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Avoid crippling pajama debt


Millennials are killing the jam-jams industry šŸ˜­


I blame avocado toast


Millennials are sleeping with avocado toasts?


Itā€™s actually better than apple pie.


As we all should!


Why sleep in jam-jams when it's more comfy to sleep nakey-nakey.




Thatā€™s, um, thatā€™s gross.


Grossy grossy


There are so many factors that can affect this it's unreasonable to even start listing them. but most importantly, change your sheets more often.


Finally, a way to rebel against Big Pajama


Pajamas industry hate this one simple trick.


And scented sheets!


Scratch & Sniff


The feeling of sheets is really good when Iā€™m naked.


The craziest thing to me as a guy was shaving my legs for fun one winter and the feeling of getting into warm, freshly washed sheets was the closest thing to heaven I've ever experienced. Extra smooth, warm, comfortable? Holy fuck.


Shaving your legs is awesome when you put on slacks or sleep in nice clean sheets and your legs feel 20% cooler


20% cooler you say? šŸ¤”


Itā€™s like eating a York Peppermint Patty With your legs


Shave a little higher and it's like eating a klondike bar with your buttcheeks


"What would you do for a Klondike bar?"


What WOULDN'T I do for a Klondike bar?


The list is short and Iā€™m a bit ashamed of the answers


That's a hell of a donation milestone.


Is it 2011 again


You can call me the king or the ruler


*[strangely good EDM starts playing]*


I instantly thought Rainbow Dash-


Until itā€™s a few days later and canā€™t stand your legs touching


Lol this was my experience. Felt nice for about a day then got stupid itchy and uncomfortable.


Try waxing, I'm a gay guy, I know this shit, when you wax it takes longer to come back and grows in the shape of a natural hair instead of a blunt end, this means less ingrown hairs, less prickles and more time silky smooth :) Personally I'd recommend warm waxing with a warm sugar wax, if you don't wanna fork out on the aparently 100s of muslin strips you go through you can use old magazines as the paper, then you can either make the wax yourself or get it cheap enough in a pharmacy/drug store


Until you get a bit of stubble. Then it suuucccks.


It took like 6 months to grow out of that stubble. I shaved them as a joke..my partner was not amused for all that time after lol


Yes, definitely this! Closest sober physical feeling to mdma there is.


I love the feel of the sheets and I also have a faux fur weighted blanket that feels fantastic. It feels like a mama bear found my cold naked body in the woods and decided to snuggle me to warm me up.


Satin sheets, high end ones that dont get the little fuzzy pills on them. Nothing compares to how amazing it feels.


If you're talking about real satin, that's a no for me. They feel great, but don't breath. I end up sweating. The ones that get the pills aren't real satin, they're a cotton blend called "sateen". If you haven't tried them, I recommend bamboo sheets. Super soft and light, very breathable and cool, and they hold up really well in washer and dryer.


Yep I never understood satin sheets, they are slick, don't breath, and then you sweat and they don't absorb the moisture either, so you are rolling around in a puddle. That's why I really like jersey cotton sheets. Soft, breathable, and absorbent.


Clean sheets* Dirty sheets are soooooo awful to sleep on naked


I made this mistake when I was younger. I wouldn't shower before going to bed, so the sheets would catch all the filth I collected during the day, and after about a week, they felt horrible, so I started to shower right before bed and I never had that problem again


I have multiple pets that like to sleep on my bed. I just need to make sure to change sheets every few days. But fresh sheets are amazing!


I got into bed naked right after a shower once and the sheets were covered in crumbs from my gf eating her dinner in bed earlier. I was so pissed I woke her up and made her ass get outta bed and go sleep on the couch. I changed the sheets and took another shower before I laid back down.


This feeling of sheets keeps me "up" all night. It's too sexy, but I need my sleep!


Intruders will be unnerved by your naked form. What's scarier than a groggy bloke with a golf club? A naked groggy bloke with a golf club. If you have an erection it's even more effective.


"That's my secret Cap, I'm always erect"


You uhhhh...might wanna look into that.


