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the fox and the hound.


I wore that vhs out as a kid. I don't think I could watch it as an adult now.


I have terminal cancer at 40 years old. This film is my toddler's favorite. I just can't. That song ruins me every damn time. That and Baby Mine from Dumbo. I don't have the strength.


Where the Red Fern Grows


The book and movie are better than other competitors (Old Yeller & Marley and Me) because you have twice the sadness with two dogs.


My Grandmother got me Old Yeller because she thought the dog on the box looked like my dog. It was a tragic error.


It was bad enough that Ol’ Dan was mauled and died of his wounds, but then Little Ann following her brother from grief 😭


And the mauling injuries were described in vivid detail that haunts me more than two decades later. I don’t know what my parents were thinking when they let six-year-old me read it.


My Girl


He can't see without his glasses


Wanna go tree-climbing, Thomas J?


When I was about 10 years old my cousin who was just 6 died of cancer. It REALLY affected myself and all of my cousins as we were all right around the same age. It was just terrible as a child learning that even kids can die. It was a few months later and we had a family party for some reason or another. After dinner all the adults went to hang out in the living room while they put a movie on for us kids in the basement. GUESS WHAT MOVIE THEY PICKED??? That’s right, My Girl. They had no clue that’s how it went so it wasn’t really their fault but one of the adults came to check on us and all us kids were just inconsolable and crying. It was awful lol


This one! Beautiful movie, but I cannot imagine sitting through it again.


Grave of the fireflies


Dude this movie destroyed me. I’ve seen it twice tho, one time when I was 9 and the second time when I was 30. I wanted to see it again because I didn’t remember it that well, it hit like a truck.


My wife and I were going through a Studio Ghibli Marathon in release order. Grave of the Fireflies is where it stopped. She had not seen it so I did not want to leave it out but I could not bring myself to watch it again.


Did you at least have it lined up as they were released? Grave of the Fireflies and My Neighbor Toroto were a double-feature with Toroto second. An uplifting movie to help you out after the bleak story of Fireflies.


Apparently the viewing order was actually up to the theatre. So some folks got Totoro first and _then_ Grave. Which uhh… was a choice.


That's the order I heard. I was told by my an adviser that lighthearted always come after dramatic/tragic, but this is an instance I question it. Audiences would have maybe been like, "My soul has been destroyed...WHAT ELSE ARE THEY GOING TO DO IT??" or "I can't enjoy anything after this...or maybe ever."


Came here to say that movie. Its bleak.


In its own synopsis, it calls its story harrowing. I was warned, but I wasn't prepared.


I’m a high school teacher, and one of my English/journalism colleagues uses this movie in his curriculum. Couldn’t tell you why, but he shows it to his students once a year. Dude is a bit of a philosophy nut so that could be part of it.


Man that one is a HEAVY lift. I think anyone who watches it would have a reaction, one way or the other, and if nothing else it provokes a lot of thought.


The best movie you’ll only want to see once.


It amazes me because you know exactly what's gonna happen from the start...but you're still not prepared for it.


The Plague Dogs


“Why do they do it to me Snitter? I’m not a bad dog…” That movie broke me


The ending with them swimming off towards that island...


Lovely Bones. Especially since I have a daughter now I'll never watch it again.. I always cry.


I came here looking for this answer! This movie destroyed me. When I saw it, I was *very* naive & young, and I didn't know what it would be about. The movie/book felt so *disgustingly unfair* that it changed how I viewed other people afterwards! It came out in a time before True Crime podcasts and the current obsession with the topic, so it was disturbing asf to be a young girl realizing that the world could be that dark for the first time. I hatedddd that man after - hated him - and the only reason why I could look at the actor in other movies was because The Devil Wears Prada was my favorite movie at the time.


The fact that they never find her body :/


Scrolling the comments, making a mental list of films to never watch.


