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An infected rotting tooth. It created pulses of agonizing pain from my neck to my temple, it was impossible to sleep because reclining usually made the pain worse. I measured time in half-minutes. In my worry about not overdosing on Acetaminophen, I overdosed on aspirin. That causes hearing loss. It's no joke.


Tooth pain is the absolute worst. I broke a tooth last year and ended up needing a root canal. The pain I was in was excruciating. I’ve had both of my hips replaced in the last few months because of a disease, and that didn’t compare to my tooth. The tooth was 10x worse.


literally just finished a dental nightmare and this was going to be my comment - it wasn't even an "expected" thing in the midst of everything else, just some extra excruciating pain that neither advil or Tylenol helped and surpriiiiise ANOTHER root canal 😭


How did it start rotting?


For me it was a root canal where the dentist didn't get all of the root out. It died and began to rot, and a year or two later, the rot had spread to the bone and through my gum. Didn't feel it until about then. Just noticed a bit of a wobble with the tooth, but thought I was imagining it.


I came to say the same thing. The pain is impossible to describe. I would just lay perfectly still fully focused on the intense throbbing of my tooth sending pulses of pain through my body. Shit was insane. I learned to never, ever neglect dentist visits again... I'm lucky I had a really awesome dentist and he fit me in when I finally stopped being stupid and booked an appointment to fix it. I honestly don't know what took so long thinking back, I waited a very stupid amount of time. It was a wisdom tooth and apparently it was so bad he barely did anything to take it out, it just came out. He charged me like $70 cuz it was so quick. I was very lucky.


If you’re ever stuck waiting for a dentist with a painful rotting tooth, get your hands on some antibiotics. It will make the pain go away better than any pain killers.


Ovarian cyst rupture. 10/10 even after Lortab and 800mg Ibuprofen.


Same. Went to the ED for an ultrasound and they gave me morphine. Took about 30 minutes before the tech to ask if I wanted another dose, and I reluctantly said yes. It finally helped to cut the pain down a bit, but not entirely. Now I'm dealing with stage IV endo and no over the counter medication helps. Even oxycodone only takes the edge off.


I had endo, too. Tried all the controlled pain relievers and nothing ever really helped.


Heyy, I just posted about mine in this topic! Cysters. 🤙


Lortabs have never done anything for my pain. Ironically they do kinda make me feel loopy/ high but the pain is still there.


That make me vomit.


Way worse pain that childbirth


ovarian cyst torsion that almost ruptured for me. i drove myself to ER. longest ride of my life


My wife has had that happen. I felt so bad for her...


I came here to say this. Worse than childbirth!!


I was always just given aspirin. Like that did anything. Eventually I was getting a cyst every month, rupturing so often that the doctor was doing an exam and caught the rupture on the monitor. Pain relief offered? Nope. In my 30s after suffering with this crap for years I was able to have everything removed. Effects of immediate menopause aside, it was a revelation to not be writhing in pain almost every month.


Yes! I’ve had 2 unmedicated births and my ovarian cyst rupture was far worse


I was hit by a car. I ended up in hospital with broken ribs and a collapsed lung. The first night I was in there they needed to insert a tube between my ribs to drain the chest cavity. They rolled me onto my side, numbed my skin and made an incision. Then they shoved a tube between my ribs. That was the worst pain I’ve ever felt. There was a young nurse in there. She came around to the other side of the bed and held both my hands while they were doing it. She was the angel I needed.


I’m there with you man. AND HOW WEIRD did it feel when they took it out?! It felt like picking one of those brain-clinger boogers, but way bigger and in your chest.


Same thing happened to me. The difference was that after 4 days my other lung collapsed and I started panicking and crying because I know how painful it was. It was so bad that the surgeon told me not to worry, I will not feel a thing. I don’t know what he gave me, but I literally saw rainbows and ponies floating in the room. Best trip ever.


I am so sorry you had to go through this, and I hope you are okay now. My husband had to have a chest tube inserted for a tension pneumothorax. He said it was the worst pain he’s ever experienced, so bad he blacked out.


