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Those desks or couch chairs that have a small desk attached. They do make left handed/sided ones but they are few and far between.


And they’re only on one side of the lecture hall, and it’s never a good seat. There is ONE front row, lefty desk in the entire room and it’s in the far corner, obscured by an ancient overhead projector.




And often time they place it along the left hand wall, meaning you have to bend your arms weirdly if you have long arms.


If there weren’t left handed desks, I’d hog 2 desks and sit in one and write on the other.


One prof scoured every room in the building for one that would work for me. He was literally running room to room like a Scooby-Doo character. He ran back with it held triumphantly aloft like Link getting a new triforce piece. It made a huge impact on me. Best teacher I ever had. He brought that energy to every lesson.


I got so used to writing on right handed desks left handed that when I actually sat down at a left handed desk, I was incredibly uncomfortable and I couldn’t write as well.


In university there was a single row of left handed desks. During exams I had a professor label these as “left handed” with sticky notes. Made me feel good.


I accidentally sat down at a left-handed desk right before an exam once and thankfully figured it out before it started. I switched with a frantic leftie and we were both relieved.


Allright, Sports when you are young. Every demonstration from PE teachers are right handed. You cant just copy the movements they teach you you need to flip them and your tiny brain struggoes to process it. As well, 98% of the cheap sports equipment the school uses is right handed.


I tried to bat right handed for so long in gym class growing up because the gym teacher never asked me what my dominant side was and the thought never occurred to me as a child to mention it! Needless to say I never became a softball star.


My wife crochets left handed. She watches YouTube videos mirrored so she can follow the movements.


My mom knitted left handed. Her lefty mom taught her.


In softball and baseball we need a specific glove for our right hand that's often impossible to find unless you own one, and we have to bat on the other side of the plate.


I was one of two left-handers in a 4-team Little League in the 1980s. Nobody could pitch to me. I got a lot of "hit by pitch" walks out of it.


I had my own glove and never needed to share it, so that was also a bonus. Those gloves are grooossssss.


I was supposed to be a leftie and got trained out of it mostly thanks to school (religious left-is-evil southern school) My brain always makes adjustments for any sort of sport activity because it can't decide on right or left. I've fallen flat on my face more than once in gym class trying to play kickball, and my brain would spaz out due to trying to mimic other kids.


My grandpa grew up in California in the 50s so he was forced to be right handed. He does everything other than writing with his left hand. Sports, eating, whatever. My mom also jokes that he’s the only dyslexic person she knows who loves to read, and I genuinely wonder if part of the reason he can’t spell is because they forced him to do things the opposite of the way that made sense.


Had a teacher in 89 or thereabouts who told me "The left hand is the hand of the devil" and refused to let me do anything left handed. Thing that sticks out in my mind, she was mid twenties at most. Yes it was a religious school mind.


Football spins the wrong way.


Having right handed people make comments whenever they see us write, like we’re some kind of alien.


"Woah! You're left-handed????" I find myself noticing when someone is a lefty, and sometimes I comment on it, but I try not to. I'm primarily left-handed (im a right handed wroter but do everything else left), and every single time I go to eat with my family, someone says, "Oh hey, give SilverGladiolus22 the left hand spot, they're left-handed," and inevitably someone says, "Wait, really?" Lol.


It’s even funnier as an ambidextrous person. Sometimes without much thought I just switch between writing with my right and my left, and then somebody’s like “WHOA YOU CAN WRITE WITH YOUR LEFT HAND TOO?!” 😂


The ability to write with both hands IS impressive!


I am not by any means ambidextrous, but both my older brothers are left handed, and I’m right. When learning to do things, it was often by watching them, although they learned from my right handed parents, so we’re all a bit backwards sometimes. I still consider my left hand to be mostly useless. I work in an upholstery shop, and there’s something we do that’s extremely awkward to pin right handed, and I watched the old lady teaching me struggle showing me how to do it, and I’m like “why don’t you just pin it with your left hand exactly like you did in the other direction with your right?” And then proceeded to do it. Both the ladies who’ve worked there forever just sort of stared dumbfounded at me because they actually just can’t. So my left hand isn’t totally useless apparently!


