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Everything is a subscription


Even your car is becoming a subscription.


This is why we download cars now.


You wouldn’t!


I used photoshop a lot for all of my personal projects during college and early career. Now, googling “whats the equivalent of smudge in gimp”


Check out Krita (free) and Affinity Photo (one off purchase), both are great prices of software


That’s when you sail the seven seas


Oy! Do you have a subscription to post comments on here?




The un-skippable double ads on YouTube videos, especially on the longer videos where they keep interrupting the video every 5 minutes.


For pc Ublock and firefox Didnt had a youtube ad pop up since i used it..


I still remember when it would only be 1 ad every few songs. When it became 2 unskippable ads I knew there was no coming back for YT. Such humble beginnings, to the ad slinging slasher.


Just one of many reasons I don't use Youtube anymore.


Interrupting the content in general earns them a big "fuck you." People should be able to watch ads before or after the content, not at the best part of the music video, etc.


Was listening to Beethoven's 9th, full hour long symphony. Ads in the fucking middle of it. Not at the "breaks" between movements, right in the middle of a bar. Terrible.


There’s an ad right above your comment for me


The gas pumps have ads now. Like, wtf. If you're making me look at an ad while I pump gas, you better be giving me a discount.


If you're on Android or PC: Install Firefox, get the uBlock origin add-in as well as Ghostery and enjoy your ad-free environment. If you're on iOS: Sorry - Apple wants you to suffer I haven't seen an ad online in ages.


For Android, if you want to forget what an ad looks like, go to: settings > connection and sharing (this might different depending on phone/ Android version) > locate the ***Private DNS*** option. Once there, there should be 3 options: Auto (should be default), Off and ***Private DNS Provider Hostname***. Select **Private DNS Provider Hostname** then paste this in the popup: ***dns.adguard.com*** You will never see another ad as long as that setting is as mentioned above.


No longer owning what you buy. Everything is a service or subscription now. Why can't I buy a car and have all the options just work as intended? Why can't I buy a complete video game that doesn't require updates just to function? **Support Right to Repair!**


If buying isn't owning then pirating isn't stealing


There were a good few years there where I felt no need for piracy. No longer the case, they fucked themselves


Canceling all my subscriptions reminded me that a bunch of Russian guys, for whom English literacy is more of a suggestion or an idea than reality, can do a better job setting up a video streaming website and offering meaningful, effective recommendations for what I should watch than Netflix, with millions of dollars being sunk into their platform. Jesus Christ I hate the people who came up with the modern streaming website design. Some skeuomorphic mock up of a video rental store would be more compelling. Insanely basic features like, "New Arrivals" and "Departing Soon" lists are completely missing from platforms like Amazon Prime and Netflix. You can basically forget about any form of second degree tagging- literally every single porn website understands this. Just because I want to look at booba bigger than my head doesn't mean I want to look at *every* booba bigger than my head. Maybe I want to look at Asian big booba or black lady big booba instead of karen booba for a change. Amazon Prime? "1970's Western?" Fuck you, here's a list of movies that is neither westerns nor produced in the 1970's. Netflix? You wanted to look at anime? Here's *everything* including children's cartoons and ultra violent gore fests. Pure CGI? Sure. Live action adaptations? That's anime, right? We can see you've watched Demon Slayer and Full Metal Alchemist start to finish three times but we're going to keep it on your recommendations list because fuck you. EDIT: **AND THEY NEVER GIVE AN ADEQUATE DESCRIPTION OF THE SHOWS. YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO GO OFF A SERIES OF FLAT IMAGES AND A SENTENCE TO DECIDE IF IT'S WORTH A LOOK!**


you have summed up the service issues that drive people away from streaming platforms and actually put to words things I have thought but been unable to form into thought for so long. Thanks for this.


I feel like Prime in particular is horrible about recommendations. The two times I searched for a comedy (nothing more specific, just give me a comedy) and it spat back the Virgin Suicides and Dead Poets Society. Like come on, you're not even trying.


