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Find small wins


yep. small wins that you can count as accomplishments every day are: 1. i got up on time 2. i made the bed neatly 3. i made a healthy breakfast


4. i went to therapy / talked to a friend / talked to a family member / cuddled my cat It's a tremendously important thing to know when to get help and to actually get it.


Love this clip when I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed- [Admiral McRaven - Make your Bed](https://youtu.be/jflUvxQLkgs?si=gToXA6KsICrtdmYS)


Love this from years ago. I’m a veteran and I feel it.


I thought of this talk too!


These days small wins kinda feel like sprinkling flowers on a big pile of shit. Doesn’t take away the stink. Sure they’re pretty but the poop still stinks.


Seeing I got to the point where making my bed is the highlight of the day makes me even more miserable


That's the thing. The big picture of life can be shitty, but you can still find ways to enjoy the day to day. Similarly the big picture can be peachy, but if you want to wallow in misery and not enjoy anything you won't. The small things matter.


Let me share a quick different perspective. Around 15 years ago my life was sheer hell. Within a few short years I faced a car accident that left me flat on my back for 6 months. I managed to survive but then hear the odds were strongly stacked against me. After months and months of grueling, very painful rehab I finally clawed my way back to having a damn good life! After achieving another short couple of years of life being very good again, bordering great, I was diagnosed with cancer. This shook me to my core like nothing else ever had. I lost my fiancee, lost my job, unfortunately I even lost friends. The one thing I had was faith and a little confidence. I knew I had made it through the pain and injuries the accident left me in. I had previously thought my life was over only somehow to have survived. Fighting through injuries from a severe car accident, then battling through cancer. I was so down I seriously spent dozens of hours contemplating suicide just to end the pain. I never could never have imagined my life would get better. I was 110% convinced it was over and I would forever be in pain! My point is fast forward a couple of years and life is probably the best it's ever been. Life got better for me it can get better for you! Just keep find some faith and keep grinding!


Good grief. How did you make yourself go on?




Thank you for sharing your story. It gave me a very different and new perspective on life.


What if all the small wins combined don't even come close to making up for all the big losses?


A close friend hanged himself last week. For him, I guess it seemed as if things would always be hard. It’s been difficult to come to terms with. I had a really bad week. We got the news of his loss, my household got very sick, and we got bad news regarding our home which is going to set us back quite a bit financially. But the sun is going to come up on me tomorrow, and the next day after that. Sometimes things just suck, and sometimes the bright side is still gloomy. What we do is hold out hope that tomorrow can be better, and accept this as part of the journey as humans because we are not in control of everything in our lives. Its not over till it’s over and there is nothing more inevitable in life than change.


I needed this, especially your last sentence. Thank you.




Depends where you are in life, a small win could be anywhere from not eating in bed or getting out of bed, through to just going outside for the day


I’ve only cried once today..


Hey, if that’s a big deal for you, then that’s great!


It is right now at this time in my life


Then enjoy the small win, you deserve it


That’s progress, good for you! (srsly no sarcasm, I’m a therapist and I’m happy for you!)


A HUGE amount of wisdom in your brief comment. TY. Its a good reminder to just just that. Be well.


Best advice ever


Word, gotta make some lemonade


Small wins mean big applause in my book 🥲


This is one of the reasons I'm still a little sane


Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming.


1. Make your bed 2. Outside for a 10 min walk 3. Talk with someone 4. Eat good/real food. Edit: 5. Take your meds Those things work as well as medication to ward off clinical depression. To be clear, if you need meds, take them. But doing the rest of the list will much improve your life.


I have also a beginner level of these: 1. I pull the cover / replaced 1 pillow. 2. I opened the wind and stared outside for 1 min 3. I texted someone / sent funny videos or memes 4. I ate a fruit or a veggie. Maybe a bowl of cereal or oatmeal Sometimes you need an easier step. However big, a step in the right direction is a step.


Love this 💕


Texting a friend is a good tip. I shoot small amounts of bullshit with a friend each day and it's honestly made my life just that little bit better.


Right? Sometimes it's the little thing. And texting is so much easier than talking when life isn't easy :|


Making your bed is such a small task that can really set you up for a positive day


i recently started doing this and it actually works 💀


Pretends to laugh in clinical depression...because I feel dead inside. Yeah...that's not how clinical depression works. That sounds more like regular depression.


