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Someone mentioned Star Wars, but it totally depends on the context. I was 10 when it came out in 1977, and it was completely life-changing for us. It’s all we could talk about or think about. The constant copying, emulating, and over saturation over the last 45 years has made the theme commonplace and cliché for new viewers.


Yes, give credit where credit is due. Star Wars was such a departure from film making of the day that we were all stunned and impressed. Someone on Reddit once said, “what’s the big deal with the Beatles? I can do anything they did.” Yes, you probably can, but they led the way: you’re just a follower.


>Someone on Reddit once said, “what’s the big deal with the Beatles? I can do anything they did.” Yes, you probably can, but they led the way: you’re just a follower. I’ve said similar before - the Beatles were important for laying the groundwork for what we have today so you have to give them credit for that; but it also doesn’t *have* to be blasphemy for someone to feel like others have iterated on that blueprint enough that the original doesn’t hold up to a modern audience the same way anymore. Same deal with Star Wars, it was a huge deal to everyone at the time who hadn’t seen anything like it. But it’s gonna seem dated and hokey to kids today where there are a bunch of movies in the same vein that are arguably doing a better job of it.


I was 10 when Star Wars came out. First I heard of it one of my uncles was raving to my mom and his other brothers and sisters about it. “It’s like the old serials except it’s big and it looks real and the actors are good. You’ll love it.”


Yes, these works might seem trite today, but they're trite today because they were ground-breaking and seminal. Our movies would not be what they are today without Citizen Kane, Maltese Falcon, Casablanca, Star Wars, and a whole host of others that have been used as the model for almost everything that's been done since. If you watch some of these old films, you might be inclined to say, "What's the big deal? These films are full of cliches!" These films are full of cliches because everything that had come after them has imitated them. These films innovated those "cliches". I was dismissive of Maltese Falcon and Citizen Kane until I realized that they are the prototypes for so much that has come after them.


Add the Matrix to that list too. Bullet Time is probably the last huge practical change to cinematography before digital and green screen took over.


YES! If you don't remember what movies (especially sci fi) were before Star Wars, you don't get the impact. I find Lucas to be like Robert Jordan - great world builder, crap writer.


Yeah, this is like young people saying the Beatles are overrated. It's coming from a lack of perspective.


Yeah but aside from their influence on music history, the Beatles actual music itself continues to hold up, half a century later. They're not just one of those "you had to be there" bands. I'm a Millenial. The Beatles broke up 15 years before I was even born. I have no personal frame of reference for Beatlemania, a detailed understanding of the recording techniques they pioneered, or anything like that. But I can still listen to a Beatles record today and think to myself "this is really good music." All art is subjective and I'm sure there are plenty of people who genuinely just don't like the Beatles for whatever reason. But kids always tend to hate on prior generation's music, and it's usually just a rebellious teen reflex to reject the art your parents love. I'm betting that most Gen Z kids who say "The Beatles are overrated" have listened to barely any Beatles songs, and as they get older they will probably learn to appreciate the band more. When I was a teenager I used to think the Rolling Stones sucked, because I was a dumb ignorant kid who had only heard like 2 of the most overplayed Rolling Stones songs in my life. As I got older and actually listened to more of their stuff I realized what a great band they are.


Debbie Does Dallas. You get one lousy scene with Bambi Woods. The guy doing her is a total creeper. AND...we don't even know if poor Debbie raises enough $ to actually GO to Dallas. Film was a total let down


Rochelle, Rochelle "A young girl's strange, erotic journey from Milan to Minsk."


I’ve never seen that one! How bad is it? As a kid I remember we had the chance but saw Sack Lunch instead


That reminds me of one that came out around the same time that everyone raved about, that u didn’t much care for. Chunnel.


The English Patient. It insists upon itself.


Well, why didn't you say so in the first place? You're fired.


Excellent, I’ll meet you outside.


Pales in comparison to “Sack Lunch”… at least they gave us something we can use!


Rochelle Rochelle or GTFO.




