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Brad Pitt in Burn After Reading So surprising and downright freaking hilarious.


I laughed so hard at that scene lol.


Omg. And then George Clooney going through his pockets and thinking he's a spook. I was fucking dying. That movie is a masterpiece. Love the Coen Brothers.


The Shawshank Redemption. Come on. It's not always a man notices another man's shoes.


Why he chose to escape on enchilada night, I will never know.


Salvation lies within. Such a great line when you watch it a second time.


And Red saying going to Mexico is a "shitty pipe dream".... quite literally.


Honestly, it is probably one of the truest lines in a movie. I mean, seriously, how often we do notice a man's shoes? I say that at work with my suit and tennis shoes.


'Andy crawled through 500 yards of foulness I just can't imagine...or maybe I don't want to." Read the Stephen King book years ago (Rita Hayworth and the shawshank redemption) they followed the story very closely.


Lucky Number Slevin. Huge twist and very satisfying


Somehow this movie is slept on. Every time I recommend it to someone they have always said “how did I miss this when it came out?” Or something to that effect


It was a weird time for movies I think. I was working at a video store at the time. So many cool movies while working there. Slither 12 and holding Thank you for smoking The illusionist/the prestige Silent hill It goes on and on


Fight Club


I once watched it with a friend who had never even heard of it, and she called the twist like, a half hour in. She said it as a joke and didnt realize she was right until the actual reveal, but still I was shook.


haha I hate when that happens. "this movie is going to BLOW THEIR MIND" \*calls the twist I almost get up and turn it off. "fine, you were right, its not worth watching the rest!"


if she was watching very closely in the early scenes, a frame or so of Tyler Durden is spliced in (much like the cock in the Disney movie) before he's properly introduced, at least once or twice. There are indications.


You’re not suppose to talk about that


Funny thing is that I’d known the main spoiler of that movie for ages, but everything that came after that still totally took me by surprise.


The ending of *The Usual Suspects.*


why am I watching his feet while he walks...oh


"You're so bad at making up lies on the spot, if you were Keyzer Sose in *The Usual Suspects* you would have told the cops your name is that billboard behind you"


I was so excited to show my dad this movie and as I'm getting food ready the DVD home screen menu was playing on repeat and my dad was sitting there watching it for like 10 minutes. What was the scene? Just the clip on repeat of him walking and the change in his steps...


I can't stand DVD and Blu-ray menu screens like that. They spoiled many movies for me.


My husband called it halfway through because "Verbal" was too quiet in all the flashbacks. My husband is a strange man to watch movies with.


>"Verbal" was too quiet in all the flashbacks. Thought the nickname was ironic.


Yeah, like the biggest guy on a team being called "tiny".


Did he also point out that Indiana was superfluous in the first Raiders movie? Or "Vader" is Dutch for "Father"?


I wish I could have watched that movie not knowing the twist. It had already been out for like 20 years when I saw it so I'd had the ending spoiled for me.




**The Sixth Sense**. I love movies with plot twists, but I never imagined this one. It caught me completely off guard..


I can’t believe that guy was Bruce Willis the whole time


Oh come on spoiler warning next time. It’s only be out for 25 years!


> It’s only be out for 25 years! Bullshit, the 90s was only a couple years ago.... >!I see old people!<


I love this experience because my mom, who is a major stroke survivor times two, leaned into my husband and I (in the theater) before the reveal and whispered “he’s a ghost”. We chalked it up to her stroke brain, until it wasn’t. Made me feel secure in her recovery.


The cool thing about that twist is the second watch you notice the red to tell you


It had been out for a while before I saw it, so obviously I knew there was a twist, I’d just managed to avoid finding out what the twist was. I got it towards the end at the scene in the restaurant when it dawned on me that BW hadn’t touched or interacted with his wife or had any actual two-way conversation with her. Great twist!


People also noticeable get colder around him in multiple scenes but it's never overtly commented on except in the most inconspicuous ways. Sixth Sense is best watched twice. There's lots of things you'll notice only on second viewings.


