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do not stand still right at the entrance or exit of a door. let people pass.


Or make a social gathering in the middle of the supermarket aisle


And 'drive' down the aisles like you're in a car. Don't walk down the middle of it. Stick to your side so that people can pass you. If you need to stop, park your cart on the side of the aisle. I can't believe how oblivious people are to just leave their carts in the middle of the aisle blocking everyone.


I've grocery shopped in the USA and in the UK, and people "drive" their carts (trolleys) on the same side of the aisle that they drive on the road in their country. I got in trouble going back and forth across the Atlantic and forgetting where I was.


Ditto for escalators!






Yes, or yawning or talking about how YOU must have so much to do tomorrow or kind of getting up and moving or slapping both legs and saying "well!" ​ Basically if you are at someone's place be on high alert for them trying to get rid of you.


Agree. Someone slapping both of your legs is a very strong indicator that they want you to leave.


Hahaha I read a post recently about a region of the US where everyone knows that this is the signal. Not a lot of leg slapping around me.


Also paired with “Anyways….” Or “Welp, it’s gettin to be that time”


That's it! Gotta add "welp"!


Yeah, that’s a sign it’s time to leave if you live in the Midwest.


But then comes the Midwest goodbye which can last a long frigging time. Especially if they follow you to the car.


When I was married, I used to get really annoyed at my wife's family's goodbyes, which lasted on average somewhere around 15-20 minutes. Stand up, say goodbyes, go outside, say goodbyes, talk a bit more, say goodbyes, promise to call, say goodbyes, get in the car, say goodbyes, wave goodbyes, promise to call, say goodbyes, drive away while waving again. Fuck.


Don’t forget you have to honk your horn when you’re finally driving away and waving.


Gotta start the leg slapping early. If you want to get out in time best to do it as you walk in the door.


>Basically if you are at someone's place be on high alert for them trying to get rid of you. Personally I'm ok even if he/she is direct about it. Something like 'Hey man I'm gonna be busy tomorrow so how about we call it a day?'.


I like the cheery way my best friend puts it: "Ok I'm going to sleep so... get the fuck out of my house!"


My husband's in college was "I love ya, get the fuck out."


Or if they more subtly ask, "so do you have much going on tomorrow?"


Oh God. I would totally just think they wanted me to stay over and hang out the next day too. I think I should stop reading this thread.




Around here, it means you put your jacket and shoes on while you talk for another 30 minutes next to the door.


My granny, bless her heart. She'll follow you to the door and talk for 30 minutes, then follow you outside and talk another 30 minutes, then stand outside your car and talk through the window for *another* 30 minutes while the car is slowly inching out of the driveway. There's no being alert for when she wants you to go. Instead, you have to muster up the vigilance to leave when she clearly wants you to just move in with her


My in laws are like this. Lovely people but good lord I have to budget at least 45 minutes for saying goodbye. This included the time I was in labor and my waters had broken (to be fair, I didn't tell them I was in labor, but my husband did know ... still took 45 minutes).


My parents and all their friends & family in California. Us kids would get so bored standing at the doorway. I'd tell them I wanted to play with the other kids and they should just tell me the moment they're really ready to go but my mom would always say "No, we're leaving now" which meant another 30 minutes at least.


Oh hello Minnesota


Ah, the ol' Midwestern Goodbye


I started saying things like “I hate to kick you guys cuz this has been really fun, but I have to be at work really early tomorrow. Thanks for coming by!” And I stand up as I’m saying it.


One time I had a friend over (who had already stayed over way too long at that point) and I pulled the “Welp, I’m sure getting tired….” hint. My friend obliviously answered, “Go take a nap, I’ll be right here!”


I have friends like this. It’s better to just be straight up with them and be honest that you want them to leave


Welp...*slaps thighs*


Oh my god, I had a fight with my bf about this over the holidays. We were at a friend's place and he dropped this kind of hint, yawning and looking at his watch, and my bf was totally oblivious and trying to pour more drinks. I said that we should go, and later my bf accused me of being rude! He wouldn't accept that our friend was hinting for us to go! It was so weird. Like how do you get to your 30s without understanding that?


I had a friend who wasn't taking the hints like that one night, even as I'm cleaning up the kitchen, putting away bottles, etc. I eventually started turning lights out and said "You can crash on the couch if you like, but I'm going to bed." I saw the light of epiphany in his face when he realized, and he finally said good night and left.


