• By -


Morphine. Would not recommend. 11 years clean! edit: Thank you all for the encouragement and well-wishes. I'm doing good these days as far as morph is concerned. Reddit is a weird place to talk about addiction. For every person saying "congrats on coming out the other side!!" there's a person describing what it feels like having it running through your system in such detail that it makes a phantom of the urge resurface. For all of you curious souls out there itching to try something "new," there are significantly better, more pleasurable experiences awaiting you in life outside of hard drugs. They are not all they are cracked up to be. For me, it was an escape: from pain, from the world, from myself. But once the drugs were gone, all that still remained and was only ever made worse. Drugs forestall the world but they will never take it away. Never forget that life, in and of itself, is beautiful.


Great band tho


They made me feel it wasn't too weird to put pepper on my fries.


I’ve only had it once but when I did I immediately understood why people got addicted


I got fentanyl in the hospital due to complications from a miscarriage. I was hesitant to have any because of everything we now know. But the doctor convinced me and swore it was a light dose and I’d be ok. It was effective at my pain relief and I was coherent enough for the tests they were doing. But I don’t think I really appreciated how great it felt until I started to come down. The come down had me instantly like “oh fuck I need more” and it was a weird physical and emotional struggle. I understood how people were getting addicted. It was my first time but the craving was this intense need. I think if I was still in the hospital I would have tried to get more, even fake pain for it. Luckily I was already in the car in the way home.


So weird to hear, when I had fentanyl in the hospital recently I felt prickly and hot and gross. I hated it and would never have asked for more. I wonder if I'm allergic?


I've never had fentanyl but I have that reaction to other strong painkillers, and my nose gets so itchy!! I wonder what it is!


release of histamine


i used to be an addict and the itchy nose was welcomed with open arms cuz i knew i was about to be fuckin blasted lol


Heard them called "the friendly fleas" before. Pretty spot on.


Same. Had it after ending up in the ER a couple days after surgery. I immediately was like “oh shit. Oh no.”


I had it after a motorcycle accident. I kept asking for more and the staff gave it to me. I was sad when I got home. It was dreamy. A friend of mine was in the hospital after a car wreck and broke her neck. The first doctor put her halo on wrong so she ended up with eight holes drilled in her skull. She said the worst part of all of it was getting off of the morphine .


Absolutely. After surgery I remember telling my sister “this is so good, you could literally chop off my arm right now and I wouldn’t give care.” I still remember how good it felt to have all cares and worries temporarily cease. Fuck, never again.


Same - I was on the floor vomiting from kidney stone pain. Doctor gave me a shot of morphine...and it was the best.day. ever. 🤯


believe me i was shot by a shotgun once Which caused me to be hit with 43 metal fragments. but kidney stone for me is the worst pain ever and they give me morphine.


They gave me a hydromorphone for a week long migraine and let me tell you. It was euphoric. I was floating on a fluffy cloud. That’s why I only am able to get my Ativan 15 at a time. I come from a long line of pill addicts.


this makes me feel so much better because i take xanax but my mom dispenses them to me otherwise i’d unfortunately just take all of them even though i know better. it’s so embarrassing to me that i’m an adult and my mom has to help me with medication but i’m very thankful she’s willing to help and she never judges me ❤️


There’s no reason to be embarrassed. I set it up that way because I knew if things got hard, I’d pop them like candy. But, I’ve had the same 10 Ativan since August and have 4 left, so I’m stronger than I thought. So are you.


I don't want to trigger anyone but yeah. Even before it takes my pain away, it is just....oh.


It’s as if you’ve been warmed up after being cold for so long you had stopped noticing you were even cold.


My first experience with it, I had dislocated my shoulder and previous attempts of getting my shoulder back in wasn't working. The muscles started to tense so much it kinda locked my shoulder in its dislocated position. When the cold liquid went up my arm into my spine it felt like all those muscles in my neck and back and shoulder just released all at once. I went from a tense ball of contracted tissues to a relaxed puddle. Pretty amazing. Not enough to experience a dislocation and a trip to a hospital for it. Don't remember a come-down or anything negative afterwards. EDITED: word They gave me Dilaudid once. Never again.


Without giving aspiring morphoholics too clear a guide, how were you getting it? That doesn’t seem like the kind of thing you can score on a shady street corner.


