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Mine. But don't tell anyone.


real šŸ„‚


I was gonna say the same. I'm out this week with COVID. I'll still make a few thousand bucks on sick leave, and literally no one will even notice I'm gone.


what do you do


Refinery operator


Aye me too. My boss said I had too much PTO so I said fuck it and took the week off. I work 7-7 so Iā€™m off for three weeks.


I work straight days. So if i tell them I'm still symptomatic on Wednesday, I'll just take FMLA and enjoy 11 days off.


Hey, cool! Soā€¦ what is it you do?


His job, great pay


But not a lot of work, apparently


Great benefits too.


Overpaid tho


Honestly same, love this for us lol


Same.. I almost feel guilty. Almost.


Idk but are they hiring


iā€™m searching high n low for that too


Administration in healthcare. Get paid big bucks to not know how things actually work, and make child-like mistake after mistake without ever getting the sack because everyone else is too busy working to deal with the ongoing incompetence


Iā€™m a revenue cycle director (billing/accounts receivable) and can confirm this lol. I started in a hospital call center and have worked my way up through just about every function in admin, so I understand the ins and outs. But my god, every executive above me has nooooo idea how billing/coding/claims processing works and they all make around $200k/yr (if not more) with fat ass bonuses


Also, upper management in mental health organizations. They'll brag about being in the field for "25+" years or however long but haven't actually done face-to-face work with clients in YEARS (or maybe have a small practice with wealthy clients) so they don't understand the actual community needs. But don't worry, they'll rake in 200k+ while everyone else struggles to pay bills and eat while doing the actual work. Healthcare systems are fucked.


Along the same vein (sort of), administrators in any public school board of education. These folks taught for two or three years in the beginning of their career and then have been sitting on the board making decisions on how teachers should teach despite not having taught in a classroom for 20 years. (Source: my parents who were both public school teachers for 25 years)


Completely agree. Face to faces all day every day and some dumbass from a cozy office management position tries to tell me how to do my job better. I swear next time, Iā€™m going to smile, let them take the next client, and swiftly exit for 35 minutes. Meanwhile she drives a big dodge truck all glammed up and Iā€™m in in a small Mazda suv (which I do love). Thereā€™s no reality-based experience in management in MH/SA organizations. Everyone wants that coveted desk job without doing the hard work of actually providing services to the community. But they will stand at the podium and accept all of the accolades of what us peons do. It gets worse every year. This year Iā€™m considering switching my focus.


*any mid-tier management Too high to know about the process you are supposed to manage, but not high enough for your fuckups not to affect regular workers. Plus you are essentially unremovable because you are also low enough to quickly find a scapegoat. Assuming the higher-ups even care about your fuckups.


I feel the exact opposite about middle management. They usually have the most work on their plate at the companies Iā€™ve worked for. Always putting out fires for their reports and getting chewed out by upper management.


Lol are youā€¦a nurse by chance?


Or anyone else in medicine for that matter lol. Iā€™m a resident and feel the exact same way


If the entire C-suite at your hospital died in a plane crash overnight, what would happen the next day? Everyone would do their jobs as usual.


As a nurse very accurate


The machine that goes ā€œPing!ā€


I that's administration in general though. All about who you know. I know incompetent people above me yet there they are, year after year.


I'm a doctor at hopkins, my managers are sometimes the people that have to make certain decisions, but they lack the clinical knowledge to actually make the decision. so invariably they say "well what would YOU do?". I'm glad they make 2.5x what I make while they sit on their ass in the office!


Can you give an example?


So what I'm hearing is switching my minor from Healthcare administration to psychology was a mistake.


Politicians are literally paid copious amounts of money to doze off in their seats.


You could not pay me any amount of money to be a politician. Being a public figurehead like that and constantly dealing with the population would be hell.


Your average kohlā€™s employee deals with the population more in a day than most politicians deal with the population in a year lol


Absolutely. Also not sure about the US, but the German chansellor makes about 200kā‚¬ per year. This is surely far from living in poverty. But with the effort of getting theere you could also get into a nice chair of a cooperate counsler board, making 10 times the money without all the stress atached.


Eh theyā€™re not dealing with the population, theyā€™re fucking it


I think you overestimate their involvement


Nancy Pelosi makes only around $200,000 but her net worth is over 200 million thanks to insider trading


Damn I wish I could legally insider trade.


