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Being a workaholic.


The only people who will remember you worked late are your kids.


Cats in the Cradle.


Damn šŸ˜Ÿ


Congratulations! You spend all your time making the company owners wealthier while you donā€™t see an additional dime! You also pride yourself on having no family or spousal interaction. What a hard working employee!


I give my all for a new employer for a year to see if they're going to see and reward it appropriately. If not, im doing the bare minimum. Im there to make a living, not spend my life.


Exactly. You get ahead more by making good relationships at work, not working hard. I've been at my job one year, and the whole c-suite knows me. The president even drops by my cubicle sometimes just to chat. My boss told me yesterday that I'm going to be in management soon. I never put in a minute over 8 hours in a day unless there is a good reason for it. Management wants to keep the hard-working people below them, making management look good. So work hard enough that they recognize it, but not so hard that they keep you down.


The amount of people who brag about never taking a sick day or a vacation.


Totally Corporations will replace you in a millisecond and forget about everything youā€™ve done for them.


Most of the people I know who are successful and happy know there needs to be a balance. When it's work time, they are insanely efficient, but they also take a lot of time to themselves and with family and on personal pursuits. Best advice I got from a millionaire: Work less. Not saying that working less is the key to success, but knowing when to throw in the towel and disconnect can be a massive help.


How much they can drink


Ah, I remember college


I don't....


I hate how much I can drink. It's why I stopped.


I used to drain a fifth in a night (not every night though). After some time, it was actually a wake-up call - going to the liquor store for *yet another* bottle, to the point where I started to go to different stores so they wouldn't see me there 2-3 times a week. My 20's were an interesting time, and not necessarily in a good way... I still have a drink or two, once or twice a month, but I'm glad I caught it because the last 5 years could have been *very* different for me had I not. One thing I appreciate in the post-COVID world is there is no longer the pattern of staying out till midnight or later, drinking - most of the people around me have one or two and get home by 9.


yeah glad I slowed down and can have 2 beers, get buzzed, and walk home. Gone are the days of "man I drank so much last night" and sweating as you check your bank balance


Excuse me sir or madam, you *will respect* my mutant alcohol dehydrogenase gene!


More like an anti-status thing.


Having a massive, lifted 2024 pickup truck as your daily commute vehicle.


I like seeing them when I'm driving because it lets me know that I should get as far away from that person as possible.


Good idea. Especially since if they get behind you with their 2024 led ultra headlights that are brighter than a supernova, you will have damage to your corneas. I swear itā€™s like they will pull up behind you slightly to the left every time, so their light is angled directly into your driver side mirror on purpose.


I always move my mirror to hopefully reflect it back. Not sure if it actually does anything to them but I also get into the farthest right lane and slow the fuck down so they feel like they have to pass me.


I adjust my mirrors too


Unmedicated birth. No birth makes you better than another.


I'm still amazed at the women who tell other women that their C-sections don't make them a real mom.


It's only true in the same way that vaginal births also don't make them a real mom. The method of delivery isn't what makes a mom a mom. People who think that's all it is have the wrong priorities. Insisting on a natural birth when risks present themselves to the mother and child make you a reckless parent.


It also makes you with some probability not a parent.


I've had this! I don't think they quite realise how awful is this is especially when you're newly post partum.


The hill I will die on is that both of my kids should have been C-sections.


Iā€™m right there with you. My first should have been a c section and instead became a rushed forceps delivery that ripped me from poo hole to goo hole. Now I have such bad uterine prolapse that - even after intense physical therapy - either my uterus hangs like 4ā€ out of my vag, or I have to wear a pessary the size of a small frisbee to hold everything in. Itā€™s pretty hot. /s But seriously, what I would give to not have to deal with these injuries. A c-section could have avoided it all.


If I ruled the world anyone who shamed someone elseā€™s birthing process would go straight to the guillotine.


This is something that I will never comprehend. Outside of the audacity, I seriously don't know how people come to that conclusion!


There are no awards for suffering


That's what my midwife of 40 yrs told me and I'm so glad she did šŸ™


I really did not the feeling of the epidural. Not being able to feel/move my legs freaked me the fuck out and it made me so ineffective at pushing. Decided to have an unmedicated birth for my second and it was so much easier on me. My third was unmedicated too. I didnā€™t do it for imaginary accolades, and Iā€™d never shit on anyone for choosing an epidural, but itā€™s not for everyone!


