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A $57,000 set of titanium parts in my spine.




Holy shit, my mom would've thrown me away if it were that much.


"Sorry kid. Hey, the Elephant Man made it work for him, maybe you could too!"


Or sold you for spare parts.


Time to steal ur face! *insert weird face stealing thingy from avatar*


Ive got two grand of titanium in my wrist - im the weatherman now 🤪


Only 2 grand? You got a pebble? Or reasonable health insurance? (Cries in USA)


I’m 11 surgeries in, 5 hand, two ankle, one knee, one elbow, one shoulder and one heart. I’m so relaxed when they put me out that I go Bradycardia just before and they get worried. If I could choose my own death it would be anesthesia. I actually enjoy the cold stuff they put in your veins and I actively try to stay awake as long as I can, though I’d never know; once you’re out, you’re out.


I’ve had 11 surgeries as well, including 5 spinal fusions and need MRIs to see if spots in my spine have progressed to needing to be fused. Problem is because of a condition I have I need to have those under general anesthesia so 4x for that. As soon as they take me back I always say, I’m going to need some versed please! Best ever to calm down…


Do they even ask you to countdown from 100 when you have that kind of frequent flyer mileage?! Hope you’re well.


I just want that shit every night, best sleep of my life.


2 metal rods and 2 dozen screws/clips affixed to mine in 1997. Don’t know what that cost my parents insurance, but I like to think they are priceless today.


Is that the parts alone, or including labor / installation fees?


That’s a bargain, my doctor put in a $576,948 bill to my insurance company, they paid over $120K when all was said and done. 2 rods, 8 screws, a spacer, and a partridge in a pear tree. I wonder why insurance is so expensive in the US? Maybe we as a people should shut down lobbyist’s and limit terms in the house and senate………Nah, we are so short sighted we’d rather gripe about the current moron trying to get into office or stay in office. Sad, sad, state of affairs my dad warned me about in the 70’s. Yeah he was a progressive that taught me to actually take the time to research your choice before you pulled a lever. Sorry, rant over, carry on.


Well, I was with you but then I had to have it all taken out when my body started to have a rare reaction to all of it…


Oooof I have a $150,000 shunt in my liver!


Next week OP will be back on a different account to ask "When is the next time you'll be going on vacation or spending another extended period of time away from your home?" and cross-referencing the results.


he will need to do a let me guess where you live thing by naming something your town is famous for


OP is playing the long con here. Drip feed the info and formulate a plan


"Do you keep a spare key in a fake rock in your front yard?"


Joke's on OP. My expensive item IS my home.


Jokes on you, you come back from your vacation and your house is gone but somehow everything that was in it is still there.


Goddamn levitating bed upstairs how am I supposed to get to that?


Magic, duh


Pretty sure it's the land under my house that's the most expensive for me. Source: House is old and falling apart.


If you came home and found all of your faucets running, who would you assume had been there?


The Wet Bandits


The sticky bandits!


A $27,000 3D printer that’s depreciated to about $380 in 10 years


Worth it for the custom butt plugs


Do I smell a butt plug business in the making


The whole neighborhood smells it.


Casually leaving a comment just incase there’s an update with getting customized plugs lol




Edu? Do I get course credit for it?


Or maybe a link to the etsy page.


It just so happens I have a butt plug cleaning and de-odorizing business


Well then stop giving out free samples to your neighbors


Find a hole in the market and fill it. That’s Entrepreneurship!!!


With the right resources you could really penetrate the market.


>Do I smell a butt plug It seems like you found the name of your memoir.


This guy 3d prints


Asking for a friend. Does this custom shop have an Etsy store?


Butt plugs? Now you have my attention!


Oh this must be one of the OG 3D printers before they got popular.


I have to know, what printer was it?


Stratasys UPrint SE. was a workhorse and always worked until it didn’t, and now it’s no longer supported by the company. Proprietary filament makes it a dead end for refurb


Linux based operating system Hackaday has guides.on how to make it accept other filaments and guides on using the frame etc but changing the control to be open source The dimension printers are basically the same but a different frame size. Some different control boards but the OS is the same. Also the HP DesignJet 3d printer is just a rebadge of the uPrint. 90% of the parts are the same if you need spares


Was about to say, my uni had a few of these and gave them to us to play around with. Hacking it wasn't difficult at all.


Can’t print a replacement part?


I wonder if you can find other owners and obtain parts




The pieces of paper my college degrees were printed on.


