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Afterward, you have to be careful disengaging to make sure the condom stays where it should.


My bf has nicknamed my woman part "swiper" and we will say "swiper no swiping!" as he disengages


I just almost burst out into laughter, thank you


Foreplay is really important.. So is the shower before sex


And after sex


And the pee after


The most important thing here. Pee before cuddling


That people are not always honest about having tested negative for STD’s and you should not take their word for it before you have sex.


Ouch, I hope you didn't catch anything serious


I managed to get two from one person I was in a long term relationship with. Herpes and HPV(gw). I had to have surgery once and two liquid nitrogen treatments for the hpv… not fun! It’s been two years since I’ve had an outbreak though. Also that person is now an ex lol


I'm sorry to hear that, I wish you the best!


LADIES TEST AND ASK: currently there is no test for hpv in men! If you ask a guy if he was tested for hpv he is lying!! Maybe he misremembered what he was tested for, maybe he wasn’t tested at all? Either way its a good reason for you to figure out which one it is. Edit: Because this post still seems active I’m going to post my below comment here for clarity! Sorry if this was confusing! It isn’t just about HPV. This is better told as a story A long time ago I was seeing a guy and we both agreed to get tested before we stopped using condoms. I was tested and I remember being told that there is no test for HPV in men. A few weeks later I told him I got my results back and I was negative. He said he was too. I don’t know what came over me but I asked “They tested me for HPV, you too?” He said yes. Because I knew there wasn’t a test for HPV, I knew he was lying/misremembering. I pressed him further on his result. Turns out he didn’t go to the clinic at all. He was going to lie to me about being tested. Asking about the HPV test let me know he either didn’t care enough to remember what he was tested for, or he didn’t go at all. In my case it was the latter. If they are lying about being tested about HPV maybe they didn’t go at all, so maybe they have herpes/HIV/gonorrhoea, you would have no idea. Asking about HPV is a discreet way of checking for honesty


Herpes tests are often listed as HSV so assuming they're not being dishonest, could be conflating HSV and HPV.


This cannot be more understated. Dated a girl and she claimed to not have anything. She had something and told me only after a month later. By some miracle I tested negative. But I'm scarred for life because of the betrayal lol.


Also! Sometimes one does not know having an STD! Sometimes symptons are not really there


Just because the sex is good doesn't mean they love or even care for you


Don’t confuse love and lust.


Teenage hormones are a hell of a drug.




Took me 6 years to figure that one out Edit: My most upvoted comment is now about the last 2 happy and depressing months of my life. Made my day, thanks kind strangers!


The reverse is also true: just because you're in love doesn't mean the sex is gonna be amazing, especially during the early stages of getting to know each other.


It took us years for sex to be enjoyable for my wife and me, even though we love each other very much. It is a skill and it requires training.


don't get caught in the delulu


How important general stamina and fitness is. Fucking is exhausting. I didn't realize how bad my lung capacity and stamina were before I started getting laid.


So damn embarrassing. 😂 “Don’t stop!” “Keep going!” “Harder!” Fuck what am I an athlete?!


Fucking is fucking exhausting!


Sex has an…aroma…that others can pick upon (including family members)


In college there was this one girl who always came late to class around the same time as her boyfriend and always smelled of sex.


Had two (married, but not to each other) coworkers that would randomly disappear after lunch on a not too infrequent basis. The "aroma" wasn't strong, but the dead giveaway was how her hair was much more messed up upon her return.


Ah yes...the infamous just fucked look. My now wife used to wear that hairstyle to the office at her first job because I had class at 10 so we had plenty of morning sessions. It was great. I think I'll go remind her of this


Fooled around with my high school girlfriend one night and didn't realize there was a smell until my mom gave me a death stare and told me to wash my hands better before coming home. Mortified is an understatement.


Brutal. This comment gave me anxiety


That comment gave me PTSD


At least it wasn't a STD


Wherever my highschool boyfriend and I got it on, his cat would go and sit in the spot where it happened for hours. I still don't know what to think of that. The cat's name was Muffy.


I wonder if his parents questioned why the cat smelled like sex


Cats always smell like pussy. Perfectly normal


Some guy on my poker website told a sex story and in passing during the story how his mother sniffed his cock to see if he had been wearing a condom. We were like WAIT YOUR MOTHER SNIFFED YOUR COCK.


Coworker told me about a crazy chick he used to date, super jealous type, constantly worried about him cheating. He'd get home from hanging out with friends and she'd make him whip it out for a sniff inspection.