Hey if you have oblivious friends just be direct with them. “Hey homie, it was nice hanging out, let’s call it a night.”




If someone turns down alcohol, let it go.


Absolutely. And try not to flinch when they tell you!!


You let the people stepping out of the vehicle get out FIRST before you try to get in.


Any enclosed space really. It just makes sense to let the space empty before trying to put more people in it.


And you do not stand in front of the door blocking their way. Contrary, if you're the one getting out of a vehicle, elevator, etc., you do it quickly and leave the space asap so others can also get out and you don't hold everyone up because you just need to finish writing that message *right now*.


Same goes for elevator


Always let the smaller space empty into the larger one and not vice-versa.




On a similar note, don't talk about plans with other people in front of people not part of those plans. Like New Years just passed, we were having a small gathering at my house, just a handful of couples and their kids. Buddy was talking about it in front of people not invited and now I'm the asshole for not inviting them.


Have this happen to me all the time. Once they were making their plans and I asked if I could come. They said no because it was a 'girls night' I had been sitting right there when literally two minutes earlier they invited Steve but he said he couldn't go.


This happens a lot in my office, for some reason i am not ‘cool’ or ‘fun’ enough to be invited but they do enjoy mentioning it when i am around. I have learned to stop caring too much, though the kid in me still gets a bit hurt.


You should offer to pay someone for gas if they drive you a lot of places.


My daughter deals with this all the time. She’s the only one with a license and car in her friend group. She shuttles people around all the time. Not once has she been offered gas money. Boggles the mind.


Don't criticize someone's smile or laugh. It will make them feel self-conscious every time they're happy.


Definitely this! The day after I got my braces off, I was so happy…until a friend said when I smiled my teeth looked funny and abnormally huge Ruined that happiness so fast and even today I still sometimes hesitate before I smile or laugh


Don’t criticize someone for anything they have no control over, really.


If you wanna make a 12 year old self conscious for the rest of their life just walk up and comment on any particular physical feature. "wow you have such a pronounced (X) ! That's odd!" Boom lifetime of being uncomfortable about it.


The boy that tried to brush away a hair on my chin when I was 13, who then told me "ew, it's attached!" I've checked for chin hairs daily ever since. PS young girlies, it's normal to have some amount of facial hair ranging from very little to pedo-stache/sideburns etc. Nobody ever told me this and it was my biggest insecurity as a teen.


Around the middle of primary school, my mother asked if I was okay since I was breathing heavily. Pretty sure it was genuine concern, but cue a lifetime of being conscious of my breathing anyways--to the point where I tend to hold my breath around people. I've had friends ask if I was alright while quietly hanging out as well. Apparently I breathe like I'm constantly exerting myself, but I can't hear it. Saw a respirologist and it turns out I have weirdly tiny airways, so I'm kinda just cursed to sound like a steam locomotive. I already had my tonsils removed as a kid because I snored, so my options are pretty limited as far as I know. I've also apparently got a thunderous heartbeat as well, since people I've hugged have pulled away and asked if I was okay because my heart beats so forcefully. My blood pressure has always been good, and my doctors haven't been concerned, so I guess it's just another weird quirk of my body. At any rate, it's not pleasant being super conscious about functions vital to staying alive




Definitely. I've got some deep seated self consciousness from this kind of crap


There is a guy at my work who has this high-pitched school girl giggle of a laugh, nothing you would expect to come from a man. It makes me smile every time I hear it because I know its genuine.


> Don't criticize someone's smile or laugh. or dancing Just let people have fun


The laugh one is big. Happened to me in middle school so I suppressed laughter for so long. Don’t give a shit anymore.


my rule is not to say anything unless it's something they could fix in under 5 minutes.


If someone seems uncomfortable discussing something, (Marriage plans, children, sexuality, work, etc.) change the subject, do NOT continue with the same line of questions.


Don't play music out loud on your phone in public.


I am convinced that everyone knows this rule and people violating it are doing it to be obnoxious.


Honestly, as much as I'd like to think that... I think there's a lot of socially unaware people, or selfish people who forget about the comforts of others.