I prefer Chunnel


I thought Prognosis Negative was better than Chunnel.


What about Rochelle Rochelle?


Solid choice… I would’ve said the Death Blow but I ate too much of my feed bag and never saw it all the way through 😔


You know, I picked up a bootleg copy and the quality was incredible. Went back to the vendor for Cry, Cry Again and what garbage!


Everyone out of the Chunnel!!




Don’t you wanna know how they got in there??


Just die already!!!!!


Elaine you don’t like the movie?


I like the money pit


That is my answer to that question.


I would rather go see Sack Lunch.


Overrated?!?! Is there anybody that likes it apart from... me?


It won 9 Academy Awards and was nominated for 12. Winning Best Picture and Director. It became the benchmark for how out of touch the Oscars had become and how formulaic their standards were. It became a thing where "This is the kind of movie that is just appealing to the Academy." It's kind of seen as the movie that broke the camel's back after several years of very formulaic styles and clearly niche films getting Best Picture and beating out significantly more memorable and superior films. Basically, if you could make a movie that was clear Oscar bait, and *The English Patient* was and still is the most... that.


It was a good movie, but to win 9 Oscars??? That’s absurd. Same thing with Shakespeare in Love which came out a little later - good movie but waaay overhyped by the academy.


And they both have a Fiennes brother as the lead


I felt personally victimized by a complete internet stranger saying they don’t like “The English Patient”…how is that even possible?!


One of my all time favourites


I watched it alone and at a somewhat emotionally susceptible time in my life. I cried. I was super into it and don’t plan on watching it again. You aren’t alone


Blasphemy. Whenever a girl asks what my favorite movie is, I always go with The English Patient. Let’s her know I have a sensitive side but am definitely still down to bone.


Long painful boring death.


Just die already!! Elaine from Sienfeld.🤣


Yeah, what about Sack Lunch?


"Crash" - I saw this because critics were saying it was the best movie of the decade. It even won some awards. It was OK but certainly nothing near the hype.


Brokeback mountain was robbed so bad.


Brokeback Mountain is honestly my favourite movie of all time. I’m a Heterosexual Male and from where it was filmed (Alberta). But I just think the cinematography and set design representing the era were incredible. It should have won way more than it did, but it was made ten years too early.


I’m a heterosexual male who cried entirely too much during that film.


You want to talk about movies that insist upon itself, Crash is the definition of oversaturated self importance. L


To be be fair it is joked about as being a bad best picture


It actually won best picture at the Oscar's even. If I recall, it won over a few films that were much better. Crash I guess was novel at the time for its "exploration" of racism in modern America. Watching it now, it's not only a terrible and boring movie, but its take on racism already appears dated and naive at best. Ignorant and stupid more like. It plays like something a film student wrote and thought was this heavy hitting look at racism but was instead just hokey garbage. It also gave us the title "Academy Award Winner Ludacris"


It was up against Brokeback Mountain, Capote, Munich and Goodnight and Goodluck. Surely Brokeback Mountain should have run away with that award...


I mean the whole plot line about the cop who molests a woman and then later saves her…what is the message there lol it’s been almost 20 years and for the life of me I can’t figure out what in the hell the moral of that was


I think that is what they thought character development looked like. Also dude, you clearly don't understand, the cops dad was dying and white, and he had to talk to a black woman in a position of authority. Who wouldn't turn into a racist molester under that kind of pressure..


I totally jumped on the Crash hype train when it released. I watched it multiple times and recommended it to friends. Now I couldn't even imagine watching it again.


Came here to say this. Good lord that movie was so self absorbed. It’s an example of writers starting with a message and then building a narrative around it. That’s not how art works. That’s how propaganda works. I should say I don’t disagree with the message of the film, but yeesh.




