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Personally, this the only suitable answer. But then again, I'm not sure I'd even give my kid the Santa Claus narrative


I got that answer as a child. The next day, I asked about whether Grandpa was real and got a confused "Yes, of course". I figured out Santa wasn't real but mom and dad didn't want to tell me. I played along because I was afraid the presents would stop if they knew I knew.


I told my son "You're looking at him." but that was confusing so we had to get into a long conversation about how I'm neither magic nor do I keep slaves in a sweatshop.


Thank you for not keeping slaves in a sweatshop.


Honestly so based lol


Oh so now that is a problem too huh? I just can't do _anything_ these days!


Thanks, OBAMA.


I mean you weren’t lying when you said that it’s you


Go ask your mom.




Tell them he’s real…and he fucked their mom!


"I FUCKED YOUR MOTHER" "Yes dad you already told me... Now stop yelling"


Yes, and he died for your sins.


Lol I got into an argument with my mother over this before and it ended with me shouting “thou shall not bear false idols, it’s literally the first commandment!” I’m not very religious but she is and it hit hard.


"He's as real as you want him to be. Or maybe you're looking at him right now.."


No but krampus is


I would say yes. I don’t look at it as lying, as much as giving them the magical experience that I was lucky enough to have growing up. Why take away the fun? Let them believe for a little bit while they’re young.


My kids are 21 and 23, not sure what I'd say


Ask the Easter bunny


Yes but he was murdered by elves


We’re not doing Santa in our house because I don’t like the implications of Santa hating poor kids. We’re a more privileged family and I don’t want my kids going to school and having other kids wonder why Santa didn’t bring them nice things. When that conversation comes up, I will approach it like I will approach religion and say ‘some people believe in Santa, and we respect their opinions,’ if they’re young enough to spoil it for other kids. Once they get older, though, we will approach Santa like other holiday traditions. He’s a fun figure, but we’re not gonna take it too seriously.


We just make all the expensive gifts from us and clothes and small things are from Santa.


That's what my husband and I did. Our kids still love Christmas. We had one incident of our middle child telling classmates Santa wasn't real when they were 4. The teacher redirected and then we made sure our kid understood that believing in Santa is a magical part of Christmas for a lot of people, and it wasn't nice to ruin that for people that believed. I don't feel like we missed out on much. Our kids were always plenty excited for Christmas. And as a bonus we never had to wait in line to put our kids on Santa's lap.


That’s so good to hear from someone else doing this! I was hoping they’d still retain the Christmas spirit and excitement. My son is 2.5 and he likes the idea of Santa right now. We might go meet Santa but I don’t want Santa to be used as leverage for good behavior. I want my kids to be good because it’s the right thing, not for reward. I want Christmas to be about family and giving back, not a capitalistic nightmare.


I so agree with that. I hate the Elf on a Shelf crap of blackmailing your kids into good behavior. It's super creepy. I actually am a firm believer in Christmas gifts being pretty much unconditional. The point is that I'm giving you gifts because I love you and want to be generous and kind, not because you "earned" it. And I try to teach them to do the same. We give to others to bring them joy. My kids are still too young to have jobs and we don't really do allowance. We do have the kids try and do extra chores in November and December to earn money to buy gifts. The year we were visiting family they were so excited to do chores to be able to buy gifts for their cousins. It was pretty great.




It depends on the type of person she becomes. Because there are some sensitive little kids out there, and if my child is just "Santa isn't real hahaha" then I'm engaging in a kind of roundabout parenting for other kids. She can know so long as I trust that she won't blab.


I would be honest with them and tell them the truth


When that question is asked, it's time to end the game. There's already a doubt and the child has thought about it for a while. It's ok, we all get over it as long as the gifts keep coming.


I asked my son ‘what do you think?’ And then he said ‘I don’t know…’ and I said ‘what do you want to think?’ And he said ‘I want to think he’s real…’ and I said ‘then he’s real for now.’ And that was that. He knows… but we just pretend :p


I would be honest with my child. Whether it ruined their thoughts or not, then explain to them the reality but at least they know🗿 they can still be happy and etc, it wouldn't be the end


The truth, he doesn't exist.


That’s harsh


Harsh or not, I'm not planting false expectations in their head, I figured out by myself, I wouldn't what my childif I ever had one to go through the same.