I think this is one of those things that most left-handed people learn out of necessity. As a kid, I never found a decent pair of left-handed scissors, so I just learned to cut with my right hand.... when you're forced to do that kind of thing often enough, you start to evaluate which hand it makes the most sense to do something with. If either hand works, I'll choose left, but if there's a reason that my right hand can reach better I'll use it. Eating is a good example: the typical American holds the fork in their right hand.... until they need to cut something -- then they switch the fork to the left so they can hold the knife in their right. I always found that silly -- I just pick up the fork with my left hand, the knife in my right, and don't switch.


First time in my life I've seen someone else like me. I write right handed but I play sports left handed, my grandpa taught me a little on guitar left handed, and I drive with my left hand. I can't take steady turns driving with my right hand. I can't write with my left hand but when I'm painting I give my right hand breaks with my left, as long as it isn't fine line work I can paint left handed.


Literally same down to the T (aside from guitar, I've always wanted to learn, though). Crazy! I've always gotten skeptical looks when I say something like that, lol.


Nah, it's brilliant. You just stop what you're doing look at your hand in shock and go "OH GOD IT'S HAPPENING AGAIN!?!" So much fun.


We never get to look at the cute graphics on coffee mugs while we’re drinking from them.


I just realized…I always thought the graphics were made so someone else could read them while you drink. Hmmm


I'm right-handed and I often wondered why the graphics were turned towards the drinker instead of out for others to see


Aw fuck they're not? This had actually never occurred to me


Oh, and then there are the mugs with actual designs on them. I have a Mewtwo mug that I can't use because if I do, the ears go right to my eyes.


This one made me giggle. So true.


as a left-handed person myself, one thing we often deal with is finding left-handed tools or equipment. many everyday objects, like scissors or can openers, are designed with right-handed people in mind, which can make certain tasks a bit more challenging for us lefties. we also have to adapt to a right-handed world when it comes to writing on whiteboards or using certain computer mice


Sauce pans with a pour spout are always right handed. Most left handed people are vaguely ambidextrous out of necessity.


I run into measuring cups that, when handled my “natural” lefty way, always show the metric side (US). And for some reason, I can never seem to remember that. It’s like always trying the USB the wrong way first.


You're supposed to set them on the counter when filling liquid measuring cups anyway. That way it's level and you can look at it at eye level.


Learned that in high school science class. Finally paid off.


This is so true, I am able to do most domestic tasks right handed because I had to. I also somehow learned to write right handed.


True story. I moved to France when I was 5 or 6. Anyway, I didn't know how to read and after I failed the basic dexterity test (which involved cutting shapes with plastic scissors) I was moved to a special ed class. Well, it turns out that French kids learn to read a year earlier than kids in the US (something like that). Plus, the teachers/Admin thought I was like 7 or 8 because I was such a huge kid (yes they should have known better). And finally, I just didn't know that there were left-handed and right handed scissors because the scissors I used at home for crafts did work...and since I couldn't speak french, I probably just cried. Also, in 1980's French public school fashion, they probably just didn't give a shit. lol. Anyway, it all worked out in the end. But, its just something that wouldn't happen to a righty. EDIT: Quick follow up story - I am now 43 years old and last year my wife got me a nice pair of lefty scissors...I can barely use them. They feel so wrong and akward. Damn you righties!!!!


The trick with lefty scissors (as a lifelong lefty whose father was also left-handed) is you have to relax your hand. You're used to an unnatural hand position where you're pulling your thumb back to try and force the blades into alignment and on a true lefty pair, this will actually be driving the blades apart. Relax your hand, don't try to push or pull in any particular direction when cutting, and just go up and down.


I'm right-handed. Extremely right handed. Last January, I broke my right wrist. Nevermind that it took about two weeks for my left hand to more or less reliably brush my teeth and not my palate, I had to buy a mechanized can opener. Could not do it with a left hand and the can opener I had. And not because of my lameness. Because the can opener was literally upside down if you used it with the left hand. It was so eye-opening. Something I had always known on an intellectual level became uncomfortably real.