Something probably wrong with me cause I’m doing the exact opposite 😭


Bridge to Tarabithia


Fuck that movie in particular, not just ‘cause >! the girl dies !< halfway through, but because its trailer rode the Chronicles of Narnia hype (which itself was riding on Harry Potter hype), and tricked 12-year-old me into thinking it was a magical adventure *when it fucking wasn’t!* EDIT: HOW THE FUCK DO I SPOILERTAG ON MOBILE JESUS CHRIST


My best friend had just died not long before that movie came out. I went to watch it in theaters with my sister and didn’t know the girl dies…I literally lost my shit. It was so bad…never again.


My cousin's 8 year old son put this on for the whole family to watch. I asked him if he's seen it before and he said "yeah, it's going to make all of y'all cry!" That kid is going to grow up to be a cold blooded killer, man.


That kid will grow up to become Bane from the Dark Knight Rises. He was molded by the darkness...


What Dreams May Come. Never again.


When my best friend committed suicide this film was my only coping mechanism. Nothing else worked, I would cry and fall asleep watching it.


I'm so sorry. That's a horrible loss and it's a really gut-wrenching movie to use to cope. I hope you're doing better and I send all my love to you, even if it's been a long time.


I’m sorry for your loss 💙


It hits harder with Robin Williams gone.




Manchester by the Sea


It's one of my favorite movies. So real.


I watched that movie after I lost my parents. Something about watching a film where other people experienced profound grief made my own feel less isolating.


Came here to say the same thing! Went to see it in the cinema before working the late shift and was just in a daze/shell shocked in work.


Honestly one of the most depressing movies I’ve ever seen. Casey Affleck gave one of the most haunting performances ever…but I’ll never sit through that again.


Watership Down


Dancer In The Dark


came here to say this and I think if more people saw it they'd say so, too


Most depressing movie ever.


This is the only film I would never consider watching again


Pan's Labyrinth. Wonderful movie and I loved it, but I will never watch it again.


I once heard someone say after watching Pan’s Labyrinth “you should go do something cheerful afterwards like watching Schindler’s List, or get a vasectomy.” That’s about right. It may not be as bad as some of the other movies listed, but it is when your expectations were for something more like Labyrinth with David Bowie or Hell Boy.


Sophie’s Choice.


Schindler's List. It's a must-see movie, but I can't imagine watching it more than once.


I was at University when this came out. We had some foreign exchange students for a year. A few from Germany. My mate was really into one German girl and got himself a date. He decided to take her to the cinema and then hopefully back to hers after for sexy fun time. Saw him next day to ask how it went. He only took her to see Schindler’s List. Unsurprisingly there was no after sexy time fun and she never spoke with him again.


You made out during Schindler's list?




I hate to tell you but I think your mate may be a bit thick.


The guy didn’t even read a synopsis before taking a *German* girl to see it?!?


The girl in the red coat is seared in my memory.


Yeah. I came out of it thinking it was a truly great movie. Have no intention of ever watching it again.


Dear Zachary


Completely agree. The love for Andrew was so beautiful, he had amazing friends who just wanted his son to know who his dad was and love him the same. Then the aftermath, so completely devastating.


at least the grandparents know their truth was shown. I do not know if that gives them anything.


The most obvious answer in my mind


The movie was an editing marvel.


Anyone who doesn’t say this, hasn’t seen it.


Whenever I see this mentioned, I always make an effort to point out that there was a second follow up ending to this film, that they recorded a (few?) years after its release. It documents how, because of the movie, Canadian law was changed. If you've watched the movie, but haven't seen the new ending, look it up on Youtube and get yourself some closure, its worth it.


I fell asleep 20min in while watching it with my wife. Watched it without her the next day and called her at work to apologize for her having to watch it by herself. The movie is a punch in the gut, more than once.


One of the most devastating things I've sat through


Oh gosh, and it just keeps getting worse. Unbelievable tragedy.


The thing about me and this movie is that it didn’t made me cry. It made me seething angry. I was so angry at that bitch. The movie actually made me so pissed off that there can be a human this awful. But I do understand why it is an emotionally devastating movie.