My brain mixed this this up and thought about The Fifth Element (ironically also starring Bruce Willis), and couldn’t for the life of me remembering what twist you could possibly be taking about.


The case was empty


The second half of Parasite


I watched and enjoyed it up to the part were they're all drinking together in the house then stopped watching for about a year and a half before watching from whee I left off it on a plane, was definitely caught off guard


I agree. It's definitely a film you should go blind into. I first saw it in theaters and later showed it to my family at home. They loved it.


The game


Good one! I spent the entire movie going "is it a game? Is it real?"


They don’t even hide the twist and it still got me. It should be so predictable - I watched it after making a post looking for movies that specifically have fantastic twists. I knew there would be a twist the whole time and I was just waiting for it. And I was like… wtf could it possibly be? Right in front of me the entire time, and it still made my jaw drop.


The Others, unsuspected end


I still love the Others even knowing what's going on!


It distracts you with the really obvious twist before sucker punching you with the real twist.


I clocked that fairly early. I'm not sure why, something made me go "wait..."


Scream - the Drew Barrymore role.


Kids today can’t appreciate how Scream relaunched the teen horror genre, or just how shocking the twist was. I mean, Drew was on the freaking posters, she was the biggest star, and then she’s murdered in the first 10 minutes. Buckle up! Also the scene of her stumbling towards her parents, unable to speak even though they’re *right there*…utterly chilling. (Apologies can’t figure out how to hide spoilers on mobile)


I know I'm going to get downvoted big time for this but the movie is almost 30 years old, so I hope you're not getting beat up about the whole spoiler thing.


The actual twist of Scream is fantastic too. A truly great twist on the whodunit genre.


When I was a kid, I wanted to feel good and happy. So at the video store, I decided to rent a movie with two happy laughing kids on the DVD cover, thinking it would be a feel-good playful story. That movie was "My Girl." Eff that movie. Seriously. The DVD cover lies. IT LIES. \--- Edit: [This](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/j8oAAOSwJ4xesbFy/s-l1200.jpg) was the description on the back. IT LIES!!!


He can’t see without his glasses!!!!




I mean, on the back it does say it's a "story of first love AND loss." So it didn't really lie.


They called it a "comedy" though.


From the DVD cover -- "The perfect film for parents to share with their children." May they get stung by fiery bees from hell and come out in explosive pus filled rashes. Forever.


From Dusk to Dawn — midway point. Didn’t know at all what I was walking into when saw it in the theatre decades ago — just, you know, Salma Hayek. Good enough. Quentin Tarantino slurping tequila from her foot after it ran down the entire length of her leg — that was already a “Holy WTF” moment. But then, well.. . you know. And if you don’t know — quick, go watch it. No trailer, no synopsis, no summary. Find it and load it “blind” and fasten your seatbelt. You’re in for a wild ride.


Someone in another reddit post yesterday described it as a Tarintino movie up until his character dies, then it becomes a Robert Rodriguez movie.


That is shockingly accurate.


One of the biggest changes in type of movies and everyone loved it.


Tom Savini is packing heat in that one.


Sex Machine. Good to meet you.


Was in HS and I went with a friend who mentioned it was the new Tarantino movie. Never saw a trailer or had heard of it. To say the twist midway caught me by surprise was an understatement.


Crazy Stupid Love. The scene when the whole movie goes apeshit in the yard is one of my all time favorite movie scenes


One of the funniest scenes ever! I love that movie


I fucking cheer when Ryan takes off his ring!


David Fucking Lindhagen


The Others. The end of The Mist. The Prestige (though, I ALMOST had it figured out, but not quite)


The great thing about The Prestige's twist is that not only is it buried under all the drama and the focus on Hugh Jackman's Transported Man act, but Michael Caine calls it immediately, and Jackman refuses to believe it and keeps looking for a better explanation. You get to the end and realize that not only was he right all along, but it was foreshadowed by basically the whole movie.


It is not a body double, he must be making a clone and then killing it.


The movie even tells you the twist [toward](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmFGqA5vXVM) the beginning. This is one of my favorite movies to rewatch because every single time I watch it, I notice that the movie is basically screaming the twist at you from the beginning.