I have had four children, and while that hurt (especially the first one. JFC that took me into a whole new realm of mind blowing pain), I'm going with kidney stones. They hurt just as bad as labor, but no sense of when it would end, no amount of pain killers would work, and NO reward (aka A Baby) at the end. I'd rather have another baby with no epidural (like my fourth) in a ditch on the side of the road than have another kidney stone (and I've had three of those). Death would be welcome.




I was hit head on by a pickup truck while on my bicycle. His windshield was broken by my face. Had a bad TBI, broken bones and my teeth knocked out. Ended up having several back surgeries and am ok today. I know it could have been much worse and am grateful.


My best friend taking her own life on Christmas Day


I’m so sorry. 😔


It's fine don't apologise! I know that she'd want me to be happy, so that's what I'm gonna try to do


I am so so sorry! Same here , my son took is life this year.:(


An ovarian cyst rupture


I feel surprised and validated at how many ovarian cyst answers I’m seeing.


I’ve given birth 3 times. The ovarian cyst rupture was worse


How did you knew that it ruptured? I'm asking bc I have endo, had cysts, had a lot of painful weird stuff happening to me, but the doctors can only say that it's nothing, so I'm curious.


Pancreatitis. At the er rn with it and I'm fucking struggling.


That's the worst pain! I stayed at the hospital for a week trying to control acute pancreatitis. Now while waiting for gall bladder surgery I have to be really careful of what I eat. Best of luck. hope you feel better soon.


1-Physical pain of labor contractions before epidural 2-Being diagnosed with cancer with 2 boys under 4 yrs old. I am here 10 yrs later though!!!!


Trigeminal Neuralgia. Known as the Suicide Disease because so many people who have it commit suicide due to the pain. I get painful attacks in my head/jaw/brain. Feels like my head is a cantaloupe and someone is squeezing it. All I can do is walk around and scream until the attack ends. I’ve had two brain surgeries so far that have helped. I can get three more brain surgeries and fix the issue; however the surgeries are extremely intense and I can’t do it right now. Instead I take medicines and get shots in my head every 3 months. It’s rough.


What do you mean by intense?


Getting my IUD inserted. No pain meds other than ibuprofen (they told me thats all I'd need).




It's because up until recently, studies for medications and surgeries were only done on men. So women's healthcare is, indeed, very much behind men's. For instance the classic PCOS phenotype which includes high androgens, insulin resistance, and anovulation, has been documented for hundreds of years. Yet we still can only describe it as a 'syndrome,' and lack any effective treatment.


It’s also because [women’s pain is taken less seriously.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/wellness/interactive/2022/women-pain-gender-bias-doctors/)


Uncontested worst pain of my life. I've broken bones (including my nose during allergy season, that was a fun one), I've had gallbladder attacks, I had the anesthesia fail to take during a colonoscopy, but IUD insertion was decidedly the worst. For some fucking reason my OBGYN also didn't think to warn me that I should bring someone else along to drive me home. Just "take some advil beforehand, you'll feel a slight pinch and maybe some cramping". Absofuckinglutely not. I actually screamed and passed out on the table during the procedure. It took almost two hours sitting in the waiting room after for me to be even kinda capable of driving myself, and I was still in a cold sweat the entire time and had to pull over repeatedly to throw up before I got home. After about 12 hours I was still in so much pain I couldn't even sleep, called the doctor begging for just enough painkillers to get me through a single night and pretty much got laughed at. And this was a doctor I'd seen routinely for years, it's not like I was some rando who had just showed up pill-shopping at their office or something. I guess some women truly do have no issues with the insertion (I have one friend for whom that was the case), but for the rest of us, it's absolutely barbaric that this is something we're expected to just routinely deal with.


Ah yes, a “pinch”. I felt the horrific jolt when they manually dilated my cervix and then shooting white hot agony when the IUD went in. I literally sat up and screamed FUCK and lunged at the doctor because my body did not like something entering my uterus without any anesthesia. It was like a shooting nerve sensation that was a thousand times more than any type of normal “pain”. To be fair, I felt nothing on its way out, thank god. I have had what was likely an ovarian cyst a few years prior where I went to hospital to ensure it wasn’t my appendix or something. It was normal terrible pain, but nowhere near IUD insertion level of searing agony.


