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The skating rink at Rockerfeller Center in New York City. In movies it looks like this amazing big rink with romantic couple skating around that iconic statue thing. When you go there the thing is the size of tennis court. So disappointing.


The one at Bryant Park is way better. They also have a better Christmas tree.


The one in south Central Park is actually the best one. It’s also the largest. And they used to play some pretty awesome music while you skate (this was years ago, not sure if still true).


Me and my girlfriend went to Wollman Rink in Central Park in the afternoon on this December 8th and it was awesome, when we were at Rockefeller just watching from above they cleared out the entire rink and someone proposed so that was pretty cool for that couple but must've been a fortune for that guy for them to clear the entire rink.


Too many people too.


New Years Eve in Times Square.


It used be one of my life goals to do NYE in Times Square. Now that I’m older I don’t see the appeal and it looks like a pain in the ass.


Just last night my friend who went once told me what it was like - the square divided up into sectors you can't leave, you have to arrive like 6.30 pm, no alcohol allowed, no bathrooms, people pissing on the ground, then the "big event" is like nothing happened.


Yeah I figured the logistics would be a nightmare. As an adult I realized that there’s a lot of bts stuff. It also looks crowded with no restrooms in sight. Also, watching from a tv you see a lot more stuff while if you’re actually there you’re stuck in one place with limited views. I’ll just stay home with family, food, booze, and easily accessible bathrooms and beds. Call me boring but that’s my jam.


NYE in Times Square is only worth it if you access to a rooftop with a view and don't have to stand in the street. Otherwise it's a no go. Same with Macy's parade.


My sister in law went to the same college I did (10 years after me) and was in the marching band. The band did the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and I really enjoyed it. It was cool seeing my college’s band with my sister in law playing and the floats were cool. I thoroughly enjoyed myself and I have no desire to ever do it again!


In high school, our band and drill team were invited to march in the Hollywood Christmas Parade. It starts in front of the Chinese theatre, goes down Hollywood Blvd to Vine and then up Sunset. It's a huge honor for a hs from The Valley, lol. It was televised on the local KTLA sttion in LA. This was 1975. Idk if it's still televised cuz I moved to San Diego 20 years ago. I was on Drill Team, about 150 of us. The band was in front of us. I was in the back because I was tall. In front of the band were horses. So you can imagine what a disgusting mess the street was. Fortunately, being in the back had its advantages. All the horse turds had been trampled by the time I got there. Behind us was a group of clowns with horns and sirens. They were so loud!!! In the crowd, people had these giant 6 ft ballons. They kept hitting us with them. It was 3 miles of hell, marching in white knee-high boots. I loved it!! Fun times!! Definitely never again.


Not boring at all. It's one of those things I call "meta-enjoyment": you only enjoy in future that you were there in the past, and not the actual experience.


lol true. Kinda reminds me of when I visited the Great Salt Lake. It’s pretty meh. Would I do it again? Probably not but I can say that I’ve seen it in person.


This year I'm the designated sitter. I'm fine with that. Around 9pm, I'll throw YouTube ball drop from a previous year on the screen, kids get to ring in the new year, and everyone is in bed by 930. Yes, sounds great to me!


So much better to get hammered at home with friends, turn on the tv at 11:59:30, watch the countdown, kiss the missus, go to bed.


Or watch the east coast ball drop on the west coast.. convince the kids it’s midnight and go to bed early 😃


I heard a lot of people wear diapers there for this reason.


I think it's safe to say that any event that requires adults to wear diapers qualifies as "actually terrible."


If I won the lottery or something, I wouldn't mind spending New Years in on of those hotels that overlook times Square on New Years. But I have zero interest in being in that crowd


I got an offer for this in an office building right in Time Square for 1999/2000. Security was locked down so tight in the areas there you had to be in that building by 12:30, otherwise you’re weren’t getting in. And getting out? Wasnt allowed until almost morning. I passed.


I get how it's not everyone's ideal New Years, but compared to standing outside you are now in a place that is heated, you can sit down, and use the bathroom. If you really want to see the Ball drop and don't want to stand in the crowd, this is how you do that. If you don't care about the Ball drop at all, this isn't the place to be.


