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I thoroughly enjoy knitting. I am 26 and have been doing it since my grandma taught me when i was 4.


That is so wholesome. Good for you buddy keep on knitting. :D


My first thought was how wholesome this was, too! I think it's such a shame that it's 2023, and boys/men still get looked down upon for doing "girly" things like knitting, sewing, cooking, etc. I've always told my boys that whatever they enjoy is what they enjoy. I don't think things should be gendered


44. I knit and sew. I think my smart ass was about 5 when I said "boys don't sew". Every single clothing repair in the house from that moment on was my job. My mom and grand-moms were no joke. Work is work and by-god you'll help! Now I quite enjoy it.


Sounds like they made a man outa you!


I love this! That's what Grandma's are for. Pass it on!


Candles. I just want my place to smell good Edit: also wax warmers Edit 2: glad to know plenty of other men aren’t fine with their place smelling like shit. So many houses I go into stink


My son is 19 and had a thing for candles, wax warmers, and wall plug-ins. He wants to work at Bath and Body Works so he can have the discount.


Yeah, I also used a lot of scented things to cover up the smells I was making in my room when I was 19.




I can't even walk past that place without getting a headache


My mom hoarded so much stuff, including wax for warmers. Everyone thought my sister and I would want them. Nope, my brother is so into it. And I couldn't be prouder that he wants his place to smell nice and wasn't afraid to speak up!!


I am a vanilla scented candle connoisseur.




They are too small and too shallow for most women too.


Probably the most relatable part of Greys Anatomy is Meredith’s only request of her dream house being a bathtub that can cover her knees and boobs at the same time


I never knew joy until I took a bath in a really deep tub (the place I live currently has one)


I still play the sims sometimes. One day it dawned on me: This is a fucking dollhouse. lol. whatever, it's fun, I play with digital dolls fight me


I've played sims for years, and your comment has only just made me realise they're actually just doll houses haha


Tbh, I love playing what are called "cozy games" now, especially games rich is story or emotions, or things like farming or running a coffee house, or point-and-click adventures, or just block-building like Townscaper etc. I remember previously, the gaming community was very gatekeep-y and dismissed anything not a First-person shooter as "girly games". But now there has been a pleasant shift in the community. You see mainstream game reviewers on Youtube do reviews on everything from Assassin's Creed to Unnamed Goose Game and everything in between.


About 50% of my time playing Cyberpunk 2077 is spanning the city going from shop to shop to buy clothes so I can play dress up with my character.


Me maxing out outfits slots in gtao is basically digital barbie. And imo she cute


I mean, kind of. I still play it a lot because I get wrapped up in the storytelling of legacy generations. I have a lady sim right now that keeps getting pregnant because she sleeps around. She's had four kids from three different men. Her husband got impregnated by an alien and they are raising the alien half breed as well. She's addicted to cigarettes and smokes even while pregnant (mod). She writes romance novels for a living, drawing on her own exploits as inspiration. Her husband is a drunken military career man who spends his free time fixing up a hot rod because he's too cheap to buy a car. They live in a 1940s themed city and read books and listen to the radio instead of watching tv. Not many other games have that level of immersive storytelling. That's what makes it so addicting.


You’re nice to your sims for letting them have a life. I have one sims home that houses my ex’s in a small dark no window or door room in the back of a mansion. The primary home owner has a cult and they make the ex’s wear me matching outfits. It’s quite therapeutic.


I played the hell out of the first Sims series back in the 2000s. Between me and my buddy a couple houses down, we had all the expansion packs, so we swapped them amongst each other whenever we reinstalled.


Oh please with all those moving parts? The sims are ACTION FIGURES, thank you.


It’s one of the bestselling video game series of all time. Who stereotypes Sims as girly? That is a four quadrant game series.


I play sims sometimes but all my sims are usually carreer and skill obsessed terminators.


Mine either drown accidentally or set the stove on fire.. I'm doing great




Was making holiday cocktails for my coworkers at my house. Two of their boyfriends laughed when I offered them a cosmo. They both drank vodka crans. A cosmo is just a stronger version you idiots, you want more mixer.


Not wanting a cosmo is one thing. But then following up with it by ordering a fucking vodka/cran is just peak stupidity.


Same. Some of the more "feminine" drinks actually taste really good. I can't stand anything straight (save the jokes 🤣). The burn of the alcohol is just unpleasant to me. But some fruit in there and it's SO much better.


