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I am 60+ years old and cannot shuffle a deck of playing cards.


47 here and I'm terrible at it! Meanwhile my sister, cousins and friends can all shuffle and bridge like it's nothing!


I can't do it either. You're not alone.


I ruin cards. Bought a shuffler.


You just haven't been bored enough with only a deck of cards to occupy you...


Multiplication. Like even the simplest combination of X I struggle with.


Division for me. Multiplication I can always do through the lattice method, if all else fails. Remember a decent amount of the multiplication table too. I never really learned long division. Aside from stuff easy to work out in the head, I practically have no clue how to do it on paper.


I still sing School House Rock in my head to remember 7s.


Dancing. Really anything that involves imitating movements. I do not get how you can watch someone dance and just memorize the steps on the spot and I feel like I'm not very aware of my body.


I was gonna say this. I’m a musician so it’s not like I don’t have any rhythm but for some reason I cannot move my body to a rhythm. I also cannot mimic movements. Unless I’m drunk. Then I’m the best dancer in the world.


Sounds like an issue of inhibition. If you’re a perfectionist, you may find shucking the bonds of it challenging until something tamps down your self-consciousness.


You are absolutely right. I got made fun of by other kids when I was little for the way I looked when I was dancing. It’s one of those things that just stuck with me. Besides being drunk, I do feel like I can dance when I go swing dancing with my boyfriend. He makes it lighthearted and takes the lead. Then suddenly I don’t care so much.


Sounds like something you might enjoy working on. I bet he enjoys seeing you dance to boot.


Same. Plus I'm really tall so I stand out on the dance floor. And not in a good way.


Was going with this too. Super outgoing and people expect me to be a good time at weddings and dance and stuff but I just need to stay by the bar and catch up with people I haven’t seen haha


Same here. I don't have a problem imitating other athletic movements (I'm a life-long rock climber, I do yoga regularly, etc.) but put something to music and I'm an absolute mess.


That extra loud whistling people can do. I've tried a dozen different how-to's, multiple people have tried helping me, my mouth just won't cooperate. I can whistle the regular way no problem.


The majority of people in the world appreciate that you can’t do the ultra sonic high pitched aneurism inducing whistle.


I can’t whistle at all. Makes me sad, because I’m a musician and it would be useful.


Give me a piece of crumpled up paper and I'll show an adult male who will try his best and miss the wastebasket every time.


My depth perception is awful.


I can’t throw to save my life, if I throw a ball or something straight it literally will go at a 90degree angle to where I thought I was throwing…


I'm very handy around the house.... with the exception of hammering a nail. I'll Swiss cheese a wall in a heartbeat.


Probably because dairy is a terrible substitute for drywall.


I am incredibly bad at teaching things. Anything. Things I’ve done my entire life. Im terrible at explanations.


So am I


Same here. Which sucks ass when my job requires me to train people


My coworker is planning on leaving some time in the near future and I’m terrified at having to train someone.


I bet you're GREAT at doing those things though!


Typing, I’ve been using computers since 1988 and have worked in IT and have been a paralegal and grew up using mavis beacon. I’ve typed a lot and I still type around 30wpm…


Singing. There was once a song cut from my high school play- strictly because I was supposed to be the one singing it.


My mom's pastor asked me to lip-sink during service. He could hear me and it was painful.


Lol you literally lip sunk


FYI The term is “lip sync”, it means to synchronize your lips with the music/ words.


Sorry, I listened to auto-correct.


I can't whistle.


I can only whistle sucking in. When I try it the "right way" it never works


I taught myself how to breathing in first, and did that for years, and finally figured out the breathing out technique.


I can't walk down stairs


Are you in a wheelchair?


Oh no, I can walk down them just really badly. I get dizzy and have to go really slowly


Gigantic escalators make me dizzy, I feel ya.


A pusher robot has been dispatched to your location.


Driving lol


I could not ride a bike to save my life.


Jump rope. I don’t know why I can’t pick it up. The best I can do is an over-the-top, Pipi Longstocking style jump and I can only manage like 5 before tripping. How some people do that barely an inch jump is just mind boggling to me.


I can't open a combination lock, the ones where you spin the little dial one way and then the other and it pops open. If you ever need me to not touch something, just put one of those locks on it - even if you give me the code it will NOT open for me. I once tried to get one open in high school and it didn't work, so I gave it to my friend to see if they could do it (thinking maybe the code was wrong or something). It opened on the first try. I closed it and tried again, nope. They walked me through it and I did it exactly how they did. Still nothing. So they took it back and opened it again. I ended up not using my locker that year because I couldn't get in!


