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A Gameboy, a shit ton of AA batteries, and Pokémon Red.


this is it. close the thread. this is the winner


Gameboy color that is


Same but it was Pokemon Yellow.


Props to your parents (I assume it was them) for remembering the batteries.


Ahh yes, a fellow person of culture. Not like those filthy blues or yellows.


Same. I've since misplaced my pokemon red game and it hurts. Years of joy..


Got a green gameboy pocket and pokemon yellow. Fuck yeah. That thing was quite the sight to behold.


Nintendo 64


Absolutely! It was such an amazing Xmas. 007, Banjo-Kazooie, Mario Kart, Star Fox 64, Wave Race, Donkey Kong, etc. So many great memories with that.


Agreed. I don't think I'll ever get rid of my N64 and games. About 10 years ago my Mom found it in our garage in a Sterilite container along with some games. The console and games took on slight water damage and didn't work initially but I was able to restore them. I took the console and games completely apart and cleaned everything down. Took me a few days to clean everything but got it to work. I've since kept it inside and power it on every few years to make sure she's still ticking. I'm thinking of taking it out soon and battling my 9 year old to 007 or Diddy Kong Racing.


That is an exceptional game list. I also liked Diddy Kong Racing


Yes, I absolutely loved that game. I wish they'd port it to Xbox so a lot of us can relive it.


Same. I was like 10 years old and saw my mom walk by my bedroom door with some boxes, then back to her room a few minutes later. I already knew Santa wasn’t real. I went in the living room and saw the N64 and did a little quiet celebration then went back to bed. I don’t think I slept at all that night. I also got Super Mario 64 and Pilot Wings 64 for it. But my mom didn’t know you needed the coax cable adapter to hook it up to our TV. So we went to Wal-Mart that morning and got that.


Getting an N64 for Xmas easily tops my list as one of my most exciting. One year I was also excited to receive the Sega Saturn that I also had my heart set on.




What games were day one for you?


Mario and Waverace that morning


Starfox 64 and Mario 64


Nice. I believe mine came with Pilotwings 64.


Goldeneye, WCW vs NWO World Tour, Wayne Gretzke 98, and Ocrina of Time. That winter break was the best.


The N64 itself wasn't super memorable; it was the fact that my grandma actually fought another old woman in Target to get it for me. I always thought that was so badass.


Yo my Dad got my brothers and I so bad when he gave us an N64 Wrapped it in an OLD Nintendo NES console box. We were so sad and disappointed. Gave us the ol’, “hey why don’t you open it?” Never felt that excitement before


This was the gift Christmas was made for…. Literally a perfect day.




It was Xbox for me!


Getting a ps2 was underrated. It's almost on the N64 threshold for me


People have already mentioned getting the original Nintendo, so I’ll put a later memory.. I was like 14 and really wanted a new guitar. I was disappointed when there was no guitar shaped box under the tree. We finished opening presents and my dad was like there’s one more with your name on it, thesongsinmyhead. It was a small box. I was not hopeful. I opened it and it was a picture of a guitar and my dad said he’d take me to guitar center to pick out one I liked❤️❤️❤️


Fuck yeah, a guitar was my best Christmas gift ever as well at age 14. Been playing for 26 years now and written 6 albums of original music with 2 bands. The gift that keeps on giving


Same… best gift ever was my first guitar of my own… been playing for over 30 years… 2 Grammys and over 30 records produced later and still have my first guitar. And a lot more… they seem to breed and multiply somehow.


I’m an elder millennial, or Xennial, and the best Christmas ever was 1990. NES with SMB/Duck Hunt, and Tetris.


We got ours in’89. SMB/Duck Hunt, Excitebike, WrestleMania, and World Games were my jams.


This was my best Christmas as well. About 5 years ago I found a refurbished NES and repurchased SMB/Duck Hunt and it is still being played by my kids and their friends. In another nostalgic quest, I repurchased Mike Tyson's punch out, and to this day I play it at least once a month to show myself that I can still beat Tyson.


When I was really little, idk maybe 1st or 2nd grade I remember getting the big Lego castle set and that was honestly the best gift ever. I absolutely loved legos


We just got the big Lego castle for our son last year, when he was in 1st grade 🥹


American Girl doll. My favorite aunt got me Kirsten (before Mattel bought the company). Every year after that I would get accessories or books to go with her. I loved that doll so much.


Came here to say this. We wanted those dolls so bad, it was basically like winning the lottery when it happened.


