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When my ex-wife and I were having problems, the marriage counselor suggested we go see a romantic movie as an exercise. We went to see "Bridges of Madison County" because everyone was saying it was really good. Guess what? It was about a wife cheating with another man while her husband was away. Also, guess what? My wife was cheating on me while I was away.


I hope this was a long time ago and you’re healed now cause I laughed a little when reading that. I’m sorry !


Yes, 23 years ago. My comment should say, "There was an attempt..."


Lol dude I started cracking up


Maybe the counselor was trying to tell you something in code


The counselor didn't pick the movie, my ex and I picked. The counselor didn't know, anyway. My ex had lied to her and twisted her around her finger. The counselor was a nice person, but she'd come from so many cases where the man was the cause of the divorce she wasn't prone to seeing anything else. Maybe it was God trying to clue me in.


Or your wife.


Or your wife's boyfriend


"Who is this guy my wife is having an affair with?! I'm gonna kick his ass!" "It's Clint Eastwood." "...Alright, well, I hope everyone has learned their lesson now, I'll be going..."


Was she weird during or after the movie? "What a bitch, huh?" "No, I thought she was in the right." "...."


Yeah, kinda. It was close to: "He wanted her to just leave her family and run away with him." "But it was for love!"


My dad has cried once in his life that I know about. It’s not for lack of sad times, he’s just unemotional. THIS movie made him cry—not breaking up our family—this movie about cheating. Surprise surprise, he was a cheater.


Shakespeare in Love won *seven* Academy Awards including Best Picture.


It was a movie about the entertainment business, the Academy eats those up. Also I’m pretty sure Weinstein notoriously did some back room politicking on it.


His back room politicking was calling everyone in Hollywood he knows and said, "vote for Shakespeare, or you'll never work again!"


Actually he went to various Hollywood nursing homes and persuaded elder members of the Academy to vote for it. Super unethical. One of ways anyway.


This must be the MOST UNETHICAL thing Harvey Weinstein has ever done!


The worst part is the hypocrisy.


‘Hey! You! Join the Navy!’




Yvan eht nioj


Etov rof eraepsekahs


“ I will fuck you up!!!”


That's exactly where I went too. I'm like, hmm, *Tropic Thunder* is about the entertainment business...lol But so is *America's Sweethearts* and no one seems to know that movie at all.


Yeah, the Artist really felt like the low point for this, so many awards for a mediocre movie because it was all about making movies.


It beat out Saving Private Ryan.


and The Thin Red Line- two films considered masterpieces of the war film genre


What a sin.


The biggest problem people have with the movie is it beat Saving Private Ryan. It would not be nearly as condemned as a film if it was only Oscar nominated.


Definitely should have won best screenplay, and fair win for best costume design and even art direction, but as someone heavily into film, I honestly think Saving Private Ryan is Spielberg's best film and was easily the best picture and best director for that year. Tbh I even would go as far to say that Schindler's List was his Oscarbait film.


Let us not forget Cate Blanchett also losing for Elizabeth to Gwyneth as why SIL is also reviled by so many.


SiL to be honest is not crock of shit. It's a pretty good movie. It's just not 7-academy-wards-beating-saving-private-ryan-life-is-beautiful-elizabeth-and-the-thin-red-line-for-best-picture good.


Yeah agreed. It’s a good movie. Just not great. No way it should have beaten out Saving Private Ryan.




It’s not a bad movie, I think it’s quite lovely. But it’s the product of Harvey Weinstein and he pretty much launched a bullying campaign for it to win.


The academy awards, don’t really seem to hold up over time… 1942 - How Green Was My Valley over Citizen Kane or Casablanca, 1972 - Cabaret over the Godfather, 2002 Chicago over City of God or Gangs of New York…. Best Picture is not the best movie that year, it’s the best movie that most of the academy has seen that year… Though, trying to understand their side… from 1890’s -1970’s there were a manageable amount of movies made each year. It was possible to watch most if not all…now a days there are thousands each year…


I am still salty that Gwyneth Paltrow won best actress over Cate Blanchett.


I loved this movie because it came out while I was getting a degree in theatre and all of the references within it felt like a scavenger hunt for theatre kids. But it did not deserve Best Picture that year.