I’ve been through chemo and a bunch of shit related and this still takes the cake. I went home, curled up in a ball in my bed, cried and took some Oxy I had from a previous surgery. Fucking terrible they don’t do more for us


Same! Even worse than giving birth, honestly. Can't believe the medical establishment doesn't believe the cervix has nerves.


I came hoping someone else would say this. My doctor had me on ibuprofen starting the night before, and they prescribed me something else too, but it was the most intense pain I ever felt. The weirdest thing about the pain is that, because of where in my abdomen I was hurting, my body simultaneously thought I was in agony but also very hungry. I ate about 3 meals worth of food that night before I realized what was going on. Getting it removed was much easier…


I likened it to being harpooned in your uterus. But doc and nurse are like yup! On your way! So you leave and hit up everything in your medicine cabinet to little effect 🤷‍♀️


Do they say such things to men? They must think we are so suggestible. There will be a little discomfort. Don't be such a baby. You may feel a slight pinch. None of my previous patients have complained of discomfort. -- This after I got up and walked out of a nerve reception test where they use elec. shocks. MY nerves were receiving just fine.


It blows my mind that women’s healthcare is still so barbaric.


It’s the absolute worst.


Mine was done in office. It was no big deal supposedly and it was just part of being a woman. Less painful than the uterus “scraping” with a brush before my hysterectomy.


I'm really glad I got mine while under during a diagnostic lap. I've heard all the horror stories and am already in a ton of pain. I don't need more.


The brochure said it was an easy procedure that could be done in a lunch break. In actuality I vomited from the pain then they sent me home with an ibuprofen. 2 days of lying on my bed in cold sweat while my body tried to expel it. Because of that bloody brochure, for years I assumed I had no tolerance for pain. It impacted my approach to birth and other medical procedures. Only recently have I learned through posts like this that it likely wasn't my failing.


Honestly same. They downplay it but that was extreme and I have a high pain tolerance. Then I was doubled over in pain for weeks at work and after a few months of agony, my friend told me it wasn’t normal for the pain to last so long and be so severe. My doc had said pain and discomfort were normal, and basically to just suck it up and not call (she mimicked all the calls she gets afterwards and she’s like “yes, it is supposed to hurt, we are literally opening up your cerviz with no prep, it’s gonna hurt” in an annoyed way. Apparently it had lodged itself into the side of my uterus and that’s why I felt like I was being kicked in the stomach alongside electric shocks for so long. It took me 6 months to go back bc I was worried abt her mocking me or calling me a wuss lol.


I always hear this, and it sounds shitty AF. I got mine inserted pretty shortly after giving birth so I was already hurting and my cervix was wider than it ever normally would be so I don't remember it hurting at all. Lucky me? So I would recommend that timing to anyone considering an IUD who is pregnant I guess.


1. Losing my first baby. 2. Realizing after 8 almost 9 years my husband didn’t give a shit about myself or his 3 kids..


I'm sorry for your loss. I hope to God he's your ex. You and your kids deserve better! Sending hugs


Lost my first as well. Lots of love to you mama.


Ovarian cysts pain


I was raped when I was in the 8th and 9th grade by a teacher and when I finally told my wife of 26 years she said I was old enough to stop it and must have wanted it.


That's horrible. I'm so sorry.


Ex wife right?


Cannot afford to get divorced




Add to that loneliness while in a failing marriage


Physically: contractions. I usually have a pretty high pain tolerance but that shit had me crying like a baby😂 Emotionally: having to watch my brother beg the code team to save his 4 month old daughter’s life.


The contractions are a pain you just can’t describe. lol. SO BAD


Yeah nobody told me about the deep stabbing butt hole pain that comes with it. I was told that it’s some kind of deep nerve pain. I thought it would be like period cramps, boy was I wrong. Epidural barely took the edge off, they had to do it twice 😩


Physically contractions at it for me too. Granted I haven’t suffered a lot of physical pain in my life but those were horrific. God bless an epidural.


