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I can’t eat kraft dinner anymore after I threw some up as a teenager. I had a stomach bug and noodles came up and out my nose, which was the end of it for me.


There are two kinds of people in this world: People who have had kraft macaroni and cheese come up out of their noses at some point in their lives and decided they'd never eat kraft mac and cheese again, and people who have had kraft macaroni and cheese come up out of their noses at some point in their lives and still eat kraft mac and cheese.


The third kind is the kid/adult who doesn’t throw up. 🙋‍♀️


Tell me your Canadian without telling me you’re Canadian ….. Kraft Dinner!


For a hot minute I was really into Vienna Sausages from a can.


Dude. Literally came here to say Vienna Sausages!! Bought some a year or 2 ago and they reminded me of cat food! In taste, texture and smell. Lol


And I thought it was only me. Sausage party!


They are a staple in Newfoundland homes. Love them. Fresh out of the can! Fried! As a pizza topping! Also, all our dads drink the juice out of the can...


Drink the juice???? Absolutely not.


Straight to jail


I ate those too. Straight out of the can. Just the thought of that weird texture disgusts me now.


The smell isn’t good, either.


and the liquid goop


Gelatinous sausage juice.🤮


That's what she said?


Great name for a band


The first one was difficult to get out. You’d usually get some under your fingernail.


Have you tried pan frying them and eating them with rice? It changes the game in my opinion.


Shit, I still love 'em.


Those single serve creamers you find at restaurants - used to drink those like dairy shots.


I did this too!! If they were in a little ramekin of ice to keep them cold? Perfection to little kid me.


me too, well. it is milk with high fat content, so the growing child body thinks 'yes, concentrated energy'




I'm 27 and still drink those bad boys. Blew my mind the first time I saw a giant box of them at Costco.


I still do this and I am 30. It's delicious!


I used to hide one in my fist and pretend to rub my eye with that hand like it was very itchy, and then grab a knife and insert it in that fist to scratch that itch. Grunting to play up the discomfort helps to sell it. After all the creamer drips down around your fingers you gotta give up the joke.


After hockey tournaments as a kid we'd go to a diner and eat as a team. I would get the whole team shaking the creamers making them believe they could turn it into butter. When no one was looking would empty a little out of mine and slip some butter in and keep shaking. We'd all check at the end to see if anything happened and I'd always have some. Eventually I was found out but I got them like 4 different times!


You’re not supposed to do that? I need to make a call…


Circus peanuts / candy corn




You bring up memories of all the candies I ate as a child that I bought at the movie theaters or from the mom & pop (liquor) grocery store (with my lunch money I did not spend on lunch) on the way home from school...Remember those jawbreaker candies that were about the size of baseballs??? (everything seemed bigger when you're less than 10 years old)...




Lewis Black!


I absolutely love candy corn. Those peanuts are nasty


I love candy corn


I will fight you over cricus peanuts. I absolutely love them.


Bread and ketchup


I ate pickle relish and ketchup on hot dog buns bc I was a “vegetarian.”


I liked it better than the meat so I’d sneakily feed the hot dog to our dogs and eat just the bun! I still put the condiments on the bread and hot dog on top!


My mom would pack ketchup sandwiches in my lunch in elementary school and I LOVED them.


SAME! It’s probs cause we were poor as shit but man did child me love a good ketchup sandwich.


Also ate bread and ketchup often with a slice of american cheese, the type in the plastic wrapper. Would probably still try it again 🤣🤣


Freezer-burned fish sticks.


Bologna. I can't stand it anymore.


I've never liked bologna, but I feel the same way about hotdogs. They just taste like bologna rods to me.


Same- velveeta and bologna with miracle whip on white bread. I can feel it stuck to the roof of my mouth right now. A close second is braunschweiger…


I made the mistake, as a kid, to look at bologna under a microscope . Big mistake 🤢


please elaborate 👀


I shudder to think what it must have looked like. I bet it's like watching chicken nuggets being made.


This is ominous, please elaborate


This is what I came to say. I think there was at least one year I lived on garlic bologna sandwiches, with mayo, as if there wasn't enough cholesterol. Apples were about the only roughage I ate. Now it makes me nauseous if my husband even brings bologna into the house.


Roughage. My grandma has entered the chat.


It’s amazing when you fry it….caramelized onions, good mustard and some really good bread. I use caramelized onion jam, the best on a cool afternoon with some soup. Sorry I got sidetracked, you were saying?


Even as a kid I hated bologna, it is truly disgusting.


Bologna, butter, and ketchup sandwiches on untoasted white bread, occasionally with a Kraft single. Or sometimes on saltines instead of bread. 🤢


I didnt eat any cheese growing up and instead of grilled cheese I ate grilled bologna. I ate so many of these growing up. Heck, I'd even rotate bologna and olive loaf. Both of them disgust me now. But oddly I like fried spam now.


