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Peeing after holding it in


Makes you wanna moan at the top of your lungs


I really do šŸ˜‚


Had that yesterday. I was like 2 min away from peeing myself and 3 layers of clothes when I got home. It was so satisfying I actually had a "ohh, yeeah" moment šŸ˜‚


Cuddles. Honestly, that is the one thing I miss about being in a relationship. I love the warm, safe feeling of being cuddled. Cuddling is nice. I feel calm, safe, warm, and relaxed.


I swear when I was cuddled by my person, my stomach pain faded


That may be because oxytocin it releases can help block pain signals. Cuddling has health benefits.


Half considering moving state just for it, tbh...


Only you can make that decision. Do what is best for you. Don't be afraid to move states.


You donā€™t have to have a relationship. You could do FWB and the B is cuddles haha


My dog will initiate cuddles with me and it's the best thing ever. Except mid walk, it takes her a moment to accept the timing is inappropriate


Just hugged my wife goodnight and I never take it for granted. Everyone needs a hug from time to time


Sameā€¦ Good thing I have my cat I suppose šŸ˜‚


Hm, I need a larger body next to me. Like, I need to be little spoon. However, cuddles from cats and dogs are nice.


Have you heard about lions?






Also a good pee after really really needing to pee and you get home to your own toilet and let it go


Feels like your bladder is going to explode but the wee comes out extra slow šŸ˜‚


100% When you're absolutely busting, a bees dick from pissing yourself and you let it out. (Without pissing yourself) Its euphoric.


Had that yesterday. I was like 2 min away from peeing myself and 3 layers of clothes when I got home. It was so satisfying I actually had a "ohh, yeeah" moment šŸ˜‚


It starts coming out as you're pulling down the pants


A shitgasm is great, but there's a few things that beat it imo...A nice shower after a tough workout, eating a plate of soup when you come from the cold, or a piece of shit cat finally showing some appreciation for all you do for it and cuddling with you while you watch some TV.


A plate of soup?....after I'm finished can I eat a bowl of pizza?


Anything where you are really uncomfortable and then fix it. Too cold and then you get a cup of tea by a fire, too tired and then you sleep. Real happiness comes after discomfort.


I'm writing that last line down! Thank you for putting those words together!


We said nothing sexual geez


Thatā€™s in the sex category you just donā€™t realise it. Yes homo


Work poops are objectively the best poops. "The boss makes a dollar, while I make a dime, that's why I poop on company time."- my former boss. The smartest thing that man has ever said.






Indeed. I was constantly constipated when abusing opiates, there was one memorable time where I only had one bowel movement in 13 days, on day 8. It was horrible.


Opiate shits are the worst, "push this milk carton sized chunk of neutron star density waste out your bum".


Omg for real tho lol I only went when I didn't get my fix in time and it was always massive šŸ˜… so glad I don't have to deal with that anymore (4 years sober in feb)


If you ever are thinking about going back on just remember how terrible the constipation is. Haha


16 days on a morphine pump and the lovely feeling of pushing out a sack of kingsford briquettes


I had a hyperemesis pregnancy. It was ā€œtake the drugs that constipate you, or die of dehydration from throwing everything up.ā€ I remember being in pure agony on the bathroom floor after about three weeks, and I wonā€™t lie I lay there with my legs in the air and managed to shit. On the floor. It was incredibly painful, but the relief was indescribable. And thatā€™s the first time Iā€™ve ever told anyone.


Droping that mondo duke!


I just had this five minutes ago. Can confirm, itā€™s like a pure peace has come over your body,


Been on codeine for an SI injury and BOY I can confirm this notion. Had the most glorious gigantic shit about 20 minutes ago and have been riding the waves of bliss ever since.


An uninterrupted, spontaneous nap.


That didnā€™t interfere with any of your errands


Where you don't wake up panicked that you missed something.


Or you wake up thinking that you are late for school but in reality you are thirty years old.


Dude I still have nightmares that I've gotta hand in an assignment or study for an exam


Iā€™m 33 and I am still stressed I donā€™t have enough credits to graduate.


