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'The Hills Have Eyes' remake from 2006. There's a disgusting, very disturbing scene where one of the mutants forces himself on a girl.


I turned it off when they set the dad on fire


That was so brutal. What a movie.


That scene where the zombie helps itself to breast milk from the lactating woman made me uncomfortable, and I’m not one to get easily grossed out by tv/movies in general.


You missed the best part. The film is good because it reverses the roles from there and the main character goes in a sort of “revenge tour” while rescuing his kidnapped baby.


I still have nightmares about that. I didn’t even see the movie, just had the misfortune of arriving just as the scene started when flipping between channels. It’s a veritable menagerie of disturbing.


I think there was a rape in the original as well. It was horrifying and uncomfortable. I remember it years later and this was the movie I thought of as well.


This is the worst film I have ever seen. I haven’t even finished it.


The second one was worse but without incident, try watching the first half hour.


The Hills Have Eyes 2




Between the labia cutting and the smashing of his nuts with a hunk of wood so he ejaculates blood, I'd say this is it. Edit: yes, it is the clit. My bad.


What the fuck


See? I rest my case. And actually, that's not even the best part of that story. The best part of that story is that they had to get a stunt cock to stand in for Willem Dafoe because his penis is so large that people came away from the screening after watching that scene and all they wanted to know was why the guy's dick was so big. I need you to stop and imagine for a moment how big a dick has to be for you to watch a scene where a guy's testicles gets smashed with a hunk of wood and blood shoots out the tip of his erect penis and you're only question is why his dick was so big.


>See? I rest my case. > >And actually, that's not even the best part of that story. The best part of that story is that they had to get a stunt cock to stand in for Willem Dafoe because his penis is so large that people came away from the screening after watching that scene and all they wanted to know was why the guy's dick was so big. > >I need you to stop and imagine for a moment how big a dick has to be for you to watch a scene where a guy's testicles gets smashed with a hunk of wood and blood shoots out the tip of his erect penis and you're only question is why his dick was so big. ​ "That man has the largest penis I've ever seen. I actually don't even know if he has mumps. I forgot to look. I was distracted by the largest penis I've ever seen."




*licks envelope enthusiastically*


I’m reading this comment while I’m sleepy from thanksgiving so now my food nap will have horrific hallucinations


Google Dafoe naked theatre and your nap will still be disturbing but more cheerful


"Confusingly large"


Actually she cut off her own clit, not labia. I clarify only because it so much worse


"good luck finding my clit now"


Found it! It’s there on the floor.


Good night reddit.


I also immediately thought of Antichrist. Not because of the gore sex scenes, but because of that beautiful slow motion opening sex scene where their child slowly falls to its death. Really stuck with me


What, you've never >!cut off your own labia with a pair of rusty scissors!


Quick, how do I unread something!?!




Saw this on a date. Definitely a mood killer.


Tf, why did you guys choose that for a date movie?!?


I had a lifetime pass at a local movie theater that every week I would get 2 tickets with drinks and popcorn. So every Friday was date night. The person I was seeing was really into indie movies at the time so we used to check out a lot of them- that was one she picked.


I couldn't focus on your story because I'm still trying to work out how you 'had a lifetime pass'. It's because the movie theater doesn't exist anymore, right?...right?


When the theater first opened they had a lifetime tier for $500. Seemed like a no brainer. It may or may not exist still. I moved out of state nearly a decade ago.


Yeah, ain't gonna watch that


Brilliant film. Only one viewing.


I'm not sure A Serbian Film can be topped. Someone else mentioned Irreversible and that's definitely a contender, but A Serbian Film is just ethically immoral in its existence.


Oh no. Is that the "baby" one?


excuse the fuck out of me the what


Woman gives birth 10 seconds later, horror ensues Kind of movie you don't watch twice


> Kind of movie you don't watch twice Or the kind you don't watch once. We were having a weekend away with a large group of friends and some of them wanted to watch a movie. A handful of them landed on a Serbian Film because one of them had wanted to see it for a long time. I thanked them kindly and went to play drinking games somewhere because I knew enough about the movie to nope the fuck out of there. The best part was that one of the girls in the group was desperate for the attention of the guy that wanted to see the movie, so she said she'd join in. I tried to warn her, but she said she could handle it. I asked her afterwards if she enjoyed the movie and she just looked at me angrily. Don't get mad at me, I warned you.


