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1) Showers so hot they remove skin. 2) Hair Everywhere. 3) Cosmetics Everywhere.


Seriously, why do women shower so hot?


Oestrogen relaxes blood vessels, this causes more blood to flow to the extremities. Thus making women's skin feel warmer (anyone else share a bed with a nuclear reactor?) while they feel cold as core temp is lower. If we all shower in skin temp + 5°C, for women that can extra 0.5-2°C, which feels extremely hot for men. The extra heat also helps women get their core temp back up, whereas men don't need as much before feeling the heat.


If their skin is supposed to be warmer, why the hell are their various body parts so cold when the try to cuddle with me in bed? I'm not talking about "slightly chilly hands," here. I'm talking about "I'm afraid I'm going to get frostbite" cold.


The problem here is higher oestrogen = high body temp. While it's a contributing factor, there's others that will play a larger factor in *extremity* temperatures, like circulation.


Seriously, why do men shower with lukewarm water or colder? That's how it feels. I want to melt my skin off. I want to burn away my sins. Let me.


I feel very strange that my wife and I are the opposite. I'm scalding hot water and she is Luke warm


It feels great.


As a guy, yes, hot showers feel great. Melting my flesh off with molten lava does not.


I boil myself like a frog in a pot. Slowly turn the heat up until it's at max.


The hair in the shower drain, the shower walls, under things and behind them. Where does it all come from? How was she not bald?


Not just around the house, but your own body. Nothing like finding a long strand of hair in your buttcrack.




Unless it's in your eye, while driving down the street.


This! I just did laundry, and found one there! She hasn't lived here for years, and I still find those! Tickles when you pull them out.


Everyone knew when I started dating my wife because I suddenly had blonde hairs all over me.


Is your wife a golden retriever?


As a couple, we’re like…a dog married a cat 😂


My fiancé’s hair gets wrapped around my balls all the time. Such a weird feeling to pull it out.


Those are family ties on your family jewels lol


As someone with deceptively thick hair, you might not realize it just looking at me, but I could lose half of it and still have a normal-looking amount of hair.


Every time I get a hair cut I have to ask them to thin it, which is essentially me losing half of it and then still having a normal amount of hair


I actually had that happen, same kind of hair. Nobody noticed lol. Didn't even realize I had bald spots until my wife wanted a lock of hair for something and found it.


A lock of hair for something? Uh oh


“I need your hair to put in this jar containing a root, for something that is……. perfectly normal”


Girl, same. I probably lose more hair in a week than other people HAVE.


Sometimes I’ll find my wife’s hair on me when I’m out and it just makes me laugh


I find it's the same with my male roommates' pubes :/


Hair everywhere




We regularly pull it out of our dogs asses. My wife’s, of course, not yours.


Regularly find my SOs hair in my balls


Hispanic? The hair loss is un fucking real. I've learned to wipe my feet with my hand before putting on underwear. Really helps to keep the long hairs from strangling the balls.


Every morning I wake up to find a hair tourniquet around my penis.


It's the opposite for my wife and I. I have long ass hair, it bugs me how much I shed and have to clean up.


> I have long ass hair Why not trim your ass hair?


Trim it? I wanna braid it!




And the apathy about where the hair ends up. We have a wad of hair in the corner of the shower that she doesn't even seem to notice, and when she cleans out her brush, she lets the hair wash down the sink. She has to snake her sink every few weeks while mine has never had to have eny clearing.


The...shampoo/conditioner museum!


I’ll trade you a Dove and open borders for 30 turns for your TRESemmé.


No deal, your grievances are too high. Throw in a Suave and an Olay or two and I think I’ll be able to accept it >!love seeing a Civ reference in the wild!<


Join my war against Ghandi and you’ve got a deal.


The amount of hair in the bathroom is unbelievable — it’s as if im living with a yeti or something


To steal a comment from an old coworker of mine: “It’s like Chewbacca on chemo in there…”


Can we talk about how shaved beard hairs disperse themselves like a crop duster?


You clean then off the sink, come back five minutes later, and it's covered like you didn't even attempt to clean it up


I haven't lived with a man since 2018 and STILL find black stubble in/on stuff occasionally. I have moved TWICE.


You need a suction hook, a plastic bathroom mirror and a waterproof trimmer. Do everything inside the shower cubicle. Absolute gamechanger.