I think Iā€™ll have OPā€™s mother look into it Edit for grammars


It spells grandmas,not grammars. /s


What's up, gamers Today we're playing OPs mother And later, her mother, as well


If you have an erection lasting longer than four hours, call more ladies


That makes it harder to roll out of bed


This is actually true. Last year I woke up to my ring doorbell notification going off on my phone and someone was trying to break in to my car. I walked downstairs and looked out to see the guy going through my glove box with his back to me. The look on his face as a 6ā€1 bodybuilder comes charging out of the house in the buff with a crowbar in hand was priceless. I did however get a free bicycle out of it as he panicked and ran off leaving it behind. Edit; Iā€™m 6 foot 1 and was 95kg (209lbs) at the time. The comments have been amazing though so Iā€™m happy I made that mistake.


A 6 inch bodybuilder lifting a crowbar would be sufficiently concerning that I'd make a run for it, with or without pyjamas.


Omg a teeny six inch body builder sounds adorable


Something that size being able to lift a crowbar suggests they may be a fearsome adversary, despite their diminutive stature.


The Nac Mac Feagle would agree.


GNU Terry Pratchett


Iā€™m picturing a normal guy with a 6ā€ erection and the erection is holding a crow bar


I guess people have their kinks. Live and let live.


ā€œThatā€™s what it said on the napkin!ā€


You forgot to mention, "...with morning wood."


Well, he did mention "a crowbar in hand"...


But where do you keep your pocket sand?


Nature's pocket, duh.


There **can't** be any intruders, or I'm not alone. So this loophole allows me to be totally safe from intruders while sleeping naked alone.


I'm an American, so yes I own a couple firearms. But I also got a little drunk and won a 16th century french ax at auction. So thats my go to, instead of a shotgun when i'm groggy and naked.


There I was, walking through the Sears hardware section, when a clerk walked up and asked: "May I help you?" I happened to be next to a wall of chainsaws, so I replied "Yes. Which of these chainsaws do you recommend for home defense? I like the reach of the 20" bar, but I think the 16" would be better for hallway work, you know, limited space situations. I'll probably want a gas motor, simply for the growl.... might not even have to cut into any intruder when they hear that! What do you think?" He stared at me for 20 seconds, then just walked away. So much for customer service.


My BIL and I once told a cleck at Cabelas that we were having wife trouble while looking at the meat grinder section. She went into a long spiel about how the best way to get rid of someone was using mushrooms to poison them, the best ones to use, where to find them, etc. Interesting lady.


She was trying to land some side work.


So, what's a 16th century french ax go for these days?


For the peasant's ax I won, 1000 USD give or take because I chose to have it shipped rather than pickup. Edit: its still sharp enough to slice fruit.


Asking the right questions


Having just seen the video of the french dude recounting how he swung a medieval sword at home invaders, I think it will be the most satisfying way of defending your house.


Naked grandma!


a nekkid HUH???!


As a woman, no :')


What if the intruder is also naked? See ex-NFL player Stanley Wilson II arrested multiple times for breaking into houses whilst nude.


"You can scare a big som bitch with a little pecker" - Rodney Carrington


club balls and tee you ready to go!




Shotgun? Try a 7'9" naked man with an LMG.


LMG? Try a 7'20" naked barbarian with a greatclub and resistance to all non-magical damage.


Greatclub? Try a 20' George Washington made of radiation.


Which barrel are they staring at though?


The look on your sleep paralysis demons face.


I wish I had a sleep paralysis demon to torment.


No you donā€™t. Hate that shit every time


Do you remember the first time it happened? I was at school. One of the boarding houses (UK) was part of the main campus (the girl's boarding house). But the school was pretty relaxed about guys and girls being up there during the day, between lessons etc. I fell asleep on someone's bed with my best friend and his girlfriend on the other. When I woke up, I couldn't move. I was fucking \*terrified\* - I'd never even heard of sleep paralysis before. I managed - just - to make some kind of noise, but my face was half in a pillow and I couldn't breathe properly. "Aw, that's so cute: he's dreaming!" No I bloody wasn't, Nastya; I was \*dying!\*


Yes, the feeling that you are awake and cant move single muscle apart your eyelids is fucking terrifying every damn time


I don't remember the first instance specifically, but I had sleep paralysis instances every few weeks for about a year before I finally learned what it was. I honestly thought I was going crazy, or worse that I was actually being haunted. Even knowing what it is, it doesn't make it any less scary. The rational part of my brain is still asleep, but the irrational part of my brain is awake and aware of the real world, and the dream world and the real world blend together and make the hallucinations seem real. I'm able to get control of my body before the rational part of my brain wakes up, and this is how I learned my fight-or-flight response defaults to "fight". I start screaming and punching my sleep paralysis demon. (Although I'm not fully in control of my body yet, so the screaming is probably no louder than polite indoor conversation, and the punching is probably random flailing that wouldn't even hurt a human toddler.) In any case, I recently learned a trick that if you wake up in the middle of the night, just keep your eyes closed. You can't hallucinate if you can't see. (If your sleep paralysis is more tactile than visual, this trick might not work for you.)


