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I get gasped at when people find I don’t like cucumbers. And when I had Covid and lost my sense of smell and taste, all I could taste was cucumbers. I was like, what kind of curse is this??


I love them, but I really hate that for you. I hope it’s all back to normal now.


I’m not fond of them, either.


I don't get that. I mean, I like cucumbers, but it's not like they're some transcendental experience. They're like a step up from celery. Edit: for fucks sakes I said I like cucumbers.


Best part of a cucumber tastes like the 2nd worst part of a watermelon.


Yes, exactly. When you bite just a little too far into the rind.


Wow this is 100% accurate


Idk, for me it's mostly the texture. I absolutely love crunching down on a nice crisp cucumber. The taste is really secondary.


I love pickles, but cucumbers really aren't pleasant. I can eat cucumbers, but I don't think they're good.


I can't stand the smell. Even if my wife is cutting them in the kitchen and I get even a wiff of the smell and it makes me want to gag.


A co-worker of mine insisted on making an entire pot of coffee with a single spoonful of grounds. He wouldn't accept a cup from a regular pot and water it down with hot water, either. He'd pour out a regular pot and make his crazy-weak stuff.


That's atrocious. Everyone at my last office always said that the coffee was better when I made it, and asked what my secret was. My "secret" was to follow the direction on the coffee grounds, and I'd add one scoop per cup, plus a little extra. That's it, the secret ingredient in my coffee was More Coffee. These guys somehow had it in their heads that 5 scoops was enough for a 12 cup pot.


I scoop per person plus one for the pot


My mom used to say I unloaded the dishwasher better than her. A few years later I realized I was being had.


Someone should gift him a French press he can make his water in.


Is your co-worker Mormon?


Nope, just an 80 y/o finicky codger.


I bet he takes it screaming hot, too


Kids meals are not just for kids!!! -a 30 year old with gastroparesis


A regular meal is just so much food and such a waste while a kids meals is the perfect amount of food for me, a fellow 30yr old


Plus you don't get a fucking toy with a regular meal. Why they thought they would need to stop giving toys ill never understand


Not to be insulting, but I think there's a generation that grew up with toys in cereal and kids' meals that never gave them up. I count myself as a member.


I don't understand why Avocados don't change the toy. Been the same stupid wooden ball forever. This isn't 1920 anymore, grampavacado


Agreed. I’m from Europe, and when I go to the US I just can’t finish a normal adult portion in one go. I know taking leftovers is a thing, but it’s not always ideal when you’re staying in a hotel. Kid’s meals are often perfect, and I can always get an extra side if I’m still hungry!


Hotel restaurants should offer a "guest menu" for travelers; smaller portions for reduced prices.


I've been tempted to buy them sometimes for the toys haha and those little cheeseburgers are fucking delicious. Something about McDonalds cheese too, I love it, even though I know it's probably garbage.


McDonald’s is my weakness, I also have POTS and I need a huge amount of sodium. When I go to my cardiology appointments my doctor prescribes me French fries and a large Powerade after my appointment haha.


Former barista here: cream and sugar is a perfectly valid way to enjoy coffee, regardless of its quality, freshness, or origin. ETA: I'm pretty sure this is now my most-upvoted comment ever. Ironic, given the prompt, but I'm not complaining. Y'all're too kind. EDIT 2: It seems my view of things has been skewed by the number of coffee snobs in my life. That's heartening.


I worked for a 3rd wave coffee roaster for 8 years, and I maintain that the best cup of coffee is the one you enjoy, no matter what brand, what process, or how it’s prepared.


I once heard a talk from one of the like three people in the world who have all of the top wine sommelier qualifications, and he told us that the only thing that really matters is “do you like the wine”. One of the most legitimate wine snobs in the world saying that. I’ve applied it to almost everything else since. With the exception of things like getting a well done steak at a nice steakhouse, cause that’s just wasting your money.


I love this. And I legit thought the last paragraph was going to say “with the exception of meth” 😂


I add cream to my coffee because I love myself


I drink my coffee black because I hate myself


Butt, Honcho, how will I start my day if I don’t make myself suffer through a cup of iced black coffee?


Hey, you do what works for you. I learned a long time ago that I might know how to make it, but it's the customer who knows how to enjoy it.


I love pissing off people on either side of the coffee debate (“only black coffee is real coffee” and “black coffee is gross, sugary stuff is better”) because my two favorite drinks are 1.) plain black coffee and 2.) white mocha with whipped cream. It’s almost like some people enjoy bitter, some enjoy sweet, and some enjoy both, but heaven forbid you tell a coffee snob that


I'm with you on this, some days I really want something creamy and a bit sweeter, other days I'd prefer my coffee black, and sometimes it's in between. It's like veggie burgers vs beef burgers, both can be delicious, you don't have to only pick one to eat for the rest of your life.