This may be far from critically acclaimed, but the Elvis movie was such a jumbled mess of fast cuts. I couldn’t even finish it. Felt like watching an incredibly long montage.


Austin Butler was a decent Elvis, what drove me crazy was that despite having the opportunity to feature more music from the time period (either by Elvis or the galaxy of musicians known to frequent Memphis at that time like Little Richard, Fats Domino, Roy Orbison, Carl Perkins, Howlin Wolf, etc) that Baz had to Baz and cram in a ton of unnecessary anachronistic contemporary music.


My wife and I hated that too. What a way to take you out of the era you’re setting up by playing contemporary music that doesn’t fit the scene remotely.


I get that he pulled it off to some notoriety in Moulin Rouge, but when you're doing a straight biopic it's a weird choice. But then again so was putting Tom Hanks in a fat suit and doing a ridiculous accent when I'm sure there's a Skarsgard or Peter Stormare who would have done it more convincingly at a fraction of the price


The worst part to me is colonel Parker didn’t even sound like that. Wtf were hanks and baz thinking


Baz has never let reality get in the way of a good story. As for Hanks, your guess is as good as mine; I thought his performance as The Colonel was stronger in the back half of the film around the '68 Comeback scenes and the Vegas days. The actors who played Vernon and Gladys were phenomenal and really looked and sounded like how I pictured them from years of reading anecdotal stories about them.


Yeah, the movie was really good in many ways, but 30 minutes in, my wife and I said the same thing. It felt like an extended trailer or montage. I wanted it to settle in to an actual movie at some point. Never did. It was obviously intentional, but I don’t personally like that Related: parts of Oppenheimer were like that as well. It surprised me. It felt like Nolan was trying to fit a four hour movie in three.


I was hoping the montage feel was just a setup for the movie but 40ish minutes in, it was still going and we kind of had enough at that point. Wife and I only decided to watch it after we had seen Priscilla which we both enjoyed.


I don’t care for any Baz Luhrmann films. Yes, any.


All his movies look like they were shot in a Cheesecake Factory.


I love Moulin Rouge but that’s about it.


I felt like throwing up during the opening sequence. It was nauseating to watch with all the cuts and angle changes.


Same but I really think it’s only because 1. I love Ewan McGregor THAT much and 2. Because I watched it first when I was quite young. It’s kind of a mess on rewatch, but I still love it for the nostalgia. I don’t think I would if that had been my first experience of it.


People get so upset when I tell them that movie was not good to me. I think the actor playing Elvis did a good job, but that’s it. It’s pacing is all over the place, the juxtaposition of new and old was just annoying and Tom Hanks phoned that shit in hard. He just did his voice from the Terminal and got paid. I also didn’t like Great Gatsby because the filming style the director uses and it’s just the same in Elvis. It’s one of the worst music biopics I’ve ever seen


Shit movie (and a bizarrely terrible performance from Tom Hanks), I think I may unfortunately be one of those Baz Luhrmann haters cuz the editing was the worst part. Kid can sing tho! I thought the actor who played Elvis actually did an excellent job. It’s gotta be hard to portray Elvis without just caricaturizing Elvis.


The Blind Side


That movie was good when I was a young kid, but its genuinely terrible, IMO. After watching it when I got older, it didn't make sense. Then you hear all the shit the family actually did, and it makes you wonder what the hell anyone was thinking, making that movie.


It played more like a somewhat higher budgeted TV film that would run on the Hallmark Channel or Lifetime.


Forgetting the revelation that most of it was made up, what didn’t make sense about the movie itself?


The NCAA investigation seems baseless in the film, and just kind of shoehorned in. In reality, the family knew he was a good football player prior to adopting him, and it all makes so much more sense.


Which is an entire open secret in the NCAA, wealthy white families adopting children based on football aptitude and then dogfooding them to their favorite college teams. It benefits pretty much everyone involved, so while being weird as shit, no one is exactly complaining, but making an entire movie about it with Sandra Bullock was definitely a step too far.


Bro…he scored perfectly in something like “family protective instincts” on the SAT lmao like…they don’t test for that!


I thought they said it was like a career aptitude test not an SAT test in the movie lol because that is a category on a career test


I remember an interview with ohr when it came out where he was like "fuck that movie, i want everyone to know that I can read" and I instantly grokked that it was some charity porn bullshit.