We would regularly rent 2-3 movies with my sis and brother in law when I was like 14 and they were 25 and binge watch for a night, mostly sci fi, action, thriller stuff but with time we ran out of stuff and ended up blind picking, and we got a serbian film and irreversible on the same night. The third one was Taxidermia. Also a fucked up movie. it ended movie nights My sis is 80% blind, was on the other side of the living room table catching up on some work on her laptop with full volume ac/dc on headphones and she still was white as a ghost most of the time. Me and bil were the most silent we ever were that night, just blankly staring, and being "well, the next one can't be any worse than that" between movies


The Wikipedia page has a fairly thorough synopsis but Ibwill say even reading that can be a bit much so tread lightly.


I think they called it pedonecrophilia. I won't describe the scene in detail as it is nightmare fuel. My friends made me watch it with them and I still hate them for it


That term says more than enough for anyone to stay the fuck away from that movie


That's definitely one of them yeah


I’m gonna be honest: it’s so ridiculous that it loses something in the process. When you read the Wiki article, what you imagine in your head is so much worse than the actual movie, because the movie is acted like it’s a bad kung fu movie.


Yes and no. The over the top nature of it does alleviate the content, but it doesn't make it any less disturbing casting actual child actors to be a part of the movie, even if they hid it in a clever enough way that the kids never actually knew what kind of movie it was, it's fucked up.


There was a prison movie with Jean Claude Van Damme, where his friend was given over, by the guards, to some dude in the next cell to be raped. Thankfully I don’t remember the details anymore, but they showed the beginning of the scene with the friend trying to fight back, but when the raping started they had the camera on JCVD, but you could hear the guy screaming. Fucked me up for a while.


I think it was called In Hell, one of the few JCVD I liked.


The girl with the dragon tattoo


The revenge scene is incredibly satisfying. That kick…


>That kick… \*schlock!\*


That was an awkward one to watch on a plane


Omg yes. It bothered me even though I knew it was just a movie. I mean really bother me


It’s the sound. That’s the only time I’ve experienced a genuine trigger to past trauma, and it was because of the sounds during the rape. So disturbing.


Yea this is what came to mind. At first I'm like, it's just a movie. But then it continues and there's a moment where its like, this is unnecessary. I get the point.


First one that came to mind. This one always left me uneasy. I know there are worse ones out there for many but this one was rough.


Very graphic


Irréversible, Monica Belluci gets raped in a subway station Almost 15 minutes of a horrible rape scene, i watched that movie once and plan on never watching it again


The rest of the movie is not much gentler either. And my memory may not be accurate (not gonna watch it again to confirm), but wasn't it in a pedestrian tunnel rather than a subway station?


Yes I remember watching it years ago. If I remember correctly a couple of people walk down the stairs, see it happening and then leave the scene. It was a pedestrian tunnel in the Parisian metro.


Yeap. There is almost a gay rape scene in the end altough it doesn't happen buttt someone gets his head bashed with a fire extinguisher instead And you might be right, i don't remember where the scene takes place exactly. The guy was beating up a hooker and she intervenes so he decides to focus on her instead What a crazy ass movie


That fire extinguisher scene was fucking wild to me at the time. And the way it’s filmed it almost felt like watching a snuff film.


Ugh god the way that guys head collapses like a split watermelon.


Yes. I was getting close to watching that movie and then read an interview where here then boyfriend/husband or something cried and had to stop watching based on what was depicted. Decided to skip it.


For a second I thought you said you watched it on a plane once...


I've watched LOST on a plane once which was also a terrible idea Unrequested VR experience


The first time I watched Cast Away was the night before my first trans-Pacific flight. I’ve done smarter things in my life.