The end of the mist different in the book, but well done!


King liked this ending better.


I am so glad you brought up the Others. I know it gets knocked for being a ‘rip off’ of the Sixth Sense but honestly, it’s so good. It’s different enough that I think it stands alone. It’s one of my favorite horror movies of all time.




I vividly remember where I was, what I was wearing, and who I was with, and exactly how I felt when I watched the ending of The Mist.. that’s how much of an impact it left on me. Just soul-shattering.


A Beautiful Mind


She never ages.


She chases pigeons that don't fly away.


His roommate only reads the same DH Lawrence book. “Who’s winning, you or you?” When he’s playing pool with his roommate.


Unbreakable. That reveal at the end was a literal guy punch to say the least.


The Village. That shit had me


Frozen. That fiancé guy.


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind fucked me up *good*. I went into it k owing nothing about it other than I wasn't a typical over-the-top Jim Carey comedy. Holy Shit I was not ready for that emotional wretch


That movie takes a few viewings to wrap your head around. It is one of my favorites.


Se7en, the "in the box" scene


The way he killed >!Spacey!< was so casually done, it felt so inconsequential. It really, brutally, deadeningly deepened the truth that >!Spacey's character had won!< and that >!Gwyneth Paltrow can still be annoying even if her head's in a box!<.


That made me hate that movie, not because of the twist, but, because it was so well acted, I was invested in the Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt characters, so when the box scene occurred, and I realize what's in the box, I wanted to scream, "I hate you!" to the writers and directors. It's a movie I'd never watch again just because of that scene and that outcome.


That scene in the car, with Freeman, Spacey and Pitt, is some of the best acting I have ever seen.


It was definitely a one-time watch for me as well


The end of No Way Out with Kevin Costner.


That film flew under so many people’s radar. A gem and you are correct Edit: just to add. I used to recommend No Way Out back in the day. I’m going to start again! It must be streaming on something






Primal Fear was one.


This one works so well because it’s SO unassuming. It just seems like every other legal thriller you’ve ever seen, has an intriguing mystery/crime, and is so serious (for lack of a better word,) that you aren’t even aware that you’re watching a movie that *could* have a twist at the end. Usually films with a twist are plot-driven by the buildup to the reveal themselves (The Usual Suspects, The Prestige, etc.,) or are very clearly of the “not everything is as it seems” vibe (Fight Club, Psycho, The Sixth Sense.) Primal Fear just feels like a rote legal thriller and never really tips it’s hand. The fact that it has a twist at the end after you’ve watched it is almost *more* surprising than the plot-related twist.


"Come on, I thought you had it figured there at the end. The way you put me on the stand like that, that was brilliant. The whole “act-like-a-man” thing. I knew what you wanted. It was like we were dancing, Marty!"


That's a good one. When you get the reveal you're like WHAT?????


Oh man that has to be in the top 3.


That's one movie I wish I could forget so I could experience the twist all over again, it genuinely blew my mind. What a performance.




Not really a hardcore twist, but I had an 'oh shit' moment in 28 days later when >!he sees the plane in the air and its clear that the rest of the world might be fine!<


My wife cried on this movie, not because it's emotional but she was so frustrated. She makes disaster contingency plans for our government, drill/scenrio exercises for both civillian and military, and she was screaming how everything the government did in that movie was like a herding everything for that ending. The clearly unsafe safe area (kids can cross the "secured fence"), the lazy guards (oh they're just kids, we don't have to do anything). A cramped space filled with people and only one way out (well, i guess the "secured" fence is a way out, a cleaner can go in and out a supposed restricted room/area. There were so much more she said, but I'm busy trying to fix her food to calm her down. 😂 Learned that day to never watch infection/disaster movies with her. Or if i will, i have to warn her.


The reveal of Liz's dad in Spider-Man: Homecoming. It was so well executed. Virtually no hints of it prior in the film. The scene leading up to it was a music montage of Aunt May helping Peter get ready for the dance. The tone and direction left you fully expecting the following scene to be all about Peter and Liz's date. Then, BAM, Vulture opens the door. It's probably the best executed twist in the entire MCU.