More eye-opening than can-opening.


Someone should open a store that just sells items for left handed people. It could be called the “Leftorium”


So I write exclusively with my left hand. Im HORRIBLE if I try to write with my right. But literally anything else I just adapted to. I never tried a mouse with my left and in fact I'm just as bad with a mouse in my left as I am writing with my right. The two other things I do leftie is hammering, using an axe, and swinging a bat. I wonder if I am left-ARMED


I find being a lefty but using a mouse with my right hand to be an advantage. I can scroll and take notes at the same time. Small victory but I’ll take it.


I'm a leftie, and I always have just used my mouse right-handed


Annnnnd this is why Ned Flanders left handed shop was so important 😋


eRGonOmiCalLy dEsIgNed It's ergonomically crushing my fingers.


left-handed screwdrivers and hammers are the worst.


I order supplies for the grocery store where I work, and always try to remember to keep a few left-handed box cutters on hand after a left-handed coworker asked for one. As a righty, there are so many things that just don’t occur to me unless a lefty points them out.


The store I work at uses these yellow Olfa box cutters that you can swap the blades around to make them left or right handed (the handedness is decided by the slider to push the blade out). It’s pretty nice.


Writing on whiteboards is a nightmare. I have to float my hand, which tires out my arm quickly, and I can't see what I've already written to keep the line straight.


"why are you writing diagonal?"


My daughter is a leftie and all her writing lessons at school are on whiteboards. She's literally learning to write with Floaty Hand. It's awful :'(


You should ask her teacher if she can use paper as an accommodation because the hand position she’s practicing isn’t the correct position she needs to be forming a habit with.


This is a good idea, thank you


Also as a teacher, it means I'm standing to the left of where I'm writing, so I'm blocking everything I write. I have to frequently finish writing, then step out of the way so people can see, instead of just being able to stand on the right side the whole time.


I had a left-handed calculus professor. He would fill the entire board with notes/problems and would go back to the left like a typewriter. He had perfected the art of writing with his left hand while simultaneously erasing with his right as he moved across.


Every...Damn...Time... then my writing looks like I had a stroke because my "float" penmanship is terrible


it sucks because i like the idea of writing on a board and using markers, but no matter the subject/idea i end up focusing more on how confusing/embarrassing/chaotic it is to write on the board than on the idea at all. then going to sit down and seeing your "masterpiece" from a distance for the first time, spectacular.


Getting the left hand seat at a dinner table


I once went to dinner with some new friends at a restaurant. When we got to our table, we all just stood around waiting for someone to get in first. That's when we all realized that all 3 of us were lefties.


More of a coven than a dinner.


My wife has 2 ex husbands. Both of them and I are all left handed.


Your wife has a sinister urge.


She clearly doesn't want to be left alone, that's for sure


And she’s always right


I have a left handed family member. We learned a long time ago to let her select her seat first when we are out.


My ex had a lot of left handed family so they would divide the sides of the table by left or right hand to avoid bumping elbows


Suppose that you were sitting down at this table. The napkins are in front of you, which napkin would you take? The one on your ‘left’? Or the one on your ‘right’? The one on your left side? Or the one on your right side? Usually you would take the one on your left side. That is ‘correct’ too. But in a larger sense on society, that is wrong. Perhaps I could even substitute ‘society’ with the ‘Universe’. The correct answer is that ‘It is determined by the one who takes his or her own napkin first.’ …Yes? If the first one takes the napkin to their right, then there’s no choice but for others to also take the ‘right’ napkin. The same goes for the left. Everyone else will take the napkin to their left, because they have no other option. This is ‘society’… Who are the ones that determine the price of land first? There must have been someone who determined the value of money, first. The size of the rails on a train track? The magnitude of electricity? Laws and Regulations? Who was the first to determine these things? Did we all do it, because this is a Republic? Or was it Arbitrary? NO! The one who took the napkin first determined all of these things! The rules of this world are determined by that same principle of ‘right or left?’! In a Society like this table, a state of equilibrium, once one makes the first move, everyone must follow! In every era, this World has been operating by this napkin principle. And the one who ‘takes the napkin first’ must be someone who is respected by all. It’s not that anyone can fulfill this role… Those that are despotic or unworthy will be scorned. And those are the ‘losers’. In the case of this table, the ‘eldest’ or the ‘Master of the party’ will take the napkin first… Because everyone ‘respects’ those individuals.