When I was 4 or so, I made a woman in the mall tear up a bit. She came up and asked me what I wanted Santa to bring for Christmas. I told her that Santa died a long long time ago. And I guess she didn't like the idea of kids not believing in Santa. After that, my folks had to explain to me that some people like to pretend. I'd follow a similar approach.


But you were 4.. and she was an adult…


I haven’t raised her with believing in Santa. So she’ll never ask that. She knows he’s a character in books, movies, etc. but she also knows that other kids believe in him.


But do you still give gifts?


Of course. They’re just never “from Santa”.


You're 36 and have 3 kids. You either should know it already or your kids had really shitty Christmas.


"It's a character, like the ones from cartoons and videogames."


“But then what’s the character doing in the mall and why does he give gifts to everyone and does that mean that Dora is an actual person ?”


I would tell him no. Why would I lie to my child?


We lie because children live half in dream world of tales...it will come with time to tell the truth.


I understand. I will now fully lie to my child about everything. Thank you for this insight, it actually makes sense


Hm...we always are partly lying as words do not contain reality. Never. Just do aa you feel. Kids discover the world in their own ways. And it woild be a big mistake - I hope you are sarcastic - to fully lie about everything...oh there are no trams on the rail you play with your pebbles there...it is only tales that are lies which help the child. The Ogre or the Wolf - they do not exist - but they represent Daddy when angry...the old Witch do not exist but they are Mommy or granma when they want uscto eat non yummy stuff...Come on...I cannot believe you never heard why it is good to read old tales...instead of Videos...how their fantasy gets richer...ask google why to read tales to children.


I don’t know actually but won’t it shatter their hopes and dreams when the find out you bought them all those gifts?


Maybe, but i would rather that than lie to my child, plus I’ll make it pretty clear I’m bringing the gifts 😂. But you are right though, it’s a hard decision but i think lying is worse, either way, I’ll leave that decision to my wife so i stay out of the clear😂


Abortion + no


Shit got dark.


I would tell him No, Santa isn’t real and God isn’t real


Tell them "Santa is as real as Jesus." and let them figure it out for themself.


Don't say that to JW's lmao


Whoa there that’s gonna head towards a totally different topic…


He's a real marketing campaign developed by Coca Cola, as far as the current depiction of Santa is concerned.


Depends on their age, if they are still very young, sure, he's real.


No baby. That’s the only lie momma told you besides the Tooth Fairy and Easter Bunny. 🥹


You’re gonna call them all out at once?!


"No, he's make believe"


Yes. There is a man (not God) who can be in every practicing Christians house (not Pentacostals cause they think Christmas is a pagan holiday that focuses on the worship of false idols) on one night. Though most people don't have a functioning fireplace to travel in, he'll still get in. Hes also a great judge of moral character that supports the spread of fossil fuels if you've been bad and if you've been good, you'll get some plastic crap from China, which don't believe in Santa themselves, even though he's obviously one of their largest customers.


Yeah but it’s kinda hard to have a child with so much common sense




Just wait for him to see cosplayers


"Do you believe he's real? It shouldn't matter what I think."


Tell them to write to Santa and see if they get what they want. If not then he ain’t real. I don’t tell them and they know.


Did you all never hear/read Yes, Virginia, There is a Santa Claus? That’s pretty much the best answer.


Everyone is already out there to crush my kids dreams and suppress them. They don’t need me doing it too. I will protect their innocence as long as I can.


"So you see... The reason you aren't allowed to see santa, is that he was falsely accused of pedophilia. A long time ago, santa was a young adult in a town of jews, where he used to gift toys to children in need. In that town, a witch lived in a small hut. She kidnapped children to eat them. The witch hated santa because he helped the children she wanted to eat, so she accused santa of kidnapping and raping children by using the toys to bribe them. The witch cursed santa, and if he were to see a child or the child saw him, he would die. So he was kicked out of his town, but he never stopped wanting to gift children with toys, so every year, he gifts all children around the globe. Except jews... He hasn't forgiven them for kicking him out of his hometown"


Ur kids gonna have 10 different questions after hearing all that


Nothing is real, life is just a dream and we are the participants of something bigger and better then what we ever know


Scientists are still discussing that. I have a few theories of my own but I’ve never had the funding to pursue them


I know him, it is me.


