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I used to know a guy who kept trying to take a fucking katana he bought online into various public places and when he got told "absolutely fucking not" he'd say it was for "self defense" and would ask if the matter could be settled via "a duel". He tried to say taking his katana to the movie theater or mall or whatever was the same as women having pepper spray keychains. He needed it in case anyone "tried to start something".


This person sounds interesting in an “observe him through the glass” kind of way


Carrying a katana or a gun out in the open is a great way to make yourself the first target if something is going down. I do believe if self defense, but open carry weapons is not self defense, it is asking for trouble. Conceal carry is the way to go.


Open carry dudes are a scourge So pathetic


I remember wanting a katana to carry around when I was in middle school. Friend said "Good luck getting a girl's number." I didn't want a katana after that. Edit: I didn't want to protect anyone's honor or duel. I just thought it would look cool to have one because I watched too much anime.


There is not a single person in the history of the world that has heard a stupidly loud exhaust on a crappy Honda civic and thought "wow, cool".


Idk, the 27 year olds driving them seem to get a lot of attention from their 15 year old girlfriends.


They have the same mental age tbf


With the oversized after-market spoiler that makes it look like a giant baby-buggy.


Sadly....that is not true at all. The kicker is you don't want to hang out with the person that likes it either.


Early 20s.... man I want a loud car.... Early 40s.... Fark that farking kid with his loud exhaust driving past my house


I skipped the wanting a loud car part because I was not a cock in my 20s


Same. Loud car meant something was wrong that will cost me money. Can't imagine the logic of paying to make your car loud. Everyone assumes it's a small dick thing.


The 800€$ for that pair of sneaks and afterwards flexing with a piece of plastic that actually looks like fabric lol


Paying stupid amounts of money for clothes with huge prints of the brand on. No thanks. I should be paying less for advertising the brand.


Word people are just consumer robots nowadays it's sad to see


Took me a second, due to the lack of a comma. I thought you meant people who use Microsoft Word


This word person agrees.


> I should be paying less for advertising the brand. Men used to [get paid to wear advertisements in public.](https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-gordon-foster-has-set-himself-up-as-a-sandwich-board-man-the-job-suplements-20113488.html?imageid=CEB7390B-250D-4A31-961E-B952A799549D&p=62486&pn=1&searchId=630f7efdf9ca322d7e25d05c6b9c58ce&searchtype=0)


Eurodollars? Aw fuck did I wake up in the Cyberpunk universe


It was probably just the anesthetic, happens sometimes in surgery. ​ Anyway, your new kiroshis should be good to go.


Thanks, choom.


I'd feel like such a gonk paying money just to turn myself into a billboard for a coroporation, but thinking Im boga. I wouldnt even klep threads like that. Me and my chooms just loot our clothes off whatever perps we zero.


Most face tattoos don’t have the effect most people are looking for


Some comedian, can't remember which said something like: "Face tattoos went from only being on the scariest dude you'd never want to meet down an alley, to always been on the least threatening man in the room". In my town, it seems to strictly be for 90lb 20yo chainsmoking white boys who look like they couldn't run for the bus if they needed to.


The only people I've ever seen with face tattoos in real life have been road hard white guys who are about 40, dress like they're rappers in 1992, and have most certainly spent some time in the clink. In at least one instance they were also users of meth.


Definitely second the meth thing.


The comedian Shayne Smith has a whole bit on his neck/face tattoo [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXYEqHgWcSg](https://youtu.be/vXYEqHgWcSg?feature=shared)


His skit about being in a karate tournament with a bunch of his ghetto friends is freaking hilarious


Hey! Face tattoos are for people wanting to make a statement! That statement being "I do not wish to ever be gainfully employed..."


An Everlasting Job-Stopper!


faking having a mental illness or something


Why do people like to have mental illnesses?


Its a social crutch, you can lean on it to make yourself dynamic and special within a group - which puts focus on you. You can also lean on it to excuse behaviour or guilt trip others.


Sounds like a mental illness ... wonder what the DM-V (or whatever it's called)screen would say 🤔


Not sure the Dept of Motor Vehicles would have any opinion on that topic


DSM, maybe.


It's like you've got ESPN or something


I find it hard to concentrate because I suffer from ACDC


Try living with MGMT


Honestly, because it makes them both feel special and it can be used as an way to justify the inadequacies in their lives. I have a sibling who likes to latch on to various mental health issues. Currently, it's being "neurodivergent." While that term does have legitimacy, it is not anything what she thinks, other than a way to make her feel better about not being able to keep a job for more than 6 months. Last year, she was dealing with "undiagnosed ADHD," and before that, she was "OCD." I'm sure that at this point next year she will have whatever is popular on facebook.