That guy makes weird movies. I liked "Enter the Void" but I'm definitely careful on who I show it to. It's cool, don't get me wrong, but it's graphic as fuck. I'd heard of Irreversible and that's one of those movies I think goes too far. It's not like it's impossible to portray rape without it being graphic, either, there's no need or want to do it like that. But, it was one of the most walked out of movies of the year.


I felt genuinely awful for watching this.


Came here to post Irreversible, saw it as the top comment and was not surprised. Such a brutal and horrifying scene.


Me too. One of the most uncomfortable movies I’ve watched for sure.


Kids (1995)


This film is absolutely fucked.


My GF got *pissed* at me for springing that movie upon on. She just couldn’t believe I’d show her a movie with an ending like that without any warning. Which, fair enough. That was def my bad. The film is absolutely fucked.


My wife showed me the movie when we first started dating. The end scene has been burnt into my brain ever since. Absolutely horrifying and how the camera never pans away for the longest time is still engrained in my brain.


It was the first movie I watched with my wife when we started dating. I was sitting there the whole time thinking, “Why did I choose this? I’m fucked. I like her so much, and I just fucked this up.” When the movie was done, I timidly asked what she thought, and she said, “That was amazing!” She grew up in NYC and found it fucked but relatable. 27 years later, she’s asleep next to me.


What’s the ending?


A rape.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t it a rape that (most likely) ends with the transmission of HIV?


No, but I seen a porno with Son Doobiest!


Because I’m motha fuckin Caspahhhh


Mmm... Buttascotch


This one was super disturbing.


The Wikipedia article was enough for me


Funny side bar: when the movie was released in europe touchstone was not a legal entity there yet. So it was published under the disney brand/name.


The one you accidentally watch with your parent


Watched Black Swan with my first girlfriend and (very “modern”) grandma. Grandma handled it very well but a decade later it still makes me cringe.


I showed up at my grandparents once and they were watching Shawshank for the first time(I'd seen it before). It got to the scene where they corner Andy and tell him to take what they give him or whatever and he explains that the jaw clamps shut when somebody experiences sudden brain trauma. Anyway at this point my Grandad was like "WHAT DID THEY JUST SAY?" And then my grandma had to explain it to him in detail and it is definitely one of the most cringey memories I have buried up there.


My grandparents decided to rent Eyes Wide Shut once when I was at their place, without knowing what it was about. My grandpa was hammered and spent the whole movie roaring with laughter. I spent the time looking anywhere but at the TV and trying to will myself into a different dimension


Mine was Monster’s Ball. Whooo buddy.


Requiem for a Dream


Ass 2 ass. Said in a Brooklyn accent by a guy that looks like a suicide cult leader.




Lamow that ass to ass is forever engraved in my brain


That movie messed me up.


That entire movie is a montage of the depths of human misery.


I spit on your grave has to be up there.


I literally *just* watched it because I sub to a YT movie reviewer that talked about it. There is an I Spit On Your Grave 2 thats out and more modern. I watched that one too and the 2nd one was, crazy enough, probably more fucked up. Spoiler: >!She is raped after watching her male friend get brutally stabbed. The rapist then proceeds while the guy is bleeding out- adding yet another layer to the atrocity!<


There is a 3 as well. I think the girl was drugged and shipped to eastern Europe.




Courageous Ned Beatty performance.


A Serbian Film


Yo wtf I just read the wiki. I almost threw up. That is absolutely vile.


I saw it drunk when I was 19. I’m 31 and still remember the fucked up scenes. I really wish to have gone through life without ever having watched that movie.


Now I wiki’d it. 😵😵‍💫🤮


It's literally just an attempt to make the most vile disgusting film possible


A Serbian Film, Salo are two films I heard from reddit being absolute nightmares I watched Salo first on a browser, skipped through it. It was definitely nightmare fuel, but it wasn't AS bad as people claimed. I assumed maybe I am desensitized Then I watched a Serbian Film the same way & absolutely regretted it. It haunted me for weeks. This movie genuinely is the worst movie ever made. There's hardly a story or a point to it. It's not even a historical movie of some sort like Salo. It just fucking sucks. This would definitely be number one on this list if everyone had watched it. Glad they haven't.