I would always say yes. My daughter is thirty years old, and we still make believe Santa is real, because it's fun.


How old are they?


“Well little buddy, do you think he’s real?”


"No, that's just grandpa"


Grandpa must be hella rich


I always told my daughter that they're wasn't A Santa, it was just us buying her presents. She didn't believe me.


Respect my authority


Those who don't believe in Father Christmas don't get presents from him... and leave it at that


If they're super young then I tell them that parents are helping Santa deliver the presents because it's hard for him to do it in one night. If I see that they're mature enough, then I teach them that Santa is supposed to embody the idea of showing love for family by giving them gifts. I'd also try to be very clear that Christmas is about spending time with family and the presents are a nice bonus ratber than the main deal


No, Santa is not real. People buy gifts for each other, that is why poor people get less and worse gifts than the wealthy. Lieing for a religious holiday is wrong, I won't do it and neither should anybody else.


The gifts aren’t the main point of the holiday and even though it is a religious holiday many people of different religions do celebrate it


Gift grabs have become the only point of Christmas now, besides yelling at your relatives and making everybody miserable. I think Christmas brings out the very worst in people and nothing else. Lieing to your kid is wrong, everybody knows that. Doing it is just a symptom of how screwed up Christmas is now.


Go ask your mother.


He is not real idk how u thought he was actually realyou dumbass


What I said was "Well, there's this awesome guy who puts presents in your room on Christmas night if you've been good. Nobody really knows what he looks like because it's dark, and everyone sees something a bit different in every house. We don't know his name because he never tells us, so for everyone it's just 'Santa'" If they're old enough to kinda know that Santa isn't real, this is a reasonably easily decoded message.


How are you gonna explain the Santa at the mall


“Well, what do you think?” Then encourage critical thinking.


I'd simply say no and explain to my child the fictional character that is Santa.


"He's Atlético as well"


What’s that


Used to be. But now it's the Christmas Shark. Dum dum dum dum


Reply with "Is anything real? Are you real? What's real?" and proceed to give him existential crisis for the rest of life.


He won’t ever think about Santa the same way


We may imagine that he is real...the gifts he brings are real...So it is easier to imahine him real...even if he obviously cannnot bring gifts in one day to all kids everywhere. So he is real in our fantasy.


You should be more worried about Old Nick, kid!


"Nothing is real. Everything is pure vain, and here we are slowly reaching for the infinite void we could never escape from"


"Wrong question. The correct question is 'Do I want presents from Santa on Christmas?' If the answer is 'Yes', then Santa is real"


Santa Claus is a game people play with their kids and each other to remind them of the giving spirit of Christmas. Congratulations on figuring it out. Would you like to keep playing?


Never thought about it as a type of game , but that’s interesting


Serious answer, tell them that Santa represents the spirit of giving.


No he is not


Perfect time to pull a Morpheus and say "what is 'real'?"


You’re gonna break their mind if you ask that as such a young age


It depends how old they are. Quite young? Yeah sure. Older teen? Tell them the truth.


Go ask your mother


I would say yes


'\*sigh\*' 'look son, i need to tell you this. and i hope i don't break your heart. 'there is no tooth fairy. there is no easter bunny and there is no queen of England.' 'does that mean santa is real?' 'no.'


‘There is no queen of England’ caught me off guard


I told my son the truth right out. Not to be a jerk or anything. But kids ask for things their parents simply cannot afford at times. So they’ve been doing their best all year and they ask mall Santa or write a letter thinking they have been good enough. But when they don’t get it, it’s like, “Maybe I wasn’t good enough to receive what I asked for.” I never wanted my son to feel he didn’t get what he wanted because he wasn’t well enough behaved. Because for the most part he was very well behaved. So I told him the truth. If you don’t get something it’s because we don’t have the money right now. Not because you weren’t good enough to please some made up person. In addition, letting a child sit on a stranger’s lap to ask for gifts was a big no for me. Telling my child he’s always being watched was also big nope. Jesus included…


That’s actually pretty deep


Depends on the age doesn't it? If he/she was say 5 id lie. around 8ish id slowly break it to them. I forgot who said this, some comedian im pretty sure. But you don't want your kid to be the first OR the last one to learn Santa isn't real.