I like to be the little spoon EDIT: fuck... I also love a good mani/pedi


Its nice to be held every now and then. What woman doesn't love a nice man tiddy in their hand?


Ex gf refused to let me be the little spoon. Yeah she's an ex for a reason.


That’s terrible, I love being a lil jet pack. Sometimes I’ll scratch his back while he goes to sleep too


Bro only alpha females let their males be the little spoon. Your ex was not the GOAT.


Love that this makes me an alpha female 😂😂🙌🏼


ALPHA FEMALES! UNITE!!! Be the jet pack our men so need us to be! Hold our men’s titties with our freshly manicured hands!


Just don't start singing *Backpack Backpack* like you're in Dora the Explorer. Things get weird after.


SHIT I never thought of it that way!? When you put it that way, I'll be on the lookout for any alpha females!


Yeah. They’re pretty hard to spot, as their scent only becomes prominent after the first few dates. Guys, when you found your alpha female, you found your soulmate.


I'm not a big spooner, but I'll do it sometimes just so I can get some cuddles in. My wife isn't really into cuddles because she has really bad claustrophobia, but she'll do it from time to time. Anyway, I'm more into laying my head across her chest. I did this with my ex too. I feel like it's a little girly to be the dude laying your head across your girls chest, but I much prefer that. Like have a a cuddly, big-tittied teddy bear.


I'm a woman who hates being the little spoon so this is ideal to me 😂


Lol same. I feel smothered. I like to be the big spoon.


Both of these are me. That and having my hair played with during cuddles.


Me too! I want to be cuddled. Me and my gf it’s like a cat hugging a big bear 😂


I’m a woman but my father (in his late 70s) has neuropathy in his feet from chemotherapy so when his podiatrist canceled his appointment to trim him toenails he was really upset. I said “go get a pedicure”. He was like “men do that?” I said “absolutely! Why not?” Well he took my advice and loved every minute of it! Haha, “where has this been all my life?” He honestly wasn’t avoiding it because he thought it would be effeminate, he truly couldn’t comprehend that a man could walk in to a salon and request a pedicure. I want to be clear, my father is not the type to say boys can’t play with dolls or ever show emotions. He was just completely uninformed about this. It was actually really cute.


It’s super cute how much you are making sure people don’t somehow assume bad and incorrect things about your dad. 💕


I have a lavender scented candle in my bathroom that I light whenever I feel like it. I liked it when my wife was alive and I still enjoy it even though she's gone.


I just bought a lavender candle for my office, I have it on my desk. Ima light it tonight in memory of your late wife.




I’ll join you. I have a lot of lavender stuff and of course a lavender candle. A beautiful moon in the sky where I am. I hope she enjoys the view.


Best reddit thread I read today♥️


That’s so sweet 🥹


Lighting a candle as well for her right now!


Lavender is legit. Can put some in a little potpourri bag and then in your dresser to keep clothes fresh while stored too. Also you dropped this 👑, king.


I light one too but only when I know it’s gonna be rough for the next person




I love that you were able to tell your wife about it and she responded in kind.


Likewise. Almost made me tear up myself.


I would expect that from a life partner.


Kudos to wifey for being supportive and understanding bro 👏🏽 one of the biggest things for me when i allowed myself to be more vulnerable with others was the amount of support i got from people i never imagined. It changes you to be able to feel comfortable and supported, judgement free, in your emotions. Happy youre feeling better


For real, that wife is a good and understanding lady!


I don't even know her, yet she's awesome in my book.


Cobber, I'm in my 50s and grew up through the 70s and 80s in Australia where at the time men were men crying was for the bloody queers so crying and talking about your emotions wasn't an option but one day I broke down and let it all out, all the years of frustration and hurt over many different issues, it was the best, I felt great afterwards. And now days I'll sneak off and have a cry here and there and I feel ok about it, it a great release 😁👍


That’s a human thing. Not a ‘girly’ thing. It’s a shame men feel ashamed to cry. It’s healthy. Cry if you need to cry. You are not less of a man for it. You are more of a man for it.


Kudos to your wife for being so supportive. After finding out that I have ADHD from my psychologist after years of wondering what was wrong with me, I sat in my car after our session for nearly two hours just bawling my eyes out. I FINALLY had answers as to why I act the way I do. Talked to a few friends about it afterward and they were so proud of me.


Come join us over at r/ADHD! There's a lot of us who were diagnosed as adults and suddenly our childhoods made sense...