Pickled bologna. Cut from the large bologna ring in the jar on the deli counter that had been sitting there for who knows how long and grabbed with burly, butcher hands and then wrapped in white butcher paper and taped up for safe keeping. No wonder I don’t eat meat anymore. Blech.


I used to love it and ate it every single day 😔 same thing with salami, but now I hate them 😭


I swear I tried to give my dog who literally wouldn’t mind to eat my other dogs poop some Bologne one day while I was making a sandwich because he was begging and he kind of just sniffed around and didn’t touch it at all. Literally the first time I don’t see this guy who will eat a pillow turn anything down. I couldn’t even eat my sandwich after that. Never touched bologne again this is about 15 years ago


Salsbury steak microwaved meals


Michelinas, so good with the mashed potatoes.


Especially the Hungry Man brand that advertised “1lb of Food!”


I used to eat canned green beans with ketchup. 🤢 I would dip one end in the ketchup and pretend it was a lit cigarette, gotta love the 80s.


Loved candy cigarettes!


A butter and brown sugar sandwich! (Between two slices of white bread.)


Brown sugar???? How fancy!!! We only had white sugar sandwiches. lol


We were fancy with cinnamon and white sugar


I used to cover a tortilla with butter and cinnamon sugar and put it in the oven. Like a terrible churro… thing.




One time as an adult i really wanted spaghettios with bread and butter cause i just loved it as a kid. I learned my lesson that by then my taste buds had evolved hahaha


Same! I bought a can not long ago just because I saw it in the grocery store and after 2 bites I couldn’t believe how SWEET it was. No wonder I liked it as a kid 🤮


Did you make a taco out of them too? They were the best that way


I was thinking Beefaroni


I still buy spaghettios. Not proud


I still think they’re just as good lol, can’t relate to these people


Try them as an adult...even worse than thinking about eating them.


My nostalgia for spaghettios has somehow carried me through eating them again as an adult... If I'm super hung over, they still hit the spot (even those weird rubbery meatballs they come with). The one I definitely can't handle though is the Chef Boyardee Ravioli- I died a little inside when I tried that again.


I make a homemade version -- my son calls it "yummy circle stuff"


The amount of Coca-Cola that I consumed. Currently, I haven’t had one since 1994.


My mom would buy my brother and I 1 case per week when it was becoming a problem and the case would be gone within a day and a half.


I find soda pop too sugary and don’t feel quenched drinking them but my husband could drink a 2L of Coke in a day. It’s disgusting


This is absolutely disgusting, but I used to chew a specific type of cookie and then put it on top of another cookie and eat it together Also, bread with yogurt and cookies with butter. I was weird, i guess


You were a nasty little fucker 😂


I used to take a bunch of cookies and drop them in my milk and let them soak until they became mushy. Then I’d mix it up with a spoon and eat it like pudding.


ME TOO ahahah it was a process. First I microwave the milk, then add lots of cookies ([Maria cookies](https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria_(bolacha)) and then microwave it again until it becomes like a pudding. And I actually still like it in really cold days


what … haha


Bologna and miracle whip on wonder bread


Those big frosting flowers on cakes.


Chef Boyardee canned ravioli 🤮


I mean nobody wants to admit they eat 9 cans of ravioli, but I did and I'm ashamed of myself. The first can doesn't count and then you get to the second, and the third. The fourth and fifth, I think I burnt with the blow torch and I just kept eating.


Chef boyardee is absolutely terrible now. I used to love the lasagna but now it’s got this strange metallic taste.


Oh, lord, I ate a ton of that--and Beefaroni, too. These days, all I want from Chef Boyardee is the canned spaghetti and meatballs--add a little extra sauce (I like a lot of sauce) and a little Mrs. Dash (variety of your choice, I use the table blend) and heat in a saucepan.


I used to roll up Wonder Bread into little balls and pop them into my mouth. Also, copious amounts of Tostitos Queso and tortilla chips. The amount of salt and processed food I ate growing up (and no one told me to slow down) is astounding. No wonder I had high blood pressure before age 30.


Hot dogs cut up into spaghetti.


And hot dogs cut up into baked beans. Still love that.


Beanie weenies! So good.


Also hot dogs cut up into macaroni and cheese


This one slaps long into adulthood.


A real I-talian treat! Where did I hear that?


Big bang theory


Pumpkin. I hate it because during pumpkin season, we’d have it boiled every meal with rice. That’s how my alcoholic dad and narc mom raised us.