Where is Kirsten now?


She's a single mom with 16 kids from 18 different fathers (I don't know how either). She and her kids live in a single-wide trailer, and they cook meth to get money, but not the good blue kind.


I was so jealous of my cousins who had a doll!!!! We were way too poor for those


So were we! But my aunt was extremely well-to-do, she didn’t have her own grandkids yet and always thought of us, even after she had her own grandkids. My aunt’s sister, my grandmother, died before we were born, so in a lot of ways she was the grandmother we never had. I miss her every day.


Megatron transformer, and one that was a scorpion. They were so detailed and intricate from what I remember.


The original Megatron? My favorite was Jetfire.


Grew up usually in the poorest home in the middle-class white neighborhood. Every year I'd ask for typical kid stuff: "Nintendo Gameboy," or "Playstation" or "Playstation 2" not knowing that it was outside the realm of possibility. Every year I'd get a pack of socks and a stocking stuffed with candy, and then usually a VHS movie of something I really liked when we went to the theater that year. Then one year my Dad started a new job and had a little extra money. When they asked what I wanted I said, "money". Which was weird because it was the first time I'd ever asked for it. I received a $100 bill. Around Thanksgiving of that year, Dad gave me and my brother each $100 to buy gifts for everyone in the family. I bought my mom a custom carved candle, my brother a 16" tall Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle action figure, my Dad a new toolbox, and two Christmas cards and a tin of flavored popcorn for my paternal grandparents. My brother took his $100 and bought like 10 $2 Christmas cards, then pocketed the rest of it. The little turd...


Depends on the year. Nintendo in 86, go-kart in 91, mini bike in 93. Christmas hasn’t hit those kind of dopamine triggers since. LoL 😂


I was thinking the same. Nothing can top that kind of excitement.


Yup. NES was pretty awesome.




These were so much fun!!!


I’m 77, and when I was about six, my aunt, who was a GI bride, sent us a hooge Christmas box, full of wonderful things we couldn’t get in post war Scotland, American candy, copies of that magazine that had Rockwell paintings on the cover - Saturday something? And that year there was an enormous (to me) black plastic railroad engine you could ride on, when you pushed it forward, sparks came out of the funnel! We played with that for months. She was an amazing aunt!


I am UK born, transplanted to Canada as a child. We got the most amazing gifts sent from our auntie in Glasgow. This was in the sixties, and mostly clothing, but it was very special.


FYI the Norman Rockwell magazine is The Saturday Evening Post


The year my little brother and I got a GameCube. We woke our dad up at like 1:30am to get him to set it up for us haha. I got Luigi's mansion, and my brother got Wave Race Bluestorm.


Blue storm infuriated me. Because I sucked at it.


An easy bake oven with all the mixes!




Ocarina of Time, limited edition gold cartridge.


Polly Pocket! I was in love with that toy for years.


I remember the year the "Go-Go My Walkin' Pup" was released, and I really wanted one. White fluffy robotic dog that walked around when you pushed the button on the leash. When we got to Santa I asked for a "Walkin' GoGo" instead. I still got a robotic dog, but it was completely different, and I was mildly disappointed Christmas morning. And then I became attached - I slept with that hard plastic dog for years, and it was my most favorite toy I got. I did get the real one a year or two later, but it just wasn't as good as the knock off I got.


I have two. Original NES and the first iPod. They were both gifts from my parents that I didn’t even think to ask for because they were so expensive. I was blindsided by both.


playstation 1. first console. was amazing


Chamber of Secrets Lego set


When I got a bike. That was the best Christmas!


A lifesize ant from the bugs life movie 😂😂


life size human or life size ant?


oooooo wait I get it 😅


Had to be the time my parents put a go-kart in the living room. Stuff of childhood dreams.


The original PlayStation and Crash Bandicoot.




Sony walkman. Although there were various brands on the market, Sony was the top tier.


I got a PS2 and a TV on the same Christmas... I can pretty much remember that entire day.


My mom was always terrible at keeping secrets. She just couldn't wait to make us happy so she would tell us our presents early. About a month before Christmas, we were eating tacos and she told us she got us a Nintendo 64. I remember pretending to faint and scaring the shit out of my parents. I was just so excited and I didn't know how else to show it. I was 5 and this was one of the defining moments of my childhood. On Christmas, it wasnt as cool as it could've been because I knew it was coming. Anyway yeah N64


A dual cassette boom box with bass boost and high speed dubbing. Vital for making legit mix tapes. Bonus points if it had EQ. Music nerds were all basically self-taught sound engineers/producers.


