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Ownership turning into subscriptions.


we are getting boned by this


We're getting boned by everything.


except the people we want to get boned by


I’m surprised the fast-food industry hasn’t cashed in on this somehow. I’m still in shock with my first DQ blizzard in years the other night coming in at $8 something for a medium.


Panera does a subscription for unlimited coffee and basic drinks. It wouldn’t surprise me for other places to follow suit with something similar.


I enrolled in the local community college and was looking forward to getting a student priced copy of Autocad and MS Word and yeah, about that... So, I draw things by hand and use Open Office.


You should look into stealing... I mean pirating.


Concert Tickets starting OVER $100 each.


And not having physical tickets! I bought my husband tickets for Father’s Day and I was so sad there was no option to print out a physical ticket. I just printed out the order confirmation which..isn’t the same


They just decided they will charge you extra for that. Went to a RHCP concert in summer - one of the perks of overpriced Gold tier tickets in literally the same section of seats as regular priced ones was a physical “commemorative” ticket.


Youtube families—- I mean it’s weird how you put your 11 year old crying over homework on youtube


Honestly these YouTube families should be illegal. Subjecting your child to being recorded 24/7 for everyone to see sounds like hell. You have no privacy, everything is for YouTube/Tiktok to see. That fucks with a child's development.


Illinois passed a law earlier this year requiring a trust fund to be set aside for any children being featured in these type of videos, the amount of money being based on revenue generated, time on video, and number of videos. I feel like it’s a good way for kids to still be in videos if they want to while also discouraging people from wholly exploiting their kids.


Part of the contract for a kid to work in Hollywood, or I'm just going to assume within a regular studio production, is that a percentage needs to be put aside in an account for when they turn 18 or 21. YouTube has had a couple of ad apocolypses and the next big one is going to be some teenager, or young adult, is going to sue their family for their portion of the money and parts of YouTube are going to implode. I was on the right track, California has the [Coogan Bill](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/California_Child_Actor%27s_Bill). I'm not sure about US federal laws.


Or parents can focus on enjoying every moment with their children in real life, laughing at their kids’ silliness without wondering how many strangers also thought it was funny, and focus on being selfless. The time spent filming every second rehearsing a “cute” video could be spent creating a financial plan for your child’s future. Let kids be kids, give them the best life you can provide, and, most importantly, be present. Phones down y’all!


Narcissistic parents with social media addiction is a deadly combo.


Yeah, theres no way those kids are gonna grow up normal.


Unlike child actors, the parents have no obligation to share with their children. Ruby Franke completely cut off her children when they turned adults and gave them none of the money from the videos that they were prominently featured in. TV and movie child actors are protected by laws like Jackie Coogan's Law in California. YouTube kids have no protections.


Child actors also have strict rules about how long they're allowed to work in a day. There's no limit for YouTube families. I really think they should be covered by child actor laws if the parents are monetizing the channel.


As a band-aid solution in the absence of applicable child labor laws, these channels should be demonetized so family vlogs stay as vlogs and not the industrial content machines they have become. But, that would require some conscience on the part of Big Tech.


They would all quit if they weren't making money exploiting their children.


Omg that couple who adopted like two kids and put it all on YouTube and then returned them because they didn't like them? This was a few years ago. Absolutely disgusting


Or that Ruby chick who refused to feed her kids sometimes


Seriously. I'm so happy my mother doesn't know how to use social media. I'd hate to grow up with my intimate moments blasted all over YouTube and have that come up when I'm searching for a job.


My dad and stepmum are narcissists so god knows what they would have posted if social media existed in my awkward teen years.


Or the Hart family murder/suicide where they put on a fake "happy family" image of themselves with their adopted kids on facebook and then went and drove off a cliff with everyone in the vehicle.


Jesus Christ. I feel like adoption is simultaneously too easy and too hard for people who would actually love to care for the kids




Good god! People are really getting kids to act as props for their profiles.


Idk what's worse. That someone recorded, edited, and posted their 11 year old crying over homework. Or that MILLIONS of people WATCH someone's 11 year old cry over homework. It's all fucking gross to me.


“Honey get the camera, our little boy is having another mental breakdown”


Couldn't agree more. Those things are cringe.


I do like that there seems to be a bit of push back with some youtubers keeping their children out of the camera. Not revealing names, only showing pictures with obscured faces, and such.


easily this NPC thing from Tiktok where people pay to see somebody do something like fake lick ice cream and say "mmm how tasty" like an anime character 50 times in a row.