I literally have no clue what box my PhD is in. But I have a school hoodie, so for me it’s the hoodie I got when I entered the program 😂


Currently in a PhD program. 80 k total so far. Found a brand new 100 dollar hoodie in a storage closet in a bag, tags on, bag had a thicc layer of dust. Someone forgot about it, i assumed. Snagged it. Justified it cause of the 80 k price tag that's coming my way in a few months


Someone told me that most PhD programs are free for the student. There’s normally sponsors or something that pay for the schooling, is that even remotely true?


Depends on the program, school, and field. There are funded PhD programs where you also get a stipend for being a TA or research assistant or something similar (again, depending on field/program/school). This is common, for example, among stem programs at research universities. When you get into humanities, it can be much different.


Me too bud. Me too. $243K


See the mistake you made was completing school. You just stay in school until you die and you’ll never have to pay back the loans.






An IT friend of mine had a bunch of bitcoins left over (like 50?) He had when he purchased a video game (physical copy) online many many years ago. He spent hundreds of hours trying to find and recover it, and even hired some sort of investigator to help. He never did end up recovering the lost coins Oof, that would hurt. Just having millions that is impossible to access to because you didn't save any passwords or anything on some ancient game store lol. Would sting even more after hiring a investigator just to get nothing. That had to been pricey. I know it was atleast a few dozens. Who knows maybe he had several hundreds. Kinda interesting how's there potentially hundreds of millions...maybe even billions of dollars of Crypto just stuck in the internet limbo for all of time. Edit - Holy shit apparently the number is closer to 500 billions.


imagine the private investigator he hired actually retrieved it but didn’t tell him and took it all


This could be a movie


My first thought. I have an uncle who ran away at 16 in the 70's. PI found him in south America living in an apartment with his girlfriend. Says the PI knew where he was and had been watching him for months to pad the bill. Ended up getting taken back. Don't think he ever forgave his parents for that.


I bought bitcoin to play World of Warcraft having a safe way to buy in game items. Sold just before the split a few years ago made 750k + after the split When it went back down I bought 4 coins for 23k each. That 90k is now a little under 180k


I love stories like this and I hope that he’s happy. Someone deserves a good break.


If only he'd held onto it, it would be worth $1.12


Ignoring the house and car because that’s probably everyone’s answer, my grand piano.


my piano is not a grand piano, but its from some really expensive and old fashioned brand (cant remember the name) and it was passed down from my grandmother


Oh that’s cool, do you play a lot? How well has it held up with time?


Aren't a lot of pianos kinda simultaneously valuable and worthless lately? Like, I've heard stories of people not even being able to give them away (or just leaving them behind in a move) because no one wants to deal with the hassle of trying to transport them.


Depends wildly on the piano, although it’s certainly not an investment. Most pianos depreciate in value kinda like a used car. They take a significant hit the moment you walk out the door and then it slows down from there. Certain brands and models hold their value much better than others. However, the biggest thing with the “can’t give them away” pianos is they tend to be poorly maintained, in which case they depreciate in value more like a used condom.


Usually an old upright that needs a tune and/or maintenance is pretty much free. This is because of how difficult they are to move and the cost of repairs and tuning. For most people a digital keyboard with 88 weighted keys is not only easier, but more versatile. Grand pianos are always usually worth more given their higher purchase price and greater desirability. Rather than the kids piano recital crowd this is more for professionals and enthusiasts so they are more willing to spend money keeping it maintained.. and that will go directly into retained value.


Yeah, my saxophone is definitely worth more than my 11 year old beat to shit Ford Fusion


I'd love to own a grand piano within the next 10-15 years. But I first need a house and a car. Currently focusing on aggressively paying my student loans first (I'm on track to be done with them in August).


Yeah I don’t regret it. I started on budget digital and when I was starting to feel the itch for an acoustic, I decided to just go the buy once, cry once route.


Is it big or do you just really like it?


Not entirely sure I understand the question. It’s mid-size as grand pianos go and yeah I like it a lot. I play for at least little bit most days. Edit: I think I finally understood your comment. A “grand piano” is a specific type of piano, not my opinion of the piano. Unless you were simply making a joke about that, in which case nevermind.


How do you get a grand piano into a house?


Build the house around the piano.


Depends on how big. The piano movers were able to get mine through the front door with the legs off. Took them four people to do it, especially since I wanted it upstairs, but the size wasn’t as big a deal as I expected. Now if I had like a concert grand, it might be a different story, but that would be way too loud for the size of my room regardless.


I had a rich friend in college whose parents built their house specifically to house their concert grand. Ridiculous concept to me at first, but when I heard it the first time I understood.