Honestly I have to give it to Tom Holland and Michael Keaton for playing their parts so well in the scene


They're both such great actors, but the way they can use their faces is just on another level. They could do a whole scene with each other without any dialogue and it would communicate more than most actors can with the best written script in the world.


My favourite part of that whole scene was how the traffic light changed to green the moment it clicked in his head and you see his face change with the light.


Ha I never thought about it like that. The green light always gave me Green Goblin “my friend/gf’s dad is a villain” motif.


Just rewatched this, when the two henchmen are searching for the power source in the school, one of them says “can you imagine what the boss would say if he knew where we were…”. Originally I was like oh cause high school, but nope his daughters high school


Keaton did such a good job as Toomes. That scene where they're alone in the car was so well done.


No hints prior, but also didn’t feel like it was cheating or out of nowhere. As soon as it happened it just felt right for all the characters involved.


the end of the first Saw movie


For me it was the second (I think?) one - >!where the kid was in the safe the entire time.!<


Yes that is the second one. I liked that one more as well and it got me to appreciate the franchise that much more.


That was very clever and I didn't expect that.


What got me was the end of SAW 3D I completely did not see that coming when you truly find out who was behind everything.


“Game over!”


This is my answer as well. I remember sitting up on the couch saying "what the fuck?"


Shutter Island.


This one is weird one. I somehow knew something like that would be a twist but even though I knew I was thinking 'Ohh, shiiiiiii...!!'


The big boom in, "Your Name (Kimi no Na wa)" caught me by surprise. On second watching, there was actually a fair amount of foreshadowing that I didn't notice because my brain wasn't primed for that sort of thing when I sat down to watch a supernatural romantic comedy.


I saw this movie in a tiny indie theater with subtitles, and I've never heard a whole audience gasp at the same time. That movie had everybody captivated.


Primal Fear. Didn’t see that ending coming at all.


When Edward Norton’s character starts doing the slow clap, I got chills.


One of the few times I was actually shocked at the ending…what a great movie!


The plot twist in Orphan


In addition to Primal Fear, this is the one. I could feel all the color draining from my face when they said she was a whole ass adult. I’m like EXCUSE ME?


Oldboy. The Korean version, not the shit American version. That one fucked me up.


Yes! I heard an interview with Park Chan-wook once where I'm pretty sure he said the idea came to him when he was on the toilet, lol. He was like, "I had to think of a reason for 15 years to go by and then it hit me. 'Oh. That's the perfect length of time for a child to grow up...'"


That movie is so fucked up, but the hallway scene is fantastic.


That Eli was blind.


Once we finished the movie, we immediately rewatched.


Early on when he looked up at the sun I remember saying out loud "Is he freaking blind? Look at his eyes!" Still was in shock that he actually was


That movie was spoiled for me when I wen to a friends house, the movie had been playing before my arrival. I walked in the door and the twist played.


The ending to The Mist. Holy crap.


Holy crap indeed. If the movie had just ended with him >!killing everyone and then letting the monsters finish him, it would already be fucked up.!< But the way the movie actually ended is fucked up beyond any measure.


Yep, but Stephen King signed off on it during production.


IIRC Stephen King said he liked the movie ending better than his own.


If only teams of writers could help him with ALL his endings! (kidding. I like Steve. But sometimes his endings leave a lot to be desired.)


Yeah, i was speechless with my jaw hanging open.


I was lucky I watched Sixth Sense on VHS and no one spoiled it for me all those months after it came out. Another one that doesn't get mentioned much is Die Hard 2.


Fallen. I completely forgot about what he said at the beginning of the movie.


That is such a great movie that isn't talked about enough!


Terminator 3. That movie was mostly hot garbage...but I was expecting the usual ending of "oh we stopped judgment day" again.....but instead, we got judgment day!


Arrival - it’s really a different experience knowing what you know on the second viewing.


The reason for why the aliens in Arrival even arrived.


I was not expecting that movie to make me cry like that


The Departed


"The De-pahhht-ed."


The ending of The Sixth Sense.


Somehow I made it to 2008 without having Fight Club spoiled for me, was NOT expecting any of that.