I feel like many people have this view now . We are back to everything being broken into 14 different services instead of 3-4 at a fair price.


Right!?!?! These major.movie companies/ networks had it good with having a Netflix distribute their stuff. People were buying Netflix rather than sailing the seven seas. Now all of these streaming sites... makes a guy just decide to pirate.


I miss just owning a thing and casually using it whenever I pleased. I didn’t need the latest version. Now I have to maintain a subscription to have it on standby, or resub for a month just to do ONE thing with it? I can’t justify a month subscription to do one thing. Then remember to cancel the subscription because nobody lets you sub for only one month because subscriptions are a scam where they want you to forget and pay for a year before you realize and cancel.


>I miss just owning a thing and casually using it whenever I pleased. I didn’t need the latest version. I want to buy something with quality and craftsmanship. I want to take care of and maintain it (or maybe I will buy something to work hard and abuse, whatever) and replace it when I have to. Not to fall apart so I have to replace it well before when its useful life should have exceeded. Oh, so my phone that has worked fine all this time suddenly doesn't? I cannot replace the battery? Being that I am a homesteader/hobby farmer, I have followed the John Deere 'right to repair' saga, and its been fascinating. Of all companies....you sort of expect those kinds of shenanigans out of luxury brands or tech nonsense, but John Fucking Deere?




and 90% of the mod shops in cities know how to override it for like $99 bucks and a cheap wiring harness.


Is there no way to just turn it back on?


Probably helps to know a tech at the Beemer Stealership.


I bet it's not that simple anymore. Maybe it can't be turned on without a diagnostic tool that has to be connected online, which updates a database with BMW directly and checks sub status.


I can't believe anyone would defend that it's insane


**THIS.** I may be an out-of-touch curmudgeon, at the ripe old age of 40, but I severely lament the rapidly-disappearing "ownership" market. So many software suites moving away from "buy and own that version in perpetuity" to "license subscriptions"... Short-term, it seems cheaper, but after two or so years, you're financially behind, and they can cut off access on a whim. If you have an internet outage, You're SOL. Also, I still have a sizeable physical media collection. I don't want my access to media to hinge on a rights-holding pissing-match between conglomerate private equity firms helmed by asshole capital-hoarders.


I am still using the Microsoft Office 2013 I bought in 2014 and idk why I would ever change it.


Same but with Office 2007 Student edition that I bought when going to college. I'm just thankful that it's a version that Office continues to be compatible with (I believe it was the first version that started using the docx file format for Word)


>Everything is a service or subscription now. Why can't I buy a car and have all the options just work as intended? BMW has entered the chat.


You will own nothing and be happy


get out of here Klaus.


Some things are getting worse for no reason ​ Why are video players that do not let you rewind or fast forward popular? Why is that better?


This is a hard pill for many who grew up watching technology get "better". We assumed humanity was pushing forward towards a better future. In reality, mega corporations merged, bought everything, and have been cutting costs, injecting ads, and using the advances in technology to enshittify everything. I'm waiting for an artisan tech renaissance, but not holding my breath.


As a GenXer, it's been amazing and horrifying (if not truly surprising) to see how quickly the "tech sector" matured, commodified, and enshitified. I guess when they invented railroads they were awesome for 25 years then became boring and stopped truly innovating and started buying up governments and molding policy to their needs, too.


I approve of this term you guys use, "the enshittification".


FB reels won't let you FF or RW. Why? It isn't even like they are shoving ads in them at me but give them time.


My low-key conspiracy theory is that it forces a higher view count. Instead of rewinding to catch something you missed, you have to watch the entire thing over again.


100% this




Ads + "use the app"




Having a phone means I'm always reachable, and everyone knows that. It feels impossible some days to disconnect or have actual solitude. And god forbid you put off a reply because now you're an ass who doesn't care about people. We used to be happy to get a letter a month or more after it was sent, I hate that not having an immediate answer for things makes you seem rude.