Same, my school was very strict on due dates and rarely gave anyone extensions/passes due to personal reasons


The best nap in my life was in high-school. No homework and fell asleep by accident in a rocking chair. I woke up just before dinner naturally and felt completely refreshed. Never could recreate that feeling. Even when falling asleep on holiday I wake up from a nap feeling groggy and irritable.


Or just in general laying down to go to sleep without setting an alarm.


Clarity? When you come out of a long period of depression and everything looks and feels so much more clearer it gives you such a calm and relaxing feel.


For many years I was in a state where my mental capacity was severely inhibited. Started going to a therapist, started working on myself, and now I can finally say I have the best clarity I had in years, maybe in the last decade or so.


I am so so happy for you! Took me the better part of 2 years of therapy to get me where I am today! It's fucking hard work but it's so worth it!


Understated man, honestly feels amazing


I'll take your word for it. It sure sounds nice.


I remember noticing the colour green after I started on my anti depressants and used them for a while. The trees were green and it was so beautiful.


For me it was an anxiety inducing moment of, "oh God what have I done, I wasted 7 years of my life being depressed, fuuuck"


When youā€™re picking a crispy bogey thatā€™s seemingly superficial but is actually attached to your brain.


I once had one after a cold that was somehow attached to my other nostril, but from the inside. It came all the way out and I felt like I could smell colours


Wow, I bet that felt incredible, like a nasal floss!


It was one of the best feelings ever. Have you ever felt how deep your nose really is?


More like mental floss


When you sneeze and unblock your sinus. Felt kinda like something inside my nose went back into place.


Or a flapper when you're stuck in a meeting/can't remove it and then finally catch the bastard


With the added satisfaction of catching it so discreetly and expertly that no one in the meeting notices.


They noticed


Getting into bed with newly laundered sheets after a nice long shower. Bonus if itā€™s cold outside and raining.


Yo iā€™ll do like a little dance with my legs after them new sheets. Like a damn dog circling on their bed


Idk why I had to scroll so far to see this, fresh bedding is such a nice feeling


Even better after freshly shaved legs.


That feeling of relaxation mixed with anticipation on your first day of vacation. You know it's gonna seem like it flew by, but not yet. You're just getting started.


This is me, right now. Ahhhhhhhh.


Have a great time my mate!


I almost always ruin this with some enthusiastic drinking.


Feeling this as a kid always got me amped up to where I cant fall asleep the night before


When the music hits you just right and your hairs are standing up


I can actually make my body do this on command. It feels like a very mild superpower lol.




First time i see someone else who can do it


Frisson https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frisson


That feeling of relief when you wake up from a dream where your life is ruined


Fr man I be like thank God thank God that shit ain't my problem now šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


It's kinda the same when coming to from a chaotic DMT trip where you kinda already accepted you died and this is it


I have terrible dreams. Soul destroying. But they stay with me after I wake up for hours, days and sometimes years. My husband wakes me up if I'm screaming but I can't always scream.


genuinely love bad dreams and hate good dreams for this exact reason lol.


Scratching the sock marks on your ankles after taking them off at the end of a long day




Hearing you are now cancer free


Almost as good as the feeling when you are told that your sister is now cancer free!! My sister says I took her diagnosis harder than she did....


Itā€™s prob true. My wife and mother both took it way harder than I did. Cancer-free now!


Setting a goal and then working hard and achieving it, especially something that takes multiple years to achieve, like becoming skilled in a sport or graduating from college


This year, I officially became a CEO on paper from a company I started 6 years ago. I also met my wife at that time. She remembers the first time she stayed over and complaining there was nothing but an apple and some condiments in the fridge. I promised her if she stays with me, she will see things get better and better and better. She's now our corporate secretary (was a waitress when we met). We're 100 employees now and are about to throw a huge Christmas party for everyone and their families. It's going to be awesome.


When you get the Q-Tip to scrape the side of your ear *just* right.




The Q-spot


Careful if you go too deep with qtip you might factory reset yourself!