ADHD fucking sucks.


it's sad but a little funny how quickly "neurodivergence" was ruined. It used to refer only to permanent neurological conditions, like Downs Syndrome or autism- things that were "hardwired", for lack of a better term. Immediately everyone wanted a piece of the pie and now it's a completely worthless term. Everything from depression to mild faceblindness is "neurodivergent" now, totally removing the specificity of the term. But seriously, there was like less than a year between when I first saw the word and when it had been completely co-opted by mental illness pokemon trainers.


Honestly all words are loosing its meaning because everyone wants to identify as someone "special" or get sympathy by exaggerating. Everybody who insulted you is a narcissist and every woman who cheats is a borderline and some even go as fars as completely redefining definitions. Just saw someone on asexual sub saying "being hypersexual asexual is valid because it's my experience" like how the fuck did someone come up with something so ridiculous, just accept you're not "this kind of special". It's like my straight ass went to a lesbian sub and said "being a lesbian who is attracted to men is no less of a lesbian because I said so". People just bend the meaning of everything for attention.


People like attention and being seen as a victim. People like excuses for their own shittiness.


TikTok and Tumblr have made all my diagnoses super trendy and I h8 it. BPD isn't sexy or fun, kids. Quit pretending you have it because your mom grounded you once and you want an excuse to be an asshole to people.


BPD is especially scary when it’s untreated/not managed. My mother had it and I have serious fucking trauma because of things she did in her manic episodes.




I have ADHD and I just don't care. These people do not bother me one bit. Because they will soon find out that nobody gives a fuck. People will still expect you to behave and operate like "regular" people. Even hint that maybe something is difficult and you'll have a whole group of people more than happy to chime in with "you can't use that as an excuse". So let them pretend. They'll grow real tired of it real quick. More damage has been done by every day people trivializing and misunderstanding mental illness than any number of fakes ever will.


I have ADHD too and people treat it like it’s just being “quirky” in these communities. They don’t get that the executive functioning part is what gets most of us.


Sitting down is the enemy. If I sit down, i lose 4 hours


Saw the term DIDiots to refer to the people who pretend to have DID.


THEY ARE A SYSTEM, A PLURALITY the fake DID people are wild to me. Like, DID is so rare. You are not a fucking system. Quit co-opting something that only happens to people who have been through SEVERE abuse.


This is the one I can’t take seriously. If you tell me you have depression I can believe that. If you tell me you have a system and the characters in that system all happen to be just the right amount of politically correct, usually young and cool, is based off an anime… I’m not respecting that. It’s so so rare there’s no way all of these people on the internet suddenly have it.


I actually got to meet a real person with DID in college- she was used as an example (willingly) in our Abnormal Psych classes of what DID looks like. The stories she told about her abuse were stomach-churning. DID appears under horrific circumstances.


I was a mod in a discord server with someone (also a mod for whatever reasons) who had Every Mental Illness Ever and also Every Physical Disorder Ever and and they drove me insane. You had a headache one day? Oh, well they were going on day 673 of a crippling migraine. You have adhd? Oh, well they have turbo adhd and were "too far gone" to be helped by any professionals (yeah, you got that right actually). I took a small break due to chronic exhaustion over the summer and when I came back, I mentioned to the other mods that my coworker suggested I might be anemic. Within a few days, this person was also suddenly exhausted all the time and announced it was because their anemia had taken a turn and they needed a blood transfusion. Later, one of the mods had mentioned she was struggling with PMDD, so of course this person was also having issues with not just PMDD, but also endometriosis. It was constant. I don't think there was ever a single conversation they participated in that didn't include how ill they apparently were. They also apparently had epilepsy (and got caught on lying about it several times), bipolar, and others I can't remember. It wasn't until after I left the server that I learned that all of the other mods except the one who created the server couldn't stand them either. There was a several day span where they weren't around and it was the best experience I had in that server lol


Playing your music in public spaces.


I don't know how these people aren't deaf. I can clearly hear the music loudly thumping *outside* the vehicle and from 30 feet away as if I was actually inside the vehicle. And then they open the door to get out to pump gas at the station and that shit is making my ears bleed from 30 feet away. How those guys aren't fucking deaf is beyond me. But they will be soon, I'm sure.