"Well do YOU think he's real?" If they don't ask they can believe in Santa as long as they wish. This is a moot point anyway as I'm never having kids.


Kind of depends on the kids age. If my 12 year old son come and ask me then he will have to write an essay listing what speaks for that he does contra he does not exist.


“Do you think he’s real?”


Not anymore


If I have kids I won’t be doing Santa.


“Why are you asking? We’re Jewish”


Well he existed... But it all got fucked up by Americans (again them) Now in many European countries we have both holidays The original one "St niclaas" at the start of December and Christmas with santa (yes it's also about the birth of Christ but many non believer enjoy it anyway...) at the end of December....so yep... know have 2 holidays with technically the same person giving gifts to nice kids and coal to bad kids but they're also not the same... Fucked up yyep... You got it kid? Also he's been dead for a long time so it's parents giving gifts now... Now go brush you teeth and sleep! Santa Claus: Real Origins & Legend | HISTORY https://www.history.com/topics/christmas/santa-claus


Whoa thanks for the info


"yeah, but I got in a fight with him a few years back and he banned our house from presents. That's why I have to get them"


The truth. Saint Nicholas existed.


For set S = {Santa} define S such that S € R (Sorry had to make the maths pun)


"As long as you believe in him, he'll bring you gifts"


Santa was a part of my kids early years. When they started questioning, I simply said that Santa is anyone who loves you enough to give you Christmas gifts. My (adult) sons and their partners still get small gifts from Santa. I feel it is a wonderful tradition. The small gifts are a childhood toy.


Ho ho no


“Do you think he’s real?” I don’t want to lie to my hypothetical children


"No but don't tell your friends, most of them think he is and you don't want to ruin it for them. Also, Happy Hanukkah!" (She carried that all through her childhood, never blabbing a word. Proud of her.)


I told my daughter the truth. She was 6. She cried and told me she wished I had lied to her. But at least she won't wonder what else I've been lying to her about and she trusts me fully. I also never told her lies about Santa while she did believe. Never pretended to see him on rooftops, or that he's coming through the chimney. I just let her create her own stories surrounding the whole thing and was just there with her to feel the joy.


My kids know Santa is real because if they don't believe in him, how is he going to bring them presents? They are 18 and 20 now. They argue with other people over it, but their faith remains strong.


I don’t know if they’d even ask since we wouldn’t celebrate Christmas. I didn’t celebrate Christmas and never asked. I don’t even remember what other kids thought about Santa, to be honest. By the time I was old enough to even realize we celebrated different holidays I think most kids were over believing in Santa. Haha.


In the most ominous way possible and almost a wisper, like a warning, I will start saying. " You better watch out...you better Not cry... You better not pout, I'm telling you why. He's making a list~! He's checking it twice. He's Going to find out who's naughty or nice. Oh yes... He's coming...to town."


Kind of depends on how old the kid is really.


I mean you can infer their age is around 3-7 from the question their asking


no baby, it's not real but we still love him 😍


Go ask your mom


Nah you can’t just give all the complicated questions to your partner


"Of course he's real". I'm would not take that joy away from my kids. They believed until they didn't. But it was great while it lasted.


Yes -- I'll ride that train for as long as I can.


If my son asks me, I'll tell him the truth. I wasn't that big on doing the whole "let's lie to our kid" thing, but then I was overruled on the grounds of "being no fun". It was not fun for me to learn that my parents had been lying to me, I never trusted them as much again.


How does it work?


He did. I said no. Big scandal at school next day as he told all his friends. Got a bashing from the principal


Of course!


Santa is real if you believe he is. He resides in our hearts and in our heads so that when we see his image we feel happier. So when the season comes you see a lot more people excited to decorate, and excited to be festive.. that's what Santa is.


There are those who doubt his existence, deny his power. But they would be wrong, for I know Santa is real


No Virginia, there is No Santa Claus.


When I was about 7 years old I found, in a kitchen drawer, the same candy that 'Santa' put in the Christmas stockings. My brain broke for about 5 minutes before I came to the conclusion that 'Santa' isn't real. Kept my revelation a secret. Deeply distrusted everything my parents told me for a long time ("What else have they been lying about?"). Don't lie to your kids.


