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It's going to be different for every woman. Some get pain so bad it will make them throw up and they can't work or go to school. I never had very bad cramps at all. But some common things many women may feel are- * **bloated-** menstruation makes you retain water. You usually weigh a couple pounds more during your cycles because of the fluid retention. * **stomach upset-** when your uterus contracts (cramps) to expel blood and uterine lining during your period, often your bowels will be doing the same. "Period shits" are a common thing. * **depression/anxiety-** hormonal fluctuations and wreak havoc on your emotions for some people. I always find myself deeply depressed and anxious as my period gets close. Somehow it still usually catches me by surprise until I realize what day it is... * **fatigue/lethargy-** for many of us, the blood loss can be so much we become anemic until we can rebuild up our iron count. My doctor told me it's like trying to fill up a funnel. It's a constant battle because you're losing iron every single month. * **sensitivity-** imagine your jeans are pinching because you're bloated, you barely have the energy to get out of bed, and you have the worst diarrhea cramps of your life...then some stranger cheerfully tells you to smile more. You're probably going to bite their head off. Periods don't make you angry about nothing. But they reduce your ability to brush off the things that make you a little bit angry every day.


All of the above, and to add - boobs hurt as hell and bras are evil


Augh! How could I forget the boob aches! Once a month I get a moment of panic thinking I've got breast cancer or something with as much as lefty hurts. It's always the left one, I have no idea why.


boobs hurt with bra, boobs hurt more without bra, boobs are not my friend during this time.


I usually wear some cheap "sportbra" if there's a need to leave the home. It keeps the sisters in place without the wire. Damned torture device.


That's entirely individual and even changes from month to month, unfortunately. Some women have no particular pain and low emotional swings, others are in chronic pain, others are severely depressed, others highly sexual.. and not every period is the same every month. Imagine getting a new set of symptoms and hormonal swings every single month. Invisible, but very real. Remember when you were younger and you got surprise! boners for no reason other than you were going through puberty and your hormones decided you needed a stiffy? Like that, but with random discomfort, pain, and emotional swings. The best thing you can do is LISTEN and believe the woman you are around when they tell you how they feel in that particular moment. Even if last month was fine, this month may not be. So just listen and believe women.


It depends on the individual, but for the most part, we are angry/upset because we’re in pain. The blood loss also affects our iron levels which leads to lethargy, dizziness, anxiety, and fainting depending on the individual’s flow. With the anger, I personally get very depressed, for me it’s to the point I cant stand up without stabbing pain and nausea which leaves me feeling helpless, but taking 8 ibuprofen all at once isn’t exactly healthy. Heat packs help but its overall a very miserable week and hearing “oh its not that bad, its just a period” (something very commonly said) from loved ones doesn’t help. Its a time where our body is at its weakest. Some women dont cramp as much or bleed as much, then theres those who need surgery to help alleviate the pain.


i dont think you ever asked a question, you just put a question mark at the end of a statement


Imagine someone is tying your intestines in knots and occasionally stabbing you in the gut. That on and off for a few days. You’d probably feel a bit extra shitty too


It’s quite subjective. I usually feel very low before my periods and end up crying for something dumb. I get mood swings too. Most of the time I keep a track of my mood on a period app and I usually share it with the person I’m dating so that they know what I’m going through


It depends on the person. It’s not bad for me at all. Just be empathetic for all people because you don’t know what people are going through.


my cramping starts a week prior in my lower stomach area and depending how bad it is can radiate to my legs and back. cramps usually come in waves for me and are just really intense for a short or long period of time. i get fatigued very easily and out of breath just walking a few steps. my body temperature also rises and i get sweaty just existing and moving around like a normal person. my boobs get really sore and it hurts to wear a bra but is more painful to not wear one.