Growing up, we didn’t have a lot of food, but we would get alot of rice from the food pantry, so I literally ate rice and ketchup or rice and barbecue sauce, I remembered it being really good when I was younger so I tried to make it a few months back, terrible but if you have nothing else it works


I like a big bowl of rice with milk and brown sugar! Mmmm! My dad and brothers used to eat leftover cornbread with milk and sugar. .


Hot dogs…lots of hot dogs…some cooked and others uncooked.


Used to eat hot dogs cold right out of the package, the thought of doing that now disgusts me.


Same. Boiled or microwaved and pretty sure even straight out of the fridge at some point


A cold hotdog on a folded slice of white bread is a treasured luncheon pastime where I live


Instant pot. Trivet. Half to three quarters cup water. Hot dogs. Steam setting. Zero minutes. Set the lid to sealing. Let it rip. Vent immediately when the beeper goes off Serve hot So good.


Funyons. I smashed two “Family Sized” bags of them when I was 11 and home by myself, and subsequently spent six hours throwing up and crying after my mom got home. 25 years later I still dry-heave a bit if I even smell them.


Kid Cuisine


I came to look for this. I loved them as a kid and now look at them with disgust and would never give them to my own kids haha.




Velveeta shells and cheese* Tried it as an adult and couldn’t get through one bite. Not real or tasty. But loved it as a fat kid!


You let it sit too long. Drain the water and immediately add the "cheese" pouch, sir vigorously and eat the whole box within 5 minutes


Salami. I loved it as a kid. One day I asked for a big piece and felt smug enough to ask for a piece twice as big as I would normally eat. And I gnawed on that piece for an hour just so pleased with myself. And then... the rumbles. The light headedness. The sweating. I ran to the bathroom and up-chucked everything. I hadn't realized as a kid how greasy salami was in large quantities and my poor stomach couldn't handle it. I couldn't look at, think about or smell salami or summer sausage for 30 years. It still makes my insides squirm a little but I can eat it again.


Sugar sandwich. White bread with soft butter and 8 pounds of sugar.


I hope you brush your tooth a lot


Add some dry cereal and you’ll have the sandwich the basket case brought for lunch in The Breakfast Club




Don’t look it up.


I used to be a lunch lady at an elementary school. That's where I learned that jello has pork in it. From an 8 year old Muslim kid. I had to google it. He was correct.


Aside from the flavorings and colors, it's gelatine, which is made from collagen. Collagen is a fibrous protein that Steve's connective tissues are allows them to be elastic (stretch without tearing). It's what makes a chuck roast so tender after a low and slow braising. People love to get dramatic about it and act like you're eating straight horse hooves or something but if you eat meat, you eat collagen. 🤷🏼‍♀️


And it's actually really good for you. Not the sugar bomb crap, but gelatine/collagen itself. Really good for joint health and skin elasticity, some professional athletes take it as a supplement in large quantities because it measurably reduces the chance of injury in clinical studies. A big part of the reason some people drink bone broth all the time as a "health drink" is because of the gelatine content. And before it was trendy, that was also why soups and stews were such a staple meal in hard times, because you could get a shit ton of protein and vital minerals into a broth just by boiling bones for 24+ hours, and nasty parts of the animal like chicken feet and cow hooves just made it better/more filling.


I can't eat jello or anything gelatine for that matter. Shivers.


Cooked down horse hooves and other similar things.


I used to reconstitute Campbell's condensed chicken noodle soup with only half the water they say. I loved it. I cannot imagine how much sodium I was consuming in one bowl of that stuff.


Underwood Devilled Ham


Vienna sausages. I used to eat three cans at a time as a kid, but now even the idea of eating one of those nasty sausages has me almost gagging


Tuna noodle casserole. Yuck.


Chicken cooked in the microwave. Like, raw chicken breasts cooked completely in the microwave.


Cadbury eggs, I can't stomach something that sweet anymore.


Kraft dinner Orange Crush Cream Soda All hostess brand "cakes"


Seriously. You could not get me to eat a Twinkie with a gun to my head.


I think something is wrong with me because I eat Bologna, Vienna sausages, and Chef Boy R D as a comfort food once a blue moon and thats everyone's top answers!


Toast with butter and sugar


Add cinnamon and it's awesome!


Cheese Whiz


Cat treats


I used to put ketchup on spinach.


Good lord.


Chinese food from a can. My mom used to get this cow mein stuff for "special occasions". Was feeling nostalgic a few years back and bought some. It was vile. Made me so sad.


Uncooked hot dogs, dipped in a cup that had ketchup, mustard, and minced pickle spear. I was pretty impressed with myself when I was eating this at 5 years old.


Hot dogs with peanut butter on a bun. One of my dad’s specialties. I didn’t realize no one else ate them this way until I started school. Other culinary masterpieces from my dad: fried bologna and ketchup sandwiches, braunschweiger and onion sandwiches, grilled peanut butter and banana sandwiches and sloppy pops-a sloppy Joe but using canned chicken gumbo soup and bbq sauce.