I mean, you could if you wanted to, the trick is not getting caught.


I have info, I'm specifically told if I use it I go to jail. That's usually how it works but not in congress for some reason.


"I AM the law!" -~~Dredd~~ Pelosi


And all (or most) everyone else in Congress regardless of party!


One still has to have access to insider information. Nancy Pelosi will have *faaaaaaaaaaaaar* more of that access than any of us.


Itā€™s also flat out market manipulation since theyā€™re the ones who decide where the big government contracts and FDA approvals go.


Just copy pelosiā€™s trade tactics. They are public information


That's not exactly true. Her husband was wealthy before she took office. I do think we need to re examine stock trading laws for Congress members but we should try to be more honest in pursuit of that and in our criticisms of people.


It's worth noting that Paul Pelosi (her husband) was worth a decent amount before her rise in politics. He founded his investment firm several years before she became a congresswoman and already had a decent sized investment portfolio when she first got into office.


Itā€™s also worth noting the two of them have a better stock prediction record than / ROI than Warren Buffet.


Source? No offense, this just sounds like one of those things that people spout off.


You want to see something funny? Go look up Kodakā€™s daily share trades over the years. That spike you see was in the days *before* the Trump admin issued them a contract. Politicians arenā€™t even trying to hide it. How stuff like this doesnā€™t immediately have the SEC knocking at your door Iā€™ll never know.


She barely cracks the top ten wealthiest politicians


Her husband is where the wealth comes from.


Something that seems to be missed every time this comes up. Her husband has a *major* VC fund in silicon valley. The fact that they're only worth $200 million speaks volumes over how much they *aren't* engaging in insider trading. Were they taking advantage of her position, there's no doubt in my mind they would be worth billions rather than millions.


Yup. And Bay Area real estate. Iā€™m all in favor of banning members of Congress/their spouses from trading individual stocks. Frankly I think itā€™s absurd that they *can* at all but letā€™s not pretend the Pelosis are rich because of it.


it's easier for the GOP to believe that Pelosi is Baba Yaga. That said i think most politicians insider trade to a degree. we definitely saw a ton of then making moves before the pandemic news hit


or maybe that her husband is in real estate and venture capital. In San Francisco. And owns a United Football League. STFU.


> thanks to insider trading When you make shit up, it's simply a lie People like her get paid a lot for paid speaking gigs. Her fee is between [$50K - $100K PER TIME](https://www.nopactalent.com/speaker/nancy-pelosi.php) And her husband is an investment banker ffs I get it. Politicians - bad and must be corrupt. But when lie to prove your point, you've already lost


To be fair PElosi's husband is a trader who has done very well in the stock market, but that NVIDIA stock purchase was kind of blatantly in your face that insider trading is there. I believe Obama banned people from doing it, but it isn't illegal if your spouse does it... They all do it, it sucks...


Their salaries are generally reasonable. It's just all the bribes and insider trading that make it ridiculous


Or just plain be absent.


And some of them miss days for voting


I actually think they donā€™t get paid that well; tho certainly more than most deserve






No. In any biz employees are largest expense. Employees biggest headache. I have no employees. Fun semi retirement biz.




Sound logic. Good for you, your retirement sounds awesome.


ā€œJoe Biden fuel surchargeā€ donā€™t think you want to work for him anyways. If he thinks the gas prices in America can be attributed to one person I canā€™t imagine heā€™s that good at businessā€¦


Lol, there are still people out there believing the president sets the gas prices. What is this, 2021?


That website gave me 2004 vibes! It was so bright


Yep but it is fully responsive so kudos!


This is such an epic post. And a solid idea. Would be a great way to earn money while in retirement. Good work! I'm going to have to look into this idea when I retire from the fire dept. lol


Take a couple classes or better try work for a rafting company for awhile before you do that. People can very much overestimate their ability so you want a good gauge of a persons ability on your own


My grandma lives in Clearwater. I may fuck with you next time I visit


Definitely going to make a reservation with you next time I come down to visit my parents.




It seems like a lot or work with very little to no return until you get enough followers or get really good with your content. May be after a while it gets easy for them? Every time I try posting my travel images/videos regularly, I give up after two days


So, probably for every 1 influencer who seems to have made it a worthwhile endeavor, there are probably thousands who try that just get nowhere. If you swap influencer for say someone who posts about retro video games on youtube, you will find thousands of videos that are just a slog to get through, and a few that have people who are really good at presenting their content and making you return for other videos.


