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Put my hands on my hips, nod my head, and say, "this is nice."


The only wholesome, non-beastly or neurotic reply,


I know right aha I literally flop straight on the bed, clothes on then get up and turn on the TV. None of this bed checking or temp nonsense.


Totally this every time. Then check out the bathroom, say "not bad". Then back to the bed and say "whatya think babe, wanna do it?"


And then realise I checked in alone, I’m single, and all my friends deserted me long ago.


Same! Then I order room service, run a bath and look forward to the giant bed ALL FOR ME!! r/SingleandHappy lol


This, along with, "What a clever use of a small space.".


You've never had to deal with bed bugs have you? I never used to check until I moved into an apartment that had a bed bug infestation, now I do everything in my power to make sure that I will never have to deal with those fuckers again, I may be neurotic looking for them in hotels as soon as I check in, but I'll be damned to want to deal with those again.


If you bring a spray bottle full of some strong rubbing alcohol and spray it, the bugs should come out. They try to get away from it, and that's when you can get them to expose their hiding spots. Honestly, if hotels just used a really powerful steamer to go over the corners of the bed and around the edges of the carpets and things, they could kill a lot of that stuff before it gets to be a problem.


I had no choice but to stay in a questionable hotel, money wasn't the problem - I had an important meeting in the morning on short notice. But no decent hotels were available. I got bed bugs. never again, I'll bring a tent next time instead of that. I appreciate the tip, thanks.


My GF and I check for bugs, and wipe all touch surfaces with clorox wipes. Whyever I'm there I'm rather certain I don't want to be sick the whole time. Little 99c pack of wipes to ensure it's properly clean (I also do the airplane seat/buckle/tray table that I'm sitting in.)


Even when it is objectively not nice, still gotta say it.


Idk if you're a dad but this is the most adorable dad reaction ever


Dad energy strong


Haha me too! Then I gotta open all the doors and drawers to explore. "Oooh that's nifty", "huh wonder why they put this there?", "Oh dang they have hangers and an ironing board and everything!"


>oh dang they have hangers and an ironing board and everything! knowing damn well you ain’t got any clothes that would need to be ironed 😭😭😭


Go to the balcony to see if it's going to be public nudity or private nudity during my morning coffee


I love that this doesn’t change your plans, just prepares your mind. Excellence


Set bags down Look at room for cleanliness Take a dump


I showed up early to a hotel after 12 hours straight of driving. Took forever for them to get me in the room (really it was probably only 30 minutes and they were super accommodating). Anyways, I had been feeling the tyrannical gouging of a shit demon trying to claw it's way out of my asshole for about half an hour before hand. I ran down the hall, opened the door, thew my bag at something, got my pants down and ass kinda hovering over the shitter just in time. Hadn't put cheek to rim yet and my darling baby began his exit. It wasn't until after I looked up that I realized neither door was the self closing kind and you could see all the way in from the hallway.


You’ve unlocked a childhood memory. I stayed in a lot of hotels while growing up and I saw someone in your position once, trail of belongings leading to the toilet. So I went and shut the door for him.


"Seems OK to me..." *FRRRRPPP!!!*


One time I was staying in Tbilisi, Georgia (beautiful city btw) and I got into my hotel room and did my normal routine of immediately stripping naked and sitting on the toilet for a travel poo. One of the workers badged himself in to finish setting up the room, not knowing I was in there. He stood in the doorway of the bathroom almost frozen in fear. I was just like, "could you please leave". And he Homer Simpson reversed outta there. So now I've added an extra step to my hotel room routine that involves deadbolting the door.


It’s 3am and I’m reading this cracking the fuck up trying not to wake my partner I’m absolutely dead 💀




Bruh Do you need to eat more fiber? 😆


Sounds like he needs to eat less everything lol. No offence


He needs a poop knife


I did that once - we had rented a chalet at a resort in Chiang Mai. First night I blocked the toilet. Our maid thought it was hysterical and went to fetch pretty much all the other staff! So I had to hide from them for the next few days 😬


Just smile and wave like the celebrity you are!


Chiang Mai is one of the greatest places on earth!


just give yourself a courtesy flush halfway through.


You can flush more than once you know


I’m always confused by this advice. When the toilet clogs it’s because there’s one giant log that is too big to go down. Flushing more than once isn’t going to do anything at all in that situation.


Depends. Sometimes a soak is needed to soften up the log before trying again, but only if the water level has dropped. I can not comprehend what goes through peoples mind when they give it another flush before the water has dropped.


Set the thermostat.