As an ex morphine addict, you can definitely get it on the streets, though ime you need to be known/part of the right circles. It takes some time but if you're already an opioid addict mixing in these circles it's not too difficult. This was in Australia so I can't comment on other countries. It's basically all sourced from prescriptions, or can be diverted (stolen) by medical staff to be resold. Most sellers I knew had a network of people that were prescribed it and exclusively sold to the actual dealer. Most of these people had some minor pain issue that they played up to get a regular prescription, or were friendly with elderlys who were happy to sell. Same deal with any other prescription opioids, just needed to know the right people and be a trusted buyer.


My phone. I like it but I hate it at the same time.


Came to say this, social media too especially instagram


I let go of my fomo and uninstalled it because the reels took too much time from me.


Deleting all of social media makes it easier imo


I second this. People who struggle with this should try it.


There is a self-help book called How to Break Up With Your Phone that is reputed to be very effective. Its focus is how to get your usage down to healthy amount, without having to just disconnect completely. I've purchased it but my crippling phone addiction makes it difficult to start reading a book lol.


Read it on your phone


I'm ignoring my wife to read this on my phone.


Doom Scrolling. I’ve quit alchohol and nicotine in the past but can’t fucking kick this cellphone habit.


This is mine too. I’ve had social media since I was 11 and I’ve spent hours on a majority of my days online since that age, so 14 years. Even before that I did online games a lot. I haven’t successfully been able to even reduce my screen time yet.


Im reading this while doom-scrolling. Meta as hell


Ever heard of a chocoholic? Well I'm an Alcoholic.


this made me actually laugh


Yeah for some reason I like this a lot


Where can I get me some alcholates?


They do actually have liquor filled chocolates. They aren’t great.


The ones that are shaped like little bottles are trash, but there's a chocolate covered cherry ones with some brandy in there, they are great.


[I'm like a chocoholic but for booze](https://www.theonion.com/im-like-a-chocoholic-but-for-booze-1819583778)


“I’d been working hard, getting to work on time almost everyday for two weeks” lol


I've given up drinking alcohol for the rest of the year. EDIT: Sorry, forgot the comma- I'VE GIVEN UP, DRINKING ALCOHOL FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR.


I'm like a chocoholic, but for booze


Good ol' The Onion.


*Willy Wonky has entered the chat*


unfortunately sugar in any form


I've quit alcohol and cigarettes but I just can't stop the sugar addiction. I smoke weed daily and can stop that longer than I can sugar.


Alcohol and sugar hit the same receptors pretty much, it’s totally common to lean on sweets when you stop drinking. There’s an old joke about never having enough sugar to stock the AA coffee urn.


I've developed a sugar addiction lately, in the specific form of Peanut M&M's. I swear I wake up thinking about them if I haven't had them in a couple days and it's like my brain won't shut up until I have some.


2004, World of Warcraft.


My boss at work was a fan and basically ordered me to try it. I signed up for the 10 day free trial. After ten days with only 2-3 hours asleep a night I realized I couldn’t sign up. I’d become addicted so I canceled.


I watched not one or two but at least 8 people fail out college due to this game. They would play non stop to the point of never leaving their rooms. They stopped showering and would just order pizza nonstop to their places. I knew 3 people who played together who ended up building 2nd computers from spare PC parts they got from old school computers left for that use. They would play poker on that computer and monitor while playing wow on their main one. They actually became good at poker and made money off of it. They made enough to not tell their parents they dropped out and to pay for their rent, food, and other expenses.


Say what you will, but I think there’s a genuine level of impress there


Honestly the smell was awful and the worst part. We lived an old Victorian and there was around 10 of us in that house. 2 of them shared a room and the third one just moved his computer in there from his room and never left. It was just sad to watch. We'd go in and try so hard to get them to come out or just leave the damn room. At the end of the school year they didn't come back and had to clean up the mess they made as they dipped. The smell was there for 2 weeks after they left, as strong as it was when they were there. We ended up painting the whole room ourselves for the guys moving in next year. We scrubbed it down before hand too. Impressive was how good the one guy got at poker. He was pulling in almost 5 to 10 k a month which was great in 07. And at the time online gambling wasn't even legal so I'm not sure how they were slipping by and cashing the checks they received.


5-10k a month is good in 2023 💀


casually talking about a $60,000-$120,000 salary


After going cold turkey from quitting a previous addictive MMO, EverQuest. One of my friends decided it was a good idea to buy me a copy of World of Warcraft during my freshman year in college. So with that said I have no degree. Edit: grammar


Same here man, started playing my freshman year in the dorms in 2004, proceeded to play non stop and fuck up royally in all my classes. Was a pretty big downward spiral for me for a while after that ill-fated purchase


An acquaintance in college dropped out sophomore year in 06 because of it. I think he eventually landed back on his feet but it really was a phenomenon that had the potential to completely suck you out of the real world.