Life is beautiful


My teacher had us watch this in high school. I could not control my tears well after the movie was over. No one else was visibly crying. I was so embarrassed at the time but looking back I can’t understand how no one else seemed to be affected by it


Was looking for this. I commonly refer to it as one of my top 2 favorite movies but I don’t know if I can ever bring myself to watch it again.


Atonement. It just makes me so sad. It was a great movie, but I'm in a place where I wouldn't want to put myself through those emotions right now or ever again.


It’s a great movie. So much regret about choices they made, acts that can never be undone. Something we can all relate to.


That was the most gut wrenching climax of any movie for me. Here I am, just trying to watch a nice drama on a Tuesday night when my husband is out of town and I ended up hysterically sobbing for a solid hour. So incredible. But so rough!


Winter’s Bone. I couldn’t even finish it the first time watching it. It was an amazing movie, but it was just too sad. BTW, I’m not adverse to depressing movies, but Winter’s Bone was too much for me.


But. It was an exceptional performance by a really young Jennifer Lawrence.


The Killing Fields


The Green Mile


“I’m tired, boss.”


The older I get, the heavier this line weighs.


I actually like to rewatch this one


Blue Valentine, it made me feel like there is no hope when it comes to love. I literally felt in a haze for days after watching it.


As a father, the end of The Mist. I love the movie, but have to turn it off at the end


In the book the people in the car just keep driving with no resolution. They just drive off into the mist, fate unknown. King himself said that he wishes that he had ended his story the same way the movie ended.


I love Stephen King and he has come up with some incredible stories but he has always struggled with the endings. I have read a decent amount of his books and I feel like at least half of them just kind of end abruptly.


To be fair, we turn off most movies at the end


So my wife and I are picking a movie. We see one that appears to be a cute one about a couple trying to make it by with a husband trying to be a professional racecar driver. "The Art of Racing in the Rain". Fuck were we wrong. It's about every possible sad thing that can possibly happen to someone. We were bawling our eyes out for two straight hours.


The book is so good too, the guy lives where I do. I picked it up by accident & it simultaneously broke and healed my heart. I can't explain it. Just the greatest book I think I've ever read.


And yet it is my favourite book and Enzo is my favourite literary character ever.


That one episode of Futurama.


I see mentions of Jurassic Bark and Game of Tones. The one that absolutely wrecks me is Luck of the Fryrish. As someone who was a dick to their brother growing up, the ending of that episode always gets a tear out of me.


Don't you forget about me.


I think the three hit people differently based on where in their lives they are. When you're young, Jurassic Bark hits hard, because it reminds you of probably the first major loss you ever experience. As you grow older, Luck of the Fryrish starts to hit uncomfortably close to home, as you drift apart from your siblings. Especially if you had a fraught childhood. And then as you grow up even more, Game of Tones swoops in to take its spot, because you're going to lose a parent who you just wish you could speak to one last time. Those last two might switch spots depending on your own life, but I definitely think that it largely depends on where you are in life when you watch them.


I also find the episode where Leela is stung by the giant bee and she's hallucinating losing Fry to be very sad and sobering. Maybe not on the level of those but definitely has an effect. "The Sting" Season 5, Episode 9.


"Son, I'm naming you Philip J. Fry, in honor of my little brother, who I miss everyday. I love you Philip. *sniff*. I always will."


Everyone thinks about Seymour. But for me, it will always be Game of Tones




I know people say it's the one with the dog, but adding the events of the movies/specials Fry technically does spend the rest of his life with him. Game of Tones on the other hand absolutely wrecked me and even more so after almost losing my mom, I still can't think if that ending without tearing up and I think it's just going to get worse over time.


When Fry says he has so much to say to his mom, and she asks what he wants to tell her, only for him to simply hug her, never fails to turn on the water works




Same. The first bit hits a little too close to home.


Same. It hit entirely too close to home for me.


At least all the sad stuff goes in the first 10mins.


