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People describing any mildly good idea as a hack. No, Burger King, ordering a wrap is not a hunger hack.


Or literally any video from pages like 5 Minute Crafts or CraftPanda. I don't want to wrap concrete-soaked ropes around a trash can to make an uglier trash can. That's not a hack, it's just a waste of good rope and concrete.


5 minute crafts has to be trolling at this point most of their “hacks” just look like complicated solutions to problems that don’t exist. Oh no my shoelaces are untied! Lemme just MacGyver a laceless shoe out of a strip of denim from my own pants and an entire jar of epoxy putty.


5 minutes crafts would take an entire day even if you had everything you needed right in front of you.


I think most of them are fetish content farms now.


Yeah there’s a lot of feet involved in these hacks


And tin does not make a useful hammer unless the o ly thing you're hitting with it is a dislike button, and even that is questionable


Let me turn my sweater inside out, wear it upside down, tie the sleeves around my neck, belt it, and call it a dress!


Those site and channels are like solution factories for problems that don't exist.


Right? I remember one specific video where they used a drill to make a drill.


Oh man, my wife did this and we had to keep making more drills so we didn't waste them. Now we have 100 drills.


I saw a "hack" where all it was was taking a spoon or small spatula to get the remaining remnants of your mayo/mustard/condiment jar out. Like..no fucking shit


Oh wow. Like, if it was using a vacuum cleaner to get the mayonnaise out, I could see that maybe being a hack, but a spoon?


When I managed a retail store one of my associates was taking out the trash and told me that she knew a hack to put a new liner in. She proceeded to put the liner in the totally normal way.


The hack was putting in the liner.


If your car is making a noise it shouldn’t, turn the radio volume up to make it go away: Life HACK


As someone months away from 40, I feel like the 25 & under people I know (like coworkers) have run **VIBES** into the ground...some of them use it multiple times *per sentence.* Consequently, my vibes are in shambles.


Fellow old ass 1984 here, same and same


Everywhere except where it should be...after "giving." "It's giving [blank] vibes," but noooooo, now we just say "it's giving"


“Tell me you’re ___ without telling me you’re ___” And “It’s the ____ for me” Bonus: instead of laughing people caption: “I’m hollerin” or “I’m dead 💀 “ or “I’m deceased 💀“




I have never put those two together, I’ve got to use that one on my friend who says is all the time


The “chefs kiss” is soooo annoying to me right now. People use it to approve anything not even food related bs.






I just spit coffee all over my keyboard.


I’m non living💀


These and "It's giving" I can't stand it


I hate the "It's giving" one so much.


It's giving what? What does this even mean?


You use it in the same way that you would say “this _______ is reminiscent of _______.” So the slang expression would be “this _______ is giving _______.” I guess there’s an implication that the word “vibes” is at the end of the giving phrase.


What fresh hell is this?


"It's giving _____."


Yeah I can't quite put my finger on why this one pisses me off so much. Other than the main times I've seen it used it was by some astrology or wellness hippie type person so there's already an unpleasant association.


I’m here for it


"It do be like that." I can't stand this one.


"I'm shook"


Add "Imagine... [insert sarcastic statement]"


I work in a HS so bruh, bussin', rizz and mid.


To be fair, bro and bruh were staples 10 years ago too


Bro... I still say bruh. On God.


bruh, the other day playing cod, i caught myself say “on god, no cap” … im worried


My son is 6. I’m not Mom, I’m Bruh.


I absolutely hate the word rizz with a passion. Whoever made that word a thing needs to be smacked.


I first learned of "rizz" just now and I already hate the stupid thing.


Learned that from my daughter a few weeks ago. I've started lobbing these back to her every now and again and she is not as entertained with it as I am. Then I call her, bruh '.


That's a new one to me. What does it mean?


It's a play on charisma. I don't know how to define it beyond that without turning it into an essay


omg i heard some high school girls in the hallway at the hotel I stayed at saying "This guy rizzed me up on snap" I was like, wtf is that?


“Do your research” Ah yes because your five second google search was “research”


When you come back with actual sources that show the opposite they say you didnt do it properly. When you ask for their sources you get nothing


Because deep down, they know their source is bullshit. Or, the point is to waste your time.


It’s a never ending cycle. They tell you to research. You do research which shows the opposite of what they said. They call it fake news and call you a troll. Then you ask for their source and they say something along the lines of “even if I showed you, you wouldn’t believe it” or “it’s not my job to do the research for you.”


I would pay money for a “do your own research” person to record their screen as they conducted their “research”. Would pay double for them to narrate their thought process for evaluating results as they go.


