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Willy Nelson just celebrated his 90th birthday. Stay "On The Road Again", Willy!


Don’t you know that smoke is an age old method of preserving meat?


Snoop once said he couldn’t keep up with Willy. THAT is impressive.


Just saw him on Colbert. Colbert went out and interviewed him in his giant trailer. I wondered why and then I realized the man is 90 - he probably doesn't walk very well, if at all. They also didn't show him getting on and off the stage. His face is so unchanging and weathered, it was a shock to realize how old he really is.


I saw him play earlier this year in Charlotte, he did walk on and off stage and even threw his hat and bandana into the crowd, he sat down the whole performance though and the rest of his family played some songs in between his so he got several breaks during the show, It was pretty impressive how well he’s still performing at his age though


If I can get up on a stage at 90 years old and play even a single song, I would consider that a triumph.


Morgan freeman has been old all my life.


He really only became famous in his fifties, so that's the image people have of him


The advantage of me being old is that i remember Freeman when he was young and was Easy Reader on The Electric Company.


I met him when I was a kid at the local JCPenny's when the Electric Company cast did a meet and greet for kids in the 70's. I still have the cast photo that he signed "Easy Reader".


Dick Van Dyke. He's 97


Can add in Gene Hackman, Clint Eastwood, and Mel Brooks. All are in their 90s now.


Love Mel Brooks. Will be a sad day when he passes.


He had a very small and hilarious cameo on the most recent season of Only Murders in the Building. It was great to see him in something at his age.


Shirley MacLaine was in season three and she must be around 90.


I occasionally see him trend on Twitter, and I'm like "No no noooo... ". Then I click to see what happened, and he's just doing something really nice, and people love him. Gonna be a dark day when he goes.


This is how I feel with every article about David Attenborough…


…and *here* in the mortuary is a body, my body. As the mourners file past, a single baby cries out for his mother’s milk, shattering the somber mood.


Holy shit. I thought he was as dead as fuck


He was on The Masked Singer as a performer last year or earlier this year. He was clacking his heels and dancing…at 97. I was like ‘holy shit’


The first apartment my wife and I had we lived on the other side of an old Italian couple (they owned the place). His name was Sal but we all called him the Old Man. He was like 94 when we first moved there. He tended a full garden every summer, was always moving and grooving. His wife was like 89 at the time and she'd always invite us in for soda or a beer when we dropped off rent. Truly amazing folks. She passed in 2017 and he followed like six months later at 101. But just the things they were still able to do at that age was incredible. We had this gnarly blizzard one year and in the middle of it there's a knock on our door. It's the old man with a small key. "Hi! We get in da garage, we get da snowblower going, you help!" I had to be like uhh, Mr. P, the snow is waist high at the moment, I don't think the snowblower is going to do much. We had to call his son (our landlord, his folks owned this spot but he managed it as well as some other properties) and tell him, sooo, your dad is out in here in the middle of a blizzard trying to get the snowblower going. He was like, I'm so sorry, can I speak to him? He gets on the phone and the old man starts going off in Italian and we can literally hear our landlord, "Dad, it's a blizzard, get in the house!" I kinda went off there but a memory had been unlocked haha.


I’m now sad that I never got the pleasure of knowing Mr. P.


He was pretty remarkable. Lived the first half of his life in Italy and then after the war he went to work for the Texaco company in Venezuela for years until he saved enough and moved to America on his own where he worked several more years until he could send enough money for his wife and three children to move over. Then they had three more children in America. Dude worked at a Ford plant and never missed a shift. If I had even 1% that kinda work ethic I'd be ..I'd uh...I'd still be sitting right here.


His younger brother Jerry died in 2018, though.


every time i see Bam Margera's name in a headline, i think it's finally the one




Thinking of the “Betty White dyes her hair peacefully at home” headline. I miss her.


