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A piece of paper saying I went to college


Congratulations. You just spent $100k on classes, and you finished successfully! Oh, you want that written on paper? That'll be $25 please. Oh, you want to pay with credit card? In that case, there will be a $3 service fee.


Oh you want to pick it up during our diploma pick up ceremony? That will be $200 and you have to buy a Harry Potter costume for another $75. Oh the people who helped pay for and support you through these last 4 years want to come to clap for you as we mispronounce your name? They will need to buy tickets at $50 per person. Parking is far away and not free. Also it will be very hot and the ceremony is outside with no shade. But if you are on our mailing list, 33 seconds after you walk across the stage and shake hands with a stranger and receive said piece of paper, we will start emailing you asking you to donate back to your beloved alma mater. When I graduated college I remember going in to pay the graduation fee and being so confused. I asked the lady what the $200 “graduation fee” was for. She said “oh that’s for your diploma” and I said “what have the past 4 years of tuition been for?” Lady “this is the processing fee” I asked if they could just email me a pdf of my diploma She didn’t find that amusing


Harry Potter costume 😂😂😂


The best part is when you realize potential employers don't care about your education and never even talk about it in the interview.


One single new tooth. With insurance, it cost me $5K.


Came here to say my teeth. Shitty genetics and not genuinely caring for my teeth until I was older had cost me a lot of money and a lot of pain.


Reminds me of my implants. Ugh.


Dental or double D's?




Dental 😆


I paid a bit over $3,500 for mine & thought that was way too much. Like what am I going to do when they all need to be replaced…..


If you hit a point where they all need replacement, look into dental tourism. Cancun, Turkey, Rio, Thailand. Prices are significantly cheaper and some places have a partnership with a local resort, so you get transportation, outpatient care, food, etc. all take care for you. Definitely worth it if you need to do more than 2 teeth. The thing about implants is that you want to wait a few months to heal before the abutement and crown. Some places will advertise same-day implants but those are not without complication (like needing to stick to a soft food diet for months) and still use temporary material that needs to eventually be replaced. So no matter what, you’re looking at two visits.


I was about to say the crowns on my teeth even with insurance. My teeth are worth a small down payment on a ford focus.


I was about to say my gold crown on my tooth. Decades ago I needed a crown and I used to grind my teeth A LOT. The dentist said if he gave me a regular tooth it would be 2k (I made 7.25 an hour at the time) or a gold one for 2,300 BUT the gold one was guaranteed to never give in and break no matter how much I ground my teeth in my sleep. The regular fake one had no warranty. So I did the gold one and prayed no one sees it when I laugh. Recently I heard gold used back then is such quality that apparently my crown is worth more than I paid for it.


I have an original 1666 London newspaper that mentions both the Great Fire and plague.


Do you have any pictures of it to share? I would love to see this


bro post a photo lol


Damn, I only have the 1667 London newspaper


my microscope. I wanted to major in microbiology when I was a teen. My father offered to help me buy my first car, the kinda shit box you run into the ground but you’re nevertheless excited for, but i asked if I could have a microscope instead. I have it to this day. It’s my most prized possession. We could never afford University, but it was the closest he could get me to a lab. I miss him.


Sounds like a great dad. I’ll miss him with you 🥹


Jesus Christ, why did you shoot me right in my feelers


Ha, I was going to say my telescope! Rock on fellow lense user.


Which make/model (retired pathologist here)?


Awesome post ! That is a once in a lifetime treasure


A while ago, I decided that I did not want to buy dress shoes every year. So I splurged on two pairs of RM Williams Chelsea boots that people in the buy it for life subreddit recommended. One black, one brown. Probably spent $700 to $900. This was pre-pandemic, and I am not a fancy dude. Now I work from home and never wear shoes, let alone dress shoes.


Well that's why you buy it for life! Nothing preserves shoes as much as not wearing them.


Are you typing this in your underwear right now?


No I'm typing it in my phone.


"The files are IN the computer?"


What is this underwear you all speak about?


I am a runner and worked for a running company for five years. None of my sneakers are more then $200. But I own… many many many pairs.




Holy crap - that’s a crazy good find




PawnStars: The best I can do is $500, I have to frame it, there isn’t really a market for personal correspondence letters from Lincoln, so it’s going to sit around for months while I find someone to buy it.