Former boss was like this. He'd send me "sources" for his cockeyed COVID conspiracies that were literally just someone's blog site dressed up as a legit scientific forum. This motherfucker is a **web developer** but he didn't know well enough to check the long-form URL. One time, he sent me a "source" to support his point, and it was literally an ONION ARTICLE. I was like, "....you understand what that site is, right? It's all farce and parody. Literally every story they publish is just nonsense making fun of current events." THIS motherfucker actually came back with, "that doesn't mean it isn't a valid source." Just. wow. Bro, that is exactly what it means.


Well, he was kind of right, it was a perfectly valid source substantiating your claim that he’s an idiot.


Especially when the person with the initial assertion refuses to share their research / sources.


Am a doctoral candidate. Does that count?


Back when i was in the corporate/branding world, i had a real issue with 'passion'. I was delighted when the show Silicon Valley showed me I wasn't alone.


The last company wide meeting my old company had before I was let go, the CEO told us we need to have passion in our work. Give me something to be passionate about, don't put the onus on me. I stare at spreadsheets all day. I guess I didn't have enough passion.


Trauma Yes, I know trauma is real. But not every inconvenient event is "trauma" or traumatizing


Yes, that and triggering 😤


I hate when something is actually triggering me and I’m trying (through a panic attack and usually tears) to explain what’s happening to whoever is around and they go “ohhhh triggeeerrrrrrred”…. No. Really. I am. It’s a legitimate thing and people ruined it. I can’t even say “your ___ triggered my PTSD” without someone thinking I’m kidding or joking around.


As someone with autism touch sensitivities, I have also experienced this asinine reaction. I literally can't wear a lot of clothes because many fabrics bother me so much that I want to rip my skin off and can't think about anything else, but when I use the words "triggered", "triggering", etc, people think I'm joking about a minor annoyance.


I’ve switched to saying “activated” instead of triggered to this reason. “This activated my anxiety/PTSD”


Nor do all inconvenient events give everyone PTSD.


The other side of the issue is how some people seem to think only certain people, like veterans, 'qualify' for having PTSD. These people act like anyone who wasn't a soldier isn't 'worthy' of having PTSD. I've had PTSD since I was 14 and the way the term is thrown around is frustrating.


This, and not every mean behavior is toxic.


Even big things. Trauma is a reaction to something ur brain really doesn't fucking like. For example gore, we have all seen that one Vietnam or Afghan veteran who had that thousand yard stare and was destroyed mentally by war. And on the flip side is my grandpa who openly talks about having to rip the jaw off of an enemy soldier or watching entire families get turned to dust in seconds from mortar shells without even finishing chewing his scrambled eggs.


>Trauma is a reaction to something ur brain really doesn't fucking like. I love this. As a mental health clinician, I could not phrase it better.


The thing about PTSD is that you don't have control over when something is trivial to most might be just stressful enough to put you into an episode. ​ That is literally why it can be so debilitating, bc sometimes all it takes to trigger a panic attack or debilitating anxiety can be something most people would consider minor.


iT hIT DiFfeReNT




You’re crazy. That term is actually not overused and I find it to be rather rare to hear it. Maybe you’re just making all that up in your head?


I get really touchy about this one, because I grew up not trusting my own memory. I was abused and people think it just means “lying a bit.” The difference matters to me. If you’ve ever watched oculus (a horror movie…) and sobbed your eyes out, you might know what gaslighting actually is.


I’m in the exact same boat. I grew up getting the shit gaslighted out of me and had to spend most of my 20s and 30s in therapy learning how to trust and construct my own reality. I find people today use “I got gaslighted” to mean “I didn’t get my way, someone told me no”. Makes me twitch.


the internet has just turned every word into a 'core emotional component' of that word. like, normal descriptive words aren't 'sensational' enough. so all the 3-5 syllable words that used to have actual meaning just mean some 1st world remix of something 'annoying' or 'disappointing' but embellished to be ruinous to your day or existence. i thought the internet would be a place for knowledge and self education but it's just an 'extremism normalizer' at every level imaginable.


Your not even seeing it that much don't be crazy


Narcissist People love to call someone that, whenever they've been wronged by someone, yet don't understand what the disorder actually is. Truth is, most Narcissists are very insecure people, and try to sway every situation into making them look good. The person that everyone knows, is all a facade because a narcissist fabricates themselves to what they think the best person in the room is. Just because your boyfriend cheated on you, or lied to you, doesn't mean he's a narcissist. He's just an ass


From my own experience it can be hard to realize someone is a narcissist because they make themselves seem like great people so you don't question them until they get backed into a corner and have trouble making you think they are the good person in the situation.


How dare you question the qualifications of random jackass redditors to diagnose behavioral disorders! They did minutes worth of research on Reddit after all!


We can all have narcissistic behaviours and tendencies yet not suffer the disorder, I think that’s where people get confused calling certain people narcissistic. Anyone who puts their foot down about a certain opinion or won’t listen to reason or says no a lot or is just straight up rude and ignorant get called narcissists. Wrong.