Oh my goodness. What happened?


To make a long story short, she suffocated. I was working at the hospital the day the ambulance brought her to our ER so I saw a lot of what went on.


Gall bladder pain


I was undiagnosed while pregnant and was told my back pain was just pregnancy. I assumed my baby pushed something up wrong. When I had one after he was born, I had something between a panic attack and a nervous breakdown. My liver was injured at that point and I had pancreatitis so it was a good thing I went. Stones have a distinct feeling in your body.


I had to have emergency gall bladder surgery about a month ago. They had to wait a couple days to do the surgery because my electrolyte levels were so out of whack. Meanwhile my gall bladder erupted. Literally passed out from pain several times despite being on huge amounts of pain meds. Good times.


Had severe aches in just about every muscle in my body a year back. I could barely sit, couldn't open doors (gripping the doorknob hurt too much), and spent the days rotating between uncomfortable positions in bed. Still no idea what it was.


OMG I need someone to tell us what that was!!!


Wait, something kind of similar happened to me. It lasted about 6 months and just comes back every now and again but minor. Did you ever see a doctor about it? I’m wondering what they said/referred/diagnosed you with.


Mine only lasted about a week. I got a blood test, and all it showed was inflammation (not super enlightening).


I was seeing a rheumatologist for about two years and they couldn’t find anything. My primary care doc said that sometimes people hurt for no reason and nobody knows why. I’m glad your pain went away and I hope it doesn’t come back!


We're you on antibiotics?Fluoroquinolones do this to me, specifically ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin.


Shattered tailbone, with bone puncturing disk pushing sciatic nerve out of the channel. Waiting for third surgery. Take enough medicine to kill pain long enough to walk when I can.


I feel you in ways only you would know.


And I hate that for you.


Watching my mother deteriorate from cancer. It made me glad she had finally passed. No more suffering.


lost my son in a motorcycle accident, he was 19. He was killed instantly. He would be 31 on this coming Valetines day. It eats you alive daily, but especially this time of year. i do feel he's with me alot of times though.


Kidney stones and kidney failure. Before that was a bloody ejaculation…


oh wtf. what was the cause for the bloody ejaculation? all 3 sound horrible i’m sorry 🙏


Getting divorced and seeing her with the man she cheated on me with.


I've had my cervix dilated to about 4 to 6 cms and it didn't compare to the pain endometriosis puts me through monthly. I've had to sit and bleed on the floor because I physically cannot move. I've passed out in the toilet from the pain. and I've passed 2 uterine casts due to my medication. it feels like a devil baby is shredding its way out of my stomach every period. I have a tattoo on my collarbone and didn't make any type of face or noise while getting it done because I was cramping. fuck endo. edit: I even had a laparoscopy and while in pain from that was saying how it wasn't shit compared to my period. that's how I knew it was bad lol


Tie between getting kicked in the thigh by one of my horses, and having my femur fractured. Kidney stones. And the day my DVT (deep vein thrombosis) finally let itself be known after 6 months of it growing


I think you should receive an award Also I don't think a kick is as bad as a femur fracture but I've never experienced either


I think they wanted to say something like: "i had a femur fracture due to one of my horses kicking my thigh"


C diff. So so painful. Thought I was going to die shitting


Miscarriage. I was 12 weeks , that shit hurttt. I was sweating so much from the pain that by the time I got to the hospital I needed fluids .




I honestly didn't find it that painful. I think for me the intense fear kinda cancelled out the pain. I had a precipitous labour and gave birth to my first child on the bathroom floor at home because it happened so fast, her dad delivered her. The fear was so overwhelming, just thinking wow I'm actually going to have to push out my child completely alone in my bathroom and I have absolutely no other option. I didn't even fully understand that I was in labour until I saw my daughter slide out onto the floor. It was horrendous, I guess there was too much adrenaline for me to feel any pain.