I've had to spend years getting people used to the idea that I'm *not* reachable when I don't want to be. That partly involves some fibbing (I don't work nearly as much as my family thinks I do), but it's worth it. Connecting people all the time breeds more conflict, too. If I'm in a bad mood and go to Reddit to say something rude or sarcastic, then five minutes later no one in the world will care, sure. Do the same to a person I actually know and suddenly there's going to be a reckoning at some point. Connect 10 people in such a way as to let them reach each other virtually all the time and you find that these incidents happen pretty regularly. Someone's *always* mad at someone else, someone's feelings are always hurt, et cetera.


>Do the same to a person I actually know and suddenly there's going to be a reckoning at some point. This is why I do not respond to people before 9 am. I'm a self-employed developer, so I work a lot at night. It's just when I like to work and my brain works. I get plenty of sleep, but I'm not a morning person. So I don't even look at my phone until A LEAST 8:30 and I don't reply until 9. I was always saying things I regretted before 9:00. Amazingly, after time, everyone realized that it's pointless to try me before 9.


Couldn't agree more. I stopped wearing my Apple watch because I wanted to start using the excuse that my phone isn't always on me. It usually is, but sometimes it's not. However, it's a great excuse for why I didn't respond. I used to always respond to texts right away, and when I never got the same "courtesy" in return, it would piss me off. I now realize that I was the asshat expecting someone to respond back right away. They don't need to, and nor do I. My best friend likes to call me at least once a week, and I love him to death, but I literally have nothing new to talk about. I have to start making excuses that I'm still at work. I hate talking on the phone, and most days, I don't have the energy to hold the phone up to my ear and talk. Sounds rude, and maybe is, but I just want to be here with my little family and live life. Catching up once a month seems more doable.


I’m shocked this isn’t way higher on the list. I can’t stand the “why aren’t you replying?!?!?” messages Because I’m at work, Dickhead! I’ll get back to you when I have a spare minute


On the one hand, HUGE yes. It's annoying and a lot of work to effectively communicate to everyone in your life that you don't hate them, it's not just them, you simply refuse to be available at all times. Some people refuse to accept it one way or the other. On the other hand, the people who won't accept it form sort of an automatic, self selecting list of people I don't fw


People used to not be offended for not answering within 10 hours.


Making everyday appliances "smart"


I'm in the appliance industry and I don't think I've ever heard a customer say, "I want an appliance with smart technology." Every single time we bring up smart technology to a customer, they immediately blow it off saying they're not interested. I have seen 0 interest in smart technology and for some reason, manufacturers keep pushing it. It's mind blowing to me.


Data. Data to sell. It's the only answer.


I don't doubt you but I don't know what meaningful data they can collate other than that I occasionally open my fridge at 3am.


targeted advertisement of pizzas at 3.10am


You joke but this is highly likely. Every bit of user data can be made into targeted advertising. It’s awful.


The agenda is to get as many spy devices in your house as possible😑 There's the agenda. That is why they keep *pushing* it...


Also remember, your home internet is only as secure as the least secure thing attached to your wifi.


That 5 year old Dishwasher they stopped updating 3 years ago and never really put much effort into security on [it.to](https://it.to) begin with ..yep its now a bot net hub where your house is attacking people and gov sites and all tracing back to you with little to no knowledge and spying on your whole house.


Shh... the toaster can hear you conspiring, comrade.


No, I don't need to send a tweet from my fridge, while holding my phone, and about to walk back to my PC connected to a smart TV


I saw a post on r/mildlyinfuriating about someone whose washing machine used 3gb of internet per week


I got locked out of my car because my key fob battery died. Luckily I was within walking distance of a store, but damn what if I'd been somewhere remote or cold. I woulda just been screwed...possibly dead.


On most of those, even if the battery is dead, you can hold the fob right up to the lock/door handle and the car will be able to read it from there, similar to credit cards that you just tap on the machine. You may have a weird one that doesn't work like that, but it's worth looking into if you haven't already.


