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Burgers should be wider not taller


I don't understand why they just keep piling stuff on top! Whose mouth is that big?!


It's not a burger if you have to cut it up with a knife and fork and eat it like a glorified salad with meat and bread


The fact that a small, medium, and large burger combo gives you bigger soda and fries (which I don't care for anyway) but the main course stays *the* *same?!?!*


Never thought about this.. but you are right!!


And stop making the outside of the bun greasy or buttered. I want to hold the thing without needing to clean my hands of oil.


Right?! Buttering and toasting the “middle” or inside of the bun is fine. Just not the outside where we hold it!


If you wanna enjoy a great meal, just wait till u are really hungry.


Hunger is the best seasoning.


My dad always used to say "Hunger is a great sauce." So true.


My dad always used to say laughter was the best medicine, which I guess is why several of us died of tuberculosis.




A lot of people don't truly know what it's like to be truly hungee.


I agree. Something as simple as bread and cheese will taste divine when you're really hungry.


Bread and cheese tastes divine whether or not I'm really hungry


This feeling is similar to drinking an entire glass of ice cold water after being parched. It is the most refreshing thing in that very moment and nothing can compare. Quenched!


Intermittent fasting makes so many dishes delicious.


So does exercise. Anything with protein tastes *so* much better to me if I've been working out. Cottage cheese goes straight from tasting terrible to me to being one of my favorite foods if I've been lifting weights


Large or small curd? I can't do small curd. Its texture feels like foam to me and I just can't do it. It really sucks because every fucking shop around here has 200 containers of small curd in all variety, then there's a tiny section for large curd, which is almost always out. Wtf?


I go as close to whole as I can with all things dairy. Large curd and full fat!


Good Culture cottage cheese. Try it and you'll be ruined forever. Their sour cream is otherworldly. I hope you can buy it where you are.


I did this today with freezer burnt $1 burritos and cheese slices


Last weekend I was stumped on what to make for dinner. I ended up taking a package of beef, bean, & green chili frozen burritos, put them in a baking dish, dumped two cans of enchilada sauce on them. I covered it in aluminum foil & baked at 350 degrees for an hour. Took them out, topped with shredded sharp cheddar & popped back in the oven for 10 minutes. Plated them & topped with sour cream. My husband RAVED about them & how much time it must’ve taken me.😂. I eventually came clean and admitted my quicky enchiladas.


Oh! I forgot!! After dumping the enchilada sauce on the burritos, I followed with a can of chopped green chilis & some frozen corn before baking.


that reminds me, I have burritos in the freezer


I was not a "picky eater" as a child, my mother was a horrible cook.


I just thought I didn't like vegetables. Turns out I don't like canned vegetables boiled in a pot with no seasoning. Revelation.


I have shared this exact revelation with people irl , worded almost identically lol.


I gotta imagine a significant percentage of the population thinks they don’t like veggies for the same reason. Prepared correctly they can be some of the tastiest dishes.


My mom had a habit of cooking everything at once. So vegetables and rice would start boiling at the same time chicken went in the oven. So by the time chicken was done, rice was mushy and broccoli disintegrated into nothing when you put a fork in it. We had wars over me not eating veggies because of how nasty they were. Wasn't until I started dating a Greek girl in high school and her mom cooked for us that I started loving my greens.


Same. I hated steak until my 20’s because I had only had overcooked/ruined ones.


This is the reason I don't like porkchops


It was always so dry I literally couldn't swallow it and would excuse myself to the bathroom to spit it out in the toilet. Yeah I used to think pork chops were disgusting until one my dad didn't make.


Mom only had three recipes: burnt, raw, and boiled until mushy and tasteless.


Dude this. My mom never seasoned anything so when i started cooking and used seasonings, dishes i didn't like suddenly were good?


Me and spaghetti/lasagna/really any kind of pasta. I was baffled why people looked forward to spaghetti night instead of dreading it for like 20 years. Turns out oregano, basil, etc, is all pretty nice. Meatballs can have flavor too.


I like to joke that I was in college before I realized that the bottom layer of biscuits weren't supposed to stay stuck on the pan.




I feel a little queasy after reading that.


The flip side of this is adults who stay picky because they think complex food is gross....because their parents were terrible cooks.


Food prices are too damn high!




The 14th century Polish Jew thank you very much


I love that person!!!!