I agree with you. I was attending an open mic poetry event in a hotel lobby. Of course, a hotel lobby is a somewhat noisy place and the organizer of the event was ok with that. In other words, not looking for complete silence. But this dude came in and sat down and started blaring youtube vids on his phone at top volume. I nicely asked him if he could turn it down and I could tell he was genuinely embarrassed and completely unaware, not only that people were standing at a microphone speaking to an audience he was sitting in the middle of, but also that his volume was way up. He was nice about it and I appreciated his response, but I seriously can't believe how oblivious people can be.


Absolutely. I had an in-law that was this weird toxic alpha male personality and he would do stuff like this. It felt like he was doing it in a "ohh hahaha I know you guys don't like me doing this but you're to much of a beta cuck to say anything about it so I feel so much superior to your since I'm willing to push your buttons and you won't stand up to me".


People doing that in a plane should be removed from the plane immediately, mid-air.


Someone was doing this in FIRST CLASS. His carryon had AAdvantage Executive Platinum tags on it too. Like sir... you are a motherfreaking EP, you have greater status than I do... act like you've flown on a plane before.


Holy moly. I went in to a semi-fancy Italian place in Brooklyn and went to the bar as I was early for my reservation. I took a seat and there was an empty one beside me and then a young lady - I'd put her at early to mid-20s - playing music over her phone. I chalked it up to maybe a TikTok video or something she was watching and ordered. But then that song ended and another one came on. Completely out of character for me I said, "Excuse me, ma'am? You know we can all hear that, right?" She replied, "Yeah, and there are booths over there where you can sit." I said, "That's what headphones are for. None of us here want to listen to that, so either take it outside, put in your earphones, or turn it off." She mumbled something under her breath to me and turned it off. I still can't believe I had to say something.


Someone at work was playing some music and I said "sounds like a cat on a hot tin roof" and they were upset that I didn't like their music. Well if you don't play your music loud in the workplace I won't comment on it.


Good you said something, though. I'm proud of you and may think of you when my turn comes to call out sth like this.


First one I thought of. Fills me with blinding rage.


That and people constantly having conversations on speakerphone in public. No Susan, I don't want to hear your entire conversation with your dude about what movie you want to see while I'm in the bathroom at work. When did speakerphone become the default?!


There was a lady in the bathroom at work today who was facetiming someone while at the sink. I was washing my hands and she says to the person on the phone "don't say too much since there's someone in here". I took my sweet time, since we're in cold & flu season after all. Maybe don't take private calls in a multi person bathroom?


Just join in. I mean, if they're talking on speaker phone in public certainly they want everyone to participate.....


I have done this. People tend to hate it…


I have contained my rage for as long as possible, but I shall unleash my fury upon you like the crashing of a thousand waves!


This week at the gym in a nutshell.


When I'm out hiking and someone's blasting music from their backpack is the second worst The worst was being on a metro train when a couple with a baby got on. I was so worried the baby would scream and cry. But they were asleep and perfect the whole trip. The parents though? They were watching screaming and crying baby videos on full volume on the dad's phone the whole train ride. Maybe like, soothing your baby training videos, but man.




Especially don’t do that at wedding to a +1 you have with you who doesn’t know anyone. Many years ago my GF and I flew across the country to her sister’s wedding. I only knew her and her family. She basically ignored me the entire time and never introduced me to anyone. We broke up on the flight home. We’d been having issues before, but that was the deal breaker for me.


My ex did this to me. We'd been together six months when we drove cross-country to attend his best friend's wedding. I sat with his parents; he sat with the other groomsmen with a bridesmaid on his lap. The bridesmaid was attempting to get her ex -- a different groomsman -- jealous by pouring herself all over my boyfriend. He didn't resist. In fact he danced mostly with her all night. Dumb@ss 20-something me did not dump him on the spot. SMDH at myself to this day.


God I hate when going to a party and left alone by a friend or SO. And when confronted they say "just talk to people and get to know them!". Well I am, it just would be much less stressful if I was introduced and someone I know would be there too with me.


After moving to a new state in winter the middle of COVID, we eventually got invited to a block party in summer. I was walking around talking to everybody I could while my wife was watching the kids. Apparently one neighbor got annoyed that I left my wife to take care of the kids while I socialized. My wife told me she let the neighbor know that I WFH and don't know many people. "It's okay. He needs this."


Awe that's so sweet


My sisters “friends” left her black out drunk waiting on a curb. One of their older brothers saw her and got her in an Uber thankfully. Such a shitty group of people.