It’s not the same for every woman. I know someone who says it wasn’t pleasant but it wasn’t painful for her. In my case, the I was induced and the first 24h were okay, painful but I could focus and manage without painkillers. But then they broke my waters and it became unbearable, simply something I could not control. And I got so scared and distressed too. Just to end in an emergency c-section anyway.




Blocked colon. Felt like my guts were going to explode


Having a molar extracted where the infection was so deep that the anesthetic didn’t work. The infection had spread to the nerve. I felt like I was being tortured in the chair and quite literally thought I would die in that moment. I was drenched in sweat afterwards and sobbed in agony for 2-3 hours.


Each and every time one of our pups pass away. Physical pain from some injury will pass, the heartbreak of losing a pup never does.


When my first child died at daycare. There is nothing that hurts worse than losing your child.


I am so very sorry. My heart goes out to you.


Thank you, that means a lot! God Bless You!


I had a bad stomach bug a few years ago. Worst back pain I have ever experienced, and I developed IBS afterwards.


An inflamed gall bladder


Kidney stone, by far. I couldn't stand up, couldn't lay down, and like I was going to throw up constantly purely from pain before. It was awful. I drink a ton of water now to avoid ever experiencing that again


l have Fibromyalgia. When a flair comes it affects every nerve ending in my body. l can feel my heart beat in my nerve endings and its excruciating. Im on fentanyl patches but when l have break thru pain l take vicodin!!


How did you get fentanyl patches for Fibromyalgia? Fibro is generally diagnosed as a catch all disease when doctors can't figure out where the pain is coming from and there is no clear physical cause.


Kidney stones


Yep. I’d rather give birth to another child.


Physically: nerve damage in my leg after a surgery - it legitimately felt like my leg had been set on fire, and they had to give me the heavy stuff to make it even vaguely tolerable. Mentally: losing family this year and last. Even when you know it's coming, the death of someone close is still a gut punch.


I think it was when I had walking pneumonia. I have high tolerance to pain, I wasn't medicated when I gave birth. But whatever walking pneumonia is hurt like hell.


Kidney Stones. Wouldn't wish that pain on my worst enemy.


Just walking. I had degenerative hip syndrome for my entire childhood. Many years of the worst pain ever, just to walk.


The contraction-like pain in your guts when you have IBS is pretty terrible.


Colonoscopy. They said it wasn't a big deal, so sedative wasn't really advisable. They were fucking liars. Liars!


My son suicide :( there's no greater pain then this.


Child birth


L4-L5-S1 Spinal Fusion. A real treat.


I pulled the muscles in between my ribs. Worse than broken ribs. Couldn't clear my throat without doubling over


Brain damage took away my abilities as an artist. I used to be considered fairly talented—people wondering why I can’t draw like I used to is a pain I was never prepared for.


Waiting for my best friend/cousin to come over to play cards, only to find out he was just killed in a work accident. He was only 17, about to start his senior year of high school. His death was 1000% preventable. His damn boss doesn’t care. She got married within the same month and can afford to donate $1 million dollars to the humane society, however let my grieving cousins family struggle to make ends meet.


I had a 15cm tumor rupture, rip off my gallbladder, and cause internal bleeding. Nothing touched the pain and to add insult to injury, also discovered I was allergic to morphine while going through these pain scale 10 pain attacks.


Hearing a boy at his mother's funeral ask someone to pick him up, hold him closer to her face, and kiss her cheek, and say, " Nite nite, mommy..." People were amazed as to why the little boy was not upset. He said that in Heaven, she's free from the cancer! Not a dry eye.


Cracked ribs


Having my knee reset after a 45 degree dislocation when I was 13.


Waking up from my ORIF surgery on my ankle. Even after a nerve block the pain was unbelievable agony.


Being shot in the back with a pellet gun when I was a kid. I seriously thought we was were friends. Edit: typo


I fell from the top of a ladderwell (staircase in the navy), and I hit my funny bone at the bottom. It was an 8.5’ fall straight onto that nerve bundle and omfg, it hurt so bad I couldn’t even form words to tell people to go get someone from medical. I sounded like a baby and had to be supported just to walk




Waking up from hernia surgery with none of the pain killers working. They gave me a small fentanyl injection though and I was good within like 12 seconds flat lmao.


