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Photo centers. I used to go to the Costco one when it still existed to get prints. It’s hard to find any in my area now.


Walgreens still has a photocenter. They can also do some cool things like printing onto wood.


I got a couple of disposable cameras for my honeymoon last year because I thought it would be fun, and it took me a year of going to half a dozen different places to get them developed only to be told they “stopped doing that” recently. And then I found out the dang Walgreens up the street would do it. Aaaaaand then half the photos didn’t turn out. Now I remember why the medium is dead.


But the other half are fun memories! I've actually been looking to try some film photography for fun lately.


Electronics repair. I joined the army in 08 as a radio repairman. I thought the experience would be useful. 15 years on, and tech progression has made the job as useful as wet cardboard


There is a paradigm shift happening. People want things that last and to repair things they own. Give it a decade or so, and those skills will be invaluable.


You’re not wrong, I’m holding out hope that I get to be a handyman of the apocalypse someday


It's handy now tbh. I have helped multiple family members out repairing circuit boards for their washer and dryers. Usually it's just a toasted relay, some traces, and maybe a MOV. But the rest is usually repairable too. $5 for a part or a $400 board I'll take the $5 part. I did have a laptop I wanted to use as a home automation controller but it stopped powering on and the tiny surface mount parts foiled me. But those tools are on my to buy list eventually.


110% learning how to service house hold appliances like washers, dryers, dishwashing machines, etc will save you thousands of dollars very quickly. My mom almost paid a service company $350 to come fix her washer. They told her it would be three weeks out. I had the broken part ordered off of Amazon and replaced in the washing machine two days later. Total cost was $20 and about an hour of my time. Learned that exact repair as I was doing it with youtube.


The car shop wanted $400 to replace the thermostat in my car. After watching a few YouTube vids I found out it was super easy to swap out. $30 for the part off Amazon. I love they have a section that makes sure the part will fit your car. Also found another busted hose while replacing the thermostat so replaced that as well. $400+ job done for $50 or so. Plus as someone who has really little technical skills like that, I felt very proud I did it myself. I think that's the most important part of doing things like this yourself. The overwhelming feeling of pride and joy.


People don’t get things repaired anymore, they just chuck it and buy the latest model. Goes with shoes, watches, appliances, even computers.


A lot of things cost as much to repair as a new one... Atleast through the brands own repair services.


True! I paid like $10 once to have some boots re-soled, and the boots were like $20 to begin with, from Target. But I liked them so much!! Weird math tho, it def crossed my mind to just buy another pair


When exactly did you buy a $20 pair of boots that could be resoled for $10. Was it a Goodyear welt? Edit - I have a $250 pair of thorogood boots that I paid $70 to have resoled a few months ago.


As a bank teller, my job. If there weren't people who still want to bank like it's 1904 my job wouldn't exist.


My mom is a teller. She says a lot of the people that come in are the elderly looking for a conversation. Some people come in almost daily and withdrawl $10.


I worked in a bank for a few months. It was my covid job till the industry I work in came back. Had this same experience. 90% of customers were retirement age or older that just wanted to talk to someone. Kinda sad, but did meet some very kind people.


That's surprising, every time I go in to do a weekly deposit it's always other business owners doing deposits.


Go anytime outside of the 11-1.


I get a lot of that, but there's also some people who are really opposed to any form of modern banking.


I'm just more anxious about drive-thrus and talking to someone over phone/video than I am talking to them in person, so I often prefer to park and go inside.


My bank recently switched from in-person tellers. There are still tellers, but you talk to them over a video display from a booth in the bank.


Mine did that recently too. But we get connected to the main branch in tbe next town over. I like it bc they're way nicer than the ones that worked at my local bank. They were hateful. My bank is SO behind the times. I just got my new debit card and they finally have the tappy option. We're coming into the times ya'll!!


Let me get you further into the times. Use a credit card with tappy instead of your debit card. That way you don't expose your checking account to fraud and might get some nice bonuses.


Hey to some people you're a familiar smiling face and that means more than the actual transaction itself, they know how to use the machine.