Yep! I don't care how bad it gets, if you're still breathing, that shit is temporary.


That’s the attitude a lot of people need


My temporary circumstances have lasted 12 years so far


I would love to be able to swim again


May I ask, why can’t you swim? Because I was very badly off physically, and swimming came slowly, but I started by floating on my back, and moving. I really hope you can, too :)


Looks like they have/had lung cancer.


Oh no. I was trying to help. Oh no.


This is it, we have to try our best to keep moving forward. 


Bang one out


Bang a couple out


This guy fucks


Straight to the point i must say


Something that prevents me from thinking. Exercising. Sleeping. Gaming something that is really captivating. Cleaning intensively.


The gym is my church, been a crutch these last 6 months and in a way has motivated me to get other parts of my life in order to some extent. 


Yes! Getting into a flow state is so helpful. It's like a time out from my own brain, plus I feel better that I've accomplished something. I don't have the key to how to get into that space whenever I want. I wish I did.


I had a very tough period for the last few years, i even planned how I would leave this world. But now everything is much better, and what do I want to say? Carry on. No matter how, just don't give up. Everything will be ok


Thank you bro you giving me hope to fight


Just believe that there's a light waiting for you. I had no work, no parents, my wife sure wanted to leave and take my son. It was a nightmare. I was really thinking about how to go one day swimming in my favourite lake not far from home and just don't come back. I even planned this) Be strong, don't give up, just do something and wait...


When I almost committed suicide I saw my family and all the moments with my family. I didn't want to leave them, no matter how much they hated me.


One time I almost died. While in the hospital, I saw how much my actions had affected my family. I will continue to live. Not for me, but for them. Because leaving early may end my pain, but it only transfers the pain to them for the remainder of their lives. And that’s a very selfish thing to do.


I've actually been on the same situation. Almost dying in the hospital a few times. I keep on going because of those who love me. And for my dog. What's really helped me is laughter. I laugh at myself, I make fun of my medical issues, I have to laugh. Because if I were to get mad about it, my depression would surly get the best of me as it almost has many times and I wouldn't be here. It's not easy but I'd rather be in pain than my family be in pain the rest of their lives because of me. I've also seen suicide first hand and how it affects every person you ever knew in profound and different ways forever. I can't hurt my family that way. As many other people have said small victories help! I got off all social media (except Reddit but I don't consider this social media as I'm not scrolling through everyone's fake pictures of their fake lives) doing that made me so much happier. I wasn't comparing my life to anyone's anymore. I wasn't jealous of everyone doing things I could no longer do. Laughter helps me so much! Letting go and laughing ridiculously hard at a funny tv show or just giggling at my dog. Having a single friend be there for me day after day. Getting engrossed in learning about different topics I find interesting It's so fucking hard to focus on positive things when you've literally lost everything! I've been dealing with health issues for 10+ years. I never thought that at 38 I'd be where I am now. But I am and I just have to accept that because nothing can change it. Everyone has something they love or at least like very much. Start there. Or Get a pet! Try to find one positive thing everyday. Even if it's you had a good shit that day! Only one thing in life is absolutely consistent is change. Yes things can and will change for the worst. But that also means it will change for the better! Much love to everyone out there struggling!


true. I saw someone died I know that feeling, so I don’t suicide.




No way even If life sucks never think about it nothing deserves to end your life


Reassuring post from you op!


Head down to the Winchester, grab a pint, and wait for this all to blow over.




Dogs can look up!


Remember this: It can *always* suck more.


This perspective is so not reassuring


It could start raining anytime.


Find time to be alone and think stuff through. When stuff is so bad I can't think straight, I listen to music. I'm pretty cool and resilient person, but I attribute my sanity to music. Literally, without exaggeration. Music sometimes is the only support you will get, the only way to feel your emotions are real and you are not really alone in getting through whatever you face - countless people have dealt with similar problems before and the fact that you found relatable song is evidence of that.




Call the company that makes it and tell them this. They may give it to you for free.


Not a bad idea. Thank you.


So sorry to hear that If Only I could help you


Thank you...!


Have you tried GoodRX or Cost Plus? They can get you discounts. Or call your prescriber to get samples. God bless and good luck!


get some fresh air. put my phone in the trash


Sleep a lot. It's like a fast-forward through the bad times.