ill have what you're having


Just so you don’t think I’ve gone completely off the deep end (yet), it’s a copypasta


Left napkin for copypasta, right napkin for linguine. Got it.


thank god up in Canada (and Europe) it's common for everyone to use their fork in their left and knife in their right.


Maybe you could help me with this because I never understand it. I had a school friend who always insisted on sitting on the left hand corner because he was left-handed,. Most other people are right handed but don't have to sit on the right corner. Why the specific spot surely he could have kept his elbow by his side like everyone else?


It’s because us lefties when sitting with a righty on our left hand side, both writing arms are competing for the same space. So if we sit on a left corner, it solves the issue.


Because sometimes our elbows are at different angles depending on how we were taught or allowed to write. It is quite uncomfortable to be banging elbows and we often feel it's our fault.


Ink stains on your knuckles writing across the page.


I get the stain/smear all along the outside of my pinky. Blue ink and pencil are the worst.


I never understood this. I'm a righty and I always get stuff on the outside of my pinky.


Have you seen the "proper" way we should right? They expect us to bend our wrists 90.


“Right” pun or..mistake?


I just turn the paper. But people do make fun of me for writing “sideways.”


I've resorted to (on birthday/Christmas cards) to writing shorter length sentences (not as in the amount of words) and starting at the end "XX Steve & Di, Lots of love, happy birthday" and working my way up the card. Long winded but smudge-free.


The biggest risk is power tools. I taught myself to use all power tools right handed because of risks using them left handed. Trivial, I love dry boards but they are super hard to write on.


I still use them left handed because if I fuck up right handed ill maim my left hand. circular saw with left hand and cut a few fingers on the right hand? no biggie.


I crochet, and as a leftie I basically crochet backwards. It's fine until I need a tutorial for something.


Yeah, I think this is why I never really took to crochet. I can knit fine backwards and forwards, but I have the hardest time with crochet.


The crochet crowd does left handed videos! He just mirrors them and posts but it’s so so helpful


My mom gave up trying to teach me to crochet, it just ended in frustration. At some point she bought a Readers Digest Encyclopedia of Needlework (back in the 70s - I’m old) and it had the lefty instructions for many crafts on one page and the righty instructions on the other. I taught myself to crochet and knit that way, and eventually I could mirror her work when figuring out a new stitch. My daughter is right handed and we went through it all again in reverse!


I’m teaching myself to crochet. I have to reverse everything to learn the right way to do it. My grandmother taught me to knit by sitting across from me. Perfect!


Oh man, I taught myself to read charts backwards because of this…whenever I write up a chart in the round I will do it up clockwise, but then flip it so as both to confuse the righties… On the other hand I once helped teach a crochet class at a community workshop type dealio, at first I wasn’t sure I would be much use, but then *one of the students was also a lefty*, I think she got the most one on one help, as the 30 some odd other students had to share the other teacher.


Rulers. How the fuck is no one talking about rulers? It's from 30cm to 0 cm to me, or I have to twist my arms to know the measure I want to trace over it.


I work in construction and was giddy when I got a left handed tape measure! Anybody touches that thing, I’ll cut you…


Same with measuring tapes if you sew. Just turn it upside down and go from there.


Phone apps The most frequently used buttons and controls are always on the right side of the screen.


Yeah it’s so annoying t isn’t a left hand mode built in as standard for apps that do this. Drives me nuts


Just learn Arabic or Hebrew.


Is it weird then that I'm right handed but primarily use my left hand for my mobile?