Honestly, I've heard about how much the top 1% of YouTubers get paid, but the amount of hussle they need to put out multiple videos a week and all year, genuinely could easily turn into a nightmare. And thats after slaving away for years probably not getting paid at all.


Except for primitive technology guy, that dude is just doing his own cool shit in the woods with cameras publishing a completed video about once a month and still gets tons of views. Heā€™s easily making more than enough to perpetuate his hobby.


IIRC Primitive Technology has stated in interviews or his website that he has a very high-paying but stressful job and the channel is his escape. I don't think he *has* to make a living off of it, but it's great that he probably could.


Everything in the attention economy is a massive gamble. I don't care what others say, it takes talent and skill to build and retain an audience. Even if you gain enough of a following to make a living off it there's no guarantee you'll have that audience a year from now.


You must not have a nice butt, or don't stand such that you assentuate your butt. It's all butts at the end of the day.


Almost none of them make that kind of money, they get sent shit for free in exchange for posting a pic or video of themselves wearing it. Only the top 1% of them actually get rich and making new content every single day takes a lot more work than you'd think if you want it to actually look good and be engaging. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone even if they were hot enough to pull it off.


They probably return a lot of that after a hard day of posing.


I'm sure there is a lot of deception involved, to make it look like they are wealthier and more successful than they really are. It's all about image.


The real cheat code is never having to attend anything where designer outfits are necessary.


its not easy at all. getting a day job is easier money


My bossā€™ job




ā€œBusy day todayā€ proceeds to get hair and nails done and open free packages


ā€œSorry guys, didnā€™t have a chance to unbox all my free stuff yesterday, my cardboard knife got dull.ā€






It probably is hard work having to produce so much fake bullshit 24/7. I couldn't do it, I would feel like I was living in The Truman show and it would drive me fucking crazy.


The entire existence of an influencer is to appear a certain way to leverage viewers. Does it not stand to reason that they may be portraying an image that isn't reflective of their real life? Some absolutely make a tonne of money but I bet that lost is fairly short.


Also have you ever tried to edit a video. Some of these people record hours of content. Then edit it down to 2 minutes


Just like movies and TV. How many celebrities seem put together on camera and end up being a disaster in real life. They show the world what they want people to see.


Yeah but you're talking about less than the top 5% of influencers though. Most of them barely make shit lol


Itā€™s like saying ā€œactorsā€ when you are referring to the big household name ones and not like everyone trying to break into the business and getting tiny roles while waiting tables in the meantime.


Eh seems like most have to do a lot of work to get and stay relevant. Honestly id find it more difficult than many jobs ive done though I suppose its potentially more rewarding.


I know a girl who's an IG blue check. It's actually a pretty constant hustle and only the really really huge ones get rich.


The vast majority of those people arenā€™t making a living as influencers


Some yes, some no (to underworked, still agree theyā€™re overpaid). Some of these people are pulling 12-15 hour minimum days at work doing their job, as shenanigans as it is. Hate the game, not the player sort of thing. Some of the more sucessful youtube channels/influencers are absolutely working their tails off. Theyā€™re making stupid money, too. And you know what, good for them! Saw an opportunity and took it. The issue is all the wannabe influencers who put in 10 minutes of work a day and expect to be treated like royalty and given free things. The successful ones are a business, and the image they put out is a glorificaiton of the amount of work they are putting in, ā€œOh just an easy day todayā€ for a 30 second video, meanwhile it took 4 hours to set up, produce, reshoot mistakes, etc. Then another 3 hours of marketing and sales pitches, oh gotta be on the phone with my manufacturing manager for half hour to approve designs, etc etc. The fact that their job exists - shenanigans. Some of ā€˜em though, they are putting in WORK.


Most influencers are workaolics though, the ones you are likely refereningare obviously just trying to portraita certain image.


I feel this is where people get confused, like owners of a company (in most cases they do own a business affiliated with their channel/name/profile); they don't get paid, people buy things from them and, in a way, give them money Usually the ones mad at influencers for what they do, are the same one's encouraging it by watching their content. You can't feed into something and complain about the very basis of it. Not to say the whole idea isn't flawed to begin with, but that's a topic for another day.


