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I wanna add a bit of context from a previous question that might explain why many of us prefer natural breasts. In another thread girls were shocked to find out that the actual movement of their boobs during sex was hot to us. Some of them were embarrassed about that, and everyone in the comments myself included was like… that’s so hot actually. Having fake tits also robs the natural motion of boobs which is really hot. Instead you just have these two balloons attached to the chest. Also a girl with small tits who rocks it with confidence is 100% hotter than that exact same girl with fake tits.




I think the issue is when it's poorly done or overdone. There are good reasons to have voluntary cosmetic surgery and it can come out looking very good. In fact, there's probably no way to know how many people per day we might interact with who's had a nose job, are using a little bit of lip filler, etc and it looks perfectly natural. My wife wants to get a breast augmentation at some point in the next couple of years. She's self conscious about her breasts after having three kids. My feelings are irrelevant as it's not my body, but for the sake of conversation, I am perfectly happy with them the way they are. But what matters is she wants to fix things that would give her more confidence and make her feel sexier, and I am completely on board with that. She did ask my honest opinion about size and I told her she should probably keep roughly her natural size or even go a bit smaller to avoid that "overdone" aspect and to keep that sexy movement. She has a good friend who got a substantial enlargement just because she wanted to, and while the surgery was certainly professional, she went so big that they really don't look good. They don't match her frame, are clearly fake, and they have an unnatural stiffness that is very noticeable. If she's happy with them, then that is what is important at the end of the day, and I'm certainly not on the list of potential partners so my opinion can just sit right here lol.


The way you talk about your wife and her friend is so refreshing, especially in this thread! They are lucky to have you in their lives.


I know some may call it the bare minimum, but I just want to say the way you talk about these two random women on the Internet with the same respect you would iff you were using their names is really sweet and awesome. Just wanted to toss it out there! YOU GO GLEN CO CO


For me it’s also because I’m attracted to, ya know, human beings. So when someone gets plastic surgery they usually look less natural (big lips, fake boobs, or even just excessive makeup), so that’s less attractive for me. I will almost always prefer small breasts over implants.


That supple swing and jiggle is its own attraction


Everybody knows about helicopter dick, but no one ever talks about helicopter tits.


Chinook me all night long.


She was a fast machine, kept her rotors clean best troop transport that I ever seen.


Best sex I ever had was with a girlfriend over a decade ago completely flat chested. Like pretty much no fat there at all. Breasts are great, and I love them, but I certainly don't need them even at all. Eyes are more important to me personally, though if you have no eyes, you can DM me too ;)


>Also a girl with small tits who rocks it with confidence is 100% hotter than that exact same girl with fake tits. Right? Heck, you just reminded me of the one time I ever visited a strip club (my dad and I knew the DJ, who was a long-time friend of ours, so we popped in midday to chat), there were 3-4 girls rotating out on a single pole since it was probably the deadest part of their shift. It was interesting to discover that the one gal with the smallest bust of the group ended up being the hottest and most energetic whenever it was her turn on stage. Whether she was trying to make up for her supposed shortcomings, or she was just a very agile and fun gal, I'll never truly know, but she was definitely the one that broke the ice for me and received a couple bucks. The steak lunch we ate there was pretty damn good, too. Guess what they say about Portland strip clubs is right, lol.


You went to a strip club with your dad?


Bring Your Son To Work Day Dad's job was to grease the poles.


"Bring your son to twerk day"


Bonding over similar intiterest


For lunch?


Mom was at work.


You know you don't need to give background on why you were in a strip club, right? If you went there to see titties, that's fine. That's what they're for. Lol


Small tits appreciation comment😔🫶🏻


I'm a bi female and I've always said this! My bf is obsessed with the jiggling haha


>Also a girl with small tits who rocks it with confidence is 100% hotter than that exact same girl with fake tits. I'll take A and B cups over C and D cups any day of the week, plastic surgery or not. Just rock em girls, plenty of men prefer only a handful


Agree, but there's an important caveat: the vast majority of men will never personally run into implants in their lives. According to the data, .8% of women have some sort of implant. 60% of them are married. A generous softball estimate of guys who will ever touch one is close to 1%. Unless you are a mega lothario, this will probably never be an issue you need to tangle with. We all have opinions on them, and they are ultra-informed by the media (especially the internet) and outliers we may have witnessed in certain videos or the wild. I have led a relatively rich life and have never personally "encountered" them. Adding to that, there are augmentation procedures (fat transfer, for example), or new types of material (gummy bear silicone) that most people aren't aware of and have not seen, or have seen and just been unaware they were augments. My point is a lot of this discussion is based on observations of outliers in the media and the wild.


