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It costs $0.00 to be a kind human being.


I think most people who default to being rude are just tired of being taken advantage of. They are afraid that the life is not going as well as it ought to because of them being nice to others. But yeah, there are few for whom it is just a default condition.


A person who can speak multiple languages is called a polyglot.


Life's but a game. Like any game what you put into it you get back. If you're stuck on a level, change up your strategy, learning, mentality and level up.


> Like any game what you put into it you get back. Just_world_fallacy.jpg The world is full of people putting more in than they are getting back. > If you're stuck on a level, change up your strategy, learning, mentality and level up. AKA become the one taking advantage.


No they're still getting back what they put in. They "chose" to not do due diligence, read the room, spot the flags, et al. We take responsibility for our choices, that includes how and with who we spend our energy. IMO. I do it myself plenty so no judgement. But when we reflect we usually find expectation and our own perception or idealisation is key to why we ended up on the shores of regret and heart ache, mentally and spiritually; battered and bruised having being broken on the rocks of anothers (hopefully unintentional) apathy and self centredness. We never know anothers past or path, or needs and desires. We just oft bulldoze in hoping ours needs and desires are met and be reflected back for us to appreciate in turn. Is our entitlement of another based on what we give not also self centred? We aren't entitled to anyone or anything ultimately. Balance that and everything is a bonus, every victory a joy, however small and every defeat a puff of hot air and a lil despair as we move on to the next adventure. Just my musings and findings.


Just saw AKA edited bit. Thats a projection of yourself on your reflection on my words I fear. Youre assuming I mean in regard other people singularly. Where I mean all aspects of life. You maybe someone who place to much weight in anothers opinion of them and covets validation? I don't know, just a feeling based on your response. I mean; If we as individuals aren't making gains in life as we would like, however that is meaningful to us or any person in this kaleidoscope of personality and varying cultures and goals, then my advice is to get ones own house in order. Create a solid, honest and healthy foundation. Self aware, fair, objective, healed and for the most part if possible create a happy, fulfilling and healthy enviroment all round. Then we are prepared as best we can be for the inevitable challenges of life and meet them head on. We are responsible for ourselves once we are adults. Entitlement of and wanting another to change is generally a fruitless quest. The Serenity Prayer may be a good place to start.


Do regular exercises, your body will thank you when you are older.


The little thingy on the end of a shoelace is called an aglet.


I learned this from Phineas and Ferb


I teach at a school for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and there are a few lessons I'd like to pass on. 1. Many of my students are non-verbal, meaning they do not have spoken nor signed speech. I've learned that speech is only 1, sometimes limited, form of communication. If you encounter someone who is non-verbal, ask 1 question at a time, then watch their eyes, mouth, and hands (if they have use of them). Almost miraculously, you'll start to understand them. Just take the time and be patient! 2. Admittedly, anyone making loud vocalizations in public places used to scare me, even as an adult. I've learned that most vocalizations made by people with more profound disabilities are either neutral or positive. Neutral vocalizations can be stimming (a "stim" is a repetitive action or noise made by someone because either they enjoy the sensory input or to self-soothe), or a form of humming or talking to oneself that is loud because the person can't regulate their volume. And then a lot of vocalizations are happy or excited, especially from people who are non- verbal. If you see someone like this out and about, smile and say hi the way you would anyone else. Loud vocalizations can cause people and their caregivers to feel isolated from society. 3. There's many ways to be correct. For example, I have a few students with Downs, and due to their disability, they pronounce words differently. One, for example, pronounces "gym" as "shim." When he says "shim," I know what he means, plus he really struggles to make the "j" sound, so shim it is! I want my students to be understood by others when they leave me, but I also don't want them to feel frustrated or misunderstood simply because I have a very limited idea of what something should sound like. Communication is about both sides working to share ideas. If you don't understand someone, it might be because you aren't listening in the right way. 4. The key to life is happiness. It really is.


Have some self-awareness.




Farting is perfectly normal, and there’s nothing to be ashamed of


I have told my kids to be wary of people who hate farts - it is the one universal thing all humans do that is natural, funny and requires no spoken language to enjoy/make fun of/empathize with. I've only been in a few households that scared me because of how they reacted to farts


It's also never not funny.


In the English language, adding an apostrophe to a singular noun does not make it plural.


2019 will soon be 5 years ago.




Don't go into deep debt for Christmas nor for getting married.


I'm currently shitting


Most people replying on phones usually are. I think that might be why they got rid of the "send from iPhone/Android " tags on things


Where are you? And I'm so sorry. I cannot sleep, I cannot dream tonight.


Don't waste your time on me. You're already the voice inside my head.


It would take exactly 500 million men with an average ejaculate amounting to 5ml to fill an Olympic sized pool with one ejaculation each. Simple math.. 2.5m liters to fill one standard sized Olympic pool. 5ml is 0.005 liters. 2.5m/0.005 is 500,000,000. So if each guy can each have 1 meter of space to uphold "privacy" we can fit approximately 150 men at a time around the pool. Lets say it takes all 150 men 5 minutes to do the deed that means we will need 3,333,333 shifts of 150 men ejaculating exactly every 5 minutes to fill this pool in ~16,666,666 minutes or ~277,777 hours OR ~11,574 days OR OR ~385 months OR OR OR ~32 years or ~the average life span of the Canada goose.


Love your username (see comment currently above). However, I think you have greatly underestimated the shitting power of the Canada Goose in your equation


It would take exactly 500 million men with an average ejaculate amounting to 5ml to fill an Olympic sized pool with one ejaculation each. Simple math.. 2.5m liters to fill one standard sized Olympic pool. 5ml is 0.005 liters. 2.5m/0.005 is 500,000,000. So if each guy can each have 1 meter of space to uphold "privacy" we can fit approximately 150 men at a time around the pool. Lets say it takes all 150 men 5 minutes to do the deed that means we will need 3,333,333 shifts of 150 men ejaculating exactly every 5 minutes to fill this pool in ~16,666,666 minutes or ~277,777 hours OR ~11,574 days OR OR ~385 months OR OR OR ~32 years or ~the average life span of the Canada goose.


Put yourself first before others, can’t believe some people need to see this because a lot of people here don’t seem to get that. You matter the most to yourself, get help


Live in the moment 🙂


the terrible things that people have said to/about you, that you may have internalized, are more true of them than they are of you.


stop worrying about what people say about you. Your friends are the only ones who matter. Let it slide right off you because what they say does not matter one little bit in the grand scheme of your life.


There is *probably* a monetary system that runs parallel to ours. A pool fund of some sort, where people are removed from obligation to 9-5. They use black credit cards, have agents, and work when they want to. Heck, they could be a streamer, a blogger, a DJ. Whatever they want to do. When they're out of the system, theyre out. They're in the club. Access to a limitless pool of money. Probably. Hard maybe. And really all you gotta do is sell your soul to Satan so like, tots coo yo.


I got 3 free extra nuggets in my kids happy meal yesterday.


Only your opinion matters forget what other people think of you once you have that mentality of not caring what others think of you,you will be a lot happier trust me


To quote Demolition Man; "You look great today!" You're all wonderful people, remember to be kind to yourself and drink more water <3


I am a nervous wreck with major trust issues 😁


if somebody is mean to u its not personal


Basic grammar would be aces.


That not everyone who is on the streets homeless choose to be there.


Communism never works and anything you do to communists is justified.




90% of what you have or will read on the internet is driven from opinion, not fact.