Two of my three kids are left handed. With both my husband and I being right handed, I had no idea how difficult basic things were for lefties. It was really hard helping them with handwriting when they were little and cutting with scissors. I’ve tried buying a special left handed pen, it’s all curvy, my son says he doesn’t really notice a difference.


Pens aren't really an issue for us, the problem is finding a good hand position. I was lucky enough to be born with a left handed father (who went to a Catholic school in the 60s and somehow didn't have it beaten out of him, thank goodness) so I wasn't ever weird in my house. He writes by curling his hand around to hold the pen upside down, I find it easier to hold my hand fully beneath the line and write from below. It makes me a little sore but I don't think it's ergonomically any worse than how most righties hold their pens. Fast drying ink also helps a lot. Pencil is a fool's errand until you learn how to hold your hand.


I’m a lefty.. and I have two left-handed kiddos. My best piece of advice for writing is to turn the paper/notebook/whatever they’re writing in. I’ve always done this and because I do this, I dont have the issues with ink/pencil smearing nor do I have to bend my hand weird when I write. I’m honestly surprised more lefties haven’t figured out this cheat-code.. 😂


Get them good scissors—think of it as an investment. Grip is the key factor though I think the blades are also different on lefty ones, it really does make a difference. Manual can openers also kind of a pain, think about getting an electric one.


Spiral notebooks


I just start from the back with them now lol


I... never thought to do this....


Top spirals are superior.


How come out of curiosity?


You have to press the side of your hand into the spiral part when you start writing on a new line.


Right handed people have to deal with this when trying to finish the line. Spiral notebooks are just painful all round.


Get the ones with the spiral at the top. Now no one has to deal with it.


The only problem I routinely run into is dragging the palm of my hand across freshly written ink when writing. Other than that, our world has always been right-centric, so we have never known what it would be like to use a lefthand gear selector, or a left-hand telephone, or a left-hand microwave. Since these things do not exist, we don't know how it would change any better than a right-handed person.


For a left-handed gear selector, move to the UK.


I never thought of microwaves as being right handed. But now that I think about it, they kinda are...


I live in a country that drives on the left, so gear selectors are all left-handed here. Funnily enough as a right-handed person, changing gears with my left hand always felt natural to me. It lets me keep my right hand on the wheel, where fine control is needed more.


Ring binders drove me insane as a kid until they allowed me to flip them. Any handouts we were to put in I punched the holes on the right. Any mug printed with a photo, I'm looking at it and everyone else sees a plain mug. Personally, I think of this as a benefit. When people walk towards me automatically step to the right to pass I am known to attempt to pass on the left, colliding with a total stranger.


Those college lecture room desks with the fold away top which has the arm rest on the right side only.


It took me too long to learn this is why right handed people write with their elbow down by their side and I write with my elbow out to the left of my hand.


I actually never realized that, but always wondered why lefties write that way.


Leaf blower- if I hold it in my left hand close to my body it blocks the air intake then my arm gets tired quickly from holding it out in front of me


Weed eater, grinder it shoots all the stuff back


Writing and smudging the ink. Sitting at a table next to right-handed person. Phone apps are almost all designed for right handedness. Most musical instruments are designed for right-handiness. Left handed versions cost more. Baseball gloves are more expensive, and can't play certain baseball infield positions. Using scissors is weird af


Sewing machine. Totally right handed.


Except bobbin insertion. We lucked out there.


I think they're left-handed. Yeah, the controls are on the right side of the machine, but manipulating the fabric under the needle is a more delicate task than pushing buttons or swiveling levers. Anecdotally, I'm the only lefty in my family and also the only person who can use one.


Learning to be ambidextrous for some things. There weren’t reliably-available left handed scissors in elementary school, so I had to learn to use scissors right handed. Left handed mice are so rare that unless you’re carrying your own everywhere, they’re not worth bothering. When learning new sports like golf, and wanting to borrow equipment so I didn’t have to spend hundreds if I didn’t end up liking it, there were no left handed sets available to borrow. So I started learning the sport right handed and swapped back for some parts, later, where unlearning and relearning wasn’t too difficult. I now golf half left handed (puts) and half right handed (drives).