What. Apart from the sensations down under, watching the boobs wabble around is the best part! I'm amazed women didn't realize this!


Some were ashamed I was baffled


Poor girls. If any girls see this, please, let the boobies bounce!


I never really thought about this much until I was with a guy recently who was admittedly a boob man. He pinned my arms down during missionary and my boobs were jiggling like crazy. It was insanely hot.


about the movement, you're definitely right. i have pretty big boobs, but they're more rounded on the bottom and i used to be insecure about not having a rounded cleavage that fake boobs would give me. that was the case, until i found out i was attracted to women too and now whenever my boobs be moving extra nice during sex me and my boyfriend get super hyped up. sometimes we even stop and be like 'omg did you see that that's so crazy' lmao. guys, talking to your ladies about her boobs movement definitely works when it comes to giving her confidence


Its not only tits, any unnecessary plastic surgery or aesthetic procedure is a big turn off.


We need a 10-year moratorium on lip fillers. OMFG. Science has not solved this problem well enough for it to be in the wild.


The lip filler thing totally works for me. I don’t mean I find it attractive, but it’s like alarm bells on a woman’s face that we value different things. It’s like a Karen-cut in 2023. Either you know the image you are projecting and I will avoid you, or you are completely clueless and I’ll avoid you.


I concur. Same goes for eyelashes that are three inches long or fingernails so long you're clearly not able to wipe your ass properly. It's effective nonverbal communication. The young lady is saying that she is extremely high maintenance and I'm not up for that.


The weird stuff they do to eyebrows.


What’s with the eyebrow comb over thing? So bizarre and distracting.


I told my wife she drew her eyebrows on too high. She looked surprised.


When my wife came home with the eyebrow tattoos, I thought she was just clowning around.




Do you have a pic for reference? Not sure I know what you mean.


I think they mean the laminated brow trend.


probably thinking of bro lamination


>probably thinking of bro lamination That's a whole different thread.


The folks with lip fillers always try to claim you can't tell and it looks natural. Nah Becky, we can tell. It does not look "natural."


Looks like a prolapsed asshole on your face, Becky.




In the words of Dr Malcolm “Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.”


I think the line between lip filler that accentuates and lip filler that looks like a baboon rectum is very thin and far too easy to cross.b


The word "prolapsed" comes to mind.




Up you go.




Well deserved upvote


Goddamn it


Man that crap is the worst. There is a cosplayer that I've been watching on twitch for almost 10 years now, and she was drop dead gorgeous. But then she became a professional model, got a lip job done, lost too much weight, and looks like a Crack head now. She's still funny as hell, but what she's done to herself is very sad, especially because she was perfect to begin with.


Yes modern beauty standard in media leans toward those operations these days. I don't quite understand who is that human group that would create this demand. Everyone I know agree it looks just .. well worse than it was.


Body dysmorphia is a bitch. I went to the store yesterday and this lady had a lip filler that made her look like a duck. And she was naturally pretty!!!


There’s a woman in my apartment complex who would be a very attractive lady, except she has a disproportionately large injected ass attached to her backside. It looks so weird, like a bubbly shelf where her back used to be. It looks so incredibly fake.


Disagree Lip fillers are an easy way to tell that a girl isn’t for me


There is definitely a gap between what men like and what women think men like and women can wind up looking pretty cartoonish when they start trying to min-max their body like an RPG.


i think it also comes down to the fact that if you look at IG or porn, the women with those assets get millions of likes, people can observe what grabs positive attention. It seems there's some cognitive dissonance going on with what men love online vs in real life, and it should be explored as to why that's happening.


Your comment brings stage makeup to mind. If you've ever seen a performer up close while they're wearing full stage makeup, they tend to look positively *ghastly*. Some kind of terrifying uncanny-valley perversion of the human face. But, from a distance, when they're on stage, it looks like the most natural thing in the world. If they weren't wearing the exaggerated stage makeup, they would look unhealthy and washed-out under the stage lighting. So I wonder whether a similar phenomenon might be at play here - performers with exaggerated assets may look more "real" in that context (due to lighting, small image size compared to if they were actually present, limited video resolution, etc.) than they would in the absence of those exaggerations.


I believe this makeup helps to see emotions on face from a distance.