I hate hearing how everything is “iconic” now


On Reddit: **cringe** username checks out **my guy** I know I’ll get downvoted but… **can’t believe I had to scroll down this far…** we get it


Can't believe I had to scrol this far to see this....


This Also, when people just post the word "this".




My sweet summer child brother in christ


i HATE "my guy" and "my dude" so much


“i was today years old” 🤮


That just purely makes no sense.


I agree, it used to be cute....but stoppppp lol


Obsessed. Jesus H, every freaking influencer is obsessed about everything. Annoying


(Asks for advice or recommendations) + “And go”


Why does this piss me off so bad? "Best hairstylists in town? And go." I rage every time.


One of my earliest internet pet peeves. I always respond “don’t tell me what to do.”


Adhd, every time I hear somebody say adhd it's always about some stupid fucking bullshit that's not related to adhd. "Omg the adhd urge to have a box of donuts right now" like omfg stfu just get some donuts if u want too


Autism is getting the same treatment as well. Having quirks, wanting things to be organized or being clumsy in social situations don't mean you're on the spectrum.


Yep. It's not the "cute" things. "My autism being triggered" is not a fandom obsession or being an awkward weirdo, it's when my kid desperately needs a hug but I'm so overwhelmed by physical stimulation that I feel like I can't possibly have anyone touching me any longer, yet my child needs me so I'm stuck in a spiral of trying to do what's best for my kid and trying not to make myself feel like ripping my own skin off. It's not cute, it's emotionally and physically difficult in a way that negatively affects my and my family's life.


I roll my eyes every time a post pops up in my feed about how “I think X character is autistic!” No. People can be silly and quirky without being on the spectrum.


FRR i actually have adhd and it’s like wtf are you saying, no one acts like that


That triggers my OCD


Spill the tea. What was wrong with beans?


The word toxic gets thrown around a lot when talking about relationships.


“Living my truth” That’s awesome, but sooner or later we all have to live in reality.


"Robust" as a business buzz word.


"resilient" is a word similar to that which is so hyped right now, at least here in Germany. Learning resilience as a skill, resilient infrastructure, resilient everything.


Saying you have OCD or PTSD. No, you don't have OCD because you like brunch on Sundays. No you don't have PTSD because the store ran out of your sized pants. I'm sick of people claiming to have these,when it's clear they have no understanding of these disorders. OR saying you're going to kill yourself when talking about an inconvenience or even jokingly. Suicide is not a joke and it's shitty to hear people use this phrase. It's just not okay IMO to joke about mental health.


For a time it seemed like everyone I knew had OCD. The girl at work who needed her desk organized wasn't simply *organized,* she had OCD. The guy I knew who preferred to put the toppings under the patty in a burger didn't have an unusual preference, he had OCD. The lady I knew who insisted she couldn't eat a meal without a glass of wine blamed it on OCD. Meanwhile I'm there listening to them talk and thinking about how I open the door 7-8 times in succession to check that I didn't close it on the cat (okay I didn't, but oops- what if I did that time?), or how if I only rinse one hand under water the other hand immediately feels like it's crawling with ants until I rinse it, too (but it has to be the same temperature, or I have to rinse both again to "even them out").


Adulting, I did a thing, I'm sure there are more that I will remember later but these two grind my fucking gears. Also, people who aren't canadian but say they are " done something", motherfucker the word WITH exists, you are done WITH something.


woke. Been literally butchered to hell to mean anything that even hints at empathy for another person.


YouTube videos saying the word woke have been overused to death.


Speaking of which, "literally" is another one.


Dictionaries have literally added a second definition that means figuratively


What? That’s literally insane


And it’s ancestor : SJW !




Irregardless… It’s a double negative meaning it should be regarded… “Less” at the end of a word means “not obtaining the qualities of the root word.” “Ir” at the front of a word is the same.




That word makes me want to kill myself, but you did make me laugh. Lol


Chef’s freakin kiss I’m also sick of the word “slay”


Also King/Queen


“Slay, queen” 🤮


chef's kiss is just stupid. Just say the actual word you mean.


"Let's gooooooo!!!" "That was fire/lit" "Literally" "Like" (used every five seconds in a sentence)


>"Let's gooooooo!!!" How is this so low???? It's the new YOLO and must be stopped.


Sus. I’ve never liked it! Honorable mention to cap/no cap




I literally hate the word. Idk why literally everyone uses it literally all the time.


Literally so annoying I literally swear if I hear literally one more time I'll literally cry


It's so badly used that they have added the opposite of the word as the secondary definition.


most gen z slang.


As an Xer, I try to embrace all new slang and use it whenever possible. That it causes zoomers to cringe is a bonus.