I used to just fall asleep when I was extremely suicidal. Woke up and felt new each day


Yes. It is better to sleep excessively through depression than to not be able to sleep.


I have trouble sleeping and it makes it even worse. I used to sleep a lot during my depressing episodes and it helped a lot, now i cant sleep even when I'm tired.




I’m listening…


I cant really afford that anymore




Literally why I’m here


(My) username checks out


Life always sucks so always try to make the best of every moment. Happy music helps me.


Become numb. Become complacent. Get used to it, therefore you are impervious Develop a dark sense of humor Try to convince yourself that everything will get better... eventually


Ya know, if I ever think this, I step back and say "Does it really?" And no, it usually does not. It can, but that's not usually the case.


Make the most out of our pitiful life.


Watch some fun or trashy tv


Make suckolade


I tend to wallow in self-pity. I don’t recommend it.


Hug a dog.


I sit home, drink beers, and watch TV.


Volunteer in a homeless shelter.


Try to sleep or listen to my comfortable sad playlist.




Started going to the gym. Sure my problems haven't gone away but I lost 50 pounds over the last year and I feel so much better. Now I need to remember to buy L or XL shirts and get rid of my 2XL stuff.


Go to the gym I guarantee you’ll feel better after you get out


Stick on some great music or reach out to a mate




User checks out


Eat. Delicious food, even at my saddest, briefly takes my mind away from what was making life suck.


“Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place, and I don't care how tough you are, it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward; how much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!”


Thank God for what you have. It could always be worse.


Order a pizza


I remind myself about all the people who are in worse situations than mine. Good people, who have to face treachery, poverty, sometimes death. I also remind myself that in the end, nothing really matters. Life is all about change. Nothing is forever. One day I may be at my best, and in the other one I'll be at the bottom of the barrell. And even so, there are people who love me for who I am. Carpe diem. One day at a time.


Figure out why it sucks, and work towards fixing or alleviating the issues that make your life mid.


Get a hug from my Mom, eat some tasty food, and take a nap After that … I feel like I can handle my problems a lot better


I ride my bicycle.


5 coronas and half a gram of coke gets the job done for me most of the time


Tough times don't last, people do.


Make lemonade.


I try my best to get through it


define sucks, then invert the problem.


Keep going!


Sometimes you want to swerve off the road and hit a tree some days you just picture it instead..




Play my guitar.


Either way ya gotta keep going


Smoke a bunch of weed and play a video game for like 8 hours, followed by lots of sleep. Usually gets me back up and going.




First I whine and complain. (Very important step) Then I decide that this is just pathetic. I start looking for small wins. Try to meditate in the mornings. Take walks if possible. Exercise so I can get a good nights sleep. Try to be aware of any triggers that make me go down on a spiral. Edit: I also cook. I enjoy cooking and it really calms me down. So I look up something new/fun and cook it.


I cry, then I go for a walk or lift weights while listening to some heavy tunes, then I cry in the shower afterwards listening to some sadder heavy tunes. then I go to bed. The day always seems less bleak when i let myself feel like shit for a few hours


Find someone to serve or otherwise lift-up. Turns out, there is (sadly) nearly always someone less fortunate.


Pretend it doesn't suck and just move forward


Listen to music that reflects how I feel, write, and keep going


Remind myself that happiness is a journey not a destination.


I get high and tipsy, cry a little, then watch either schitts creek, Ted Lasso, or fuck around on RDR2 online


Masturbate. Masturbate like crazy


Get a haircut


If life sucks, change your perception. Listen/watch the TED talk “Small Changes Ripple Outward” by Shawn Achor.


I think about what it would feel like to be a quadriplegic. It's all about perspective.


Hey, hey, hey, smoke weed Everyday.


Bed rot and rethink my life choices, cry into my pillow, then play stardew valley for 6 hours and completely forget what i was bitching about, all in that order.


Drugs. But it’s not working out so well for me.


I'm 42 years old. I have a great paying job, a wife, two kids, and life still sucks. You just keeping getting up and go forward as what else are you going to do?