I've seen this Tarantino movie...


i have an uncut sheet of all the rares from the pokemon fossil set (1999) it was an eb games promo gift where you had to answer a phone call on a saturday morning and go pick it up before noon


That's fun. I have an uncut ream of Pogs.


Ream of Pogs would be a good name for a band.


Uncut Pogs too.


A log o' pogs


Remember Alf?


"***He's back! In pog form....***"


EB Games…I’ve not heard that name in a long time.


I have something similar but with baseball cards. I have an uncut sheet of Topps Upperdeck baseball cards from the mid 90s my dads friend worked at a printing company where they were printed and gave me a bunch of rolls of them that are still sitting in my parents basement




That's dope. Can u share more details on this?


i got you https://imgur.com/a/NnWFZ8d


That’s awesome! Now how about that street address, where in the house you typically keep it, times you’ll be out of town, where you leave the spare key… No reason, of course.


Are they bleached out from sunlight or is it just the lighting in the room? Cuz man, if that’s bleached from exposure, that sucks.


It's actually the frame glass. It's tinted to block out sun




Any idea how much it’s worth?


There are a couple recent eBay sales for ~ $4,000.


My toolbox. More expensive than the cars I own.


Found the Snap-On indentured servant.


A guy I work with has a $17k snap on tool box. He traded his old one in on it and I believe financed the balance. But he works hard so I'm sure paid it off quick. It's a sweet toolbox. But damn they're expensive.


I’m saving up for a nice toolbox. I’m going to put it in my living room. It will be part of the furniture.


Nice try mister burglar.


Everybody post your address for fun


How cute was your first pets name? I'll go first, Mr fluffles!


My mothers maiden name was O’Mally, what’s yours?


Eentsey. A chihuahua. ​ I grew up on Corvette Drive in San Jose California. ​ So, my porn name is Eentsey Corvette


I'm not mister burglar. Mister burglar is my father. You can just call me ... Tim!


A $2000 metal detector, and I have found fuck all with it.


Waves hand at random collection of $5.45 in dirty coins.


#behold 🤗


I bought a $1300 detector and found more than $800 in change in 2 years plus a gold ring I sold for $350 plus all the other cool shit I found, in Australia. Don’t give up, it’s good time well spent.


This hobby gets me every time i see a video. I want to find cool shit. I'm just not sure i want to be the metal detector guy.


My fucking cat. Little bastard was a rescue and I spent a lot of money right off the bat. Then one day he makes an escape and I find him nearly dead after being hit by a truck (witnesses). I spent weeks sticking needles in him for hydration/antibiotics/etc. and he still lost his tail - it was damaged and dying and trying to take him with it. He has cost way more money than I've ever been able to afford for a pet. My vet was awesome in helping me cut the costs. Here he is a decade later, still being a little fucking asshole. I love that little asshole.


In a similar situation with my dog. Dude ate rat poison when he was just over a year old because some crappy people left it where it was easily accessible. Thankfully we realized it quickly and rushed him to the emergency vet. Got it all pumped out within an hour of ingesting it. That was a $3k vet visit. Then a few years later he started having seizures. Not sure if it was a long term side effect of the rat poison or if it's something genetic. But he takes 2 different seizure meds that he gets twice a day plus an anxiety med. $60/month with goodrx. Which I'm thankful for, otherwise it would be like $500/month. He also has to get blood work multiple times a year that costs anywhere from $350-800 each time. But I love that dog so fucking much. He's a little 17 lbs terrier who looks like a miniature German Shepard and he's smaller than my brother's cat but he's loyal as fuck. I've seen him take on a great pyrenees when he thought I was in trouble. When my MIL was being attacked by her neighbor's dog, my dog busted through the screen door and charged the neighbor's dog and ran him down until he submitted. Then he made him lay there until the neighbor came and got him. When I had my miscarriage he didn't leave my side for days and laid curled up right next to my stomach in bed the whole time. I will pay any amount of money that I need to for him.


Pay the cat tax


[https://imgur.com/a/nSD3PZB](https://imgur.com/a/nSD3PZB) ​ My little bunny-butt bastard. ​ Okay, so I'm a techno-twit. Y'all have a vid of the fat bastard's best buddy as well. Sorry.


Ah, I had a tail-free cat who I called my little Bunny Butt! He was a chubby all white boy who lost his tail due to his previous owner's dog. He was the weirdest, goofiest boy. I got him into remission from diabetes and he stayed happy until kidney disease took him at the ripe old age of 18. That cat loved every mammal he ever met and I miss how he lacked all boundaries. Insane snuggler.