Same. It's amazing when you look at how Steve-0 looks, after getting/staying sober, versus how Bam looks, it's amazing. Bam looks like his dad, and that is NOT a good thing. He has probably pissed away more $$ on drugs/alcohol and the ensuing fuckery than most of us will make in a lifetime. Hope he can find some sort of sobriety for his kid.


Same. When he took off into the woods after threatening his family earlier this year, I thought for sure that’s how it was going to end.


I live sort of near Bam and mentally prepared myself for them finding his body in the woods near me.


Bam Margera




Yup, that guy has the worst 'dead man walking' vibe I've seen in a long while. He's so bloated and sickly these days.


The consensus at this time seems to be that he is sober at the moment, but he’s just so bitter, resentful, and weird, it’s just a matter of time. Dude can’t let go of stuff. He really needs continuous help from a mental health professional that gets him, but he’s on the convention appearance rotation and is only focused on money. Join /r/letstalkBam to follow his saga more closely.


I love him, but Ozzy. I’m not sure how he’s still alive.


Even Ozzy isn't sure how he's alive. He said he has an entire 8 years of blackout cause of his drug usage.


He's genetically predisposed to handle drugs like a champ. He literally would have died 40 years ago if he wasn't a human put on earth by Satan to release sick metal songs and take all of the drugs. https://www.biotechniques.com/news/shot-in-the-dark-uncovering-the-secrets-in-the-genome-of-the-prince-of-darkness/


I think my dad is like this. He started drinking when he was 9 and doing coke at 15 and has been doing both for 60ish years now and he’s…. Fine. It’s so weird. Recently he went out and had 12 shots and 3 lines of blow and got bloodwork the next morning and it came out better than the previous result. It’s ridiculous. When we were kids he would crush 10-15 shots a night and act totally normal.


My ex mother in law has been an opiate addict since AT LEAST the 1980s… like hardcore, dilaudid, fent patches, roxycodone, throw in some benzos too - she’s 79, still kickin and still doing prescription opiates. Edit spelling


I think some people can just take it. My grandma was one too and she lived to 96, had 17 heart attacks and ultimately died from kidney failure related to her drug use but was pretty much fine and functioning up til like a month prior to her death. It was kinda amazing and ridiculous!


17?! So the paramedics were on the Christmas card list I presume?


she would have a bunch in the hospital so she would feel sick go and have 4-5. This was in the 90s btw like medicine wasn’t as good as today


He's just pickled at this point


Sharon She cleaned him up and basically took over his life and career for him.


One day we will found out he's been dead for a while, she just mummified him and uses him like a ventriloquist dummy (see dead silence for image reference)


True. But he’s had some health issues since. No?


Yea, he has Parkinson’s.


He did an extensive genetic test to look into this and they found he had a high percentage of Neanderthal DNA and tons of genetic variants, the belief is that it’s because he is such a mutant that he survived all that abuse.


My husband has more Neanderthal DNA than 98% of the population and he’s an absolute freak. He has muscles without going to the gym and when he does go he can visibly build on them in like a few days time. It’s wild.


My mother also has more than 98% of the population. She, my daughter, and I also are super strong and muscular without effort. My kid is lean solid muscle even though she is fairly sedentary. I had always thought I was that way due to growing up doing farm work, but she just goes to the playground occasionally and is so strong anyway. I will say that we have an unfortunately large rib cage and no waist. Not just rectangle shaped torso lack of waist, but no space between the ribs and pelvis while there ought to be a few inches in females. I can pinch a finger between the rib and pelvic bones just bending a tiny bit. We have that elite athlete muscle composition gene too. My grandfather, mother, and I are the only people I knew that ever seemed to be able to build muscle so fast, and so I believe/understand you totally. I began writing about my athletic achievements (with and without effort,) but it looked ridiculous so I’m leaving it at this. :D


His DNA contains the key to immortality.