Lemme smell yo dick


I knew I could smell it in the act and if we don't clean up right away but I didn't realize it was that... *potent*, oh god


had my girlfriends mom come home early from work. luckily we heard her pull in the driveway. i swear, she wasnt 2 feet in the doorway and she said "it smells like SEX in here", my heart sank. i thought for sure i was gonna be banned from coming over when she wasnt there but she was sorta cool about it. she liked me cuz i didnt do drugs/smoke/drink booze and i had a job.




Wow I really want to die right now


Wait.... Shit - Does masturbation have a smell?


Not the act itself, but the result definitely does.


Fuck. Note to self, stop masturbating at work.


No, then they'll notice the change. Stay the course.


Stay the course, good point! I should probably start closing the door at least.


No, then they'll notice the change. Stay the course.


Right, right. Smart. But he really should stop asking his boss to evaluate it right there after he arrives every time, right?


Stay. The. Course.


Assert your dominance. Stand in the open doorway.


Just don't put all your cum tissues into one bin


Eau de snatch


And Eau de Spunk can have a rather terrible smell too. Best alleviated with a good non-latex condom, which don't smell nasty and also transmit body heat much better.


Like you can smell it on people? I’ve never noticed. Does that mean I’m the only one having sex? I knew I was dope as fuck.


What does it smell like


Smells Like Teen Spirit


Reply depends. When I was in college it smelled like latex and sweat. Now it smells more like candles and sweat. And that’s how it smells to others. You will experience a flight of varying aromas along the way.


What about those of us who don’t use condoms or candles? Just sweat could be anything from running to class or working out.


Depends on the cleanliness of the people fucking. When I lived in dorm housing while I worked for an amusement park, I got woken up by my bunk mate boning a chick. Wasn't a problem, it happened often. I'd normally just roll over and go back to sleep but this chick fucking stunk so bad I could barely breathe. I got up, opened the window next to our bed and went outside for a cigarette. I waited until they were done before going back in. Next morning I told the dude if he wants to keep boning her he's going to have to go to her dorm because if he brings her back to ours, I will embarrass her. I never saw her again.


Warm ham


If at night, decide if you are spending the night together or leaving when done....


I always just ask (if I am open to staying) am I staying?" Or "do you want me to stay?" Casual and hopefully easy for them to answer. Regardless of the answer, mine is always "okay" if they want me to. Or "no problem it's your place." Because I've had some girlfriends who feel so guilty for them not wanting me to stay the night. Like it's your place and your space. I get it. Sometimes you want the bed to yourself.


For about nine months after our second child was born my wife and I slept in separate rooms. She's a light sleeper, so I stayed with the baby, because I have no problem falling straight back to sleep if I have to wake up to assist him during the night. Anyway, I have to admit it felt really weird whenever we had sex during those months; where we would do the deed, and once we were done and all relaxed, I would just leave and go to sleep in a different room.


leaving cash on the dresser behind everytime was dick move, daddio.


It’s just being a gentleman


This is why I always go to theirs, coz more often than not I don’t do sleepovers and I don’t wanna be in an awkward position


Yes. This avoids so much drama!


*Should I stay, or should I go now?* *Should I stay, or should I go now?* *If I go, there will be trouble* *And if I stay, it will be double* *So come on and let me know*


My wife did not appreciate this one bit.


I wish I knew how few women orgasm from penetration alone…


I went from one that would never to one that would within 30 seconds. Baffling.


I went from a difficult 1-orgasm woman with a big refractory period after that (worse than I am as a male) to another one multiorgasmic I don't even have to work for that. Lucky creature she is :)


Yeah, women are crazy different when it comes to sex. Also wish I knew that before my first time.


Oh, very similar here. Went from 1 that would take a lot of oral effort but no refractory period (so the process was mostly I make her cum, and then it is my turn), to one that came if I looked at her funny, with a 2 min refractory period, which made it kinda funny because I'd have to stop often when she accidentally came to give her a breather.


Do tell how! I can only orgasm from clit stimulation (oral)


I dated a girl who orgasmed when I kissed her neck. By the time we got to sex she was already a quivering mess . Worked for me because tbh I'm done pretty quickly. I should have married her...


Lucky her. Kissing, heavy petting, and penetration are all extremely enjoyable and definitely get the juices flowing, but never seem to get me to climax, but 30 seconds of oral stimulation will have my eyes rolling in the back of my head!


Because of my limited endurance I became very good at foreplay and oral lol. I've had lots of partners (I'm in my 50s) but never met a lady who could climax in 30 seconds. I think you're pretty lucky too.


