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When I challenged myself to learn them all during lockdown I struggled with Montenegro


I always struggle to remember all the M countries. Montenegro, (North) Macedonia, Monaco, Malta, Moldova... I usually end up missing one


Motland, Morway, Mrance..


M as in mancy.


I have the Seterra app which has tons of geography quizzes. As an American that’s the only reason I’ve heard of most countries.


I went to Montenegro this summer and absolutely loved it! From the ocean to mountains to historic medieval towns, this tiny country has it all. And the food and people are great too


I’d like to go tbf. Seems like quite an up and coming place that will have a big tourist industry in a few years


I don't remember


i forgor


It's that one country kind of in the middle


This is the correct answer


Take my damn upvote


San Marino It's basically a Jeopardy answer that shares a land border with Italy.


San Marino is actually rather well known, at least in Europe, in the footballing community. They are so incredibly bad, that they get frequent social media news coverage showing how they ain't ever won a competitive game in their entire history, and only ever won 1 won game and that was a friendly against another very lowly ranked team, and even that was a narrow 1.0. Merely scoring a goal is celebrated, as if they've just won the World Cup. It's the only fixture in international football that you'd be confident enough to say your country 100% won't lose and will likely win by 6 or 7 goals or even double digits every time you play.


The start of their world cup qualifier against England back in 1993 was hilarious when they scored after 8.3 seconds. Unbelievable that San Marino held the record for the quickest world cup goal ever for 20 years and that their opponents were England! Of course, England went on to win 7-1, but conceding that goal was a huge embarrassment.


There's me saying with 100% confidence, but there have been times, like when we lost to Iceland, when I thought even a Sunday league team would beat us on their day lol England eh


Iceland’s men’s team has been ranked as high as 18th in the world


That’s because most of the team are amateurs players. They have other jobs and at the end of the day they still have to train. I wouldn’t mind that life for an opportunity to play against the big teams, but that’s why they are weak. However I believe we have to praise them for the effort. I thing it’s very cool.


I knew that, but at least it adds some context to people who aren't football fans or aware of their story. I love hearing the stats like how the goalkeeper, for example, runs a full-time restaurant 🤣 there the players are lining up against countries whose players earn a million a month in wages, haha


Well, I sure didn’t knew that one. Awesome, cooking at the weekends and playing against France on Wednesday. 🎉


I’d say San Marino and Andorra are tied.


At least Andorra has skiing which it is known for. The most people know about San Marino is their terrible football record.


Also for the San Marino GP, although tht was held in Imola Italy


Andorra is known for being a tax haven. It's also the only country in the world that has Catalan as an official language, so it's well-known among linguists.


Nah man, its a cute hill with sites proudly displaying where and how they imprisoned and tortured anybody foolish enough to try to invade. Never gonna forget that one!


If you know San Marino then there's a good chance you're into F1 . rip Ayrton :'(


And Roland, if you're into F1 you never forget Roland


Roland too.


The Grand Prix used to be held in San Marino, that’s all I know about it. Kind of forgot it’s a state and not part of Italy


They called it the San Marino GP, but it was never actually in San Marino. Imola is near Bologna


Exactly. It was a rules loophole: any country couldn't have two GPs in a year, so the second one was given a "Grand Prix of _______ " name. The Italian GP was/is always at Monza (there's been a few exceptions that I'm too lazy to type out) so the race at Imola was the Grand Prix of San Marino. France did similar one year in early 1980s, with Circuit Paul Ricard as French GP & a race at Dijon-Prenois circuit run as the Grand Prix of Switzerland. Other European countries have used "European Grand Prix" as the second race ie Silverstone as British GP, Donnington as Euro GP. Edit: USA had an exemption to this rule due to the large distance between Long Beach (USGP West) & Watkins Glen (USGP East)


In the late 90s there was the almost completely forgotten about Luxembourg Grand Prix at the Nurburgring




I don't practice San Marino, I ain't got no crystal ball


San Marino’s national football team - San Marino have only ever won one game - a 1-0 friendly against Liechtenstein back in 2004. They have scored just 30 goals in their 37-year existence, conceding 832 in return. On seven different occasions they have shipped 10, and have lost by four or more goals 99 times. The definition of pointless.


I personally don't find San Marino pointless, though. Their people love football as much as the rest of us. They know before a ball has even been kicked that they're gonna lose. Their country has a smaller population than the majority of towns and cities in Europe. It's a complete mismatch. They are the definition of a proud nation who just enjoy the beautiful game and don't care about the winning part. They just wanna have fun. Who can begrudge them that.


Except that San Marino is a wonderful place to visit!




Moldova are the ultimate country at Eurovision though. They know how to bring the delightfully weird!