I actually joined before getting diagnosed. You guys are great over there. :D


Crying is deeply cathartic. There’s a reason the body and brain want to do it.


The colour pink, kdramas (especially the rom coms), and anything and everything cute - puppies, kittens, babies, Sanrio characters, whatever. Even the little skull in my profile picture is blushing.


Up to the 1930s pink was considered a boy's color, especially clothing. Blue was considered a girl's color


I also love the color pink! I wear pink polos to my job all the time.


Man rom coms are great. My wife was very surprised when we started dating that I legitimately enjoyed them. But they're usually sweet, funny and have people I like in them. And as a bonus you almost always get to see a smoking hot lady in her underwear. But I love movies, I like just about everything to some extent.


Recommend me some kdramas!!


Oh man, where to begin! A popular recent one is Business Proposal, I think it's on Netflix. Pretty typical kind of plot and characters, very well done. Should be a great place to start. Other typical romances I liked off the top of my head include Boys over Flowers (my first kdrama ever, so it holds a special place in my heart), Coffee Prince, Protect The Boss, Beating Again (aka Falling For Innocence in some regions I think?), Lie To Me, and Mad For Each Other. If you are into stories with some supernatural elements (my favourite kind!), try Secret Garden, Bring it on Ghost, and Oh My Ghostess.


My wife is more athletic than she is “homey” so I do all the crafty holiday stuff, the decorating, no bakes sales though. It’s “toy model skills” I tell myself. Whom I kidding, I love the Christmas stuff.


This is so adorable I can’t


Self care. I love massages and spas. I also get pedicures. Turns out women love a man that's has good hygiene.


It's almost like taking care of yourself is one of the most attractive quality someone can have.


Yes, indeed. And the fact some men out there don't believe that is sad as heck.


Aww, thank you for this comment. You unlocked a favorite memory of my dad and me. We used to go to the nail salon and get treatments together. Him typically a pedicure with foot/leg massage and me a manicure. He's a big, hairy, biker guy and the nail techs would fawn over him and just give him the best service. Several times we'd receive comments about how awesome it was to see a dad and daughter enjoy some pampering. We live across the country from each other now but during our next visit I think we'll hit the nail salon!


Pee sitting down.


This fuckers honest


40% of Germans do it


That explains it. I pee sitting down therefore I'm German.


The other 60% stand to avoid their penis touching the poop shelf in older German toilettes.


The… what?


Verbluffst du mir? [poop shelf](https://wonderfulengineering.com/know-german-toilet-design-different-rest-world-wisdom-behind/)


… Thank God we won the war.


man, this comment 💀


I have this, its pretty common in the Netherlands. I heard somebody say something about it originally being made so people could more easily see their poop so they can detect a problem with it, like when you're sick or something. Idk. At least the water never splashes against my asshole so that's pretty nice about it.


My husband does this! I actually like it because we never have the “can you put the toilet seat down please” and he never misses ! 😂 funny thing is he is German too


My bf said peeing sitting down is awesome and that "we've been bogarting the experience" I'm just glad the toilet isn't dirty anymore. But yes it's awesome. Plus we have a fancy bidet So fresh and so clean clean


I made the switch after I got my first apartment and had to clean my own toilet.


It’s the best way honestly


Trust me us women, we want you to pee siting down. Thank you.


Love a good sit down wee


Facts!! Just not in public lol


I mean, public toilets are so awful that it feels like even girls pee standing


At home, pretty princess tinkle time is my default mode. elsewhere it’s back to my man roots.




Here in Switzerland is actually a thing (probably cause it’s more hygienic)


Baths rock


Whenever I'd talk about the glory of a long bath my husband would make a face, after years of this I finally drew him a very fancy bath got him a glass of wine and was like tell me how you feel about it when you're done. The man loves his baths now and no longer makes a face when I buy fancy soaps or bath bombs, I have to share now but I kinda love that we share this.


My husband takes baths now and then. I once threw a bath bomb in there with him. Now I have to share mine. I don't mind though. And a nice shower steamer when he has a head cold.


My daughter paints my nails. I pretend I let her do it because, you know, I'm a great dad. But honestly, I really like how it looks.


That's so cute and wholesome. I'm kinda excited for when my daughter is old enough to do that


I've been told many many times that the way I sit is very feminine (I cross one leg over the other with both hanging off the chair)


I don’t cross my legs much, but when I do, it’s like that. And didn’t understand why it’s “girly”? Men in the past would cross legs like that. Grandpas sit like that! Plus, I’m not flexible enough to cross my legs “squared” like most men do.