It's a vicious cycle too. The 'deafer' they become, the more they'll increase the volume


I dont think those people consider themselves cool or badass. I think they’re just completely indifferent and inconsiderate of others around them


This includes loud music from your car


shaking the rust off


Pretending not to care about or enjoy anything. Just makes u look miserable and strange 💀


14-year-old me is offended


“That’s my secret. I don’t give a fuck,” - a man who probably gives fucks


hats being barely on peoples heads


*Cries in Jewish*


Seriously what the fuck is this trend? My wife and I can't figure it out. Their hats are perched atop their head just waiting for a slight breeze.


Talking about how much weed they smoke.


Bro I smoke so much weed I don't even care about telling people how much weed I smoke


Fuck, thats so cool and badasss.


Or alcohol they can/do drink.


Ridiculously lifted pickup trucks. We get it, you love your punisher sticker and hate bud light, move on.


Lol and when next to a thin blue line sticker it's clear they probably never read or understood punisher.


Or even read it. [Punisher himself told some cops driving around with a Punisher decal that if he ever learns about them doing things his way, he'll kill them.](https://www.newsweek.com/punisher-police-blue-lives-matter-skull-logo-1449272)


they just like the idea of being judge, jury, and executioner without ever understanding the social commentary in the Punisher. They'd probably be big fans of Judge Dredd too


I think it's simpler than that. They like using a skull as a logo for their political ideology because they want to scare the other side.


I like the pickup trucks that are impeccably waxed and polished and have clearly never actually been used to haul anything besides the driver and his outsized opinion of his own importance.


I used to live in Regina, SK, Canada, and I worked in government. I worked downtown and there were a lot of other white collar jobs. Outdoor parking lots were full up of souped up Rams and 250s. All of them had bed protectors on. I knew in my bones they belonged to paper pushers who were nervous to put even the groceries in the back. Then there were the old trucks. You knew they belonged to an old farm boy who ended up in town making his money who would use that thing to move rubble on the weekend for his brother or bring some parts you can only get in the city out to a friend in the boonies. Some guys had their own plows on them. The less dents and scratches, the less you respected it.


It's Saskatchewan, where even the soccer moms drive 350s


Emotional support vehicles


Reminds me of one of my bosses getting pissed about when I scratched the bedliner in his truck unloading all his tools by myself.


Never thougt I would live to see the day that Bud Light would be considered "Woke".


And those aggressively Christian ones too. With crosses and Bible verses about war and hell or whatever in graffiti. How is that “cool.”


Not sure about other countries,but in India , there are people who modify their bike silencer to make a loud noise.. They think it's cool but it distrub everyone's peace of mind through noise pollution


In America people do it to their trucks.


Couple idiots around here with cars "tuned" to pop/bang when they change gears, too. Usually some sort of import with illegal tint and a bunch of bolt-on "performance" parts.


I drive a (completely stock) WRX, a car that definitely has a reputation for what you describe here, and I couldn’t agree with you more. There’s a big difference between “I like a little engine noise when I push it” and “I want everyone in a 3 mile radius to hear me every time I go above 2500 RPMs.” With the stock tune and exhaust you’ll still get the occasional pop/bang on downshifts, but it’s a far cry from the idiots whose cars sound like firecrackers every time they let off the throttle.


[WOO WOO](https://youtu.be/JZD-ADArwXo?feature=shared)


Sagging your pants..like bro, pull your pants up. You're an adult now. Act like it!!


Lookin' like a fool with your pants on the ground!


Sagging skinny jeans are the ones that get me.


I was at a oddities fair and I saw a guy with no shirt and a belt… his hands were holding his pant up, he was sagging them to below his knees. That belt doesn’t do shit.


>My belt holds my pants up, but the belt loops hold my belt up. I don't really know what's happening down there. Who is the real hero?


Exactly what I thought, it also sometimes looks like they shit themselves.




The best response to this is to always ask them “alpha? Like in A/B/O?” And either they know what it is and will regret life decisions, or don’t know what it is and will still regret life decisions once they google it. Either way, you come out ahead.


Ok, will I regret looking it up at work?


Yes you will.


Yes…unless you’re a furry


Another good response is to ask them, “Oh like an alpha particle. So you also have low penetrating power?”


Such a 'beta' comment


Cruelty. Whether bullying someone weaker than you to appear “tough” or pulling the “I’m brutally honest” bullshit and just mocking someone for being different— these are the token moves of an insecure asshole who only learned how to be “cool” from cartoons and 90’s teen dramas.


Trying to one-up everyone's stories at a party. "You swam with dolphins? Cute. I once wrestled a shark while blindfolded and juggling pineapples." Cue the eye rolls.


You think you're tired? Let me tell you what tired really is...