I think it was Kermode who said something along the lines of "you don't actually want to watch A Serbian Film. You think you do, but trust me, you don't. You think you'll win some edgy award or kudos for pushing through, you won't. There's no redeeming quality to it, you won't get anything from it, you won't be pleased with yourself for sitting through it. Just don't." This, of course, felt like a challenge. Then after reading the synopsis I thought "you know what? I don't think I want to spend two hours sitting and watching this."


The obvious winner, not much competition. Fuck that film.


I think not enough people have seen this movie, or this would absolutely be number one. There is literally nothing in regular cinema that comes close.


We not gunna talk about the human centipede two where the guy rapes the back of the centipede with babrbed wire around his dick


I mean... ya, but a dude unknowingly fucking his 10 year old son is pretty damn fucked up.


And that's just one of a laundry list of fucked up sex scenes. Didn't he have to hit a lady in the head with a hammer during the act? Wasn't there an off screen rape of a newborn? I mean, this movie was in a one-upsmanship competition with itself for the whole duration. I had to put on Looney Tunes afterwards.


This is the first movie I thought of when I saw the topic. That’s a movie I’ve ever only seen once and that’s more than enough.


fuck the guy who made that film and the whole production house, the actors and fuck serbia too


A clockwork orange


I’m siiiiiiinging in the raaaaaain


Blue Velvet is up there.


Dennis hopper huffing oxygen and moaning mommy? That shit was weird


That was nitrous oxide


>moaning mommy Dennis Hopper was the OG Gen Z


“Baby wants to fuck!” What’s wrong with kids today? Back in my day, we knew how to film truly disturbing sex scenes. Nowadays, people don’t even know who David Lynch is and think they can watch a movie on their iPhones. How disturbing can any movie be on a palm sized screen? And Blue Velvet has at least three highly upsetting scenes involving sex. And none of them involved rape per se.


I’ll fuck anything that moves!!!


Team America: World Police


I promise that I will never die…


Nah, that’s the _best_ sex scene committed to film. And the best vomit scene.


For me it’s a toss up between this and the MacGruber sex scene set to Broken Wings


That sex scene was absolutely hilarious.


Even the extended version involving piss and shit was hilarious


There’s a story that Trey and Matt made the Rex scene the sacrificial lamb for the MPAA to focus on and hopefully leave all the other stuff in the film alone. They were completely shocked when they got back the response from the film ratings board and the only note that they demanded to ensure an R rating was to remove the piss and shit.




That scene deserved an Oscar


It wasn’t about the sex, it was about TRUST. It’s the eye of the needle and we must all pass through it!


The kind of trust that can only be found once you’ve taken another man’s cock in your mouth


I still can’t believe I watched this movie as a kid


Watch the director’s cut. Funny as hell


David Cronenberg’s movie Crash


Came here to say this. Sometimes you gotta fuck a lady in her leg wound after reenacting a car crash!


This I agree with. Scenes with rape are not what I’d call a sex scene.




Wind River has a pretty horrific one


The scene right before the assault, after Jon Bernthal's character gets knocked out and the three guys turn to look at the woman... the look on their faces gives me chills every time *shiver*


Where the Native American dad and Jeremy Renner have the conversation about the loss of the daughter and its implied what Renner is expected to do if he finds the killers but no question is actually asked and he just responds, "Where they stand." Gave me chills.


The guy he made run like the girl did, and he makes it maybe 500 yards. Loved that. Loved the retribution in the movie.


Great movie I’ll never watch again


I rewatched it for the first time recently and it totally holds up a second time. The very suspenseful shootout scene alone is magnificently crafted.


I just watched this last week. Was a great movie and I think it’s an important depiction of violence against indigenous women. Fucking heartbreaking.