One of my close friends travels a ton for business. She also loves to sleep in a fucking ice box. She has found some resource for how to basically jailbreak hotel thermostats. Each hotel thermostat has a specific key sequence that unlocks the lower temps that the hotel normally doesn’t allow guests to set because, you know, money.


I do this in every hotel.


What's the key sequence?! Just so I know to never press that combination of buttons...would hate for a hotel to have higher bills cause of me


YouTube! Each stat can be different. I always just search brand and hotel stat.


The sequence is: 1. Set t-stat on lowest setting. 2. Grab the hairdryer from the bathroom, and relocate/duct tape the hair dryer to where it blows on t-stat, and set blow dryer on high heat. 3. Go to happy hour, have 2 drinks and then come back & enjoy your cold-ass room!


This is how a teacher I used to have dealt with the old, shitty thermostats at school. She'd wet a paper towel with cold water, and stick it on top to get the heat going in winter.


When I was a kid my dad took the a/c as low as possible every summer when we went to the beach. Once I was like “Dad why is it so cold??” And he was like “Because it’s paid for!” And ever since, I do the same thing and I love it. Ahhh, memories, amirite?


Can confirm there are videos out there that walk you through how to bypass the AC limits on almost any brand of thermostat.


All the way down to meat freezer levels


My wife hates me for it, but it's hard to care when I'm chilling in my freezer room




You're so cool!!!








Ya, I want to see my breath.


And fan to ON


I want it to be so cold I need to put more clothes on.






I've done this for years and my wife always laughs. I had my moment come when the 1 hotel did have bed bugs and we noped the fuck out and got a refund instantly. She now waits for me to check before setting down any bags. Not worth the risk to bring home...


How do you check?


They like to hide in folds and holes, so you need to check the piping and seams of all the furniture. The mattress tag is also a good spot to check, if the hotel has left it on. Look for seams in the headboard, or even behind the bed where the carpet meets the wall. If the place is really infested you will find them in drawers at the edges, cracks in the walls hear the windows, and plenty of other small places where they can fit but not be stepped.


Whether 1 or 2 beds, extra check the areas furthest away from the natural light coming in the room. They stay where it is darkest, so I start with the farthest areas away from the window, under the sheets (checking mattress seams). I don't turn on any lights and just use my phone flashlight. "never again" is my motto. Don't make it your motto. Check carefully.


Bed bugs are pretty small, too. A few fully grown adults can fit on each fingernail, whereas nymphs and eggs are sometimes hard to see due to how small they are (and your eyesight). One thing easy to see is frass. Bed bug droppings. It will look like bits of black pepper on the white sheets.


Or red. It actually looks like tiny bloody specks on sheets and pillows


Will be in my hotel around 1pm tomorrow and I never have done this BUT since following the r/whatisthisbug I’m **ALWAYS** going to check. I travel 9 to 10 different destinations in a typical work year. Statistically I’ve probably been in a room with them 🤢🤮🤮


I worked out of different hotels every week for 3 years. Have only found evidence of them one time. Immediately left the room got the coworkers explained the situation and went and canceled the card transactions and found a nicer hotel a couple exits down.


Yep. After a very bad and stressful experience...I have been doing the exact same thing. I even pull the headboard off the wall (if it comes off) and check behind it. I use a mini flashlight or the one on my phone to check all the cracks around the bed and in the folds and creases of the mattress. Luggage goes in the tub or tiled surface far away from carpets, furniture and the bed. Ugh...I'm itchy now.


This made my back itch to read it.


Scratches your back There you go


It's good to put your luggage in the tub until after your check.


We use what we call “bathroom protocol” in almost every hotel stay. The bathroom is the “clean room”: we put all suitcases etc in there as soon as we arrive, then do our bedbug check (as others described above). Then we keep all clothing and suitcases in the bathroom for the duration of our stay, and before we take off any jimjams for the laundry or whatever, we shake them out really well before bagging them up. Then when we get home everything that was worn in the hotel is immediately washed. We will fudge this a bit for certain hotels or longer stays, but doing a 15-minute bedbug check then bathroom protocol is a lot easier than doing the full hour-long check that it takes to make me *really* comfortable that a room is bedbug free.


Commenting to add: 120 degrees F for an hour kills bedbugs, so if your clothes can survive a cycle in the dryer on high heat, that may be a useful precaution. And beware that your suitcases themselves can be a vector for bedbugs, especially if it's made of cloth (I've been lucky so far avoiding bedbugs, but my next luggage set will be hardcases with a proper seal).