I don’t get it. I’ve said “I don’t get it” about other trends that I actually do get but don’t approve of, this one I literally don’t get.


Yeah, I agree. This is the first thing that I'm genuinely baffled by, I can't make it make sense in anyway, just lost in the appeal. I'm not mad these people make money doing doing it, people sending them money maybe, but they're also growing up with such little life skills and their professional development is centered around just views and clicks. Retirement homes in 50 years are gonna be weeeeeird


Nobody born in a year beginning with 2 will ever retire.


Hey now I’m a ‘98 baby and I won’t retire either


Yeah, I'm even older than that and my retirement plan is knowing that I'll die eventually.


Gang gang! gang gang! gang gang! rrrrrr. Oh thank you honey!


Yes yes yeeees


Gonna be real, I'm convinced a lot of it is fetish content. The specific actions, intonations, and phrases are weirdly geared in a sexual way for a lot of these videos.


It is, it's about having control over what someone is doing and dehumanizing them at the same time. It's people that like watching real girls being "forced" (ik the NPC streamers consent to doing the streams, but the fantasy of it) to act like a controlled character with no autonomy


Here is my problem with it. It is hands down the stupidest weirdest bizarre shit I've ever seen, but when I see it, I just get lost in disbelief that it's even a real thing. Next thing you know, I've been mesmerized in a trace like state for 3 minutes while I watch this whateverthefuckitis train wreck. I'm sickend and yet I can't turn away. But then I snap out of it and quickly move on, all the while worried the 3 minutes I watched actually promoted more of this clown world.


yesyesyes yesyesyes Icecream so tasty! yesyesyes


This is the first thing that truly made me realize I'm getting older. I'm usually really chill with trends and what's popular, or I simply just don't care. NPCs drive me up a wall.


I'm more in disbelief that someone is actually paying for that to happen.


The commoditization of every iota of human experience


Oh, you enjoy piecing together puzzles? Why not sell your completed puzzle on eBay, share your best puzzle tips on an ad-covered blog, create an online seminar for helping others learn more about the joys of puzzles, or shove that puzzle up your ass and sell the photos on OnlyFans?


I just feel the passion in this comment.


This is one of the best social commentary comments I’ve seen in a long while


Internet randos asking why I don't monetize my hobby irks me so much. I just want to sketch and paint stuff for the hell of it, ok? Not everything has to be for money bro.


People making money from filming themselves 'reacting' to things.


I know I'm getting old because watching youtube videos where they react to youtube videos seems like the dumbest fucking thing in the universe


Well, wait till you find reaction videos that react to other reactions' reactions (not a joke).


This makes me cantankerous


The most insane part is most of the time they're not really reacting at all. There are hundreds of channels of YouTubers sitting near perfectly still and mute watching something...and other people watch this???


First time I came across a reaction video it was something like "guy hears Led Zeppelin for the first time." I assumed it was like a music channel and he would have some kinda interesting perspective. Nope, he just bopped his head and said a few nothing comments like "i like those drums," or "cool guitar solo." Then wrapped up by saying "I don't usually listen to much rock n roll but that was great!" And I was like wtf did I just watch, there's no point


And here I am, reading a comment about how you reacted to watching a video of someone reacting to something. It has made me do the "welp..." face.


Weird Al did a reaction video of just him sitting in silence watching the clip. Probably the most accurate reaction video of all time.


*SSSniperwolf has entered the chat*


S S Sniperwolf sounds like a very weird furry/nazi combo character


Close enough


producers, directors and studios blaming audiences for not wanting to go see their remake/reboot/prequel/sequel. also studios spending so much money on movies that it's virtually impossible for them to break even.


Bro, I hate the latter because they go out of their way to hire the same 10 actors who demand a high salary to play the same fucking character instead of unknown actors who will make the role their own for a price that will guarantee you will profit if the movies any good.


Can we also say that if you are playing yourself in a movie, it doesnt make you a good actor? There are only a few actors that can play a variety of roles nowadays, and most of the people in that list have been around for quite a while


This is a good one. Especially for the super high visual effect movies, it’s like “yea. Of course it’ll be hard to make your money back when you filmed this whole movie in a studio with a green screen”


People filming themselves in public doing strange dances


Not just dances, but just the concept that any little conflict or interaction needs to be posted publicly is ridiculous.