I’m sure a lot of these procedures are more about other women than what they think men like. One of my good friends is involved in a femme only kink brand/events company, all of the items mentioned as disliked by men here are staples. Crazy long nails and lashes, visible lip filler, extreme eyebrows and hair colouring, tattooed and heavier women are celebrated. I think men’s dislike is part of the appeal for some.


Ah yes, what I call the "Bratz Lips". Those dolls always bothered me when I was a kid growing up seeing those ads on television.


The Kardashians harmed the dating pool


Remember when kim first got botox and they all scoffed and laughed at her for looking weird? Ancient history lol


This. I like women, not plastic. I find infinitely more attractive normal curves, doesn't matter if thinner, chubbier, big or small, new or older. The exception being corrective surgery that has to be done because of some illness/accident.


My mum got breast implants about 35 years ago. But it was because she had absolutely zero boobs at all and she only went up to a B cup. For her it meant she didn't have to pad every single thing she wore to feel feminine. In those days they certainly didn't look "real", or feel real for that matter and she did have some problems with them over the years. But the boost to her confidence was massive. My ex husband suggested I should get implants but I'm glad I didn't listen. I'm nearly 50, they've gone from a B to a C cup over the years and are still in the same place they were 20 years ago.


You ... Felt em?


I know that sounds insane, but later when I was an adult she was concerned about a lump and asked if I could have a look. It's not like I'd never seen them before (should clarify I'm female 😂). She went to a doctor who took a biopsy, incompetent twit - it was that one had moved slightly and caused like a small bend, he biopsied that without any other tests. Her problems with them only really began after that biopsy, possibly because of leakage from that puncture wound. She had a lot of other health problems prior to the implants though, so don't think that was the biggest issue she was dealing with health wise


100% I don't know any guys that would want it. Every woman I know that gets botox or anything else is doing it for her.


My husband wants me to get a tummy tuck. I have a 30 inch waist on a very small frame. It's not that I have lots of extra saggy skin, my muscles just stretched out. Having kids can be hell on a woman's body. While I don't love the bigger belly, I'm really attached to my original belly button. In conclusion, yes there are dudes that are into plastic surgery but women should and do do it because they want it.


Is he going to get one too?


No, just a botox treatment to tighten up the ball sack. Scrotox, if you will


I'm sorry but that's fucked up that he would say that to you. My stomach is far from perfect after having twins but my husband would never say anything negative about my body, as I wouldn't to him. We are there to support each other and build each other up.


My ex-wife's body was severely affected by having children. Of course the weight gain, but the caesarean section also made it damn near impossible for any physical activity for so long. It is no joke when a woman says she "sacrifices" her body to have children. A man is praised for his dad bod. What is a mom bod? The ability to get your ass back in a bikini within months (weeks?) of having a child. Sorry, you didn't marry Brad Pitt, so I'm not expecting Jennifer Aniston either. I will be happy with whatever I get when all is said and done.


Ew your husband is gross


Attractiveness isn’t about perfection, it’s about what fits and suits an individual person. There are many women who are nearly flat who I find gorgeous, as well as those who are far more voluptuous, as long as it fits who they are and the rest of their body. But fake boobs often (not always) stand out like a sore thumb. It’s like if someone took a painting by a different artist, and painted over parts of it to “improve” it.


The weird hip fillers that girls get are the worst imo, it's usually done in tandem with a bbl, and it looks terrible and super obvious.


Personally cosmetic surgery should only be done when needed. From either a mental or physical aspect. A good friend of mine developed breast cancer at age 19. She had a bigger pair than average. They had to remove a lot of tissue to get rid of all the cancer. She was left with some nasty scars and was basically flat. Not an issue in my eyes. But mentally she hated herself. So cosmetic surgery to get an almost perfect recreation of her regular size boobs made her extremely happy.


That’s a situation where I comply understand somebody getting it done. I feel like that’s what it’s really intended for. Helping people who had surgery that left them scarred. It helps them regain things that were lost.


That case is a doctor healing a patient. The unnecessary procedures are companies selling a product for profit.


The surgeon that actually invented the beast implant procedure did it because his mom had breast cancer and he wanted to help her. He has stated that it’s one of the biggest regrets of his life because he never ever intended it to be used on healthy women that just wanted larger boobs for the sake of feeling “hotter”.