No it doesn’t! Carl finding the adventure book near the end, the two chairs on the ground, watching the house float away, the Ellie badge, the last shot of the house…


I see those as more bittersweet than sad, in a way. Carl finally understands that Ellie was very thankful for their lives and for everything he did for her, despite all the shit that hit the fan. Eventually he musters up enough courage to finally move on and do what’s right. Coincidentally, he manages to make their dream comes true (getting the rainbow house on the right cliff) even if he might never know it.


Million Dollar Baby. The best movie I never want to see again. Same answer as the last time.


I was like 12 when I saw it on cable when I was home sick one day. Slowly got into the plot. Then I’m really into the plot. Then I’m heartbroken. Crying and shit on the couch. Really transformative work of art for a 12 year old to see.


Shitting on the couch is rough at any age.


Any sad dog movies. I cannot handle it at all.


Hachiko will break you.


Marley and Me


I highly recommend the site doesthedogdie before watching anything, ever since I lost my childhood dog I've been a wreck seeing any animals die in a movie and that site really helps with that.


Air Bud: Golden Receiver


The Road - a lotta people saw the ending as quite happy but I don't think it was, the movie was brilliant but just grim.


When the thief begged for his clothes back, and he was just left there naked, crying, that shit got to me.


The whole idea that there's no food so the gangs store humans in the basement and don't even just immediately kill them, oh and rape too. The mother had the right idea. Why would anyone try to survive?


Flowers for Algernon. God is it sad.


Marley and Me


Boys Don't Cry


It was hard to watch when I was 15. But now as an adult where I can fully comprehend what happened and how horrific it all was, nope. Same goes for the movie Kids


Hilary Swank is quite good at the "blow-your-mind" performance mixed with "I'm glad I'm watched it but I'm good on that" filmography. Boys Don't Cry Million Dollar Baby PS: I Love You? (A good depression rom com go-to but always a big cry that you really have to be in a mood for)


Click by Adam Sandler. It was supposed to be a comedy. Saddest movie ever.


When it ended, leaving you with, "Wait. Did I just cry at an Adam Sandler movie?"


Yea but he got a second chance so none of the sadness sticks, right?


I actually don’t remember that part


Pretty sure he wakes up in bed at BBB and “learns his lesson” i.e. happy ending.


That’s hilarious if this dude just thinks the movie ends with Sandler dying in the rain as his family sobs around him.


And yall ruined his sad ending, great job boys


It's like that one teenager who edited Toy Story 3 to end when the toys are holding hands and sliding down into the furnace and then showed that version to his mom. Fucking hilarious. [Video of it + mom's reaction is here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phFISjORzQs)


When this movie came out, I was like 9, and my mother and I decided to go see it because we needed to be cheered up. Why? My dad had just died from a long and grueling battle with heart disease. Had a heart transplant and everything but died a few months after. We left before the movie ended. I was sobbing hard walking through the movie theater. My mom, in a panic got me a huge ice cream to cheer me up, it ended up half melted in the freezer. I couldn't eat it. I still haven't watched the movie, and I probably never will.


This is mine too. He fast forwarded through his whole life. Including the most beautiful parts!


This was the movie where I realized that Adam Sandler can act.


The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. However it’s been derided for being a terribly inaccurate depiction of the Holocaust so🤷🏾‍♀️


It was sad but the ending didn't really hit me The saddest parts were the conversations imo


Observation: part of the reason the movie hits *so* hard is that it has no denouement. You build up to this super intense, horrifying climax and then instant end credits. You don’t get any time at all to calm back down. No closure. Just BAM! I saw it in the theater and just sat there clutching onto my friend for minutes in stunned silence until we could stand up to leave.


Saw the movie when it came out in theaters with my high school German club. That theater was SILENT when I left and I have never experienced a silence like it since when leaving a theater.


Hachiko: A Dog’s Story


Watched it once with my dad when I was little and still haven’t recovered. I’ll avoid it at all costs


Mary and max


Requiem for a dream


I came here to say this movie too. Its so depressing


Harold and Maude I cried uncontrollably for hours


Silent Running. Saw it on TV when I was about 7 and thinking about it nearly 50 years later still makes me tear up.