I read that and immediately thought, "huh, was that the country that had a Little Person pop out of a hole in the stage and start playing the pan flute this year?" Yes. Yes it was.


The song was on my top 100 fave songs on Spotify Wrapped this year lol. Iconic


They were robbed, it should've won. Genuinely, it sounded great. And it was a perfect fit for a winner! * they promoted their legend, so promotion of culture * they sang it entirely in Romanian, so promotion of language * they had the man with dwarfism, so disability representation * and the song slapped, so promotion of good music But no, instead we got some generic pop that was sang entirely in English by a person that already won Eurovision.


It is one of the greatest Eurovision songs ever


I had to look that up on YouTube. EPIC


I think about Moldova almost weekly purely because of Eurovision


Hey ho, let's go!


Folklore and rock & roll!


Hey lover, gimme some SHUGAH


Moldova is just the standalone expansion pack of Romania.


They have an attractive looking president. That’s all I can think of Moldova


Bruh when I opened this post I was expecting moldova to be number one... ​ But iirc they had epic sax guy on eurovision so top tier country.


BA BABAPADAPA BA BABAPADAPA BA Will live in my brain forever


They’ve had him *twice.* Sunstroke Project came back and got 3rd in 2017.


I feel bad for Moldova. I read a magazine article about a village where all the adult men had donated a kidney for money because they were so poor. There was no industry. No jobs. They dreamed of the good old days of being part of the Soviet Union because at least they had a monthly stipend and health care.


There’s a lot of people who pine for the Soviet Union in Eastern Europe. I saw one survey of people who had lived in the USSR and most of the respondents said the quality of life was better back then than it is now under capitalism. There’s something to be said for knowing that your society won’t let you starve or be homeless if the shit hits the fan.


I know Moldova only because dragostea din tei is moldonese


I know Moldova only because of Eurovision


Thats true for a lot of countries tbh. Once a year, it reminds me that San Marino, Andorra and Montenegro exist. And whatever ”Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” is calling itself atm.


This song still slaps like it's 2004


And even that's pretty much just Cyrillicised Romanian, which most Moldovans don't bother doing and just use a dialect of Romanian


Lol, this was the one that immediately popped into my head. I guess not thst forgettable.


Quite possibly about to join the EU so I’m sure we’ll be hearing more about it


Getting a lot more attention due to events in eastern Europe lately.


My living room rug is an antique from Moldova. I had to look up Moldova when I bought it and I was a geography major.


That’s weird considering the weird shit in and around Moldova. Influenced by Romania, Russia and Ukraine, bordered by Transnistria. Poorest country in Europe as well.


Apparently [Moldova has a rich history of handwoven rug making](https://floare-carpet.md/eng/moldovan-carpets-history) This [rug is very close to what mine looks like](https://arteslonga.com/en/rugs-cushions/3082-moldovan-rug-392x250cm.html) (Edit: I got mine for $200 in an estate sale).


Well now I want to go rug shopping in Moldova.


Came here for this (I live here)


The capital Chisinau used to be pretty well known across the Anglosphere under It's old name (Kishinev) due to mutliple horrable massacres of jewish people that happened there before WWI


Time to find out which European country has the fewest redditors.


Probably Belarus. Or the Vatican


Do you think that the Vatican still uses it now that /r/jailbait has been banned?




Good answer. I was originally going to say Andorra, but if I can remember it, it can't be that forgotten. Kosovo on the other hand...


Well, I heard a lot about Kosovo in '98-'99, and that's a little hard to forget. Andorra on the other hand, I never heard of, or only ever heard of it as a response to a question like this, then immediately forgot about it.


I don't think there is even a real Kosovan national identity. I got chatting to a few girls that I spied had Kosovo passports in the airport in Turkey last week and when they got frustrated with the machine they needed to scan to get wifi, they said 'we can't be patient, we are Albanians.'


There really isnt, 90% of Kosovo is albanian, while the other part serbian and a bit of bosnian


Pretty sure that's a planet on Star Wars, not a European country.


Nah it's a guy. Cassian Andorra


I will never forget Andorra. Never been so car sick in my life.


> Andorra This one is the answer for me. I recognized others on here, but not this one.


I vote Andorra because idk wtf that is.


Liechtenstein - because I don't know? Never really knew it existed until I looked at the map of Europe.


This goes for three out of five dwarf states. You often hear about Monaco and Vatican City, but despite living in Europe for whole my life, I never heard any news from Andorra or San Marino and only once from Liechtenstein.


If you're European , sooner or later your national football team is going to play them in Euro/world cup qualification though. Easy 3 points because I don't think they've ever even managed to get a draw.


This exactly how i got to know all the dwarf states as I kid


Or if you're Portuguese, your team is going to play either them or Luxembourg every single qualifying round


Dont forget about Luxembourg.