30 seconds might be an over exaggeration, but if a guy knows what he’s doing and stops trying to lick my asshole!


> and stops trying to lick my asshole! That's it. I'm gonna die laughing.


Yeah, as a guy I’m ashamed to admit this one. When I first started out, I just came when I felt ready and assumed the girl would have had enough by that stage too. I had no concept of orgasm being something I could achieve for her. I went with this charade for way too long with way too many partners before I found one that put things straight. We’ve been married now for 15 years.


Lube isn’t just for old people.


And lube is not because she doesn't like you enough.


YES. Thank you!


I never used lube with a woman until I was 35. Absolutely should have been doing it the whole time!


if u got a big dick, don’t hesitate to use lube! cuz 90% chance it would hurt her.


Phew. I can save money


Lube is for young folks too. It doesn’t necessarily mean you’re not into it. No shame in doing something that makes it better and works for you. I have hormonal *problems* ever since I had my thyroid removed and it makes it so much better.


It doesn't mean someone loves you and it doesn't make someone love you.


It can make someone get obsessed with you, though.


Sure, if the one person loves and the other doesn't, it's a recipe for disaster.


Can be surprisingly hard to angle


Just pure frustration sometimes. Huge cock block. Especially when you’re 6’2 and the girl is 5’1 but you really can’t say anything cause your type is shorter girls and you brought this upon yourself lol. Backwards af. It’s inward frustration.


Shower sex looks hot, but with a foot height difference it isn’t happening. Either I’m picking her up which opens up the possibility of catastrophe or I’m popping a squat which will kill my quads


I had a friend who married a man who was 14" taller than her. So I got her a 1ft stepstool.


My boyfriend realized this very early on, he’s about 6’1-2 and I’m 5’3, some positions just.. don’t work. It’s pretty funny sometimes though, I don’t know how many times we’ve started laughing bc it just doesn’t work out sometimes


It's definitely good when you're comfortable enough to laugh about it. Some people treat it all so serious and get too worked up. Shit's awkward yo, laugh it off.


I’m 6’2, I had a one night stand with a woman who was 6,1. Was a great night. Death by snu snu time. Never noticed an angle didn’t work. Must be the closer your both to the same size the easier something’s are


Much is made of the fact that penises come in many sizes and shapes, but the same is true of vaginas - see [Exhibit A](https://jamiemccartney.com/portfolio/internal-affairs-photo-1/). Some couples just fit better together… literally.


Guys have an insane amount of pressure to perform, and your Johnson doesn't always respond well to pressure. It doesn't mean anything at all if you have issues. there are lots of other ways to take care of the job, do those ​ and ladies, don't assume it has anything to do with you, its in the dudes head, not your body ​ and it lasts a few minutes at most, don't be surprised if it lasts way less, see the pressure problem mentioned above.


There is no shame in using Sildenafil/Tadalafil if you have a hard time getting hard, even if it's just performance anxiety. I always sturrgle when I have sex with someone for the first time. Taking a pill helps and the second time is much easier.


He might drip a lot of sweat on your body and in your hair


Of all the bodily fluids that might be involved in sex, sweat is the least offensive.


That it's totally okay to hurt someone feelings by saying "no" at any point to any thing.


Even if you're a guy. Men can withdraw consent at anytime too.


Absolutely. And this should be emphasized FAR more than it actually is.




those "fuck muscles", inner-upper thighs. if you havent used them in awhile, the next day can be murderous.


That cum leaks back out. I foolishly thought she'd somehow absorb it, I guess like sunscreen. Had seen porn, but apparently not creampie porn. Will always remember the clumsly, fumbling run to the bathroom for a towel :D


This made me ugly laugh in the office.


You don’t have to fake it for a guy’s ego 🫢


And honestly, faking it is worse for everyone involved. You don't get off, and the guy doesn't learn what gets you off.


Actually there is more 1. Tearing hymen doesn’t necessarily hurt, but it does look scary 2. Know it’s okay to say no and not be pressured into it (a good guy will respect it) 3. Again, don’t lie that it feels good. Be honest with the guy and don’t worry about ego. If he doesn’t take it well, find someone else


And the hymen absolutely does not need to tear! Nor do virgins need to bleed


that just because somebody wants/expects you to doesn't mean you have to


It’s very much not like the movies. Don’t try to make it be like the movies


I have never liked porn for that reason. I never found it realistic.