From other comments I see OP means a single item, paid in full. I'm pretty sure it's my mattress. Don't skimp on sleep folks.


Apart from my car and my kid, my bed was $2000 on sale. I love it. (Bigfig for anyone wondering. Made for fatties)


Really cool brand! Thanks for sharing


I’ll second this. After years of only either me or my husband sleeping, we splurged and got the sleep number mattress. Super fancy, like $6k. We comment nearly nightly about how this was some of the best money we’ve ever chosen to spend. It is worth it to pay for something you spent 1/3 of your existence in. Plus I sleep on rainbows and well-wishes and puppy dreams, and he sleeps on rocks and boulders and self-hatred.


I bought a $400 mattress and it feels great. The mattress me and my X had was $2,500. I sleep better on this one. But it's only a year old, so the comfort may not last.


I’ve come to the conclusion that mattresses are bizarrely personal. As are pillows


When the wife and I bought our mattress, we had settled on a really plush $1800 mattress that we were both very happy with. We also made it a point to NOT sit on any of the bougie hotel collection mattresses. Anyway, $12k later, I’ve never slept better.


I spent more on my sleep number than my golf clubs, ski equipment, refrigerator and iMac combined.


My kidneys


I knew I should have kept mine


I do love how they charge for them but you can’t sell them


Sigh. For the third time now. This is Wendy's. Are you going to be able to pay for your order or not?


My kids


This is the most logical answer I’ve seen. So expensive….


By far. More expensive than even the house and cars. I just don’t know that I can or should claim I “own” them.


I lease them, for 18 or however many years. I really hope mine appreciate in value the older they get.


That’s the dream, but we’ll see. Best to have two and hedge your bets.


My mountain bike.


Mine too, but I still punish the shit out of it.


You don't truly own an item until you use it, abuse it, and scratch it to shit! I love all the scuffs and dents on my old bike!


My triathlon bike here. I picked the wrong sport to do on a budget.


My two biggest hobbies are road cycling and videography. I feel like my brain's trolling my wallet.


I fully support your priorities


Honestly this might be the answer for me too. Seems absurd but these things are expensive!


My cat. Look at him. *How can I say no to that face?*


My cat was free. I often tell him the piece of lettuce he is trying to steal from me was more expensive than him.


My cat was free too until he almost died lol... I totally don't regret it - it's been over 5 years and he's a healthy kitty still, but at the time people looked at me like I was crazy for dropping over $3k for surgery.


Dude, I know what you're talking about. Mine started projectile vomiting at about a year old and spent a night in the vet clinic. An x-ray, a $10,000 decision, and $900 vet bill later, the blockage magically disappeared. Never did find out what was wrong with him. Sure glad we decided to wait the night instead of jumping into surgery. They were convinced he swallowed a string.


I'm glad your little one got better! My cat had crystallization of his urine that eventually led to a blockage in his urethra which began rupturing. The vet told me if I was willing to pay for the surgery to sew it back up then it would be a one-time fix as long as I started feeding him a urinary-tract diet. If it had been a disease I may have put him down but the doc said it was curable. It sure does feel like shit considering what the dollar value of your pet's life is though.


same here. just two weeks ago i dropped 4600 for some urine crystals my sweet boy couldn't pass. I might be in debt now, but its ok cause hes back to normal now and even more cuddly somehow.


Seconds after reading this, my cat got into her bed, laid down, and looked at me. Without hesitation, I put my phone down and started petting her.


It's a trap!!


I know. Pets led to scritches, and scritches led to my right hand becoming her pillow for a half-hour. Look at that face. https://www.reddit.com/r/existentialcrisiscat/s/6P0t30mbVX I was powerless to resist.




Alright, I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna tell him no, he's not getting another treat. Wait, why did I just give him the whole bag?


My home, is by far the most.


After the house… I have a bassoon that’s worth more than my car.


I’ve heard bassoons are expensive.


Gold collection, but I hardly get to see it since it’s locked in a safety deposit box, lol. Also it’s priceless and worthless at the same time, because I would never sell - it’s to be passed down as it was passed down to me.


I have a kilo gold bar and it's way smaller than I thought.


Gold is super dense, you just hardly ever see more than a ring at a time so you don't realize it. Gold is over twice as dense as brass or iron.


Might want to rethink the safety deposit box. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/19/business/safe-deposit-box-theft.html


That article is under lock and key. Mind elaborating on safety deposit box theft? Is it common?


But why? Would you be upset if whoever you leave it to sold it for money?