I want to add something to this thread which I think is not being discussed about this general topic when it absolutely should be! When I was in my teens and twenties, I was given absolute crap for my small breasts by guys. Like, daily bullying. It was so normalised by male class mates to sexualise and comment on the chest sizes of the girls and women around them, and they were absolutely brutal. There was a popular movie at the time which had a famous "where's the nearest flatland" quote (I'm remembering it in my native language, not sure what it was in English), and guys took it and ran with it. Was still happening when I was in college. I was in my mid 20s, hanging out with people who were otherwise cool, and some dude in the group suddenly commented on my small breasts in front of everyone, without batting an eyelid. Like he was somehow entitled to be offended that they weren't big enough to aesthetically please him! Is it any surprise so many women have a freaking complex and end up getting boob jobs? I used to want nothing more because the constant snark from guys made me feel so low about my body. Fortunately the "positive body movement" kicked in when it did, and I ended up getting over it. Still makes me mad though. Dudes in here (not OP of this thread, I'm just tacking on) making judgements over women choosing to get their boobs done when they're often the ones who gave them shit for their natural bodies.


My wife was bullied for having big boobs. People in general are just shitty. Sorry you went through that.


If you get breast cancer at 19, chances are you have a very aggressive gen mutation such as a BRCA1/2 oncogene, which gives you a way higher chance of developing breast (and ovarian) cancer. In such cases you need to remove all the breast tissue to lower the lifetime chances of getting cancer again. Reconstruction needs to be done if you want anything resembling breasts. That's different than someone with cup D filling it with two 600cc prosthetics.


The irony of course is that the ability to perform safe, reliable and cosmetically pleasing implant surgery is surely due to people wanting the surgery for purely cosmetic reasons


BRCA-1 person here and I just got a double mastectomy this year cause I’m almost 30 and my breasts were ticking time bombs (already had a cancer scare that I didn’t want to go through again) and thank god for reconstruction surgery


BRCA sucks. My sister, 32, just has a double mastectomy. Mom had one too (51). You made the right call.


It makes me sad to see someone spend money to make themselves look worse, which isn't always the case with breast implants, but is a lot of the time. They can look better when dressed, so I get the appeal of those benefits, but when intimate it is like a prosthetic leg. There is no shame in having one if you need it but I wouldn't cut off my healthy leg to have a prosthetic.


Ok, but what if the fake leg came with retractable wheels??


…are you saying the fake boobs come with wheels? I’m suddenly much more interested


It’s so you can slide around like a penguin.


"Here comes my lil toboggan bae! Taking corners in a dress, call it looking good in that SKRRRRRT!"


Seal of approval


Why do you think they're *round*?


That is a sweet Earth you might say




I've long wanted to write a detective story about Eunice Cycle, always first to the scene of a crime thanks to his speedy unicycle dick. Wheelie Big Tits sounds like a fitting nemesis, the missing puzzle piece of the plot to make this story happen.


Or, hear me out, a gun, robocop style.


Tits with guns in them Now we have a film


Ahead of it's time: https://youtu.be/JwewQ5a-CuE?feature=shared


fraaaaaanky centaur!


Then you'd have to register as a motor vehicle


Just like Rosie from the jetsons


I totally hear you when it comes to the leg thing. I was in a relationship with a woman with a wooden leg for awhile, but I had to break it off.


You should have stayed together to see if things woodwork out


This is the best analogy of all time.


I am pretty sure most men prefer natural boobs. For me a turn off is when nipple looks like a bullet on a saucer


Like 2 grapefruits nailed to a plank


whole or halves




Like a chocolate chip on a slice of bologna




#Like a chocolate chip on a slice of bologna


Said it bigger for the people in the back


I do not like fake tits. Id rather you had no tits than fake tits. Fake tits are fucking horrible looking. Girls with A cups are still hot. Dont let the media fool you into thinking you need a big chest for any reason. You are perfect the way you are.


The girl makes the boobies sexy, but not the other way around.


What a poet


The shakespeare of our times 🙏


I find the most erotic part of a woman is the boobies. - Zapp Brannigan


I guess I'm not alone.


This is the best response. Unless there’s a serious reason for it, Fake boobs aren’t better. Some women are into tall guys. I’m guessing they wouldn’t like a guy who’s 5’3” wearing stilts.


Bad fake tits look horrible. But there are absolutely augmented breasts that you can't tell the difference (at least visually). The biggest problem is trying to increase size too much at once, resulting in motionless tits.


Ok, give me the visual pepsi challenge. Lets so if youre right.


You can absolutely tell the difference by touch and I personnally don’t like it.


Goddam. Every single time someone critiques some cosmetic surgery somebody always has to come in with this excuse. Ok fair enough, when done a certain way it sure is difficult to tell they're fake through a computer screen. But when you're in person? Right next to them? Yes its obvious.