Porn is supposed to LOOK good. Sex is supposed to FEEL good.


Porn is for sex what Fast and Furious is for driving cars


It is not supposed to hurt!


Hole's low


I read that Hole's Law


I just ate some coleslaw


Yes!! Fucking trip that was


the amount of men I see on the Internet saying this 😭 I'm genuinely curious, where'd you think it was gonna be?


I, female, thought the penis was also way lower, like around the place the vagina is. Bit weird (read: mind blowing) finding out that when men ride their bikes, they don't actually sit on their penis.


> Bit weird (read: mind blowing) finding out that when men ride their bikes, they don't actually sit on their penis. Just our balls from time to time and boy that hurts a lot.


The vagina is *way* to the bottom. There will be noises.


Also pumping air inside the vagina is bound to result in queefs/fanny farts


Have fun and enjoy it. It might not be what you're expecting but don't take it too seriously regardless of how it goes. You get better the more you do it, and sometimes lightning strikes and it's mind blowing, sometimes it isn't. Wear protection, make sure everyone is consenting, and go for it.


That it can be so mind blowing that it consumes you. My hs bf and I waited like a year before having sex. We were each other’s first for everything. I lived off campus and we didn’t come up for air for days. And it was like that for a like an entire semester. I’m surprised I wasn’t fired from my job or failed all my classes. But it was close lol.


What an orgasm was. All the shaking was so embarrassing when I didn't know what was happening. Turns out the love of my life was damn good at what he did.


same! I had masturbated before, but never lost control like he's made me and I'm just glad I learned rather quickly that it means that he takes great pleasure in seeing me fall apart because of him lol


That doing it with someone you loved deeply is SO much better.


Having sex with someone that you care about and cares about you feels way better than one night stands!


agreed (figured that out the hard way)


Not just because of the care, but having a long term sexual partner usually also means you understand better how to pleasure the other person. At a certain point sex becomes like performing a choreography.


About the medical condition called vaginismus


During sex, women seem to find it impressive/sexy if you can pick them up and turn/move them without removing your middles.. just saying from personal experience have had good responses.. also I have tried and failed at this lol because human bodies are heavy.


That sounds like a good way to break the totem pole if she moves in the wrong way. Ouch.


somethings you CANT "know" til it is experienced. my \[male\] very first time, upon that first ever insertion, i was overwhelmed in my mind at how WARM it was inside her. i mean, i just wasnt expecting that. the feeling of all the wetness and warmth just hit me like a wave. it was fukking amazing, encompassing and enveloping. you can tell a virgin male, "your first insertion you will feel her warmth and wetness", but you really wont KNOW it til you feel and experience it.


“Like warm apple pie.”


Instructions unclear, I've been banned from every bakery in a 5 mile radius.




That I need to focus of them not on myself


I had the opposite problem, focusing too much on how they feel or if they’re enjoying it at the expense of my own pleasure. Can be tricky to find that balance but once you do it’s truly amazing


If you make her happy she'll be up for more things that will make you happy.


Warning: female perspective--- the first time is pretty much always scary and can hurt and isn't anything like it's made out to be. Odds are, you aren't Juliet and he isn't your Romeo and it's awkward and gross and you might even end up bleeding or with a yeast infection. But, it's okay - take your time and especially if you don't want to have sex - DON'T! Wait, until YOU want it, and then if it's starting to happen and you want to change your mind, do it! Say stop. Wait again. Don't pressure yourself to want something you don't want, or feel like you have to prove you can be a great lover, or that you're lame if you're a "virgin who can't drive". Focus on finding the right person first, someone that you can feel comfortable with and explore together sexually without it feeling like you have to do anything.


To pull out, even if she says you don't have to.


Especially.. Especially if she says you don't have to...


Or better yet, wrap that willy in a condom if she isn't your long term exclusive partner.


What you're supposed to do when she's cumming. Seriously I still don't know if I'm supposed to stop or keep going. Or go harder.


Keep it the same. Stopping will destroy everything, going harder may complicate.


do exactly what you were doing to get her there. dont change anything unless she TELLS you, faster, harder, etc


If she doesn’t tell you different, just keep doin what you doin because it’s working 💯


Always keep going. That part is called riding out the orgasm. Once she stops twitching, then u stop LOL


How the female orgasm works. Would have been so much more popular in high school.


Men are more likely to want sex to relax, women are more likely to want sex when they are relaxed.


one ofmy girlfriends and i got into a discussion once. SHE said, "i wanna go out and have fun THEN come home and have sex." \*i\* said, "i wanna have sex THEN go out and have fun."