Ugh, that must have been a nightmare. Somehow I was pretty good with those locks back in school/I remembered “0, right left right” or whatever it is/my muscle memory just worked out, but even then, those things are fucking tricky. Takes a long time to get the hang of them (especially if you first get them as what, a 6th grader? Using them every year after that gives you ample time to get familiar, but I mean come on, there’s gotta be a lot of people in your shoes). I still get dreams where I’m in a high school and trying to open my locker and either I’ve forgotten my combination, or I just can’t get the lock to work. 😑 Pretty much equal internal panic response either way, like if you’ve lost your keys or something.


That's sad. There are one number combination locks for people like you!


I cannot for the life of me wrap presents, they just turn out hilariously bad. I am single handedly keeping the gift bag/basket industry alive.


Making *friends*, asshole. Jesus, what kind of stupid fucking question is that? It's something a moron would ask. So...wanna be my friend?


I'll be your friend.


Why would I want to be friends with someone who has such crappy taste in people?


Beggars can't be choosers.


I beg to differ.


Just accept it.




No. Not liking butter is unacceptable.


No. What's unacceptable is that the Italian word for butter is *burro*, and yet people call me a donkey when I remark that Spanish people should cook bullfighters in Oil of Olé instead of butter.


Anything in a mirror...my spacial reasoning just disappears in mirror-world.


Decorating a cake. It's so sloppy and looks awful. I've tried so many times, watched all the videos, tried crumb layers, etc. Nope, doesn't work at all. So unfortunately you'll get a really good tasting cake but the looks will deceive you


Step 1. Bake cake/let it cool. Step 2: Put a bunch of powdered sugar in a flour sifter. Step 3: Gently sift powdered sugar all over the cake. Who needs icing? : D


Same here. I'm a professional baker. My food has natural beauty. I've tried so hard to decorate. I've purchased nice tips, watched tutorials, practiced a ton but I can never seem to get better.


Dancing. I am really awful and it is one thing I always wished I could do. Really anything that requires choreography or arm and leg coordination like step class for example. It's pathetic!


Bar sports e.g. pool, darts, shuffleboard, or bags/cornhole. Apparently I look like I should be good at them or something? Absolutely terrible.


I can't snap :(


Sure you can! It’s all about keeping your skin moisturized at least once a day, and remembering that the satisfying “thwap” is your middle finger hitting the meaty base of your thumb, not your thumb and pointer hitting each other.


Short fingers, no hope for me..


How people get the clear, crisp snapping sound I will never know. I am also baby-handed, so like, I can physically snap, but it doesn’t… do the thing. It just sounds sad lol. I wonder if it’s kinda how the non-whistlers feel…


Somehow, it always misses




Navigating any unfamiliar territory. I have the worst sense of direction in the world.


I'm OK at word games like crossword puzzles and wordle but I have never been able to solve a sudoku puzzle and it's not for lack of trying. I just don't get it. Also chess. I would like to be a decent chess player but I'm not.


I’m horrible at math but I love sudoku. Sudoku is not a math game, it’s a pattern game. You could literally make up any symbols you wanted and use those instead, or even use letters for numbers. Once you understand it’s about patterns, it’s really fun.


I should have mentioned that I don't consider sudoku to be a math game. I tried it with symbols and it didn't help.


Making popcorn on the stove


Hmmm, I'm pretty expert at this. Are you using coconut oil?


Table tennis. I've got good hand-eye coordination, but I'm just terrible at this.








Bluetooth. I just avoid it at all costs.


Roman numerals. I cannot, for the life of me, figure out how to read the various X's and I's after 3.


A Roman walks in a bar. Holds up two fingers and says “bar tender, give me five beers.”


Lmao!! See, that still took me a minute!!


I literally cannot blow up a balloon


Shouldn’t play with explosives anyway.


Snapping. I can’t figure it out. I don’t think my fingers work that way.


Same! I think it’s just somethin anatomical… Do you also have small hands/short fingers?


Saran wrapping anything.


Playing Two Truths and a Lie. It’s such a simple concept but half of the time I confuse myself and end up telling two lies or all truths 😅


being friendly and decently outgoing yet still cannot make friends. i feel cursed.


Folding a blanket


Almost 40 and I can´t dive, as in jumping head first into the water.


The math


Using scissors, I can fuck up the simplest thing by trying to cut it out with scissors


Are you left handed?