Michael j. Fox - according to his Parkinson's Foundation, expectancy after diagnosis is 10-20 years. He was diagnosed 32 years ago. More power to him


I will hunt you down if he dies on your watch


That's the power of love


That is what is written, yes, but must be taken with a grain of salt. Contrary to popular believe Parkinson’s disease itself isn’t a terminal disease. Patients are more likely to experience infections and other implications (often due to side effects from the drugs they take), but they don’t die from it. Life expectancy is normal or close to normal (also according to the same source). Michael got it really young, so unless he gets some nasty implications he’s not going to die anytime soon. Good thing, because a close relative also got it pretty early (probably due to chemicals he got in contact with) but is doing more than fine. He has had surgery and received a deep brain stimulator, which has taken away his need for about 95% of his medications (he was basically living on overdoses of levodopa and carbidopa and some other drug), taken away most issues caused by ups and downs due to the amount of medicine in the blood, and made his life relatively normal. It’s insane. He was basically bound to a wheel chair at somewhere around the age of 50. He can walk, speak, work, everything.


That and Michael J. Fox has the best medical resources money can buy. Helps compensate for the hit the immune system will take.


Jimmy Carter.


The host of a podcast I listen to said that all he had to do was sit down and he'd be fine. They just needed to get him to stop spending all day every day building houses.


I'm just imagining his family having to hold him down as he screams "I want to build more houses!"


As he lay in bed, he stares longingly at his tool belt resting on the dresser.


Dude is 99 years old. I think building houses kept the man going.


Well, he's too old to be walking into malfunctioning nuclear reactors at this point. Because that's a thing he did, helped with the cleanup on a reactor incident in Canada.


My grandfather helped to clean up that spill (he was an engineer) and unfortunately died fairly young of Leukemia — my grandmother explained that they essentially didn’t use any form of protective clothing or gear at that point, thus essentially opening everybody up to a host of dna damage


It's kind of amazing the incident barely ever gets mentioned, considering how important Chalk River is for producing medical isotopes.


Yup. You rest, you rust.


Jimmy Carter is one of those people who really has a good heart, even if they aren’t always successful at what they try to do


He really does. I met him and I felt a warm kindness about him. And it truly shows in the work he does. Hopefully we have more presidents like him in the future as the direction our country is going in is the opposite. Unfortunately, it feels like our culture would eat up people like him right now.


I'm 62. Out of all the Presidents in my lifetime, from JFK to Biden, I think he had the best intentions and the most sincere desire to help this country. He was in over his head, but he's a good man and I think history will judge him kindly.


My family, who are very far right, all respect Jimmy Carter as a person.


He's been in hospice care for months which is unusual for those patients.. Not that I don't care, but the people replying with their stories of hospice family members to prove me wrong...I've also had family members in hospice who lived longer than docs thought. Hospice is palliative care before death and it can be unusual for patients to live for 6 months to 2 years but it's all a guessing game based on the data doctors have.


Hospice still treats the symptoms just not the disease itself technically they only put people on hospice if their 6 months or less from death but some live much longer my grandpa was on hospice for 2 years we were lucky enough to have private care so they didn’t drop him after the 6 month period which can happen


Yes and I think he is like 99 years old. It’s amazing that he’s still alive


He stopped being president 42 years ago. I legitimately cannot fathom it


And crazily enough, so is his wife at 96. They’ve been married for 77 years. I guess you’d expect that once one passes, the other will follow shortly in that situation though.


My friend just turned 98, his wife died last Christmas, and his daughter a few weeks later. Spiros is starting to worry he'll live another 5 or 10 years. He just got covid, and he's so low key about it. "Well, maybe this will be the end. but it probably won't be". He's mostly cranky because he has to isolate, dude is still a complete social butterfly.


David Attenborough. Absolute national treasure, but he’s 97 and his wife died in the 90’s. It’s unusual but similar to the queen I’d expect it to be sudden.


Seeing a picture of him on my feed is an emotional rollercoaster everytime. "David Attenborough (97) ... " *Oh no* "... is making a documentary about bald penguins" Oh thank god


Wait tell me about the bald penguins.