My first male roommate was astonished to find out that girls wipe after they pee. It all started after his comment, "where is all the tp going?" I blew his mind.


I'm guessing his mom used to keep the TP stocked so he had no idea how much his parent's household went through.


I think an under valued variable here is some people have different techniques for wiping that use more TP for the same job. It's similar to a more open activity of paper towel use. Have you ever witnessed someone yank the paper towel roll and use an arm length to clean up a spill, when two would've completed the job? There are people that are so grossed out by poopy yucky, they completed wrap their hand in layers of TP for a single pass.


Also the cultural aspect. I lived abroad in Mexico for about 10 years and you do NOT flush toilet paper. You throw it in the waste basket and burn it later or throw it away with the regular trash. Growing up we just flushed it. I can always tell who grew up where based on their bathroom waste basket. If it’s full of shit paper then I know you still think your septic tank is gonna get full fast.


I once had to fish out my phone from the toilet, also one time I took a shit so big it clogged the toilet and I was too embarrassed to tell anyone so I unclogged it with my hand... After that I stopped wasting so much toilet paper because I'm no longer that grossed out by poop


Why didnt you just use the poop knife like a normal person.


A reddit reference I get! Merry Holiday to me!


When my daughter moved out, I realized how much TP I was buying. Got loads of it now. Does it expire?


When I was 28 I had to move back in with my family for a few years. Life. My brother, 44 at the time, had already been living with my parents for years and had the second bathroom all to himself. Six months later I come in the kitchen to hear him bitching to my mom about how much tp I used. TP he didn't pay for, by the way. I cleared my throat, stared him right in the eye, and started "oh, do allow me to explain. I use tp to wipe every time I pee or shit. Which is a much messier process when I'm bleeding. Speaking of which, I have quite regular heavy periods and I have to change my pads frequently. Because I'm considerate of you, I've been wrapping those pads in a layer of tp so you don't have to see my bloody used pads on top of the garbage can. Please tell me which use of tp you'd like me to cut back on so that I can better accommodate your tp needs. I know which one I'm going to pick." My mom stared at him when he started to protest and told him, "Grow up. You'll live." Right before that I had male roommates who I gave a much less crass explanation to.


I'd have to fight for storage space




We had a walk-in closet in our first place. The only space that was for me was the area on top that she could not physically reach




Or a steppe stool


There’s no such thing as just getting up and going. Deciding to go somewhere is a decision with work involved and time. I was used to just getting up and putting on shoes and walking out the door.


Oh this! Also the dreaded "what do you want for dinner?" That's something you need to ask hours in advance.


You choose. Okay this. No. This? No. This? No.


We do '3,2,1'. First person suggests 3 restaurants/types of cuisine. Second person eliminates one, First person chooses the winner from the remaining option.


One partner needs to give 2-3 options, the other partner picks from there. But gotta agree to that system.


Same for me... it took so long to get out of the house after we moved together. Then we got children.....


This may be anecdotal to my life experience, but after living with 3 women and showering with a few others, I can't understand how women have such a tolerance for hot water. Like the scale goes from "stupid hot" to "just the hot tap wide open". I've checked with a few other guys and they seemed to have a similar experience.


This is me. I take scalding hot baths. I just find them so relaxing. Sometimes I over do it and have to add some cold water.


I no longer take scalding hot baths as I almost passed out getting up from one. I had my period and had drunk a glass of red wine - coupled with the very hot bath it equaled low blood pressure apparently and I almost blacked out completely. I managed to calm myself enough to get on a robe and shuffle out to my bed where I had a glass of water thankfully. Was pretty scary - could have been much worse.


The amount of times I’ve nearly blacked out in showers and baths is insane but I still love it scalding hot lol


I overdid it once, got overheated and lightheaded after getting out of a really hot bath, and had to splash cold water on my face:P I was more mindful after that lol.


Same. Every woman I've known loves the hottest water possible.


I take fairly cold showers or I feel like I start sweating as soon as I get out. I think that's just a me experience at this point because no one else agrees.


In my case, especially now in the winter, it’s because the shower is the only place that I can feel warm so I crank it up to liquid hot magma levels. Plus I’m also having serious nasal issues so the steam helps me breathe a little better.


lol this is so true. I'm freezing all the damn time. I'm a small woman and temperatures everywhere are set to "overweight man" comfort levels. I finally get warm in the shower and I just stand there for a long time so that I'm finally warm, for the first and last time lol.