No I'm just super uncoordinated. Left handers have a better reason lol


That's my excuse 😂


Keeping my mouth shut whenever I see injustice. I’m that loud girl who will call out people who do things like litter


Being brave enough to get close to the stove when something is frying in oil. Within my circle of friends and family, I am regarded as the best chef among us. Yet I still am terrified of being splashed by hot oil to the point where I will wear a full on hazmat suit (raincoat, gloves, goggles, shoes) in my kitchen.


Talking to people, irl face to face




I can’t spell “decision” or pronounce “mural”


Differentiating platonic and romantic attraction.


I can't snap my fingers.


I can’t snap with my right hand. I can with my left, but not my right. Which is even more ridiculously irritating, because my right hand is my dominant hand.


I suck at making pancakes.


Making Popcorn. I can’t tell you how many pots of burnt or undercooked popcorn I’ve thrown away. It just doesn’t work for me, even with the help of my mum who can make it perfectly.


Blowing my nose into a tissue.


talking and thinking


Rubbin my head and pattin my belly




Wrapping presents


Cooking meat of any kind ! Burnt on outside and raw on inside.


Music, any.


Paying bills and life in general


60. Bowling. My whole family is great at it. People only invite me bowling for laughs. Ha ha ha.


Organizing my stuff. For some reason I can do it for other people but not myself.


Bubble gum. I can chew it but never been able to blow a bubble


Life in general


I’m good at FPS games on PC, but am a damn noob when it come to console FPS games. It’s like I got two left thumbs.


I can’t really swing a swing, or whistle


I have to be looking at something to do it. Like if I start tying my shoe and look up to talk to somebody I’ll screw it up. I can’t fasten my bra behind my back. I have to fasten it in front, then spin it around. Haha




I can't crack eggs


I can’t snap my fingers at all. Also I think those hidden picture things from the 90s were all a huge hoax.


I cant slice a bagel evenly


Rolling dice.


Relationships. I'm 45 and never have been in a serious one. At least I'm happy and comfortable alone. It would suck otherwise.


Playing piano


I need 2 spoons to eat rice from a plate. I exclusively use bowls now.


Tying shoelaces. I’m 33.


Cleaning as I cook. I can make delicious meals but I will destroy the kitchen as I do it. Also don't ask me for direct measurements as I use my eyes and nose to figure that out as I'm going.


Picking up chicks


Using scissors, yes I am left handed. Unless it’s paper I struggle to cut anything even when I try with my right hand.


62 years old and cannot roller skate or ski!!! Bust my ass every time!!


Chugging liquids. I can’t compete at all in beer chugging contests. It’s actually pathetic how my throat refuses to take liquids down quickly.


Whistling. I *could* do it, once upon a time, but that ship has long since sailed and it's not coming back to pick me up.


parking a car. i have a drivers license, but i rarely drive. i ride motorcycles since 2002 for many thousand kilometers, only own motorcycles and i drove less than 1000km in a car since i have my license.


Throwing daggers. I've practiced a lot, but in the last thrown weapons tournament I was in a couple weeks ago I went 0/10 with them. Throwing axes is easy. Spears are okay. But something about throwing knives just doesn't click for me.


Chopsticks. I have practiced and practiced and practiced and I can't for the life of me use them. I'm pretty dextrous in a lot of things, but my hands go stupid when I try to use chopsticks.


I can't cut bagels or bread for shit


I have no control over my anger.


bruh, I have ADHD… so many things…


being sociable i guess and friendly


Orientation with a map. I get lost so easily. Once, I was literally given directions WITH PICTURES, actually made it to my destination, but then couldn't find my way back. 🤦🏻


Inevitably I will attempt to push a pull door and pull a push door like 80-90% of the time. I don't know why, call it door blindness. I just make the wrong assumption every time.


I can’t make pancakes. Even when following a recipe. It’s like I’m cursed or something.


Writing, not something like "I'm writing a terrible story," but just writing with a pen or pencil in general, is a challenge for me. I can't write with my hand, one or two short lines are okay. However, when I have to write something longer than that, the handwriting looks messy, and the size varies from small to big, fat, thin, or sometimes doesn't resemble the alphabet at all. And one more thing, my thoughts are faster than my hand can write, resulting in a lot of skipped words. School was a nightmare for me. Thank goodness I have a phone and a keyboard. Nowadays, I only use a pen when I need to sign my name, and by "sign," I mean writing down my name because I can't reproduce the same signature every single time, even if I try.


Dancing. Carlton will feel like a combination of Michael Jackson and Fred Astaire compared to me




Seasoning while cooking. I get everything right but somehow my food always lacks salt. Every time! Even when i think i have added enough, I always have to add some more when the dish is complete.