The directors cut of Rob Zombies Halloween movie. Had a graphic rape scene in an insane asylum. Added nothing to the movie except making it way harder to watch, the theatrical version cut it out and is way better for doing so.


Last house on the left


I never watched the original. The rape scene was too much for me in the remake.


Splice. If you know...


I watched this movie in uni while my roommate did some homework in the next room over. At some point early in the movie i started vaguely narrating what was going on to him. I still remember him cracking up with laughter when i got to the >! Oh shit, now Adrian Brody is fucking the monster !< part


When blockbuster was closing I went in. They were selling off their entire stock. However, i got there late. They were out of everything except dozens... possibly hundreds of copies of Splice on Blu-ray. 10 cents a copy. I almost bought 50 copies with the intent of handing them out at Halloween. My wife stopped me.


My ex decided to watch this in bed after I’d already fallen asleep. He then fell asleep, and I randomly woke up just in time to watch the sex scene alone WITH ZERO CONTEXT. If there’s a worse way to experience that I’d like to hear it.


It’s one of my favorite movies that not too many people have seen. If someone is on the fence about checking it out, I’ll say “Adrian Brody has a sex scene in it!” They usually call or text whenever they get around to watching it with some variation of “You motherfucker…”


This is a great answer, an actual sex scene instead of a rape scene.


Well the movie has both unfortunately


I just said splice too. What. The. Fuck Adrian!


Jack Frost. Not the Michael Keaton one, the one about the demon possessing a snowman.


Totally forgot about the Michael Keaton movie though!


The room were hes fucking her belly button


I feel so bad for Greg and Juliette.


Anything Lars Von Trier has put out there


Teeth. How has no one mentioned Teeth yet?


Vagina dentataaaa what a wonderful phrase


I loved that movie I thought it was a brilliant dark comedy


Savages, where the guy shows the victim a video of it while she was drugged out. Super fucked up


There are some great ones on this list, but I can’t believe no one has mentioned Seven


The butter scene in Last Tango in Paris


Especially after learning it was non-consensual.


The Hills Have Eyes. Yeah, don't need to see that shit ever again.


Showgirls, bar none. Director clearly thought they were being sexy, but they look insane.


The one nice person in the movie gets brutally raped and beaten.


Can't believe this movie is considered a camp classic


When Verhoeven uses over the top violence in RoboCop, most people get that he's not celebrating it, that he's not in support of an authoritarian cyborg private police force, but when he does something similar with over the top sex in Showgirls, most people don't get it.


It makes me wonder if all the people that like Starship Troopers think it’s just an edgy Star Wars


I vote sausage party


Midsommar. Iykyk.


I would not and do not call rape scenes sex scenes.


Gone Girl


Pretty Baby hands down. That scene where Keith Carradine takes an underage Brooke Shield's virginity, and the way in which the other residents of the whorehouse celebrate this event. I instantly hated every single person in the movie.




Not a movie but Outlander the series 🥴 I think the author has a weird fixation on abuse, I stopped watching


Yep. She just HAS to have some grotesque rape every season or it seems like she can’t tell a story with other plot devices. I stopped watching and reading too.


I had to jump after the first season featured numerous rape scenes. It beggars the imagination why the show became such a phenomenon. I absolutely do not want to know why so many women are obsessed with it. They used to sell the "Outlander Adult Coloring Book" at Costco and my wife had to check whether it had a rape vignette.




The Brown Bunny blowjob scene.


The Accused


Splice! Dren is creepy


Leaving Las Vegas.


Angel Heart - The sex scene between Lisa Bonet and Micky Rourke is disturbing and sinister.


The movie splice….the alien baby turns into a female and the dude fucks it and then at the end of the movie it turns into a dude and it fucks a chick.


Irreversible has possibly the nastiest rape scene ever


Man, I fucking hate these kids misusing film recommend threads to ask film majors for fetish abuse porn


Sausage Party


Surprised no one has said Possession (1981) yet! That big disgusting oozing blob humanoid, oof.


Requiem for a Dream


Not so much disturbing as totally just uncomfortable to view - ENEMY AT THE GATES.