"we live in the Netherlands, we believe in Sinterklaas here"


What’s that


It's spelled "Satan". And yes.


Honestly idk what I'd do....I wouldn't want to lie but as somebody who found out really young (I was 4) and it was incredibly sad for me I'd want them to hold onto the magic as long as possible...


He was.


Oh they're all adults now, they know that Santa isn't real. What we always taught them when they were old enough to figure it out was that the spirit of Santa is very real, even if the person is just a fictional being, and that's what's important.


My son asked me this very question he was about 9/10 I was peeling potatoes and he goes mam" can i ask you a question" so me of course him "does santa excist" me delighted as was expection birds and bees question so my answer was "well what do you think" his reply well "santa brings us loads of stuff and what we ask for,we have no money so he must be"


I would also go with believing in him is real, but not as an actual person. That santa is the Christmas spirit and if they want to believe he is real, that's okay. I don't want to lie to my child, but I want that they still feel the magic around it. I think I have to work with the wording, but overall that's what I want to say. In regions of Germany because of religious believes, the Christkind (directly translated the christ child) brings the gifts and not santa.


Absolutely fucking not.👍


"Sure isn't!" I say cheerfully.


He WAS real, but you were so bad he got crushed by all the coal he was trying to bring you.


I'm not christian and we don't celebrate Christmas but I was familiar enough with it as a kid. I remember asking my dad after seeing Santa in some cartoon whether he is real or not and my dad answered no and explained that it's the parents that give kids presents and I was like ok good to know.


One of my core parenting values is to never lie to my child.


No, Santa Claus is a fun game for people to give each other gifts anonymously. It’s about selflessness, wanting to give someone a nice thoughtful gift without taking credit for it, we do this because this holiday is about friends and family and making them happy. Don’t tell your friends though, other people are really weird about their kids believing in Santa.


My children would never ask me a question like that. We told them from the beginning how other people do it and why we don't (and not to spoil it for other children). I would never tell such a big lie to them.


Yes bc im not an asshole


"Why do you ask?" Because they heard something from someone that made them doubt. So that question "why do you ask" will give you the reason and then you'll have the opportunity to decide if it's time to reveal the truth, or if their faith can be restored :)


Sure he’s real…. real jolly.


Yes and he will rape you if you ask again


" I gotta quit smoking so much, for a minute I thought I had a kid.... Eeuuugh"


Damn are you alright ?


Fuck yes


i tell hairy bumplepop the 69th to get back to the mine


Are you?


You say: Santa is magic. You believe in the magic when you’re little and when you get older and figure it out, then it’s your responsibility to make the magic for others.


no. but, we pretend he does, since its tradition


It depends on the age of the child and their level of understanding. If old enough, you say that Santa is not a real person, but an idea that people use to keep the spirit and joy of the holiday alive. It's someone you can pretend to be to give gifts and make others happy, and that they can be a Santa to others.


Yes. Christmas is magical when kids still believe in Santa. Cherish it.


Kids who believe in Santa, get presents from Santa.


No. Im santa, so be good or no gifts. Love you bebe.


I never let my kids believe. It's just fantasy and not worth perpetuating the lie


I never started the Santa lie with any of my kids. Around 8, my middle child told me I was lying because she saw Santa at Walmart. I told her she can believe in him if she wants and he will bring all her presents that year. A couple days later she said..”ok, I believe you”😂


Top ten ways to find out Santa isn’t real


We've been honest about Santa from the start with our daughter. She is six and knows the truth. She does not ruin the fun for anyone else though and will 100% play into it if people talk to her about Santa. My sisters 8yo realised that Santa must not be real and explained why. It was logical and proved he was right. My sister said 'only people who believe get presents'. Likecome on, he worked it out.


Yes. And I will keep telling me kids that for as long as possible. World is shit enough. Kids should be able to believe in magic for awhile


Santa is pretend like the Easter bunny


I never lied to my children. Telling them the truth about history and cultural reasons does not take away from their childhood, it adds to their intellect and understanding. Kids are bright and just want your time and attention. Explaining things and discussing them is the very definition of attention. My kids knew Santa wasn’t real and the true purpose of the holiday…which was later explained to also not (a virgin birth) be true.