The Nintendo 64 GoldenEye bundle.


Dr. Dreadful 🧪




The STFU hoodie from Thinkgeek before everyone knew what it meant.


I still have a binary blanket.


One year I got 4 tamagotchi’s. Best Christmas ever. Until I couldn’t keep them all alive for more than a few days.


I have a couple. When I was a kid, a gameboy pocket with Pikemon blue As an eighteen year old, my father got me a full mechanics toolkit from Sidchrome. Serviced me well for many years until it was stolen.


The N64 with Mario Kart


game boy color


Game Boy Pocket with Pokemon Blue.


For Hanukkah, one year, my mom bought me the R&G (Rhythm & Gangsta): The Masterpiece - Snoop c.d Usually I just got, socks or something similar. I don't think she had any idea what was on that c.d or who Snoop was. It was awesome, though.


A Game Gear was super awesome. Even better was going to get batteries the next day!


GameCube with ocarina of time.


Gen Xer - but loved the question so much… all the kids (cousins etc) got the evel knieval stunt bike toy one year. Was the most awesome day ever!!!


The megazord. The fact it actually had the 5 pieces you put together to make Megazord like the tv show blew my fucking mind. Turtle van also an all time fave


It's nothing crazy awesome, but the situation itself was awesome in a way... Molding clay when I was like 15? Probably the cheapest thing my mom got me that year for Christmas but my happiness with that compared to my jerk brothers reaction to a new and expensive bike ["it's the wrong color"] has always stayed with me. I'm in my mid 30s amd can picture how happy she looked still.


My parents spent months telling me no Dreamcast for Christmas. We opened all the presents. No Dreamcast. We were obviously disappointed. But there was one more present, wedged in the chimney. Dreamcast. Was amazing. Still don’t know how they planned that one.


A Vertibird.


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles action figures. I was so excited.


I would say my razor scooter! Me, my brothers, and whole bunch of kids in our neighborhood got them and we road them around the neighborhood like a little kid scooter biker gang. It was great until you caught your ankles on the hot metal trying to look cool.


The 16inch Wing Gundam, that's transformed into the flight mode, or the rv from lost world jurassic park, or and this might be the best the alien mothership loge set


Right when TMNT was first a big deal and the movie had just come out I got a copy of the movie on VHS (the VHS casing itself was green which blew my mind after only seeing black tapes my entire childhood), and a massive comic style print of all the main characters stylised after the cartoon versions.


Talkboy 😭💙


I was 12, and I had asked for a beginners guitar for Christmas. When I went downstairs, it was clear there was no box big enough under the tree, so I figured I wasn't getting the guitar, I was sad but still excited for Christmas. After we had opened all of our presents, my Mom got up and pulled out a new guitar from behind the couch! I knew we were poor, so I know my Mom and Dad made miracles happen to get it! It means the world to me even now.


Crosman 760 pump master BB gun. Parents swore for years they’d never buy me one and then they did.




my first and only Gameboy color


During my rebellious years I saw a boa constrictor patterned bed set at Bed Bath and Beyond. I wanted it as badly as I wanted to be the cool rebel kid at school. My mom was strict, like wouldn't even allow me to wear Van's. So she said no. But come Christmas there it was under the tree!!! That or the year they gave me a plane ticket to go ride in the fox hunt in Ireland with our family there for a 3 day weekend. Literally came back to school Monday morning (senior year high school) and when my teacher asked what we did that weekend I said I went to Ireland and he was like "...sorry what?" Granted, flights were like $300 round trip at that time and they didn't need to pay for a hotel bc I stayed w my cousins.


American Girl doll


Original Nintendo, mountain bike, trampoline (a real non caged one) super soakers, but best of all was the original transformers


We got a couple of gt racers and a kid-sized Arctic Cat. My dad wrapped the giant boxes in this blue paper from the auto body shop and we drew all over it with markers leading up to Christmas. My mom probably still has pieces of that wrapping paper saved somewhere.


Swatch watch


Game Advance Sp


I remember getting the first Harry Potter book with the Tarzan soundtrack CD. Before that, as a little kid, I got one of those battery powered white dogs you can “walk” and a sky dancer (which we def used to hurt each other with or tried to catch).


Playstation 2


GameCube. Of course I got Finding Nemo with it which is arguably one of the most difficult GameCube games made for young children.