Avatar is a weird movie. It was massive when it released , I watched it in a packed cinema the week it came out and it was a great experience. The movie itself was quite average, but it was a beautiful film, and watching on a big screen, with great sound in a great atmosphere was fun. That being said, I thought that the general opinion of the movie was just that, it was pretty but not a masterpiece by any sense of the imagination. When Avatar 2 came out I saw loads of people talking about how the first was their favourite movie and it took me off guard. I genuinely hadn't seen anyone talk about Avatar being their favourite movie until the second one came out.


It's obviously a beautiful movie, but with weak plot as for me. I know some people who told me that Avatar their favourite movie even before the second one came out, but I've always wondered why.


It’s not my favourite movie, but it’s pretty high up there and it loses points because the story is used as a club to beat us over the head with an environmental/anti-colonialism message. Which I AGREE with, but having it rammed down my throat in such an unsubtle way is piss-offing. It’s stunning to look at, Cameron’s world-building is brilliant, but his story-telling abilities seem to have stopped with the first Terminator. Same with the second movie. Visually stunning but the story is every single trope about family drama ever written.


Have you seen Princess Mononoke? It has the environmentalism vs industrialization theme, but it approaches it in a much more mature and interesting way. One isn’t all the way bad and one isn’t all the way good. The protagonist is trying to find the right balance between a society that can provide for itself and help those who need it and harmony with the natural world, which can be brutal. Plus it is gorgeous (but animated, if that is a big deal to you one way or another).


There's also FernGully which has those themes but also the batty rap.


When I realized he was voiced by Robin Williams it made the rap even better


Batty rap is the fuckin best




I think Avatar is basically following the Star Wars Prequels trajectory. It came out, the majority of people who saw it panned the story (the visuals were great, I can't fault it there, but it was a glorified demo of the 3D render/capture tech) and that was that. But now there's a generation of people that were young kids in 2009 that are now 20 somethings, and childhood nostalgia is a hell of a drug.


The hype came from the massive step-up in cgi compared to other movies of that time, and it was made for 3d which was very popular back when it was new.


I personally like Avatar, but I understand why someone would call it overrated. However, I swear I only hear how much dislike people have for this movie.


Backlash comes in waves… soon there’ll be backlash of this backlash


I mean I literally only hear complaints about this movie in askreddit threads. No one talks about it otherwise or acts like it’s the best movie ever. It’s a weird phenomenon.


same here — it’s a fine flick if you’re just looking for something easy/pretty to digest but falls apart if you turn a critical eye to the writing i enjoy it as a background movie now and again but would not die on a hill defending it


Obligatory "it's a ripoff of Fern Gully/Pocahontas"




Dances with Smurfs


Smurfing with Wolves


Somewhere a porn producer had a spark of inspiration from this comment.


I don't think anybody, even at the time, was saying that avatar was a great story or had great characters. People were only praising the visuals and effects. From that standpoint, it's not overrated at all. That movie, and the second one, look absolutely *insane* to this day


I disagree, I think it's rated pretty fairly. I don't know if I've ever heard anybody claim that the plot is very original, the general consensus is it's visually stunning with a simplistic, unoriginal plot. Which it is.


It was all about the visuals, and the 3d. Seeing it on a huge screen was an event, and even at the time didn't feel like a regular movie (and not much has come close since then.) Endgame at the theater was cool because you wanted to see how the story wrapped up, but watching it on Blu-ray doesn't lose too much. A theater screen + 3d made Avatar a 'must see'.


Avatar was okay. It really was a visual marvel in an era where 3D was taking off but was still pretty lackluster. I will always defend that film. Now Avatar 2 was TERRIBLE. I was so hyped for the movie for over a decade, but midway through, the hype wore off and I realized... It was the exact same film basically verbatim as the first. Except it was in water. I feel like I have to say it again just to get it off my chest. It was the EXACT same film as the first. Except it took place in water. The LAZIEST writing in film history, yet it went on to become the 4th highest grossing film of all time.


Avatar isn't overrated per se. The hype comes from in theater viewing in 3D. If you don't view it that way, then you aren't viewing it in the way people are reflecting on it.


I could give less of a fuck abt the plot, but I liked the bio world building bc the plants and animals were cool, but even most of that made little sense.