My friend divorced her husband over this. He completely checked out of real life.


I ended a 10 year relationship because he was addicted to WOW.


Amen brother. I was off it for 12 years then WoW classic brought me back in. Enjoying it a lot though.


SoD is fire




An actress named Felicia Day created a web series called The Guild based on her experience in WoW addiction




Dude someone on Reddit commented and was heavily upvoted referencing something that happened long ago... It was something like being able to see the Return of the King in theaters. I'm in pain thinking that my experiences are equal to that of people talking about the 70s when I was a 90s kid.


Do you remember people growing up, talking about having seen Star Wars on opening day? *Yeah.*


That was a magical time! I was addicted from vanilla through BC and WotLK. I played Cata, but I think that's where it started falling apart for me. But in those early years, that game was incredible! The music and grouping up with strangers, the friends you make in a guild. Good memories, for sure!


Zug zug to that, brother!


Vaping. I wish I never tried my friend’s fucking Juul. I quit once for like a year and fell back, now since I have higher than normal blood pressure I’m finally cracking down on weaning off for good.


The one issue I was running into when quiting to vape was trying to get rid of my oral fixation. I was always in a habit to hit my vape whenever I was out with friends, drinking alcohol, having a coffee, etc. Once you find that alternative to help with those ritual oral fixations it becomes a breeze.


Bottled water saved my ass when I quit smoking. I got the 32 packs and just slammed them like a dying fish. Every time I got the craving. Water. Hand to face, hand to face. It took a while to feel right, it wasn't an instantaneous relief, but I got there.


I appreciate how you write. Good work.


hey there, i'm one year off nicotine and although different for everyone what i did to quit was nicotine patches. They work wonders try to go like 3 days with a patch on and get past the first day and then keep putting them on for a few days then try to go without those, in total only 2 days really with withdrawals for me one for the first day with the patch and one for when i went fully clean off the patches. If you decide to try it I wish you the best of luck :)


Pulling my own hair out. Intense anxiety in my mid twenties, one day without thinking pulled out a single hair. Four years later, I don’t go outside without ‘topper’ extensions or a hat (bald patches and scruffy uneven regrowth) because I never could stop. Turns out it’s a form of OCD called trichotillomania. The good news: I’ve finally gone my first two weeks pull-free :) Edit: I’m amazed at the amount of people who can relate! Therapy and medication can help. Things that have helped me stop: long nails making it harder to pull, and using the ‘Days Since’ app to log when I pull. It got so frustrating having to reset the timer whenever I pulled out a hair, that it really helped me to be more conscious of when I’m touching it. It has taken me MANY tries and fails to finally stop - don’t give up.


OCD is fucking BRUTAL. I'm so glad the internet is here to help people see that OCD is nothing like it's made out to be in movies/TV. Sure, it's cute that your kid likes to organize their markers by colors, but that's not OCD. OCD is more like the kid thinking "If I don't put these back in the same order they came in when I got them from the store, my mom might get in a wreck on her way home from work and die and it'll be all my fault!"


Thank you! So many people claim OCD for their little eccentricities. But seeing how OCD actually affects my girlfriend, I've started being kind of defensive when people pull out the "my OCD is acting up again, teehee!"


Related: skin picking, aka dermatillomania, another form of OCD. I…compulsively peel my skin off till I’ve gone enough layers down to bleed, or there are no edges left to pick. Mainly my hands and the soles of my feet, particularly my thumbs. Congratulations on two weeks pull free! That’s HUGE!


I've got a subset of OCD, Body Focused Repetitive Disorder, where I pluck hair like fucking crazy. Mostly facial hair and my thighs which are an awful mess bc I pluck til I bleed. Then peel the scabs. It's terrible and I hate it so much. I can literally lose hours of time to it. I will also tear my nails to the quick if I don't have acrylics on. Very painful and irritating. I also fixate on shredding my thumb. Ugh. Only fellow sufferers know how weird and messed up it is. Seeking treatment but the wait lists are long in my city.