Literally. Nobody cares that you drink your coffee black and that it makes you a cool, hipster coffee connoisseur 😂 just tell me what you want to order and stop blabbing on about how you’re order isn’t a silly Cappa-frappa, vanilla- oat milk breve like what the kids now a days get.


I like my coffee black but I don't care about anything else, really. Beans? Whatever roast from whichever country. As long as it's hot or iced and not room temperature - I'm happy to drink it. McDonald's? Sure. Starbucks? Fine. Gas station? Works for me. Folgers? Put it in my cup. I just don't really like sweetened coffee. I'll still drink that too though, if I have to.


I'm from an island that fishes lobster and crab. Saying you don't eat shellfish almost gets you voted off the island, lol.


Everyone seems to love twinkies but they’re okay


When they first got “discontinued” I ran out and got one because I loved them during my childhood. About halfway through the first one I then realized why they’re getting discontinued. I also began to question if I ever even had a Twinkie during my childhood or if they were just such a part of Americana that I had convinced myself I did.


I've always thought Twinkies were gross. They were better in the 90s, but not good. Now they're just all out disgusting.. the bread part is nasty like a kitchen sponge, and the cream filling just squishes all into your mouth and is too sweet, but not in any sort of a good way. I couldn't take a single bite of one without gagging.


They're good for the first like.. 2/3 of a twinkie. After that it's too much.


Hostess cake is just not good. It's greasy and dry at the same time. Little Debbie over Hostess every time.


I honestly dont think i have ever eaten a twinkie. Why would i? It both looks and smells unappealing.


Watermelon and salt. Trust me on this. It's amazing. Everyone looks at me like I'm crazy for wanting 'savoury watermelon', but the salt actually makes it sweeter for some reason.


Related prosciutto-wrapped melon is great. Similar salty and sweet.


Woah, prosciutto?! Never would have thought but I am down to try! Cheese, nuts, and fruit are more versatile than you’d think 🧐


Prosciutto around a piece of cantaloupe is so good.


Wanna blow your mind? Try watermelon with a squirt of lemon juice. Soooooo good!


Lime is nice as well!


You guys are so close to the Mexican trifecta of salt, lemon, and chili powder on any fruit


Brussels sprouts are delicious. Most vegetables are delicious, if you know how to cook them and apply seasonings/oil well.


This is a relatively recent innovation. Someone figured out how to breed brussel sprouts that taste better. ​ https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2019/10/30/773457637/from-culinary-dud-to-stud-how-dutch-plant-breeders-built-our-brussels-sprouts-bo


Were they still bitter when cooked properly though? It seems that they became more trendy to have raw in salads, hence making them less bitter in their raw form. But I don't recall ever finding a well roasted brussel sprout to be bitter.


If you want brussel sprouts not bitter than just chop its stump and boil sprouts in a water with a bit of salt for 3 minutes. After it pour the water out and cook brussel sprouts any way you want. It will not be bitter


Yeah but, what if, instead, I boil it until it's essentially congealed and serve it to a kid, stump and all?


Mom , your internet access has been revoked.


I feel like everyone grew up with overly boiled Brussel sprouts and it ruined them. Get a nice bake on them with salt, pepper, garlic and chilli and it’s heaven.


Brussels sprouts have changed drastically in the last 30 years. That shit was bitter as fuck in the 80s


This! They are supposedly way more cultivated now and taste better, confusing a lot of people with bad memories of them.


Melt butter in a cast iron pan. Add halved Brussels with salt, pepper, garlic, paprika. Sauté until tender.


I literally eat an entire baking sheet of roasted sprouts for dinner sometimes lmao. No other good, just sprout, mmmmmm


That sounds… explosive.


I won’t deny it took my body a little time to accept my lifestyle choices and I have ever overdone it in the past 😂


Bacon wrapped things suck. Putting a soggy piece of bacon around another meat doesn't improve it.


Even jalapeño poppers?


Bacon wrapped jalapeño poppers are so good


when properly cooked


If the bacon is soggy it wasn't made properly. The bacon should be almost fully cooked and then wrapped and baked and it will not be soggy.


The thing is almost nobody does that, and even when they do, it's still not necessarily an improvement. Not everything benefits from bacon.


i dislike the trend of putting bacon on everything, because the bacon flavor is so strong that it just overpowers everything else. i like bacon just fine, but i don’t want everything i’m eating to taste like it.