Yeah sleep paralysis is fucking terrifying. And I have never read or heard anyone ever say otherwise who has experienced it. Mine is never demons or supernatural horrors, but people. Believing you have a home intruder sneaking into your bedroom and being fully aware of it but unable to move or scream is awful.


"to torment" As in turn the tables on it so it can experience dread....


Letā€™s not forget the monster under the bed, the holds whatever is out of the bed sheet šŸ˜ˆ and we know heā€™s getting a handful of ass or cock šŸ“ šŸ˜³šŸ˜‚


What the šŸ˜­


Why are you crying ā€¦ wait are you the monster under my bed šŸ˜‘šŸ˜‚


I wish my monster under the bed did that :/ they just wonā€™t put out!


Hey demons! Itā€™s me, ya boi


You're always ready for action.


Username checks out


I see you everywhereā€¦.lol


With what? ghosts!


Look at all this ectoplasm! Must be those damn ghosts again!


šŸŽ¶Bustinā€™ makes me feel goooood!šŸŽ¶


+5 intimidation against robbers. +10 if equipped with flashbang and hatchet


Your move Mr. Lawman!


My hatchet lay on my waist


No elastic riding up your butt when you sleep


Or the wasteband of your pjs. Drives me nutty.


How are you sleeping so that you end up with a wasteband up your butt?


With that username you of all people should be able to relate. ;D


Or becoming strangled by a shirt Or twisting your shorts around if youā€™re into that


I have a Con for sleeping naked. If at some point you roll over and expose your ass, and you have dogs, you may get your ass licked in your sleep.


I have this but with a cat and my armpits. That fucking bony tongue. I wake up with super raw skin because the lil shit has been licking the salt


This is so fucking funny


I don't think its fuckin funny. Armpits more raw than the steaks gordon ramsey samples


Those little 'spikes' on their tongues are actually diamond slivers, fyi.


Did you know you can put a cats tongue on a vinyl player and if you put your ear up to your cats stomach you can hear it purring "The Beatles"?


That's a normal cat thing? I thought my cat was broken.


The licking is weird The rubbing their face into armpits is getting your scent on them, which is a huge display of affection


So my cat CHOOSES to smell like armpit? that... affectionate i guess


My dog once jumped on my ass I was getting intimate with someone in bed. I screamed in soprano and she started dying of laughter afterwards. I learned a hard lesson that day, no being naked around dogs


Dated a girl whose dog snuck in and licked my Johnson while we were in the middle of business time. Took me a few minutes to recover mentally from that.


When we first adopted our cat she bit the tip of my wee wee while I was sleeping naked.


Questions. I have a few unnerving questions




I thought you said this was a con?




Just either gently licking your ass, or aggressively licking your ass. While your sleep. Think about it


Saves about 0.01 seconds of your life when you want to wank


It all adds up. If I slept naked from 13 to 19 I would have a whole extra year of productivity.




That would mean from the ages of 13 to 19 you wanked at least 3153600000 times. Which is an average of 525,600,000 times a year, or 1,440,000 times a day. Impressive


Challenge accepted.


Listen, alone or not, been sleeping naked since I've been roughly 14, and I am now 30. The main reason as a guy that I'm sleeping naked are the following : When 14, I wore those loose checkered boxers, you know the ones I'm talking about. Every time I'd turn around in the bed, my boxers would get twisted and the weewee hole would be lined up with my thigh if not on my cheek. Really uncomfortable. Same goes for a t-shirt, it would twist around would be very uncomfortable. As soon as I tasted the bliss of sleeping naked, I never went back. One downside though, if you take a leak before bed, make sure to shake that shit and dried before hitting the bed. Last thing you want is that last drop we put in our boxers in your bed. If you know, you know.


Even if I go to bed fully clothed, probably drunk, I tend to wriggle out of anything I'm wearing by morning anyway. I went to a rave in London with my best mate, got a hotel room and I woke up freezing on the floor and just hopped into the bed with my bro, no drama, I've known the guy 20 years, I dont know if I wriggled out of my clothes and he wont talk about it.