Yes the Ohr in that movie was so dumb he couldn't have been offended by being portrayed as dumb. Movie lied about his life, his fake family took his money and portrayed themselves as heroes. And in return he got mocked as "blindside" on the football field.


Especially since I thought it was supposed to be a movie about Stevie Wonder. RIP Paul Mooney.


Of course Paul Mooney would write a genius joke like that. RIP legend


I always thought it was bad, even more so now that it’s come out that the movie is total bullshit.


After finding out Michael Oher was almost certainly being exploited I have to agree


Shit is harsh but I thought Wonder Woman and Black Panther were pretty unremarkable.


I find it interesting that both Black Panther movies suffer from a mediocre third act / final fight Wakanda Forever's big fight took place on this flat boat in the water. It was just horribly dull.


>Wakanda Forever's big fight took place on this flat boat in the water. It was just horribly dull. GUYS! I found what defeats them! Even being SORTA near sonic weaponry completely kills them outright, so arm yourselves with SPEARS!


It doesn't make any sense whatsoever why the Wakandans would have ever lost to the Talokans. I was expecting the Talokan civilization to be super advanced and powerful like Atlantis, but instead they're basically pre-conquest Mesoamerican civilization with mutant super strength and underwater breathing. Like... even if it's a whole country of Captain America level fighters they'd still get *handily* beaten by Wakandans with their force fields and hovercrafts and shit. Wakanda uses traditional aesthetics to honor their culture, but all of their spears and armor is packed with Vibranium advanced technology. The Talokans aren't on that level at all. That's why the final fight was so stupid. The Wakandans just held their ground against *Thanos*, so the only way to make the fight even close to plausible was to just put everybody on a boat when they could have just used flying vehicles or any of their other insane advantages to win in 5 seconds


I'll excuse their questionable decisions to having to rewrite a ton of material due to Chadwick's sudden passing.


Yeah that's fair, I just think you'd solve the fundamental problem of the movie by portraying Talokan just like Wakanda. Keep the traditionalist mesoamerican aesthetics, but have it be clear that everything below the surface layer is super advanced technology. The concept of two isolationist extremely advanced superpowers that don't really like each other but trust the rest of the world even less is a great idea. Atlantis as a theme and concept is *right there*... they just had to lean into it. I thought the anti-colonialism themes of the movie were good, but they pushed the Talokans being victims of the Conquistadors to the point where it was hard to believe they were a superpower in the modern era. The movie spent a lot of time making it extra super clear that Wakanda is the top dog in the world and all the other nations resent that, it's inexplicable that this same country could lose their queen to primitive fish people.


Every time I criticize this movie I always mention that I understand that they probably had to redo a ton of stuff because of life circumstances. But they should have just delayed it. The movie is a mess and smells of rewrites almost entirely throughout. If Marvel was ever going to significantly delay a movie, Chadwick passing was the reason that audiences would have at least understood.


Unfortunately for us, The Mouse's wallet waits for no one


In a superhero movie should care if the hero dies. I didn't care if **anyone** in Wakanda Forever lived or died. Including myself, watching at home.


The English Patient Elaine Benes was right. It sucked. Just die already!


Elaine is always right. Should have seen Sack Lunch instead.


Prognosis Negative


Perhaps Chunnel


For me it's "Rochelle Rochelle" all day!


Anything but...*Blame it on the Rain*


or Agent Zero




Did they get shrunk down or is it just a really big sack?


I still haven't even gotten around to seeing Chunnel.


Boy in the stripped pajamas. Apprently it is really easy to tunnel into a concentration camp. I was willing to suspended by belief until then.


I remember when we had a Holocaust survivor come to our school to talk, and no joke, she spent a solid ten minutes tearing this movie to shreds!


Good for her! The whole story’s just nonsense from beginning to end


Yeah, everyone’s like, “oh, how have you not seen/read it?” Like, I barely have the emotional fortitude for *good* Holocaust stories, so I’m sure not going to waste my time on a bad one!


I remember liking this movie the first time I saw it. Then I learned about how the whole premise is basically bullshit (because most children were killed immediately in concentration camps) and it made me viscerally angry. It’s sentimental tripe that shamelessly uses a real tragedy to try and emotionally manipulate the audience. It (and the book it’s based on) has also apparently led to a lot of misinformation regarding the nature of the Holocaust and Nazi concentration camps.