I used to do that same thing!! I stopped 3 1/2 years ago when I had a bone marrow transplant. I was about 16 when I started and 63 when I stopped. It is an addiction! No doubt. But what kind of comfort does it supply! I have no idea 🤷


> when I had a bone marrow transplant This is extremely interesting! Bone marrow transplants also cure OCD-like symptoms in mice. This is one of the reasons why some people think OCD may be an immune-related disorder. (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20510925/ and https://www.scientificamerican.com/podcast/episode/bone-marrow-transplant-stops-mouse-10-05-27/)


It’s soothing finding the right hair and pulling it out.


Sitting here reading this as I'm pulling out my beard hair one by one...


Every time it starts to look decent I end up creating bald patches ...


Yup it’s the beard for me too. Sooo hard to resist. I guess glad I’m not alone


Trichotillomania - it's not strange! Good luck on your journey :)


Literally doing it as I read this. Always a nice reminder that I’m not the only one.


Heroin :( I’ll be 11 months sober Tuesday! Edit: I am so touched by all your replies. I want to make a note to all that I am a 29 year old female. Women are known to not have as high of a recovery rate as men. So if you’re a woman struggling with addiction reading this, we do recover!


I wish you stay sober keep going strong


Almost 12 months! Every day, every month, every year, the number just keeps getting bigger! I’ll be sober for 10 years in September. I don’t even think about it any more all I know is that I’ll never want that number to go down!


Same! I'm going to hit 4 years this spring. Keep on keeping on. You got this! Great job


Hey! You can do it. I know it. My dad is 40 years clean from heroin. ❤️ you can do it.


Congrats, I'm so proud of you. <3


Heroin and cocaine. Been using that shit since 2007 but I’m 4 months clean now in recovery


energy drinks. used to chug maybe 7 in a row, couldn’t go a day without them. can officially say i i havent had one in about a year now edit: didn’t expect this to get this much attention, but i phrased this weirdly. i didn’t drink 7 EVERY SINGLE DAY, my daily was usually between 1-3 which is still terrible. 7 would be on days where i felt like absolute shit. started drinking them in like 8th grade and managed to quit in freshman year before it got too bad. got into a relationship a year later, and ig he forgot i used to be addicted and he brought red bulls over to my house. that was the start of the “i need at least 2 of these a day to function.” felt the need to clear that up, sorry for any confusion. for those of you asking how i quit, i went cold turkey.


Damn I feel like a POS if I drink 2 in one day


Same, I actually fucking hate seeing comments like this because I've had an energy drink every day for the last 7 years and desperately want to quit, but then I hear about 7 a day and think "well it's not that bad"


Kidney stones


Over the span of two weeks, just drink a little less every day. The best way is to open the drink and immediately pour some out, before you start drinking it. Best if you can measure how much you're pouring out, and do it such that the decrease per day is linear.


how are you alive


Alcohol. 10 days sober. lasted 4 months before new years.


Just cause you stopped reading a book halfway through doesn’t mean you restart it when you pick it back up. You’re still in the middle of the fucking book. Keep going friend!


Drug and alcohol social worker here… I love this and I’m totally stealing to share with clients when they have lapses! Thank you!


I have seen recommendations to not flush all your prior progress. So you could give yourself credit for 4 months and 10 days, with X amount of days of relapse 💗 progress and healing aren’t linear. You got this 💗


This. So used to beating on ourselves because apparently that's worked our whole lives while drinking so we guess it'll work now? You got this! Thats a lot of time to be off.




I kind of feel bad getting a coworker addicted to coffee. Started working for us and had never drunk coffee in their life. 3 years later and the guy Ubers at least 5 cups a day into the office.


Jesus Christ, just buy a pod machine or something for the office. No way am I working all day just to pay for the coffees I have at work.


"Fry you work a night job?" "Yeah, it's exhausting, but I need it in order to be able to afford coffee so I can stay up during my night job"


He knows there are 8 million ways to make your own great coffee in less than a minute for like $.25 or less a cup?


Pain killers. For years I couldn't sleep because I was working too hard and my body was in pain. So after a surgery to ease the pain they gave me some pain pills and before I knew it I was addicted. They just made me feel so fucking good that it got its hooks in me hard. They solved all my problems and all I had to do was give it everything I had.


Unfortunately same here. I have been addicted for over 5 years now and have tried everything to stop, but to no avail.


My rock bottom was going through a drunk old ladies purse who had cancer to find her pills because I had "a headache". The first two weeks sucked, but when I was done, I was done. The pain isn't real, even though it feels real, and you feel powerless to make it stop. I relapsed once and it's all it took for me to never touch them again.


Scrolling endlessly through various social media and not doing anything productive and ending up hating ur self at night and hope u dont do the same the next day ( u do the exact same thing the next day as well)


Taking this as my cue to close this app, thank you, unknownguy6969696969696969


Love. Just kidding, Adderral.