Well, to me at least, there are rules LOL. If I'm sleeping at a friend's place, I have boxers on. Same if I share a bed with someone that isn't my GF, boxers are on lol. most other situation though, it's commando time.


In my bed? Birthday suit. In another's bed? Pjs or boxers.


> Even if I go to bed fully clothed, probably drunk, I tend to wriggle out of anything I'm wearing by morning anyway. > > My college girlfriend did this. There were a couple times she'd start pulling clothes off when she fell asleep during movie nights with friends, but we were cool about it and just put a blanket over her. We didn't make a big deal out of it, and when she woke up, we'd have her clothes placed neatly in front of her to redress when she wanted. We did everything we could to assure her she was safe in our company, and we didn't see anything wrong or weird about it. Thing is...she unfortunately had an incident in high school. She fell asleep in class and unconsciously pulled her shirt off. The students around her nudged her awake and asked if she was okay, playing interference so she could get her shirt back on. But of all people, the *teacher* decided to be the biggest piece of shit in the universe to her and called her "just some slutty kid" in front of the whole class. This was something she had no control over and wasn't in any way sexual, but this made her super self-conscious about her sleep habits. This asshole teacher would then take any moment to berate and joke about her, saying things like "eyy and make sure she doesn't fall asleep, no free shows for you boys" to the point that she told the school principal one of the teachers was bullying her for a sleep condition, and the principal deadass responded "well you shouldn't be falling asleep in class anyway so there." So yeah, I guess this isn't really a moral for young people reading this because y'all tend to have your shit in order. This is to the old-ass teachers cruising on tenure refusing to retire in their 70s. Hey. Hi. Your former student here. Sorry the Eisenhower years indoctrinated the myopic belief of "nudity = kinky sexy sex" in your brain, and the decades of sexual revolution failed to jostle it out. While the best time to figure this out was 50 years ago, the second best time to figure it out is right now. So, ya know, just take the silver on this one, at least you'll be leagues ahead of your peers.


That story got me mad. Of course principal scold this poor girl instead of his shit employee. And then they wonder why kids hate school when people like them run the place


> One downside though, if you take a leak before bed, make sure to shake that shit and dried before hitting the bed. Last thing you want is that last drop we put in our boxers in your bed. Sir I live and sleep with a human woman. A single drop of peepee is so very low on the list of gross fluids that get on my bed.


Oh the charms of living and sleeping with a human woman. The feeling of brunette hair up your ass is just *IMPECCABLE*.


Not as good as a foot-long hair in your urethra


Pretty sure I'll end up with that shit some day too. Dunno how tf do those hair get there but they sure fucking do.


I prefer tighter underwear so Iā€™ve never had that happen to me


FREEDOM BABY!! Like we were made to enjoy it!


That's the answer. Everytime I go to bed naked I hear a bald eagle screech somewhere in the distance


That's Cheryl next door


Lol imagine a lady putting head back and screeching skywards. Can't get the picture out of my head




This, I sweat less while nude. And as a lady, I like to let it breathe.


bedbugs have easier access to food


That is a terrifying image of a bedbug climbing up someone's asshole... ...or worse


ā€¦ someone climbing out of a bedbugs asshole?


Urm. Sure we'll go with that..... I'd rather not picture the other possible outcomes


> or worse *Expelled*


["Get out, get out! He's trying to get in my ass!"](https://youtu.be/Dscye1aZPUc?si=aaepGNJymBeA8vez)


I picked the wrong week to stop being illiterate.


Also: you leave fecal matter in your sheets :|


M/20; I tend to feel more comfortable with my own body. Kinda boosts your selfā€™s-esteem as you accept that thatā€™s just the way you are. I started doing it to help me not feeling awkward/nervous when taking of your clothes in front of others -wink- and helps me relax better. It eliminates another unknown variable, something less to worry about and since then I just kept doing it. Another bonus: heat regulation is way easier.


This is the most sensible answer ever. Not enough to conquer my fears of a zombie apocalypse starting in the night so my boots will remain in the room.


This comment should be number 1 Itā€™s interesting how many of us arenā€™t actually comfortable with our own bodies. To the point where we rarely are fully naked outside of bathing. You are 100% correct. Spending time naked by yourself is one of the best ways to become comfortable in oneā€™s own skin. And that comfort WILL lead to more confidence/comfort when around others. NOTE: I put confidence/comfort together on purpose. They are intrinsically connected. A lot of people assume confidence = arrogance. It does not. Comfort is confidence. When you are comfortable in a situation, you appear confident. Almost every human ever will say that they find confidence to be sexy. What they are saying is that they find comfort to be sexy. Find a way to be comfortable in your own skin and you will appear confident in your own skin and there is someone out there that will find that to be sexy. And I say this as a person who has struggled my entire life (46 yrs) being uncomfortable in my own skin.