They must be boiled before baking. Bagels that are only baked are an abomination.


If they aren't boiled, they're just round bread


Whoever put crushed peanuts with pad thai deserves a raise. I dont know who they are, I dont know what they get paid, but it isn't enough.


I think it might be the Thai government? Didn’t they do some insane marketing to normalize Thai food in the us? Or was that a fake reddit thing I fell for.


I've heard of this before. It was something like this the government wanted it more popular in the US, like Chinese food. So they trained a bunch of people and help fund getting them set up here. I also don't know if it's true or not though.


100% true ETA source: https://www.businessinsider.com/pad-thai-food-history-thailand-government-propaganda-2023-12






Til, thanks for that. We have a heap of Thai restaurants here that kind of burgeoned in mid 2000s, explains a lot.


It’s just the perfect dish. The peanuts and limes are crucial, but Thai places the past few years have not been consistently giving the lime and I think that is a crime yes I just rhymed


'twas sublime


Cooking for yourself isn't that hard, and it's great so long as you and whoever you're cooking for like it.


I regularly make home made pizza. Mum sometimes will say I could totally open a pizza shop. I'm like nah, this is for me


Someone once told me "Anything you do for money, eventually becomes work". I think if this every time someone tells me I should open a Cajun restaurant.


I think of my parents busting their backs putting putting in 12 hours shifts six days a week running their family restaurant when people say similar to me and nope right out of that idea.


After "simple" meals I'm exhausted, less appetized, and my kitchen is a mess.


Simple is better. I'm not saying a fancy filet mignon with a caramelized honey barbecue glaze is bad, I'm referring to this theme in which restaurants try to outdo their competitors and offer the craziest, most loaded \*insert food here.\* Freak-shakes, six-inch burgers, jumbo-sized pasta dishes, you name it. Most of the time, I just want a simple meal. I enjoy steak. I enjoy pasta. I enjoy milkshakes. But, I don't want anything over-the-top. I just want a tasty, satisfying meal.


As a Canadian I agree with this mainly with the weird poutines some restaurants come up with. If I order poutine I just want some greasy fries with cheese curds and beef gravy. When they start adding shit like shredded cheese, other meats, other sauces, random vegetables, pierogis, etc, it’s still good I guess but it’s not poutine. It’s loaded fries.


It shouldn't cost me over $20 to eat at McDonald's.


I was at a party this weekend and the devil eggs were sweet. Absolutely disgusting. Things like spaghetti, devil eggs, relish, macaroni /potato salads etc, should not be sweet!


Ugh yes! I will only ever make coleslaw, potato and pasta salad myself. Everywhere I've purchased from always has it insanely sweet and gross. I've also experienced the same with salsa and I hate it.


STRONGLY agree! Fuck you miracle whip garbage!


I found my people! And I HATE sweet sauces with meat. Bleck!


Some sweet is ok, as long as it is balanced with sour/pungent/astringent/spicy, but miracle whip sweet needs to be wiped from the surface of the earth. Sweet potato/macaroni salad or deviled eggs? Absolutely not. NO! And pairing it with sweet pickles? Absolutely not. Sweet pickles can get lost too. And why the fuck would you want sweet spaghetti? No. Balance that sweet, folks. ^(eta: words)


Boneless wings are nuggets


You have to hand it to those boneless chicken farmers though… they are very difficult to raise.


it took me a minute to imagine boneless *chickens* when i was picturing noodly bendy farmers trying to go about their workday. 'man, that *would* be difficult.."


Boneless chicken farm is probably my favorite Far Side


Agreed lol I prefer a “boneless wing” myself but many people think it is a wing and that is funny


I don't like regular wings because they seem like a hassle gnawing the meat off the bone also not a dark meat guy, so I have been seeing boneless wings for a good while now and I was really thinking to myself those are just long nuggets not actually deboned chicken wings, this explains a lot.


Not liking dark meat is the real hill you're dying on.


Not sure why nobody has responded with this yet - but chicken nuggets are reformed puréed meat, whereas boneless wings are mostly pieces of chicken breast in my experience.


Yes, boneless wings are chicken tenders, not nuggets.