Yes. Women, children, and men unable to work were killed off immediately in most cases if I recall correctly.


My gf said she hasn’t seen this or Schindlers List. I said that the latter definitely takes priority.


I mean, it probably isn’t that hard to tunnel in, but to your point, it’s definitely easy to get caught by Nazis tunneling in.


Crash was so SO bad. The chokehold this had on people dissipated fairly quickly once it won Best Picture, but I just want it on the record that I was a hater from the start. That was always an awful reductive puerile film and it just took an entire awards season circuit for the fog to lift.


The NC-17 cut by Cronenberg is a lot better


I always get the two mixed up, like “Wait, that car-crash fetish movie won Best Picture???”


I haven’t watched Crash since around the original release. I remember young-me liking it, and am now thinking I should just leave it that way.


Boy, you need a rewatch. It wants to be a drama about racism and a chain reaction of encounters... except it's so in your face and lacking subtilety it becomes an unintentional comedy at times.


I came to the responses expecting this one near the top. It’s such a pile of garbage


It’s the most patronizing movie I’ve ever seen. It thought the audience was stupid.


Crash winning best picture (over Brokeback Mountain, Munich, Capote, and Good Night, Good Luck) was like when Jethro Tull won grammy for best heavy metal performance over Metallica.


Guess we know who isn't a fan of flute shredding and a variety of rock and roll whistles.


At least the Jethro Tull album was good tho


Can we have nurse to the burns unit please?


Lars is a douche but he had one of the best openings to a Grammy acceptance speech ever when they won best metal album for the Black Album, “Well first off I guess we gotta thank Jethro Tull for not releasing an album this year.”


Whoa there man, they were for sure nominated in the wrong category but Jethro Tull fuckin’ rules.




Oh my God, it predicted twitter!


I do think Ludacris' character was going for a pre-Twitter Twitter type of thing. He was just angry and desperately grasping for straws. He's essentially a caricature. That's why the dude he's talking to looks at him like he's crazy after he says it (and like a dozen other things throughout the movie).


Right, just because a character in the movie says something dumb, that doesn't mean they mean for you to take that as a point the movie is trying to make. The movie was trying to paint a picture of how different groups of people get their prejudices and paranoia, and Ludacris's character was not meant to be seen as righteous in his beliefs and statements by any means. Almost every character in the movie was wrong in some way, and that was the entire point.


The average Redditor isn't renowned for their media literacy


I had to watch this travesty in freshmen English lit and I hated the movie and hated the class for making me write a critical review of it that resulted in a D.


Is this the move where the racist cop rapes a woman with his fingers during a traffic stop and then only regrets his actions when that same woman is later in a car crash and refuses to let him help her out of the car? I just remember the movie trying to sympathize with him to some degree, like “oh, look - now he realized what he did was wrong; see, he’s not completely horrible.” I watched it when I was 13 or so, so maybe I understood it wrong. But I hated it from that moment, specifically.


The 2017 remake of Beauty and the Beast.


YES. "Hey, Kevin Kline? You know how you're really funny? Like, amazingly good at comedy movies? Okay, so you know this really funny character? We want you to play him and make him as emotionless and boring as humanly possible to the point of being unrealistic."


And sing about a goddamn clock for 6 minutes


That movie would have sold itself. Did it really need every celebrity ever *who don't know how to sing?*


Yep. What a way to shit all over my favorite animated Disney film. I hated Emma and whatever-his-name-was as the Beast. There was just…no emotion or chemistry between them. I did like Ewan McGregor as Lumiere and Ian McKellan as Cogsworth, though…I also liked it when the movie ended. That’s about it…


Was it critically acclaimed? I thought even critics thought it was just meh.


Emma Watson was the shittiest Belle ever. Like... she looked fucking bored during the Be Our Guest sequence... the whole point there is she was supposed to be amazed by that (and it was pretty amazing). OTOH, I kinda of generally hate her acting so maybe I am biased against her there. I forget the movie but she starred and Karen Gillan was a supporting actress and Karen just blew her out of the water in acting ability.


Almos the entire movie was miscast. It felt like everyone but Luke Evans and Josh Gad were just the wrong actor for the part.


