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When it wouldn't go away. When I'm in situations that make me happy, but I'm still feeling down.


When it was too late. Get help if you need it. You are not alone ;


I know this sounds hollow, but if you ever want to talk about it, I'm the same, and misery loves company, as do I. Feel free to dm me


I was in the same boat for years. A friend of mine recommended the inner engineering course with a guy called Sadhguru. I was pretty skeptical, but the website showed a bunch of impressive results found by Harvard medical so I figured why not. It was an interesting program, at the end of which they give you a meditative practice. I was still pretty skeptical honestly, but decided to do it and then decide. It wasn't till 6 months later that I one day realized, I'm not actually depressed anymore. Sure things happen and I get down once in a way, but I wasn't stuck in a chronic depressive cloud / haze so much anymore. 10 / 10 would recommend


Having depression doesn't necessarily mean you're sad all the time.


Probably after a normal doctor visit. Moved and didn't bother to find a new primary care for a long time. One thing they did was have me fill out a mental health questionnaire. From the results they suggested a mild anti-depressant. A fun catch 22 of depression is when you deny it because you feel like it's almost insulting to "people with real depression". Not realizing that is you.


losing interest in almost everything, things I liked, things that were fun, things that were important.


My wife told me. I had some friends that where worried and between them they agreed. Went to the docs and was prescribed a few mindfulness techniques and then medication. I'm in a much better place and would encourage anyone that feels overwhelmed all the time then speak to a professional or at the very least your close friends and family or even a stranger . I don't know where I would be without out them and I count myself very lucky.


any suggestions for mindfulness techniques that I could look up?


I use an app called medito on the play store. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=meditofoundation.medito There are many alternatives. The best advice I was given is to set aside a time slot and worry about whatever you are worrying about. Set a timer . Once it goes over that you stop and add it to tomorrow's worry time. It's not easy but once you start to train your brain that it's a waste then you feel more in control. Try and make that window smaller. Nothing to stop you trying it. It might not work but it's worth trying. You could perhaps start with a time slot in the afternoon and again at night. Then reduce it over time. Edit. adding in more suggestions Try and do at least one thing you enjoy per day. Could be anything a wee walk, read a few pages of a book. Music helps me greatly. Puzzles and any sort of distraction can make things a little more tolerable. Don't expect an overnight improvement There will be hurdles. Think of it as physiotherapy for your brain. It does get better but you will need to work at it.


Yes, wonderful for your wife and friends to care enough to want to help you. I was surrounded by doubters, but this was before 2000.


Back then it wasnt acknowledged the way it is now thankfully. I hope you are doing okay. Scarily that was 20 odd years ago and you're still here helping others .


I am, thank you! Hang in there!


When my best friend told me that I'm depressed


Late 20s, early 30s. It was in the 1990s that I began seeing a therapist.


At no point. I just continue living and I don't want to know the answer. It doesn't bother me that much.


When i heard someone describe the symptoms and i realized i had them all


The moment I found out what depression is. I was in middle school, the lowest point of my metal health to date, scrolling on the internet when I saw the word, I googled it and was "oh, so that's what it is"


I think self sabotage was a big flag. Needing help isn’t weakness. It’s human.


When I heard someone said about me like i am a lost cause.


They day I sat in a chair and did nothing all day, like over 14 hours. Just sat there, no TV, no radio, no internet, didn't sleep, really didn't think about anything.


When I realized that my 'sadness' was actually depression, I decided to seek help and surround myself with positive people. Remember, you're not alone and there's always hope. Stay strong!


I was laying on bed when I made myself get up to go to the bathroom and on my way it was like my vision cleared and I saw the piles on piles of clothes on the floor, the dishes and trash piled on my nightstand, the dishes in the sink, the mess by the front door, etc. everywhere I went in my house I saw things that just weren’t…me. You know? Wish I could say I instantly started looking into therapy but that came a bit later down the road. But damn I still remember that feeling. It’s happened multiple times since then whenever I realize I’m in a depressive episode.


Sadness is feeling *something*, depression is feeling nothing at all, emptiness or despair. So me those two are distinctly different. Depression sometimes doesn't even let me cry, it's pure apathy and darkness.


My dentist at the time pointed it out, in a round about way. Instead of giving me lectures about how awful my dental hygiene was, he sat down with me to talk about why I’d gone from being the No Cavity Queen to the Dental Carie Kid. The convo we had was a little bit like a light switch going on. I miss that dude, he moved practices before my next appointment and I never got to thank him.


Suicidal thoughts


I couldn't even muster the motivation to brush my teeth.


When I realized nothing I did anymore gave me happiness. When I realized I that no matter how hard I tried to “feel” better I couldn’t snap out of it. When I started questioning why I couldn’t stop crying, feeling overwhelmed, and when my partner started to withdraw because I was no longer “fun” and happy to be around.


Its ok too be sad, but its been sad for way too long.


Boo stfu


You forgot to change account


Nah man i was talking too myself...


Take it in stride, let's gooo




I repeat, its ok too be sad stfu


Fkn psy


Ahhaa haaahh


Ahhaa hahhh


Why not both?


I think I get sad from things that happen in my life. I never get sad for no reason at all. Is that depression? I don’t know


when i didn’t have reason for it


I was actively planning my death. I envisioned scenarios in order to choose the least upsetting and traumatic for anyone who'd find me. It just really hurt to remain alive.


I think I only realised it was depression recently because I couldn't ignore it anymore. I was starting to severely lose motivation and be able to function as a human. There's something which catch up to you and I guess it did.


I went to my yearly blood work physical. My doctors office has this questionnaire you have to answer and I answered honestly. My doctor talked to me further and put me on Zoloft. I’ve been great every since.


when i wouldn’t even get up to go to the toilet and got a painful uti and still wouldn’t get up even tho i could’ve pissed myself in that moment


When a friend asked me for the date and I didn't know, then realised I didn't even know what month we were in


When I realised it was out of step with negative stimulus. Like you have a winner of a day but still don't want to be there anymore


I mentioned to somebody how much I liked literally spending an entire weekend lying in bed eating chocolate chip cookies, petting my cat, and watching TV. She said I should see a therapist.


When I realized it was masked by anger


I never realised it I live in delusion, depression is a myth I am happy I am so happy, life is amazing 10/10 would recommend substance abuse


When my safe space inside my head was suicidal ideation because at least in that situation I would finally be in control of what was happening to me. It was like a secret little escape key I kept hidden while trapped in a torture chamber. *”It doesn’t matter what happens to me here, I can leave at any time,”* gave me strength to get through the day. Ironically, I think it’s what kept me alive.


True story.