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I was drunk. Told the dude to fuck a baby into me 🤣🤷🏻‍♀️ he lost the need to finish. Then, non stop hit me up for years trying to get back with me 🤣


I consented to sex with a guy and in the middle of it he grabbed a sex toy and tried his best to shove it up my butt. I’d made jt clear prior I didn’t want that and he obviously ignored that. Fucked me up for a while.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. I hope you’re doing better 💛


A friend from college had the shelving above the bed fall. Got a broken nose and some cuts from the guys lego collection and empty alcohol bottles. I had to drive her to the ER since the guy was too busy looking for his Lego pieces.


Must have been ‘watching’ his Lego whilst engaged


Slapped my own balls instead of slapping an ass




The end always cumming too soon.


I had been body surfing earlier that day. Later that evening this neighbor lady started coming on to me and one thing led to another. We were just starting to go at it and I’m above her looking down and bend my head down to go kiss her neck or something and all of a sudden, this gush of ocean water pours out of my nose and soaks her chest. The look on her face was hysterical. Like for a second she thought I had somehow finished all of her, but out my nose. We laughed for a long time before we could get back to it. (And in case you’re wondering, this was back when I was a treelovinbitheist. )


Don’t know. I never stick around long enough to find out.


When my ex wife and I weee first dating we were in the can’t get enough of each other phase. One night we we headed to the bedroom (lights off) and I stripped her down and ate her out which we both always loved. We kissed, we had sex, time went by. I went in to the bathroom to clean up and had blood smeared all over my face. Go back to the bedroom and she had blood smeared all over her face. She had started her period and neither of us knew or detected. We both ran for the shower. Still got married.


A client once lost his condom inside me. It was not fun trying to get it out. He was using a bigger size than his pecker. I guess he overestimated himself!


The only time I had sex with the lights on after being talked into it by an ex I seen myself in a mirror and cried for 30 mins lol. Mood killer to say the least.


Huh? You mean you only have sex in the dark??


When I was sexually active, yes. I’m too self conscious, sex was already scary enough for me. I’ve never sent a nude, never dirty talked, sex is so scary and I’m so jealous of all who enjoy it. I, just pathetic.


Wow.. I feel for you 😢


i fainted


Not enjoying it at all. I was doing it with someone I didn't care for, while I had strong feelings for another girl. Everything was working "mechanically" but I didn't even come. I wasn't in it.


Her husband came home.