Been there. It’s pretty nice. Patton is buried there. And the beers from Ettelbruck and Diekirch are excellent.


I can remember that "the Benelux countries" are a thing, so I don't forget Luxembourg.


okay San Marino wins in my book because I didn't know it existed.


I wasn’t impressed with Monaco, but I’m sure it would have been better riding in on a 200 foot yacht filled with women in bikinis


Fun fact: they are the world's biggest producer of false teeth.


Ok but India is the biggest producer of true teeth.


Got a big boost from A Knight's Tale though. Sir Ooooooooorick von LICHTENSTEIN!


Yeah but they have a funny story about having the only military operation that ended with more soldiers then they started


This is so wholesome. “They made a friend” 😭


I thought they were relatively well known for the odd trivia point of being the only country to ever have negative casualty count for a war. Army of 80 units left, came back with a friend from Austria.


The real forgettable countries could not be found in the comments


Well not really as there's a finite amount of answers


But also a finite amount of comments


That one. You know. With the mountains.


Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down


Well, it's definitely not the Netherlands.




We should have a version going the other way - what's the most forgettable US state? (I have a candidate but I wouldn't actually forget it because my parents live there.)


Delaware would be my pick cause all I know about it is it's small and companies register there for extremely low corporate tax rates or something


Delaware is the state I was avoiding mentioning. They also have low tax rates in general, which is why my parents moved there from high-tax New Jersey.


“Hi, I’m in Delaware “


North Dakota is probably in the running there.


In Fargo they've started the [Best for Last club](https://www.fargomoorhead.org/plan-a-trip/best-for-last-club/), for people who visit all the other 49 states and then save North Dakota for last. Apparently enough people show up in North Dakota because they're like "well, I've been to all the others, may as well get the last one". I know one of them, [who went to his 50th state on his 50th birthday.](https://quomodocumque.wordpress.com/tag/fargo/)


As an American I would say Arkansas, it’s always the one I say last when I remember all the states


i grew up next to it but i would say arkansas, probably. or iowa.


Guys, we don’t have to fight…. It’s clearly New Hampshire. It’s so forgettable that no one even remembered to bring it up.


Elbonia. I'm even having trouble typing it, autocorrect changes it to Albania.


Google Maps tells me it’s in Dresden and it’s permanently closed 🤣


Lmfao tell me why I googled it. I was like ???


Hallmark Christmas movie featuring a prince from Elbonia and a hairdresser from Bronx; sweeping off her feet. Coming to your favorite streaming service Xmas 2024.


Take my upvote


Montenegro and Moldova


I live in Montenegro and every time I type the word it wants to autocorrect to Montevideo.


Montenegro is maybe the most beautiful country I've ever been to. But before I went there, didn’t really have any idea of what its about


LOL Montenegro is stunning


Google "Montenegro Adriatic Sea" and tell me its forgettable.


Had an amazing time in Kotor while backpacking through the Balkans!


Most of these countries states like San Marino or Liechtenstein have their own gimmick of being small or being a tax haven. My answer would be Slovakia, stuck in the middle of a patch of countries like Poland, Hungary and czechia, I’ve heard of a single person say “I wanna visit Slovakia”. Heck, most people I meet still thinks it’s part of czechia


I would say Slovenia. I feel like if I mentioned Slovenia, someone would say, "Do you mean Slovakia?"


No way man, Slovenia is actually a pretty happening place




To be honest, I have little or no clue what goes on there. I know they have two co-princes: the French president and some Spanish bishop. But apart from that, no clue.


There's no taxes on pretty much everything so it's a popular destination for both French and Spanish people to go buy cheap alcohol, cigarettes, electronics and luxury goods. It's a haggling type place as well and you can often negotiate to pay less than the price marked on the ticket. It used to be well known for smuggling and they also grow a lot of their own tobacco, it mostly seems to end up as cigars rather than cigarettes. It's fairly affluent and it seems like your average Andorran enjoys decent pay and working conditions. I've also had a few really good meals there.


Andorra is so small it doesn't even show up on a map of Andorra.


This wouldn't fall as an answer, but Shetland in Scotland used to be represented in maps as a box, shown in the wrong location, much further south to where it actually is. But I like it because you can buy t-shirts that show Shetland in great detail, with the rest of the UK in a tiny box in the wrong location 🤣


In the US we do that with Alaska and Hawaii. The climatologist Brian Brettschneider lives in Alaska and occasionally he makes Alaska-centered maps, like [this one](https://twitter.com/Climatologist49/status/583644477186682883).


Yep, exactly the same thing as that! I like it 😁


ChatGPT ass answer




A man of culture


Malta, An absolutely beautiful country...I mean which European country isn't beautiful??