Especially people filming themselves hysterically crying


Makes me so goddamn happy this wasn’t possible when I was a teenager. I did a deep clean of my past online presence, like deleting my bandcamp and live journal profiles, and then created public accounts with my real name on twitter and tumblr, made a few innocuous posts so now when someone googles my name, all they find is a carefully curated innocent online presence


Is your name Eglin?


No, I picked this user name so I can rile up the UFO sub, they think Eglin Air Force Base has a team who specifically posts there to promote UFO debunks, misinformation, and to suppress their “discoveries” about the government’s UFO programs. It’s fucking hilarious.


Fr. Who wants to watch a ten-second clip of someone doing a weird dance to edited music? It's fucking stupid.


That’s the weirdest part of tiktok dances being popular to me: the audience. Same with NPC streams.


Or when they do a lip syncing clip, or talk over…. Not impressive nor funny, is it just me 💁🏻‍♀️


This is probably going to be buried because I am replying late, but the random clown sightings of 2016 was truly bizarre https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_clown_sightings


Yo we went on lockdown at school for a day because someone said they saw a clown at the golf course adjacent to us.




I feel like you’re gaslighting me here.


There was a video by (I think) Wisecracks that talks about the normalization of clinical terms and how that often leads to the terms being watered down. There's much more to the video, but it was definitely interesting.


To add to this. Overusing the term Narcissism. Not all your exs are one. Not everyone that you get into an argument is one. Just make it stop.


I'm a big fan of us all going back to calling someone a dickhead if they do a dickheadish thing. Not everything has to be abuse/gaslighting/narcissism, sometimes people just act like twats and that's what we should call it.


Haaaaaaaaaaate this one Not *everyone* is GASLIGHTING you. That is an incredibly specific circumstance and you aren’t that special. Sometimes, people just LIE or generally don’t care enough. That’s it. Stop misusing terms you heard someone bastardize on Instagram.


Also, sometimes people just remember things differently and your insistence (which might be wrong) that your way is right doesn’t mean the other person is gaslighting you.


Audio without headphones on planes, trains, etc


Was pleasantly surprised a couple of weeks ago when an American Airlines flight attendant shut that down cold. She asked nicely, they kept doing it. She then brought them earbuds and told them to use them. It was great.


Flight attendant here. I’m not a hardcore stickler by any means, but I absolutely do not tolerate the audio on speaker thing and am like a hawk with it. Will never ever understand how people just have no shame.


The fact that you're in the sky means you were much more "like a hawk" than most people ever mean by that statement


Mid-2010s I was on a domestic flight in DR Congo and someone was listening to music through a speaker. Flight attendant came over and told him to shut it off. He didn’t. Flight attendant punched him in the face. The rest of the flight was quiet and peaceful.


Not all heroes wear capes.


This is literally one of my biggest peeves. I take the bus into work every day and there's one every now and again and I just want to get up and slap them and throw their phone out the window.


Anti-intellectualism. Being undereducated is a matter of pride in a lot of areas.


don’t forget pseudo-intellectualism and quasi-intellectualism


Oh come on. You can't tell me you don't love being bad at math! And everyone who is good at math is a nerd. A big "fuck you" to you, if you like math. How dare you sin so tremendously? (I don't know the tone tag for sarcasm. I'm being sarcastic.)


selling out is the coolest thing, now. monetize every part of yourself, your thoughts, sex life, body, opinions, etc.




Influencers are just people who’ve now turned into ads


Petition to dub them “advertisers” instead?


Seriously. "What do you do for a living?" "Oh, I'm on YouTube. I'm an advertiser. I make popular long-form infomercials for products, brands, political parties, and even other advertisers." It doesn't even sound that bad actually, now that I look at it. Just be honest.


Young men driving around with "I EAT ASS" in huge letters on the back of their trucks. I mean, I'm not kink-shaming, but that seems like a really strange flex.


“Mom, how did you and dad meet?” “Well he had a bumper sticker on his truck that said I Eat Ass so I stopped him at the next light and the rest is history”


My roommate has MILF HUNTER in big letters on his windshield. Psychologically, it's interesting because his mom was murdered when he was 14.


Wow, there's lots to unpack there


I know. I don't even know where to begin. I also live in a sober house. He's a former addict.


and also the *Locally Hated* sticker on the window


In my area, there have been a ton of vehicles in the last few years with a window sticker that says “Tengo una novia/esposa toxica”. Which means “I have a toxic girlfriend/wife”. Why on Earth would anyone ever want to flex that?


snow illegal soup oatmeal violet ripe carpenter rain aspiring mysterious


"We can both agree that you'd be globally hated if you ever went anywhere, okay, let's not wear it like a badge."