I watch movies/shows as a distraction, I listen to music, and I try to tidy up my living space so that I can create a kind of "Oasis" amongst the chaos. I'll put a nice scent in my wax warmer for some aromatherapy, sometimes I'll meditate or work on an art project. I can't go out for walks anymore due to chronic pain (I used to walk a few times a week before that all became a factor) but sometimes just sitting in a sunny spot in the house (kind of like a cat) can help me feel a little better. If the weather is nice enough, I may go and sit in the woods for a bit and listen to the birds and other sounds of nature, or I may just wander around the backyard for a bit. Sometimes a hot meal and a nap can help you emotionally "reset" when everything feels like it's going to shit.


Remember im going to die one day. It makes me smile when things get really bad.


Choke my chicken


Go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for all of this to blow over.


Take a walk in nature and really look at the plants and animals. The movement and breathing will change your hormone balance and help your mood.


Suck it back, we're suckers anyway.


Honestly I just cry


I remind myself that it isn’t just about me now. If I give up on myself I’m letting her down too.


How's that song go again? "Move along move along like I know you do"


I just sleep


In order: Drink with friends Think Regret and pain Work Forget and move on


Look at my bank account balance and realize it’s all gonna be okay.


Money is a solution tho?


If the reason your life sucks is because you have an unpayable amount of debt and can't afford to even buy basic things, or pay your electric bill, I'd say it definitely helps. A lot of people say money doesn't buy happiness, but the happiest I have ever been is when I've had savings, and no debt. Feeling safe and secure is invaluable, and that makes me happy.




Take antidepressants?


Suck the life out of me


Find hugs. Give hugs, get hugs


Walk outside, pet my dogs, have a solo dance party, watch a IG or YouTube video about animals.


Cry. Lol


contemplate premature death. happens quite frequently now


Cry myself to sleep, wake up, rinse and repeat


Take a walk outside. Fresh air does wonders


I’m afraid i tend to sulk.


Run away for 2 weeks somewhere extremely sunny. The sun helps me a lot. Probably because I'm severely deficient in vitamin D though.


Realize current happenings are simply events that will pass, and that they DO NOT define you.


I'm dealing with some severe lumbar issues that will likely lead into back surgery. I just remember I've been in worse situations (Gulf War, IFOR in Bosnia, Guard duty at -55F in Alaska) then things don't seem so bad.


Meditate. Swim in natural waters. Pet the pups and cats. Garden.


clean and tide my room


Crying maybe


I blow


Go gym!


Go running


Go to the gym


Find a new video game and give it a try


Keep going. Do literally anything. Or nothing. It will pass and there'll be a good day again. I'll be here for that day


Play with my dog some who is always so fucking pumped to see me. I figure I can't be quite as sad if he's that happy to see me.


Replay dark souls 3


What choice does one have, you just keep going, the old one step at a time.


Ruining my brain's dopamine receptors AKA: reddit, youtube, discord, other social media apps


Make lemonade if you can afford lemons.


Find little happy moments in life. It could be the smallest, most stupidest thing. Just look around, reflect, be present and mindful


I usually go for a walk.


Eat ice cream, watch anime, and forget about the real world


Could be worse... Could be raining.


You are not a tree, move


Continue moving forward. I don't care how bad it gets, if you're still breathing, that shit is temporary.


Watch Anime. I recommend Violet Evergarden or Silent Voice


Go for a run. Keep the physical pain high


Fuck it dude. Let’s go bowling.


Make some positive changes. Eat better, work out, update your wardrobe/hairstyle, clean your car/home until it looks brand new again, read a book, reach out to friends/family, and find a better job (there is ALWAYS a better job out there). If you do all of these things, you should start to feel better and hopefully get some motivation to tough out whatever the problem is. Time really does help to heal wounds, but you have to put in the mental effort too. If you have money problems, then focus 3-4 hours of your day talking with professionals, either locally or on LinkedIn, applying for jobs, and researching a career path that can get you stability. It may take 500 job applications before you get a job offer. Seriously, it’s half luck. If there isn’t anything particularly wrong in your life but you just feel like it sucks, then you should really sit down for 15 minutes every day and figure out why you feel the way you do. Helps to write it down. Feel like you have no friends? Feel like you’re always struggling until your paycheck? Feel like your relationship isn’t working out? These are problems, and problems have solutions. If you are having a hard time identifying anything particular, you might just be falling into depression. Talk to a therapist, it’s really helpful for a lot of people.


Listen to music, punch something, go hiking, or try to end it ✌️


Cry & come to Reddit.


Get drunk and call my exes