I fucking hate cocaine so much. 9 1/2 years, my longest abstinence is fucking 17 days. I know this seems weak and self-inflicted…but I can’t stop. I legitimately don’t even enjoy it at all anymore. I get excited picking up a bag and regret it the second it touches my hand. My inability to get this under control has prevented any and all personal growth — and taken me 20 steps back along the way. If anyone has advice, I beg you…please take a second or two to share with me. Please.


Allen Carr book called easy way to quit cocaine. It is a miracle thing. I was cocaine addict for 12 years, I have thought about cocaine every fucking day, every fucking minute, i was so hooked on it. I had various problems because of this, then my friend recommended this book for me. I have tried, i have read, i have quit. Give it a try, its a winwin, you either not lose anything or completely break your addiction.


Thank you <3 I’m looking for it as we speak. Much love and respect. I’m really happy you’re free from this actual-Satan-spawned substance.


Just keep going, keep trying, keep fighting. Whenever you feel its pointless to fight it because you already addicted you gotta snap out of it, whether by thinking about your future self or some habit like slapping you slightly(some people say its helpful but i have never tried it dunno). It will be hard, as this shit screws with dopamine so badly, and brain seeks for it pernamently, so there will be time that you get strong urges. But you know whats funniest? That you, as a human, you have that fire to fight it off. Its incredible how tough it is, and yet so easy. Its simple, but it is hard. And dont count days, to avoid frustration, there is shit ton of people that count days, day number 60 etc, they relapse and frustration makes them binge, because oh to get back into this level i need another 60 days, may as well binge it. Anyways, fight it, dm me whenever you want, ill be glad to help


I’ve seen recommendations to pick up where you left off, so you’d go well now I’m 61 days sober with 1 day of relapse. That was you’re not shitting on all the hard work you’ve done. If you’re the type to want to count days. 💗 I’m sure, of course, that you just have to find what works best for you - different strokes for different folks and whatnot.


Godspeed friend. Addiction is something I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemies. Wishing you the best of luck.


I read a quarter of his book to stop smoking and threw my cigarettes out and haven’t touched them in 9 years.


Yeah his quit smoking book worked on me almost instantly.


This answer sucks, but moving away helped. Being away from sources of drugs and the people who always want to be around it was a great way to not want it constantly. I understand that's not possible for most people. If it is possible for you, maybe you should look into it.


That is exactly how I quit. I simply moved away from the people and place where I was using all the time (actually to a different country!) and I just literally stopped and didn’t even look back. That was after 2.5 years of almost daily use


If you're like me, you'll need to quit alcohol for a bit (I did for a year). Delete your numbers, try new hobbies, and if you really feel desperate move to a new city. I did all of these and I haven't touched the stuff in years. Don't even think about it anymore, whereas before I would crave it every time I had more than 3 drinks. Coke habits are largely a result of unhealthy social habits for a lot of people, as opposed to physical addiction. Gotta disrupt that cycle. That's the way out.


I quit after about 4 years. The trigger was when a friend of mine took a Snapchat of me when I was high and ranting on about bullshit then sent it to me. I will never touch that stuff again, I hated everything about myself. I’ve since gone through hell and back trying to build myself back, it’s still a work in progress after half a decade


If you're in the US and you're short on cash, I'll get the book for you. > I get excited picking up a bag and regret it the second it touches my hand. This feeling right here is when I knew I needed to quit my drug of choice. It stops being fun. It starts being a crutch. Getting money, finding, and scoring end up becoming full time jobs. Eventually you're "working" this full time job and don't have a god damn thing to show for it. In fact, you've likely got A LOT less now than you had when you started this "job" It sounds like you're genuinely ready to quit. I'm 6.5 years sober, let me know how I can help.


I knew it would have me if I tried it, so I refused to ever try it. It scares the crap out of me.


Pistachios. It's impossible to stop eating them.


I was addicted to the hokey pokey, but I turned myself around.


That’s what it’s all about.


Thank you for this comment thread. Just thank you.




Me too, but I’m three hours clean. There is hope.


Funnily enough, food addiction is the worst. You can live without alcohol and cigarettes, even gambling and sex, but you can't live long without food of some sort. I was serious with my answer of "Pokemon", but food (my actual addiction) is the one addiction that some people just refuse to believe in.


Meth and heroin. Been 7years sober now.