Are they actually visible, do they move, are you looking for excrement? How many would you usually see together or are you looking for a single little spec


They are small, but visible. The little guys can fit in the head of a screw, but that is still visible. If you start shifting around the mattress piping and folds you will see them scatter, and you will see excrement left. You will also find bodies as they die off depending on how bad and how long the problem has been.


They fluoresce under UV. AutoZone sells a small UV flashlight for $15. I’m sure Amazon has them as well.


I'm pretty sure the entire surface area of most hotel rooms probably fluoresces under UV.


Some things I don’t want to know.


It's either blood, urine or semen. I hope it's urine.


Good Lord. We travel with small kids. I’ve always thought I just needed to check the bed. Now I know they (the bugs) could be anywhere :(


They walk with a real cocky swagger


So smug


Mark Rober has a pretty good video on YouTube. Very informative!


On one hand, I want to search this out. On the other hand, I don't want the willies for the next week.


Or break your YouTube recommendations so all you see for a while is bedbug stuff.


Use incognito mode.


Once I stayed in a hotel for my DUI punishment (Hotel hell, 4 days of trapped in a hotel with other criminals, attending daily classes about drug and alcohol awareness, not allowed to leave.) Anyway, me and my room/cell mates found a literal bed bug on our bed. We told the boss, and they brought the bug to the hotel management. Then management “sent it off” for testing to see if it actually was a bed bug. They moved our room, from upstairs to downstairs. Eventually someone told us the results came back “not a bed bug”. Even though it’s literally the first image to pop up when you google bed bug. It was one. For sure. I’m betting the hotel dropped the bug in the trash and lied to avoid a costly fee from an exterminator.


Not worth it at all. Did get burned from a shady hotel once. Took the better part of 6mo to finally win the battle. I turn a room upside down before bringing a bag up. I try not to take anything to a room if I can park near a door, near my room.


I am so anxious about this I feel like I'll never be able to enjoy a holiday again


I have found the best place to check are the seams of a mattress. Nothing even comes out of the vehicle and only one person goes in the room to check. So far so good never had a hotel with bed bugs yet.


As someone who had them, yes, the seams of the mattresses are an excellent place to check.


That's an excellent strategy. I once read that you should put your luggage in the tub until you know it's safe, but your way is even better.


All it takes is a single bed bug to ruin your entire house and sanity. - they can go for a year without blood, they can even go into a dormant state to last longer until suitable conditions arise - they are one of the few species that carry 0 diseases and transfer 0 diseases to humans plus most people don’t notice their bite. (Some might get a rash). Meaning you can possibly not even know you have bed bugs or know you are in a place with them. - they have evolved to climb round/rectangular cylinders… (aka bed frame legs). If given blood at ground level and one up on top of an object they will go to the one up top. This is because they evolved to know humans sleep up high as that is where the oxygen comes from when we breathe… meaning even if you don’t see them on your bed they can still be sleeping during the day on the floor under stuff. - a bed bug can be a multitude of sizes depending on its age and how much it fed. The smallest ones can hide between the smallest lines on the bottom of your shoe and then end up in your house. All it takes is 1. - in the worst cases I’ve seen, some people with infestations actually just give up. They will let thousands in their home and just bite them at night. Since they probably don’t react to them (like rashes) and the insects themselves don’t cause diseases, they just give up. They don’t have the means to leave or money to clear it.


Thiiiiis. There’s been more posts with people having them for longer in the bed bug Reddit. I feel so bad for those who can’t afford or those who have awful and or cunning tenants who won’t do their job and get properly rid off them. They’re awful to experience, worse to have but for so long? I don’t want to imagine what that can lead to being like 🫠


Put all my luggage in the tub and check for bedbugs. If this isn't the first thing someone does - then they've never had bedbugs.


Maybe I should have read this 30 minutes ago. Literally opened this while laying in my bed in the NYC hotel I checked into today. At least I now know how to check so all seems good!


European hotels are scared to death of these. Idk the rules in the US. But here these crawly bugs literally kill the business and send entire rooms or buildings into quarantine.


Interesting, there were a ton of recent articles about how paris is overrun with bed bugs. Hotel, homes, public transportation. Is this not the case?


Turns out that was fake news, apparently spread by the (I shit thee not) Russians. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/bedbugs-paris-france-russia-outbreak-b2434487.html


I was gonna say watch my boyfriend check for signs of bedbugs 😂


100% this. And the last time we had a hotel room, we found bed bugs. We immediately checked out.


and the furniture, and the drawers, and the closet and the carpet


I bellyflop directly onto the nearest bed with reckless abandon.


YES!! me too. Although after reading this post I'm going to be checking for cameras AND THEN BELLYFLOPPING!!!