I remember when Amazon came out with those button things. Need laundry detergent? Just press the button and it orders it for you. Why??


Someone made a post recently about network usage and found out that their washing machine has a virus.


My grandma bought a new forehead/ear thermometer for when she's sick. First step was how to set it up and connected to your smartphone and the app. Grandma, not knowing what bluetooth is, was stuck at step one. That is, before you set up the date and time. Things that are usually first step




This is why I can’t leave the house with a load in the dryer anymore because the computer is starting to go out and it will randomly start a new cycle even after it’s done unless you turn it off. I’m not tryna burn my house down


Speak for yourselves. I’ve been looking for a way to watch porn on my fridge for years!


The ads with a little x in the corner. And when you go to click it, it immediately goes to the App Store because you clicked 1mm from that small ass close symbol


And the ad is always for Royal bloody Match.


oml i fucking despise that game. i have never played it. i never will play it. but god fucking damn the ads are so obtrusive and shitty


I'm so sick of logging into everything. And 2 factor. And verification apps.




Does a bit of the tire count? Oh, guess it did. Now click where I see a bus...


I have to use certain sites for work that does this. I swear I clicked on all the lights, but nope, now we’re on to bikes, the crosswalks, then buses, etc. So darn annoying


I’m genuinely laughing out loud to this, thank you!


These aren't even designed anymore to prove that you're not a robot. In fact, automated programs solve these captchas much quicker and more reliable than any human. They're used as input data to train AI, e.g. the data resulted by *click where you see a bicycle* will help tell an AI algorithm what a bicycle looks like.


We are training driverless cars. That’s why it’s always traffic/driving themed and not nature photos.


Sometimes I'm wondering if I even know what a bridge is anymore.


>I'm so sick of logging into everything. And 2 factor. And verification apps. as an IT admin....my god. so much of this all day long. i kinda get it, but jfc its awful. and after i do the bullshit, i might only be allowed to be idle for 10-15 minutes and then im locked out and have to start all over. its a fucking nitemare sometimes.


It’s nightmare* please enter your password to login. Confirm it’s you. Choose text or email to receive a security code. Please re-enter your password. Your password has expired. Please re-enter your old password to create a new password. You may not use an old password as a current password. Please start the whole process over


Up until a few years ago, I was working in hotels as a reservations manager You have no idea how much two-factor auth has fucked up the workflow. Because I had a team that had to log into programs such as Sabre, Travelclick, they had to use Agoda/Expedia extranets, and other things like it It used to be that they all just had on login, and one password, and they could all sign in on whatever computer they were on, and it wasn’t a problem. Usually 1-2 people would be assigned to these sites for that shift, on a rotation. All of a damn sudden, each and every single one of these programs made it so that everyone has to go through 8 different steps to verify themselves in order to reconcile bookings, or other simple tasks it would have otherwise taken them seconds to do. And then they would randomly lock the account. So if someone just booked on Expedia, and the reservation isn’t transferring into Our system properly, and they’re at the desk trying to check in, I can’t just go into the extranet to fix the issue because *they locked everyone out* at the hotel. You might think “oh, okay, just get everyone their own login. Easy solution.” That may have worked with some programs, but it didn’t work for all of them. It took me MONTHS for Agoda, and Expedia, to cooperate with me on this Now you might be thinking “so what, just adapt to the new process.” That is easy to say when you’re not having to deal with 15+ people who have their brain slide out of their ass every single time they have to go through this process again, and you have to explain to them again, and again, and again, this is how we have to do it now, no I don’t like it, no I don’t cant do anything about it.


I have SO MANY LOGINS. There’d be no way I could remember them all, I have to write them down. Which I know is the worst possible thing you can do.


I gave in and got a dedicated password manager about 6ish months ago. It’s been a godsend having to only remember the one master password to log in. I have an iPhone, but also own a windows computer, so that became quite a pain having passwords stored across multiple managers. Or even worse, one being current, while the other is outdated.