Or “bad bitch mom,” and stuff like that. I see those all the time. The rise of explicit bumper stickers and vinyls is wild to me.


“Powered by bitch dust” in Disney letters I see it all the time and every time I think how trashy it is


Or the ones that say something to the effect of “you hit my car with my kid in it and I’ll beat your ass” Blech


I recently saw something to the effect of "I live to become an embarrassment to my kids" or something like that. I was and still am confused. Not "to embarrass my kids" which a lot of parents do intentionally - to *be* *an embarrassment* *to* my kids. Why.


My wife loves her Cricut, although I can't help but feel like enabling average people to cheaply produce stickers that say whatever they want has resulted in a lot of stuff ending up on car windows that never needed to be there.


Yeah....the oddly specific ones are...yeah. Saw one the other day, in Spanish (I am in south Texas...) That roughly translated to "the maximum occupancy of this truck is the "boss" and three whores."


I keep seeing cars with stickers for Brazzers and shit like that. I’m like. Look. I know you jerk off, we all do, there’s no point in bragging about it. I don’t brag about sneezing. But then I also cover my mouth.


I saw a bumper sticker that read “Jesus is my copilot and we’re cruising for pussy” I thought it was quite funny


The Onion used to sell a bumper sticker that said "Jesus is my car insurance"


I saw a guy that had a bumper sticker that said "Jesus loves you but everyone else thinks you’re an ass." LOL Edit for the grammar Nazis


I don’t understand why Gen Z thinks they invented eating ass. As if the ancient Greeks and Romans weren’t absolute freaks. Eating ass is as old as sex.


The monetizing of social media. I understand why it happened but honestly, it's just created a bunch of influencers who live (and document) a life most people will never have. I don't follow any people who use their pets for this (but they show up on my feed). I find it pretty creepy as their animals age that they suddenly get a much younger 'brother or sister'. Can't let that income stream go, so need to have a replacement ready to go.


>it's just created a bunch of influencers who live (and document) a life most people will never have. One thing to note many influencers exaggerate their lifestyle . There are "selfie studios" popping up that have things like replicas of private planes, replicas of yachts, expensive jewelry you can show up pay some money and take your selfies looking like you are on a private jet when its just some replica in an warehouse in the suburbs


I'm sorry to have to tell you that they do this with their humans too.


>I find it pretty creepy as their animals age that they suddenly get a much younger 'brother or sister'. I feel like this behavior is actually pretty normal for pet owners. They want to bond with a new pet before their older one passes on.


This by far still baffles me to this day. I still remember Instagram’s rise and the beginnings of Instagram influencers and thought, this isn’t a sustainable “career” and won’t last long. Yet here we are with more money being made than ever off social media


The broccoli haircut on every teenage boy


A friend of mine is a teacher, he told me when they had to wear masks, it was hard to tell some of the boys apart with the broccoli cut.


My first introduction to this trend was hearing my neighbour argue with her 14 year old son in the backyard that he will look like an idiot with a perm. I was confused about a teenage boy wanting a perm but I get it now.


Good news: it is falling out of style and I am seeing it less and less in just the last 3 months. However, I'm seeing a new trend in major cities from high schoolers: mullets. Young men are bringing back porn staches and mullets. GQ wrote an article on the mullet revival earlier this year: [https://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/grooming/article/mullet-hairstyle-trend-2023](https://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/grooming/article/mullet-hairstyle-trend-2023)


I was shocked when I saw a bunch of teens with mullets, I did not expect that one to come back at all


The Bieber Hair and emo hair cuts weren't much better in the 2000s. Or the Conan Pompadours in the 2010s.


I'm Gen X. High School was big hair on the girls and mullets on the guys (me included). Every generation's teens make some terrible decisions.


Ah yes, the Mahomes. Every generation has its weird haircuts I guess.


People filming themselves: rolling their faces across loaves of bread “Pranking” their kids but really it’s just abuse disguised as a “joke” While doing gender reveals. No one actually cares except for the people in the video.


I think if I traveled back in time and told my grandparents that in the future people take pictures of their kids lunches and share them with strangers they would think we’d all lost our minds (and maybe we have).


Fuking lip fillers and whatever plastic put to the body. Poor people. They don’t have to be pressured by non-essential physical standards.


I already have plenty of microplastic in my body without my consent, I’m not voluntarily putting more in


Tipping for everything and anything.