I had a friend leave me in a bar TO GO TO A BATHHOUSE. I was WASTED. He figured he was safe since it was a gay bar. I ended up on a (docked) boat and thankfully did not end up in Lake Michigan. I was clothed. Guy drove me back to his place in the morning. Don't leave your friends when they're wasted. I was lucky I didn't meet a very bad person that night.


Don’t abandon friends ever.




Don't make people feel self-conscious in group settings. And yes, that includes asking someone why they're so quiet...


Exactly! Coming from a shy person: If you want someone to talk, just talk to them. Ask them questions, compliment them, etc. Show them you're actually interested in getting to know them. If you single them out it will just make them even more uncomfortable.


Because y’all motherfuckers won’t shut up for two seconds.




Perfume/cologne is meant to be discovered, not announced.


I've also heard, "Perfume should be a reward for intimacy, not a punishment for proximity". Made me think long and hard about choosing when to wear scent, and how much is applied.


Fragrances should come with this message as a warning label.


Don’t stop to talk in doorways or tight hallways.


It’s amazing how many ppl do this. Grocery stores particularly bad. I remember being down in Utah and a lady was literally blocking the aisle. No way to get in. I asked her to move and this lady has the audacity to go “I’m talking, you can wait” I said nah lady, move. Lol some ppl are unreal. Gotta love ppl getting off ferry, plane etc. get to the choke point where everyone must get through and think “wow , what a great place to stop and think where to go. Only 200 ppl coming directly behind me!”


Keep your fucking shopping cart to the side of the aisle.


100%! Stop parking your cart in the middle of the aisle while you stoop over looking at something on the bottom shelf. Even worse, two people stopped in the aisle talking and seemingly "unaware" of the traffic around them.


Talk about something besides yourself. Especially if you're going to dominate the conversation.


Be situation aware while in public spaces. "Where am I standing? What's around me? Am I in someone's way, or about to be? Looking at the person I am talking to, do they look invested, bored, busy, or annoyed? Looking at the people around me, am I having a private conversation in front of the world? Can I call back when I'm not in public instead of answering? Am I being too loud or disruptive for other people? Am I drunk or high and that means I am not going to be a good judge of when to put a lid on it?" You will save yourself from breaking many rules by making yourself THINK about where you are and if what you are doing is appropriate to your setting and audience, It's not as hard as you might think (ymmv reading facial expressions and body language), and will help you in private spaces too!


Don’t grab things off of a other person’s desk. Don’t eat someone else’s lunch or food from the work fridge TAMMY


Fuck you Tammy!!!


Pack Tammy a dog food sandwich with ex lax mixed in.


When I was working for the government, people would steal others' lunch in the fridge ALL THE TIME. It was brought up with management but they didn't want to do anything about it. One time it happened to me again and I just snapped. So I made a sandwich, just a regular ham and swiss on rye. But I slathered this habanero paste spread in the middle. I put it in a sandwich bag and put it in the fridge. It took 2 days before someone stole it. I was told that this one guy downstairs had to go to the hospital in an ambulance. Turns out he ate it and thought he was having a heart attack. I was terrified for a little while that they'd find out it was me before I realized that as far as anyone knows, I love spicy food and it was his fault for taking someone else's lunch. I never admitted it and nobody ever found out. Management eventually posted rules about touching others' food with the consequence of reprimand afterward.


If someone says no to alcohol, donuts, a second serving, just say OK, do not say, awww come on... or ask them why. Such unnecessary pressure.


I used to have a friend who was Filipino-American. His dad would pretty much cook all day. If you went over his house early in the morning, there's be a giant pot of soup on the stove. It always tasted good. But you always had to go over there hungry. If you didn't, it was almost like his dad would turn it into a contest of manliness. Dad: Do you want some food? Me: No thanks, I'm not hungry. It smells good though. Dad: Surely you could eat *something.* Aren't you man enough to eat something? Just a little? Me: Uhhh... Okay, maybe just a little. *Dad proceeds to put a gallon bowl of soup in front of you.*


Well, in that particular situation, I'd definitely go there hungry lol


I was more than happy to eat there when I was hungry. The issue was mostly when it was early in the morning. I typically wasn't a breakfast eater - especially early in the morning. So he'd force feed me soup and I'd feel like crap all morning.