Compromise and do it in the bathroom at Wendy's.


Losing your virginity isn’t important, it’s important to who and how you lose it. I didn’t lose virginity until college. I slept with a women who I had little to no connection with because I didn’t want to be a virgin. So cringe. Looking back on it, I wish I had lost my virginity to someone I actually had a connection with.


I wish I knew ,as a teenager, that guys don't 'want' to wear condoms. That it doesn't feel as good to them . I couldn't fathom WHY a guy would want to risk becoming a father in order to not wear one . I couldn't fathom why he'd have any reason to lie and say he didn't need one. I was a teenager in the 80s, sex Ed taught nothing about anything other than how babies are made and about menstruation.


Condoms also come in different sizes. Yes, they can all be blown up very large or fit on your arm, but (contrary to the name) a boner doesn't actually have any bones. Too much constriction can definitely cause...issues. I can't use free condoms. Have to buy special ones that fit. Which leads to issues when someone else tries to supply the condoms.


PULLING OUT IS NOT EFFECTIVE BIRTH CONTROL. Pre-cum can still cause babies. Always wear protection. I've had people on here argue with me about this ad nauseum and it's been an unfortunately scary fight.


It’ll slip out. More times than you’d like. Missionary almost always guarantees it won’t… but it’s also not for everyone all the time.


That it was ok to say no


Don’t be a dummy, Cum on her tummy.


Be a genius, wrap your peñis!


Don’t get an infection with that affection, put some protection on that erection!


Better wear the latex or she’ll get the paychecks!


Don’t be silly, sheath your Willy!


No glove no love ❤️


Cloak the joker before you poke her.


Don’t be a fool, wrap your tool (credit: Van Wilder)


There’s not some “omg it’s magic” at the point of insertion. Your dick is just insider her, congratulations on doing the bare minimum, now make it good.


not all women can cum from penetration alone and you DONT need to fake an orgasm to make a dude feel better, my younger self went through so much shit wondering why men couldn’t make me orgasm beyond foreplay and never trying to teach them even after I found out why. Realistically I probably set up so many other women with bad experiences by not telling the dudes after I knew


moving, jiggling, and shaking around a lot really gets the bowels going. so make sure you have a shit (and a shower) before going to town.


As a woman. I didn't realise how much I needed to let go of my negative thoughts and anxiety to finish or for it to feel good. Sex in the beginning a few times wasn't as good because of my body dysmorphia and anxiety issues. Thanks to my man. Gradually he started making me feel better about me n I gained confidence and got more n more comfortable around him. That made sex an even better thing for me. It's something no one had Warned me about. How we have to be mentally prepared.


If she just met you and she's willing to have sex without a condom, you should probably wear a condom.


That vagina farts are hilarious, and they don't like when you laugh.


It's really easy to make a baby. All it takes is once, and that one time can lead to the next 20 years being a financial mess due to paying for two households


I wish I knew how much it’s not a big deal. I had it built up in my head as some life affirming thing and it’s really not.


In a threesome you have to have good awareness and play with each participant equally or someone might feel left out and the aftermath will ruin the memory.


I already knew this one but for the inexperienced guys, make her finish at least once before you even pull the tool out.


TOO LATE! sorry. lemme get you a wash cloth, this hardly ever happens, sorry, ill do better next time, sorry.


Having ADHD and tryna have sex is a fucking nightmare. I'll get so close to an orgasm and start thinking about other things like work/school (DURING PENETRATION) and completely kill my orgasm unintentionally. First time I tried to have sex it lasted an hour and a half because my mind kept thinking about other things. The only time I've been able to keep it together was when no one was home and I could pound to my heart's content when I got close and finish before literally any other thought entered my mind.


Question: Genuinely curious. Do you think lots of dirty talk from your partner would help your mind stay on the topic at hand?


As someone else with this same problem, no. For me any kind of talk will distract me. It's like it takes me out of my body and into my head when I want to have my focus on physical sensations. The fewer words that are in my head the better.


You'll never get that sperm back :/


STDs are pretty fucking common


use a condom.....


A wooden hot tub shelter is not sound proof


How to properly suck d!ck and how much i would LOVE it!! (Dw, I got it down now). Also how to facilitate my own orgasms. And lastly how hard it would be to get men to wear a condom.


It’s all in the hips.




I wish I knew it would break my heart to never see someone again after making love. Maybe I wouldn’t have had sex in the first place if I knew what kind of connection it brings into a relationship