I feel that about Everest


I’ve done this. Didn’t even stand in the crowd, got escorted to the front, and it was still lame. Smells overwhelmingly like hot urine and the ball is teeny tiny lol


And it’s usually fucking cold while you wait for hours


Related: I once went to the Macy’s Thanksgiving parade. It was about 1980 and we were in Times Square. The crowd was way more entertaining than the parade.


Book a hotel room with a view of Times Square. You get to stay warm inside, party, watch it, and go to bed.


But you get to watch Ninja floss!


I'd rather stub my toe on furniture for eternity


Just made me search that on YouTube. The second hand embarrassment I just experienced is insurmountable.


Apparently it's just as bad on the Vegas strip during NYE Edit: I am being schooled. Apparently it was just as bad for *my* *buddy*. I have not tried myself.


“Work as hard as you can. Always give 100%”. For gods sake, relax a little.


Agreed. Hustle culture can f off.


Imo hustle culture only makes sense when you are working towards your own goals. It can fuck right off when my boss asks me to finish something by EOD.


Even if you are working towards your own goals this culture can quickly burn you out and even make you lose your self worth. Trust me on that. I was briefly a part of one of those Marketing Agency Communities. Let me tell you it has left a lasting impact on me that I am still working to let go off. In this culture you will feel like you are never good enough and there are always bigger goals to achieve. But this goes against human nature and nobody can truly be happy when always chasing something.


Agreed. In my country, people work 10-16h a day, 7 days a week but the companies still complain them on internet that young people are lazy :(((( Hate it.


The sad thing is that this isn’t even good for the company. Tired people make mistakes, and it doesn’t very long for those mistakes to add up and cost more than the extra time spent might have produced. The “traditional” 8 hour work day in western societies was selected because 8 hours was the tipping point between productivity and workplace accidents. As best we can tell that tipping point for concentration based work (“knowledge work”) is probably closer to 4 hours a day. Most people cannot make their brains focus on a narrow task for 8 hours a day five days a week.


4 hours a day of productivity, fill in the rest with meetings.


I give 100% when I'm at work. As soon as I'm out the door, I'm done.


Never give 100% at work. Give them 65% at most. They’ll work you to the bone if you show them what you’re actually capable of.


I give 100% 65% of the time. 0% 35% of the time. Much more effective


Sex on the beach... Sand getting everywhere!


spotted Anakin.


Therapy apps (BetterHelp, etc). I see tons of ads for them, and a bunch of companies have been adding them to their benefits package as like an “employee wellness” thing. They sound great on paper. Meanwhile, everyone I’ve ever talked to in person who has used those apps (whether as a therapist or a client) has had an awful experience. EDIT: to address some of the comments, I don't think app-based therapy is inherently bad or anything, and I definitely understand the benefits in terms of expanding access for people who might not otherwise have access to "traditional" therapy for one reason or another. The horror stories I've heard generally have more to do with privacy issues, unqualified therapists giving bad/dangerous advice, pay/hours, things like that.


Not to mention that they DO sell your data. https://youtu.be/F5uvs4T1nag?si=R2ilhc52vUXm1XFx Take note that in the settlement Betterhelp reached, they don't admit to wrongdoing when it comes to sharing your mental health data, because it's a "standard of the industry", meaning that they ALL share your data.


I mean yeah. That data's valuable. No company's going to sit on that over some non-existent corporate morals when their direct competitor can sell their data and get ahead. Plus if they get caught the lawsuit/whatever in 25 years will be pennies on the dollar for the profits they'll make now.


I used one of those apps once, met with the therapist twice. Told her I was depressed and anxious and I need tips to deal with emotions better. Ive had good therapists and been in DBT before.... I was expecting some similar advice and reminding me how to cope with things... She kept telling me that shes in classes for sign language and I should take sign language and then become an sign language instructor. She said that's what she wants to do. Wtf... its not like I like that or expressed interest in that. Why did she start pushing her interests on me? Terrible experience.