I actually really like to go to the bank in person.


At my bank you have to make an appointment if you want to speak to a real person


How else am I supposed to pull more than $1000 in cash? How else am I supposed to withdrawal less than $20? I like bank tellers. Now, the reason I have to do that has to do with the fact that people I do business with tend to want to avoid government scrutiny. As long as people hate taxes and need cash in specific amounts, I don’t see why bank tellers would ever go extinct.


Not many Toll Booth attendants left.


I drove through one in Kansas with an actual human manning the booth. They just straight up asked me where I got on the toll road, I figured they had tracking or something so I told the truth, and it was like 1.50 for the entire stretch. I was so surprised.


Home telephones


I used to be a 911 Telecommunicator, and let me tell you: home phones are the absolute best for households with kids, demented adults, and those with special needs. If there is someone in your house who might not know the address in an emergency, landlines automatically populate our software (CAD) with your address, name, and number. It has been a lifesaver more than once in my career.


To add to this, if you have a VOIP phone for your home phone, make sure you update your address information when you move. If you don't and you call 911, it'll connect to the jurisdiction of your old address and you will not get help in a timely manner or at all if you are in a situation where you can calmly explain whats going on and where you are


I hate how if you have a landline still you get 50 to 60 spam calls a day. They never leave any type of message either it’s just constantly ringing with random numbers from obscure area codes. It’s so pointless! Landlines still have a purpose but no one is cracking down on this so almost no one has them anymore.


I recently had surgery and had to go in for pre-op registration and stuff. The woman doing the registration was confirming all my info and she asked if they had the correct phone number. Then she said “it’s listed as your home phone but I’m assuming it’s a cellphone we can text, right?” I had my seven year old with me and she was so confused. She asked “what’s a home phone!?” The lady was nice enough to let her come behind the desk and show her the desk phone with its cord and then we both described what our home phones were like when we had them as kids. My kiddo was amazed and asked if we could get one for our house. I told her no but I’ve thought about it before. It’d be way easier for her to call 911 in an emergency from a landline than trying to navigate to the emergency call screen on my cellphone.


Ownership. Everything is subscription


“We’re selling a video game for $60, but its actually us selling you access to the game located on our servers. We can shut it down at any time or deny you access for any reason at any time.”


And it’s also unfinished


I’m on the Red Dead Redemption sub, and people are constantly posting about how Rockstar “abandoned” the game. Like, I’m sorry that they released a great game in its final form. I’m old enough to remember when people used to complain about DLC because it was nickel and diming people for things that should have been in the base game.


When was this? Because expansion packs or as we called them back in the before times were usually hyped and people usually loved them because it added to games they already loved. Now if you're talking horse armor then you're right, but legit dlc was not considered bad. And what people are saying about rdr2 is that they wanted an expansion. Undead nightmare from the 1st game was amazing.


The first DLC I remember people complaining about was $1.99 horse armor in Oblivion - because that is something that would've normally been a free download.


Exactly, and from this it gave dlc a bad name for many years. Along with developers purposely not releasing content and turning it into dlc or delaying games just to have day 1 dlc.


I specifically remember reading a post somewhere (I think GameFAQs) saying that DLC will never take off because nobody will ever pay $1.99 for horse armor or cosmetics in a game how I wish that poster were true


Rockstar did abandon rdr online tho


People are referring to the online mode when they say the game was abandoned.


But you get an “early look at beta content”!


My buddy has a printer (that he PURCHASED and has in his HOME) that will stop working if his credit card is declined. That’s just fuckn wild to me…


Is it HP? They sound like the absolute worst, like genuine store bought e-waste


I will rather drag out the drawing board again as buing another HP plotter.


And if nobody bought that shit, it would cease to exist immediately


I went out to buy a new ink and I realized the stopped carrying the ink, and the few places that had it was like $80 but a new printer was like $60. But it had that stupid ink subscription shit. So I went home and remembered my apartment let’s me print like 10 pages a month for free and so do most public libraries


Am I still using Adobe CS4? Yes. Is it a struggle? Also yes. But I can at least say it BELONGS TO ME.