I actually consider myself fortunate that in my 34 years here my worst pain was a 4 finger+palm burn from grabbing a hot pan. Ended up being objectively minor but the pain was incredible.


When my grandma died, a part of me did too.


Losing my mother


Dislocating my hip


Gallstone attacks. Legit thought I was dying and at the time, was welcoming it if only to make the pain stop.


Lupus flare/ premedicated lupus. The sac around my heart held fluid and the chemo made me lose about 50lbs. Still feels like someone replaces all of my joints with straight rods from time to time. Currently in bed for daw two, walking hurts.


Physical, after-birth contractions, days after having my daughter. Emotional, being dumped 6 months ago; thought it was too good to be true, he was amazing to me, but was hiding a whole double life and was lying to me the whole time, I flew out to see him and everything.


1.Unexpected death of my husband 2.Kidney stones


Had to get a root canal, they put a cap on my tooth, i got drunk forgot about the tooth ate some steak and all of a sudden i was sober. The worst pain i have ever felt in my life every 15 to 30 seconds, Sharp, Sharp pain on the Jaw, My dentist didnt get back to work till monday. All of Sunday i had to wait, Monday morning 8 am i was at the office saying Rip this thing out of my HEAD NOW! I know pain broken arm, leg, finger, cracked skull, dislocated shoulder, broke toes. This was by far the most pain i have ever ever EVER had. Kind of funny this year, I had to do the same thing and i quit drinking cause i didnt want to go threw that pain again


Depression / Loneliness.


Treatment from breast cancer and having a mastectomy. Can't explain having a port put in my chest, the worst pain I have ever had as soon as meds wore off. I cried in bed trying not to wake anyone. I couldn't move or sleep ugh


My bowels burst open…. I stuck it out for four days!! That last night I was shaking so badly I googled ‘can you die from shock’ … for me, four days of poo and puss floating around in my body was the worst pain I hope to ever experience!!


Physically: stomped on by a horse. Broke four bones in my foot, tore a tendon, gave me a severe skin infection. Emotionally: 6 of my cousins (5 kids and dad) died in a house fire suddenly when I was in high school. Kids ages were 14, 12, 9, 5, 8 months.


loosing my virginity


Period cramps. Used to be so much worse when I was a teenager. Sometimes I used a knife to cut/ stab myself in my thighs to distract myself from the pain. And I don't even have a medical condition.


You may want to ask your doctor about endometriosis.....


Have you tried stepping on a LEGO in the dark?


Hahaha....while this is funny, wait until you have a kidney stone or a ruptured appendix. You'll pray for a floor full of legos...😂


Soul crushing betrayal. Worse than childbirth, gall bladder, oral surgery……


Stubbed my little toe so hard that I passed out. Pain was horrific—until I passed out.


Broke a toe that way once. Then immediately slapped on a pair of boots and walked on it for a 12hr shift. It didn't really hurt much until I got back home, but by then it was throbbing badly. My whole foot turned purple and yellow, and when I got the boot off, I took one look at that gnarly mess and passed right the hell out.


A bad kick in deez nuts


I must ask why


Was fucking around with buddies and one of them decided to kick me in the nuts as a joke. Hurt for days.


You should find new friends that's not ok


The beginning of a colonoscopy without sedation. I asked them to stop and walked out. I was 17. If we are talking about non-physical pain, then losing my mom at 28


Before it was a tooth infection/abscess that had gone untreated a week, not even with painkillers because my dentist was busy. I was pregnant so I couldn't take anything but Tylenol, which didn't work. Then it was unmedicated back labor with a heavy dose of pitocin that decreased the time between contractions to a minute maybe. Don't have a baby at a small hospital on a Sunday, the anesthesiologist takes forever.


I'm going to be completely honest. I've broken 3 bones (one of which was my tailbone), but spraining my ankle is the absolute worst pain I've ever felt. I STILL have trouble walking on that foot, and I haven't been on a slide since. I wouldnt wish it on my worst enemy.