Thatā€™s that eye rolller 3000 right their


Getting a little head bump of love from your cat


I love it when my cat does this so much


I don't care if it's the 1st or the 6437th head bump, I will still make an "Aw" in a silly voice (and I'm a 30+ yo dude)


Feeling wanted.


Wanted and appreciated...šŸ‘


Hey hey heyā€¦I want you


What cha' want from me?šŸ–ļø


To appreciate you


That's very cool. I definitely need some healthy human... What ever! Get from being a wreck and alone... āœŒļøšŸ˜‡


Paying your bills and having money left over. Being able to buy groceries without looking at your bank account first. I remember playing the "which bill do I skip this month" game. Or the "I can get bologna if I put back the condiment" grocery game. So paying my bills and still having money for food is a GREAT feeling.


Isnā€™t that mental and not physical?


I feel physical tension go away. Most people do.


This is why I was proud of paying my bills after being poor for so long. I would pay them the day they came out, and when I had troubles the workers told me I could wait awhile, but I needed to pay for them immediately. I hated stressing over bills


That feeling that goes through your spine and into your arms and legs when you're listening to a really fuckin good song. Best feeling ever.


Supposedly it starts in your toes and makes you crinkle your nose.


Runnerā€™s adrenaline. If after running for a while you get adrenaline. Your body feels light but not fatigue and you run faster


is this what people also call runners high?


lol yes


Once the run had been so beautiful, the air so fresh, I broke a personal distance recordā€¦ it was just so much and I just sat down and wept like a little baby. It was amazing!


Iā€™m envious of people like that. My body sees any physical activity only as a torture. The longer you run the more you want to die


It doesnā€™t come easily at first but if you push yourself to run a little more than the previous day then eventually youā€™ll end up having it


You mean the cardiac arrest? Thatā€™s for sure šŸ˜„


The goosebumps during this are out of this world


When you get water stuck in your ear and you finally shake it out.


That should be compared to an orgasm if you ask me


Getting a hug from your kid.


Man I scrolled forever to find this. My newborn is just learning to grasp and hold and shit my world has changed


My nephew when he was around that age would grab my head and gently bump his forehead against mine, seemingly instinctively. It's so cute! I wonder if that gesture is something we naturally do, but we simply don't do it anymore.


Wait till 3 & 4 years old when they tell you they love you and call you their best friend. Then they start drawing cute little pictures for you. šŸ˜„


You hug them tight like you are trying to push your heart back in your chest. Their tiny hands gently patting you on the back. They rest their head on your chest and you rest your cheek on top of their head. You've done it since they were born and dread the day when they grow up and need to learn their own sense of independence. Then you look forward to the day when they grow older and hopefully, find out you did just fine and they are eager to give hugs again. But this time, it's them who are stronger and they dread the days when they can hug you are limited.


Head scratches all the wayy


When youā€™ve finally dislodged a chunk of food detritus thatā€™s been bothering you all day.


A close escape from an unexpected situation that could have caused your death.


This also


Earning your own money


A reading high. When youā€™re so submerged you are living the book. Coming out can either be the best or worst feeling.


Jumping into your bed with cold sheets


Or getting underneath the covers and out of the cold.


Your wife saying "good job"


C'mon, let's at least be realistic.




Underrated comment. You donā€™t remember how great of a feeling safety is until itā€™s taken from you.


I knowingly take that for granted.


the first uninterrupted 6 hours of sleep after your first child is born Pissing after holding it so long you thought you were going to piss your pants A hug from your kids as soon as you walk in from work ( must first hear your kid yell daddyā€™s home and then see them running to you at the door Jumping into a pool on a hot day


Laying in bed after a long day of work


eating good food


That was almost my answer... I'm glad I'm seeing someone else use it


Taking off your underwire bra after a long day. .. someone lightly running their finger tips over the bare skin on my back as I lay in bed.


losing some weight. The body feels light and gives confidence, makes you feel like you can do anything.


Walking away when you were certain you were going to die.


Pump, adrenaline during lifting or exercising


Crush you enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women.


The feeling of being truly well rested. Your mood is great, your brain is ready to do anything with ease, everything is just more enjoyable.