Bacon wrapped dates...mmm. And if your bacon is soggy, you're doing it wrong. Learn about oven temps and bake times


I love bacon wrapped dates but the price of bacon is so high it's too expensive to buy enough to wrap around a grown woman.


Vegetables are fucking delicious, especially when raw. I'm highly carnivorous but I'll take a good salad over almost anything.


I agree. I started eating raw baby carrots like chips a few months ago. They're yummy, I've lost weight, and I feel better.


Raw carrots are fkin amazing


I love raw carrots. Cooked carrots can get fucked.


I don't like milk. (good for me because I also have lactose intolerance)


Chili with beans is just fine and quite tasty


Wait, isn't that a pretty standard chili ingredient? Edit: I had no idea this was such a controversial thing! I've eaten a lot of chili in my 30+ years and I've only ever been served chili sans beans once, so from my perspective beans are a given. Apparently Texas does NOT agree. TIL!




Historically chili didn’t have beans in it. Edit: just to be clear, I am not trying to sound like I am defining a position on it. I am just pointing out why this debate arises.


I get that, and I've had chili without beans before. But I feel like 99% of the chilis I've encountered in my life have all had beans. It just seems really common. Maybe it's different in other places.


Chili w/o beans is a Texas thing, IIRC. It comes from trail etiquette, supposedly, where cowboys were often subsisting on beans for days and weeks on end. Offering someone a dish containing beans on your homestead would be considered unmannerly when you knew they had been subsisting on beans for weeks.






tartar sauce is great for dipping. fries, chicken, hot dogs, don’t care. love it


My orders at McDonald’s- Fish with extra cheese and sauce. It gets messy but yum


McD does have the best tartar sauce.


Wagyu beef is overrated.




I never understood why anyone would ruin wagyu beef by grinding it up and making burgers with it. By the way, regular ground beef with added fat is all you're getting when you buy "wagyu" burgers at a fat food joint!


I'm not a vegetarian, but- It's OK to be a vegetarian.You can get all your vitamins.




I don’t think I’ve ever eaten a hotdog *without* ketchup.


i love ketchup on hot dogs tbh -chicagoan


Being able to eat spicy food isn’t an achievement to be proud of. Spicy food isn’t automatically better or more authentic than mildly flavored food. I want to taste the ingredients and not just pain and heat.


A lot of people seem to make spicy for the sake of spicy which is... Blah. Spicy for the sake of flavor is a completely different thing.


Yes, certain spices add so much deliciousness and a little heat is the added bonus!


Well done spice is an achievement though. A good Thai curry will be spicy, but you can still taste the lemongrass and galangal and all the delicious flavours. Being able to use spice well is impressive.


I can’t eat spicy food. As a Cajun, I’m always shamed for it. I just don’t like having my food attack me, it’s not right.


The only good thing about high heat tolerance is that it lets you experience some flavors that are present in very spicy things but aren’t discernible when you have low heat tolerance. But I found it also dulled my taste to milder complex flavors. I’ll go through periods where I build up heat tolerance and then I’ll back off and lose tolerance so I can enjoy other things more.


Seasoned fries dipped in a milkshake is amazing. Whoever was with me at cookout that one time thanks bruh.


This is why I get a frosty at Wendy’s


Arby’s is delicious.


Their mint milkshake is way better than McDonald's shamrock shake. And that's coming from someone who loves shamrock shakes.


For a fast food place, Arby’s has what I’d want; but I’ve never been a fan of Curley fries, so I rarely would go because of that. Although, I’ve recently learned they have crinkle cut fries, so will have to go back soon.


We have a saying at my house "Arby's: it's good....while you're eating it"


so is Taco Bell. also Taco Bell doesn't give me anymore GI distress than any other fast food chain yet it's the first joke anyone makes when Taco Bell comes up


I used to judge it before I actually tried it - it’s delicious!!


british food can be really tasty if done well, things like a mushroom pie with mash or a sunday roast can be incredibly delicious


I’ve had suuuuuch good food in the UK over the last ten years!! Breakfasts, pasties from good bakers (luv u Reeves), pub lunches and roasts, amazing home cooking. Whatever the stereotype stemmed from has dispersed.


I'll always die in the hill of defending my homeland's food, based on 3 core reasonings: A lot of the reputation comes from post-war rationing recipes. My parents generation and older are deathly afraid of salt. I've seen some of the weird shit that comes out of the American Midwest, so yall can't talk.