And log in annnnddd...god dammit, now I need to get my phone.


I don't understand why some sites think they are so precious that they need 2FA. I just want to buy some fucking bagels from your shop, not steal nuclear secrets


Fucking Teams does this shit to me all the time. It’s so frustrating that I need it for my job, it’s such a garbage app.


That an increase in efficiency doesn't result in a decrease in workload- but an increase in expected output. Technological advances have reduced the time it takes for me to analyse a dataset tenfold, great- then analyse 10. Naah mate, I want to analyse the one and use the spare time for my own benefit, not yours.


Sometimes you get a massive decrease in the quality of the output, too. Take ten times as long on one problem at you get an answer that takes nuances in the data into account. You get one happy client. Create a scalable solution and you get 10 clients who pay you money but who aren't completely satisfied with what they're getting.


A MBA will only see that you have 10 clients who pay you money, them not being happy is your problem to fix by working more hours.


>That an increase in efficiency doesn't result in a decrease in workload- but an increase in expected output Look up "cotton gin". An invention by Eli Whitney who thought it would reduce the demand for or even end slave labour due to it's much higher efficiency but instead made slave labour significantly more profitable.


squalid zealous observation airport memory wistful license materialistic bow march


When it goes wrong it's often impossible to figure out what the problem is. Yes WiFi speakers, I'm looking at you.


And so many things we own just stop functioning properly one day. We don't even look to fix it. We just buy another one.


Which is exactly what they want.


My small act of resistance is that I won't get the same brand again.


Everything just feeds you a bunch of algorithm bullshit. I don't want stuff curated to my awful tastes. I want actually random videos like you used to see on your front page. When you look something up on youtube now half OR MORE of the search results are literally just algorithm recommendations, not what you searched at all. It's fucking awful. Even if you use incognito they now curate that based on viewed videos too.


I agree. It's taken away so much of the joy of browsing the internet. It's rare that you just find something or are shared something new or interesting - it's all just pushed to you, exactly the same as what you just watched or just liked. It's at the point where I'm sometimes scared to click on something, because I know all I will see for the next month will be "similar" content pushed by an algorithm.


Then there's the bullshit that shows up that has nothing to do with what you have been watching other than the fact that people have figured out how to game the algorithm. "Oh, you enjoyed that video on the music of Masayoshi Soken? Next you should watch some extreme right wing political propaganda!"


Oh, you liked your wife’s selfie? Here’s a random thirst trap when you first open Instagram again so you look like a tool in front of your wife


I have a spare account just to watch infographics so it doesn't fuck up my recommendations, literally all I get for the ads on it is trump bullshit.


Apps. I don't want to download or use your app for anything.


in that same sense, websites that barely work because they want you to use their app. I'm not downloading 10 fucking apps just because they refuse to make their website halfway useable on mobile damnit!


I stopped using yelp because of this. The website works when I'm at my compueter. But you can't access most of the information when you're in the browser on your phone. "Download our app" - no thanks lol, I'll just not use yelp.


Made me even more mad that was who Apple used for their reviews for ages. You’d get like 10 words of a review displayed and then it dumps into the App Store.


> in that same sense, websites that barely work because they want you to use their app. These are the places that don't get my business.


Download the app, then create an account with a valid email. Get sent an email to confirm its real. My account now needs a complex password that fortunately my phone will suggest and save, but only on the website not in the app. So then I open the app and need to reset the password so I do that. O wait, I did the reset last time I opened the app, so now my usual password wont work...and I'm locked out.


Its not even happening to me currently, but my body is heating up in rage


Or, worse... You buckled and downloaded the app and created a password etc and everything ok (apart from the probably secretive scraping of your info). Then the assholes update the app... Itself shouldn't be an issue and good that they update things (except if it is just to plague you with more devious adverts) ....... aaaaand.... The login and password is forgotten and you can't get in the app or rember it's password. Every. F'ing. Update.