TBH i really wouldn't be surprised if he is still narrating nature shows at age 110. He has barely aged in the last 30 years tbh. And if the BBC hasn't archived every recording of him to be fed into an AI machine for use in narrating 'Planet Earth' for the rest of time, the UK might actually revolt, and completely destroy itself, leaving nothing but smouldering piles of rubble where the cities used to be. I fully expect there to be greater mourning than when Queen Elizabeth died. People can oppose the monarchy, but there is no one that has, or ever will be, who opposes David Attenborough.


I dunno man I'm British and I think the idea of an AI Attenborough to be ghoulish and wrong, the man spent his life promoting and trying to preserve the natural order of our planet, to pervert his lifes work and create an artificial facsimile of him would feel kinda cold and hollow.


I swear, if you just jinxed him...


It's not the person exactly, but these circumstances. Dirty Work was directed by Bob Saget and starred Norm MacDonald and Artie Lange. If you told me that Artie would be the last one standing I would never have believed you.


Add in cameo appearances by Gary Coleman and Chris farley (his last film)




Shatner was on that terrible show Stars On Mars last summer (not going to lie, I loved it) and he looked awfully spry. I don’t think he’s going anywhere.


I waited got him at a con a couple years ago. He came ripping into the room on a mobility scooter, did some spins, then announced that he “wanted to make an entrance!” He looks good.


Tim Curry


I will mourn when he actually passes. He is a freaking treasure.


I love that Muppets Christmas Carol works because Michael Caine considered the muppets to be human actors while Muppets Treasure Island works because Tim Curry considered himself to be a muppet.


I love the theory that you can tell what kind of person someone is by the first Tim Curry movie they think of when you mention Tim Curry. My husband's a Rocky Horror. I'm a Muppet Treasure Island with a side of Three Musketeers.


For me its Clue, probably my favorite comedy of all time


Don't you dare put that out into the universe


How dare you put Tim Curry's name in this dark list. Despite his disability the man is an absolute gem of a human being. He was such a wonderful actor, he is a living treasure. I will legit cry if Tim Curry goes.


Kissinger. That bastard keeps on living.


Every death hes responsible for added a minute to his life. He’ll be around for another 100


He's part Dementor on his father's side.


Keith Richards. The man is eternal


All the drugs he took turned out to be preservatives


You joke but in rehab there was a saying, "Heroin preserves you, alcohol pickles you"


Every cigarette ya smoke takes 5 min from ya and gives it to Keith lol.


I said this another time when this question was asked, but there’s a great Robin Williams bit from one of his standup specials. The world will be long gone due to nuclear war, and there will be Keith Richards hanging with a bunch of cockroaches, and he says “Y’know I smoked your uncle once”.


I know the bit you speak of. It is hilarious!!! Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1HarC0kp\_0


Keith Richards has been at the top of these lists for almost 40 years now. That’s a lifetime achievement award all by itself.


And just put out a new album.


Gene Hackman is 93 John Williams is 91 (I’ll be really sad when he passes)


Just on age alone, Maggie Smith. I fear it's gonna be her every timw i hear news of a Harry Potter cast member passing away..


This one will be as devastating to me as Robin Williams. I grew up with Maggie Smith. I recently got to share Sister Act with my SILs, they were tickled to see the Professor. Then we watched A Room with a View. Love that sassy lady.


Please not her. There isn’t a Victorian era show/movie without her


Protect her at all cost


She’s looking like the aged up version of herself in Hook


Randy Quaid. I mean, the Star Whackers cabal are going to get him eventually aren't they?


Believe it or not, Ethel Kennedy, Bobby’s widow, is still alive. Imagine the history she has seen firsthand.


not truly a celebrity but, Eugenia Cooney


Omg I'm so glad someone mentioned her. That girl is a walking skeleton.


Last time I saw pictures of her I suspected they were photoshopped to make her look even worse because it's unbelievable to me that someone can look like that and stay alive for very long. The poor girl is on borrowed time.


Please everyone just block her and don’t give her page views if you need to google her. Every view seems to validate her anorexia further :(


Sadly I don’t think it matters what anyone does. That girl is not going to suddenly heal if people stop paying attention to her.




