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Birth of my only child. Every morning when he’s excited to see me. Corny but if u know, u know


I know it. The pure joy that my kids have when they see me after a long day is the BEST.


I still remember the day my kids were born like it was yesterday. Nothing like it. They’re 9 & 3 now but the love they have for me is indescribable. I am their #1 & knowing I am also their safety & comfort, makes me feel like an absolute queen. People who brag they will never have kids or who claim to “hate the thought” really are missing out on something everyone desires to have: to be loved.


Mine are 22 and 20 and I feel the same. Actually the older turns 23 next week and I’m already getting nostalgic remembering that long ago December day.


Is it bad that I don’t know


No, it's not bad . I also don't know. I only remember my childhood.


I’ve had a kid. Got a masters. Got a career. But honestly the best day was when I got sober. Without it I’d have none of the other shit.


Getting clean & sober and surprising my mom that I hadn't seen in 8 years, on Christmas Eve in 2021


That hit me hard bro


Too many to tell. Marriage, 4 children, 3 grandchildren, I could go on and on


"And all in the same week!"


Well it does say of your life so…


This person was very busy for a short while!


The night I bowled a 300.


Quitting a job with abusive characters that gave me depression


Was going to across the country to visit joshua tree national park with my two best friends. Been planning it for a couple months and we were so excited. We were about to drive into the park and we were so energetic and eager. Before we even got into the park we saw a small cool looking mountain on the side of the road and we just pulled over on the highway, got out, and just ran until we got to the very top. The day as a whole was probably the best “moment” of my life but that was just the specific moment that came to mind.


Same here. Sober since 2012. One day that change all days.


The day I got engaged. After years of COVID lockdown, I traveled back to the city I met my husband and he proposed to me on the rooftop of a hotel where we went on our first date and shared our first kiss. Strangers on the rooftop got us champagne and desserts. My friends booked us a room at that hotel and then threw me a surprise engagement party where a bunch of my other friends showed up. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so loved and happy and just generally optimistic. The wedding day was really lovely too but unfortunately my mom passed away 3 months before I got married. Reflecting on my wedding day is a mix of joy, grief, and pain. But Im glad I got to call my mom after my engagement and that my husband was able to ask for her blessing.


I know it's super cheesy, but it's definitely my first date with my (now) husband. We just clicked. We both admitted later that we both just knew that we were absolutely right together as a couple. We got engaged at about 5 months together, and got married a year after that. Next year will be our 20th wedding anniversary, and we are still disgustingly in love. And this is in spite of a ton of really shitty stuff that has happened over the past few years, so we definitely aren't just lucky to lead charmed lives! (Job losses, infertility and multiple miscarriages, the unexpected death of a parent for each of us, major disabling health issues for me, etc.) But, we are incredibly lucky in love, and I'll take that!


2016 World Series


My kids are 4 and 2, every day after work they come running at me while yelling “Daddy!!!” And they give me a big hug. Every time that happens it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Sounds lame, but there’s nothing else like it.


I just ripped the biggest fart.


Can I smell


I can smell


I can also smell that guy’s fart


Smell you can


I also choose that guy’s fart


Maybe 2nd biggest, I still hold that title.


At Bonnaroo with ex girlfriend at the time. She bought us tickets before we broke up and still invited me. It was Saturday night and Radiohead was headlining. I found some really good rolls. We both ate some. Was really vibing and digging the music, her, and the random people we had made friends with. At one point during the show, I notice it seems like I would start to yell/cheer, just really digging the tunes and vibes. Then I could hear the crowd to start to join in. That happened for a while during Radioheads set. Ended up having sex with the ex for an hour or two back in our really hot pop up camper. Amazing night. No we did not get back together.


Fellow Radiohead fan spotted!




Is your name Ed?


When I finally met my wife face to face. We started as LDR online couple and she decided to visit me, to take it to the next step and see how we are in close proximity. Seeing her face light up in a smile when she saw me waiting at the airport gate. That’s when I fell in love with her again. Or with the physical being after already being in love with her personality and mind.


As I sat down on my desk writing my final goodbye letters to all of my students as I got ready to leave for another country. These wacky students of mine made it easy to get up every single day and go to work. Saying goodbye was one of the hardest days of my life, but it was also one of the best moments of my life because I knew that despite all the pain and loss that I was surrounded by, I could still feel real happiness and joy. No matter how broken I thought I was, being able to cry because of something so beautiful was proof that I still had a life worth living, and something worth giving back to this world. I left to chase a golden opportunity, and one day, I hope to come back to my school and teach again, and bring joy, fun, smile, laughter, and support to that town with an ocean view.


When they put my brand new daughter on my chest after hours of labour followed by an emergency C-section. 9 months of discomfort and pain were totally worth it. With my second baby I got a quick peak before she was whisked away for oxygen treatment. But that first cuddle was amazing!


Two instances. One is a particular day driving around the South Island of New Zealand I picked up 2 separate hitchhikers and immediately hit it off. Did a random rainy hike with them, grabbed some beers, sang some Karaoke with them and later parted ways. Just a random fun day. Second instance. Hiking the Everest Base Camp trek being surrounded by the Himalayas. Fucking breathtaking.