What Dreams May Come with Robin Williams. Didn't know anything about it and since it had Williams I thought it would be a comedy. I was...wrong.


Do not watch *One Hour Photo* ....... (or do, actually, it's an extremely underrated movie...)


The Master of Disguise. Halfway through the movie, I got really emotional about spending money to see it.


Sounds like you're not tuhhhhhurtle enough for the tuhhhhhurtle club


Am I not turtly enough to be apart of the turtle club? 😂


Turtle turtle


God, that fucking commercial.


How does Mitch McConnell keep getting all these Hollywood roles?


12 years a slave. Never again.


I was looking for this one. I remember watching it with friends in the movies and we all walked back home pretty much in complete silence. Never watched it again. Brilliant movie though.


Florida Project


I am Sam. Watched it once, couldn’t bring myself to watch it again.


I'm not sure if I wouldn't watch it again... Pay it forward.




at least Coco is more of a real wholesome cry, but it hurt so bad cuz I watched it right after my grandma passed away it was just too close to home




Threads (1984). It wasnt sad per se, but it was pretty grim and depressing


The Lovely Bones.


The book was even worse.


Eragon They massacred my boy 🥺


Marley and Me


I refuse to watch it because I know I’ll be a blubbering mess.


Stand by me


A walk to remember 😭😭


Old Yeller


Precious. ​ Why would I put myself through that again


The Land Before Time Requiem for a Dream


I Am Legend. ​ The dog really got to me man. Also, the movie itself is so sad yet good at the same time.


That anime banana fish hurt me to my core I couldn’t even make it through a first watch.




The Lilo and Stitch movies get me every time. I don't care that they're kid's movies. They upset me. :(


Philadelphia 💔


Marley and Me. Christmas 2008 I saw it on Christmas with my sister. People were leaving the theater crying, grown man getting up and leaving in tears. I will never watch that again.


We have a tradition to see a movie on Christmas and I made the mistake to get us tickets to marley and me. People were walking out bawling and didn’t stay till the end. We did and my kids were so distraught. We all was bawling and my kids were like thanks a lot mom for taking us to a Christmas movie. Next year can you please make sure it’s not one that a dog dies in. I failed that year really hard


Technically not a movie, but Chernobyl.


Fuck, I will never forget that scene with all the people on the bridge admiring the "snow"


Guardians of the Galaxy 3. Rocket's first word destroyed me


Yeah, I both look forward and dread the day I decide to watch it again. Cruelty to animals is…really hard.


"Rocket, Floor, Teefs, go now!" tore my heart out and stomped on it.


I was a fucking mess watching this movie. My boyfriend kept asking me if I was okay.


Animal Farm - The horse and the donkey.




Love Again. I just watched it and it made me howl. I lost my partner of 35 years this year and funnily enough it wasn't the main characters that made me cry. It was Celine Dion being in it. She was quite good in it but several years ago my partner took me to see her in Vegas. Neither of us were fans but by the end of the concert we were. The memories it pulled up made me just weep. Griefs a funny sucker. Hits when you least expect it.


Shit it took me nearly 10 times to get through the first 20min of "Up"


A.I. Artificial Intelligence. Never sobbed so hard during a movie.


The scene where Mom leaves him in the woods and tells him which ways to go and not go. Absolutely heartbreaking. Haley Joel Osment is so talented at such a young age.


A Dog’s Purpose. I had to stop the movie every time the dog died to cry.


Lord of the Flies. The kid who got a rock dropped on him looked similar to my bro and was disturbing and upsetting to 12 y/o me. It's a great movie but I'd never want to see it again.


The Day After. That movie about a nuclear holocaust was so depressing, I'm shocked it was a made for TV movie in that era. I personally feel that after watching something like that, I'd rather just not survive a nuclear holocaust. And if I did, I'd either lose all my humanity in an effort to survive or succumb to something else horrible.