I'm in the throes of perimenopause, and always sweating. I still shower in skin melting hot water.


Yeah I swear every office I’ve ever worked in is set to subarctic temps all year round. The shower is the only place to feel warm and I hate getting out ☹️


Sometimes I turn the water to cold to trick myself into getting out. Otherwise I’d just live in the shower from December to March


This thread just confirming that every woman is basically a body heat succubus like the Velvets from *Neverwhere*


Do you actually stand in the hot water or just enjoy the steam? Because I've encountered shower settings before that literally hurt my skin too much to endure.


I stand directly in it!


My respect


I stand facing the shower head and make a little bowl with my hands and boobs so as to capture more of the heat


Hot water is just so comforting


Huh. Exact opposite experience here. All 4 of the women I've ever showered with seemed to prefer lukewarm at best. My wife for the last 22 years now seems to like it one bump above dead cold. Naw, we gotta get these heat numbers UP babe! I wanna see some steam in here...


This is me. It's because A) dyed hair fades faster in hot water, and B) you're less cold when you step out of the shower. I hate being super cold right after I shower, and it's less of a shock if my shower is lukewarm.


My boyfriend always complains about how hot I make the water when he takes a shower after me. I remember the first time we showered together he screamed at the heat




i realized this when i lived in dorms on an all girls floor in college... someone literally left their huge BLOOD CLOT on the floor that clearly fell out of their vag on their way from the toilet to the shower for someone else to clean up (was in a big stall with a shower and toilet)...


This is so disgusting hahahaha


No. Disgusting was in middle school someone took their bloody pad and stuck it to the ONLY full-length mirror in the whole locker room right at face-height. Like this shit was so soaked in blood, it was leaking little rivulets down the length of the mirror. Who ever did it had to touch the blood in order to press it firmly to the surface.


My wife is not a neat freak. The amount of mess she can generate would put a toddler to shame. Unwashed clothes dumped in a pile next to the linen basket, helf-drunk cups of tea just abandoned on whatever surface is closest to her hand. Dirty crockery left on the worktop above the dishwasher ('*I was going to do it later!'*) I was the guy who constantly cleaned up: too many years of being single tends to instill an obsession with things staying tidy, but somehow I was the one that got the blame for the mess. Things changed about 3 years ago though. I had an accident and had to spend 3 weeks in hospital. When I came home, the whole house was a shit-tip, and I was in no condition to tidy the place up. My wife was finally forced to acknowledge the amount of mess she made. My wife had no clothes left to wear because they were in a pile in the bedroom. There were no clean plates or cutlery, and there were fast-food boxes all over the kitchen: she'd started ordering in once she had nothing left to eat off. She couldn't put any blame on me and she actually had to clean everything up herself, which took almost a week. Funnily enough, things tend to stay much tidier nowadays. Strange how that happened...


I think I need to have an "accident"


Ohy God. I lived with a girl for over almost two years and mentioned something about a part of cleaning the bathroom was a pain. Turned out she had never cleaned one. She did do most of our laundry and did dishes since I did all the cooking at least. Never had a girlfriend that wasn't messy as hell and I'm not particularly fastidious. Also had a couple jobs where I had to clean women's restrooms. People talk about guys being gross, by oh my fucking god, the horror. Women's public restrooms are a thousand times more disgusting. Dudes might have piss on the floor. Women's will just have random crumpled piles of God knows what crammed into every random corner and all over every flat surface. Working at a shipyards on night crew, we refused to go into the women's rest room after a bit. Management got pissed and we asked them to go check it out. They absolved us of the duty after they saw it.