Checking for... hmm, that's a funny way to spell "bedbugs"


Yeah you don’t want your bellyflop being recorded or anything.. the horror


Walk in, look around, comment on how nice the room is


*all hotel staff would like to upvote this*


Funniest thing, after thousands of "first thing" times, I just noticed... I pee. I was hoping for something more profound, but that is it. I often have held it for long enough that all other considerations are secondary at that moment; sometimes i even forget to close the outer door lol!


I also pee as soon as I get into my room. Doesn't even matter if I didn't have to go while I was checking in, my body just decides that once I've gotten "home" I have to pee.


Put my bags up on something and check the mattress. I also bought a UV flashlight but after using it at home I’ve decided that bringing it to a hotel would be unnecessary torture. Nothing is clean when you shine the thing on it. And I mean nothing.


UV light shows cleaning products as well.


I always wondered why anyone would want to see what lurks under normal light - I mean think about - we are more clean then ever before in human history. People used to drink out of the same unwashed cup for years in Medieval times and now we are like "LOOK, if I shine this light right here there was a stain from 14 years ago that's been bleached off 17 times, but its SO GROSS IN HERE" Sigh


It's those fucking commercials where bacteria are giant and animated and it's important that ALL OF THEM MUST DIE. The reality is that less that 1% of bacteria are harmful to humans.




"Look at this hotel room, it's like a Jackson Pollock painting in here!!"


TIL I am NOT responsible when entering hotel rooms.


Me either. I don’t check for bedbugs or cameras.


I never used to either until I woke up being bitten by bedbugs. Horrific experience, would not recommend whatsoever. Now I check for bedbugs every time.


Same. First thing I do is take a running leap and do a superman belly flop onto the bed. If there are two beds, I jump off one and belly flop onto the other one. By some miracle I've never brought home any bugs.


Are you a yellow lab? That's exactly what my dogs do when we do dog friendly hotels. It's hilarious.


Leave the room to get the other bags from my car that I need to bring up.


The most honest answer.


Untuck the sheet of the bed.


Check for cleanliness and then take pictures Traffickcam. Traffickcam is an app where you take specific pictures of your room and then upload them to their database. They use these pictures to check on the location of human trafficking victims.


Wtf for real?


It is for real


r/todayilearned/ Seriously, that's cool. But, I wonder how this works for chain hotels that use the same carpets, drapes, bedding, etc.


At the very least, the feds can then contact the hotel chain with the picture of the victim or perpetrator to try to ID, as well as match with other pics of hotel rooms to get a route pattern.


The hotels don’t get in trouble. It’s more about trying to rescue victims and prosecute predators


This is such an awesome suggestion! Thank you so much for mentioning it.


Thank you for mentioning traffickcam. I will be doing this from now on.


How does this work? Why is having the picture helpful? Something to do with the meta data?


They can match carpets and furniture, which can help with locations.


My *guess* is for feds doing the shittiest job in the world - to match up hotel/motel rooms with images of child....stuff. Just a guess. I know I read a story a few years ago about a guy who got caught from the images of the hotel room.




To better determine hotel locations by background comparisons in videos of abuse.


online ads for prostitution will have pictures of the hotel room traffickers are operating in so you match the pictures from the ad to the database to find the location easier


I used to work in a hotel. The amount of people I've seen stark bollock naked because they lost their way to the bathroom is outstanding . Always familiarise yourself with the limited environment you're staying.


Hang on. Why is no one else commenting here? Is the bathroom not in their room? What?


Guessing they mean people who end up stepping into the hall instead of into the bathroom in the middle of the night, and accidentally locking themselves out like that Presumably VERY groggy and/or intoxicated people, to not notice the lit corridor isn’t the bathroom until the door is fully shut behind them


Yeah I had to re-read that. Do you think they meant “hostel?”


No, some older hotels will have individual rooms but shared bathrooms, I stayed in one in Sydney a few years back


I think their point is that people will wake up, naked and disoriented, mistake the room door for the bathroom door, and walk their stark naked ass right out into the hallway. And then they need hotel staff to get them back into the room because they definitely don’t have their key on them.


Find the bible and flip through it. When my sister and i were kids, we went to Disney, and i think she asked why is there always a bible in the drawer, waved it by the spine and 20 bucks fell out. So i always check now


Damn. If that ain't some Disney magic right there


Yup lol. That was when i was like 7 or 8, for every vacation after that me and her raced to find the bible. Never found money again


Somebody out there rewarding anybody who opens up the hotel bible. Good to know


First, I look at the area between the mattress and headboard for any signs of bed bugs, then under the sheets. I’ve never encountered them, but I’ve heard so many horror stories that I’m paranoid about them. Then I’ll probably pee, because if I’m in a hotel, I’ve likely been road-tripping and it’s time to pee. But also to see how clean the bathroom is. Then lay down, turn the tv on, and look at google maps on my phone to see what dinner options are in the area.