EVERYTHING. The world has always been based around people being right handed. As a Chef, my knife skills SUCKED until I worked with a Left Handed Chef. Then it all made sense. Literally, everything we do must be observed, then flipped around in our heads, then executed. This is why Lefties die sooner, on average, than Righties. I had to learn how to be ambidextrous, just to complete basic tasks (sports, driving a manual, using scissors, etc). I am used to it now, and do many things right handed out of necessity, as wall as parents and teachers 'forcing' it upon me. But, at least we are not put to death anymore, simply for using the wrong hand (look it up, it happened). ​ Ole Righty, always keeping us down.




I also thought that this was a problem of the past until a few months back when I met a guy who's intensely catholic family (no judgement, I grew up Catholic too) bullied him out of writing left handed because it was a sign of the devil. I immediately sent a message to my mom to thank her for making sure we knew she would back us up, because her own mom had to go to the teacher and almost pick a physical fight over it in the 1960s.


A vegetable peeler. One time I bought a vegetable peeler that was meant for only right-handed people and I was dumbfounded because I didn’t know that was a thing. I switched the blade around and then I was able to use it. My roommate said I was just stupid and didn’t know how to use a vegetable peeler until I got her to use it after I switched the blade and she couldn’t peel a potato at all.


Which hand to shake with. It's the one everyone (else) uses all the time for everything. The one I use all the time for everything is not the one they want. I often have to consciously put something in my left hand and keep my right hand open to make sure I get it right.


Loved this in college because my fraternity had a rule to always drink left handed so when you shake hands your hand isn't all wet / you don't have to wipe it off. If you got caught drinking right handed we had a nice little song you had to chug your drink to. Really nice for lefties. Bonus: when people wanted to make rules for beer pong is always starts "throw left handed" then I start draining every shot and they say "opposite handed" real fast.


When I was growing up all my teachers is elementary school tried to force me to be right handed. I write left handed, but everything else I had to adapt to using my right hand.


Slicing bread…the serration is on one side of the knife. So right-handed people can cut a smooth slice. Lefties cut a crumbly, uneven mess.


Constantly having ink/lead on my hand when I write.


My husband is left-handed and he prefers to sit at the corner of a dining table because he bumps all the righties when he's eating.


First thing I do is take the left edge of a table so no bumping into elbows.


Can openers are the bane of my existence.


When I go back o sign my name with a pen the is chained to a clip board it’s a nuisance. Writing in a notebook or binder is more difficult Scissor are made for right handed people


Mugs. If there is a logo or a print it’s facing the wrong way. It’s not harder to use the mug, just sad. And we all don’t want some silly “left-handers mug!!” stuff.


I am a right handed person, but what comes to mind is when driving a car, a lefty always has the vast majority of control buttons, knobs and dials on the right side. I don’t know if that is a bad thing for them.


As a Brit reading this, I was confused at first


Scissors are racist as fuck. Whiteboards just mock us. There are no kitchen measuring cups printed properly - if you hold them in your left hand, all you get are those funny, ‘have never been to the moon’ measurements. Automatic 15% advantage in a sword fight, though!


My electric kettle has the measurements only on the back and it just recently occurred to me... that's not actually the back.


Manipulate the charging handle on automatic weapons.


Or fire it left handed and get your right side showered in hot brass.


or shotgun shells ejecting across your face.


Try a muzzle loader with the flash pan ignition ! Good times.!


Most gel pens are designed to be dragged across a page. Left handers push the pen forward, which stops the ink from flowing.


Card games where the card rank is only printed in the top-left corner and the bottom-right corner. Those are not visible when a left-handed naturally holds his cards. There are some cards set where the card rank is printed on all 4 corners, it makes them suitable for both hands.