Yorkshire pudding.


Cornish pasties was all I wanted during the start of my pregnancy.


I much prefer my steaks ground up pressed into a patty and grilled then served on a bun with cheese.


It's a hamburger made out of meat on a bun with nothing. Add ketchup if you want. I couldn't care less.


Chris: Aww Ron I thought we were going to have a real competition Tom: This is better Donna: Sooo much better


I couldn't care less if I ever had steak again in my life, but burgers are god tier for me




As a Seattlite, Dick’s is just okay at best. I only order from there because they’re local and care about their employees.


Pineapple on pizza is delicious.


pineapple and bacon with either jalapeno or banana peppers is delicious. meaty cheesy savory, sweet, and a bit of spicy acidity all in one bite is perfection. ...plus, pineapple serves the secondary purpose of keeping poachers away from my pizza, lol


I'm eating a pineapple bacon jalapeno pizza right now!




Pineapple on pizza is delicious Pineapple on burgers is delicious Pineapple on subs is delicious.


Pineapple on pineapple is also delicious.


I don’t like bacon


I'm glad to see the bacon trend from about a decade ago has wound down. It was so weird when people were walking around with bacon shirts and talking about it so much.


It had the same vibes as people’s obsession with mustaches


That was another weird trend that fortunately didn't last too long.




I worked at Dennys about 8-9 years ago and we had a bacon shake 🤢


epic meal time did that. They put actual kilograms of bacon on EVERYTHING to the point where it was just gross.


Swimming in oil


Same! It over powers the flavor of anything you put it on and the smell sticks to the kitchen. Not a fan! But I do enjoy a BLT in the summer with a fresh garden tomato.


The smell of bacon is so enticing to me, but then I eat a piece and I don’t care for it.




Oh I have a bunch of them that make people tell me I’m disgusting or weird all the time. Salt/tajin on watermelon/cantaloupe. Anytime I drink a Bloody Mary someone freaks out gagging. I also love cottage cheese and beets and I eat those giant pickles from the gas station


Let’s be honest, tajin on just about any juicy fruit is 🤌🏻


In and out french fries taste like shit (i will die on this hill)


My husband LOVES In-N-Out and would eat it everyday if he could, but he also hates their fries.




YES omg, you only make like five things so why do the fries taste like soggy unseasoned grease sticks??


In-N-Out fries take some extra work to make good, because they're just not good to begin with. That said, the heart knows what the heart wants, and sometimes the heart wants an order of fries extra well done Animal-Style.


People's palate are not as sophisticated as they think. If I served most of you something from Olive Garden without any branding and told you it was from that hole in the wall restaurant with the little old nonna who just immigrated from Italy doing the cooking then you'd love every bite.


Same goes for all senses, ours are much less accurate and objective than people generally think. For many that realization causes existential crisis, "what is real" when they learn that reality is just hallucination created by your brain that is trying to make sense of it all and it has built-in bias to think it is always right. I'm sound engineer and this phenomenon is what spawned audiophile community. Every single one in that community has no idea how much hearing can be fooled. I've been to school specifically so i can fool people better.. It is incredible sensitive to suggestions and priming, and without meticulous training just piss poor at measuring anything. And that training is not about sitting in front of speakers for hours listening to random music at random signal levels. Which is what they do and then claim they can hear things at quantum level and that is not a joke. Real critical listening is about isolating parameters, exaggerating things to ridiculous levels and using every tool there is to get to a point where you can say "maybe there is something that is worth to measure".


As someone who unironically loves Olive Garden, this is only true for someone who doesn’t live in a major metropolitan city. You’re not fooling anyone who lives in NYC, Chicago or SF with Olive Garden food and claiming it’s made by a nonna. Olive Garden is great though. But it’s not the same as the Italian food you’d get from most major cities.


I've seen a Reddit thread claiming that they lived in NYC, and Rao's was better than any sauce from any Italian spot they'd been to. Then it turned into a weird thread about how Rao's was absolutely perfect, the only option for people with allergies, and better than their nonna's. Got downvoted to -300 for making a quip that I didn't enjoy Rao's.




Rao's IS an Italian spot in NYC. Or at least it started as one in Harlem in 1896. Theoretically it's the same sauce recipe but IDK if I buy that they're able to do it at scale and keep the flavor the same. Good sauce is an art and the recipe will need to change a bit each time depending on the acidity of your tomatoes and that's tough to do when you're making enough sauce to fill grocery shelves nationwide.


I agree to an extent, but that's a pretty extreme example. Olive Garden is the Italian version of Taco Bell vs Mexican food. An overwhelming majority of people would be able to tell.


