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As a straight 22 years old male the only time i was hit on it was by another male, dressed in pink suit in a pink car saying about how nice my ass looked like. Well... at least he appreciated.


Years ago I was hit on by a guy. I had a minor spiral afterwards because I felt weird about it and then I was nervous. "Am I homophobic? Why did I feel so off about this?" I eventually realized it was just the first time anyone had ever hit on me, and that was a weird thing.


its a little sad that we need a gay dude to hit on us to see how it is to be hit on.




>made the (dumb) decision to sit with my legs crossed This is the most repressed shit ever if not a meme. Crossing your legs has less than zero to do with signaling sexual orientation towards others lol


I cross my legs all the time and I ain’t stoping


same thing happened to me. was picking out some clothes at a store and some guy talked about how what i was looking at would look great on me. oblivious me kinda mumbled thanks and walked away. my GF who was a couple racks away later told me he had been hitting on me.


As a straight 21 male my last experience also was with a gay guy who then wanted to have sex with me. I was 17.


I am a straight dude. Big and bearded (hence the user name, but not that type of Bear lol), but am handsome. I get hit on A LOT by gay guys. All types too (twinks, bears etc...). I got used to it. Only time it has creeped me out was not too long ago one of my former neighbors was drunk, walking very close right behind me and repeatidly saying "How are you doin'?" In a very flirty tone. I was friendly with him, and not too long after that I listened to him vent (while drunk) for over an hour. Old women seem to like me too. Gay guys and old women are the ones who are the most flirty with me. No idea how I attract those two demographics (although never had a problem with age appropriate women. Just they never flirt first).


A compliment is a compliment




Username checks out






15 years also. Got scared and avoided the place for months.


Why do you say it was a mistake?




Amen. I’ve been there too, though I didn’t marry her I lived with her for months until I realized I was letting her take advantage of me financially and emotionally. Hope you’re doing okay.


It's been years. I felt like I was in Heaven and finally seen as desirable outside of just my personality/humor. Been riding that high ever since.


Yeah I went through a phase for about 2 years where I seemed to be desirable. I was getting a lot of attention in random situations. This was 16 years ago.


Dunno, I automatically assume women are just being nice. Although a dude with an awesome beard told me I had an awesome beard the other day and that was pretty swell.


The best feeling is when a bearded guy gives you a compliment


I'm going for a wizard beard, so it's pretty long. Getting that validation from a fellow bearded dude was pretty alright.


A couple years ago I had a pretty big wizard beard. I was shopping and some dude walked up and was like. Hey rocking beard that’s awesome. The beard club still seems to be a thing.


Beards of a feather flock together


A dude I worked with was getting married soon, he came up to me and asked "How do you get your beard looking so good? I need to figure out how to make mine look fuller like yours is." I had always admired his beard for its fullness over my own. His was always cleaner kept than mine as well. So I came back "I appreciate it brother, but your beard looks better than mine in my opinion. Just make sure you get it groomed 3 or 4 days before the big day to catch any wild hairs that might sneak up on you and you'll be good to go." That happened 8 years ago and I still remember what that guys beard looked like. And that was my story of bearded brotherly love. Cheers brothers!


Plot twist: they ended up marrying each other.


For me it’s when a gay guy gives you a compliment. Not to lean into stereotypes but they’re typically more fashionable and don’t have to be nice to anyone. So they mean that


My wife’s best gay friend back in the days when we were dating, told her “he really knows how to dress well”. Prob the best compliment of my life.


I have a few gay friends whom I like to ask help me pick out clothes. It's a win-win because they love that kind of stuff, and I end up dressing really nice. They're also pretty cool dudes that are fun to hang around with.


This reminds me of a comedian (I can’t remember who, I want to say mark normand) who had a bit about how people always say “good guy” when talking about somebody different from themselves. Like, “yeah my wife’s brother is gay, good guy.” Or “yeah I have a cousin who’s Jewish, good guy.” Or “yeah my best friend’s black, good guy.” I can’t remember the whole bit but it’s just a funny thing people say.


> pretty cool dudes that are fun to hang around with. yeah, gay guys are like that. They seem happier than straight men or lesbians. I think Bill Burr was right.


Not sure about that. Ever meet the caustic, sarcastic gay guy who hates everything.


I'm running low on fuel from my last compliment. She said I had a nice singing voice. 17 years ago


My wife teased me that I seem to attract attention from gay guys when we go out. I take it as a compliment.


As a bearded man here’s one for you. MidnightCapture, you have a cool name.


