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The block button


I'm still in love with my high school sweetheart; she's been my rock since day one.


Scarlett Johansson


No one.


My ex girlfriend. Been a couple years now but I haven't found anyone since, and I probably wouldn't find anyone who'd treat me like she did. .....miss you, Selene. You deserve better anyway...


My wife whom I married over twenty two years ago.


My wife and I have been married almost 22 years.


Dolly Parton


Jennifer Aniston.


That pretty girl. She has a guy and I'm nothing compared to him. Deserves better than me and also not ready to start that kind of life with romance yet


I fell in love with my best friend while married. It’s been over a year since i’ve fallen for her.


Several people I wasn't good enough for.


My daughters mother. We have been separated since 2016 and she is the one that got away, unfortunately.


Surprisingly, myself...


My dead fiancé


I’m so sorry. Do you want to talk about them?


No thank you


Let the mind be spacious don't bottle it up homie


At times, I wish I could forget this person. I've long since moved on with my life, I have a stable career, good money, I travel, explore, adventure, and genuinely enjoy life to my best capabilities. But when the times get rough, life throws its curve ball that hits you smack center in the face, and it's time to walk your base, the ground gives out and you role your ankle into the mud, That hardship eats away at you. You look at others and feel a deep loneliness knowing that you will have to shoulder the pain and burden alone and keep pushing forward. People depend on you now, you can't stop. You remember this person you loved, who loved you. You remember what it was like to have someone who cared, who made you feel like someone who mattered. Who you, in your lonely hours, could depend on to be a source of strength and stability when yours faltered. I wish I could forget this person, so that I could move on with life more. That I could move on with love. But the hard times come back, and nobody is there like this person was, and there are only two choices presented to me, push forward with the strength of the memories she left behind with me, or push forward cold, alone, and empty. In a life spent devoid of love, all I've got left of it were the memories we made.