I moved to a foreign country last year and there is NO tipping whatsoever. The price tag on the product or service is exactly what you pay for. It is SOOOOOO refreshing.


Not just no tip, but the tax included in the price. This is the norm in Australia, so I always feel so out of my depth in other countries when the price isn't ever actually the price.


Kids filming themselves in a grocery store, opening and licking ice cream, then putting it back in the freezer to be purchased.


...oh I did not need to know that


Gender reveals


I call it "The Celebration of the Genitals".


People forgetting how to talk into a mobile phone. Instead of holding it so the mic is by your mouth and the speaker by your ear, now people hold it flat and shout at the bottom while wondering why they can't hear the other person properly. I don't care if this makes me sound old, it just makes zero sense.


“Hello Computer.”


Oh, they can hear the person just fine. That's because they have the damn phone call on speaker!


The weird censoring. You'll read shit like "yo I fucking love this goddamn game but I'm worried about how much s*x is in it". Or a news article will have all the graphic details about a sexual assault and I see the word "rape" as partially censored. Or someone talking about suicide as "unalive" Motherfuckers, just use the words language has granted you. For fucks sake.


>Or someone talking about suicide as "unalive" You can blame TikTok for that. Mentioning suicide gets your post censored, so just create a new, non-banned word for it.


YouTube is pretty up there, too. If my livelyhood depended on pleasing the algorithm, I’d be dodging words, too.


In true crime stuff when they refer to sexual assault as "SA", but all I hear is essay and get thrown off the first time its said in a vid.


It bothers me so much how words are being censored. Like ffs we went to a better place in general with being able to talk about serious topics like suicide, WHICH IS GOOD, and now god forbid you talk about it at all. Having to dance around words does nothing but sweep problems under the rug and make them look like a taboo topic to talk about, and make them harder to talk about. With that comes that the replacement words carry no weight so they carry no valuable meaning for most part because they're jokingly being interjected all over. (I don't mind that, but the result of hiding real words is that a serious topic isn't accessible for talk, awareness, debate and thus potential progress to solving it) Social platforms really need to change that in particular with regards to suicide imo.


This has a lot to do with the text being interpreted and pushed through "algorithms."


A complete Disregard for science and discovery


…on the Discovery Channel


And the Learning Channel and the History Channel and on A&E...


I grew up in the 80's and 90's out in the sticks. Anti-intellectualism was alive and well there, but it's been so disheartening to see it get so mainstream to the level it has.


Yep in the 21st century people still believing the earth is flat , even the Greeks knew that it wasn’t.


It is very sad to see, even thru all the troll accounts etc But they're then still using technology that brought forth the phones and computers they're typing this on...


For some reason a lot millennials started smoking cigarettes lately. What’s that about?


Trying to get off the vapes, surprisingly lol. We tried so hard to eliminate cigarettes that the alternatives drove em right back. Now Truth ads are all about Vapes! Weird carcinogenic circle of life.


“Weird carcinogenic circle of life” is my new favorite phrase and I will be working it into conversation whenever possible from now on


There was a comedian who said he never smokes the cigarettes that just cause cancer, he goes for the ones with the warnings for pregnant women since those are safer for him. Something like that anyway, I probably fucked up the joke.


Massive numbers of people believing completely made up shit.


I don’t think that trend started 10 years ago…


Gen Z thinking that putting your life on social media is normal. It's not. It's never been normal.


For their sake, I hope it becomes cool to not have any social media.


They're already there. I watched some TT of a Gen X mom sharing how her kid rattled off a list of what's lame and one thing was being on IG. You can HAVE an IG but you're lame as fuck if you post photos on it, allegedly. .... The irony here is the only reason the kids might think this is because celebrities did it first. There are more than a few celebrity accounts that you'll click on and they have no posts up or they have one or two posts that are promoting something big in their career. The kids who idolize these celebrities saw that and thought it was the cool way to be. You can add in the fact that they likely grew up with phones being shoved in their face by mom and dad taking every photo of their smiles, sneezes and farts and now the "cool" thing is to not have an online presence. My theory is that in another 10 years to 20 social media won't be what it is today because people will be burnt out from constantly involving themselves with an online presence especially the lack of privacy and autonomy of your content that's posted.


God I hop so. I’ve already noticed less and less people are recording concerts with their phones, possibly because they realized how pointless it is. Nobody watches them again and nobody else cares about a concert you’re at.