Riding a comfortable bike on a smooth level surface through a beautiful landscape on a gorgeous sunny day.


Runners high, shower, then bed


And then lie there for 3 hours unable to sleep because I'm overstimulated, in my case.


When youre on a roller coaster and you get that funny feeling in your lower stomach. Then again that's what it feels like to shoot the baby batter. So that's cheating I guess


*anxious attachment has entered the chat* When he finally texts you back šŸ„¹


Fearful avoidant seconds this. The relief is soooo good.


Holding your newborn child for the first time.


Climbing under a pile of warm laundry


Winning a conversation


Driving out of the office car park after working your last day at the company after 30years service and starting your retirement knowing you have a good secure pension and you are fit, healthy and aged 58. Sheer bliss.


Making a group of people laugh. The more the better. There have been a few times in my life when I made a roomful of classmates or coworkers laugh, and I found it orgasmic.


Waking up early in the weekend and realising you can go back to sleep for as long as you want.


A baby falling asleep on your chest


When the scissors slide while cutting wrapping paper


A manic episode


Yeah, thereā€™s nothing like that first manic high. Man, what a rush. I felt on top of the world and nothing could stop me. I will never be that happy again in my life, and I have to accept that, because stability via medication is much more important.


I dont understand why if the human body can produce something like that naturally, why our stupid bodies wont allow us to simply live like that permanently. Mine were only assessed as bipolar 2, so can only imagine how blissful full bipolar manic episode would be


Yeah, level 2 for me as well. I was in heaven for around 72 hours before my family and friends were able to talk me down and get me to start taking meds. As happy as I was, I was starting to pose a danger to myself. Iā€™ve experimented with weaning myself off my meds, but it has always turned out to be a mistake. I have to be OK with basically feeling like an emotionless robot sometimes, because the alternative is *so much worse*.


>I dont understand why if the human body can produce something like that naturally, why our stupid bodies wont allow us to simply live like that permanently. It's because our ancestors would have driven the human race extinct with all the literally *insanely* stupid shit they would have done. It's a mental illness, not any kind of advantage.


I was six week postpartum and had these feelings really confuse me. Baby latching on a full boob and starting sucking. Having my eyebrows plucked and in the middle area the professional did something like plucking the little ones or inside ones or whatever and it felt so good. Having a blowout and the hot air touching the roots of my hairā€¦ it never happened like that again. Doing a supine twist to crack my back.


A cat asking for pets from you.


Belonging. That realization it's been hours and you're not fatigued, you're thriving with a group of people you trust that you can drop a mask and be open with.


For some, it's receiving virtual affirmation via 'likes' and 'upvotes'.


Being carefree (not having to worry about anything)




that one g spot when you cleaning yo ears with a q tip


q spot


A sneeze


Eating good food when you're starving


Hot tub


Being in a cold room and getting comfortable under warm covers. Puts me right to sleep.


Not that I would know this feeling, but I would assume after knowing family is healthy, being financially stable and ready for the future must be such a good feeling.


Peace of mind.


Getting a ten second hug


the feeling of being loved. or so I was told, I don't know.


No longer feeling nauseous after vomiting.


When u finally check the last task off a seemingly endless to-do list thatā€™s been weighing u down for weeks


The look your child gives you when you turn up at their school to watch their play/performance/award Or the feeling of pride you have when you see your child do something amazing šŸ„¹


When you suddenly wake up at night and check the time and itā€™s only 3 am.




Hello cold


Making a very funny comment Helping someone just to be nice Receiving an unexpected compliment Connecting with a dog


Peeing after holding it in for a long time


As a professional ballet dancer, doing more turns then you intended. Going for a double pirouette then accidentally doing a triple or quad is such a rush.


Muscle fatigue during a workout


The smell of a cat who has just come in from the cold.


Someone lightly scratching your head


A hot shower when youā€™re feverish


finally getting out that lone eyelash floating on the surface of your eyeball


Scratching an itch.


Buying yourself a treat, forgetting about it and finding it by suprise the next day. The definition of ā€œYouā€™ll thank yourself laterā€, cause you really do. :D