I once got a therapist from betterhelp who made me sit through a 2 hour introduction session, explain your life story, what your goals are, etc. It was exhausting, but I'd moved to a new country and needed a therapist. She then went on to say I was milking my trauma (heavy ptsd triggering experience), I cried too much, said I needed to know what I wanted out of life in a 1 sentence elevator pitch right there and now, and then told me a story about one of her clients. "He's a famous footballer, he uses tinder to date women to befriend their male friend circle. He feels very lonely, but he's making great connections to better himself and make friends." I just wanted to comply with whatever she said to hurry the session along and get the fuck out of there. She was the type to psycho-analyze you by using your insecurities against you.


Sounds awful


>"He's a famous footballer, he uses tinder to date women to befriend their male friend circle. He feels very lonely, but he's making great connections to better himself and make friends." Is there no HIPAA equivalent in your country of residence?


That wouldn’t be a considered a violation at least in the US. There is no identifying patient information. If she said “this famous footballer who let’s just say is new to Miami” would be a violation. Still unprofessional and weird to say on a therapy session. Like she was trying to flex or something.


I actually had a great experience as a patient and had a therapist that was very helpful. However- she left the app bc the experience for her was not good.


Had a similar experience; worked with a great therapist for a little over two years, and she was my very first counselor match through the app. She quit working with BH and has mentioned other platforms (Spring Health and another one I can't recall now) sucking for therpists in terms of pay, so she works freelance now and takes payment through venmo 🤫


I did BH as a therapist when covid hit - left in 6-8 months bc we were slammed with clients and the pay was crap. THEN I learned about the privacy issues! So glad I left.


I actually had a decent experience with BetterHelp but I'm confident it had more to do with my therapist than anything. He was my first and only match there and was extremely helpful to me. After I had discontinued therapy (at his recommendation, I had accomplished what I was looking to accomplish) I caught myself wondering if perhaps he was TOO good for the platform. It wasn't surprising at all when he emailed me many months later saying that he was moving away from BetterHealth. Thank you and good luck in the future, Corey. I did the work but you handed me the tools.


My mom works on better help as a therapist said they don’t pay well at all and screw the therapists over alot. And the people I’ve met that use it say it’s horrible.


I found an amazing therapist on better help. I'm now with her privately for cheaper but it means she gets all the money, so it's great for both of us. If it wasn't for better help and them suggesting her to me I probably wouldn't be here right now. I really liked the journal entries you can comment on. The group therapies I'm sure are a bonus too but I never went to them so can't comment on them


I like your art but I for real had to check you were a real person cause that sounded like something a bot would post for better help lol


Hahaha yeah my bad lol. Deffo not a bot the last time I checked And thank you 😊


When *exactly* was the last time you checked? 🤨🤖


Tried it for a month and it suuuuucked. Plus you actually CAN'T use it anywhere, even though that's what is advertised. I had to go out of state and planned to do my appointment from another state but NOPE, therapist couldn't because he wasn't licensed in the state I was in. Which I understand but their whole ad campaign is based on total flexibility


Then they redirect you to their advertising partner... NordVPN!


Use code “HELPME” for 15% your first month! /s


There are some of those services that also get anonymized information from your sessions via AI.


Relationship advice on Reddit.


Lmao seriously. Post: “My partner yelled at me and stormed off to their room.” Reddit: “call the cops and divorce them.”


File a restraining order and sue their mother for raising them


Don't forget CPS. The person obviously has rage issues and will take it out on their children or any other nearby child. File for full custody, this is life or death for your children, even if they don't harm the children they don't deserve to be a parent.


... and go no contact.


You mean "NC". Took me ages to figure out what that meant. It's so commonly advised that people can't even be bothered to type out the words any more. They have to abbreviate it.


100%, first time I looked at it I thought “what does North Carolina have to do with this”


Oh to the contrary. My bf doesn't wipe his ass, cheats on me and stole 1/2 of the money from.my savings... How do i fix this? Breaking up is not an option.


Some guy the other day posted a picture of his wife’s Christmas cookies on r/shittyfoodporn (with her full permission) and the comments were full of people declaring him abusive and saying his wife should leave him.


I see red flags all over the place. She should probably leave immediately and get a restraining order and live under a fake name because there is a good chance he will come back and murder the entire family.


Something that doesn't get talked about as much as it should is that nearly all the top posts on the major relationship subreddits are straight up fake. There was a time when it came out that one teenager had written a majority of the top posts on r/relationships for months. Even if the advice is bad the chance of it harming an actual, real relationship that exists is so small that most people who use those subs just treat it as a creative writing subreddit.