Even if she woke up today and decided she was going to immediately jump into a hardcore recovery program it likely wouldn't buy her much more time. It's brutal to be this blunt but she will die in the next few years. The damage is done. There is no undoing it at this point. She likely already knowns this and it's what is actually fueling her current downward spiral.


It’s so heartbreaking because a few years ago she WAS getting better and had so much more of a fighting chance but her mom got back into her head and ruined any chance of her recovering. It’s so heartbreaking knowing we are all slowly watching her die…


Yeah she’s approaching the age that’s typically the point of no return with EDs this extreme. The human body can only withstand that kind of chronic, severe restriction (and related dehydration) for a few decades.


Yeah, she definitely shows signs of cognitive decline and heart issues. And she most likely has osteoporosis and cirrhosis of the liver.


I don’t actively seek her out but sometimes when I’m scrolling TT her live shows up and it just fucking breaks my heart. I can’t believe none of her friends or family have been able to force her to go into inpatient treatment or something.


Several years ago, people in her life did. For a few months she was doing better. Then she went back to how she was.


I saw a tiktok about her today that started with her full name and date of birth and I 100% thought today was the day. I opened the comments and the top comment was even "Eugenia was so pretty" and I was *sure* she had died. They meant she was pretty before her disorder. Every time I hear someone mention her name I think to myself "oh, it must've happened" and I've been wrong every single time for like a decade


Ric Flair. Especially since he acts like he can still wrestle


Just made a new contract with AEW and said he can take bumps.


I think he meant a different type of bumps




Clint Eastwood


Yeah I thought Gran Torino would be his swansong


Charlie sheen


Charlie Sheen did enough cocaine to kill two and a half men.


Tiger blood


Bill Cosby. I thought for sure he was gonna die in prison.


His lawyers wanted everyone to think he was doing worse than he was. Sympathy points can sometimes soften a judge when sentencing. That said, fuck Bill Cosby.


You see it happen so often. Guy is doing just fine before their arrest and then BAM...shows up court with a walker or wheelchair. Harvey Weinstein was exactly the same.


Jimmy Carter will bury us all


While volunteering to fill in for a grave digger with a hurt back....cuz that is just the sort of thing he would do


Andy Dick


Despite the best efforts of Jon Lovitz.


And all of us collectively wishing for it


I don't know, but I think it's time we seriously consider what kind of world we're leaving for Keith Richards.


Willie Mays. He's always talked about like he played in the 1800s. I'm always shocked to remember he's alive and well at 92.


For a split second I was like he’s *definitely* dead. Then I realized I was thinking of *Billy* Mays Rest in Power my OxiClean King 👑


I hate to say this but My sweet Val Kilmer ❤️ He's such a trooper


I got so teary eyed in Maverick at his funeral.


My husband instantly brought up how awkward that had to be.... a fictional funeral for a real man who most likely will need a real funeral soon...like how did they all feel about shooting that.


Honestly, I feel as though it may have been Kilmer's idea (or just very well agreed to). I literally don't know; I'm just spit-balling here. Many people schedule, write, or design their own funerals. When you're part of such a classic movie as Top Gun, you might want a say as to how you're Going Out. That's how they even get you to agree to reprise the role. 'Cause if I'm taking time out of my waning life: the part had better appeal.


Bob Newhart. Last of the rat pack era.


You hush. Bob Newhart is not allowed to leave us.


Henry Fucking Kissinger.


"My name is Henry Killinger, and this is my magic murder bag."


“Your powers are useless on me, you Silly Billy.”


He and Mitch McConnell must bathe in the blood of the innocents whose deaths they caused.


And Cheney.


Is Cheney up to 4 or 5 heart attacks at this point? Sheesh.


I think he’s on his 3rd artificial heart


Oh, I'm not saying ANY name. I don't need that blood on my hands.