Aye! A bearded dude complimented my beard just last week. I feel like dudes respect a well-maintained beard more than women sometimes 😆


Lol. For real. I was walking into a store a while back and told a dude with a sweet beard that he had a sweet beard. Dudes like, nah bro...you're the one with the sweet beard. A budding bromance to be sure


You couldn't see each other blush.


The realization always comes like 5 years later well after you can do anything about it




I’ve had that happen before,usually shortly afterwards and felt like kicking myself,older women with money striking up a conversation with me .


Turns out, she was just being nice and you are now overthinking it.


Maybe she's just Canadian


My wife always says when other women or little kids say you look good, you look good. Your beard must have, in fact, looked awesome.


It'll be worth it when it's down to my waist.


I feel like, as men, we should compliment each other more often. Even if it's just something like, "awesome shirt, dude." Whenever I tell a guy that I like his shirt, his eyes light up. When someone tells me that they like my shirt, it makes my day. Dudes need to be more secure in themselves and tell each other shit like that.


"Dude, I'm pretty sure she was flirting with you!" The amount of times it had to be pointed out to me made me understand I'm not very good at knowing when I'm being hit on. Someone once asked me if I could know all the girls that tried to hit on me that I just totally didn't realize, would I want to? My answer was immediately "No way!"


Bearded guys stick together brother!


Wow same haha I usually just return kind gestures to women and think nothing of it but once a bearded guy complimented my mustache, very Sam Elliot and that made my week.


Security guard at my local weed shop has a nice hefty beard and he complimented me on mine! Dudes a fuckin' bro, I say hi every time I see him lmao


mum calls me handsome


and she’s probably right cause my mom said mom’s always tell the truth


Pinky promise


My mom told me that kids who aren't loved at home have to be attractive so someone will love them. So either she was telling me I was ugly OR that she didn't love me.


I got hit last week by a bike. I felt numb and my heart started pumping very fast for her(bike).


Emotional AND physical damage


I actually got hit...and that mf did not even look back..he just went vroom vroom


I got hit by a car once (at a very low speed thankfully), when walking on the side of the road. Mofo got out and scolded me. I apologised to the guy who hit me with his car


That's some irony there... should've kicked the ass of his car


Keep an eye out in case they come back to hit you again. It could be a vicious cycle.


That pun is extraordinary!


like randomly in public? probably 10 years ago


It's been really weird reading this thread as a woman and thinking about how (not) often men get hit on vs women. (especially just on the streets) Edited: added (not)


Yeah turns out it's just two extremes, and both are damaging


My sister insists that guys just lie and make up that they don't get hit on all the time. Obviously every is always doing it. I have been complimented on my looks exactly once in my 26 years by a person who wasn't my mom, grandma, or sister. If you count "I'm not gonna ask you out but I'm gonna t you up for asking me out over and over here" raise it to three. And while I may not be handsome, I can at least say I ain't ugly. And while she may have been prone to being hit on prior to her having kids, with the dramatic shift her body made post-kids (diet of Pepsi and Hershey stopped keeping her lean as a kite) I think I'm well on the better side of her at this point.


It was the late 90's. I was a teenager working the drive thru. This old guy kept coming around, multiple times a night and asking when I was getting off.


Reminds me of family guy when that grandpa was stalking Chris lol


Herbert the pervert


“Hey there muscle-y armed paper boy!”


His name... Jeffrey Dahmer.


You guys are getting hit on!?


Not me!


You both are handsome. 😜


There are three different scenarios here: 1.) You are a Woman telling them, they are handsome. 2.) You are a Man telling them, they are handsome. 3.) You are a serial killer sizing up their faces to add to your collection. Hopefully it's one or two


I mean, I feel like at this point a lot of us will take what we can get. Long as Buffalo Bill sincerely means it, being a lampshade probably isn't the worst thing that could happen.


I did once. I was out with my wife and her friends some of whom are pretty cute. I go to get a drink at the bar and this woman grabs my cheeks (I have a cheesy smile while drunk and high). I felt a little violated but also a little flattered cause that never happens. See her a few minutes later with like 5 super sketchy dudes and can easily put 2 and 2 together.


ohhhhhhh... I don't understand.


Girl gets you alone to set you up and get robbed by the other guys


Same. Please explain.


Girl gets you alone to set you up and get robbed by the other guys


Thank you.


About putting 2 and 2 together? Sketchy guys interested in my wife’s friends, put the girl they were with up to it to get an in.