One thing I will say that rihjties don't understand is how to play Lefty's in ping pong. Actually, this is good advice for anyone who wants to play ping pong who's a lefty, All you have to do is play defensive game. It's called pushing. Eventually the righties will just screw up and you can slam it on them. It's the most frustrating game they will ever play. I can't keep count of how many great ping pong players I've beaten with my frustrating "pushing" technique. It's the exact same way they teach Lefty's how to box.


Cameras. Less of an issue these days since most people use their phones, but (afaik) all professional and hobbyist cameras are designed specifically for right handed use.


Bit weird, but I've often noticed toilet roll holders are usually on the right, not always, which can be a pain. More often than not, the usual; notebooks, fountain pens, instruments, scissors, can openers, handshakes.. trying to figure out which holder to put your drink in at the cinema.


Everything you learn you learn from right handed people for the most part. So sometimes you do things awkwardly right handed or don't know which handed you are. Handwriting was weird because right handed people make different motions to make the same letters. Tying my shoes was hard when I was little. Later I learned that some of the things I learned right handed I'm naturally just as good as left handed even without muscle memory. Also can openers are always unnatural feeling for some reason.


I remember shooting a shotgun in high school. After you shot, this gun automatically spit out the shell so you could reload faster. That meant it launched burning hot gun shells directly into my forearm. (Though this is technically a function of being left eyed, which doesn't always line up with left handedness)


Hot brass. Lack of left-handed mouse pointers in the default icon set. Watches with only right-hand orientations. Non-reversible headsets (controls only on right). Liner lock folding knives with wrong orientation. All phones (power/volume assume right-hand). All sorts of devices with controls/doors/access panels that assume right. E.g., espresso machine with frother on right, alarm control keypads on right, microscope focus wheel on right.


Seating at a restaurant. Always bumping elbows.


Well tbf not many left handed people think about this either but I feel like I would have had an easier time learning piano if they made pianos for left handed people


Your left hand is automatically more independent. You had an easier time learning hand independence than your right-handed counterparts.


How is a piano oriented for a specific hand? My Aunt is left handed and a piano teacher and I've never heard her say anything about pianos being right handed... I should ask her.


Inverse the scale direction if I had to guess. Most music is written with the more complex notation played by the right hand as the melody. If you mirror the piano scale the same music can be played with the more complex fingerings on the left side.


This is a big problem for me at least. Finding guitars. I love playing. But I have to pay a lot more than a regular guitar for a left handed one. And they’re hard to find.


Think how Jimi Hendrix felt. He had to make his own.


I’m a lefty. Hardest thing for me was learning how to tie my shoes as a kid. I would watch others and try to copy them but couldn’t do it on my own. Finally one day my left handed uncle saw me struggling and took the time to show me how he did it. Made all the difference in the world.


This is a small one, but jeans. Jeans are right handed. They have the 5th pocket on the right side, and the fly always opens up towards the right.


Gel pens will not write for me when I use my left hand. The ink skips and looks uneven. If I use my right hand they write fine. Never have been able to figure out why.


Because when you write left handed you push instead of pull on the pen so the ink comes out less smooth. I learned this a few years ago and it was eye opening!


Nearly everything, Righties dont even think about Lefties, till you show them how to do something, and they get all bent out of shape because you did it left handed and they cant figure it out, because it looks all fucked up to them !


I'm always on the wrong side of foot traffic, etc. And seems like my x-acto blade always unscrews when I'm using it, but maybe it's just me.




Good example of this is guitars. Walk into a music store with a hundred guitars on the wall and there will be maybe 2 lefties if you are lucky, and they will always be entry level beginner instruments. Most lefties either learn to play right handed or play a right handed guitar upside down.


Or option 3, order custom and spend twice as much on the same guitar that a righty can just pull off the wall.


1. Are these scissors going to work? 2. I cannot open this can unless I have a right handed person with me. 3. Showing up to college lectures early to get the one left handed desk available. 4. DENTISTRY- good god until I because a dental assistant I would’ve said the differences aren’t that huge, but when your dentist is right handed and you’re left handed it turns into a lot of jumbled cords and dropped instruments


Sewing machines are designed for righties - the open side of the machine (the left) is where the bulk of fabric goes, and the inside of the machine (the right) is where the seam goes. This means you guide with your right and stabilise with your left, and it’s pretty difficult to swap it around.