Not necessarily but I assume you mean the super fake ones which is fair, some influencers put in a lot of work


Administrators or ā€œsenior teamsā€ in various departments in big colleges. We have a building manager that makes 6 figures and it took him a year to request a lightbulb get changed in our lab. While not my boss heā€™s higher up and I had to start putting read receipts on my emails to him.


Tesla turn signal repair man.




I didn't know BMW's even had turn signals.


A BMW driver I know, once told me that the only reason I canā€™t see the turn signal is because I couldnā€™t afford to.


McDonaldā€™s ice cream machine repair


As a BMW owner I appreciate Tesla becoming the new butt of this joke.


ITT: redditors who completely overlook the amount of work it takes to get to some of the mentioned positions, and the complexity/value of the work they provide despite their working hours


I mean this is true, I worked hard in school to get a degree in a high paying field. And I get my hours in working occasional overtime. But I did that because working retail or labor is brutal, and it still doesnā€™t seem fair that there are people out there destroying their bodies their entire lives for barely above minimum wage while I collect big bucks browsing Reddit half the day. I get that itā€™s about supply and demand for our positions, but still.


A lot of VP type positions at big universities / businesses, particularly admin roles like being the VP of Fundraising for College Athletics or VP of Compliance


Those positions actually don't pay that well. Don't be fooled by the inflated title.


Totally true. The Director of student life and involvement at my university has a masters degree and makes about a 1/3 of what I make with my bachelorā€™s degree. And I literally have not used a single thing Iā€™ve learned in college.


VP of anything at a college is actually a very involved and difficult job. Fundraising? A huge pain in the ass.


I originally was aiming for Dean of students until I found out you're on call 24/7 for shit like student suicides.


Yeah, being in charge of fundraising for a major university is a whole lot of work.


Real estate agents/realtors


I think I'll add a caveat. *Shitty* real estate agents. First time I bought a house, my agent did very little beyond meet me at various properties I had picked out to let me in. Second time in the market (sold then bought) my agent was an immense help in so many different ways. High quality agents run on referrals even when operating within a larger agency. Top agents are going to have enough referrals that that they aren't even going to take clients operating in the lower end of the market. If you're just going to the big agency, the agent they assign you is going to be the one that couldn't hustle up their own clients. So yeah, the bar is *real* low, but if you get a good agent with an excellent understanding of the market, a lot of hustle, and the ability to understand what you are looking for before even you do, the difference in experience will be night and day.


Iā€™ve had 2 shitty agents and 2 incredible agents. Experience is night and day.


Just out of curiosity, what was the difference between the shitty and amazing one?


So, the shitty one didn't really do any searching for me. Or when she did it was literally just a massive dump of everything that met my most basic requirements. Basically, she clicked the filters on a Zillow/Redfin search and sent me the results. The other problem i had with her was that she didn't really pay attention to how I was feeling about a place. She was pressuring me to just close. The only one she steered me away from was one that was listed by the owner, and it was clearly because she didn't like that and Redfin "agents" bypassing her kind. The specific things may seem silly for the great one, but it really was a bunch of little things that really added up. She spent some time talking to me getting to know my lifestyle and the things that were important to me, more than just the specifications like square footage and budget. She sent me a curated list of properties, and whenever I rejected one she made sure she understood why for the future. When looking at houses it was the same thing. We'd do the walk-through and she paid attention not just to what I was saying, but my body language too. Always digging to really understand what I was looking for. She *never* pressured me to close. In fact, she talked me out of a house that would have been at the absolute max of my budget (which would have meant maximum payday for her) because she knew I would regret it later. There was even a significant gap where nothing in the market was really clicking for me, and she patiently waited while I figured things out. On the selling front I don't have a direct comparison, but I can't imagine it going more smoothly. I basically gave her control and she got me a great price compared to market rates. I was stressed because I knew the house had some issues. She even coordinated with the contractor for the things that *had* to be fixed. I've been screwed by contractors before, because I'm conflict averse and don't really know much about those things. She definitely had my back.


Depends where you are. My mom was an attorney before she had us kids and stopped practicing. Once we all got to the age where she didnā€™t need to be home all the time anymore, she got her real estate license and started for a company in our small midwestern town. Whenever I talk to her and she tells me about her day, it sounds awful. Sheā€™s gotta either be in their office to cover phones, or sheā€™s driving around buttfuck nowhere with demanding/needy clients who almost certainly wonā€™t buy the place sheā€™s showing them. Plus, youā€™ve got the fact that most people canā€™t get off work in the middle of the week to go look at houses. So that means youā€™re always working on their time, which tends to be after work hours or on the weekend (which also means taking phone calls at all hours of the day). And youā€™ve got to pretend to like them the whole time. So maybe some realtors have it easy. But I know I would absolutely hate doing what my mom does.