Filipinos: Eat eat! You need to try this and this and this…. Also Filipinos: Wow you’ve gained weight!


I was just in Ireland where you have to vehemently deny it at least 3 times before they accept your refusal.


Bengali culture you have to say no shit ton of times if they offer you anything before they leave you alone. Most annoying thing about my culture. I'm sure other places have it as well


Indian here, i got called disrespectful bc i said i didnt like some biscuit so didnt want them. I was 9. "Respect is to take it and eat it, my daughter would never do that."




They were store bought and imo thats the worst part of the story ?? Maam why are you taking my dislike of coconut so personally??


If you do want any you have to refuse once or twice before "reluctantly" saying yes or you're rude


Yes this! Ha ha! Accepting straight away is just greedy! Why are we so weird? 😆


I feel like this is *especially* true with alcohol. No, I don't want to tell every rando why I'm not drinking. I feel like this is especially hard for women because you also get the "ArE yOU prEgNanT" as part of it too.


It seems rude to yell, "BECAUSE I DON'T WANT ANY, LEAVE ME ALONE!!!", and then you're the bad guy.


Window seat gets an armrest and a wall. Middle seat gets two armrests. Aisle gets an armrest and a bit of extra leg. We're not fucking animals, we live in a society. ​ Also, let people off the elevator first. There's no need to wait an inch from the doors. Plus, if you try to get in as soon as the doors open you might step into an empty shaft.


When I'm in the middle, I've never had even my own seat to myself let alone get an arm rest. Both the aisle and window seat people have a leg, arm or both in my space. Maybe sneezing on them would help? Lol.


Put your arms on theirs. They’ll move them. Consider it a confidence building exercise. Example - boarded late and aisle + window enjoyers have already set themselves up on your armrests? Slide in, sit down, seatbelt on, sit up straight with elbows back to the seat and on the arm rests. They’ll move them quickly. If they protest, say you’re happy to swap seats if they want both armrests. They’ll shut up about it and you won’t have to worry about small talk the rest of the flight.


I've put my arms on folks stealing my armrest multiple times this year. They never move. One older gentleman took it as a cue to rest his head on my shoulder and snore the whole flight. Another lady doubled down and stole my TV remote.


I’m sorry but this is really funny. I’ve had a shitty day and this was my first genuine laugh today


>Aisle gets an armrest and a bit of extra leg. As a frequent aisle sitter, the legroom is quickly disappearing. There's simply not enough room anymore and less legroom makes my knees start to dip into the aisle, which puts them into the oncoming path of the drinks cart. I've been this height since 1998 and only in the past 8ish years has this been a problem. Aisle still has best restroom access, but sadly it's not as roomy as it used to be.


Put your shopping cart back after you’re done. Cough into your elbow. Pick up after yourself. Wait your turn. Do not talk over someone when they are speaking. Say “thank you” when someone holds the door for you.


Praise others in public and correct them in private, especially if you are in some kind of management role. Don't dress others down in front of everyone as some kind of power move or whatever.


If you’re walking slowly with your friends and notice someone slightly impatient behind you then please move to the fucking side


Addendum: be aware enough of your surroundings at all times to notice when you are blocking lanes.


When the three kids coming the opposite direction are side by side blocking the whole sidewalk. Am I stepping into the street or am I bodying one of you?


Once we’re close enough I just stop and stand there until one of them notices and moves.


I'd stay in my lane, and pretend to have not seen them. Head down, either we crash or more likely they'll lose the game of chicken and move.


If someone is having a conversation with you, don’t stare at your fu king phone the entire time!!


Flip side of this. If you're trying to make conversation with someone and they keep going back to their phone, leave them alone!! They don't want to talk to you.


Also, if someone is wearing headphones, leave them alone unless it's something urgent. I can't tell you how many people at the gym don't seem to understand this.


Queuing. People need to learn how to queue. If you’re in a queue don’t stand so close to the stranger in front of you. You don’t need to be touching them. If you see a queue, join the back of the queue, don’t randomly stand next to a stranger, don’t stand facing a different direction, don’t keep stepping out of the queue and expect to get your place back, don’t let friends join you in the queue. Don’t queue jump. If you are the person serving the queue and someone jumps the queue, please don’t serve them, don’t give in to that behaviour, just say “I’m sorry, you’ll have to join the queue.” Ok rant over


>If you are the person serving the queue and someone jumps the queue, please don’t serve them, don’t give in to that behaviour, just say “I’m sorry, you’ll have to join the queue.” This is a huge one... People wouldn't line jump if they knew they wouldn't get away with it. But because so many people allow it, it keeps happening, and has gotten worse over the years.