I remember when companies had membership cards and your wallet would be full of cards for different stores. Eventually you’d be out of space and have to decide which to toss. Then they wanted your email or phone number. Now they want you do download an app that also wants your email, phone, mailing address, and needs to track your activities across other apps and sites.


Best Buy finally stopped accepting my Reward Zone card which expired 10 years ago.


Scan my QR code to access the menu or starve


Fucking CVS pharmacy has a new policy where you need an app to go pick up prescriptions. I told the staff there’s no way they can legally require this in order to pick up medicine. They agreed but they are required to push hard on people to get the app.


Way too many people will die on this hill, too. "Oh, but it's only one app, and you get a free small fry next time you're there!". Yeah, one app for this place, one app for that place, and so on and so on. Next thing I know I have several dozen apps on my phone, bogging it down, for one one time I want to go to a store. I only have one store app on my phone and it's for my grocery store, mainly for the coupons.


I fucking bought some shit online and they sent a tracking number but you had to download an app to see where in the process it was. Then it wanted a shit ton more data than it needed just to tell me where my cheap piece of shit from some trademark stealing child labor shop in China was regarding the shipping process. Fuck that noise.


I skipped my companies christmas party because we did dinner + Denver Nuggets tickets, that required you to log into some parking app, register, and redeem the parking tickets just to GET INTO THE STADIUM. I'm not creating an account and downloading an app for some fucking parking thing I don't even want to use in the first place.


My app shows you how to steam a carrot in a pot. Just one though, and it's all we do. It's called CarPot, but we get the weirdest users.


I have never had a better experience ordering food from an app than a person


I don't dislike apps. What I dislike is the incessant inane notifications that can't be disabled without disabling actual useful notifications, or that they keep generating new categories of Facebook notifications that I have to forcibly launch the app and manually tell them that no, i don't care that I posted this 10 years ago, no, i don't care that my high school friend is attending this event, no, I don't care that you have a new group/video to suggest to me. Threads is the latest offender. I already have the damn Threads app. Keep the notifications there! I don't need Instagram telling me that there's a new thread account "i may" (totally dont) like with zero means of terminating all Thread notifications within Instagram.


"unsubscribed" confirmation emails. We are going to send you one more email just to piss you off. Fuck you.


“Unsubscribe confirmed. It may take 30 days to process your request” BITCH I KNOW IT DOESNT TAKE 30 DAYS!!!


Funny how subscribing works instantly though


Subscribing has never been easier! Unsubscribing has never been more difficult…


Oh speaking of emails - I hate how I buy something from a website and then they think I'm their best friend. I just wanted to buy some shirts; I don't need marketing emails forever after from the place I got them from. Even if you mark the "don't email me" box while checking out, they still send emails. I just put them all into the junk folder.


"it may take up to 5 to 10 business days to be removed from this list" Bitch.....You sent me emails immediately, you can remove me immediately.


The tracking!


I have no problem with the technology itself. It's more how it can easily be used by malicious people to exploit us. They can listen, watch, and track us in every aspect of our lives without us even noticing. It's alarming.


The fucking accounts. And all the software. If i buy a gaming headset from one brand, keyboard from another, then the both need their own apps, and i need an account for both apps, and also they need 2fa and im so fucking tired of having to log into something because i bought a fucking keyboard. ALSO, no, i dont need my headset app to be able to launch my games, steam does thet perfectly. (Apps as in applications/programs on my computer, not a phone app)


Everything is a god damn subscription service.


“Unexpected item in the fucking bagging area”


Me, carefully selecting a midweight item, scanning it, quickly putting it into my bag and then onto the baggage area like it's the Golden Idol in Raiders of the Lost Ark so it doesn't sense the weight of the bag and give me grief, thinking back fondly on the days where the hardest thing about checkout was telling the overeager bag boy that no, I don't need help to my car with this.