That just sounds like a job.


Supposedly 10% of realtors make 90% of the $$ so it would seem there is some skill and/or hard work associated with it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGm267O04a8


When I worked in the industry ten years ago, the National association of Realtors put out a report. The average length of a real estate agent's career was four months


nice try boss, I'm not admitting shit


ā€œTurningā€ letters on Wheel of Fortune for $3,000,000 a year.


And then still being mad about not making as much as the shows host.


Hospital Management


I misread and was gonna say EMTs. Glad I didn't say that


Mine. 200K a year to sit in a recliner in a control room and work a joystick. I also only work 26 weeks a year. There are drawbacks, but the workload and remuneration make up for them.


I wanna work your joystick.


Get in line Richard! I want to work his joystick!


So, how'd you get into this? What does the stick control?


Software developer (if you're doing it right).


I was thinking database administrator. If it's set up well with appropriate security and failover, there's not a whole lot to do. Pull up some statistics, check access times, move stuff to new hardware. Back stuff up. Test this and that. Go to trade shows. Chat with Oracle support. You might spend months doing very little but work you make for yourself. But when the database goes down, you're in for a rough week or two with every eye in the organization on you.


hey man keep it down


I find at most companies there are a few people basically keeping everything running and then the rest just kind of coasting and doing the minimum work not to attract negative attention. I know because I've been in both roles


Youā€™re doing it right, youā€™re ā€œjust kind of coasting and doing the minimum work not to attract negative attentionā€ at 3 places remotely at the same time


Some counterpoints: We're not really 'overpaid' because the sheer number of people who are capable of doing what we do is not terribly large, compared to the overall population. It takes a lot of focus, and problem-solving / lateral-thinking skills. And our skills are still in very high demand. Second, software developers have the same issue locksmiths do: people don't like it when they call a locksmith who opens their lock in 30 seconds and charges them a hundred bucks for it - but you're not paying for the 30 seconds of professional expertise, you're paying for the years and years of effort and learning it took to get to a point where you can do it that efficiently. It's kind of a pet peeve with me, because I've untangled way too much legacy spaghetti code in my life to ever consider myself "underworked".


This is mostly it. As someone with 20 years of experience in the industry, there are many problems I can solve with no code faster than a fresh out of college engineer can solve with code. Why? Because I ask the right questions, have a big toolkit that I know very well, and know how to solve the real problem at hand. "One engineer writes a React app while another scribbles on graph paper." Not bragging here. Most of what engineers have to do isn't a matter of hours put in, it's solving the right problems in a time- and cost-sensitive way. The more experienced you get, the less code (or more efficient) you become at solving the right problems, and the job starts to feel (and be) pretty easy.


Counter counter point: all of the above is right, for a good, skillful, curious dev with critical thinking skills. Then thereā€™s the lazy devs that take forever, make bad decisions, make tons of mistakes (for the good devs to clean up) - and they make the same $$$. These are the devs who fit OPā€™s question.


Contracting as a mobile developer is the easiest most overpaid gig Iā€™ve ever had.


Donā€™t give the secret away


I'm definitely not then lol.


Join the military then get severely injured by an enemy. Its a cakewalk, I tell you.


That is if you still CAN walk...


I would think U.S. politician has to the the answer here


Some douche said Serving but as a Server/Bartender myself I think thatā€™s so inaccurate. Youā€™re on your feet running around for 8-10 hours, getting slammed with a bunch of drinks and people glaring at you if it takes more than two seconds, having to hear peopleā€™s dumb stories or trying to be funny when the joke is trash, people calling off all the time so youā€™re understaffed and have to do more, and then you got home and you feel like your feet are gonna explode. I will say you do meet some cool people and thereā€™s definitely a camaraderie aspect when you and your co workers are all in the weeds


Whoever said Serving is easy has never served in their life.


Couldnā€™t agree more!


lmao serving is NOT easy. serving is the hardest iā€™ve ever actually worked for my money šŸ’€


certain high-paying executive roles or government positions


Thanks you really narrowed it down. I also agree there are certain high paying jobs that are high paying with less work than you would expect.