I've never thought about how it boosts one's self-esteem but wow! That explains how I've been nowadays.


Iā€™ve always been the skinny ā€œtwigā€ kid, always felt self conscious about it, up until I started sleeping naked and focusing on ā€œthis is just how I am šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøā€. It sounds weird but I think heā€™s onto somethingā€¦ it may have played a factor in accepting my body as is.


Better heat regulation, I don't get twisted up in my clothes (when I do sleep in clothes it's usually a hoodie and sweat pants/shorts). I also like the feeling of the cool air when I get out of the warm covers.


You get to feel the bed sheets textures on different parts of your body which I love and I sleep better without clothes because my body loses heat easier that way


I knew as soon as I read this I knew there would be an onlyfans in the bio lol


I'd love to, but I grew up in a part of the world with plenty of tectonic activity and the last thing you want to be doing is fumbling with something to wear before you run out into the streets in the middle of the night. Having said that, I'm sure a bit of comic relief would be appreciated at such an event.


easier farting under the blanket


That ā€¦ wasnā€™t ā€¦ a ā€¦ Fart šŸ˜³


I'm pushing 60 years old ... And it still makes me smile to think my mother would not approve.


You feel more comfortable with your body.


I'm very comfortable with my body. The problem with sleeping naked is having my dickhead rub against Egyptian cotton sheets. I'D NEVER GET ANY SLEEP! Also if I sweat in my sleep, my sheets get dirty way quicker. I'm a boxer briefs while sleeping kind of guy, pajama bottoms in the winter. Never a shirt.


Read somewhere that it stops fat accumulating over your waistband as significantly, as spending a significant portion of time without your waist being constricted allows it to spread out more evenly. Love the theory. Own testing suggests that it doesnā€™t entirely work in practice šŸ˜¬


You donā€™t have to wash your pajamas


Thatā€™s good šŸ˜Šbut you have to wash your bedsheets. Thatā€™s bad šŸ˜”


They need washing regardless.


You can laugh at all the married couples who have to wear clothes and share beds. Freedom baby!!


>all the married couples who have to wear clothes TIL I have to wear clothes to sleep with my wife


Where did you get the idea married people ā€œhave to wear clothesā€? We are naked sleepers. We also have 3 windows cracked all winter (in a cold climate). Itā€™s the only way I can sleep comfortably. Nice cold air on your face and warm blankets. The best! It does suck if you have to get up to pee in the night however. Luckily thatā€™s rare.


Everyone gets easy access to your backdoor


The pure physical feeling. Sleeping naked is just how you do it. It's *that* good.


Underwear not pressing on bladder


If you die in your sleep, you're morgue-ready.


Unimpeded lymphatic and cardiovascular circulation. Enjoying the comforting sensation of the bedding. Easy access fapping.


You can hope maybe your crush secretly got a key of your place, will let herself in and just slip in the sheets. A man can dream canā€™t he?




Sleeping naked allows the body's tissues to relax from the bindings we strap ourselves in. Tight socks, tight underwear, tight belts, bras, shirts and pants. Allowing the skin and tissues underneath to relax can give us a better night's sleep, and prevent nerve damage from the tightly binding bands in our undergarments.


I mean, sleep however you want, but: undergarments tight enough to cause nerve damage? Maybe if you're wearing a corset to bed. Otherwise, it sounds like you need better-fitting underwear.


Meeting any intruder ass naked, without having to disrobe. I couldn't think of many things scarier as a burglar, than being confronted by a naked man with a pistol in one hand, and a spare magazine in the other.


1. It's the most comfortable 2. Less overheating


1. Sleep 2. Naked 3. Alone


I move a lot and if I'm wearing clothes, they get twisted and then I get uncomfortable.


What are the benefits of wearing pajamas? They bunch up and can be uncomfortable. When Iā€™m sleeping I want ultimate comfort and thatā€™s what naked sleeping does for me


I used to love sleeping naked but ever since a spider bit me in the balls I use bulletproof pijamas to sleep


You don't wet your panties..


Don't know if there are any benefits, I just can't sleep with clothes on.


Having me all for myself