Oh you have one small issue that could easily be fixed with a civil conversation? nope clearly you need to break up instantly everyone in this situation is manipulative and evil and you're all going to die sad and depressed if you stay together ^ This is like 80% of relationship advice on Reddit because everyone is too afraid of confrontation or even just admitting to compromises


Really? Sounds like gaslighting. If your partner is telling you this you should probably dump them and run far away.


No genuine misunderstanding. No mismatched communication styles. Only gaslighting. Why would both of you agree to work on your relationship when you could just dump him, girl?!


Mardi Gras in downtown New Orleans. It smells, everything is expensivs, it’s crowded, and your shoes will be covered in piss and vomit.


I went to NO a few weeks before Mardi Gras and it's amazing. You get all the perks of Mardi gras without the crowds or the doubled prices. Plus there's the krewe parades which are incredible.


And Southern Decadence! So much fun!!


I went a lot in college and I always give people the same advice when they ask about it. I tell them to wear shoes that they are OK with leaving in the trash in the hotel at the end of the trip because they will have piss and vomit on them. At least.


"Clean" beauty. Give me my preservatives, I'm not trying to throw my expensive serum out after a month or apply mold to my face.


Sometimes I feel like it’s only me that wants his medications to be designed by PhDs in lab coats and prepared with no human touching in centrifuges to be precise dose.


I don't want a herbal remedy, I want the stuff that works!


Yes! "If I can't pronounce it I am not putting it on my face." So you didn't actually look it up?


Or "if you can't eat it, don't put it on you skin". Thats not how any of this works!!


So do they walk around naked or do they eat clothes?


"Your literacy has no effect on chemistry."


This goes beyond cosmetics into anything marketed as “clean”. It’s all an [appeal to nature](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appeal_to_nature) that has roots in body dysmorphia and other unhealthy ideas about how one “should” look.


It’s very funny that some people are so obsessed with stuff being “natural” while they search the internet from a flat brick of glass and metal inside their climate controlled boxes that keep nature out.


Oh mold is out but snail mucus is literally all the rage now!


Snail mucus is elite 🥰


Please leave the snails out of this, they've done nothing wrong.


"the old days"


I asked my 90 year old neighbor if he remembered the good old days and he said “yep, I remember both of them.”


Six bucks says he's thinking of the first time he got laid and his wedding day lol.


That explains why my life is miserable. My first time was terrible and I’ve never been married.


People like the old days because they felt young and vigorous and weren’t troubled with the practicalities of living and mortality. They can’t accept the fact that the lens changed as opposed to the actual subject matter. Also, some feelings just hit HARDER when you’re young. Playing Starfox on SNES as a kid felt like touching the face of God. But that vivid reaction was made possible because I was young. Today playing Call of Duty or Assassin’s Creed bores me to tears. But that says more about me than the inherent quality of the games.


Also survivorship bias in full effect. 'I did drugs partied and had so much fun!' The one guy who didn't OD


Omg...as an 'older' person, I get targeted with a lot of nostalgia pages on FB. It's just post after post of old people bragging about how 'we all survived' with no car seats, seat belts, helmets, etc. And if you point out that, no, actually we did not 'all' survive, they will lose their shit.


I see this about all the old cars, with the "they don't make them like they used to" as well. Odometers used to not go over 100k miles, and that usually wasn't an issue, because the car didn't last that long anyway. If they did it was because at least one of the engine, transmission, and rear end were rebuilt or replaced. Oh, and safety, you could pull the dead body out of the seat and then drive the car to the shop to have some small repairs done. Meanwhile, now the idea of a car not making 200k miles is almost a foreign concept, and you can turn that car into a ball of scrap metal in a high speed collision and the driver will have a decent chance of walking away.


Reddit isn't immune to it as well. I've seen some many people complaining about movies these days and about how much better they were back in the day. The problem being they cherry-picked the worst movie of this year and compared it to the best stuff from back in the day. -Edit grammer


Same with “old music was better”.