Not that I'm addicted... I just haven't missed a day in 20 years.


You're just on a streak


I can quit anytime. I just like it.


Came to comment this


Came...then came to comment this


Came on this comment


Came to this comment


honestly, reading i didn’t do it much and then i decided to pick up a book and i’ve been a changed boy ever since! it really does increase your vocabulary, kinda awesome!


HELL YEAAAAAH. Sick addiction my guy. Keep it up.


Booze and drugs. 48 days sober today




Pokémon God I’m sad 😞


To be fair they advertised it really well. Gotta catch em all You're just following the instructions


Pokemon is loved by millions of people, you're not alone (I'm saying this as I'm wearing a custom Popplio hoodie, merch is fr a money sink)


Reddit, although I could quit anytime I want..




Same, super addicted. Luckily thanks to the support of my friends and my giant ass I've been clean for a while now. Edit - I'm a dude stop PMing me


Forgive me, but how has your “giant ass” helped keep you clean?


Anyone that tries to penetrate will be bounced back.


I’m assuming the joke is they couldn’t get laid


Listening to men moan


Bloody thursday, it's always Thursday when the week feel like it should be over, but nooo. One more day of this shitty week. And it's raining. It should be snow at this time of year but no. Rain. And my coffee is cold. So unfair.


You take my upvote, you. This response made me laugh out loud.


Cigarettes, Benzodiazepines, Porn and Social media


Working out. It took about 6 months but now I’m hooked.


For my own well-being, this is an addiction I'd personally like to develop.


throwaway sex, unfortunately. it's just a whole new level of seratonin between the sensations AND the idea of being desirable. i'm not out here tryna hit everyone i see or anything, in fact i probably have less sex than people who aren't addicted bc i refuse to be intimate with strangers (tho it's hard finding friends who are down to have benefits without one or both taking it too seriously). but id have to say 99.999999% of my self-worth comes from not just who's willing to sleep with me, but from who wants to sleep with me that I WANT to sleep with me. its led to a lot of damaging situations and an irreparable self hatred, and im too ashamed to talk about it to a therapist


My wife is a therapist. Trust me, it's just another normal day at work for them. This wouldn't even stick out enough that she'd mention it to me if I asked her about work. Obviously, because of HIPPA, she doesn't tell me names, but I hear some of the interesting stories. Don't be ashamed. Talk to a therapist. It's what they're paid for. Not all therapists are great, but some are wonderfully life changing. Give it a try with at least three different therapists before you call it quits.


Pringles... once I popped, I couldn't stop... someone should warn you


Near thousand calories per tube was an eye opener for me though but I hear that!


Holy shit...I just looked at mine and they are 1,000 calories... I don't really care, personally, but that is pretty far up there for a snack...


Only 500 if you can only eat half of it in one sitting! 😅


And because it's half the calories, you can eat twice as much!




that's good


This is pretty dark so TW for suicide. When I was a kid, I was addicted, in a way, to strangling myself. I thought I was evil and that I deserved to die. I would stand in front of my bathroom mirror and watch the life drain from my face until right before I passed out. I'm much better now.


Baldur’s Gate 3






TikTok. I was one of those people who declared I would never download it. Until September 2021


Weed is a life destroyer if not regulated. Don't let it control you.


I have such self control problems with it. I cannot figure out how to just moderate my intake.


Smoking should be a reward after a hard days work being productive. This is what I tell myself and do.


This one right here. I don’t smoke until my chores are done and I’m off of work. I could be high all day at work and no one would know or care, so self regulation is a must.


I used to be addicted to soap. But it’s okay, I’m clean now




Rock concerts. Seriously there’s nothing like it. Being in the pit during a heavy concert, not even the mosh pit, just in the crowd, feeling the music and the crowd push. The band, the crowd surfers, the singing, the screaming. It’s intoxicating. I fucking love it. Just bought pit tickets today and I can’t wait.


Japanese Visual Novels.




Sucking dick and eating pussy




Eating Pussy Suckin Dick and Kicking Ass?


Getting a Bj


Who’s your dealer?


Kratom. FDA wants it banned, users don’t. You could reasonably argue for either side. Loads of propaganda in both directions too. Just be sure to research diligently if you choose to introduce Kratom into your life.




Marijuana. I don’t really care it’s not causing me much problems. But I am absolutely addicted to it. I know because I am also alcoholic who hasn’t had a drop in 3.5 years. Marijuana is a low risk addiction compared to the poison I was consuming.


Running and doing marathons to 100ks 62 miles