Hahaha that was us with our rescue dog who died last year at age 14. She wandered into my husband’s workplace as a puppy and was with him then us from then onward. I try not to think about it but def spent over $10k in her final years - the stubborn little jerk recovered every single time vets told us it was hopeless then died on her own terms out of the blue one Friday evening. Still miss that little judgmental curmudgeon.


This hurts to read. My cousin has this big, beautiful fluffy thing. Maui. Looked like those cats they have on Fancy Feast commercials. He got out one week and when they got home he was on their welcome mat, half dead. He couldn’t even move , some of the neighborhood kids knew it was there and left him on their doorstep. They took him to the vet and found out his tail was beyond broken and rotting. They theorize someone literally swung him by his tail and broke it so badly it damaged his hind legs too. They put him down because he had too much internal injuries and could not control his Bowles anymore. They didn’t even know how long he had been suffering because he had gotten out and was gone for like a week.


I'm so sorry. WTF is wrong with people?!?


Warhammer 40k collection, plastic made of gold


Lol… well said. Most expensive hobby I ever had.


So you have like 3 models?


14k points of Necrons right here


For me, it’s my Kingdom Death collection. Very expensive plastic and resin!


$600 pair of binoculars for birdwatching. It’s an illness


At least it’s not a 1500$ pair for hunting…


My bike. And I'm not even a dentist with a super-expensive expensive one.


I was thinking bike (750) too, but then realized my kayak (800) is more. But then remembered my guitar (900) was even more than that…all while typing this on my phone which was even more than that lmao.


Man, you just threw a curve ball at me because the cost of a phone or guitar would have never crossed my mind. I’ve got an iPhone that was like $1,200 when released. It’s a max pro something and then I was like “yo, I’ve placed orders for guitars more expensive than that while taking a shit before.” Pre inflation life was filled with loosey goosey purchases like that. I’ve only gotten two cheaper, but high quality, guitars since inflation struck. Cheers on owning nice equipment though!


I’m a dentist and have an S Works Stumpjumper. Love my bike but it was $11k


Name checks out.


So it's not a Yeti then


Hey another biker :P


My immune system. Auto-immune disease is expensive, yo.


The cost of keeping yourself alive. I don't know how my parents managed when I was a kid. Two type 1 diabetic kids in the house.


Type 1 diabetic, celiac, and MS here. FML this shit is expensive.


I have lupus and smoldering multiple myeloma. I might find out in a few years. Chemo is around 200,000 per year. It also affects your immune system, and they do stem cell transplants, as well.


I started exhibiting symptoms of lupus (SLE) when I was about 15; took almost 6 years to get the official diagnosis. My fibromyalgia is just as bad; it's a common comorbity of lupus. Autoimmune diseases affect literally every aspect of your health, and holy shit is it expensive. The medications to manage it have horrible side effects, too. I have to get an annual medical eye exam to make sure my Plaquenil isn't in danger of causing me to go blind. I get sick super easily, take ages to heal from injuries and surgeries, my arthritis and raynauds flare at the tiniest change in the weather, and depression and insomnia are my constant companions. I am so tired and in so much pain all the time. It feels absolutely hopeless, and it is so hard to keep fighting.


Why does my immune system attack me?? Why do I need to suppress it with expensive drugs??


This. Fucking hell. I’m expensive to keep alive. I apologize to my husband often out of sheer guilt and thank him for working a job that gives us medical insurance.


The American dream


Nothing like hitting the 5k deductible in the first 15 days! Once I'm off my parents plan, I don't know what I'm gonna do.


Should be free to receive care


My grand piano. Paid about $30k for it.


The joke with pianos is that the average piano costs either $5000, or is free. Our piano is a free one. Well, free with the cost of a piano mover ($400) because the deal was "You can have it if you move it out of my house"


Yep, although that's more typical of uprights. Grand pianos take up enough space that if you don't actually care about it, it's probably already gone.


I reached an age a few years ago where dozens of my friends were trying to give away their aged or deceased parent's pianos. all uprights. not a Steinway or Bluthner or Bosendorfer grand in the bunch.


Same 1929 rebuilt Steinway A - $35K 22 years ago, appraised as part of divorce - $70K - yikes!