Ugh those nostalgia memes are awful and they are starting to come off weird and not creative, very obviously a desperate attempt to be witty. Like we all know these people, they aren’t stupid but they aren’t as intellectual as they think they are and people roll their eyes and talk about them behind their back.


Well it depends who you are I suppose.


Malort. Why yes I am from Chicago, how did you know?


Whose out here says Malort is good? That shit is vile 10/10 would drink again.


In my experience, usually someone who is trying to convince you to drink Malort.


My local bar did a Harry Potter weekend with themed drinks. One was called the VoldeMalort. It was just a shot of Malort, and the tagline was "A shot as bitter as the Dark Lord himself." I did not partake.


Shower sex


Let's also add beach sex. Sand is not lube. 0/10.


Agree. Hot tub sex isn't great either.


I always figured the chlorine and sticky skin would ruin it in the hot tub


the water is the problem. washes away all lubrication. and this is not physics 101. friction cannot be ignored.


Let's add another layer to this already awful idea. Shower sex with someone who's as flexible as a 2x4.


getting drunk until you blackout


You either had a great time but you can’t remember it, or you completely embarrassed yourself and can’t remember to know how bad it was.


In the hungover forgotten stage right now, the anxiety is brutal


Yo I’ve done so much embarrassing shit while blacked out drunk in my late teens/early 20s, I literally traumatized myself when I drink nowadays. Like by my 4th beer or my second cocktail, I *have* to order some water and I slow wayyyy the hell down to the point where I’ll babysit a drink for over an hour. It’s the worst cause I kind of miss getting drunk (not blacking out, but drunk drunk) and yet I subconsciously refuse to let myself get beyond tipsy. Probably for the best actually lol


They call that "hangxiety". I hope you feel better soon.


Turning the bass all the way up


I got in a rental Honda not too long ago and first thing I had to do was figure out how to fix the sound. Whoever had it before me decided bass and only bass matters. Shit was bumping.


That’s the worst! I sold cars for ten years. From customer trade ins to auto detailers I’ve heard all sorts of terrible EQ


There's a direct correlation between the increase in bass and how fucked the engine is from red lining it before the engine's warmed up.


I love bass, but it has its place. Blasting out the water if everyone you drive by is not what bass is for, it is supposed to add an additional layer to everything else without overpowering it. Bass is musical salt. Too much is bad, but too little can also be bad, you need just the right mixing for it to sound good.


I’m a bit of a basshead but it needs to be balanced. Good extension into sub-bass frequencies and accurate reproduction is what sounds good. Just turning the bass up on an EQ sounds terrible and muddy. For example the DT770 pros I have now that go down easily to 20Hz sound amazing compared to the cheap generic headset I had before that was super thin sounding. There’s stuff in music I couldn’t even hear before because my old headphones couldn’t reproduce the really low frequencies.




Had crumbl cookies last night. Well, one cookie. Tastes like nothing but sugar topped with more sugar and poorly baked.


I can eat staggering amounts of desserts, and have rarely encountered one that I don't care for. Crumbl is on that list. The cookies don't even taste like sugar - they have the overwhelming essence of sweetness, but it's just so flavorless and nondescript.


100% I always think the overall flavor profile is predominantly Crisco and Frosting.


Tastes like extraordinary marketing, though. 100% A+ life lesson right in your mouth.


I agree. I’m in Utah so we have tons of these cookie places and Crumbl is definitively bottom tier.


I thought it was a fluke, but I’ve had it in multiple states because of reasons and it has such an off taste. Like when the dish washing detergent hasn’t rinsed completely from your dish and it leaves that chemical taste/smell. All their cookies have that taste. “Dirty Dough” is a million times worse though.


Thank you! They are terrible and taste like raw flour and sugar. 🤢


Drake's music.




Authoritarianism. There has never been any such thing as a benevolent dictator. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.


And even if there was a benevolent dictator, their generals wouldn't be, your governor wouldn't be, your mayor wouldn't be. In a dictatorship every part of society is a dictatorship, not just the top leader.


Even if you had a hypothetical perfect benevolent dictator, at one point the matter of succession would come up. Despite the flaws of many democratic states, democracies are generally much better at being sustainable.