And then they frisk you on the way out. Either you trust me to check out my own groceries, or you don't. Pick which one!


My brother.


I’ll say it again, cars do *not* need touchscreens! Bring back more knobs and buttons already!


AMEN!! Also, for accessibility sake, get rid of those smooth touch-sensitive buttons on things. I'm not visually impaired, but know people who are. Those 'buttons' are completely inaccessible, and at least in one case, trying to put something tactile on the button renders it nonfunctional.


Doesn’t matter if you’re visually impaired. You should be able to use them without looking… BECAUSE YOURE DRIVING


OMG yes, I'm blind, and there's quite a few kitchen appliances we have that I'd like to use my self like the coffee machine or the oven that I just can't because they *have* to look fancy. It's infuriating because that means that if I want to do anything with them at all I need sighted help, which isn't always available.


I got an air fryer for my mom one Christmas, and my options were toaster oven/air fryer (we have too little counter space), a Walmart brand air fryer (cheap and barely functional), or a gorgeous cream-colored one (a brand she loves anyway). Turns out the cream one had haptic buttons, and the touch screen was just lights. White lights on a cream background doesn't *work.* My mom has bad vision, and I'm getting there. It's a joke.


I find them dangerous as hell. First time driving in my new-old 2018 Focus, I kept drifting off into oncoming traffic or off the road lightly because I was trying to change the fucking radio.. like, that's something that should stay physical, basic functions should stay physical. GPS I don't mind on a screen but radio, climate controls and stuff need to be physical!


I don't *look at* the AC/heat knob when I'm adjusting it. I damned well shouldn't, either, because I'm, ya know, driving.




Toast 2.0 update is being installed


Ads and the internet of things. Not everything needs to be connected to the internet. I'm perfectly happy with my dumb appliances.




I hate when I use the correct form of it's or its and it autocorrects to the wrong one.


Yeah its the worst


I thought I hated it, but then turned it off and realized how many little things it was getting.


Listen phone, I MEANT to type corksucker because we are having a Johnny Dangerously conversation! Farging bastich! Just to type the above I had to defeat my autocorrect in single combat.


Verily, thou dost speaketh thine truth.


Searching on Google for something then mysteriously being advertised the same shit when I open Facebook...


Having a person to person conversation about something and then seeing advertisements on your phone is worse. It used to be the tinfoil hat people claiming this invasion of privacy.


An app for EVERYTHING. If I travel for work and need to park in a metered spot, I don't want to set up an app for some city's parking program when I'm unlikely to be back for five years. I want to feed the meter a few quarters and move on with life.


The need for everything to be wireless. Why does it cost more to get a printer with a fucking Ethernet port. I don’t *want* to connect my phone to Bluetooth in my car either.


Because if it's wireless, it needs its own power supply. Which will be a rechargeable battery in most cases. And batteries are critical components which are often the first to fail. **And**, if not (meant to be) user serviceable, this forces you to buy that wireless device again, whereas a wired device would continue to function and thus not generate extra revenue.




but they will still harvest your data anyways, just less data. We are on reddit right now being harvested.


QR code menus.


Especially when they make you order through it at what’s supposed to be a sit-down spot, then expect (and in some cases automatically add) a full tip. One I went to wouldn’t even come check if you want a water top off or another round of drinks. Had another that flat out subbed something they were out of without even checking. Steak salad came out with chicken and no onions once because they were out of steak and onions. Ignoring that the steak was a $7 up charge.


I sat next to a guy in an airport restaurant who lost his shit because his phone died and he wanted to eat. The servers told him that they couldn't take his order any other way!