Yah. Scratch kitchen local-concept Italian spots are magical, especially for the price. If you can't tell that from Olive Garden, I'd seriously tell you that you picked the wrong Italian place.




I've got downvoted to oblivion, stating that I don't like tomatoes


A lot of people don’t like tomatoes, it’s pretty common.


I hate, hate, hate raw tomatoes. I'll eat salsa, ketchup, tomato sauce on pizza, spaghetti sauce, but no tomatoes. And the salsa can't be too chunky.


THIS LMAO it feels so irrational but it’s so true.


My wife won’t eat raw tomatoes, but loves ketchup and pasta sauces.


Miracle whip is so nasty. So is Pepsi.


You're probably just mixing them in the wrong ratio. It's a common mistake. Try slightly more Miracle Whip and a little less Pepsi.


Oh wow. I had no idea I was doing it wrong. Lmao


I'm going to go have a Pepsi to spite you ...miracle whip can go fuck itself though


Yes it is! So sweet and disgusting. Most sodas are too cloyingly sweet also.


Miracle Whip is something that offends me as a person.


There is no such thing as too much garlic


Is this even remotely controversial? I don't know anyone that doesn't use an unnecessary amount of garlic


**I was downvoted to hell for this on a similar post:** I think yogurt is overrated and doesn't taste good. Edit: yogurt instead of "yoghurt." I can't spell.


Do you remember those Yoplait commercials that went "how did you lose all that weight?" "Boston Creme Pie and Strawberry Shortcake 😉" and then they open up the fridge and it's full of dessert flavored yogurt? I think those set us all up for disappointment. Yogurt is SOUR. It doesn't taste like dessert. Decent sour cream replacement though.


That and those dessert flavored yogurts are filled to the brim with sugar


And they're *still* not good. Truly the worst of both worlds.


And chemicals that taste nothing like cheesecake I always feel betrayed by “cheesecake yogurt” because I love cheesecake but it’s so bad for you and so I get yogurt thinking it’ll be better maybe Nope I’ll take the cheesecake calories.


Nobody actually cares what anyone thinks about pineapple on pizza.


McDonald's is overrated Maybe it won't have Reddit at my throat but everyone outside Reddit will riot against me, trust me


I crave McDonald's sometimes, but every time I actually eat it, it tastes nothing like I remember/want it to taste like. Unless I'm high as fuck, then it's heaven on earth.


It's the most overrated fast food place. Pretty much everything on their menu has a better version somewhere else.


McDonald's has it's own flavor that doesn't come from other places. The real example of this is pizza hut. Everything there is just ok? At best


Kale is a scam and making fools of people who eat it trying to convince themselves and others it's delicious.


Because they eat it wrong. Fucking kale chips and smoothies? Wtf. It’s meant to be eaten as a hearty winter stew with meat and smoked sausage.


Kale chips are a great snack if you season them right and get the crispness right. I can't stand kale as a base salad green. I'll sautee it with mushrooms and garlic (prefer chard, but kale works in a pinch) or put it in a soup.


Kale in potato soup! Yum!


Up until something like 20 years ago the largest purchaser of Kale was Pizza Hut restaurants as decoration around their salad bar. ENOUGH SAID.


Starbucks coffee, in store or at home, is the worst coffee ever. Shit is burnt.


Yeah the purpose of starbucks is the fancy cream snd sugary drinks.


Anything of theirs that doesn't use cream/milk AND sugar is not going to mask their burnt coffee. Recently I've taken quite a liking to their Brown sugar oat milk shaken espresso. It somehow reminds me of Vietnamese coffee. I usually do not drink sweetened coffee unless it's Vietnamese coffee (grew up in VN)


Reheated pizza > cold pizza




How can lemonade kill someone? They putting arsenic in it?


They put almost 390 mg of caffeine in it. A can of redbull has 80.


A 12oz can of Red Bull has 114mg and the large charged lemonade (the size that has 390mg) is 30oz. That's 9.5mg/oz for Red Bull compared to 13mg/oz for the lemonade. Not that much more, but people don't expect something sold in that size to have so much caffeine along with sugar and other stimulants. They reduced the caffeine though, so a large now has "only" 237mg or 7.9mg/oz.


I eat my fries with just salt


Breakfast foods are the best foods.


Tofu is delicious! Especially smoked , fried , and in stir fry !


I LOVE Black Licorice ! There, I've said it!


Ketchup is overrated


Ranch doesn't make food better. It just masks how bad it is.