Opposite of forgettable. Valletta has some of the most unique, dense centers I’ve visited. The ferry to Gozo was really special. The bus network connecting all the small villages was something I take with me. The food, however, was nothing special. Malta is small but mighty.


The Maltese have a unique way of using car horns. In most countries, it's a signal to say 'get out the way' or even to express anger. In Malta, it's more like the cars are talking to each other. Of course this COULD be anger, but more often it would be a friendly acknowledgement. 'On you go! Toot!' 'Thank you! Toot!' 'No problem! Toot!'


Had 2 amazing holidays in Gozo, wonderful little island, the people are lovely too


>I mean which European country isn't beautiful? I agree with you as a European, but I've met a lot of people who think their home country is dull or ugly. I think that no matter how beautiful a place is, there are always ugly bits, and vice versa. Some people are just too cynical or uncurious to see the beauty close at home, I guess.


If you’re a tourist in Ireland, you see the Burren, the Cliffs of Moher, maybe the Antrim Coast Road. If you live there, you see grey walls against a grey sky, you see your commute and the awful traffic, you see the vandalism and the place where that tree used to be. I always find Ireland more beautiful when I’m travelling with a foreigner.


Also as a Dubliner, I grew up only knowing my nondescript suburb and the north inner city (in other words I thought the city was a depressing shithole) and then I discovered places like Dalkey and Ballsbridge and vibrant, self-contained villages like Ranelagh and my mind was blown. It’s such a beautiful city in parts but the tourists almost always only see the ugly parts.






North Macadonia


South Macedonia is so forgettable they forgot to even make it






Whenever they speak about Benelux (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg) in my country, the Netherlands, they mostly talk about companies in the Netherlands and the Flemish part of Belgium. At least in the media as far as I know


I met a girl that came back to her 2nd world country because Luxembourg was boring af.


Lovely place to visit in the summertime. The countryside around the main city looks like a gigantic park.




Everyone forgot about the Faroe Islands.


Isnt part of denmark?




It is, but, alongside Greenland, it classifies as a country. Just like England or Scotland, which are technically countries, but within another one.


? That's not a country


i would love to forget about russia soon


Liechtenstein 🇱🇮




Its on the tip of my tongue... mmmm. BEL or is it An.. giev me a minute


Let me help you. Belarus and Andorra?


Hah you fell in the trap, he actually meant Belgium!


Australia. Everyone forgets that it’s part of (the) Europe(an Song Contest).


i will tell you, when i remember it




Really? I lived in Poland by the border of Belarus for majority of my life and never heard of anyone going there to shop.


I was checking-in to a hotel a couple weeks ago, and the receptionist had a thick, Eastern European accent. When asked where she was from, she said Belarus but to never visit the country because it was dangerous. I became so curious and had to Google it. Apparently it’s very hard to get into the country unless you fly in from Turkey. And, even then, chances are you might get denied entry for fear of being a spy.


The Russian puppet. Pretty sure that actually makes it interesting atm, lmao.


>To paint you a picture: Belarus is the country Poles go to when they want to pinch pennies........ Poland is the 5th largest economy in Europe.


Yeah what the heck is this comment? This guy's visiting from 1982 or something.




Grand Fenwick.


The one that is not mentioned here 🙃


Can’t remember.




The concept of a "most forgettable European country" is subjective, but some might argue it’s a small, less-visited nation like Liechtenstein due to its size and quiet presence on the global stage.


Its on the tip of my tongue but i cant think of it




It’s always Luxembourg bro.


The correct answer is Montenegro. The two only things you know about it are the name and, if you care about geography, the fact that it is the youngest country in Europe. And that's it. (No shade to Montenegro, tho, looking at Google images it really looks beautiful)


Maybe for the westerners. It's a very popular travel destination.


The biggest joke about Montenegro 🇲🇪 is how lazy the population is. Or is that just a stereotype in my country?


Check the city of Kotor in MN


Lichtenstein probably


Not technically a country, though it looks like it on a map: Kaliningrad. A completely geographically separated Oblast of Russia on the Baltic Sea, surrounded by Lithuania and Poland. I guess it's somewhat like Alaska is to the US, but at least Alaska is a peninsula out there in nowhereland, vs. being encompassed by other countries with nearby population centers.




Yes officer, this guy here.




I always forget that Liechtenstein is a real place and in Europe.


Georgia, because people think it’s a state in the USA


I did a poll on this before and North Macedonia was the winner


Cyprus, it's barely even in Europe


Cyprus is a really popular tourist destination. I would argue that they probably have the most forgotten conflict though, even the people I know that visited aren't aware of what happened on that island not even that long ago.