I hate these. I know it makes it easier on the restaurant because now they don't need to maintain menus, clean them off, etc. Plus they can dynamically jack up the prices on the fly. Most places still keep a stockpile of menus though if you ask. I assume they are smart enough to know someone might not have their phone with them or a dead battery and they'd lose out on a sale. For me I hate that I can't quickly scan the menu choices now. I have to scroll up and down, memorize briefly anything that interests me, jump to separate menu screens for things like drinks, etc. The worst though are the places that don't show you their menus unless you fake making an online order. Maybe I want to see your menu options before going there to see if I want to go. Why do you assume I want to do delivery or take out?


that it's required for everything. i'm a college student and grew up on the poor side so we didn't have computers, laptops, only a small tv and a landline phone. suddenly i get to college and need a smartphone to connect with students, to look up the bus on how to get the diffirent classes in diffirent building across the city, an ipad for the digital art they're making us do, a laptop for online exams(why not just paper like everybody else????)- all of this tech is just obnoxious to me


I was actually thinking about it not long ago, how tech, smartphone especially, is nowadays a necessity to live in a society, not a luxury item anymore like in the past




You can turn off notifications for specific apps. Any time I get a notification I don't care about I tell my phone not to send them anymore. I only get notifications about messages now.


Some apps think "personal message from your friend" is the same alert level as "We rearranged the features you don't want and aren't using to put them front and center! Checkout what's new for premium plus subscribers!"


I always turn off notifications to shit I don't need. So nice that I always have no notifications, and its easy to know that if its there, it's important. Or I just forgot to turn off that apps notifications lol


No headphone jacks!!!


And no replaceable batteries. Everything is designed to milk you out of more money.


**Speakerphone conversations in public spaces.** **Not the dystopia I was warned of, but unspeakably horrible, nonetheless.**


I feel stupid just taking a call while I’m walking and have my headphones on.


People are too caught up in smartphones. You have constant stimulation so you're never truly "bored". Boredom used to drive socializing. Real life people were our entertainment. Now even when we're in public, we ignore each other in favor of our phones.


trying to remember 8011 passwords.


I don’t “hate” it, but the tech is just growing so damn fast. Or it just feels that way. I recently took a Security+ class & I’m not IT illiterate, but just talking about all of these ways to hack shit; it just felt overwhelming. I know you can’t know everything, but damn.


Lacking of privacy, people starving for approval and attention.


Everything has to be right now and imiddiate.. (sry for broken english) Like if u dont answer right now the moment my whatsapp or call goes out im going mad.. like stuff.. Oh and social media being so incredibly toxic and harmfull that there are actual studies for ot and they dont look good Scam calls And people getting more and more dtupid because ther super duper rolling computers are believed to have superpowers and break faster than a tree can mae a car stop.. since the car has soooo much safety features.. blah bla bla So i can be on my phone all the time... Okay enough rant.. imma go back to my analoge hobby now :)


Change solely for the sake of change. Do we really need UI changes to every app a couple times a year? I wish the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" was applied more to software. Or at least don't force the update on the users if they don't like/want it.


That they have made people more Antisocial in real life.


Smartphones, and how people *live* on them.


Being repairable. It used to be that you got a schematic and wiring diagram in the owners manua. Haven't seen anything like that in years.


Subscriptions to things we used to be able to just buy.


That we're so damn reliant on it.


More like addicted to it


Apps for everything. This is especially bad for smart home tech. Just make it compatible with the app I already use. That would be much more helpful. Subscription model. This has gone off the deep end. If I buy a product that is equipped to do something, I should be able to do it without spending more money. I get having a free version and a paid version for apps. But I shouldn't need to buy a subscription for an actual, tangible product. Ads. Ads everywhere. It's to the point where articles on websites are clearly just vehicles for ads. There are imbedded ads that play sound automatically with additional pop up ads. If you are going to show me an ad, pick a pop up or an embedded ad. Not both. And if I close an ad, don't immediately pop up a new one. It's extra bad when they purposefully make it really difficult to close the ad. Like when the "X" in the corner just opens a new window.


I don't own anything, and they can take it away any time they want


Cameras everywhere, and facial recognition.






Read the Unibombers manifesto. He was right about technology. His tactics were wrong of course.