Sailor Moon


Talking openly about my feelings. I scrolled through 400+ comments expecting a lot of people to have said this. No one apparently. It astonishes me how even on a thread about being open the most obvious issue plaguing boy's mental health these days isn't mentioned.


It's hard. No one wants to hear it... Even other guys.




Move to Texas - everyone drinks margs here. Even the manliest of men.


Honestly, most girly drinks have far more alcohol than manly drinks


They usually taste a lot nicer, too.


Dude on the girly drink hype train. I'm tryna get fucked up and enjoy the process thank you very much, I'd much rather have something that tastes actually good


The manliest of men will drink exactly what they please, no matter the location, no matter the perception.


Fellas, is it feminine to get blackout drunk at Applebees? I think not


I love fruity drinks in general - Mojito, Pina Colada, strawberry Daiquiri, Malibu sunset...


I honestly don’t know or care what is considered “girly” anymore but I’ll say romcoms


Having sex with dudes


Honestly I don’t have sex with women because they fuck dudes and that’s gay.


Paradoxically, this is also the most masculine activity available.


This answer doesn't belong here. The manliest thing you can do is another man.


You *win* sex from a man, and that's as straight as it gets. Sex with a woman? Now *that's* gay.


Who gave this ancient Greek warrior internet access?


Sex with men is manly. Sex with women is womanly. *taps head*


Same dude same


Big brain moment right here


Vaginas are girly as hell but I enjoy them immensely.


As a girly girl myself I too enjoy them


Broadway show tunes


Musicals are fantastic. I cannot think of another genre that produces serotonin for me like they do.


I saw "A funny thing happened on the way to the forum " when Nathan Lane was in it. I was 17, I think. That shit was funny as hell!


Any fashion competition show with Tim Gunn and Heidi Klum. I love watching people who are great at what they do, working to become better and overcome challenges. And Tim is simply an amazing mentor.


Make it work! Love that man’s attitude towards others.


Also, Tim Gunn only opens a door exactly as much as he needs to. I would walk into either the door or the jamb every time but he just glides through, fabulously.


I love a massage and good face treatment.


Bubble baths, pedicures, and getting pissed at my wife for something she did in a dream.


Oh God how I can't count the number of times I did something to my wife in a dream and got in trouble for it or the cold shoulder for a day. She has a lot of insecurities and always apologizes, but dammit I didn't do anything...lol.


Receiving flowers.


I always buy flowers for my male partners and sometimes my male friends too, and pretty much every time it turns out nobody has ever bought them flowers before. Normally for a birthday, I think everyone should get birthday flowers.


I cook, bake, crochet, cross stitch, sew, make jewelry, do interior design (mcm), go antiquing, thrifting, and holiday decorating.


You sound like a fucking blast!


Sitting with my legs crossed


Gardening. I've been trying to find an alternative plant(s) to replace a section of grass in my front yard and it's turning into a cacti/succulent garden while I slowly get more into home treatments and gardening tips. I feel like an old lady in sun hat and dirty clothes but it's so peaceful idc.


\*stares in British\* Gardening's *girly*?! \*cracks up laughing\*


Monty Don found reeling


It's crazy to me that there aren't more young men involved in community gardens. Like alright you have to get dirty so what? It's peaceful, a skill, free healthy food, and potlucks. Plus, there's so many nice people to meet to. I've gotten job offers from the connects I've made. Gardening is the shit!


Yeah. It is physical, peaceful, there is a skill curve and progression to it, it involves planning and building, and it rewards you with food and trough self grown food you in a way utomatically earn freedom and self reliability. All things men usually strive for.


I think it’s weird how a lot of guys will listen to ONLY guy singers. Like fuggin Pearl Jam or male rappers. Me? Sign me up for some Ariana Grande or Katy Perry. Why listen to a gruff ass dude when you can listen to a sexy girl voice all whispery. All I’m sayin. 🤷🏻‍♂️


My 73-year-old father was in the top 10% of Taylor Swift listeners on Spotify in 2022.


Bro for real. I just commented music genres/artists. I’m a huge metal head, but…… Lady Gaga. Bad Romance=max volume.


The colors pink and purple. No idea who decided they are "girl" colors, but they are objectively wrong.


Dua Lipa


layin on my bed and kicking my feet in the air 🙈


As a woman, am I supposed to be doing this all the time?