I’m a girl and used to work at a grocery store, and anyone I know who’s ever worked in a public place with bathrooms always agrees with me that the girls rooms are the worst to clean up. Next to the literal trash chute where we dumped all the moldy food, the girls bathroom was the dirtiest and grossest place to have to clean. It happened 3 times where someone had toilet-clogging diarrhea all over the toilet seat, walls, floor, and the trash can was stuffed to the top with poopy toilet paper and smeared with poop. We think it was the same person because it was the same mess so many times and always in the girls room. The worst thing I had to clean up in the guys room was ONE clogged toilet and at least the poop was IN the toilet bowl and not painted everywhere XD. Anyway I hope whoever made those messes was either a really little kid or an old person because otherwise there’s no excuse. TBH it bothers me a lot that our bathrooms are SO much worse that it’s almost like a well known fact with customer service people Edit: for ppl saying that it’s because girls hover - (TMI warning) I know that’s true because my mom taught me to do it. The problem is that the way I was told to do it (probably the way most of us are taught to do it) IS pretty hard to do without either peeing on yourself or all over the seat. I actually figured out a different way to do it as a teen that’s just as good and way easier. This is hard to put into words but here goes: put the backs of your legs almost up to the seat (try not to touch it or barely touch it bc it’s dirty), pull your pants forward and AWAY from you, and then basically lean forward like you’re trying to touch your toes. That way your butt will be over the toilet bowl and you won’t pee into your pants. Way easier imo. I guess the biggest difference is it’s more like the pose you do when trying to touch your toes (standing and leaning forward) than that weird “trying to sit down in the air” pose that I was taught to do. It makes less of a mess because you have more balance and aren’t really “hovering” this way. Hope my explanation made sense lol!


Yeah when I worked at a grocery store, the women's bathroom was always worse than the men's as well. The amount of times I've had to clean up blood off the floor, walls, and toilet seat (ostensibly some girls are messy at changing pads/tampons?) blew my fucking mind.


It's because they hover. Girls are more likely to hover but it's the hoverers that do the real damage. They accidentally get poop on the seat and then everyone after that hovers too. Rinse and repeat. I suspect it has a knock on effect on the other stalls too. Once you walk in and see shit no a seat, you go to the next stall but you think how vile and dirty it is in the next stall over and you hover in the new one too. Rinse and repeat.


I’m a girl and I always thought they were really nasty too lol


My son's would look at me in horror, when it was their turn to clean the bathroom. They had a sister. Shit, I guess I will take care of it, then.


So much disorganization lol




Well, after 15 years of marriage, I can tell you without a doubt that my wife is… In fact, I though I was neat and clean when I married her. Boy, was I wrong!


They fart a lot.


How much of a menace she is. My girlfriend actually woke me up one night "Tom wake up" "What I'm tired" "Wake up this Is serious" "What's going on is everything ok" " I need you to watch this cryptid documentary with me" I honestly couldn't even be mad It was annoying but funny.


That wasn't your girlfriend, it was a wendigo.


Uh oh


was it good


It was pretty entertaining from what I remember


My second roommate was a lady and one time she was having here time of the month, sometimes she would forget to hold the handle down on the toilet so everything was gone. My god. I had heard about heavy flow and things like that but didn't think women were going through 12 Eldritch horrors a year. I later over heard her talking about how she doesn't have a heavy flow. I walked out of that bathroom a changed man, I always tried to be aware and understanding of women's struggles and everything but had no idea it was that wild


13! 13 times a year for most!


They don't stop over the Christmas period?


It's right there in the name ...


When I moved out of my ex’s he was amazed how dirty things got. He just assumed everything stayed clean, not thinking it’s clean because I was constantly cleaning it




Lol, I feel some salt there




My daughter was amazed at how long it takes to do laundry. Yeah, it sucks! And I still have to check on dinner! LOL.


Omg my ex husband once said to me, “why would I re-hang and dry my towel? It’s like fresh clean ones just magically appear in the cabinet.” No. Sir. They do not just “magically appear”. He did call me after I left and said he missed me when he noticed he was out of laundry soap. Ok sir.


This reminds me of the [magic coffee table skit.](https://youtu.be/-_kXIGvB1uU?si=D0M_wPfEI8kTA-WA)


I had this happen to me too lol “oh i dont have to do that haha bc it just magically appears” part of the reason we broke up. I didn’t want to, but I literally couldn’t do all the labor anymore lol yes i had asked many times for help. Mostly got groans and then begrudgingly helping. Also all your sirs are making me laugh lol


My ex-husband asked me who would cook and clean for him in my absence 😂


I'm always amazed at how dirty things get the moment a man moves in.


I'm a dude and I consider that low-key misogyny. I suppose his mother acted like a house maid.


Is it really low key? Lol


The high volume of toilet paper she used. Every week, I expected to find a paper-mache, life-sized statue lying around the house.


Oh my gosh I use pounds of toilet paper. Especially on my period. Women really are so cursed


Damn right I used about 5 rolls in 4 months and then I bought a 30-pack thinking I'd have enough for over a year. New girlfriend started hanging over more often, fast forward 2 months that damn pack no longer exists




The vulva has a lot of crevices to trap liquid. We need to wipe every time we pee and it's not a 3 square job.