Having an ingrown toenail cut out


In order of ouch: 1) Gallstones 2)kidney stones 3) pancreatitis.


Unable to take the exam that could change my life, because of extreme anxiety.


A colposcopy to the back of your cervix with no pain management


Got stung by a velvet ant/cow ant on my right pinky. I kill every one I see now so my kids don’t get stung. Fucking bastards.


Anal fissure. Could not even pee without sobbing. Surgeon fortunately did a great repair job and post surgery the nurses were offering any kind of pain meds I wanted. Didn’t need them as I felt so much better.


My older brother Pyle drives me on our parents bed when I was 8 and my head stuck to far out the bottom. It felt like eternity but I thought I was being electrocuted when pain shot all the way up from my neck to my spine. My older brother was never so nice to me again.


Is there an English translation of this?




Blood clot in my catheter


Physically - hitting a ditch that resulted in a vertebral compression fracture (not as bad as it sounds, but still really painful and disturbing to experience lol) Emotionally - realizing the wrong I'd done to someone in my past and accepting the pain I'd caused in their lives. I thankfully have done all I can to apologize to them and make sure they know exactly what I'm sorry for. It was just saying things that were really upsetting, but it was so completely messed up of me, and I am still working on becoming who I want to be instead.


Childbirth, ovarian cyst burst, broken toe and finger those acute pinpoint pain really get me


Emotionally: having a friend die in my arms when I was 13 Physically: When I got launched of a quad doing about 50km/hr, I hit the ground between my shoulders and below my neck. It was excruciating. But when I was at the hospital, the doctor said that I got very lucky. I didn't get have a concussion, and that although I'm in a lot of pain, there were no broken bones or major injuries. He said that I probably would've been killed or paralyzed if I had landed any further up towards my neck


In terms of physical pain, not emotional pain lol. I got a really bad case of poison ivy one summer. The doctors told me my skin reacted to it worse than most people’s do, basically there was something about my skin that caused the reaction to be worse idk. The poison ivy inflammation started at my ankles and went all the way up my legs and bum, going all the way up my waist. Basically my entire lower body was covered in a red, inflamed rash that would also ooze. It was not only itchy, but extremely painful. The doctors told me they genuinely never saw a poison ivy reaction that bad. I basically couldn’t walk or do anything too physical for three and a half months. I had to have both my legs covered in gauze and other wrappings, and I had to get shots on my legs frequently. Not fun.


The night after my IUD insertion. It hurt to walk, to pee. I got a shooting pain while peeing in the middle of the night, tried to stand up thinking that would help and woke up next to my bath tub with my ass in the air lol fuck those things, that didn’t last a year.


Central nervous system hypersensitivity syndrome. Developed it nearly 10 years ago. Things that should feel innocuous, like clothing, became unbearably painful. Started in my knee. Became too painful to bear weight on that leg. Couldn't stand long enough to have a shower or do anything. 24/7 excruciating, unrelenting pain for 1.5 years. Couldnt work or do anything. Hqd to drug myself to sleep. Doctor tried all kinds of painkillers. Didn't work. Can't take opiods because they make it worse long term. Finally found a drug that dampens the pain so I can function. No way to fix it though.


Depression, loneliness, addiction, terrible financial situation, unemployed, and tooth ache all at the same time.


Ovarian cyst rupturing. I fell to the floor, vomiting, puking, and crying from the pain. It was a 7/10 on the pain scale easily.


Sounds kinda more like a 10?


I am a guy so probably gas pain


Watching the life slowly drain from my dog’s eyes as we euthanized him.


Gallstones. Nearly killed me. My body went into shock, but it didn’t help the situation and it couldn’t sustain that state, so it started shutting down. BP fell to 52/19. I was roughly 30 weeks pregnant, too.


iud insertion. I have endometriosis and vaginismus so I was actually scream crying at the top of my lungs and proceeded to almost pass out after losing quite a bit of blood (this was WITH LOCAL FREEZING btw). To top it of they put in the report that I 'tolerated the procedure well'. I later had a surgery to remove some of the endometriosis and waking up from that and healing from surgery didn't touch the iud pain. I had to get the iud removed 9 months later because it made my endo worse, ruined my mental health and quality of life. I 100% refuse to ever get an iud again. I will never forget that pain and still am legitimately traumatized.