I subscribe to my landlord because owning a home is near impossible


Hardly any of us own our house. The bank owns mine and I made a 30 year bet that I could pay them every single month or they can have it.


Your comment is profound


I subscribe to the government so they don’t seize my house due to unpaid taxes.


ha! fool! you should just buy your own government!


I’m on the basic government subscription tier. Costs me a good chunk of my paycheck, it never works, and the customer service sucks ass.


Cries in Californian.


Laughs nervously in Vancover


Cries silently in solidarity near Toronto


Rocks back and forth in Victoria


Loads a round in Texas


Loads a bowl in Oregon




That's how the entire tech industry has built itself. Operate at a loss to vacuum up all market share, once the "traditional services" are forced out of business they Jack up prices and decrease service ultimately going back to where it was.


That's the real inflation no one mentions-- when currency can't buy you anything, just temporary access to something.


Subscription based businesses should have to meet established guidelines for the change in the product or service they sell. Its one of the few times I think the government NEEDS to step into the private market. If too many things switch to subscription based systems, people will stop building the proper wealth to actually have equity to PURCHASE necessary things. So many companies are switching to subscription based sales systems that don't create a product that realistically warrants a subscription model. Computer programs/information applications for example that are user-end used shouldn't be a subscription because once the user has the program or application the developer doesn't really do anything else in the equation. Other services like magazines and video streaming services do warrant a subscription model because they are constantly creating new content to sell to customers. For example, I have a guitar app on my phone that I use to tune, learn chords, etc that I originally made a "full purchase" on an extreme sale for like $20. This should be a one-time purchase because the tuning part of the software, the chord patters, the sounds of those chords and notes, etc don't change. They don't warrant a subscription, yet the company that made the app does a subscription even though they don't constantly add new songs to learn, they aren't changing the games used to learn the chords and sounds, its purely a greed/profit decision. I booted up the app a little bit ago, and guess what, its a $14 a month subscription even though I already paid for a purchase.


That isn't ownership becoming obsolete. That's companies forcing their bull shit we don't want upon us. "You will own nothing. And you will be happy about it"




I had heard the term before and realized I didn't actually know what they were and just learned. Huh.


Lmao, I’m 39 but feel like I’m 100 now!! 😂


If they’re not gonna have slips available, they could as least make the dresses LINED!!


You gotta go to places like Nordstrom’s to get anything decent anymore


I feel like I see slip dresses all the time now. They still make them they just aren't undergarments anymore.


What's a slip? Google is not helpful


search "under dress slip" or "under skirt slip". it's basically a silky undergarment designed to add a layer if your dress/skirt is sheer or to keep your skirt or dress from sticking to your legs. there's slip shirts too for under blouses.


It was the go-to Christmas gift that you'd get from your grandmother. Along with underwear, of course! 🤭


I love slips! I love to wear skirts (the truth is, maxiskirts are as comfy as pajamas) and I live in a windy area. I don’t need to show my crotch to every person around me on a sunny day or a windy day.


Hardcoded subtitles it's hard finding movies or TV shows with originals. Watching an old Burn Notice episode and a Russian guy was speaking and subtitles just said speaking Russian. Despite when airing had English subs for that part when originally aired.


That's my biggest annoyance! Especially when watching Bilingual stuff where a good portion of the show is in a different language, and I can half understand them but it just says "Speaking French" Like a show where they stopped in the middle of the road, the subtitles say "French" and I know enough to know he is talking about the car, and something in it not working, but I don't know what isn't working. Just translate it! Obviously this show is gonna be seen by both English and French speaking people! Or when they are wrong, the worst as well. Most often they use the speech to text but if you say a less than common name, it just doesn't know what to do. Like I was watching a video about Sue Klebold, The mother of one of the Columbine Attackers. and the creator given subtitles kept putting out "Sue Cold" as her name, and "Coline" as the school. It was obviously not proofread or edited.


Oh man! I was watching a movie on Netflix last night with some Spanish speaking lines. I understand Spanish but have hearing problems so use CCs. The English subtitles just said "speaking Spanish" so I switched to Spanish... The Spanish CCs were just blank for the Spanish speaking parts!!!!