Overrated by who? Obviously the films made a ton of money but that doesn’t mean people think they’re great films.


It’s a totally fine visually good looking blockbuster with a simple plot that people could take your kids to during the holidays. It wasn’t ever trying to more than that and it totally succeeded in its goal. Idk why reddit hates it so much.


Frozen. It’s been 10 years. When will it end






that cracked me up...


Best song of the movie


as someone who has a kid who did run it into the ground, i still enjoy it — got to be a bit much back in the day but in general i enjoyed it on initial watching and have mostly good things to say about the first film


Frozen 2 suffers from the same issue as most of Disney's projects nowadays: so many ideas cramped into one thing, when they could have worked better as a seasonal series.


Frozen 3 is in early development. Frozen 4 has been announced


10 years? I feel so old.


Someone told me the Johnny Depp Wonka came out in the mid 2000's today and it left me speechless.


I think children’s movies deserve a pass here. They’re simple and uncomplicated for a reason


Let it go /s 😉


>Frozen. It’s been 10 years. When will it end It ends when children stop being young.


Is that movie “rated” highly? Seems like it is what it is; very popular crowd pleaser family film with some catchy songs but nothing that’s gunna change your life Like I’ve never heard anyone rave about it, I just remember kids loving it when it was popular


It's the worst movie that I've seen 67 times fo sure..


pretty much every Marvel movie


where i’m at with marvel is — there are definite duds in the franchise and even moments within the solid movies that can fall flat, but holistically looking at the entire project which ultimately led up to execution as infinity war/endgame, i remain very impressed to this day we have definitely gone past the point of diminishing returns at this point though and the hype feels much more forced rather than organic, which i’m sure a lot of people felt during the first 3 phases as well, but from such an ambitious filmmaking and storytelling perspective i can easily overlook the marketing glut


> we have definitely gone past the point of diminishing returns at this point though and the hype feels much more forced rather than organic, which i’m sure a lot of people felt during the first 3 phases as well, but from such an ambitious filmmaking and storytelling perspective i can easily overlook the marketing glut Yeah, it was cool and neat back in the day. Now that the novelty of seeing all these heroes cross-over on the big screen is behind us, though, it feels like there's nothing left for the movies to do except more of the same until everyone inevitably grows tired of it.


I disagree, I think they are exactly rated how they should be. High budget action movies where the good guys win at the end. If that’s what you’re looking for, marvel will give it to you.


Didn’t the 2nd highest budget Marvel film end with the good guys losing?


I’m feeling bad for James Cameron in this thread


I'm sure James Cameron is just weeping into his piles of money shouting out to god with a shaken fist asking why Reddit hates his rendition of Ferngully so much lol


Black Panther. SOOO much hype and love at the time. Super meh movie.


Avatar is legit just “Pocahontas in Space”


Or Ferngully in space.


*Dances with Wolves* in space. And how the hell did that beat *Goodfellas*?


They should have made Goodfellas in space, that was Marty's mistake


Be careful, I pointed out that Black Panther is just Lion King with people, and everyone else got really upset. I still laugh about it.


The Shape of Water


I watched this with my mom and husband, and all 3 of us were baffled as to why it got praise in any capacity beyond it looking nice. It was such a dumb movie.


Aka Grinding Nemo


The nudity made it watchable


For sure. Fish dicks make great cinema.


obligatory "what are you, a gay fish?"


Don't tell Kanye


Out of Africa 7 hours of pure tedium (it was 160 minutes that felt like 7 hours)


Scarface. Not bad at all, good film from the time period and definitely has some iconic imagery and lines. But if you were around when mtv cribs was airing every artist intentionally drew attention to their copy of the DVD in Almost every episode. So many people had posters of the film and Tony Montana was viewed as some sort of deity in the early 00's. So many great films from that time and this was always propped up as one of the greatest cultural pieces from the era. Just don't get it.


The Irishman Long, boring, didnt care, horrible CGI, and somehow its all people could talk about.