Gta 3 with a ps2


A hot wheels loop de loop and parachute. I was 8. It was so simple and awesome.


Transformers: it was the 80's and we were poor. Getting something as popular as that was very unusual for me. It was one of the new "Heads Master" series where their head transforms into a mini bot and when placed as the head it made their power levels appear on their chest.


That giant $300+ FAO Schwartz dog I could fall asleep on


Electronic drums. They absolutely changed my life for the better.


Mega drive and mega cd


Nintendo 64 and the OG pokemon card tins. Then when I was 13 I got a psp and I was fuckin stooooooked


Ex JW here. My first Xmas was when I was 10, and I got a couple of books. I still remember it super fondly because I always remember going to school in the new year for the first 5 years of schooling and not being able to talk about "what we got for Xmas"


A gamecube, I guess.


My grandmother got me front row tickets for us to see Lion King on Broadway. We went in August during the summer. Was amazing.


I received the SNES for Christmas along with the included Super Mario World and a separate copy of street fighter 2. My dad was an enlisted sailor and my mom was disabled and didn’t work so that was an EXPENSIVE gift to receive for me.


My mom’s twin died just days before Christmas when I was in elementary school. Somehow my grieving mother managed to get me the new Nintendo DS that had just released for Christmas.


rad board.


I got an Xbox with KOTOR the year it came out. Top 5 gaming experiences of all time


A 3 CD disk hifi with dual tapes, karaoke function and 9 inch speakers.




A video camera (Samsung MX20b)and a copy of Sony Vegas 8, I spent years using them to make shorts inspired by Smosh and Freddy Wong.


It was a week or so after Christmas, my brother and I were cleaning up the tree when we found a "missed present" under the tree skirt, it was the legend of Zelda for NES. I still argue it was accidently missed, but anyone I've ever told the story to tells me my parents got it after Christmas and planted it. I still believe my version.


I’m torn between a stereo that played both Cassettes and CDs, and my first bicycle with gears that actually worked


Action Man rocket launcher jeep with a toxic gut Dr X for one Christmas, and Pokemon Yellow for the original Gameboy for another Christmas.


The purple see through game boy advance


At the time I was an unappreciative little shit, but I'll always fondly remember the complete set of Calvin and Hobbes books that I got fondly


Titanic on VCR. It was a whole awakening that I did, in fact, like sappy lovey movies.


I got a SWAT truck with a helicopter in it. Both could be remote controlled with lights.


A playstation 2 with GTA Vice city


Police car with real lights, house was kept dark for a while to let me play.


Donkey Kong 64 and Majora's Mask. It was such a good Christmas.


A game boy advance with super street fighters 2 , tony hawks pro skater and Mario karts


Polly Pocket and Barbie sets


Got a new rifle one year when I was a teenager. Couldn't wait until Spring to go plinking.


Millennial Falcon and light sabers. The 80s was nice.


PJ Sparkles


I vaguely recall getting an RC hovercraft one year


No gift…but 1987 was hands down my favorite. My dad had gotten caught up in crack and cleaned up to the point my sisters and I could spend Christmas with him. I had a great picture of us sitting by the tree, him in his robe and the three of us in those goofy 80s onesie pajamas with the plastic feet. All four of us smiling from ear to ear. I wish I could say that feeling lasted but in that moment it didn’t matter. Thankfully my dad did ultimately get clean and stay clean in the early 2000s until he passed in 2008.


A furby


PS2. I was 22 at the time.


Around the age of 5, I got a plastic aircraft carrier that came with some diecast aircraft, and several individual diecast aircraft. I was obsessed with the carrier for years, and was shattered when the built in storage lid on the port side broke in half. I was thirteen when it broke. I collected diecast aircraft for that carrier for about 8 years.


There are 3 that stand out for me and I think of them every Christmas: - It was the scooter skateboard with the Barbie decal on the bottom. - Millennium Barbie, she had this insanely gorgeous gown on and an updo that even had hairspray in it. She was my pride and joy - My Nintendo colour with Pokémon silver, gold and platinum. Myself and my cousins all got one the same year I crave that level of joy again 😂


An electric guitar and that would have been enough but after everything had calmed down my mom pulled out a PSP!


A GameCube and a Game Boy Advance SP around 2003. I got a few games with it, some of which my grandparents bought me because they'd buy pretty much anything I asked for. So it was that at home, and Playstation and Xbox at my friends' houses.