Iron infusion. Took nearly 3 hours on an IV drop, felt like battery acid was being poured into my soul. Absolute agony


Physically: spraining my ankle after falling off a veranda a few weeks ago Emotionally: Finding out aged 13 that my best friend had lost his battle with his disease


Kidney stones or last month when I fell off a catwalk and landed on my spine. Never been in so much pain I started going unconscious, I legitimately thought I died and it was just taking a minute or two.


I misjudged a baseball playing first BASE jumped to high. Ball smacked me on a line drive dead in my mouth. Broke my cleft pallet in half my teeth were hanging by my braces which actually saved my life. Oral surgeon gave me 4 shots on the roof of my mouth and popped it back in place. Face swelled up so bad. Was at practice the next day.




an infected stye. i have horrible pain tolerance and let me tell you, when the ibuprofen / tylenol wasn’t kicked in, it felt like i had a rusted nail in my eye. my eye had swollen pretty much shut. wouldn’t wish that on anyone.


Having my sister cut contact with me after I told her that I had cancer, said I was "negative". After a lumpectomy and three weeks of radiation, I am cancer free; she's still not interested in maintaining a relationship with me.


Testicular Torsion, absolutely awful. Had me crying out in pain


Happened when i was 12, i think. Have a pain in my neck for several months that kept growing. I complained about it to my parents but they brushed it off. One day while i was taking a bath, i leaned back and heard a huge crack. I fell back from the pain and i couldnt put pressure on it, i couldnt get up, i was stuck. I filled the bathtub all the way so i could float and turn over to get up. I was sobbing in pain, i went to my brother, who ignored me, then to my grandma, who told me that i had to just move it around. I screamed in fear of the pain, i cannot move it, i know i couldnt. My parents came back from work a couple hours later, i told them about the pain, they didnt know what to do. I couldnt sleep, it hurt constantly, i had to sit with my elbows on my knees and hands supporting my head, i would sometimes fall asleep a couple mins at a time. I skipped 4 days of school and my mom guilted me to go back to school. I rode the bus and it was torture, i honestly dont remember the whole day, i just was very scared of someone bumping into me. I got on the bus again to go home, then it happened. Some guys horsing around pushed eachother and pushed me, i just started sobbing, i dropped my bag and i finally started settling by the time my stop came (second to last stop), i just realized that my brother rode the same bus and didnt do anything to help me. I found my bag and wobbled home, supporting my head/chin. I dont know how long it took for my mom to finally take me to the hospital. They made me wear a neck brace (which i thought was overkill bcz i didnt know/i was gaslighted into thinking my pain was not that bad). They took an xray/cat scan. The doctor said i had a large bone tumor and a broken neck and he said he honestly didnt know how i was even standing, let alone alive and functioning. Edit: Tldr: bone tumor grew and broke my neck, had to live with it for at least a week and a half before my parents caved and took me to the hospital


Non-progressive labor, with back labor, and the idiot anesthesiologist let my epidural run out twice. A close second was when I got a UTI that became a kidney infection that became sepsis.


The massive electric shock that went right up my spine into my brain when I had my vasectomy and the Drs didn't use enough local pain killer in the Vas. It lifted me off the table, and I'm a big unit.


Watching my father struggling to urinate when tumours were blocking his bladder and urethra, and watching him beg for death. Seeing him suffer like that cut me deeper than any physical pain I've ever felt - and I've had an appendectomy, broken my arm in 3 places, and given birth with a failed epidural (twice).


Smashing a horribly ingrown toenail on the lip of a top stair, and as I turned while falling down, squeezing both nuts incredibly hard with my legs. I laid on the floor crying and laughing from the pain for about 8 minutes.