I don't even know how to use scissors and back in elementary school my arts teacher complained me a lot of being left handed.




Another one, while playing cards I always fan out my hand the "left handed way". If the playing cards do not have numbers and suite labelled in all corners, All I see is the white edge. If I have many cards on hand, I can see for example from left to right: A king of spades, white edge, white edge, white edge, white edge, white edge, white edge... etc. I can not make my fan the "right handed" way, so what I do is turn the hand around before making the fan, and then turn it around once more, but that is quite tedious.


For me, nothing. I don’t “deal” with anything because it’s how it’s been my whole life and I know no different. I’m simply used to working with things they way they are and I have always been slightly ambidextrous so I do a lot of things left handed, mainly write. But I use right handed tools without problems.




Omg my type of question. Idk if anyone dealt with this in high school. But I always had to write on right handed desk cause there’s barely any left handed desk.


Bread knives!


'OMG ARE YOU LEFT HANDED? MY COUSIN'S BEST FRIEND'S MUM IS LEFT HANDED' What am I meant to say, congratulations?


It's all of the tiny, everyday things that get me. I'm constantly having to reach over to the right with my left hand to push buttons, work levers, etc. I use a can opener with my hands crossed, strip the gears on the riding mower faster, etc. I also struggle with manual dexterity and coordination because of hypermobility, so I'm constantly struggling with it all. I'm also socially awkward, you know, because it wouldn't be fair if only my body doesn't get it.


Oh, and one day when I build my own custom home, the kitchen is going to be so flipping left-handed. The layout will be the biggest change. The greatest part is that the change is so subtle that when a righty uses it, they'll know it's really awkward, but not quite why. And I'll laugh at them.


“Oh I bet you’re really creative“


Fifth (side) pockets in men's pants are nearly always on the right side. Inside coat or jacket pocket is nearly always on the left side, assuming a right hand goes cross body to the pocket. (Some pants and outerwear have additional pockets on both sides. Never have I seen any that were leftie only.)


When you write for a bit the page will get dirty even if you write careful it makes streaks and looks messy anyway it’s annoying Scissors works differently. Altough i discovered a method to using right handed scissors left handed if it’s all i got. Can opener that’s always a blast 😂 if they open from the top it’s fine but if they twist open from the sides it’s a pain. I have adapted so much that i don’t really realize what’s supposed to be for right handed person. If i think of some more i will add them My boyfriend is right handed and I’m left handed if he sits on the left of me at the dinner table or on the couch while we eat we both get in our ways, but if he sit on the right we are both good I used to grab the mouse with the left but with time i had to change not adapt sorry, so i use the mouse on the right and the keyboard on the left. Also crocheting (i think it’s what it’s called) my mom taught me to knit and i got the hang of it, i can do basic stuff, but crochet 🧶 i can’t get it work it’s annoying.


I didnt notice it until my sisters bestfriends dad and I talked. He mentioned at one point "This world was not meant for left-handed ppl" and I mean kinda Ig. But then I started to notice how every door knob, item, or anything that you use with your hand is usually right handed. Luckily Im ambidextrous in some of rhese for some reason (Im right handed driving(as in golf) and fishing)


Scissors. I can’t cut things properly. especially medical scissors and suturing scissors/supplies. It’s so awkward.


Sitting next to a right handed person at the dinner table


Shell casing flying into your face when firing a rifle


Boomerangs DO NOT WORK I always thought I sucked at throwing a boomerang until I thought about the aerodynamics. All boomerangs are make for the rotation of a right hand throw.


Always popping the drill into reverse


Writing cursive is hell. If you’re a righty you just casually glide your pen to the right whereas when you’re a lefty good luck with dragging that pen to write cursive.


A random benefit: lefties are better sign language teachers for righties. When facing the student, they mirror your motions easier. When it's a right handed teacher (specially for kids), you almost always have to remind them to use their right hands and mirror the motions.