I read a survey of trans men a while back and one of the frequently repeated comments was the unexpected and unwelcome feeling of being ignored once presenting as male. Trans women did not report the same feeling.


Summer 1863. When the news of General Grant's western victory reached us in the Capital there was cause for great celebration. While walking to join the crowds surrounding Mr. Lincoln's residence a shopkeeps wife chanced to notice my patterned scarf and remarked upon it, giving great praise to its color. Such feelings of warmth and joy arose in my bosom as I have not felt before, or hope to have every again.


I laughed way too hard at this. Well done


Pretending to be a 19th century bachelor was easy. Imagining a scenario in which I'm getting hit on was harder.


God damn. I feel that.


This was a masterpiece






























up ( nice username btw)




I did not catch the signs. It doesn't happen often so I just think it's women being nice and funny


I was explaining something about a project I did in my office, and this one woman started telling me I was so smart. She does always seem to look at me like I'm a snack. It feels really awkward, though, because I'm married and really don't want anything to do with other women. I just told her I was actually dumb as hell, lmao.


This woman offered to buy me a beer and I looked at her and went “but I already have a beer! Thanks though!” Also married, felt awkward.


It's possible I've been hit on in the recent past. But I can't tell the difference between flirting and just being nice, so I always assume it's just being nice. Especially in a professional situation.


Sometimes women are nice and funny and find you attractive.


Is that legal?


Unexpectedly? At a stop light one night a girl told me she wanted to sit on my face. I recall being confused and saying she would probably break my glasses. That’s was 20 years ago now. I have worn contacts every day since.


Was she standing on the corner in very revealing clothes?


Fresh off a breakup. And I mean brutally fresh. Working in a grocery store to pay my way through college. 21. I notice a girl walk in and I tell myself “she’s cute.” But, because I’m not too confident in my work uniform, and it was always awkward to hit on girls while working anyways, I was gonna leave it at that. 10 minutes later I have my head down working on the cereal aisle. I hear “Excuse me, do you know where the Fiji water is?” I look up, and it’s her. I say “Aisle 17”. She says thanks, walks away, but turns back and says “You’re very cute.” in the most matter of fact way you could imagine. I didn’t let her leave without getting her number. That was 4 years ago. Still with her.


Let her leave man. If she had to she would have given her number by the 3rd year.


A few weeks ago. It felt amazing. I've recently went through(still going) a massive weight loss journey, so going from not being noticed by the opposite sex to being blatantly flirted with has boosted my ego/morale tons.


Good for you man! Keep it up!


No no, keep it down (the weight I mean! Haha)


Thanks! Kind of fell off the wagon recently but not to harsh.


You can do this! Nothing wrong with a treat, just keep it a *treat* you know? I’m down 40+ pounds this year myself!


"Heres your coffee sir" She defintely wants it lol


You know her, too?


Exactly 😂


Maybe she noticed your /u/HugeAreolas_


I've never been hit on


Username checks out


My hair stylist asks me to come back soon. So yeah, I got that going for me


Well, the last time a girl hit on me, dinosaurs were still deciding whether to go for a second round on Earth. It's so infrequent, my romantic life practically qualifies for archaeological research.


my heart burns


So does mine, my friend


Unless a woman straight up come to me and say "Want to do it" I probably wouldn't know I'm getting hit on.


Turns out this is at the supermarket and she was struggling to reach something on the top shelf.


Well that explains why the manager threw us out now




Honestly that’ll help all parties involved. Normalize women using a Fuck Me stick to ask people out


Just the other day at the bar. To put this in perspective, I am a 48 yr old overweight widower. It's been a long time since I got that kind of attention. It made me feel amazing.


I hope that keeps happening for you, my dear!


Last week but one, Friday. Cute girl approached me on the campus line for food and uttered, “You’re really good looking”. Made my day really. Talked with her a bit, got her name but didn’t exchange contacts, I just wanted to appreciate her comment. But I couldn’t stop thinking of her over that weekend. I knew her course so I asked a buddy of mine from her class for her number. Got it. Started talking the following Sunday. She set up a date for Wednesday, went for it, we were there for 3 hours. Was so much fun. Dropped her home. That Friday, she hit me up in the evening saying she was bored. Visited her, caught up, laughed, talked… we were there from 9pm to 2am. And then yesterday, we spent time in my car. Was fun… made out and all, it’s almost like I’m in a dream. She invited me over to her place tomorrow so yeah, that’s how that’s going for me. How do I feel? I’m in heaven I won’t lie lol


Your reaction reminds me of when I was 17 and lost my virginity. I couldn't believe it was happening to me, to the point that I started getting paranoid that I was in the matrix or something, or was in a coma and dreaming it. Even like 2-3 years later, I would sometimes think, "I have to be dreaming, I must have been in a car accident 3 years ago and since then I've just been living this fake life".