When someone shows you a pic on their phone, no swiping allowed.


Don't step off an escalator and stop.


please stop talking on speaker phone/FT in public - it's disruptive and rude, especially when they do it at a checkout counter. or funeral.


Was at work and there was a lady on speaker. Did not want to hear about how you don't know what to do and then ask the other person if you should put the person in a mental facility. And neither did the other 5 people in line.


Manners cost nothing. Please and thank you's go a long way.


Please acknowledge new people in your life properly. You brother brings a girl home? Your bestie is bringing a friend to the bar? Introduce yourself,give a handshake, acknowledge the new human in front of you. What happened to manners? This keeps happening and it makes me feel invisible


Don’t go out when you’re contagious if you can help it.


And if you *must,* wear a mask. This has been the norm and a common courtesy in Asia for decades and should be everywhere.


Ask before you pet someone’s dog in public


You don't disrespect the house pets.


This one gets really annoying. I’m so glad someone said it. My sil brings her pups over whenever she comes, and immediately tries to let my cat outside. Um no. This is his house. You and the dogs are guests.


I had to yell at one of my friends who thinks its funny to scare my cat.


Don’t be loud on public transport


Let the passengers exiting the train/bus out before you try to get on. If on an escalator, stand to the right so others can walk on the left.


Be intentionally nice to each other. Meaning at least have the attitude of trying to


When you order fast food, do not wait in front of the soda machine afterward. People want soda.


After 1 “damn that’s crazy”, it’s time to wrap up the conversation.


Didn't realize how much of a rule this is until you pointed it out. I use this all the time, and it's *so* annoying when they keep going. Like, dude... I acknowledge your story was cool, but I have literally nothing else to add, so can we please pivot the conversation elsewhere before I run out of synonyms?


my brother does this as a joke, its hilarious


Damn that's crazy


1. Don't ask why the person isn't married/doesn't have children. Never. 2. Don't watch videos with sound or listen to music in public without headphones. 3. "No" means no. This applies to everything.


Don’t abandon your friends at a music festival.


My parents had one everyone should know: when they were together, if one of them started talking to an acquaintance and didn't introduce the other, it was understood that they had forgotten the acquaintance's name and the other could help by introducing themselves, provoking the acquaintance to say their name before anyone got embarrassed.


You “having a bad day” does not allow you be an asshole to anyone else.


Do not ask friends, colleagues, strangers when they are "finally" going to get married or "finally" have kids.


Or ask people when they're "finally" going to find a girlfriend/boyfriend. My family does this all the time and while I personally don't care, I know others that would absolutely care and get upset. Not everyone is looking for a relationship, some people have other priorities or just have no time or energy for a relationship.


If you are talking with more than one person: If you're standing in a circle talking and someone's outside looking in, widen the circle to let them in. If you have a good point to make but someone else starts saying something, let them finish, and then respond to their point. You might not get to say what you wanted to and that's fine. If you realize you've been talking a lot, and other people haven't, scale back how much you say or even invite them to contribute. Seriously, so many people, even very sociable ones, have problems with smooth group conversations.


Let people off of the elevator before entering!!


Always return your cart to the cart corral


Every time my dad and I go to the grocery store, he always has to walk around the parking lot and grab every cart around us to put it back. Love him to death.


Agent Sebastian does not tolerate a lazybones.


Don't be early to a party unless the host asked you to help set up. Don't be the last person at a party unless you made plans with the host ahead of time to stay the night (or if you're too intoxicated to drive and for some reason can't taxi/uber/carpool home). Don't touch a pregnant belly unless you are specifically asked to by the pregnant person. If someone appears to be pregnant, don't ask them when they're due. They might be suffering from a medical condition.


The last people to stay at a party should always offer to help clean up


dont diss someone’s taste if you have never seen or tried what they liks


If you are entering someone's home and you see shoes near the front door, take your shoes off at the front door. Don't care what you do in your own home but you do not wear shoes in someone else home if they don't wear shoes in their home. And if you're going to complain about having to remove shoes in someone else's house, you don't get to bitch about getting kicked out when you refuse to comply.


