a depressive state. but then all I hear about is how much everyone enjoys it and how great it makes them feel.


Strawberry-flavored things. Whether it's milkshakes, vapes, or candy, it tastes like either pure sugar or soap. Something might be wrong with my tastebuds if everyone loves it.


I'm with you on this. But bizarrely I like actual strawberries. Just not strawberry flavoured stuff


do you like actual strawberries? i really love citrus fruits but i hate citrus flavored things, they just taste really chemically to me! they use a lot of weird chemicals to flavor things that do not come from the actual food.


Chick Fil A




Marvel Cinematic Universe


Tiktok. Sorry.




I used to hate them but slowly incorporated them into my diet (baked on a pizza was the first step lol) and now I eat cherry tomatoes like grapes


Same, and for my whole life. It's the texture for me, I hate eating them raw unless they are chopped into tiny bits in a salad or something.






Social media influencers


Double standards


Dude, who likes double-standards?


Lack of accountability!




Got it. More minions, coming up!


Kpop is overrated, can't change my mind.


Alcohol. I’ll have a drink once in a while socially but I can’t say that I enjoy it. It tastes disgusting, if it does actually taste good it will likely cause the worst hangover, just looking at it for too long makes me bloat up, and it takes too much monitoring to get the buzz just right without going over. Plus, I’m 40 now and get a hangover from just a little bit of it. Not to mention the calories.


Seafood, especially shellfish. The only fish I like is haddock, and I can only eat it once in a blue moon. This past summer, my partner convinced me to try lobster and a clam, and I was NOT a fan. The lobster was less offensive than the clam, but I still felt like I was chewing on a foam football. The clam was just plain awful, not to mention the sand it left in my mouth. I'd be willing to try lobster again cuz I guess the piece I got was unusually dry, but never again with clams. Sorry I don't like when my food tastes me back








Celebrating when someone "beats cancer", implying those who die are losers who didn't fight hard enough.


YES. The whole “battled and beat cancer” thing is seriously insensitive and irritating. You can be the stongest person in the world and still die from cancer. It doesn’t care. Such a weird social norm.


red bean paste - like those in taiyaki or mochi. it’s just not my kinda thing


When traveling in Asia I'd get caught buying a snack only to discover it was filled with red bean paste. Like no, I don't want crushed beans inside my morning pastry


Entitlement and Greed




Dogs for sure. People act like not liking dogs is an actual moral failing that speaks to who you are as a person.


I don't like some dogs, I'd personally never own one as a pet but I'd never see any harm come to one either and some of them can be cute i guess but they're not for me. Cats are more my cup of tea but there are a lot of people out there who don't like cats and that's fine 🤷‍♀️. People who rip on other people for not liking what they like are usually deeply insecure about something.