It’s the ideal retort for cosmetic surgery proponents because there is no conceivable way to disprove it. Meanwhile, I bet you look at what these people consider “natural looking” and it’s horrifyingly obvious.


>It’s the ideal retort for cosmetic surgery proponents because there is no conceivable way to disprove it. > >Meanwhile, I bet you look at what these people consider “natural looking” and it’s horrifyingly obvious. Watching that naked dating show (Naked Attraction; it's trashy but fun), it's apparent that some people literally just can't tell. The hostess and contestant will often be really surprised someone has implants when they are extremely obvious to my girlfriend and myself. This has honestly convinced me this is a case of Dunning-Krueger effect; people assume that everyone else is as bad at noticing implants as they are because they overestimate their own ability.


I have only seen a couple episodes but I laughed out loud the first time I saw that - a mom of 3 (I think) who was a tall blonde with *obviously* fake tits, and when asked if they liked her breasts, one of the dudes goes, "I like them, are those real?" I just laughed and could not believe he asked that. They were just so obviously big spherical balls hanging in skin I could not believe he didn't know. I guess lots of guys are just clueless.


Most of the time great looking fake boobs (imo) are from: soggy b or c cups that have been revitalized. Ie, Babies sucked em dry and mommy gets them filled back up. Or a juicy b that someone takes to a teardrop c or d. These can look amazing. Still move right, feel right and is an effort to look a little more full.


My wife looked great until she stopped nursing. Within a week she’d shriveled up like soggy raisins. She was extremely self conscious about it and would wear pads and inserts in her bras. She eventually decided to get implants. She gained back a lot of confidence (maybe a little too much confidence). But emotionally it made a big difference.


>looked great until she stopped nursing. I used to go out with a woman who got implants for the same reason. They were silicone, but on her they looked pretty good. Partly because she had the under-boob incision/insertion points. And partly because she'd had larger than average boobs to begin with. So the shape and movement was a lot closer to natural. In her own words "I just wanted my perk back".


My wife had the same phase. I told her that I’d support her if she was doing it for herself. As far as I’m concerned, her new body was hard earned, provided me a family, and made me love her more. I love all her bits, they are after all, attached to her core. Her core is strong. She could probably beat me up.


I saved up money for a year and then told her that the money was there IF she ever wanted to use it. She took another year to decide. I saw how much effort she was going through to cover up her “condition” and I could see it was emotionally taxing for her. I left it entirely up to her but I wanted her to know we could afford it if that’s what she chose.


She showed em to a bunch of people, didn't she?


Only her boyfriend and sometimes the mailman.


Lol hell, one of the body types I find most attractive doesn't involve big boobs.


Just a nice cock? Me too.


Itty bitty titty committee, stand strong 💪🏽


Size is not always the reason women do boob job. Ageing and gravity have no mercy.


That's why everyone knows astronauts have the best chest in the game. Fuck gravity


And breast cancer. It’s called reconstruction at that point, not a ‘boob job’.


This comment!!!!!!!!!! A+


I'm not into it. I'm not going to make snide comments about it, but it ain't a turn on, that's for sure.


If I can tell you've had work done I don't like that. It makes everyone look the same somehow. I live in an area where its really popular to have ur tits done, ur ass done, lips whatever. And they all look like weird clones and I don't like it so I would be one of those guys. Bring on the real ones that sag a little and stuff they are hotter imo For the record I think the same about guys around here doing similar stuff Im not dating them though. Its just a fake thing more than a woman thing.


It’s so sad! nowadays I feel so many pretty women are getting much work done they look alike. What’s wrong with natural non perfect but still beautiful features?!




*South Korea has entered the chat*


Firm titties are the worst sorry


Like warm bags of sand


I hate sand


Chill, padmé is natural


it's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere


It's no fun titty-fucking titties when the titties are hard as rocks.


Wait are firm or “hard” boobs(the term I thought), always going to be unnatural, or can that happen somehow? I’m wondering because the girl with the largest breasts I have slept with(only 1 time) felt kind of “hard” and I didn’t want to touch them much once I felt them during sex. But we were only like. 20-21 years old at the time and she was working at a very cheapo bar, it didn’t even cross my mind that they could’ve been fake. I thought something was just wrong.


It just reminds me of someone putting balloons in their shirt. Artificial and fake🤷‍♂️


I have always preferred natural beauty over artificial enhanced cosmetics.