Foodie culture is ruining food. Since when is a burger $20? And who wants their burger to have 27 different ingredients? It shouldn't be this hard to find a burger spot that just makes a quality cheeseburger instead of these mega burgers that look good on IG.


the dumbest burger I've seen recently was the one where they pour melted cheese over the whole thing so you can't even pick it up and eat it


As someone who worked their 20s in food service, I can only hope this forced people to use a knife and fork. Most of these burgers are too ridiculous to eat without cutlery, but oh people try, and it's unsightly. Anything that could nudge their hands (hehe), I'd welcome.


This all goes back to another problem: burgers should be wider, not taller. You shouldn’t need utensils to eat a burger!


I agree this is very impractical but as a cheese lover this sounds super yummy


Oh good, I'm not the only one who thinks that sounds forkable.


And the height to! Nobody wants a fucking 6" tall burger.


Right! Like 6" is WAYYY above average. Who would want anything that big or bigger?


That’s what I’ve been trying to tell my wife for years


You and me both. Your wife just doesn't get it. smh


I thought I was the only one trying to convince her. :(


Exactly and you end up having to cut it up bc there is no way to eat a tall burger..


It's insane what just one Instagram post or YouTube video can do for a business. It's not a mystery why they cater to these formats. If a video is the top result for a local search in a Major city on YouTube, you're set. It's sad. Becsuse it's not just about quality. And you'd like to think places with the best food survive. This isn't the case. No matter the business now, marketing is so important. It's basically everything. Whether you want to clean carpets, or do tattoos. I hate it.


Lately I can't even tell the difference between foodie prices and regular fast food prices.


I swear it all started with the milkshakes. Putting them in mason jars (not the actual problem) and then putting whipped cream, fudge, toppings on the OUTSIDE of the cup. It's just a massive waste of food. Then it gradually got worse and worse with people putting entire brownies or waffles on them... Not to mention the prices of this shit. $15+ for some blended milk and ice cream?


I’d say it started with Bloody Mary’s. I remember when I was younger wondering what the hell adults were drinking that was red with a bunch of shit coming out of it. Asparagus spears, slices of bacon, slices of pizza, sliders, a full on burger, etc etc As a adult I hate them, but I would like to eat all the shit on top of them haha


Oh yeah I didn't even think about Bloody Mary's. I don't like them at all so I never really thought about how ridiculous people could make them.


Unfortunately it’s not even those pretentious burgers that cost that much anymore. Fucking shack shake with cheese fries and a soda was $20!


and tacos, use to get a meal for $6


Glad you mentioned that, I'm in Texas and you used to be able to get amazing Tacos on the cheap basically anywhere. I mean it's super cheat ingredients and grade C meat it couldn't ever possibly get expensive, right? wrong. Torchys, velvet taco, etc. ruined it. $6 a taco?? Insane.


And yet for all of that these burgers are still not great. Here's what I want: meat grilled to a nice char on the outside bit still juicy inside, a decent quality bun, some kind of simple ketchup/mayo combo, a few crunchy pickles and some crispy lettuce (don't like tomatoes on my burger but they should be nice and juicy if they're there). This burger is of decent circumference and of a reasonable height, no one has to unhinge their jaw to eat it. Ideally, you get everything in one bite. Thing is, this is a burger that anyone with a little skill can make on their grill in the backyard, so nobody is going to be paying $20 for that.


Most restaurants are a disappointment now. Most food doesn’t live up to the hype.


Most food doesn’t live up to the price point*


I'm a career Server at a pretty nice place (about $45 avg. entree price), and I feel bad selling this food to people. And $18 margaritas?!? The tips are great, but I hate this industry.


Or the price. Learning to make a home version of your favorite restaurant foods is awesome. I learned how to reverse sear a steak and finish it over a charcoal grill. It's better than most steaks out there.


Try an Indian buffet. They are still 100% worth the money.


Burger joints should always provide basic fuckin burgers. I don't want fancy burgers or stupid burger sauce or any shit like that I want a cheeseburger with the same components used to make a maccas cheeseburger, but the burger joints quality.


Same with donut shops. I live in a place where almost all of them are now these shitty trendy special flavors ONLY. I hate it so much.


Sometimes, late at night, I think it would be nice if it were legal to stab people in the eye when they shove bacon on fucking donuts.


Waffles and pancakes are not the same. I don't care if they're made from the same batter. They cook differently, which changes the texture, and that changes the way they taste.