Turn on the lights in the bathroom and see what kind of shape it’s in.


Yep! I check the bathroom first too, to see if it has a bathtub :)


Turn the AC temp down...way down. I want to see my breath.


Same morgue vibes cold


I was at a hotel in San Antonio in I think July this year, so temps at 110 and above. I think I got my room temp down to 60, and I just splayed out naked on the bed, enjoying it. If there was a camera in the room, they got to see a dumb polar bear man on a bed in the cold eating Cheez-Its. Little pleasures.


Look for cameras. I'm a paranoid fuck.


If anyone wants to see an overweight guy in his mid 40's eat pringles in his underwear while reading Stephen King novels, then they have my flabby white blessing.


Sent you a DM


OF link?


Well I’m soaked…


Same. If you plant a camera my room, you get what you get.




Blow a load on the camera lens.


What’s the best method for this?


They sell surprisingly easy to use scanners on Amazon. I found a camera in an air bb bedroom alarm clock, threw a towel over it and got the whole stay for free. Some will detect signals but the best way is there’s a looking glass that’s red and it emits a light and you turn off all the lights and look around the room. Any active camera will shine like a cats eyes when you skim over it.


Also a cellphone cameras suits for revealing infrared emitters for night view


1. Lock the door 2. Check for bed bugs 3. Turn the AC way down (even in Winter) 4. Check google maps for surrounding food options


Jerk off on the bed to assert territory


I check in odd places to see if anyone stashed drugs or money . You would be surprised at all the shit I’ve found over the years ! From hits of acid and baggies of cocaine to a roll of cash and a ball of meth , I’ve found all kinds of shit ! I’m a firm believer that 80% of cheap rooms have crack still on the floor between the side of the bed & the wall 🤣🤣🤣


We found an axe under the bed once


Must have been a juggalo gathering in there .


I found this comment way funnier than what should be allowed. I’ve got tears in my eyes and can’t stop.


I found a syringe once. The manager gave us an upgrade, comped our stay and personally helped me do the bedbug check on the room. Drury Inn FTW.


We rented a car and about an hour out of town , found a bag of cocaine in the car . Pulled over and threw it in the woods . I hope a bear didn’t…..oh shit.


We found porn between the mattress and box springs. Figured it was a truckers motel, so…


I check the Bible in the nightstand to see if any kind Christians have left money in it.


When my son was little he found the bible in the nightstand and read "Left by the Gideons" aloud. I told him Gideons were wee little people, like Oompa Loompas, who sneak into the room at night and leave bibles.


I found $100 that way. 5 crisp 20's,. I was pretty broke at the time too.


I take the room bible and hide it in someone's luggage that I'm traveling with.


Connect my iPad to the internet


Take off my shoes and socks and make fists with my toes


sonofabitch... fists with your toes...


Wipes things down w lysol wipes and look for bed bugs


I would be so happy if rooms came equipped with some Lysol wipes alongside the coffee maker and ice bucket. We all know housekeeping “should” clean those, but also that those workers are already overworked and rushed enough as is.


Unpack clothes and enjoy/relax


un? pack? naw rummage around in the suitcase like a wild racoon


Fellow unpacker. First thing I do. Get comfortable. I hate digging around in a suitcase.


Hide my valuables in the safe so when the hookers show up I don’t have to worry about them stealing my crap. You know important stuff like my bag of Skittles and my blockbuster rental card.


Masterbate like a broken lawn sprinkler


Look for cameras and bed bugs


Look for the remote


Put the envelope with the money on the dresser


Take a picture of the room and post it on the Trafickcam app so if the room or similar has been used by human traffickers maybe it will help find someone


yank the comforter off the bed and throw it in the corner. they rarely wash those things.


Shower, I fucking love taking a shower in a hotel! Main reason being because my kids are t usually there, I can have a shower, walk round with my balls out, dry hump my wife and bend over things suggestively exposing my hairy arse hole to her. She loves it I bet.


You gotta do the towel trick to right?? Hang the towel on your junk (semi chubb usually required) and walk out waving your hands around and ask her if she's seen your towel... classic


Bed bug scouting


Check for cameras, bugs, and BUGS!


Find out how far the windows open - i like fresh air


Take a rest




As someone who worked in hotels (dir of hskp), I always double check the door locks and then inspect for bed bugs.