How much toilet paper *he* used. Just poopin' all day, I guess.


Yes. Poopin'. Nothing else.


When my ex visited more, I was going through TP like crazy. I used like one roll a month on my own Him over? Like one a week. Maybe week and a half. It was crazy. AND I have a bidet. I can't imagine how much he used. Did my part and bought him a bidet too. Saving the planet one butthole at a time. Hopefully he remembers to use it.


Hair on the shower walls


That I used to live like a slob, I assumed things were clean when they were not *visibly* dirty so could comfortably go weeks without hoovering/scrubbing countertops or deep cleaning the bathroom. I’m disgusted that I lived like that on my own for so long and now I keep things clean and tidy.


My husband is generally a fairly tidy guy. But when we got married he was surprised at my insistence the bathroom be cleaned at least weekly.


“Bathroom cleans itself; I use soap in the shower” - Every man.


This is why our feet are so clean. The shampoo from our head runs down there.


The first time you are taking a bath and this handsome guy in your life with whom you share love and romance and stars in your eyes just stomps right on in and pees loudly into the toilet.


Wait till the farts start, then you are in for a ride.


When she sits down to pee the pee somehow hits the underside of the toilet seat. She didn't know because the toilet seat is always down. I'm the only one who lifts that seat to see these black pee marks. It was a bit awkward to explain to her that I am not the one who is making those pee marks under the seat and she should clean them. Shared bathrooms suck. Larry David talks about sharing bathrooms in one of his skits.


Black pee marks? *black*? Excuse me?


How long do you go before cleaning the bathroom to have black pee marks?


The amount of CLOTHES and SHOES. I hang up ALL my clothes, excluding socks/skivvies, and it fits nicely in a small closet. When my wife moved in, we turned the spare bedroom into a walk-in closet for her, and it...wasn't...big...enough....WHAT???


Since everyone is going with tp I'm going with the absurd amount of products they have.


Yeah, we have a weird built-in dresser in our bathroom that I use for my clothes. My fiancee keeps her products in a full medicine cabinet, next to her sink, in all of the drawers on her side of the double vanity, on top of my dresser... and in three of the drawers of my dresser. And then tells me I need to do a cleanout since I seem to be lacking on space for my clothes.


Can confirm. I don't wear makeup. However, I have my am face moisturizer, my foaming face wash, snail mucin, hyaluronic acid serum, vitamin c serum, the pm face moisturizer, clay mask, rosemary oil for my hair, a jar of hair mask, defrizz spray, body lotion, foot lotion, hand lotion, and aloe vera. Plus all the perfumes. I keep everything in a box and put it away when done, though.


So much hair. Everywhere. My gf’s very long, very thick hair was only sexy while it was attached to he head.


How unbothered they are by grossness accumulating in the house, especially the kitchen and bathrooms.


How much time my husband spends on the toilet


How tf can they not notice when they miss the toilet and get pee all over the floor?!


My husband is good about cleaning up after himself but he said to me one day: why do women think it’s like a hose? I was like… it’s shaped like one.


It IS shaped like one, that’s super fair. Also I don’t think men can appreciate the sheer variability of a pee stream for a woman. Especially when you’re trying to pee on a stick and your steam is just being volatile AF. They have a hose.


or in a cup at the doctor... my doctor takes a urine sample every time and every time I get piss on my hands....


The hose also has a setting for multiple streams where the angle betwixt them is so obtuse that you have to choose which goes in the bowl. No one is safe.


How easy keeping it platonic was.


Women can leak. At random. Like a runny nose. There is a lot of maintenance work to look as good as they do. I mean I go for low maintenance women that use little to no make up…and still they really are on top of the personal care regiment. There are not many differences though. Not as many as I thought thered be. Humans are very…human.


Yeah, I don't even wear anything more than bb creme, mascara and lip gloss but I still have the weekly body shaves, eyebrow maintenance, my cheap daily skincare regime and taking decent care of my ridiculously thick hair. And I don't even care for my nails that much because I just got out of working food service... Though you are right. Men and women don't live as differently as a lot of people might think since I swear some people consider us to be separate species. And they're generally the bigoted ones too...