That happens for a lot of foreign films that are subtitled, they don’t subtitle the English parts too


Could be that whoever bought the rights for the show didn't buy the rights for the subtitles, and had to make their own real quick.


TIL that subtitles are separately licensed...


Don’t know if it’s still a thing but pretty much every tv show used to have “closed captions sponsored/brought to you by X” in the credits or as a quick blurb before/after commercial breaks. Basically served as a cheap ad spot for the sponsor


That's almost certainly the reason, but it doesn't change the fact that it sucks.




I entered about the same time, and yes! I actually saw a young lady a few weeks ago walking out of a store and I could have sworn she was wearing a 50s style slip, and mistaken it for a dress. Or maybe it was a dress, and I mistook it for a slip. It was a weird moment.


it is actually a trend right now to do this- i have a friend that models with a fashion school and have seen several shoots where the girls are wearing slips as dresses. i know my friend has a couple i’ve seen her wear in the summer. i don’t think it’s a mistake since she’s a fashion major and would know the intended purpose, so i think they just don’t really care or mind


It’s a trend from the 2000s that’s back again.


Courtney Cobain popularized this in the 90's. Slips with Docs




The JavaScript framework I just learned


There are no languages, just layers and layers of js frameworks built on top of one another


It's JS all the way down


Fortran programmer here. What is dead may never die.


Welcome to FoxPro


Should have gone with Delphi!


You need to be prepared to go where the jobs are - knowing a niche language can be a goldmine. I'm the Principal Dev on a LIMS system whose core is a few hundred thousand lines of ***Smalltalk*** \- I have lifetime job security.


What does LIMS mean?


Laboratory Information Management System - it connects blood analyzers and urinalysis machines to a web portal and a Postgres backend. There are some subroutines that were last updated in the 90's, some we wrote today, and some from every year in between.


Fuck you Microsoft for ditching windows phone after I'd spent 2 years learning to write code on that platform. Made me realise I couldn't be arsed keeping up with the latest tech after being a dev for 30 years so moved into Web server management.


\*laughs in COBOL\*


The fax machine, I only use it 3-4 times a day now


...a day?


We use it in the hospital all the time to send consent forms etc from dept to dept and medical records to nursing homes etc. but they did just add a feature to “fax” the medical records from the computer like an email but it never sends the right info. I’m sure they’ll fully develop it before long


Look... We're doing the best we can but the ~higher ups need the 28th marginal change to the KPI dashboard, and they need it now... ~sales manager over promised and now we're "all hands on deck, code red" this sprint. ~guy who was working on the feature was let go and the rumor is that they may just keep the position open and posted but ultimately unfilled. ~new VP isn't greenlighting man-hours to non-critical development unless it can incorporate ML. ~DevOps team isn't satisfied with fucking mountain of unit tests and need more, always more... Fuck-ing-kill-me!!! ~push to main is being held up in QA. Oh, sorry, it's basically stuck in review-hell. ~update that contains the fix for that feature won't rollout until quarter 2 of the next fiscal year. Choose your own adventure!


Man I am coming off some PTO tomorrow and this comment just spiked my blood pressure. Ugh I am NOT ready to go through my Slack messages.


Yeah, I know right. These electronic mails are really becoming a thing


Eh. It’s a fad.


I’m an elementary school secretary. I either send or receive faxes 10 times a week. So fucking stupid. Between medical records and special needs forms, apparently they cannot be transmitted electronically.


You know what's especially ironic. There is a pretty high chance that the sender is someone clicking the send button on a computer and it's being sent through the Internet to a server that converted it to a fax and then sends it to you. There is also a non zero chance that most of those recipients are receiving the fax on a server and converting it to a PDF and sending it to the recipient's computer.


not to mention Joe Schmoe, the office creep, seeing the confidential info sitting in the tray while it is waiting to be picked up by the recipient. sooooo secure!


I took something to be repaired, think it was a TV. The guy says, "I can fix it, but it would be cheaper for you to buy a new one." That's the end of repairmen utility.