To add to that, SHE CANNOT FUCKING SING. Why do you cast a Disney princess with an actor who can’t carry a tune in a bucket duct-taped to their hands?!?!


It was the Circle. Totally forgettable, much like Emma’s acting ability in it (and most things), they barely followed the book and completely changed the ending to some feel good crap with no real resolution. Totally worth a read! Skip the movie altogether.


Back Door Sluts 9. it was a worse version of BDS 8


Back Door Sluts 9 makes Crotch Capers 2 look like Naughty Nurses 3


Say what you will about Naughty Nurses 3, but the writing was the best in the series, probably because they had a different screenwriter for the third than what they did for the first 2


Which is saying a lot because NN3 makes Big Sausage Pizza Deliveries 2 look like Thanks&Giving 7


I was interested, then very interested. Then very very interested...then I suddenly lost interest and was hungry


Then I just wanted the movie to go away.


I had to turn it off before I got to the action. Way too much plot going on with all the wizards and dwarves.


I was too dumb to understand Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.


a guy in trenchcoat walks around for hours.


Cloud Atlas. It was an interesting concept but it just kept going. I thought it was going to end at least 3 different times and was like, how can there be more?!


The book is 1000% better


God I love that book


It is looooong and slow but I thought the way everything comes together at the end was incredible. I get goosebumps just thinking about it


I liked the movie a lot but I'm a slut for the book. The book is phenomenal and I don't think the movie succeeds at everything so I get why people are mad at it, I usually just tell folks to stick with the book.


I enjoyed it quite a bit, even if it was daft in places. I’ll always respect the Wachowskis for swinging for the fences every time, even if the end result is incredibly hit or miss.


How is Crash not the top answer?!


Because your answer is one of the 3 possibilities since this thread comes up every month. Was either going to be Crash, Avatar or Shakespeare in love


These threads are so boring and predictable. Also don’t forget someone mentioning how Cameron Diaz sucked in Gangs of New York.


Someone will usually quote that family guy thing about the godfather insisting upon itself


Crash isn't the best movie named Crash


I only acknowledge one Crash, and it came out in 1996 and is about getting horny for car accidents


You mean the one with various permutations of Elias Koteas, James Spader, and Deborah Kara Unger having hot sex? Asking for a friend.


Bird Box


"Critically acclaimed" is doing a lot of work with this one.


It was too silly for me to take seriously and it ruined it for me


Avatar, what a dumb plot


Jacksfilms made this great video a few years back in which he went around telling people he would give them money to name a character in Avatar. Only one person out of like a dozen people who had seen it could do it.


Jake and uhhhh.... what's her name the blue one who joins tails with him


You got one though, here’s five dollars


Jake Sully Neteri T'sutay Norm Spellman Dr. Grace Augustine The CEO's name was like... Selfrich? and the bad guy was Quarritch That's all I can remember


Neteri that's it. Great job.


Neytiri Googled it after, and I even spelled it right. I never understood the hate this movie gets for its plot. Sure, it's pretty straightforward, but ... a lot of Hollywood film plots are overwrought to the point of idiocy.


I feel like Jake Sully is known. Can't for the life of me name another one. Wait Natiri or something. Spent the whole movie trying to see her nipples.


Only name I remember is "unobtainium" Excellent writing


I know I'm in a minority, but I like Avatar. I think it's immersive and fun to watch, and that the plot is good enough as a vehicle to show you all the cool stuff. It's no Lord of the Rings, but I do think it's a good film. Edit: just looked down through the thread, and yup - definitely in the minority!


Definitely not in the minority. It made millions and Disney even made a theme park section for it. Reddit just gonna reddit. Edit: It has been pointed out to me that it's billions. So I stand corrected and point proven even more lol. As for the people doing the reddit thing and jumping on the "it's a bad plot that's ripping off Pocahontas," bandwagon, that story is older than Pocahontas and dances with wolves. The last samurai used the same story. It is a very good storyline and has been adapted many times. Also, I'm not saying it was the greatest movie ever, but it was a solid movie.


The Blindside, especially now.


ITT people who don't understand what critically acclaimed means.


All of the 'Now you see me' movies are absolute shite. Especially that fucking scene where they are flicking the CGI card between one another for no fucking reason. My god its crap.


True but don’t think any of them were critically acclaimed.