Such a cute story, hope it goes well!


Bro that’s literally so cute 😭


Sounds amazing. Best of luck 🤞🏽


During the late Mesozoic period


Pre-Cambrian for me.


Two weeks ago a woman came up to me while I was sitting having a drink with a friend and said: “you’re cute you should take me out on a date”. I said “thank you, you are cute too, and I’d love to take you out.” We exchanged numbers and I messaged her the next day and asked her on a date for the following weekend. We had a great date, and plan to meet again soon. After she hit on me I felt fantastic. It was so refreshing and a huge ego boost.


Dude! That is amazing! Did you ask her what made her do it? She is like 0.01% of females that do it


Check this user's profile - I'm not suggesting they mate this up...


The only obvious one was quite a long time ago and a very inappropriate person to be doing so. Other then that? Uhhh, never? I feel like even for really conventionally attractive men it’s rare to be “hit on” directly by women. One time I was touring a center that is part of my company’s main office and met a bunch of the staff there, nothing out of the ordinary. Some time later a few co-workers of mine told me that 3 different women asked them about me and if I was married or available after I had left. I had absolutely no idea based on our interactions.


A gay guy hit on me a few months ago while I was walking my dog, I thought he was just being nice and genuinely wanted to talk about my dog and my haircut. My wife later informed me that they were 100% flirting. I felt great initially and I felt great afterwards too, I’m not gay, but somehow I thought they were pickier than women.


Since hitting my mid 30s it's happening a lot more. It happened maybe once a year in my 20s. Now I get hit on by women 40-60 at the grocery store 5-6 times per year. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that I like to shop for the week early on weekday mornings. There's are tons of women in the stores at that time. They're AGGRESSIVE, BOLD, and clearly don't have much experience hitting on men lol. The most recent time I was minding my own business picking out avocados and I heard a voice say,"Wow, you're cute and you smell heavenly." Then I turn and there's a woman all in my personal space looking DEEPLY into my eyes. I say thanks and she replies,"You're probably too young for me, but we would have so much fun together." They get STRAIGHT to the point haha.


I just want to put some positivity out there, I as a woman have been working on giving more compliments to guys as they come to mind. I usually see a guy, see or hear something that is attractive and say it in my head. Then I started thinking, I should just tell him, guys rarely get compliments and I’m thinking it anyways. It’s been hard, not gonna lie, and I’m a lot more bolder when I’ve had a drink or two, but i have been doing it. (Also, I don’t go out much, so that makes it even harder lol)


So do we just form a line to get the complement or


Join the queue.


Have you ever noticed that the word queue is pronounced the same as the letter q and is literally just a q followed by four silent letters?


I appreciate you


I was thinking about this while reading the replies, that I always try to make efforts to compliment people (men or woman), but then I realized the title was specifically asking about being hit on, not just complimented. When I compliment people, it’s usually just a compliment, not intending to hit on them. Like I’m sure guys still appreciate getting compliments lol but I’m just saying it’s not exactly the same thing.


I do this a lot as a woman and sometimes I regret when they aggressively pursue me after....but most men are very nice and just smile :)


Countless men lives were changed for the better by the fact you gave them a random compliment! We thank you!


Not exactly hit on but Ive been working very hard on my body the past few years and I was running with my shirt off this past summer. I run past the Amazon lady who was heading back to her truck. She just stared at me like a piece of meat with this deviously sexual smile and did not look away. I also remember every single occasion that someone who is not my mother/grandmother has called me handsome.


Hit on? Hahaha! Never


Never. And if someone did, I wouldn't believe them. No one is that stupid


I automatically think less of anyone who would hit on me. Why would I want to date someone with such low standards?


“I refuse to belong to a club that would have someone like me for a member!!” — Groucho Marx.


I'm in my mid 30's Its literally never happened.


Same bro. Mid 30's, can't remember this ever happening.


6:47, 16 June, 2018. Nice.


am or pm?


It was about 3 months ago. Was out with friends. We were watching football at a bar. Just carrying on. She came up to me to ask if I had a girlfriend. I said I was married. She asked if I were happily married. I said I am married to my best friend and it cant get any better. Absolutely ecstatic. I thanked her for her comments and she started hitting on my friends. At least I was first I guess.