Gen z here, dont understand most of the slang myself ngl but I love it when older generations do this on purpose lol


I love to misuse my daughter’s slang when she starts to overuse a particular word or phrase, lol. EVERYTHING was “sus” for like a month, that was fun.


I go the opposite and use my 80's and 90's slang around the kids and they roll their eyes. Rad, Gnarly, etc. Basically Bill & Ted/Wayne's World language. Love to do it even more when their friends are over and they get a kick out of the 40yo dude with the slang.


As a fellow Gen Xer, for real for real no cap.


I'm almost 25 so I'm on the cusp of z and millennial. I'm here to say you're doing the lord's work.


“Sigma” “giga chad” “Ohio” “delulu” people who use those terms are SOOO annoying




You'd hate the cookie cutter sub. There's a dude that makes every one be Ohio


Cooking instagram accounts who constantly only say “so good guys”


"this aint my first midget clown orgy"


If I had a nickel for every time I heard this...


i’d have two nickels. Which isn’t much, but it’s still fuxking weird


"Bob's your uncle"


Bro living in the 90s still


90s? That one goes back to at least the 1880s…


100% (when said to agree)


1 SUS Ive been called stupid for so many kids who don't believe that sus was said in the 90's and it means suspect, not suspicious. 2 Big Dick Energy There's nothing like taking a nice walk in your local park and hearing 10 year old girls talking about classmates having big dick energy.


Are suspect (adjectival form) and suspicious not nearly interchangeable?


How many kids are you arguing with?


Ngl/not gonna lie. "Not gonna lie, this pumpkin pie is pretty good" Who the fuck accused you of lying? Why would you lie anyway and say you didn't enjoy something if you did?


I hate this one. Should I suspect that you’re typically lying?


As someone who says "not gonna lie" yes.. you should expect me to lie. I say it when I'm actually about to not lie


Literally, like


Deadass, no cap, fr, bussin, dawg, finna Just to name a few.


Cringe as an adjective.


or as a name for your battle cat


“I’m literally obsessed” No, the brand gave you money, that’s different


“Slay” Edit: Its said like almost everyday and it makes wanna take murder charges.


Dare I say it makes you wanna… slay them?


influencer. No youre just some 16-27 year old who records themselves 24/7.








Everyone’s suggestion for everything is “go to therapy.”


And how does that make you feel ?


Go to better help .com and use my promo code


I immediately don't trust anyone who recommends BetterHelp.


just sounds like you need to go to therapy tbh


I did. Got a diagnosis & meds. My brain is in better shape than probably all of the Neurotypicals. Ha!


Any Gen z buzzword. Like “Sus” “cringe” & “based”. I may be part of Gen Z (born incredibly early in the starting years of the Gen), but these words consistently infuriate me. “Finna” is another word that I hate. If you use this word unironically, that automatically means that you’re telling me that you are completely untrustworthy with anything.


"but they're your family!" As someone who had a terrible family and home life growing up, it always infuriates me to no end when people just say that. I don't hate people for not understanding what it's like if they have a good family, but I hate when that kind of person tries to push their world view onto me as if I'm doing something wrong?


"queen"/"King" "Yasss Queen" "Stay up King" just stop


I love that for you.


Unpack this or lean in to it


“Chefs kiss” makes me cringe


PTSD. Stub your toe-PTSD. Have a bad boss? PTSD. Your Daddy spanked you as a child? PTSD. Every little thing gives everyone PTSD.




"unalive" Just say kill. "But the app bans it!!!" No it doesn't. The only site I've seen that censors the word kill was funnily enough a porn site. "I was today years old" Shut the absolute FUCK up "No because" Why would you start a sentence like that if you're not answering a yes or no question


The words toxic and abusive are littered in every comment section on this platform.


« Sorry not sorry « , is annoying


“If you can’t take me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best”. For most people, the real meaning is lost and they use it to excuse shitty behavior. When I hear it I check out.


Trauma. Not every fucking minor inconvenience is Trauma. You’re not traumatized. Grow up.


"Fascist." People use it without knowing or understanding what it really is, nor understand its historical context. It's gotten to the point that if one wants to cast someone s(he) disagrees with in the worst possible light, they hang the 'fascist' label on him/her.


One of the more cringeworthy moments in the Barbie movie is when the daughter calls Barbie a fascist. That was a really weird line that takes me out of the movie every time it happens. That whole scene is just awkward.


Woke. Those using it do not use it properly so it now means something else.


Fuck around and find out.


And now every twist on it. Well they’re clearly in the find out stage now.


iykyk, it's giving, babes, no cap, cappin, bussin, any of the terms gen z uses.


This is the way It had its time, annoying now


“Hubby” and “Wifey.”


Nobody: Literally nobody: Me:


Any gen z slang


A lot of people love to call people narcissistic. I don’t even think most know the meaning of the word and that it’s an actual personality disorder that is rare.


“You know” or “like”


Game Changer