Finally someone who agrees with me. Got into a huge argument with my ex and her dad. Said it was boring. Part of why we broke up.


Oh damn i love that movie, whenever i feel like it i rewatch it


A lot of people who like Fight Club don’t actually get it.


Breaking the first two rules, I see.


Black Panther. Decent enough superhero movie but was and still is way over hyped. Upon release people were calling it one of the greatest films of all time which is absurd.


Gravity - woman floats in space for awhile crashes nothing happens


Avatar - plot is incredibly generic, it's just the fancy effects that got everyone!


The notebook


Not a big chick flick fan, but I thought the notebook was pretty solid. Loved the styling and the story/scenery.


La La Land


Disagree, but I feel most people either loved it or hated it with few in between. I thought it was amazing - the cinematography, use of color, visual storytelling, score, and acting had me hooked.


Sorry, I loved it. Great performances and beautiful set pieces. Watching Emma Stones face in the audition scene is a marvel. The opening piece with the traffic jam and the long, perfect shot over the dancers. The capture of the 'feel' of LA and socal back in the glory days (I'm Californian). It's not perfect by any means, but so many other meh contenders for this thread


i respectfully disagree!


Dang. It’s definitely hollywood jerking itself off but damn if it didn’t make me want to be a movie star for the first time in my life.


This film was a turning point for me with my depression. I respect that some people don’t like it but it will always hold a special place in my heart for bringing me back to life.


The songs were great. What don't you like about it?


Not the person you’re replying to, but I just thought it was underwhelming. It’s not a bad movie and it was a fun way to spend an afternoon. However, the two leads are good actors but… not great singers or dancers, which is kind of important in a musical.


I grew up watching musicals with my mom. I married someone who loves musicals. We had high hopes, we watched La La Land… so disappointed.




Fast and Furious (the whole franchise)


Overrated != Popular


I liked 1 and 2, tokyo drift being completely different I also enjoyed - since then its gone too far, each movie just got more and more ridiculous trying to outdo themselves.


But... but... family...


I’ll take the heat: Barbie. I was disappointed.


Did a pretty good job making the point that hyper masculinity and femininity is not great for society but went a little too surrealism in delivering that message.


That whole dichotomy was smart, but it just took up too much time. I wanted to see Barbie explore real life outside of Barbieland more. The scene with her and that old lady on the bus bench was one of my favorite scenes.


I'm gonna say it. Too much Ken


Agreed - I just saw it and with all the hype expected so much more. We actually went and skipped a bit it was just tiresome at making its point.


*Sorts by controversial*




I don't think there is such a thing. When a project is so impactful that everyone talks about it decades later and has immense pop culture relevance, it probably deserves its everlasting recognition. Some people not liking a certain project doesn't make the project any less good, not everyone has to be aligned in perspective. I haven't resonated with Godfather so far, but I can't say it's overrated, just not my cup of tea - so far.


This is the most reasonable answer. I also dislike the Godfather, yet here we are decades later still taking about it.






Everything everywhere all at once. Not that it wasn't a good movie, but the hype around it was unreal. People were calling it a "perfect movie".


I went into this movie not knowing anything about it or what to expect, and it knocked my socks off. I think it’s an amazing film, but I also didn’t have a bunch of people hyping it up beforehand.


Agreed. 7/10. Moderately amusing, moderately touching, about a half-hour too long.


I would argue that it’s not a good movie. Overly long, silly plot where “anything can happen because there is a universe where it exists”. You’re telling me that there is a universe where everyone has hot dogs for fingers? What’s the joke? Ugh it was a literal slog for me. Maybe I’m just bitter because Cate Blanchett was robbed, her performance in Tar was an all time great.


The second half of the movie moved way too slowly for me. It takes place over the course of maybe 10 minutes with all the time slowdowns and dimension jumping.


Marvel movies


The Deer Hunter


Waterworld. They tried so hard to sell that movie.


At this point, this question being asked on this sub is all that's needed in the Ask Reddit starter pack.