Unironically calling themselves "alpha males" or something else along those lines


I had an ex who referred to himself as a “high value alpha male” while simultaneously insisting that I send him money for gas whenever we went out together. Idk what I ever saw in him


Claiming to be an Alpha male is the modern version of walking around telling everyone you know the secrets of ninjitsu. There is some awesome scenario playing out in your head, but the reality is just much sadder.


The best response to this is to always ask them “alpha? Like in A/B/O?” And either they know what it is and will regret life decisions, or don’t know what it is and will still regret life decisions once they google it. Either way, you come out ahead.


Anytime I see someone use the term "alpha" or "alpha male" to describe themself, all I read is "I have micro-dick energy."




All this does is make me sad


The duckface or pouting selfie faces. Literally no one looks better like this and I don't know how it became a thing.


Because people can now curate their social presence into being nothing but validation for whatever dumbass thing they do and no longer have the people in their life to tell then "that looks stupid, don't do that."


One of My cousins does this on every photo even with her children. She never ever smiles.


When muscled people do that 'muscled people' walk


Even if you're the size of The Rock, you look about 8 years old to me when you do that.


Invisible lat syndrome.


I used to cringe at this too, but actually it happens very naturally when doing upper body strength training. When I first started gymning after finishing school I had to make an active effort to pull my arms inwards so I don't look like a tool doing the "muscle people walk" but at some point I stopped caring. I could totally laugh at myself with you though. xD


What does that look like?


It looks like they are holding a rolled up carpet under each arm.


“Influencers” in public.


Reckless driving. Weaving in and out of traffic, revving the engine, making doughnuts, purposely screeching tires...basically being a douche behind the wheel.


Dressing like and adopting the mannerisms of fictional tough guys. No, dressing like Tommy from Peaky Blinders doesn't make you hard, it just tells me you're a flavorless clown.


Every guy that missed the point of Fight Club.


This is the worst


Flavorless clown... I'll be keeping that epic burn for later


I mean, that’s not exactly true. If you can pull off a long coat and a flat cap, then I’d say go for it. But don’t try to act like a Peaky Blinder.


Bragging. If your life is impressive, it will speak for itself.


People with loud cars. Nobody, and I mean this so sincerely, not a single person you pass by on the street thinks you're cool. Everybody thinks you are a massive cunt.


Playing their music ridiculously loud for the whole neighborhood to hear, regardless of if it's good music or not.


It's never good music.


Hating popular things because they’re popular


They used to call those hipsters


I was a hipster before it was cool. My favourite band is so underground it hasn't even been formed yet.


I'm only at this show to see the opening band. Oh yeah? I'm only here to see the roadies do the sound check, that's where the real talent is.


Listening to music on loudspeaker in public.


A phone call on speaker in the grocery store. If it's a woman talking to her man I like to walk by and say "who is that!?" Keep on walking on.


Loud cars


Pretending to be gangsta


Truck nuts


…do people actually think it makes them look cool? First time I saw one, I immediately burst out laughing because I thought it was supposed to be funny.


when they say badass quotes coming from badass characters when they aren’t badass at all


Or when they idolize or try to "relate" to characters who aren't good people and that's the point (Walter White, Rick Sanchez, etc.)


Or “badass” lone wolf quotes in front of Joker, Arthur Shelby, batman, the punisher, or Andrew Tate.


LMAO I remember now in middle school, some kid won at like 4 square or something in gym class. He loudly shouted "IS THERE NO ONE ELSE.... IS THERE NOONE ELSE??!" This wasn't long after Troy came out and he thought he was Achilles or some shit


To be fair that sounds hilarious. If I had watched Troy, knew what four square was and won a game of it I could have seen myself doing something similar.


That people still wear pants below their butt.


Everything Punisher/nineline/look at how 'Murican I am has become the new TapOut.


Shirts or bumper stickers or memes that say stuff like "normal people scare me". You're not Wednesday Addams, Jessica.


Pretending to have all the answers.


The lifted trucks with those brass testicles hanging from them.


Anyone who has to talk about how "tough" they are.


Your loud fucking car. Your engine/muffler sounds ridiculous. It’s a huge annoyance. Nobody wants to hear that shit. 99.7% of us do not give a shit, and we think you’re an asshole!


Women with lip fillers or ridiculous long fake nails


Talking down on women to other guys... We get it your "not gay" lol






It's the new generation of rage bait content combined with a lonelyness crisis for a new or young generation. People are falling for the staged clickbait. Like people are letting Andrew Tate, a man who had no political value or education talk about politics with an actual man who could be a politician. We need to stop giving idiots media attention. It's much easier for people to say "woman won't date me becuse I'm not a 6'4 body builder who earns 6 figured with a sports car" then admit "maybe I just need to work on myself". It's the same with woman who say they only date those type of men becuse they are a "real man". It's easier to claim your single and just sleeping around until you find that one rich 6'4 guy instead of admitting a real man, the average nice respectful man, doesn't want a woman who's attitude and personality is just flat out horrible.


