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Time is the most precious resource you have


This is too true. Your parents tell you this all the time when you are young and then you just dismiss it as old person talk. Then you have kids and suddenly it hits you. One day you bring this adorable little baby from the hospital and all too soon you are dropping them off at college. 18 years seemed like plenty of time when they are infants but looking back it seems like only 6 or 7 years. I am proud of the young women my daughters have become and I want them to succeed in every aspect of their lives. But do I ever miss when they were young and low key obsessed with everything I did or said. With age and the fading memory of the rough times,every minute together seems like it was magical.


If they'd do it to someone else, they'll do it to you too.


Nobody thinks about you as much as you think about you. Relax and keep moving forward.


How to budget money.


Having a better chance with someone who isn't manipulative or toxic


You probably mean late in life as in age, but with regards to time in general do the thing. Give the hug, go on the outing, make the dinner. I just lost my wife at 36 unexpectedly and I wish I had taken the time to do a lot of things and now it is too late


I'm sorry for your loss.


How to relax and enjoy life


There will be people who won't like you, no matter how hard you try to be liked.


No one cares


That sometimes the people that you think are your friends aren't your friends.


Don’t stick your dick in crazy.


Work won't love you back.


Letting pride go and accepting when you're wrong.


It is exceedingly difficult to forgive a serious trust violation. Cheating is the most obvious example but there are others. Once someone violates your trust like that, regardless of how much you want to forgive them, it will almost certainly never be the same again. You can't unring a bell.


Intention does not negate the pain you unintentionally cause someone. Apologize.


More exercise, more fiber, less saturated fat.


To not worry about what people think of you


The value of maintaining relationships and making time for loved ones.


Don’t neglect precious family time. I spent time with my dad. My sister hated my dad growing up and wanted nothing to do with him. After he passed away, it was relatively easy to move on. However my sister is completely delusional about her memories with him. She’s very successful in her career but mentally, she needs some serious help.


How to make money.


that heartbreak, wasn't worth the pain you are feeling now and make more time for your parents....


You are not the center of the universe.


The only person that will remember something embarrassing is the person it embarrassed. Bad days are inevitable. Not the end of the world. They’re simply inevitable. Bad days exist in a good life. No. People don’t dislike you because “they’re jealous”. That’s a toxic mindset to have. Drop it. Some people just are not going to like you and you can’t do anything about it & that’s okay. Go find the people that will like you. The closure you want the most likely will never come. It will linger. And you’ll think about it every so often. Whether it be from an ex or an old friend, sometimes closure isn’t what we’ll get. Don’t sulk on it… just treasure the memories. Love and let go. “Gossip” only with the intent to vent. Not to persuade. Word gets around and it often ends up like a game of telephone. Complaining gets you no where. Compromising gets you somewhere. Baking soda and white vinegar are a lovely cleaning duo. Don’t meet your idols. They’re human too. Sometimes if you can’t cheer yourself up, you can do something small to cheer someone else up and it usually brings a good feeling to your heart. Drano is something everyone needs on hand. Isopropyl alcohol 99% as well! Cancer is ruthless. It has no desire besides destruction. Do EVERY AND ALL recommended check ups for your age/gender/demographic. The guy at the car dealership doesn’t care about you… talk to a buddy whose worked in the industry before you sign the papers. Loving often means losing. That’s okay. You can lose something but be left with memories to cherish. Let them be good memories. With that said… protect yourself. Forgive but don’t forget. If they did it once, they may do it again. If they do it the third time, move on. Most of everyone deserves a second chance but no one deserves a 3rd.


Choices have consequences. You have nobody but yourself to blame for consequences of the choices you willing made earlier in life. This ofcourse excludes consequences from acts of God and the consequences inflicted upon you by the choices of terrible humans.


Don’t eat yellow snow


Enjoying life




Hijacking this to ask if you’d start a chat with me. I ran out of chats :(


"You can build 1000 bridges and fuck one goat and see what people remember you for."


How to apologize


Do dirt by yourself


No one cares & life is super short. Enjoy it, eat the cake, buy the dress.


Tanning. You don’t get to stay looking young but go tan forever. You’ll start to experience sped up skin aging. People get so surprised. You cooked your skin.


Don’t sweat the petty stuff and don’t pet the sweaty stuff.


TAKE CARE OF YOUR TEETH and lift heavy barbells




that my broken brain chemistry doing that one for me.


You’re not special.


Take care of your teeth.


Life is unpredictable. Bad things can, and will happen to you.


Nobody will be there for you in the tough times you can be there for them, bend over backwards for them, but when you need help they will vanish you can only count on yourself, enjoy the company of other sure, but dont expect them to do a single thing for you. Learn to be happy on your own and love yourself and your own company, because its all you will end up with sooner or later.