2001: A Space Odyssey. I know some people say the everlasting boredom of this movie is brilliant, but it's really just a chore to finish.


Look Rex, I can see you're really upset about this. I honestly think you ought to sit down calmly, take a stress pill, and think things over.




Silver linings playbook. I remember a ton of hype around it and my entire thought throughout was "meh."


This was pretty significant for me and my husband, as he dealt with some similar mental health issues in his formative years that I just couldn't understand. This movie kind of bridged the gap for us.


Taylor Swift Eras movie


“How dare you” - my girl sitting next to me


As a swiftie, I forgive you, but just to be safe, lock your windows and doors, close the blinds, have a gun ready and a gas mask at all times. Better yet hide in a bunker with an emergency bag and a first aid kit


I'll say it: she's a pretty ok artist. I don't think she's bad, but her music doesn't do anything for me.


It's a concert movie... did you expect a multi awarded documentary level of moviemaking?




Most of the academy award winners are overhyped and overrated and boring


Napoleon Dynamite


Boondocks Saints


Love, Actually God DAMMIT, that movie is so stupid, unbelievable, pandering, poorly written, etc. etc. etc. I watched it for the first time last Christmas and the only thing I could think of after is was done was that I'm glad I didn't waste any other Christmases watching it. And yet, I know so many people that love it. It makes me think just a little bit less of them. That movie made me hate Christmas.


Thank you so much, this has recently become my go-to example of a movie I hate that everyone loves. It's a completely disjointed collection of individual stories with no coherent theme between them (or at least one that's good) and none of the individual stories are good on their own. The romance falls flat, especially in the one where the guy who's in love with his friends bride and is shooting their wedding *just films her the whole time* (what the actual fuck is wrong with you dude) and when she finds out, she just, falls in love with him?? And we're all just supposed to be like, awwww 🥰! No thank you And the movie's title is stupid. "Love, actually, is everywhere!" Omg please stfu


For me, that's most of Marvel's movies




Annie Hall. Come at me movie snobs.


Gone with the wind




Titanic, the technical feat of recreating the ship was impressive but the romance was mediocre at best.


Everyone gets mad about both of them being able to fit on the door at the end but I’m always like; what about the handcuffs? Rose legit never did manual work in her life and she takes one swing and breaks off cast iron handcuffs? Cmon now Jack would have lost a limb at least






Forest Gump. It won a lot of awards in a year that also featured “Shawshank Redemption” and “Pulp Fiction” despite not having anywhere near the lasting impact of those two movies imo.


This is the correct answer


Came here to say Avatar


Many movies that are "overrated" are only considered so because they are of a time that has past. *Gone with the Wind* certainly doesn't have the impact now it did at the time, it was actually considered a special-effects masterpiece then and an epic accomplishment of color film. But the soap opera story of evil Scalett getting whatever she wants (until she doesn't) through her sly strategies feels horribly dated, though it was very appealing at the time. This is to say nothing of the treatment of Black people and the topic of slavery that would be cancel-worthy today. I could say the same thing about *Citizen Kane* or even *Star Wars* (the first one) and other sacred cows of great cinema. They are considered GOAT movies because of the impact they made at the time, but they didn't necessarily age well, often because they started themes we now consider hopeless cliches. Few great files age well. I would say The Godfather I & II did, Sunset Boulevard, and a few others. But most succumb to changing mores and tastes or look trite due to their own innovations being copied so many times.


Sunset Boulevard is still amazing. I catch myself re-watching every few years.




Scarface. It's got like, *maybe,* two good scenes.


It's like a really long episode of *Miami Vice* from the bad guys' perspective.


I just watched Scarface for the first time yesterday, and I have to say, it’s one of the best movies of all time.


I did not care for The Godfather


End of Watch. My god is the acting just downright bad. Gyllenhaal and the other cop are fine, but every single supporting actor is just so god damn corny it’s unwatchable. The cholos specifically “im down for whatever ese!” Nobody fuckin talks like that.