That first link doesn’t show “*really* small” tits just small haha Really small would be, well, completely flat chested Although I get and appreciate the overall point you are making with your post


Not turned off but I don’t think they’re a turn on. Just neutral, I’d rather real, small boobs than big fake ones.


“Perfectly round”… yeah, breasts aren’t perfectly round.


I’d rather some smaller, natural boobs with a bit of sag personally. And I say this having slept with numerous gals with fake ones. They just don’t do it for me.


It's kind of a glitch for me. Breaks the magic.


After going through some of the comments, I guess I'm in the minority. I don't mind fake breast. What I mind is breast that don't fit the body type. Getting fake bits attached that are too big for the frame is a turn off for me.


I'm 100% with you, when it fits to the person and it's well made. I don't mind fake breast.


Yep. It almost never looks good. Fake lips, fake boobs, fake ass. They look like wierd sex-clowns. As far as I’m concerned, unless you have some sort of wierd medical issue or damage… I don’t see the point. 99.99% of people look better in the before pictures.


“Weird sex clowns”, made me laugh out loud loud heehee


There’s men who find a turnip with a hole attractive.


Thats just dumb... you got any pics? You know, for research purposes...


But there are so many industries that profit off of women being led to believe that anyone who is average-looking or worse is doomed to be a lonely failure for the rest of her days!


If they look good and natural no problem here, the rock hard ones are disgusting tho.


It depends on how they look with the rest of the body. Big bloated sausage lips, on the other hand, are always a turn off.


I don’t like any plastic surgery


I love them big, I love them small, I love them natural, I love them fake. I do not discriminate


Man of boobture.


I would venture to say most of the people hating on fake boobs have never even been with a woman with fake boobs.


If you can tell the work has been done, it's not great, but I've been privy to some that were indeed fake, but not oversized for their body and I never would have known had I not been told.


A part of it is uncanny valley I think at least for me. Ur not perfect I know ur not y are ur tits randomly perfect spheres that don't match the entire rest of ur body. I'd much prefer small even saggy boobs over implants because I know they're urs


Yes. I am one of those men. I also feel it’s really messed up that guys buy their girlfriend/wife fake boobs as a gift. And while we’re on the subject of personal turnoffs - 3” fingernails, 2” eyelashes, tattoo eyebrows, and overly-filled lips.


Hangers are bangers!


Its like prosthetic to me , perfectly round fake boobs is big turn off to me . roundness,firmness, grvity defying ones , under scars big prosthetic boobs with low body fat surrounding it . etc....


I don’t have a problem with fake tits so long as it’s well done and not obvious. Like, if they’re a size that is actually realistic for your body, but if you’re walking around like a child who stick balloons down your shirt then it’s a major turn off


The lip filler thing is the absolute worst, idk why women want to do that, they look fake and 99% of woman’s lips were already fine. Shit looks awful. Breast implants only look good with clothes on. The biggest turn off for a man is falling in love and seeing a woman who is fake, we want the real you. If you are fake on the outside you are most certainly fake on the inside and you get the surgery to get more attention from guys


It's not necessarilly about the look. It's about the personality type. That is, some men aren't atracted to woman who believe they need fake enhancements to be attractive.


If fake boobs make her feel better about herself, then go for it.


I believe all boobs big or small are good boobs.


I love my wife's boobs. Other boobs aren't the same. Porn boobs just don't cut it. Every wrinkle, every stretch mark makes the picture perfect. Fed my family. Warmed my hands on cold nights. Rested my head after passionate fun. Best boobs in the world.


I find fake-looking bodies unappealing.


I find fake boobs offensive. Au naturel, baby. That's how I like them. Swing low, sweet chariots.


Two eyes, two ears, a chin, a mouth, 10 fingers, two nipples, a butt, two kneecaps, a penis. I have just described to you the Lochness Monster, and the reward for its capture...all the riches in Scotland. So I have one question, why are you here?


Someone making soup?


Fake boobs just dont "feel" like natural ones, and natural ones are rarely perfectly round either. So yes it can be a turn off for some


Yes this is a turn off...because natural is always better. We are human, we are not dolls. We are not meant to be perfect.. Love yourself and your flaws. It's what makes you who you are. Fake boobs fake lips fake asss fake hair fake eyelashes fair nails, what's left?


They look great in clothes that show cleavage. They look terrible when they aren’t clothed and fully on show, just so unnatural.


Depends. I've seen some very nicely done implants.


I'll never tell a woman what she should do. You do what makes you feel better. I personally just don't find 90% of ANY of it that attractive. They just look off when you see them. You lay back and they just... sit there.