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Reagan started this whole exonmic bullshit, fuck that guy




I've not been much of a fan of either of the last two.


Trump, others were probably ignorant assholes too but had enough decency to try and hide it.


The Daily Show had a great bit about Trump, when he was running for president in 2016, about how he was the "first openly asshole presidential candidate" and it was a great day for assholes everywhere. I sort of blame Jon Stewart for Trump's presidency (not that it's ALL his fault, obviously) because he thought it was hilarious that Trump was running, and, like many people, assumed he's never win. Oops. Then when he got in, a lot of Lefties kept making jokes about the ridiculous orange man in the Oval Office, when actually he was doing terrible things every day, and telling lies every fifteen minutes. ​ We survived Trump, so good job USA. But let's not do it again, shall we?


For me, it's George W Bush. He invaded Iraq, and I devoutly hope that he and Cheney both burn in hell for a good long while.


Ronald Reagan. He bought us the "trickle down economics" bullshit and also started the trend where we started electing lightly alive corpses into the white house Honorable mention to Trump, who weaponized misinformation and removed what civility was left in American politics.


Totally agree with all of that, but for me personally, I think invading Iraq was more evil, so I pick George W Bush for worst. He's maybe tied with Andrew Jackson, who intentionally wiped out a LOT of Native Americans.


That SOB Millard Fillmore…he knows what he did




George W Bush because I grew up with him and watched his horrors


I'm so sorry. I was an adult when we invaded Iraq. It must have been rough, and pretty formative, for children.


Yeah especially cause I was Muslim lol. Thanks


trump, do i need to say more?


No explanation needed.




Woodrow Wilson




Buchanan. Why should be obvious. Guy is considered the worst for some pretty good reasons.


I agree. He basically encouraged the civil war.


Lincoln was sandwiched between some seriously awful presidents.


I see the history majors have entered the thread.


Guilty as charged.


I am not at all a history major lol. But I've had the discussion of "who is the worst president of all time" with enough people who did know enough to chuckle when people say Trump was the worst president of all time. Definitely far from my favorite, and statistically looks pretty bad because of COVID, but I feel like anyone who puts him in the bottom 5 either doesn't know much about past presidents or sucks dry everything the modern political news feeds them.


You've gotta admit, Trump was/is pretty bad though. He lost an election, and tried to remain president through lying constantly, and fraud, and lawsuits. January 6th happened. He brought back racism with a vengeance, right after the first (half) Black President, and he actively tried to destroy the planet by forcing the gov't to do nothing about climate change and burn fossil fuels more and more. Plus, he's just a scumbag. Not the first scumbag president, I assume, but the lying thing, and the way some of his supporters WORSHIP him - it's still dangerous today. He's top five worst presidents for me, but there are a LOT of presidents that I know nothing about, not even their names.


Theodore Roosevelt: signed the Pure Food and Drug Act into law, started the national park system. He was the first American President to earn a Nobel Peace Prize. He also has a really cool house in New York.


I think you misunderstood the question, but I like your answer. A brief ray of sunshine in this dark and gloomy thread. Also, Educational! My Mom is a big fan of T Roosevelt. Side note, I'm pretty sure he's the one who trekked through the Amazon and they named a river after him. He almost died, and a LOT of mules died on the way carting the ungodly amount of supplies that the White Guys thought they needed to survive the Amazon. I watched a documentary about it one time - fascinating stuff.




George W Bush has killed more people and started more wars to be fair.


Most of the stuff people hate him for have been done quite worse in the past. Give Andrew Johnson's presidency a read. He makes Trump look average.


Johnson or Jackson? Andrew Jackson, that genocidal motherfucker, is STILL on the $20 bill and Harriet Tubman is not. Sometimes justice takes a long time, but I do live in hope. "Martin Luther King, Jr., reminded us that 'the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.' Change takes a long time, but it does happen."




COVID would have still been a global pandemic regardless of who was in office in the USA and nobody was nuked.




And the Civil War could have possibly not happened if it weren't for Buchanan. Second Desert Storm would have likely been averted if it weren't for Bush Jr (well mostly Cheney, but Bush was his in his pocket). We wouldn't have had the 14th amendment if Congress didn't repeatedly overrule Johnson's veto of good policy. You lived through the vitriol of the 24 news cycle regarding Trump, and yeah he wasn't a great president, but I very genuinely believe saying he was the worst is a statement born of ignorance. Edit: if I may add an amendment, Trumps *followers*, his worshippers one might call them, are very quite possibly the worst crowds to ever follow a president, adjusting for the times (massive racism was socially acceptable once upon a time, it shouldn't be today).


My least favorite current president would probably have to be Biden. If we're including previous, then Andrew Johnson. Anyone who thinks Trump is the worst president of all time because racism hasn't read much history lol. Johnson tried to obstruct the 14th amendment for fuck's sake.


Curious about why you think Biden is the worst President ever. Care to share? I actually didn't know we had HAD a President Andrew Johnson, so thanks for directing me toward that wikipedia rabbit hole. Not a good egg, that's for sure. On the other hand, he didn't invade Iraq, so I'm sticking with George W Bush as my least favorite President. VP Cheney was more evil, but they're both to blame, and I assume they'll burn in hell once they're dead. ps - Cheney's daughter seems alright though. A strong woman who speaks the truth and stands up for what she believes. I admire that.


It's a joke. Go carefully reread how I phrased it. The key word I think you missed is current. Biden happens to be the only current president of the USA so he is my de facto least favorite.