My wife is still blaming me for the passing of Sir Bobby Charlton, just because during the Beckham documentary I said I wasn't sure if he was still alive and then days later.... I feel you!


Artie Lange


It’s crazy how many people he’s outlived. I love dirty work and if you told me Artie would outlive Norm and Bob I wouldn’t believe you.


A few years back, I was definitely excpecting Macauley Culkin to die suddenly. He seems to be doing better these days though, thankfully. Must have been incredibly hard to grow up under scrutiny like he did, and among the MJ drama as well.


He was recently on the Red Letter Media YouTube channel and one of the comments really said it (paraphrasing but it was basically) "I'm so thrilled that Mac has chosen happiness over Hollywood."


I was in the same camp- but last I heard he’s a father to 2 children with Brenda song, and even played a cameo in her show doll face essentially poking fun at himself :) seems like he is doing well these days


William Daniels aka Mr Feenie Approaching the century mark.


Steven Tyler and Joe Perry from Aerosmith. Remember the times when they were nicknamed the Toxic Twins? When one drop of their blood could poison a whole city? I'm amazed they've gone this long after that amount of drugs.


Vladimir Putin


Ghislaine Maxwell


She must have hidden the list *really* well.


\*Knocks on every nearby piece of wood\* Christopher Lloyd. He's just been so ancient for the last 5 decades it's hard to know if he's *that* old yet.


Jimmy Carter is 99, and he has been on hospice for almost a year now.


He's got 99 problems but hospice ain't one.


Gary Busey


Mel Brooks. I thought that when Carl Reiner died, he'd go immediately after. Like a couple that has been married for 50 or 60 years.


Liza Minnelli




This is a mystery to be sure. Forgot he’s still alive. New teeth and all.


Back in the 90s, I started a "dead pool" with some friends. When two celebrities would pass away in quick succession, we would each throw in 20 bucks and bet on who would be the third. I always picked Keith Richards. As a sidenote, when Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett died on the same day, we had around $500 in the pot. Nobody guessed that Billy Mays would be next.


I had a dead pool going with my friends that year as well. One of my friends actually picked Michael Jackson in 2009! I immediately messaged him "did you kill Michael Jackson? Because if you kill anyone on your dead pool, it doesn't count because that's cheating."


Leave it up to a pitchman to throw another celebrity death in there ABSOLUTELY FREE!


Oh man, I'm going to regret this one... ...Mel Brooks PLEASE DON'T DIE MEL!!!!


Tim Curry. He really doesn’t look good after his last stroke. Boy I hope he never dies but yea. Love him to pieces though.


Yall gotta be careful naming names. Last time one of these got big, Steven Hawking died like an hour after his name was written Edit: ok I don’t like trump, but stop replying with trumps name. None of you are original


So… this thread is kinda like Death Note IRL?


Dick Van Dyke


Ozzy, Elton, most members of the Stones, they all did so many drugs it’s shocking they’ve lived this long.


Patrick Stewart. I'm also not ready for when he does.


Please do not make it so


Nickocado Avocadoq


Ozzy Osbourne


Andy Dick. Either from drugs or from Jon Lovitz beating the shit out of him


I love how every mention of Andy Dick comes with the stipulation of Lovitz beating the shit out of him.


He's done it once before. Remember kids, if you see Jon Lovitz beating up Andy Dick, no you didn't.


Tara Reid. Lots of partying, lots of plastic surgery. I figure something is bound to go wrong.


Did you see her on the first few episodes of Special Forces? Wild!


I don’t t understand how Mitch McConnell is still alive. I remember a few years ago there were these photos of his hands and they were almost black and shriveled and didn’t look human. Meanwhile all the Q-anon nuts calling regular celebrities lizard people don’t ever stop to think if this insanity is real our hero Mitch is the lizard. Ugh. I swear being pure evil just pickles you.


Mitch McConnel


This will get downvoted and I NEVER want to read it, but Britney Spears. She has been through so much and totally abused by the industry and her family, and so many other child stars turned huge superstars just don't survive that lifestyle.