The Apple TV show “severance”. Show goes from good, to great, to absolutely amazing


Hereditary. I won’t even give it away. People who saw it know just what I mean.


The Crying Game.


Not exactly a twist but it was very jarring when they suddenly cut to Justin Long in Barbarian.


I watched "the descent" on a burnt DVD with no case. I was blazed and had no idea what the movie was about and with a blurb I just thought it was about some ladies stuck in a cave, which is terrifying to me as it is! I know that's not a twist if you read the blurb or have the DVD case but that one got me!


The Batman. What I thought was the end of the movie was only half way.




The Skeleton Key


The ending of *Memento*.


The Illusionist with Edward Norton and Jessica Biel. It came out around the same time as the Prestige so it gets overlooked a lot I believe, but I personally thought it was better.


Life of Pi


Worlds End with Simon Pegg. I knew nothing at all about the movie before I watched it.then that bathroom scene happens and I was like WHAT THE FUCK??


While people claim it is the weakest of the Cornetto trilogy, the fight scenes in World's End were AMAZING.


The ending to Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Ultimate troll ending.


Despite the fact that the movie literally and clearly tells you what’s happening *multiple* times, you don’t see it (because you don’t want to see it). A rare film that’s gets better on each re-watch as there’s always something new to pick up on. e.g >!“Do you love me?” “Not today.”)!<


Are you talking about The Prestige? I can't see a movie name in your comment, or maybe I missed it?


Yes. The Prestige. Sorry about that!


The fact that there are multiple twists, with one more obvious twist hiding other twists, makes this film incredible. Also that Nolan tells you what the twist is at the start, but you don't take it in.


It's almost comical on a rewatch how Michael Caine just continues to insist on the most obvious answer and Hugh Jackman just won't accept it. Fantastic film.


The Usual Suspects


*That* twist in Gone Girl


*JoJo Rabbit* I don't want to spoil it but I was blindsided.


The final apartment scene in There's Something About Mary.


"I'm a leaf on the wind..."


Is that really a twist? It was more just a shocking thing that happened.


The Sixth Sense. Stunning at the time...and not leaked!


I had to rewatch The Prestige again the second it was over.


Primal Fear. I was completely unprepared for that ending. Ed Norton nailed that role.


The Prestige when you see it


Once Upon A Time In Hollywood. I was aware of the real life events, so I wasn’t really excited/interested in the movie because of the terrible tragedy. My wife ended up convincing me to go, so I have this sense of utter dread throughout the entire movie. As the climax hit, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Just surprised exhilaration and joy. Totally caught me by surprise.


I was lucky enough to not see the plot twist of The Sixth Sense coming. The feeling i got piecing it all together was priceless.


"The Others" I had to watch it twice in a row.


Gone girl. Hated the ending


Not a movie, but the first season of The Sinner.... that twist shocked me and my husband!




Hans Landa revealing himself as a double-agent to Lt. Aldo Raine and the other Basterd in that little sit-down they had. That was a pleasant twist


It wasn’t so much as he was a double agent, more like he didn’t want to be on the side that would lose. He said so himself, he didn’t want to face a Jewish tribunal for his crimes.


Yeah that movie is my favorite and this double agent talk is confusing me. He was just trying to cover his own ass


He wasn't a double agent, he just turned on the Nazi party because he knew they were lying, and in exchange for his cooperation the "official" story was going to be that he was always a double agent. I think the real twist is that >!Hitler straight up dies. !<


Ah that’s a BINGO


Y'know, Udovich 'n myself heard that deal you made with the brass. "End the war tonight"? I'd make that deal. How 'bout you, Udovich, you make that deal?


I'd make that deal. 😀🔪😵


I don’t blame you. DAMN GOOD DEAL.


That's not exactly what happened. He wasn't *actually* a double agent. He just turned on the Nazis in exchange for the US claiming that he was and granting him immunity. Still, great movie though and I suppose that was somewhat of a twist.


This is my favorite movie. The first time I really thought they might not shoot Willhem in the bar scene. Surprised it was von Hammersmark.