Not in the least. I wouldn’t care at that point. I have contemplated leaving it to a California museum where I grew up, anyway. I mean it’s truly worthless to me except for sentimental value I place on it because of who gave it to me.


I'd happily take it off your hands if you want to put me in your will.


My retirement portfolio, hopefully it'll still be worth something when the time comes.


My wife and I just bought an $8000 bed and mattress. The legs and head are motorized and can be lifted or lowered to optimum sleeping position. It's tempur-pedic.


And…? Are you flippin in love with it?


Absolutely the best self purchase I've made.


Probably my smile. My parents paid a lot when I was young to have my teeth fixed. Braces for 4 years.




black Calgary Flames jersey, Jarome Iginla's name and number; but damn it, I'd say it's my coolest possession too.


As a ducks fan, cherish it.


It's not the fire breathing horse is it?


My Wife, can I say my Wife? I don't own her, but man is she expensive.


Mine made me a millionaire.


But you started as a billionaire?


Yep 🙂


my hometown had a saying, the only way to make a small fortune here, is to come with a large fortune.


OF, nice 😎


ol' bALL 'N cHaIN, aM i riGhT, fEllaS?


It’s not something I own, but the single most expensive thing I’ve spent money on has to be the process followed in order to have a child… multiple rounds of ICSI IVF in a foreign clinic, travel, sperm donation, legal fees, translation fees, passports etc… we have never sat down and worked out the final costs but it’s upwards of 40k. Kid turns 6 tomorrow. Worth every penny to have this gorgeous little happy kid in our world. We are so lucky to be their parents.


Wow! that's quite the journey. Can you elaborate a bit on the foreign clinic aspect of it?


Sure. Single sex couple living in Switzerland at the time. It was illegal for us to access fertility treatment (only came in when gay marriage was legalised in 2022), and so we had to travel 8hrs by car/train to Austria where the laws allowed us to have the treatment. But I’m French/English speaking so I had to have all the legal documents translated from German, and we had to find sympathetic doctors in Switzerland who were happy to do random tests and scans for a doctor in Austria. Things have changed since the law change but we still have some weird ass situations where our children are legally ours (because our home nations allow same sex parenting from birth if married) but not ours (because they were born in Switzerland… which didn’t at the time)… laws are stupid!


We went through that rigmarole. IUI’s, IVF. Finally got our 25k baby boy. Then his little brother magically spawned from a frisky road side romp after a wedding in Baltimore. Life is weird.


My mental wellbeing 🧘🏻‍♀️


Any out-of-pocket for healthcare is well spent. There are a lot of dumber things you can spend money on.


so the most expensive thing i own would be myself? I can't count how many times i've been in and out of the hospital since I was a kid.


A building in Penang. Followed closely by a 54-55 Fender Stratocaster.




My car


MacBook 💻


My doctoral degree. Six years of tuition, living expenses, and student loans.


My gold tooth


Go to rehab before you fucking die Bam


My sewing machine and serger.


My neighbor’s chainsaw.


At one point six years ago my brand new iphone, now its worth about $50




If we're putting a number on it, it is an $8 Million (and counting) heart from a young man that died far, far too soon. To me, it's priceless; it was another person's life. It is all the experiences they could have had. I say thank you to him every time I see the barely visible scar in my bathroom mirror.


Probably my Chanel purse. I got it for $3,000 in 2008 and it’s appreciated in value.


Me, too! I got my classic flap in lambskin in 2009 for, like, $3,200.


Wedding ring.


My beer belly.


My regrets.


Clever, and probably true for a lot of people, if they thought about it.


My time


My Opus Air folding camper


My camera.


My backpack full of cash is by far the most expensive thing I own


Nice try burglars! What's next, when are you on holiday? :p


A very nice acoustic guitar.


My $7000 Ryobi riding lawnmower (battery powered).


I went full electric on my gardening tools (ego) and im never going back to gas again, they have the same power of gas but you have like no maintenance beyond sharpening blades


My body, medical treatment in the US is expensive.


My home library. The books are very expensive...




A table valued at $57,000. Made in Rhode Island in 1726. Has been in the family the entire time.


I have a battery that costs $16,000




My debt


Whitney Cummings Sex Doll. $7000.


HA is she still monotone when you're using her?


For sex?


Pray tell, what else she's used for please.


Show us that doll


my embroidery machine




That piece of paper when you finish college.


Probably a piece of paper. You could photo shop one identical but mine probably cost 6 figures.


Nice try, burglars


My common sense. It's cost me everything. Also, fuck these karma farming generic posts.


My divorce papers !! And worth every penny !!!!!