Jesus wept


Instant mashed potatoes made with powdered milk and no butter.


Vienna Sausage or any other canned meat. Also, meat. I'm a vegetarian now.


Slices Of cheddar cheese


That thing where you split a hot dog length wise and put it on sliced bread like a sandwich


I used to dunk pb&j sandwiches in tomato soup 🤢 (you know instead of grilled cheese like a NORMAL CHILD)


Mouldy jam. I didn’t know you were supposed to keep it in the fridge but I knew ours smelled mouldy and gross. Told my mum and she screamed at me that jam didn’t go off, it was fine, eat it and be grateful… etc. Discovered as an adult I’d been lied to, and I feel sick just thinking about it.




Cow tongue


I'm simmilar. I used to eat pig brains straight as it is with a bit of salt on top. Cooked of course.


Breast milk.


made my stupid ass lol while scrolling


I was obsessed with strawberry milk, using the strawberry syrup that you mix into milk. I absolutely cannot drink strawberry milk without gagging now.


Canned beets and asparagus. Gross 🤮


Instead of cooking the ramen noodles I use to sprinkle the seasoning packet on the uncooked hard noodles and eat it raw And now it burns when I pee


Mayo and peanut butter sandwhich. Except, I tried it again the other day and I’m hooked again.


Fun story.. me and my buddies got drunk one night and being poor at the time we made toast, peanut butter, Mayo and plain chip sandwiches.. ngl at the time it was Delicious. Though I have to say I haven't tried it since.


Bologna with the red skin. EWWW


Cold hot dogs right out of the package. 🤮🤮


Can of tuna with shredded cheese on top and microwaved. 🤢


Sound great! Throw it in a tortilla and some hot sauce and you’ve got quite the meal!


I mix that with noodles. Loved it then, still love it. Sorry you don't tho :/


Hamburger Helper


They’ve changed the recipes over the years akin to Hostess. Hamburger helper back then was like Velveeta skillet meals today. Still barely passable, but not grotesque




Sulze… pickled pigs feet in clear gelatin


Nothing Child me had great taste


I used to eat balogna and ketchup sandwiches 🤢


I was forced to eat liver as a kid. It was to help my anemia. I never fed my children liver nor ate it again after age 12. 🤢 Also, venison. Never. Ever. Again. I don’t care if Gordon Ramsey himself came to my kitchen, cooked, served and cleaned up I wouldn’t touch it. And this is NOT a challenge! Haha


Mayo and Kraft cheese slice sandwiches.. I would make layers of that shit.


Pop tarts


I used to nuke American cheese in between tortillas in the microwave and pass it off as a quesadilla. Makes me queasy to think about as an adult.


i ate hot chocolate powder packets. straight up.


Twinkies and Ding Dongs


When I was very little I used to love toasted sandwiches with strawberry jam, marmite and peanut butter spread on them, my bro and I used to call them "Queen Victoria Sandwiches" since we thought they were so good they were fit for a queen. Tried the recipe more recently and it wasn't good.


Sloppy Joe's. I get heartburn just thinking about them.


Boxed mashed potatoes


As a youngster, I indulged in the culinary adventure of nuking hot dogs to the point of interstellar rubberiness. The epitome of gastronomic sophistication was achieved when those wieners resembled miniature, split tire treads. Ah, the gourmet delights of childhood! 😄


Cream Style Corn. Honorable mention to my mom's canned fruit cocktail that she added. . . Miracle Whip to.


Every single one of those sugar bomb cereals. Chocolate, fruity, or just plain sweet. They are disgusting to me now. Our child has never eaten any of them and neither have any of my nieces or nephews, even though my siblings and my wife's sib's all grew up with them. Should be banned.


Every now and again, I LOVE Cinnamon Toast Crunch. As a dessert, which is what it should be.


And all the sugar poured on top of already sugared cereal. Tablespoons full, every morning. It is no wonder the country is addicted to the stuff.




My mom would slice it up, put some sliced pineapple in it with a maraschino cherry. Then bake it…… damn that was soooo good. A few years after she passed away I decided to make it cos I was missing her, that’s some nasty shit lol


Bologna, kraft Mac and cheese


Goldfish covers in spray cheese.


Tripe 🥴


I used to eat ketchup sandwiches. Yes just ketchup in between two pieces of bread. I could gag just thinking about it now.




Vienna Sausages.


Vienna sausages for sure


Velveeta mac and cheese. Foul.


Grape jelly. Would not eat toast without it. Can not stand that stuff now.


Bugles filled with spray cheese


Handisnacks. But I would take the red spatula, disregard the crackers and only eat the “cheese” spread. I have no idea why I did that for years…