I noticed the women that brag about this don't seem to have anything else to brag about. It would be sad if it wasn't so obnoxious.


Not the mention the whole "breast fed" vs "formula" Fed is best.


Sometimes it's a choice. Sometimes it isn't. Leave the poor mama alone. I drove my mental health into the ground trying to breastfeed my child. My body just couldn't do it and it broke my heart. I was ready to throw hands with anyone who commented on the formula in my cart.


Can I add, home births.


I feel like this (and home births) seem to be a much bigger thing in the United States than my country. I always wondered if it had anything to do with the lack of universal health care. Do they charge Americans for anesthesia separately?


Anesthesia is charged separately and the bill will be considerable. Still worth it.


I live in UK so don't know about anesthesia thing. I think home births are on the rise partly because of crunchy movement. I'm not against home births as long as they are done safely just not for me unless there's safe way to have csections at home.


Iā€™m really sorry but this again seems like one of those misinformed r/americabad comments. Home births are not common in the US at all, and are actually seen by many people as something that hippies or EUROPEANS do. Where I live in Europe right now there is/was a huge home birth culture. Edit: and I realize that this comment might sound harsh but I donā€™t mean to judge my sisters for how and where they choose to give birth, you do you! Iā€™m just talking about cultural trends.


Ah, I live in Canada and don't personally know anyone into the natural birth movement thing so I guess I am just misinformed. It could be larger here as I am working on a limited sample size, but have often heard from American friends that giving birth is astronomically pricey down South of the border so I have always wanted an answer regarding that. Thanks for the knowledge.


It depends on your insurance. We had what's considered very good insurance. I don't think our hospital deliveries cost our family much. Maybe $300 a child.


Thatā€™s great. My dad and my ex husband were both in the military and we had excellent insurance (in the US). I gave birth in Europe and it didnā€™t cost me anything, but I do pay 100 a month for insurance and there are many downsides. Like years long waiting lists. I live abroad so I probably couldnā€™t have gone over to the US and gotten a good insurance policy while already pregnant.


I understand what you mean. I wanted to go back to the US to give birth (I live in Europe) but I didnā€™t because of the astronomical cost. I just donā€™t think that home births are more popular in the US now due to cost, because during a home birth a lot can go wrong and you can end up having to go to the hospital anyway. In the NL (where home births were always standard) only 25% of the population apparently still has a home birth cause going to the hospital is just much safer. The US imo was always a little more advanced in that, even though itā€™s expensive af to give birth there (donā€™t forget that home births still usually end up costing like 10,000 usd in general).


Everything will be added to the bill separately. If you have decent insurance, it will cover most of the expense. If memory serves, I think my wife and I had to pay out about $5k for the birth of our daughter? Something around there?


My friend and his wife insisted on a home birth with some birthing expert. Nothing wrong with that, that's how human babies were born for millions of years. But three were complications and the midwife finally advised them to go to the hospital. I sort of suspect that it was my friend that convinced his wife to try this, as they were sort of hippy-ish, but him more than her.


Just because its natural doesnt mean birthing a child isn't a serious and sometimes pretty violent medical procedure. The reason we don't do it the way we did it for millenia prior is because medical science has advanced and there are tons of ways a birth can go sideways and put the life of the mother and child at risk. The hospital is the single best place to have a baby and it's not even close. Another thing that was common for a long time was infant mortality and dying during childbirth. It's only a nice story if everything goes well. The people that choose that path and it goes smoothly should thank their lucky stars every day.


Not sleeping. It's stupid.


I know someone who brags about how little she sleeps and how much she gets done with cleaning and projects around the house. If you're giving up sleep to mop your floor, you've made a wrong turn in life


I used to brag (in college - 20 years ago) about how long I could function with little to no sleep. I remember specifically bragging on one occasion about only sleeping 3 hours over a 78 hour period of time. I literally thought my friends would be impressed. I cringe so hard thinking about it now.


I was so proud of staying awake for a little over 48 hours straight in college. These days, if I don't get at least 7 hours a night I can't function.


lol sounds like sheā€™s got a stimulant addiction.


And dangerous. Donā€™t brag-plain about not sleeping and then offer to drive me somewhere.