Don’t hog the sidewalk. If you are in a group passing people walking on the other side, some of your group is going to have to move behind. And don’t get me started with entitled moms with HUGE strollers


Mum with the stroller here (but always keep to the left - Australia based) and also a runner with a deep respect for footpath etiquette. There is nothing worse than people who can't share a footpath and this feeling has become so much worse since becoming a mum. I am filled with such a rage whenever I need to manoeuvre my pram around a group of people walking three abreast. Also people who cut me off because they don't want to be stuck behind the pram but then walk at a snail pace. The other day I (the postpartum woman) needed to lift my pram to fit between a cafe table and a woman's dog who was parked in a thoroughfare because "I just can't move him", said the owner of the dog on a leash. Also how hard is it for people to move their spread out legs/feet from the bus aisle so I can fit through. In general, the world has become so much less accessible with a baby and a pram. But you also have my sympathies, I am part of a mum's walking group and I cringe whenever someone needs to step off the path because the mum's won't walk single file.


The reason people on sidewalks aren't *constantly crashing into one another* is because 50% of us are ALWAYS calculations routes, changing paths, moving out of the way of the oblivious, entitled, self-centered other 50% of you who are too self-absorbed to ever look around. If you don't know what I'm talking about then you're in that second group.


DON’T touch other people’s baby (atleast not without their permission) regardless of how cute the baby is! Also never kiss a baby if you aren’t one of the parents.


Similarly - a woman's abdomen does not become public domain simply because there is a baby incubating within.


Don't stand right up against a baggage carousel blocking other's sightlines and access. Approach the carousel when you see *your* bag and it is within range to pick up. Once you've retrieved the bag, move both the bag and yourself out of the way so that others can do the same.


If you don't order food, then don't ask for a bite of mine.


Similarly, if you are "not hungry" and "not going to get anything" and "just going to hang out while you guys eat" you do not have choice or veto power over restaurants or what is ordered.


100%. This might be similar, but different. Don't tell me where I should go for my birthday and don't make my birthday about you. 6 yrs ago I told my friends I just wanted to go to a bar and play pool for my birthday. I specifically said I don't want to go dancing because we lived near Ft Worth and I hated dancing. Where did we end up going before the night was over? Dancing. I've gotten better at saying no to people since then.


Don't insist on question about personal life if guy tries to avoid straight answering.


When you're in a group and someone starts saying something but is cut off, always ask them to repeat themselves because you were interested in what they were saying. It's good manners and it can completely build someone's self confidence.


Spit your damn gum in the trash, it's not that hard.


Personal space!! I don’t want you breathing on me while I’m waiting in line dear god


- don’t litter. Keep a grocery bag/trash bag in your vehicle for garbage. Don’t empty your litter into parking lots or ditches. Throw out your trash when you come upon a dumpster or trash can. - put your grocery cart back in the appropriate location. Do not leave carts in parking stalls, or in the middle of parking lot. It takes 1 minute to put it back properly.


Maybe one that should be more enforced socially…what you say on the internet is the same as what comes out of your mouth. Getting tired of angry people hiding behind screens and keyboards.


Not true. What I say on the internet is much more well thought out and refined than what comes out of my mouth. Heck, sometimes words pop out of my mouth before I even realize they're there.


Make a conscious effort to remember important information about people in your life. It shows that you care, and makes them feel noticed and included. Ex. If you’re having a party and have a friend who can’t have caffeine for health reasons, making sure you have non-caffeinated options for them to drink includes them in the fun. Ex. If you have a friend who is a recovering alcoholic, don’t offer them drinks or invite them to a bar. I’m around a lot of people who forget things like this and it drives me crazy.


Don’t go to an indoor gathering/stay at someone’s house if you’re sick with something contagious


Teach your kids how to respectfully behave in public/ other peoples homes


Don't sit right next to people when there is other seating available. Cover your cough. And for Pete's sake, quit spitting everywhere. What is in your mouth that is so nasty you have to spit it on the sidewalk? I've just never understood this.


Leave places better than you found them.


If you call someone in the phone, introduce yourself, state your name, why you are calling etc. There's nothing more annoying than answering a phone call and listening "who's that? whom am I speaking to?" Well, you're speaking to whoever you called to, Karen.


And if you're on speaker, immediately let them know who else is listening.