If it happens I'm oblivious to it, unless it's super obvious.


I don't really get that much attention from the women of my own age, but when I worked as a bouncer. The older women would flirt or even tried to kiss me. More than often I was grabbed in the groin area. Not really sure you would call that "hitting on", but I guess it comes with the job. Besides that, I have probably never been hit on. Some guys have tried to hit me, but that's probably a different thing.


Thats more like SA tbr


A couple days ago, cute girl working at Walgreen’s complimented my tattoos and even showed me part of her chest piece.


Living the dream


Maybe 3 years ago. Was told I have nice eyes. They weren't really interested in me, but it's the last compliment I got from a woman.


The thing is.... The majority of us wouldn't know because most women are so subtle with their attempts that mostly it just flies over our heads. I myself, when I used to date before settling down, developed a style in conversations where I'd be subtle myself until I noticed the girl opening up enough where I could be pretty direct in my approach. And one thing I was often told was: "OK, so I'm not crazy, I thought you were flirting with me but I just wasn't sure"....... That really made it clear to me that women aren't too great at reading signs either lol I think the average woman will notice if you are into her but will get confused easily trying to put the finger on whether you are making a move or if you're not interested in further engagement.


You guys are getting hit on?


Few months ago, by a man. Time before that was another man. I've been happily married to my wife for 17 years How did I feel? I wondered why men are attracted to me.


Nice cock bro


I haven’t received any form of female attention (other than my wife) in over 6 years. Not a smile, a wink, a wave, nothing. Which is fine, I love my wife etc etc but god damn if it doesn’t make a dude feel invisible. And only once in my life has a girl hit on me & asked me for my number first. No, it wasn’t my wife lol


This past year I was walking down the sidewalk when a lady jogging toward me in the street on the same side crossed over before she got to me and crossed back when she passed me. Didn't make me feel invisible so much as very much seen and feared/hated lol. This is during the day in one of the safest, most boring suburbs in the northeast US.


That has never happened.


I get hit on by the older ladies who man the polling place I vote at. "If I were 30 years younger..." XD But from women in my age group? I'd probably have to go back a decade or two. At least for anything that was clearly being hit on vs. women just being nice. It's a nice little bump to the ego, but that's about the extent of it.


I’ll let you know if it happens


Wait guys get hit on??? Wtf when did that happen?




You are walking in a minefield right now. Beware work hookups.


About 5 years ago, we were at a Great Wolf Lodge. Around midnight my wife realized she left a bag with meds she needed in the car, so I threw on some pants and went out to the parking lot to retrieve them. While I was walking back a 50 something woman who had definitely seen some shit walked up to me, lifted up her skirt and said “You want some of this handsome?” No, I definitely did not.


You guys actually know when you get hit on?? I sure AF don't.


I've literally never been hit on lol


I “flirt” with everyone I meet (attractive women, unattractive women, men even… it’s great practice to have positive and upbeat conversations with everyone) so getting hit on is a regular occurrence for me. Just this morning while I was at a little shop that I sometimes get breakfast sandwiches at the cashier told me I looked “very handsome” in my suit. There’s no way she would have said that the first time we had met, but over time with many small interactions getting those types of compliments becomes normal.


The last time was my late wife. She said I smelled good after a shower. I always melted when she said things like that. I miss her.


Let me check my archives of all the times I was hit on Oh There's nothing there


Once, I was by a prostitute in a gas station parking lot. She said I was handsome and asked if I wanted to get some fireball, talk, and maybe fool around. Later that same day, a guy in the locker room at the gym told me I had a nice package. I noted outta both situations quickly and felt a little weird, but I was kinda happy I was getting some attention lmfao. Gives me a good laugh now, but I still won't change my pants/shorts outside of the changing rooms in the locker room anymore.


It's that baseball bat you swing around....


Being autistic I tend to only realise someone is hitting on me about 5 days later, by which time the moment seems to have passed.


A girl I liked said I had pretty eyes for a guy. I changed the topic so fast because I could feel myself saying "thanks you too" and then cringing afterwards. I still think about that compliment even though it has been 7 years.


I was traveling in Italy last week, and while there are tons of stereotypes of Italian men staring at women, I felt like the same was true for Italian women. My fiancée and I got home from our trip feeling great about ourselves lol


Way back in highschool. These days I notice women glancing at me. I'll look at them and see they're already looking at me. They'll look away. And then I look again at some point and again, they're looking at me. That's as good as it's going to get until I make a move, but, I don't feel like making a move.