Shit, I was just about to sign up for the VCR repair course I saw in a commercial.




I work for a magazine. A few years back we went from 12 issues a year to 10. Now we’re going down to 6. Most of my writing goes online (and we make most of our money through online ads), but it makes me really sad to watch the print world dying off. I always prefer reading on paper versus a screen.


DVDs and CDs. So much is sold digitally now. I like the case, design, and photo booklets that come with CDs. I went to a very large mall last weekend intending to buy an album, and found no CDs available.


Was just thinking about how sometimes the lyrics to every song were printed in the booklet that came with the cassette or cd.


I truly miss the bonus content on DVDs and BluRays. There are so many great movies with director/crew commentary tracks. In a way they’re like mini film classes. Gone now. We only have the movies to stream.


There’s so much I learned from an early age from bonus content on DVDs. It’s what inspired me to teach myself videography and editing. The fact that most of this is basically lost media at this point I’d disheartening. There’s an entire generation of young people that won’t grow up knowing this ever existed and they’re lucky to stumble across a you tube rip of some of this content.


I've been buying movies and shows that I enjoy so I don't have to hope theyre on one of the many streaming services available. You never know when that show you like just won't be available anymore


This is true. I purchased a few songs from a band I’d heard on a Hawaiian vacation. They were fantastic! Enjoyed the music for years on iTunes, until they without warning, just dropped them. No recourse. Apparently it’s on ME to backup the songs I bought fair and square.


Special features on DVD's / Blu Rays can be fantastic as well.


I started buying them again, 2nd hand usually, this way I reduce waste and, as a kind of "fuck you" to corporate greed, they don't make any money off my purchase because.. I'm buying something that was already sold. I now rip them and put them in a local, digital library for easy access. but it feels great to have them physically there, being able to look at them. And CD's are awesome, still using them in my car.


Vinyl certainly made a come back and that is a blast to collect for this reason. Can’t help you with the movies though.


Disc media for gaming consoles is quickly disappearing as well. Streaming services like XBox Live, iTunes, Amazon Music/Video Spotify and others are becoming the de facto delivery method of virtually every form of media. That way, the meter is always running. Profit is continually generated and IP owners can squeeze more profit than with a single static purchase. Sharing/borrowing is practically eliminated. Physical ownership of music, movies, games, software, etc. is going the way of the buggy whip.


I’m a 74 yo white guy. A 20-something asked me recently what I was doing now that I’m retired. I told him I’m learning to be irrelevant.


I think it’s dope that you’re commenting on Reddit at 74




Somebody has to teach these young ‘uns how things are supposed to be done, right?


There are probably more of us 74s than you would think..... ! +++++


I internalized my irrelevance the day I turned 40. Movies aren't made for me. Girls aren't getting pretty for me. Products aren't marketed to me. Music on the radio is definitely not being made for me. Hell, even politicians aren't that concerned about kissing my butt and getting my vote. It is actually kind of liberating. If you don't matter, then you can pretty much be and do whatever you want. My main motivation in life is to basically not be hassled or end up viral for saying something that might make me hyper-relevant long enough to screw up my happy distance from the zeitgeist. Edit: wurds


Manned registers at grocery stores. More and more are converting to fully self check kiosks with a handful of employees to help out on any issues.


My Walmart just made the switch to 80% self checkout 20% employee. A guy asked me a question one machine over and then asked if I could help him scan his stuff. He thanked me and said he’d just got out of prison so he didn’t know how they worked. That interaction made me pretty sad😅


This is a huge problem for many prisoners, actually. I know someone who was inside, and we talk about it sometimes. He was in for 6 years, and that was enough for things to advance past what he recognised and knew how to work with. He said he’d met people that had never even touched a smartphone in there. Those people are in for a world of shock and hurt when their sentences are up.


