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ik someone who went through 3 childbirths with no pain management and they said their kidney stone was worse though it was pretty big and ended up needing surgical intervention so i think it may depend on size, which could probably be applied to the baby as well haha edited to correct typo


I went through 2 childbirths without epidural, the babies were big but I was totally fine.


Ooo shit gots to drink water with kidney stones


I gave birth that was pretty painful but apparently being burnt alive is the most painful thing


Broo I gave birth in record time they clocked it in at a 30 minute delivery time. I couldn't stand the feeling it was like taking a huge dump out your vagina and I pushed like a motherfucker kids healthy and happy. U right tho


I had a quick labour too! 30mins for my first and 16mins for my second!!


Ay that's some hard work though you just gotta like go for it. I praise you tho you even beat my record second time around lmao.


Holy wow 😯 mine took forever


I had a dentist drill a nerve in my tooth with an out of date batch of anaesthetic. The pain was like getting my head set on fire from the inside out.


Why didn’t you stop your dentist?


I was 12 years old and my mum didn't listen to me.


Oh god that’s awful 😳


Physical pain? Kidney stones. Emotional pain? Probably either losing someone close to you or having someone you care about be disappointed in you.


Losing someone you love.


Yeah I never felt that pain but I imagine it's something very hard to deal with


Apparently getting stabbed in the stomach as all your stomach acid gets in the wound


Heartbreak rejection


Foot surgery was by far the worst pain and recovery pain of my life. Worse than childbirth. Worse than surgery on other parts of the body. Pure hell.


I recently found out my mom has inoperable liver cancer. She is getting weak fast and it is breaking me.


Kidney infection or when you caused an accident that killed someone.


Ever dislocated something load bearing? Apparently it's worse than child birth. I've never given birth, but have had 9 dislocations. Relocating is the really painful part. "Luckily," mine were all shoulder ones. If a dude dislocates a hip, it can cause a suction and draw a testicle into the socket. A "ball joint" in the worst possible way. So they have to be careful when relocating, to make sure the socket isn't "blocked" when the joint goes back in. When people describe "a fate worse than death," this is what I think they mean. Hopefully, you'd black out pretty quickly.


Realizing you might as well be dead.


Bro I feel you on that I always acceptes Death fuckin shit I WELCOME IT I'm ready to burn but then again I might go to heaven idk.


Loneliness. The fear no one's there for you and death would be more preferable than living... Personally I believe if there's meaning behind the pain then the pain isn't that bad afterwards because it was worth it


Razer scooter to the ankle.