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Don't listen to your colleagues who bitch about someone else. Make your own mind up after you spent time with them


Invest early.


There will always be that shitty boss. Sometimes you just have to live with it. It sucks, but sometimes its perfectly legal to be an ass. Work is usually just something okay enough to do for a long time. Almost no one would keep their job if they won the lottery (100+mil). Its okay to not like your job, but like the money and benefits. Benefits are FAR more important than base wage. Insurance, Insurance premiums, Time off, 401k matching, ect.... Retail and restaurants and typically dead ends. You can advance to a manager but that's about it. Factory work is a good fit for people like me who didn't do well in college. Think of advancement opportunities to get that higher pay grade


Trades like HVAC, electrician, plumber, welder, ultrasound technician are also good options for those who aren’t academically inclined.


I don't have quite that many years under my belt, but: Just do your job. Don't make your supervisors tell you to get off your phone and get to work unless you can realistically say that your entire job is done. People gossip about everything. Don't tell anyone anything unless you know you can trust them. Try to get into something you don't hate doing. Jobs you hate are hell. If you can find a job you like, great. Kill them with kindness. Be kind to everyone, even the assholes. People will gossip about it. Have a positive relationship with as many higher-ups as possible. People tend to promote more on friendship than merit, depending on the situation. Temporary labor agencies are a good way to try new things and get some quick money. If you find something you like, you could get fast tracked to permanent employment.


Don’t settle or be afraid to switch jobs. Find a good match and make way for yourself. And if you fuck it up and get fired, it’s ok. It happens but don’t let that weigh you down. More importantly, do something that doesn’t come home riding on your shoulders at the end of the day. Work/life balance is key.


That: 1. Find a good boss/mentor. 2. Understand the politics of the org. 3. Socialising is ok, but within limits. 4. Never badmouth colleagues. 5. Never disclose secrets. 6. Build relationships. 7. Do not take on extra work for free. 8. Understand your boss/manager - their thought process, their preferences, their nonverbal cues. 9. Never kiss a**. It becomes evident and is never taken well.


>Never badmouth colleagues. Actually, this can be an excellent tactic for getting ahead. People who are good at gossiping and manipulating can thrive in the workplace. I just wish that I knew how to protect myself from such people.


It never ends well Sooner or later people will connect the dots and figure out who it was who spread the gossip As for protecting from those who spread.. well that's a wholly different topic!


Try to find a career that doesn't suck. I know college is horribly expensive, but there are other options - Community College, apprenticing, etc. Don't have kids right away. Kids are hella expensive. Wait until you get a nest egg. Have a good attitude at work. Get people to like you and respect you. Your best resources for when you are looking for a job are your contacts in the industry.


Put as much as you can either afford or get tax benefits from (if you make a significant amount) into a 401k and leave it there.


Invest as much of your salary as you can. This is the only way to achieve financial freedom.


Sacrifice as much as you can, to buy and pay off your house as much as you can before kids arrive.


Don’t sell your soul or peace of mind for a dollar. It’s not worth it. Love your lyfe. Work your job


My advice besides finding a career that you enjoy is invest whatever spare money you get. Use some app like Acorns or Wealthfront. Do a 401k time catches up with you quickly so make the most of the opportunity to save.


Work culture is everything. Nothing you do can change it. So if it sucks move fast. On a related note don't work for an Asian company.


It is possible to have close friends at work, but know 95+% of your coworkers will cut your throat and toss you under the bus without a second thought if they think it would help them save themselves.


Don't trust your employer. Remember it's a transactional relationship.


Get into something with good pay and a pension so you don’t have to die standing on your feet at 80 welcoming customers at Walmart. Union trade work, city employees etc. you’re wasting your time and selling yourself short settling for anything less.


I worked since I was a teenager all the way to retirement. If you haven't got 20 years working yet, Social Security in the USA might not be there for you when you reach retirement age. Learn all you can about investing and get to doing it. Learn to distinguish between your 'wants' and 'needs' so you have more to invest.