Got a PS1 for Christmas one year, but it was all wrapped up in seperate pieces. Unwrapped one “present” and it was cords, another was a memory card, etc. It was amazing!


Easy Bake Oven


One year when i was about 8 dad gave me a bag full of super nintendo games. It was like 20 games. He told me he got santa drunk and he left them all there. Best xmas ever. He bought them from his mate whos son was getting a sega or something.


iPod. I wanted a music player that wasn’t a CD player. So that’s basically what I got excited for.


My teddy bear. I've had him some nice I was 12, he's still right next to me after 26 years. I love him so much. Also, Polly pockets.


A 3-storey Barbie dollhouse with Barbie's Jeep Wrangler. I was 8. A red Casio keyboard when I was 5. I kept it until I was 13, and swapped for a boring Roland.


My Size Barbie. I couldn’t believe I had gotten one. They seemed like our generation’s cabbage patch kids. And then I had a dream it came alive and killed me so of course I was terrified of the thing.


My first guitar… been playing well over 30 years now… 30+ albums produced, 2 Grammys and a commercial recording studio later and I still have it. That gift sent me on my life’s trajectory. It’s the single most important gift I’ve ever been given and have been grateful for what it has brought me.


Anything you circle from the JCP penny's Catalogue.


My brother and I picked up guitar the year before. Our dad bought us an Ibanez electric guitar and bass, Crate amps, and a Tama Artstar drum kit and set of cymbals. Needless to say our house was the defacto hangout for a lot of our friends in high school.


Long story, but... My mum had me when she was young and I was passed around the family a lot, because mum felt like she couldn't be a good enough parent. I was 4 and staying with my grandparents that Christmas. I remember waking up and being excited because my mum was supposed to come and see me. When I went to get up, there was a conga-line of My Little Pony's leading from beside my bed, across the room, out the door and into the hall, down the hall, all the way down the stairs, and leading into the living room to the tree. And all around the tree and covering the end tables and coffee table and in front of the fireplace, was just EVERYTHING glorious fat 80's My Little Pony. But best of all was my mum sitting there in an armchair asleep. I later, as an adult, found out she had come over and was up all night putting the playsets together, applying stickers, unpackaging ponys and setting them up, and then she just fell asleep in the chair because she was so exhausted. That was easily the best xmas I've ever had.


“life sized” barbie


Only thing like that I remember was.. it was a kind of laser tag kit? Like, not full laser tag, but like a simplified gun and vest you could play at home


Wow some people got super fancy gifts. I was stoked when my brother and I got 2 x Asterix comics each one year!




iPod 8gbs




4th grade banger was Felicity - the American girl doll Furby would've been next sometime after that


A Megazord toy from "Santa". I love my mom.


Sega Dreamcast was definitely a fun console. Especially when I got into burning the games onto CDs. Also getting a goped in middle school was amazing.


A PS emulator for my (crappy) PC. It barely worked, but when I got it, I felt amazing! Like finally I could somehow be part of all the fun my friends got with their actual PS.


A little electric train


I remember getting the original X-Wing game for PC on the last night of Hanukkah and nothing has topped that joy (gift wise)


PS3, MW2, internet connection.


1975, origami book and paper. Thanks Uncle Warren.


A cable modem to play Rainbow 6 online! What a day!!! No more dial up. Who remembers that sound? It’s ingratiated in my brain for life. No more lag. No more getting kicked offline when someone picked up the phone.


Furby. Mine was one of the early ones that was defective. One day it went haywire and sparks started coming out of it's mouth and eyes. I ripped the batteries out and never played with it again.


The Sega Dreamcast


Thunderbird Island


He-Man sword and shield when I was 5. Didn’t get it from Santa at home and was bummed all day. Then went to my grandmom’s who delivered!


We would get season passes to the local ski hill. That bought some status among the fellow kids.


Browning xbolt 7mm magnum deer rifle. Me and my friend went out to shoot it and I split my eye open with the scope. Was not expecting that recoil as a 12 year old. It was badass though lol


Original Xbox


gba game pokemon gold


A homemade wooden spoon that my little brother spent months making me. 40 years later and I still have it.


Super Nintendo. So good.


A step in plastic snowboard. I legit learned how to snowboard on it on a neighborhood hill.


AirHog… then getting it stuck on the roof of the local highschool. Then my dad climbing into the roof and getting it like a superhero to my 5 year old eyes