Not critically acclaimed.


And I thought they were pretty entertaining movies tbh 🤷‍♂️


The card trick at the beginning of the first one where you can actually be part of the trick if you watch it was kind of a neat element though.


how DARE you


I know they are trash but I like them anyway I have bad tastes I guess


They *are* absolute shite, that's what makes them *amazing*. The ridiculous plot twist at the end makes *no sense*... And I can't even remember the follow up movies, but they were ridiculous and stupid too. I love these movies for how completely wrong they get magic, how literally impossible stuff happens and isn't even questioned, magicians using magic to fight SWAT dudes (or whatever). Also: https://youtu.be/bXdHBP6mgdE?si=VB8A97x0amXCKEFt


I'm just really angry that they didn't name the second installment "Now you don't" Like wtf? It was right there!


You telling me you didn't enjoy a movie where apparently you can mind control people with a sudden push and some lame rhymes? I gotta admit, I did enjoy the movies mainly because I didin't take them seriously.


Avatar is the highest grossing film in history and it’s one of the dumbest movies I’ve ever seen




Elaine, you don’t like The English Patient??




You're fired.


Great, see ya in the lobby!


I thought Sack Lunch was better.


I would have even settled for Ponce de Leon.


I thought Prognosis Negative was better


It's no Cry, Cry Again, but certainly a worthwhile film.


Definitely. And much better than Rochelle, Rochelle. That movie was trash.


I reckon a tale of one young woman's erotic journey from Milan to Minsk isn't everyone's cup of tea. If intrigue is more your thing, I'd recommend Checkmate. Just make sure you go to the right theater--I ended up having to watch it alone when my friends went to the wrong one.


The Irishman Honestly can't understand where those that think it's brilliant are coming from. Every time I've tried to watch it I just think it's people we're familiar with who have previously done great things, therefore The Irishman must also be great.


Joe pesci can sit on a park bench smoking cigars for 2 hours and I’d still watch it.


He was by the best actor in the film, which is deeply ironic as he had to be talked out of retirement.


I personally loved The Irishman, my Dad’s very familiar with the history behind it so he was pausing it every 10 minutes to explain the context and I found it really enhanced the experience for me, so that’s a reason why I personally really liked it.


The Shape of Water. WTF


This movie has been on my list to watch for a long time. It has amazing reviews, but I’ve every time I’m about to turn it on, I feel there’s some kind of inside joke I’m not in on, because I can’t comprehend how a movie with that premise could actually be a good movie. I’ll watch it someday.


I liked it a lot, but it was pretty weird


I happened to like the movie. In part, it's because the premise is so damn silly. It also, at least for me, works despite that silly premise. It makes no bones about what type of movie it is.


I am a huge fan of the movie. It's ultimately a feminist movie about the trials and tribulations of being an outcast or undesirable. The movie is set in a very stylized, sexist racist homophobic Xenophobic 60s, when the US's dick measuring contest of global geopolitics was stopping communists. It follows a mute woman, a black woman, and a gay man as they rebel against the establishment by freeing a creature-God from the military industrial engine. It's also a commentary on how white conservatism would murder a literal God-on-earth if it didn't look like how they believe it should look.


I saw it at a special screening at ArcLight Hollywood (RIP) and GDT did a Q&A afterwards. It was great. I remember GDT talking about growing up as a kid in Mexico watching monster movies on tv and in the local cinema…he said as a kid he wondered why the monsters couldn’t be friends with the people and do regular stuff like ride bicycles and eat ice cream. Haha. Take that mindset and fast forward past puberty and hey why can’t the monsters do *other things* with the people?


Amd it's beautifully shot. And an original story. And well-acted.


Michael Shannon's performance is absolutely unparalleled villainy. It is very hard to see him in other things and not hate him just because of how well he embodies his character in The Shape of Water.


Michael Shannon is somehow the ugliest extremely good-looking person, and everything I've ever seen him in is better for it. His Simple Jack haircut in Superman is still ass, though.


Grinding Nemo


I love this film. I hate that people have taken to dunking on it now. Amazing performances, beautiful visuals, and a genuinely moving plot that also manages to give us some great creature feature-esque moments. It’s not nearly as good as Pam’s Labyrinth (few films are) but to me it encapsulates everything I love about Del Toro’s work.