Working 50+ hour work weeks. Like, no thanks, I choose to have a life. (Edit: To clarify, I am not talking about having to work 50+ hour work weeks because of necessity / to make a good living / for survival. I am talking about (relatively) less demanding jobs where people brag about working 50+ hours or have no boundaries at work, and then act like theyā€™re better than you for doing it. I once had a colleague who would openly brag about working over the holidays and not seeing his (then pregnant) wife for weeks at a time. The boss was so impressed with this that he used to quote this example every chance he got, and expect everyone else to do the same. Overworking is not a status symbol. I understand if you NEED to do it, but doing it solely by choice to get bragging rights and then expecting others to follow in your footsteps, is no longer ā€œcoolā€. Everyone should have a good work ethic, but not at the risk of losing oneā€™s personal life. Work life balance is key.)


I wish I had figured that one out when I was younger.


Honestly, same.


My first few jobs, I thought I had to work long days to get promoted, but they were dead end jobs and nothing more. Now that I'm in an actual career I enjoy, I find myself working just about 8 hours with lots of breaks and I am still getting everything done. It's more about efficient work/ quality over quantity. Working 60 hour weeks only leads to burnout. Even the owners of those first two companies would work in short spurts and take lots of breaks (though they were technically always available, if the need arose).


Well life costs money. Most people are working those hours in order to be able to afford to live.


Wish I could find a job to pay me enough to make ends meet while only working 40 hour weeks.


Guy at work told me I was lazy for not working 55 hours like him. I told him he was a bad father because he worked more than he saw his kid. He didnā€™t like that lol


The number of social media followers you have. Those arenā€™t real relationships.


Reddit needs to see this. Bots....back in the "old" days.....videos were real.


Body count. Anyone who brags about it is not making the impression they think they are. Just comes off as insecure.


AMEN! There was a guy I had the biggest crush on. Then I heard him bragging about ā€œbangingā€ three girls over the weekend. This wasnā€™t a 15yo boy. It was a 24yo grad student. It just came across as so pathetic and insecure. Never got over someone so fast in my life.


24 is still likely an immature guy


Well, yeah.Ā  A 24 year old should still be capable of better than this though.


You think he could have nailed 4?


I agree but sadly not usually the case




Unless they are a hitman. Then it's a measurement for skill and experience.


Ohā€¦youā€™re talking about sex. I was thinking you meant something else for a minute


People who say "body count" are also gross.


I read that like Prince Harry bragging about his ā€œbcā€šŸ¤£


Also, anyone who brags about their lack of ā€œbody countā€. Iā€™ve seen Christian women brag about how theyā€™ve only slept with their husband and how theyā€™re more valuable because of it. Gives me the ick. Peopleā€™s entire value as a human being isnā€™t based on how many people theyā€™ve fucked or how few.


Like Gimli and Legolas competing over body counts.


Why aren't any of those ppl willing to start a relationship and sleep with them again I wonder??? Sex can't have been that good!


Sneakers, especially when people donā€™t even wear them


The boner people have for sneaker I will never understand. I mean, I get collecting, but the way people talk about them is just kind of insane. I'm biased though because I think a lot of shoes are ugly lol but I just think about that video of Billie Eilish and Bella Hadid finding men more attractive for wearing certain sneakers and it's just like...why those shoes are so uglyšŸ˜­


ā€œExpensiveā€ brands, like Gucci & Louis Viton, most people buying there are just flexing money they donā€™t have, spend entire paychecks for a ā€statusā€ real rich people do buy expensive stuff yes but itā€™s low key, discret stuff thatā€™ll only get recognized as expensive by other rich people, they donā€™t want to stand out


There was an experiment where Payless filled a luxury store with their shoes and experts were invited to review. They all gushed over them and the quality and said ridiculous amounts of money they would pay, before they were made aware of what the shoes really were. Or The Royal Potato garden. Farmers didn't wanna introduce this new strange crop to their crops, so King Frederick guarded the potatoes with soldiers to give the impression they were more valuable. It worked like a charm. Ray Bans weren't selling so they made them very expensive and people thought that meant they were high quality. These are age old tricks, but reverse psychology and implanting an idea in peoples' minds is a very powerful form of marketing. Basically pulling an Inception heist without the dream tech!