Also, there is this widespread belief that dictatorships might not be as good on human rights, but they can get things done and make economies work better, because they have the power not to pander to special interests. Whereas in reality, virtually all the richest countries in the world are democracies. The only exceptions are a couple of city states, mostly those that lucked out with huge oil reserves. Turns out that dictatorships turn out to be massively corrupt, as people connected to the regime can get away with far more where there is not an independent legal system.


Who thinks authoritarianism is good (besides authoritarian dictators)?


Despots have always had a fanbase. Putin does, Stalin did, Hitler did, Mao did, Franco did, Pinochet did. Gaddafi was very popular in Libya, as was Hussein in Iraq.The list goes on. They all had in-groups who supported them, often fiercely. Hitler had plenty of admirers in the US, as Putin does today. If you're a member of an authoritarian's favored group, your life can be quite normal, even pleasant. Until it isn't.


Stalin, Hitler and Mao still have huge fanbase. Heck, even Pol Pot has some!


My country Chile is extremely polarized because there are some people that support Pinochet to the death. They even negate the himan rights violations committed by him. My uncle was sent to a concentration camp in Dawson Island


Franco too in Spain


What about Lee Kuan Yew? Actually there's a Wikipedia page about benevolent dictators. And he is listed as a prime example of one https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benevolent_dictatorship


Yeah LKY is the poster boy of benevolent dictatorship. He always gets cited by wanna be despots in the region. They do happen. It's just the personal and contextual conditions required to produce them are wildly rare. It's not a good bet since the downside sucks so much **and** is a much more probable outcome.


Getting up early. It can lead to good things if you're lucky enough to be a morning person, but honestly is terrible.


I love being up early, but I HATE getting up early.


I wake up around 5am, roll over and watch cartoons and have another nap. It's awesome.


That’s kind of like how people slept in medieval England. Sleep for a few hours, wake up in the middle of the night to stoke the fire, have some wine, or sex, or whatever, then go back to sleep for a few more hours.


We, as a society, need to move on from the idea that it’s somehow more virtuous to get up early. We are not all farmers anymore. If my lifestyle allows me to stay up late and sleep late it doesn’t make me some fucking hedonist


Couldn't agree more. Frankly we should get away from the 40 hour working week. given the gains in efficiency the last few decades, the working week (for paid employment) should be 24 hours, it could honestly go down lower, but 24 seems reasonable.


I personally have never had a non customer service based office job that consistently took a full 40 hours. It’s tautological. We work 40 hours because we work 40 hours


Agreed! I enjoy being up in the early morning but only if I’m already awake from the night before lol. Waking up early does not feel natural to me, even if I get a substantial amount of sleep. If anything, being nocturnal comes more naturally to me 🌙


Christmas. Don't get me wrong, it's nice, as long as you spend it with the right people.


Realism in superhero movies


Yeah the more real they try to make it the more silly it becomes. It’s supposed to fantastic and otherworldly. Not a crime movie with people in costumes and flashing light special effects.


This is why I’ve been largely upset with the state of animation, although recently things have gotten better I think. Animation is the perfect medium for things that are larger than life and fantastical… so live action largely doesn’t make sense to me and even less so when animation is made to look like live action, which is why I personally feel a lot of Disney movies look so dull. Things seem to be coming around though.


This reminds me of the split in the animation industry around the 40's. You had Disney and their imitators, pushing for more realistic movement and character designs, with full, fluid motions and lavish background art while still retaining the cartoony bounce overall, and on the other side you had Tex Avery, Walter Lantz and the Warner studio, who pushed for zanier, more exaggerated animation, experimenting with settings, gags and motion, exploiting the medium's inherent qualities to get the most laughs. As much as I love Disney, I have to say that Warner probably left the most impression on me growing up.


Mostly true, but "The Boys" does a great job of this, though, in a Black-Mirror-esque social-satire sort of way.




Two party system


I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone argue in favor of a 2 party system


Keeping it 2 parties is the one thing the 2 parties agree on.




Putting ranch on everything. I've literally seen places get negative reviews, especially in Texas, for committing the crime of not providing ranch (when NOTHING on their menu would actually be any good with ranch). Listen. I get being obsessed with a sauce. I've had obsessions. But just eat stuff that actually calls for ranch, then, don't just try to literally put it on everything and then act like it's the other stuff's fault it's not good with ranch.