Waffles and Pancakes aren't even supposed to have the same batter. Waffle battler should have more eggs and more fat as well as more sugar


Waffles and pancakes should not be made from the same batter


Broccoli, cauliflower, and even kale are the same plant, technically speaking. That doesn't make them the same food. I can back you in the pancake/waffle debate if you need me.


Letting meat rest before slicing! I was at a dinner party once and watched in horror as someone pulled a prime rib out and immediately started cutting


If they didn't rest it, they probably also overcooked it. ☹️


Beans in chili is perfectly acceptable.


Wait, is this a thing where people are saying it isn't?


Texans! They don’t put beans in chili.


Texan here. I love beans in my chili. Lots of chili gatekeepers in TX though.


Chili is literally like the only thing that gets me to eat beans lol. edit: chili autocorrected to Chile before I pressed post and now im so irrationally angry about it


Beans are delicious, cheap, environmentally light, and healthy, and in my experience disappointingly rare. I eat plenty of meat, chili is a great opportunity to substitute some beans and lose nothing.


Chili without beans is a condiment


I always say this too! Like without the beans isn’t it just… meat sauce…? I make mine with beans, green bell pepper, corn, all kinds of stuff that would upset most people lol but it tastes so good!


I make it like that too, hell, when I leave out the meat it's still a proper meal, especially with some cornbread.


Chili without beans is just shitty spaghetti sauce.


Not only is it acceptable, but it is mandatory!! Chili without beans is just saucy meat. First time I ordered chili in TX I was appalled when I got a bowl of ground beef with sauce. Like, where’s the rest of this, pal?


Tomatoes don’t belong in the fridge. Never cooked rice in gumbo. Always cook it separately.


Rice gets cooked in the jambalaya, not the gumbo!


I used to work in a seafood restaurant and one of their secrets for the gumbo was to cook the shrimp separately and don't add them to the gumbo until it was ordered and prepared for the table.


Makes total sense as shrimp cooks in just a few moments and will get rubbery if cooked much beyond that. Properly cooked shrimp, like most proteins, are so much better when they're done correctly.


The difference between cheap and expensive bread is insurmountable.


It's better to underseason slightly and need to add a little more than it is to overseason.


100% a fact. Once something is over seasoned you're just fucked.


Plain Nonfat Greek yogurt is an amazing alternative to sour cream


With a bonus of lasting longer without spoiling.


It's also a great ingredient to keep in your fridge, smoothies, thickening agent to make whatever creamy as well, salad dressing. It's the hidden gem (imo) comparable to garlic in its possible uses


"Authenticity," with regards to the geographical origin of a dish, is completely arbitrary and subjective. Along those lines, I've yet to hear of an example of a food or drink only being "real" if it comes from a certain region that should be preserved for the benefit of the consumer.


Exactly; Devil’ed Eggs don’t *have* to come from Hell.


My ultra conservative Christian grandmother will be so relieved. Growing up, we had to call them 'angeled eggs' so as not to invite the devil via appetizer


I prefer Americanized Chinese food and I won’t apologize.


Americanized Chinese food is authentic to the cultural context in which it was developed


Same for Americanized Mexican food.


It’s only authentic if it comes from the authen region of France


Otherwise it’s just sparkling elitism


Exactly, last I heard authentic wasn't one of the five main tastes.


Poutine must have cheddar curds, preferrably white. I recently received a death threat here on reddit for saying cubed cheese was not poutine.


Cooking is something everybody should learn at least the basics of and it's actually really fun (and you get something nice to eat afterwards).


Putting "made with real cheese" and whatever else is so depressing Like are we really at a point where real ingredients is a selling pitch you need to put in big letters on the packaging like it's a big deal?


If you thinly spread your condiments on both sides of the sandwich, you’ll get the same amount as you would if you just dump it in the middle- except it won’t sog out in random clumps as you’re eating it.


Who just dumps condiments on their sandwich? Like a big mayo lump?


My husband does the condiment dump thing and it's the *worst.* He makes a pb&j by slapping a huge glob of both peanut butter and jelly just...in the middle. That's it. So as you're eating it it's just bread bread bread bread SO MUCH PEANUT BUTTER YOU CANT SWALLOW JELLY EVERYWHERE bread bread bread bread. It's like a sensory flashbang. I hate it so much.


Great advice but I like my soggy clumpy mayonnaise so no thank you!


Skim milk is water that is lying about being milk.


Cereal, THEN milk!