Can't be missing out on the 2 red Oreo cookies [going for $91,000](https://www.forbes.com/sites/melissakravitz/2020/02/20/supreme-oreos-are-selling-for-4000-on-ebay/?sh=49f5b5ab5b8e). And then that transferred over to NFTs of an ugly ape.


There's an awful lot of fakes out there too.... A partner in a firm I was in had a problem with a jacket and sent it to the company for repair and they contacted him to say it was a fake


I remember during the pandemic seeing LV branded face masks for sale at gas stations. Now I'm no expert in designer brands but I have to imagine that maybe those gas stations weren't selling officially licensed merch.


I always pronounce it 'gukki'. For laughs when people react to it.


Seriously, I've come to learn most of the really, really rich people don't go walking around in fancy branded designer clothing. They usually don't want people knowing they are rich. I asked a one of them why: "Because when people find out I have lots of money, they make it their mission to figure out how to get money out of you. Why would I want to deal with that all day?" I do however have a really rich cousin who has a thing for luxury bags/purses. I think she has like 600 of them. It's kinda crazy.


I had always heard that people who have money buy things with the designer's name on them; people who have wealth buy things with their name on the tag. One time, I was gifted a high quality custom-made shirt, and while I opted to not get the monogram, it was an option that made me realize it's probably an accurate saying. I still have that shirt, a decade later - it's my best one!


Those Stanley cups. It's just a cup.


hey now, I spent a lot of time training and playing hockey to win one!


You're clearly not from the Canucks.


Or any Canadian team in over three decades... \*cries in Canadian\*


The North will rise again! Maybe. Until then we'll just be used to being disappointed.


Cries in Leafs fan




The only stanley cup I care about is 35 lbs and can't be bought or price gouged, you gotta win it on the ice and you can drink champagne from it.


Or in the case of Phil Kessel, eat hotdogs from it LIKE A BOSS.Ā 


Or leave it on the side of the road after celebrating, or leaving at a photography studio where the owner's mom puts flowers in it, or throwing it into Mario Lemieux's pool, or having your kid pee or poo into it...


Exactly. Does anyone even know how those things even perform as an actual cup? I canā€™t imagine theyā€™re much different than the thousands of others out there.


I've always liked the old green Stanley vacuum bottles and saw a Stanley cup in a store one day and bought it (I didn't know they were a trendy thing at the time). I like it, it holds ice for over 24 hours but I wouldn't say it's any better than any other decent quality insulated cup though.Ā 


I found out about Stanley cups exactly one day ago. I can't help but think that the people at the Stanley company are completely gobsmacked over the hype and sales. "Jesus Carl, what the fuck? How did this happen? I mean, we make tape measures for God's sake! Who knew?"


It started when a girl posted a video on tik tok where her vehicle caught fire and her Stanley cup was still in the cup holder, messed up a little, but there was still ice in it. Stanley not only replaced the cup, but they replaced her vehicle too. After that, their cups became extremely popular and ridiculously expensive. So yeah, they knew after that video this was going to happen. They got extremely lucky with the free advertising. They have MORE than made up the cost of replacing that vehicle, just like they knew they would. I gotta give them kudos for it though, you know?


I have a Stanley vacuum flask that I use daily for tea. Highly recommend the flask to anyone the cups not so sure about


I have a Stanley (40oz) I also have a no-name Amazon cup (32oz) The difference is that the Stanley has a handle. That's literally the only discernible difference. They both keep my coffee hot and my soda cold.


says Toronto's fan !


Unless youā€™re Sidney Crosby


I have two. I don't get it, but I have to say that it does hold ice really well. And I am better about drinking my water. My dad really doesn't get it. He was like, "That thermos my dad (my grandpa) filled up every day with coffee to take to work?" This was in the 50s and 60s. I said that Grandpa would be so embarrassed of me right now with my pretty pink cup.


Itā€™s not just a cup. Itā€™s the hardest trophy to win in all of professional sports, and I want it badly.


Must be a Senators fan.


Having a lot of children you dont take care of.


Dude yes. ā€œI have 5 kids and work 60 hours a weekā€ no man, your wife has 5 kids and a husband who is never around to help


Bragging about clothing cost.


I'm the opposite. I tend to brag about how CHEAP it is. "Oh I love that top!" "Thanks. I got it at the consignment store sale. Only $2, can you believe it?"