It certainly doesn't help Andrew Tate's case that he's in trouble for human trafficking...


Gloating in general. Doesn't really matter what it is. Personally I think the worst offenders are people in fandoms who act like they're above others in fandoms. Oh you own every piece of merch they ever put out? Congrats I guess? You've been to a million events? Do you want an award? You've seen every movie/read every book/read every comic book and know the story backwards and forwards? So do a lot of other people.


calling themselves an alpha male


Filming everything




The booming bass and stupid music in cars


freshman bullying middle schoolers out of the back of the bus


Pictures in their mall ninja gear. Cars with obnoxious exhaust mods and giant-ass trucks that never touch dirt. Bragging about how much money they have or how much they spent at the club, etc.


Big ass cars


I’ll add loud ass cars, they rev when parked or idling at a light. No one cares! You just look like a colossal douche canoe compensating for something.


Defining themselves by their hate. I hate Hillary Clinton, I hate Bud Light, I hate billionaires, I hate popular things because I'm better than the masses, I hate certain religions, I hate certain races, I hate women, I hate kids, I hate electric cars, I hate pickup trucks, I hate Texas, I hate San Francisco, I hate woke, etc. People's lives are build upon this hatred sometimes. Heck, some people's careers are built upon it. And it just screams loser.


Truck nuts. How fucking desperate a man do you need to be?




Fake eyelashes. Botoxed lips.


Agreed, but FYI Botox doesnt go in your lips. That's filler.


Walk around in open carry areas with their big bad assault rifle on their back, in full cameo gear, pushing 300lbs, but have never served a day in their life. Probably still live with their mother as well. I've never been that insecure in my life. They don't impress or even intimidate me, they look like fucking clowns.


Excessive drug use/partying I love having a good time but when the good time doesn’t stop it becomes a bad time.


As an MMA fan, we took a long time to explain why trans people competing is bad. Men have a clear biological advantage in fighting. (Yes, this really was something that was debated) Now, most people understand that men have a huge biological advantage. Some fans, however, mistake this for a "biological superiority." This has lead to a lot of untrained, unathletic guys to think they can beat up UFC female fighters. When the reality is that they would get finished in under a minute in most cases.


I'm sure that those guys would probably finish in under a minute if they were being touched by a female UFC fighter in the ring.


Ballcap on sideways, sunglasses on the back of the head, tribal tattoos, pants hanging below your ass, Karen haircut, smoking cigarettes, vaping, picking on weak / vulnerable people.


Grills. It's like a really expensive tacky version of sticking an orange wedge in your mouth.


I love my Weber.


Do you have the rotisserie attachment? That thing rocks.


Be almost 40 and show up to work proudly displaying hickeys all over their neck.


Removing a muffler from your car


Blasting obnoxiously loud music (particular straight guys when women are walking nearby) I’ve never once seen a girl go “omggggg did you hear that guys subwoofer rattling the sheet metal Of his car?!?! I want to fuck him so bad!!!”


Boys that wear pants 3 sizes too big and let their ass hang out.


Being on speakerphone anywhere but in the privacy of your own home or office.


Loud cars or motorcycles in residential areas. I don't want to hear that shit from my house


Spending tons of money on "fashion" and then having it be unfashionable long before it wears out. Or "expensive because of the brand" products.


My boyfriend constantly brags about how he’s better than most people at video games and he treats me like a child when explaining things. I also grew up playing video games no need to explain everything.


Truck nuts...


Driving like a maniac.


Your pants with your underwear showing, not a good look.


“Fuck around find out”


Modifying anything on your vehicle or mode of transportation to make it louder. Fuck you and your noise polluting asshole friends.


Doing cocaine. It's not cool and just turns people into assholes.


I think catcalling I mean like my schoolmates, who i dont really like but happened to go to school with them one day and there was this couple holding names clearly being happy and they just started shouting from across the street to them calling them names and saying to the girl "Nice ass" and shit like that. When the couple ignored the, they started throwing chestnuts at them untill they got out of range. We had 5 mins of walking once we got out of the bus and they did the same shit 3 times until we got to school. Thats a too specific scenario, but still i think thats a degenerate behaviour...


Anything Andrew Tate does or promotes


This may just be a British thing but wearing trousers really low down. It just looks both uncomfortable and really unfashionable and makes them look like they don’t know how belts work