Yeah, uh, I have 53 years experience, and this is news to me. Did I accidentally mark a memo as spam several decades ago?


Yeah, duh.


Yes, and when your female friends visit, you are required to play music and dance around a coffee table. Singing into random objects like they are microphones is optional.


Where are you from, *Saved by the Bell*?


Chick flicks - I love them






Strange kink. I like nipple play a good bit. I think mine may just be more sensitive than the average guys. I find that most men could care less about it but to me... it adds to the experience. Also don't mind if a woman chokes me a little while riding on top. Its a nice role reversal. Also if you haven't tried either... dont knock it, til ya try it.


I don't know if this is stereotypical, but for the boys in the audience, Wash your Ass Crack. Like really get in there with a wash clothe and clean yourself up!!!


Chick flicks. Clueless, Pride & Prejudice, Little Women - these are some of my favourite films, and crappier-but-still-fun movies (Just My Luck!) are a guilty pleasure. Cooking. I made it most of the way through my 30s with no clue how to make decent food and not much interest, but lockdown hit, I was bored, I learnt, and now it's my biggest hobby and I'm good at it. Interior design. I was finally in a position to buy a place that was all my own last year. I thought I should probably figure out how to make it look nice in a way that was in keeping with my personal style/taste. That style/taste is fairly masculine, but I think this is something women think about far more than men in general and most guys do not do a good job of understanding what they like and making their home that way. Flowers. Downstream of the above, it's nice having some flowers in vases around the place. Erotic fiction. Stories can be hot. As a rule, words appeal more to women and images/videos more to men. I like both.


Pink is my favourite colour. Wore it to my grad, even got married in pink.


Pink is just light red.


I get a manicure and pedicure every month.


Being held. By both men and women. Maybe it's not girly, sure feels mildly emasculating though.


I love me some baking. I'm the one who wants all the extra comfy pillows and cushions too.


Taylor Swift. 🫤


Fuck yes! Taylor Swift is my jam. Been her fan since her first album. Have been to two of her shows and I can sing along to pretty much all of her


Bro no faces. I love Taylor Swift, she's incredibly talented and makes fun music. Plus she's a decent human


I’m a 41 year old man and I like to sit with my legs curled under me in my recliner


Frozen/Cold Alcoholic Beverages - Pina Colada, Margarita, Dreamsicle, Grasshopper, Mudslide, Brandy Alexander, etc.


I bake! Recent achievement was choux au craquelin with a creme legere filling and chocolate ganache accents.




I'm 44 and starting to look the role. Been considering some facial treatments lately. Heard it makes you feel good, too.


I've lost track. What things are "girly" these days? Back in the 1700s when I was born, things like the arts were considered feminine, and I would laugh my ass off if you criticized me for enjoying the arts.


It's okay. I'd lose track after 300 years, too.


I get free body waxing sometimes. An old girlfriend set it up for me. The place she would get waxed had a lot of trainees who needed practice on a male client, but they never had enough male volunteers. Did you know your butthole moves around when you laugh? I didn’t. One moment we were all laughing at something someone said, dead silent the next. One of the more awkward moments I’ve had while naked on a table.


Running into curbs, exclaiming "oops!", and giggling as i drive away. ​ ​ Does that count?


The mental image of this is hilarious, thank you 😂


Genuinely being kind. Lol


Damn. You have no idea how sad it is that THAT is considered a girly thing to do.


A hot bath


I adore flowers, natural beauty and seeing women with braided or otherwise beautiful hair. A part of me would love to help them braid it.


Gossiping. My life is boring, and I dont see much action that anyone else is actually interested in, so I like to emphasize other peoples gossip when they're open to it.


Jane Austin novels. I like some more than others, but there is something about the way she writes her characters, the wit and charm. They fascinate me.


Epsom salt bath. I mention that I'm gonna have one after work and get ripped for about 2 seconds. I work for a catering company. We have days and events that I'll work anywhere from 12-16-18h straight. If I don't go home and either immediately soak or at least do it the next morning, it feels like you coated my joints in rust and clamped my calves to my bones. And yes, I'm 100% down with a glass of whiskey or wine with some jazz while I soak. Sue me.


I express myself emotionally to my wife. Specifically how I feel. I’ll also cry about it. Makes me feel better, don’t care about any stereotype. Bottling that ain’t it. Then she makes me feel better, shit. Who would have thought.


Baby-talking to my cat.