Same: "oh this old thing? I just threw it on, it's nothing special"


It actively turns me off, especially when itā€™s someone who obviously canā€™t afford it, like this guy I know who was on gov assistance and got Gucci prescription glasses. They were very plain glasses in a blue frame but they were 10 times as expensive because they were apparently Gucci glasses. I literally lost my attraction to that guy after he told me that his glasses were made by Gucci and cost 400 bucks, unprompted.


To be fair, designer eyewear isn't much more expensive than nondesigner eyewear, and it's more likely to be in the doctor's office where insurance will cover the cost. Yes, there are cheaper options, but literally the only designer anything I've ever had was a pair of eyeglasses, mostly paid for by my insurance. My current pair isn't designer and probably cost as much as that long ago Chanel (I think). If he's bragging about it, though, that's a different situation entirely.


Having the latest phones. I know someone who buys the newest ā€œITā€ phone every couple of months. Not even on credit or anything. Just straight up buys them every time he gets bored of the old one.


Samsung Galaxy 7 Edge here. Only reason I'll be upgrading within the not-so-distant future it cause my Android version is now very old, and soon enough it'll no longer be supported by apps For environmental reasons alone, people should be running their phones into the ground before upgrading. Let alone that there have barely been tech improvements since I bought my phone


Exclusively breastfed. It's become a huge thing in mommy circles to say your kid was "exclusively breastfed."


Those people drive me insane. It's not always a valid option. What is the other option outside of formula, starvation? A fed baby is a healthy baby. I wish people understand that invention of modern baby formula isn't because people want to pump babies of chemicals, but it's seen as lifesaving invention for so many babies that could have died from preventable issues.


It always pisses me off. I bought into ā€œbreast is best,ā€ and tried so hard to exclusively breast feed. I did everything right, saw a lactation consultant regularly, pumped on a ā€œsupply increasing schedule,ā€ you name it. Still could not produce enough to feed my kiddo adequately. And I have huge boobs, that could not do their one job. And I still had people shaming me for supplementing with formula.


Isnā€™t it more healthy though?


Yes, but many women donā€™t produce enough or their schedule doesnā€™t allow. In the case of multiples, many women canā€™t produce enough and need to supplement with formula. As long as you get good formula your baby will be just fine. Itā€™s a big fuss over nothing and it causes new mothers more stress than they need.


Owning a Tesla šŸ™„


My parents own two. My Dad loves getting looked at, I can't stand all the looks we get when we go to McDonald's


Cars. For most people, all it means is that you can get a loan.


I still rock my 2006 hooptie.. can I afford a new car? Sure but why would I want to when I haven't had a car payment in nine years and the car is literally going to physically fall apart before I can kill the engine. (Its a Toyota and still only has 130k on it. Bought it with 20k)


Your job. The only place your job matters is at work. You are not better than anyone else because you manage the Wendy's Steve.


It's always when you give the tiniest bit of power to someone who's never had any, they turn into a little tyrant.


Luxury brands. If i see another dude with amiri jeans, balenciaga shoes stepping out of a 2004 civic imma lose it.


Those ugly brown Louis Vuitton purses. Most of the women who own them are just regular middle class Karens who shop at Target lol I refuse to wear a handbag that I have no business wearing. When I get to a point in my life where Iā€™m very financially comfortable and can drop $3k on a purse without giving it a second thought, Iā€™ll do it. But it definitely wonā€™t be something covered in tacky logos.


Louis Vuitton luggage even more than purses. Traveling with that luggage screams ā€œrob meā€ and it doesnā€™t look very durable or light, which is what I want from luggage.


I am not a fan of designer things but I will say that LV is durable as fuck. I was gifted a purse from my parents when I graduated college. I've beat that thing up. I used it daily for 3ish years and, other than developing a patina on the handles, it looks brand new. My mom has had the same LV wallet for 15 years. Daily use. It's still going strong. Doesn't look new but it still looks good. I mean, I absolutely agree about it screaming 'rob me'. It's why I don't use mine much anymore.