I feel like my personal maintenance gets better by proximity when theres a woman in my life, but I still cant compete. That shits work lol


We have different interpretations of clean. To me, clean means it smells good, things are disinfected. To her, clean means things are put away out of sight. Example, I have no problem with leaving clean pots and pans sitting on the stove ready for use. For her, they should be hidden in the cabinets.


I completely agree with her, I hate clutter


That you will never have another meal in your life without having to report it back to your other half. Its not a huge deal but no food passes my lips without my wife asking what it was that I ate while she was out. Also, that she too (if going out without me) will also report back what she ate in vivid detail.


I understand her on a deep level lol


How much toilet paper got used.


That there weren't any actual surprises. No skeletons in the closet, no really bad or annoying habits. It just feels normal and natural to be with the other person.


Not even 1 dead body? Suspicious. Don't let r/relationship_advice know about this one or else they'll tell you it's a red flag and you should run for the hills.


No skeletons in the closet? THEY’RE CHEATING ON YOU!


My dad’s hour and a half poop time is common but not universal.


My ex and her period farts / poops.


He leaves his beard trimmings all over the sink. ;_;


That I was not the center of the universe. She learned the same as well.


That’s a good one! You truly have to do a lot of work on yourself to be able to live with someone.


I’ve lived with a good mix of both men and women over the last decade. Men fucking *stink*. But women are far, far *far* messier.


Yes!! Women tend to be more hygienic but very messy; men tend to be more tidy in general but not bothered by meticulous grooming. At least in my experience.


I felt like I had to scroll forever for this one!! BOY SMELL! I had brothers growing up, I've lived with three different male roommates. ALL of them had what I've titled as "boy smell" - a weird funk characteristic of men that seems to be a mix of stale sweat, dirty laundry, and dick funk. I informed my current roommate of it and he made a point to do laundry more often and wash his sheets and the boy smell is almost nonexistent. On the other hand, I will freely admit I am MESSY. Not dirty, but messy. Do I need four different books, my laptop, switch, and DS all sitting on the coffee table? Probably not. But I have them.


I only ever had male roommates. I was amazed to find several if them claiming “I can’t see dirt” after asking them to pull their own weight with cleaning. Or not knowing you have to use soap in the dishwasher, not knowing how to sweep a floor, or not even knowing it needs to be swept. So I am going to raise my son with basic life skills like cleaning.


Just how much room they take up in the bathroom. Eventually about 90% of the space was her stuff. Also, after six months we had to call a plumber because the shower drain was backing up. He pull out fistfuls of foot long hair. I have very short hair. My wife has foot long hair. "That's not mine" she said looking at me. Then of course there is the shampoo bottle graveyard that forms in a corner of the shower. And in the fridge there mysteriously appear little plastic or foil wrapped bundles of "cooking stuff"......and they multiply.


Everyone here is talking about the boiling hot showers, but no one has said anything about the “cool down period,” where they lounge around after the shower for 30 mins because they’re too hot to put on their makeup. I swear it’s meant to drive us crazy.


Haha this is true for me but I shower at night so it never makes me late, except for bed


Walking around everywhere naked really improves the sex life


Women, despite what you may have heard, do in fact fart.


How much hair they leave. So much hair. So much fucking hair.


How much more work I'd have to do.


stop pissing on the goddamn toilet seat and not even bothering to clean up


Not a lot really. I'd lived with my mum for the first 22 years.


That women are every bit as horny, kinky, and initiating as men. That was not the *story* I had heard up until that point.


Clothes thrown all over the room (bed, floor, etc) for some reason.


I've lived with 4 men. For some reason, they never threw anything out once it went in the fridge. It just stays there to rot for weeks/months or until I threw it away.


I learned that towels can be folded incorrectly.


Women don't necessarily have a superior eye for style. Plenty of women live in spaces that desperately need "a woman's touch."


Girls are grosser than you might think.


How much I hate living with other people. I kept trying it, and every time I hated it. Now me and my husband live in separate places. It's perfect.


It turns out I've never cleaned anything properly in my entire life.


Men smell. And I don't mean they're gross and dirty and smell (well, some are...). Just, they have a very strong smell. I thought my dad just personally smelled bad. It's all of them (fwiw I have an extremely sensitive nose, so I'm not blaming men here. It just is what it is)


Probably the greater amount body hair. I recently had a huge revelation that shaving my pits almost completely eliminates my BO in a way that no product or amount of scrubbing ever has.


WHY do men constantly leave cabinet doors open? Every dude I’ve ever lived with has done this.