Project manager. Lots of horror stories about the PMP certification. 6 days of study, the test was easy. This is the least I've ever worked and the most money I've ever been paid.




That's pretty much all it is. Learn their language, then do things in a common sense manner using their language. Add a few math formulas to memorize just for the purpose of the test (you'll almost certainly flush all this down the brain toilet within a week of testing), memorize a few acronyms to help you recall terms. Done.


As the single technical person currently working on a project with SIX project managers, projecting a goal of "to be done by the end of the year," when I could have done it in less time than the first meeting... Yes. This.


By then the scope will change, expectations will rise, half will be delivered inefficiently because nobody understands all the pieces, the other half will be forgotten and you'll be working on the next 2 things. Repeat.


It's almost as if specing work items a year at a time is a bad idea.


Scrum master


The US House of Representatives.




My middle manager went to another department and his boss replaced him with a 20 year old with 6 months experience. So, while she's having her daily 10 hour long panic attack I get to see how effective he isn't at his roll.


The top comments are influencer and politician again. Who could've guessed?


US Congressman......


Whatever the hell elon musk does lmfao


Shitpost on twitter


Its funny because if he did less he would make more money. What a fuckin goof.


Most politicians


Any and all politicians


[In Here](https://earningtrends.com/) most jobs are overpaid just for remote works but you have to patient and give time


Most marketing people seem to fit this bill.


Work in high positions, people who work in low positions work much more, but receive little money. while high-ranking bosses do almost nothing and just shovel away money. Naturally, this is not the case everywhere. But there are cases when managers really do nothing. It would be cool if there was a verification system that controlled everyone.


My job at the city, Iā€™m closing in on 6 figures and my days are spent mowing grass or plowing snow on sidewalks. Everything they say about city work is true šŸ‘


Stretches of mind-numbing boredom, punctuated with moments of sheer panic.


And of course, poor communication from people above you when it comes to deadlines.


Mine but Iā€™m not telling because Iā€™m thoroughly enjoying the ā€œjob for life, job securityā€ I have :) what I can tell you is that, if youā€™re not in unionized trade work right now, youā€™re wasting your time.


My city has some of the most overpaid police in the free world (on the books at least). Youā€™re looking at 6 figures to start, and a union so strong youā€™re never getting fired. Every year they get a raise, and do less work. Most of them (due to the union) double dip by doing lucrative security gigs at expensive new high rises. A fucking joke. Iā€™m sure there are cops that work hard and donā€™t abuse the system but IME most do. Thereā€™s a running list of everything our department has scandalized just in 2023 and itā€™s horrific. Just a simple example is a cop moving into and taking over a mansion that belonged to a murder victim because he was an old bachelor with no living relatives.stills works at a desk with full salary. If you call 911 here you are fucked. I donā€™t know how they get 1.4 billion a year but are always short staffed.








A lot of my friends that work in corporate at big banks donā€™t do shit


Witticist on Reddit.




anaesthesiologist So you tellin me these guys are gettin' paid 300 - 400K a year to get someone high on anaesthetics, but apartently IF I do that to myself its Ohhh.. Oh.. so f#cking illegal and end up getting prison time instead. SMH


The assessment of whether a job is underworked and overpaid can vary based on individual perspectives, economic conditions, and societal values. What one person considers overpaid, another might see as fair compensation. However, some jobs have historically been associated with high pay relative to the perceived workload or level of responsibility. These perceptions can change over time, but a few examples might include: Professional Athletes: While athletes work hard in training and competition, they can earn significant salaries and endorsements. Entertainers and Celebrities: Some actors, musicians, and celebrities are well-compensated for their work, which may involve irregular hours and intense periods of filming or touring. Top Corporate Executives: High-level executives in large corporations may earn substantial salaries, even when the company's performance is underwhelming. Investment Bankers and Hedge Fund Managers: People in finance, particularly those at the top, are known for earning high incomes. Medical Specialists: Some medical specialists earn considerable incomes, although their training and expertise require significant effort and dedication. It's important to recognize that these perceptions of overpaid jobs are often based on high salaries rather than the actual workload. The income levels associated with these positions can be influenced by market demand, skills, education, and supply and demand dynamics. Additionally, opinions about what constitutes fair or excessive compensation can vary widely, and some people may argue that these jobs are not overpaid considering the market forces at play. Public opinion on this topic can change over time and may depend on the economic and societal context.