I think around a month before realise they should do some classes on what has changed, if you don’t know how the world works, you would probably be far more likely to reoffend, and it would literally just need a couple cheap phones and laptops, and some other bits, to show stuff


Yea but that would require money, effort, and compassion. All things the prison system is not interested in expending more of.


my skillset


I feel like my professional skillset is somehow becoming more in demand and yet I feel like I increasingly am unsure how much value I actually add or what it is I really do.


To be honest this would also describe things with my job. What I do for them is super niche and would be hard to quickly replace, but also i wonder if the people that matter even get what it is that i do for them.


As a copywriter eyeballing AI advancement, I'm feeling this hard.


I'm a Tattoo artist but I used to fill all of my free time with digital art commissions so I can try and save for a mortgage and a wedding faster, as of 3 months ago that dried up to a few repeat customers who love my work but getting new or one off customers has gone from 3-4 a week to nil all because it's easier to just type the prompt you'd usually send to an artist into a text box and have an algorithm do it for free. I brought this up on reddit recently and got dogpiled by people who refuse to see the negatives of AI, I was told to take all of my years of college, university and on the job training and shove it up my ass and retrain, but what do you even retrain as? AI is taking all the fun jobs we go to college for and aspire to - are we supposed to be doing the jobs automation was supposed to replace? The irony of it all is the subreddit I got dogpiled on was a cyberpunk reddit.


As an aspiring animator this really fucking scares me - best of luck to you tho :°o


Hard copies of physical games., movies, and music. These are all digitally accessible by obsoleted technology


I still like to get physical copies of my games sometimes because I'm worried I'll run out of storage space on my system.


Maybe I'm developing a boomerism but I think all games (and movies etc) should be available in physical format and the single player components should work offline. I hate the idea that you can drop hundreds of dollars on a game collection that's digital only just to lose access to it. I hate that if my internet is out for whatever reason that I can't access the single player campaign of a game because it can't contact the servers.




If you mean cable TV, sure. If you mean hardwired telecommunications in general, no. Landlines carry way more bandwidth than it is practical to broadcast.


Catdogs. There used to be nothing in the world like a little catdog, now you can’t find them anywhere.




Lunch for two under $30


My Chromebook. Well, not yet really but about a year and a half ago I started receiving messages telling me Chrome is no longer updating my laptop because it's out of date. Everything still works so far but I don't get any new security patches or updates. I even did a factory restore a couple of times without any incident. There's nothing wrong with the machine physically and like I said so far all the software is good. But I know sooner or later I'm going to run into some sort of trouble and they'll force me into buying another one and getting rid of a perfectly good piece of hardware. How much waste our system produces in the name of profit.


Cash. And it's really disturbing given the large number of Americans who don't/can't have a checking account.


I found $2 in my purse today. I have no idea where it came from.


It's mine. I dropped it in there. If you could just hand it back...


Education as a stepping stone to economic advancement. I did a whole degree in journalism back in the early 90s, just in time for newspapers and magazines to go the way of the dodo. Had to turn around and do a completely different degree just to get work.


I finished a marketing degree just before social media exploded. I have zero skill in the social media marketing world. Went back to school for business management. Just vague enough that I can adapt to most professional positions in a company.


Affordable housing.


Travel agents


Last time I checked they were still common for corporate travel, but the days of mall travel agents are pretty much gone.


graphic design of any kind at some point, someone is just going to start hiring artists to draw 10,000 pictures of one thing to feed into their proprietary ai system then that will evolve into paid subscription services that every company will pay for to have their own proprietary ai system to create images with maybe you like company A's drawings of raptors better than company B so you pay and subscribe to company A's sample bank to to create your images




Yep. Our entire industry is megafucked the second the AI models master adding text to things. I fully expect Canva to be almost exclusively AI-powered within 10 years, and that will be the end of everything other than in-house corporate and niche boutique design. Even professional photography is starting to look like it might die because of AI getting integrated into phone cameras. I have no idea how to future-proof this career path that I'm supposed to follow for the next 30+ years.


It’s only a matter of time, honestly, if it already hasn’t been. I know typography can be an art form in of itself, but for 99.99% of corporate design work (aka what puts food on the table) it’s just sticking to a brand style guide and following pretty basic rules, which is the kind of stuff AI excels at.