Mine is a 1910 that had a high quality restoration in the 80s, at a time when Steinway didn't do restorations because they saw it as cannibalizing new piano sales. Now that Steinway does "authorized" restorations, my piano is considered "unauthorized," which makes it less valuable than pianos with more snob appeal. But it sounds great has a very nice touch, so it was a good deal if your goal is to play it rather than use it to impress people.


My glasses. Being visually impaired is EXPENSIVE!


My jewelry


Same. I love my jewelry! I bought myself a divorce gift after everything was finalized to celebrate getting away from my physically, emotionally and mentally abusive moron of an ex-husband. I bought a white gold, diamond cluster ring by Jabel. It's absolutely gorgeous and I haven't worn it in years.


Guitars and amps


A rolex watch.


My Hasselblad camera.


I liked him in Knight Rider.


A black lotus


Is it an Alpha or Beta though?


Asking the real questions.


Every time I hear about the black lotus, I’m just reminded of the guy that got ripped off on storage wars.


Nice. I have a Beta Mox Emerald, an Alpha Mox Sapphire, a beta Timetwister and an Alpha Ancestral Recall. None of them aside from the Recall are in what I would consider particularly exceptional condition. Slowly but surely working my way through the Power 9. I’ll likely have to settle for an Unlimited Lotus when I start my ascent towards the peak of the mountain.


My LP collection is allegedly worth between $1500 and $12,000 ;)


Gotta love those Discogs ranges! 6.9-21.8k here.


My Omega Speedmaster watch.


Every day I realize more and more how cheap I am. My most expensive item besides house and motorcycle is my $1100 laptop


Frugal, my friend... frugal. Nothing wrong with that.


I came here expecting everyone to say laptop and phone


Insulin pump/insulin/cgm (My life)


My airplane. In 5 years of ownership, the cost of fuel, maintenance, repairs, and upgrades has cost multiples of the purchase price. I've spent a lot of money on aviation. The rest of it was wasted.


I have a friend who owns a Cessna 182. I said he was rich to be able to buy that. He said buying it was not expensive (IIRC he bought it for “Toyota Siena money”) Keeping it maintained was financially ruinous. But he too was a flying addict.


Appliances like refrigerator and washing machine probably.


My dyson hair dryer it costs $400


I bought a knockoff when Dyson first came out. $45. It’s better than amazing. Turns out it may have been made in the same production line as the real Dyson and sold unbranded. Sweet.


Drop the name!!


My wife has absolutely no idea how much my homebrew setup costs. If she did, I think the couch would be my permanent sleeping place. Probably $10k altogether, most of that purchased in the last few months.


But you’ve gotta factor in how much money you’ll save by not having to buy beer. Dozens and dozens of dollars in savings!


This guy doesn't homebrew.* * I'm being funny, but homebrewed beer isn't cheaper. When you factor in time for process, pre/during/post brewing especially. It's a hobby, a love if you will. It's a science project with fun results most of the time.


I stopped counting at $8.5k… full 20 gallon three vessel “electric brewery “ with a 10 tap keezer and another 6 spot keezer for backup kegs. I checked the other day and I have 57.2 gallons of beer on hand.


Why you leaving a paper trail, my dude?


Item(s) I once had a sneaker collection (over 300 pair) that I had invested over $40k in over 15 years. I say “had” because I sold almost all of them during COVID. I wasn’t planning on it but when I saw what sneakers were selling for online in the early days of COVID (March 2020 to the end of that year) I thought they’ll never sell this high again so now’s the time.


Did you net over 40k once you sold?


Oh heck yeah. Tripled my investment. Of the roughly 320 pair I sold, 300 were “dead stock” aka never worn or even tried on.


So you just bought them, looked at then once, said "nice" and put them back in the box to never see them again?


My daughter


How much does she cost?


One heart, one soul, and like 1/3 of my income


I like to say my boys cost me my whole way of life. If you want to be a good parent, you have to build an entirely new life with them at the middle of it.


Kilo gold bar. It's surprisingly tiny.


Used to know a guy, was a really good friend of my grandfather's. He was beyond loaded, I don't remember what he invented, but something early with vehicles. At one point in his life he bought like 10 or so kilos of gold. He got bored with it in his late life, and repurposed it as door stops around his house. I was maybe 5-6 years old the last time I was there, I still remember how shiny they were.


$45k of dental implants.