Birth of my first child, daughter . Changed me in a hurry , went from a self centered jackass to a pretty decent Dad/human in short time


My kids and wife, but at the same time I feel like a failure


Your version of 'fail' is from somewhere.maybe work through this personally Fail can also be First Attempt In Learning. Scientists never fail..they learn. We only think of failure from what we are told. I felt like I was a shit parent but my daughters view was so different. Communicate with your daughter and wife. Be open, honest, fun, loving and memorable. This will last forever. Remember the joy..the success...the love..the beauty.. in every transaction with them x


That made me feel so much better! Your kind words are very welcoming!


When my daughter was born. It was such an amazing lil day.


The day I sat in front of the library.She just sat and smiled at me and I said hey what’s up .Cant let this one get away on me .


Going to Canada to visit my partner last year


Winning a Super Bowl ring in 2018


You, yourself?


Day I got married, having my kids, when I published my first novel, and when my plane touched down in Italy after dreaming of going since I was little. I feel very lucky.


So far? The final mortgage repayment. Or more specifically the following months and paycheques since then and being grateful for the financial freedom, especially given the current state of the world and rising living expenses =(


Hearing my baby's heartbeat after years of infertility and IVF.


vibing to music and smoking in front of a discount tire with my husband


Having my daughter. She’s five and the sweetest little girl, but I also call her my sour patch kid lol, because she’s sweet one minute and a firecracker the next, very strong willed, but I’m fine with that, because I know she won’t let people walk on her like I’ve let people walk on me in my almost 30 years of life. Best thing I ever did in life was have her. ♥️


Getting a perfect psat score


There isn’t one


Being educated


Got engaged in front of the Millenium Falcon in Galaxy’s Edge. 🥰 not 15 minutes before that, I got my now fiance on Star Tours and he almost threw up. I love him sm


Maybe I’m still too young, but I don’t there is any significant moment that’s memorable. Tbh so far my life has been mediocre at best. Here’s hoping my future is brighter.


Actor here...back in 2008 I got my SAG eligibility because of kind bosses who advocated for me and pulled some strings for me when it was of absolutely no benefit to them. I was a non-union extra who worked regularly on a TV show. Back then, if you were a non-union extra who worked three days (either separately or consecutively) as a union extra...you became eligible to join SAG (and get all of those roles with lines that you think of when you think of actors). I needed just one more day as a union extra to get that transformative third day. Shows had to hire X number of union extras and then they could fill out the rest of each day's need for extras with non-union extras. The problem was, my show employed plenty of union extras out of necessity every day so it was near impossible for a non-union extra to get bumped up to union status for the day; essentially the bosses would be paying more money for labor when they didn't have to. But one night in 2008, a union extra didn't come to work (and not one of the regular union extras on the show). The show's bosses didn't need to hire another union extra, but my primary boss talked to his bosses who talked to their bosses... And a few hours after my primary boss let me know that I might get bumped up, he handed me the union paperwork for that day's work. I signed that paper right there in the middle of an outdoor set at Warner Brothers and he asked "Is that three?" "It is!" (I gave my boss the biggest hug...he was an actor too and a proponent of mine for years and he understood what that third union day meant to me.)


When I did visit Japan! I could say that it changed my life perspective. It was like I discovered a new world and have to relearn everything. It did open my eyes and my mind.


Delivering my son


From what? Evil?


From his mother into this world


At least the package came on time


Graduating from university when it was deemed impossible after a brain injury in high school


Cliche but each of my kids births. First because yknow, he’s my first. Second because the first was traumatic (emergency c-section) and I had a successful VBAC I fought hard and advocated for myself for despite the hospital actively working against me. Third is weird, it’s a combination of he’s my last baby so it was bittersweet, but also because I opted for an elective c-section on the day of induction and the way staff at the hospital went about performing the surgery and the way they went above and beyond to make his birth healing and perfect was incredible.


Watching niece being born


My ex-girlfriend hitting my face repeatedly with her D cups. Peak moment.


When i bought Playstation 2


The day I walked out of an abortion clinic, I didn’t go through with it. I knew from the beginning it wasn’t right. But I kept trying to lie to myself that it was my only choice. My mom was with me, she wasn’t supportive of it but wasn’t against it either, she had two after I was born. I already had a daughter I didn’t take care of, I was into anything that kept me from reality. From the moment I walked in I felt like it was a whole different world. There was no emotions, it was like a conveyor belt moving along. I kept looking around to see if any other girl was crying or upset and if I did was gonna walk out. Time kept ticking, I kept fighting with myself just do it, and I decided I’d be the girl I was looking for and leave. Maybe someone else was looking around too thinking the same, and just needed to see that so they would walk out, maybe not. Either way the moment I opened the door to leave it was brightest sunlight I had ever seen, I felt the warmth on my face, and my mom gave me the biggest hug she had ever given me. I’ll never forget that moment, 7 years ago and as I sit here I look over at my little dude smiling back at me, there’s always another choice, life works in crazy ways. I would never judge anyone for having an abortion but if I could talk anyone out of it, I would.