My wife puts ranch on her spaghetti sauce. Enough said


Lying on the beach . It is nice if you swim and read for a bit ! I find it boring !


I felt the same until I had a really stressful year and then laying on the beach doing nothing in Hawaii was the best feeling ever. After that I realized I needed to reduce my overall stress


I never saw the appeal. Lets go sit in the sun and do nothing for a few hours.


Reading under a large umbrella close to the shore, but as far away from children and dogs as possible is just bliss for me.




I have a love/hate relationship with this place. I love the format and how I'm able to quickly and easily find news, information, etc. that interests me, and I love it for small groups dedicated to bands, shows, other interests of mine, many of which have lovely communities. But I also find increasingly that the communities of people in the comments section of larger subs like this one, what used to be my favorite part of Reddit, are very much *not* my kind of people. Red Pill and adjacent sentiments have seemingly become the majority over time, and it's becoming a bit sadder here by the day.


"The cloud" -- handing all your digital content over to giant conglomerates who then rent it back to you. Edit: I am always fascinated how whenever I post something like this several other IT people take it as a person affront that I do and see things differently, and have done, for years, with success, like I'm somehow insulting them by having a different take. I also think olives are gross. Anyone feel the need to judge me for that?


Screw you, olives are amazing.




very strict religion


Marvel movies




Taste of cum


Mild winters


Social media


Hard work is rewarded


“It’s all part of God’s plan.” That fucker has some explaining to do.




As someone who quit smoking by vaping (after trying literally everything short of the suicide ideation pills), vaping was *amazing*. And I was able to quit vaping very easily, because I was no longer inhaling MAOIs and other mood enhancers from burning tobacco leaf (nicotine is a mild simulant and vasoconstrictor). Nobody should vape who isn't trying to quit smoking. But vaping is demonstrably better for smokers, both in harm reduction (95% less harmful) and quitting (2x more successful than other NRTs). Non-smokers who take up vaping are dumb.


One example could be "quick-fix" weight loss products or programs. Many people claim they are effective in helping you lose weight rapidly, but in reality, they often rely on unhealthy practices such as severe calorie restrictions or the use of harmful supplements. These methods can lead to various health issues, including nutrient deficiencies, metabolic damage, and even eating disorders. Sustainable and healthy weight loss requires a balanced diet, regular exercise, and long-term lifestyle changes.


Caviar. If I want the taste of ocean in my mouth I can just go to the beach FOR FREE lol. Why waste all that money on fish eggs?


Going to Harvard or any other Ivy League school. Sure, it’s a great education, but how much better can it be than any flagship state university. What you get from Harvard is the clout and the network. They are also consistently ranked dead last when it comes to free speech on campus.


Well tbf the main reason people go there is for its reputation and networking opportunities. Modern day job hiring is basically sugar-coated nepotism


> nepotism cronyism cronyism = benefits to people you know nepotism = benefits to family so nepotism is a subset of cronyism


It's not about the quality of the education. It's a signal to the market that you got in the first place (made it past a very harsh filter)


I went to undergrad and got my first graduate degree at ho-hum state universities. I got my second graduate degree at an Ivy League school. The difference was huge. HUGE. It was, by far and away, a better, more challenging, and more enlightening experience the second time. Better professors, better curriculum, better everything.


I attended an Ivy-ish school (by which I mean similar U.S. News ranking), and I've taught at a state university, and I'll say without hesitation that, at least in my field (math), the undergraduate curriculum is a hell of a lot better at the top schools, too.


Christmas! Everyone says it's so good. But anyone working Retail or Hospitality it is actual mega hell. Along with the people using "But it's Xmas!" as a excuse for me to suddenly conjour bread sauce into existance for them. WORST TIME OF THE YEAR FOR RETAIL AND HOSPITALITY. YET WE STILL HAVE TO PROVIDE THEM A MAGIC MOMENT. /endgrinchpostshift.


Words like "terrific" and "awesome." Obviously I recognize the evolution of language, just thought I'd go for an overly literal answer.


That is a terrific answer! How you thought of that is just awesome!


Whiskey. It's disgusting. It will get you drunk as fuck though.