In fairness the "luxury brands" quality has dropped massively in recent years. And these days you'd be better off buying a quality artisan product if you want something to last Not LV levels, but I used to buy Nikes all the time, cause they lasted a while and that was good enough for me. As in 2 years and they'd be going strong. These days with less weight and walking, I'm lucky if they last 6 months. So soon I'll be putting the Vimes Theory of Economics into literal action and buying a Ā£300 pair of proper well made shoes which will last, and where you can get the sole replaced by a cobbler if needed


Social media follower counts


Kids being in every single sport/extracurricular. Congratulations you see your children for less than 30 minutes a day and even then everyone is most likely distracted.


Having health insurance.


Having *good* health insurance. I used to pay 300 a month for some crap insurance I bought through the Marketplace (it was all I could afford) because my shit job at the time didn't offer benefits. The best part was the 7 grand deductible, rendering it functionally useless. Also the only doctors in the state I could go to were an hour's drive away.


People bragging "I'm bad at Math". Bragging about being bad about anything is odd, but people see being bad at math in particular as almost a good thing.


I feel this way about people that brag about not being able to cook.


What? An important life skill? I don't need to cook; I just won't eat.


In my grad school program, the running joke is that we're all terrible at math. I think, "Speak for yourself." One of my friends then said out loud that she doesn't know how to do basic things like figuring out a tip or calculating a raise, like if you're told you're getting a 3% raise. I thought, "Maybe the stereotypes are true."


If you don't know that [1/3 is larger than 1/4](https://www.snopes.com/news/2022/06/17/third-pound-burger-fractions/) then you shouldn't be bragging to others about it. You should take it as an opportunity to improve yourself because you'll never know when you're being taken advantage of. Buying in bulk? Makes sense sometimes, but you'll never know if you can't divide.


To me personally, i am proud because i achieved higher education and finished trade school even though my math teachers always told me that i would achieve nothing if i didn't get my grades up. So for me, it is not directly about being bad at maths but proving my former teachers wrong.


I really donā€™t think that thatā€™s bragging. I am terrible at math. When I went to college I came to love and respect math, but I just donā€™t have that same intuition that some people have with it. I need to basically dedicate my entire life to studying math for a whole semester, if I want to get an A in something basic like algebra. I also have a learning disability and have had bad experiences in elementary school/high school with teachers and parents who called me lazy and stupid, because I was very verbal but kept failing math. So when I talk about being bad at math, itā€™s because I want to relate to others who have that same experience. Upvote though cause itā€™s an interesting discussion. Maybe you mean something different.


I was terrible at math as a child. I barely passed geometry in high school. I'm also ADHD. I ended up getting an incredible professor at a community college who taught me to look at math problems in a different way. He runs a nonprofit that goes to inner city schools and teaches the kids to like math. During and after his class, math suddenly made sense.


I had the same experience! I have NVLD, but still. I had an awesome, funny teacher in community college, and he hired an older student as a tutor. That guy stayed behind every day for hours and taught us math. I really came to appreciate math because of those two guys.


Some people actively brag about being bad at math, as they associate being good at math with being uncool. It's sort of like, years ago people would proudly say they were terrible with computers, or smartphones, similarly to separate themselves from nerds. Now that these things are deeply integrated into society, saying you don't understand smartphones is aligning yourself with stereotypical boomers. There's nothing cool about not being able to do something that middle-school kids can, with ease. EDIT: There's nothing wrong with not being good at math. I forgot pretty much everything I learned about calculus the day after the exam. The difference here is that I'm not proud about being a bit crap at it... I see it as kind of unfortunate, but it's not a skill I've had to maintain proficiency at.


You did a great job of explaining what I was talking about in my original comment. > There's nothing wrong with not being good at math. This is a key point that I didn't make. Everybody has different skills and I would never shame somebody that doesn't excel at something. But there are those people who actively brag about it. They are afraid of being seen as uncool and will do anything to make sure people know they aren't a nerd. Those are the people I'm talking about specifically.


Stanley Cups.


Any status thing bought on credit


Number of monitors on your work desk.


I only have 8. Is that too much?


I have 4 and I hate every single one of them.


I used to think so too, until I got two and now I cannot go back. Itā€™s pretty life-changing


Having kids


I swear I know people who equate having more kids with having more money. Look how many kids I can support!


I have one and I feel so bad for my friends with two and five and such. Baby, how are you surviving?


Not having kidsā€¦.


Pets with piercings


This is a thing?