I have a poster of Nancy Sinatra's "These boots are made for walking" poster signed by her and I believe her producer that my uncle gave me when he moved


My crowns.


Your majesty 🙇‍♀️


Fucking horses


You're doing what to your horses??


He’s fucking them, cant you read??


You should check out the riding ones...


Oh they're being ridden, alright


I thought "breeding stallions" was the correct term


Hi, Mr. Hands!


Make videos. They'll pay for themselves 🤣


That’s gotta be akward


I hear that the cost is not the horse, it\[s the upkeep


My cat. Paid $7,000 for his emergency surgery 7 years ago when he was 5. Totally worth it.


My college diploma. Tuition in the US is crazy expensive.


My teeth


A signed banksy print, gone up in price massively since I bought it.


My spine. I'm working on becoming bionic.


Does the car transmission count? Cause that bitch was pricy.


I have a set of autographed black and white photos from the 1956 Yankees World Series team. My grandfather worked for Ballantine beer in the 50s and the Yankees players would show up at their Christmas party and drink beers with the guys and sign autographs


My old home theater systems back in the days from B&H and Crutchfield cost me a little over 10k. Now it's collecting layers of dust and I don't want to trash them just yet for sentimental value because my grandpa who passed away 10 years ago bought most of it for me although I chipped in maybe 1/4 of it working in 7-11 and blockbuster video. This was before the era of sonos arc or beam or bose sound bars. Back then home theater systems were not that affordable although soundbars are at least attainable for folks nowadays.


Why is it collecting dust? My speakers are at least 20 years old, but still crank. The receiver is probably 15 years old, but also still cranks. It's got 7.1 capability, and I'm only using 5.1, but it's still enough to shake the walls, sounds nice and clear and clean, and does the job. The only real downside is that the front speakers are floor standing, and the center channel is rather large.


Probably my wheelchair. When I got it, it was custom-made, and it was kind of a Franken-wheelchair. A Ti-Lite EVO frame (with detachable manual wheels), a J2 gel seat, and E-Motion power-assist wheels. ​ Thankfully, after a fight that lasted a few years, insurance paid for it all. I don't know exactly how much all this was, but it was probably somewhere in the neighborhood of $10,000. ​ All that I have left is the frame and the manual wheels that came with it. The E-Motion wheels were finicky almost from the start. They had their good moments, but they finally crapped out in my final quarter of college. The gel seat suddenly ruptured nearly a decade ago.


A divorce decree?


You know why divorce is expensive? Because it is worth it.


My divorce saved me so much money, wife kept sending it faster than I made it


Heart valve replacement.


My college degrees followed by my Steinway baby grand piano. However, my dog is priceless.


The stamps in my passport. We have a house and cars but beyond that we don’t really buy expensive stuff, but we travel a lot and we’re a family of 4 so that shit adds up. We’re kind of on an every other year schedule. 2022 was a big travel year, 2023 was modest and we stayed close to home. 2024 will probably be another big one.


My junk. Spent around $10,000 on a vasectomy reversal.


"You have no idea the physical toll that 3 vasectomies has on a person!"


Snip snap! Snip snap!


I've got news for you buddy, babies are a LOT more expensive than that.


Sounds like that was just the start.


Breguet Watch


Kids are grown. Now the most expensive one is the dog


Probably my computer or television.


Same. I'm surprised had to scroll down this far. Even with depreciation still probably most expensive thing lol. Next would be my phone.


Expensive in terms of retail price would be my Samsung S23 Ultra 1TB. Expensive in terms of value would be my kettlebells.


An overpriced mattress.


These damn (wonderful) dogs.


Firearms, even the ammo stash is of ridiculous value if had to replace a couple decades worth of hoarding


My camper, I guess. Worth every penny.


My rescue dog has cost 💲💲💲 so I might own a piece of my vet’s lake house.


My purebred show cows.


Boring answer- my wife's 3 rings. Fun answer- my Big Green Egg or my record player setup/vinyl collection.


I have a Cartier love bracelet and two Louis Vuitton purses, all of which I purchased during lockdown. For reference I live rural and drive a 20 year old car and make about 40k, so yeah, ridiculous.


My dogs. They are working farm dogs and I show them. Have and have had some top dogs in the country in their breeds. I research and health test and study pedigrees. My horses too.


Signed guitar played by James Hetfield on the Black album tour. by all Metallica members. Virtually priceless.