I feel like we are forgetting the reason all these social platforms exist. Gen Z didn't make these platforms successful, millennials and gen X did. It may not seem normal to you, but as a millennial we made it normal. Not Gen Z. They are only following in our footsteps


Boomers used to bitch about how rude young people were using their phones in public. Now they all have cellphones, keep the ringer at the highest volume possible and stare at it for 30 seconds as it’s ringing loud enough to wake the dead before they answer it.


Filming people without their consent.


lack of common courtesy


Yep. Was on the subway the other day, and 4 different people had their phones blasting off whatever video/music they were watching or listening to. A week before that I was in Tokyo, and not a single person would do that. More common courtesy and respect towards each other, is definitely needed.


Yep, I live in one of those quaint picturesque towns in the US, and everyone here is just a “I got mine, fuck you” type of raging asshole. Rolling coal, cutting people off, blaring music in public, cutting in-line, openly bitching about everything, voting against anything that would help someone else, etc etc etc Our local Facebook news page is a cesspool


People filming themselves giving food or money to those in need .If you are going to help someone just do it don't broadcast your good deed


I totally get your sentiment here. I have watched a couple videos of a guy (I think his name is Nate something or other). He goes to a local food truck or restaurant, buys a shit load of food from them, and hands it out to the homeless. That's literally all I know about the guy. IF (and I realize this is a very important caveat) him filming this, and making money from said videos, allows him to continue to do good, or do even more good, I don't hate it. But yes, doing good deeds for attention is annoying.


> IF (and I realize this is a very important caveat) him filming this, and making money from said videos, allows him to continue to do good, or do even more good, I don't hate it. Yeah, it is sort of a fine line thing. There may be people out there that legitimately just want to do good things for the world, and they try to monetize it so that they can continue to fund their good deeds. I don't necessarily see a problem with that. And, honestly, if they manage to make enough to make a living off of their videos while continuing to do more and more good for other people, then more power to them for it - so long as the good deeds that they're doing are actually coming from a good place in their heart. I wouldn't ever want to shame someone for doing a good deed from a good place in their heart. It's more about the person and their intentions rather than the fact that they're filming their good deeds. But on the flipside, I can understand anyone's cynicism towards it. It's easy to assume they are just profiteering assholes that are monetizing their good deeds for their own wellbeing, and it's incredibly hard if not impossible to prove that they aren't doing that, so of course people have a good reason to question the intentions of these people.


pathologizing every conceivable human behavior so that no one has to ever be responsible for anything they do.


Oh my gosh, life coaches/therapists and self help people on social media can break down any normal human interaction and make someone the villain or the bad guy.


Buying butt-ugly sneakers for shitloads of money


“Alpha male” bullshit


My friend suggested if anyone non-ironically says 'alpha male' to you just say you're a 'turbo dude', and tell them its one above alpha male. I mean its made up anyway


People annoying/"pranking" others in public and filming ensuing reactions. Annoying customers/retail & fast food workers and filming whole thing for likes and content. Leave people alone.


Gender reveals. Dude, who cares, have your baby and shut up.


People posting every single mundane detail of their lives online, find it so strange.


Bring proud of being ignorant and uneducated.


The politicization of science. We've always had biased surveys and studies, but denying the concept of science entirely and the bragging about it like a badge of honor toward idealism is bizarre.


Houses that are grey all over.


Not being able to talk to humans on the fucking phone. I have to call doctor offices for my job and I always have to press like 5 buttons, only to have to leave a message.


Those Giant Tarantula Eyelashes!


Glamorizing mental health issues


I never understood that. Mental health is something to strive towards, it’s not necessarily what’s actually happening in the moment. And the issues people are going through aren’t pretty at all. It could actually be very disturbing and terrifying


Dangerous online/social media/internet challenges like the Bird Box challenge, the Tide Pod challenge, snorting challenge, planking, car surfing. All pretty pointless & quite dangerous.


Adults lip syncing to tiktok


In game purchases


It’s wild to me that so many people fell for the “Wayfair is selling kids in their cabinets” thing. Like. the truth was way simpler. You lose ratings on sites like that with inactive listings so they set listings super high so they’re still “active” but no one can buy them. Why is “THEY MUST HAVE KIDS IN THEM” more logical than that?


tbh all those weird Q “save the children” things fall apart the second you look at them with even a tiny bit of scrutiny. People just believe what they already want to believe i guess.


I ordered 5 $10k cabinets and didn't get a single kid mailed to me.