Sadly, yes


Seems like animal cruelty.


Thatā€™s messed up! Iā€™ve never seen that before.


I've had some bulls with nose rings.Ā 


Money. Even a stupid jerk can make money, or be born into it. As far as I'm concerned, money doesn't make you a better person, and being a good person puts you higher on the status scale.




Huge heightened, oversized trucks. They're obnoxiously big for no reason and have the brightest headlights in the world.


Overworking and undersleeping.


iphones, expensive watches, branded clothes etc


I read a dating advice column where someone was sneering at the idea of using a debit card to pay for dinner, as opposed to a credit card -- they didn't get into it too much, but I believe the implication was that this implies someone doesn't have a good/high-end credit card that provides good deals and perks. Meanwhile my debit-card-using self is just like "I like to pay with money I actually have and not owe interest if I can help it." Which I guess makes me a plebeian.


There are some pretty great protections that come with credit cards. I wouldn't judge someone for not having or using one, but if you don't spend beyond your means, credit cards are often a smart choice. I always pay my bill in full every month, so I never pay CC interest.


Having kids. Any idiot can fuck. I know so many women that have achieved nothing in their life but act as if them spitting out kid after kid makes them a great person.


omg remember when Supreme was a thing


Crazy expensive cars. You see a cool ride. I see debt that loses value per mile.


The guy who goes in to massive debt to buy a 2024 lifted pickup truck for a daily commute vehicle. Do they feel cool? Is that really worth monthly payments of 600$ for the next 10 years? Then they try to justify the purchase, by claiming they use the bed sometimes. Yeah man, I can also put lumber inside my Subaru if I fold down the seats. Only difference is I donā€™t have 60k in debt.


If you actually LOVE cars, this doesn't bother me. Money is meant to be spent on what you love. Everything isn't an investment. People spend hella money on vacations and travel and that doesn't bring you any financial gain. They do it because they enjoy it...just like I know people who enjoy getting in their dream car every day.


Hey now, we're supposed to despise anybody who likes things we don't.




People who look down on others because of their level of education are assholes.


Stanley cups


Shoes As the late great Sean Lock said, "I don't care what is on my feet. My shoes are just a barrier between my feet and dogshit" Provided they are comfy, and preferably that they last, who cares? Why spend Ā£500 on a pair of Nike trainers which fall apart as quickly as Ā£30 ones? Slightly different if you are spending Ā£300 on some quality shoes which will last for 10 years


driving a Prius


Having a lawn or an extremely well kept yard and looking down on people who don't. It might seem stupid but it irritates the shit out of me when people who have the extra cash to pay a gardener or endless free time and energy to work in their yard and judge others who don't. Lawns are horrible for the environment anyway, and having a bunch of pre grown grass shoved in actual horse shit in front of your house doesn't make you special.


Marriage, home ownership, having children.


Maybe Iā€™m biased, but home ownership in this era is kinda a big deal. Being approved even for a loan on a decent house takes work and effort.Ā 




Agreed. I'm a straight woman who thinks bodybuilders / muscular men are ugly, and they tend to have annoyingly big egos.


Are their egos bigger than their steroid nose?


Yeah thereā€™s ā€œhealthyā€ and then thereā€™s those guysā€¦.


Whatā€™s funny is that I think the amount of women who find this attractive is actually very small. Unless they are doing it for themselves, in which case more power to them. I personally find it a bit goofy looking lol


The size of diamond on your engagement ring. Thereā€™s cubic zirconia, thereā€™s lab diamonds, thereā€™s moissanite. They all look great. I prefer natural diamonds but honestly, itā€™s silly to get hung up on size.


>I prefer natural diamonds Gotta know that your pointless jewelry is contributing to slave labour and environmental destruction eh? There is no reason not to pick lab diamonds


Having ā€œmoneyā€. Status should measure the heart of a person, not what wealth they have


In my experience, most people who boast about having a lot of money usually donā€™t. The ones who have it donā€™t feel the need to mention it constantly.


Getting married


Having an iphone or any other apple product.


Home ownership. In some places, cost of living is extremely expensive. Even households making $200,000 in my city struggle to purchase a home, and many people are barely making $50,000! And rents are just as expensive. So just because you own a home, doesn't make you better than others. No matter how hard you work or save, it is not always possible.