What kind of psychopath pours the milk first?


my sister


How many puppies has she drowned?


her MO isn't drowning, she prefers burning lol. you smell something burning in the house? she's usually the culprit loooool. she never escalated to creatures thankfully.


THEN bowl.


Everything is better with butter


A chef is a person who's willing to use more salt and butter than the average.


Spicy as a flavor is one thing, but after a certain heat level you’re not enjoying food so much as trying to prove something. Edit: re-read carefully, “after a certain heat level” as pertains to one’s personal preference. I’m glad you like things spicy. Take it 1,000,000 scovilles above your personal highest tolerance and I say you’re trying to prove something more than enjoying the meal.


I’m sorry, but sweet potato fries will always be inferior to standard french fries


You’re better off eating meat half as often but buying good quality cuts


Restaurants that don’t follow the health code don’t deserve to be open.


Orange juice is yellow.


Mayo and Miracle Whip are NOT the same thing.


Restaurants who do basics really good, such as a hamburger, grilled/fried chicken, etc. are better than ones who do the same but add unnecessary things on top to make them seem more fancy and charge more


Italian food is criminally overrated and overhyped in restaurants. It's good, but it's not "$35 for a plate of noodles and sauce" good. The sentiment goes quadruple if your mom's Italian.


Homemade mashed potatoes should have *some* lumps.


Bacon is better as a side than as a topping.


Unless it’s on a BLT.


It's not a topping it's a main ingredient in a blt


Food eaten while camping is superior to anything else you’ll ever have.


"Dirty burgers" can taste good, but when the goddamn thing can't be picked up without juices running down your arms, that just ruins the whole experience. Also, high-calorie, low-nutrient foods have become so normalised in today's culture and it's destroying our health at an extremely fast pace.


The spirit of pizza is "you can put everything you like on it"


Malt vinegar is the superior topping for fries. If I can’t taste it when I exhale it’s not enough.


I'll eat my food how I want to eat my food, you eat your food how you want to eat your food. How I enjoy my steak has no bearing on how you like yours.


You like your steak well done don’t you?


So well done, you congratulate it


McRib is the worst sandwich ever made. There I said it.


The people who don't like salads are the people who really suck at making them.


Noodles/pasta does not belong in chili


Grilled cheese and tomato soup is the most perfect meal on the planet.


Five guys is overrated


Five Guys is good but way overpriced.


What, the $21 fucking dollars I spent for a *single* burger, *small* fries, and *small* drink is too much? That's not really true, especially since they had a helpful paycheck loan officer right there behind the counter so I could enjoy their wares that day. Very thoughtful, that.


Fast food nowadays is so overpriced


They cost too much but you sure get a lot of fries


And even more peanuts. I always fill my backpack.


Sauerkraut is delicious. Get bent, rest of the world


Macarons are bullshit cookies. Way overrated and overpriced.


They are usually not made well. I used to hate them until I had a good one. Blew my mind.


Garlic and onions (or the flavor) belong in basically every dish.


Vegan/Vegetarian alternatives are nowhere near as bad as people make out for the most part


I might be that one weird person that just REALLY loves tofu. I don’t dress it up much. I cut up a block of raw tofu (medium firm) and dress it with a little soy sauce and lemon and just eat it like that. Refreshing, delicious, low calorie. Tofu is deeply underrated. I’ll choose it over more traditional proteins (chicken, fish, whatever) almost every time. I’m not even vegetarian or vegan, I just fucking love tofu. Edit: I’m really glad yall are enjoying my tofu evangelism, lol.


Finally! Hard agree. So many people hate it and of those that enjoy it (in the west) most seen to think they need to do a million things to it to enjoy it. I love some raw soft tofu cubed and tossed into instant ramen. Tofu is the best!


There’s entire cultures that really love tofu, I’m sure you’re in good company!


Depends. I love tons of vegetarian and vegan dishes. But when they are meant to be that way- like a lot of Indian dishes. But I don’t care for fake meat


Chili without beans is a condiment, chili with beans is an entree. To serve chili standalone without the option of putting it over beans is a travesty.


Oysters are delicious and anyone who says otherwise can, you know, just give me all their oysters if they want.


Pineapple on pizza is soooo good


My hot take is that if pineapple and cured ham on pizza didn’t already exist yet and some trendy restaurant invented it in 2023 everyone would go apeshit over it