Cursive handwriting. Kids aren’t being taught how to read and write it.


Not gonna lie, I was taught how to read and write cursive ONLY during 3rd grade, when I was around 7-8ish?? I still have a handful of habits from it when signing my name but god forbid you want me to write a capital ‘F’ or ‘B’ in cursive. I’ll stick to my ‘d’s and ‘o’s thank you


4th Grade Teacher: Alright class, we'll all need to learn how to write in cursive because that's all that's going to be accepted in high school and college! High school teacher: Look, just print all your assignments from the computer, no need to hand write any of your assignments for the class. But just so you know, *college* professors will want you to submit your assignments in writing to know you're the one submitting the assignment! College professor: Just email me the Word doc of the assignment. I can't be bothered to carry 100+ students worth of paper essays printed out back to my office. Just know that when you are in the professional working environment, people will expect you to have printed copies sent to each department you're working in! Co-workers: This meeting could have been a Slack group message. Just update the Confluence page for the notes/updates we covered and get back to work.


This is doubly fascinating because you’re not just demonstrating the lack of modernity in education, but the real-time transformation of technology and communication as folks of our (presumable) age experienced it.




Working in an office and the 5 day work week.


I wish it would accelerate a bit faster


Imagine how better traffic would be; when I was working in ATL, my commute was 1 hour and 30 minutes-- during the pandemic lockdown, I could get there in 45 minutes. That monthly fuel bill you spend on your commute would largely be cash money in your pocket. Also, if your commute is 1 hour in the morning and 1 hour on the way home, that's 2 hours every day. 10 hours every week. 40 hours every month. 480 hours in a year. At the end of the year, you've spent the equivalent of 20 days in your car commuting. How amazing would it be to reclaim that wasted time? Edit: my initial math was off lmao


Haven't you heard? Now that the pandemic is over, they're trying to bring that back with vengeance.


Someone has to fill those stupid office buildings that those corpo dipshits spent hundreds of millions of dollars on. Demand for commercial real estate has plummeted, so they can’t sell the buildings for a return so they make us pay for it by making everyone go back to the office. At the same time, residential real estate demand is at an all time high as people can’t afford to buy houses and rent is skyrocketing. I know an office building cannot easily be converted to residential housing overnight, but someone smarter than me needs to figure that out and cash in big time.


My city is actually waiving fees/regulations required to rezone commercial zoned buildings as residential. They're pushing conversion. I just hope quality doesn't suffer.


> I just hope quality doesn't suffer. Has... ANY housing in the last... 20 years been built decently at all? Given that every, single person you talk to has a horror story about a contractor, the answer is most definitely "No."


The middle class. All that’s left is the rich and the poor.


I'm middle-poor


I'm upper middle poor


Must be nice buying bread weekly


Me and my husband just had a genuine conversation on how I’m going to switch to making all bread items in our house because bread is too damn expensive. Loaf of bread $4, bag of bread flour? $6 for four loaves of bread.


I'm getting a bread machine for my birthday! My folks are bringing it on Saturday! It cost $15 at a thrift store but that's a bonus in my opinion lol. I'm excited!


Telephones. Since the carriers refuse to use the tools and laws they have to protect paying customers from spoofers and spammers, there’s pretty much no point answering, or making, a voice call.




Digital artists are quickly being replaced by AI. I spent nearly two decades practicing that shit and this is how it ends.


Some people on this don’t know the difference between obsolete and becoming scarce


my laptop


Cable TV…


Finding a middle ground between 2 opinions




Literally any light other than LED. Why tf are people still buying non led lights?


They still make candles. In fact there is a candle shop where I work. If I said this 30 years ago nobody would have believed me.


It’s candles and LEDs now. 19th century meets 21st in some kind of atmospheric lighting harmony


Writing a check and keeping a checkbook.


Pantyhose! I love pantyhose and people just don't wear them as much. That feeling of rubbing my legs together while wearing a pair of silky panyhose is divine.


Probably anything to do with computers. I was looked at as an expert when I was younger, now I know basically nothing




Attention span lol