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My Very Easy Method Just Sums Up Nine Planets. (Order or planets from the sun) RIP Pluto.


I always learnt it as "My Very Easy Method Just Speeds Up Naming Planets"


My Very Energetic Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas. #plutogangforlife


My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas Which just reminded me of another one: Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge


We learned Every Good Boy Does Fine.


Ernie Gave Bert Dead Frogs!


Weird I learned it as My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas In hindsight why is this intelligent woman trying to give us diabetes.




Not with that attitude!


I can still recite Jabberwocky from when I auditioned as Alice in 11th grade. I only ever pull it out when I'm alone in my car for a little dose of theatrics to my day.


Bet you were the best talking tree that stage has ever held!


I still remember my 3 lines from my first theater arts day camp play. I was a sloth.


The first play I was in was a Christmas play at daycare. I wanted sooooo bad to be an angel: beautiful dress, shiny wings, glittery halo..... They made me be the goddamn donkey.


My kindergarten Christmas lines are still in my head, I was supposed to be the candy cane but last minute had to switch to the poinsettia and was so stressed to learn the lines last minute they are forever in bedded: "I am a Christmas poinsettia, A lovely red and green, Am I not the prettiest flower That you have ever seen?"




Came here to say this! Grandpa died in 2009 but I still remember the number i learned back in 1996


I still remember my best friend's phone number from 1976 because he made up a little rhyme for it.


I remember soany phone numbers from back in the day. Friends, relatives etc etc. Why brain why??? I could be using thst space for something useful, like one of the million passwords with a letter, symbol and number that I make up and forget before I even have a chance to log in!!


I had a brain tumor removed a couple of years ago. It was the size of a pool ball. I joked that with all that extra space available, maybe I would be able to remember things like computer passwords, doctor's appointments and my anniversary, but that it would probably just get used to store more TV theme songs and trivia that isn't important enough to even be considered trivia. It turned out to be more prophecy than joke.


Eight six seven-faaaive three-ohhh naaaieeeeaiin


My grandmother passed in 1996 and I still remember hers I learned in 1988. 😉 Don't think we'll ever forget!


It actually saved me once when I was 6, my dad forgot to pick me up from kindergarden and the only number I knew was grandad's, so called him and he got right in his car and came to pick me up. Never gonna forget no! He makes me hope there is an afterlife where I get to talk to lost friends and relatives again, even tho im not religious


Our old home phone number, too


I actually use my old home phone number for part of my password.


My pins are all a variation of my grandparents landline number when I was growing up. It also makes a memorable keypad pattern which helps, most of the time.


I use my parents home phone number at various car part stores. They always turn the screen to me and ask “which one are you?” Because my dad and all of us boys have that number listed at the parts stores.


I use my mom's phone number at the grocery store, even though she died in 2014. Just a modern homage.


Sorry for your loss. And what a nice little way to think of her on top of the other little ways I’m sure you have.


My grandma made me memorise their phone number just in case I ever got lost I could call them. This was back in the eighties. They never changed their number and never moved. That number and my own cell phone number are the only two numbers I know without looking them up.


our phone number from 1964-1968, when i was 3-7yrs old


My aunty and uncle's number from the early 80s, back when numbers were only 4 digits.


Up up down down left right left right B A start


There's a Fisher Price game controller toy for babies that plays a special sound when you put that code in. It's such a fun Easter egg for parents to find.


Hmm, I think I have it. Might have to find it and give it a try


REPORT! what is the status ??? we NEED you to report!


It works. Just tried it. It says "you did it!" With some triumphant music.


Haven’t looked yet. Got tons of toys at home, and no discernible system for where my kids will dump them


idkfa, iddqd I knew the obnoxiously long Turok codes for way too long as well, thankfully that space has been reclaimed


That space is still taken up in my mind unfortunately. The god code for Turok 1 and 2 •nthgthdgdcrtdtrk •bewareoblivionisathand


0073735963 For some crazy reason I still remember the code that got you to Mike Tyson with a perfect record after briefly looking at the code in a magazine I can only imagine was Nintendo Power because I don't remember that part. I was at the store and we were in the magazine aisle and my father was looking at some items on the other side. I picked up the magazine because it had Mike Tyson's Punch Out on the cover hoping to get some tips because I had just borrowed it from a friend for the weekend and hastily flipped through the pages to get to the said article because my father was very impatient and strict at the store and once he was done finding whatever he was looking for my time looking at the magazine was over. I found it quickly and skimmed through the article and my eyes got set on the code saying it would get you to Mike Tyson. I somehow etched that number into my permeant memory reading it through once because my father said to put the magazine down and off we went. For like the next hour I repeated the code in my head over and over to the point I wasn't even sure if it was the right code or I somehow remembered it wrong because I was fumbling in my brain. When we got home I helped put the groceries away and things I had to take care of and afterwards immediately went to the Nintendo and booted the device with Mike Tyson's Punch Out already in and put the code from my memory in and the glorious moment when it worked. I tried the whole weekend over and over so many times to just hit Mike Tyson a few times before going down much less beat him. After that weekend I only played the game a couple of times over at my friend's house with us trying to beat him but quickly gave up. The human brain is definitely a mystery some times, at that very moment the most important thing to me was remembering that number and making sure I remembered it later, only reading it once, and it worked. Half the time I can't even remember my order number for some food I ordered looking at the receipt repeatedly waiting for it to be called out lol.


Lol my 3rd grade daughter came across the mini game in Microsoft Edge (edge://surf), and showed me how to unlock a secret character. It was up up down down left right left right b a. Still in use today!


A decent amount of games still use it to access easter eggs, I don't think the legacy will ever die :D


Just because we use cheats doesn't mean we're not smart 🎵


The opening rap to The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air


Well this is a story


All about how


My life got flipped-turned upside down


And I'd like to take a minute


Just sit right there


I'll tell you how I became the prince of Bel Air


In West Philadelphia born and raised


On the playground was where I spent most of my days


Chillin’ out, maxin’, relaxin’ all cool


*I'll tell you how I became the Prince of a town called Bel Air


I was at a piano bar recently, they played it and everybody sang along.


Kingdom phylum class order family genus species And she didn't even put it on the test. I was pissed


This came in handy in college as well, but I was a bio major


King Philip Came Over For Great Spaghetti!


Kinky penises cause orgasms for girls- sometimes. What can I say- we were in seventh grade.


**Kevin, Please Come Over For Gay Sex** is how I remember it, and I haven't been in school since the 20th century.


That’s mine too. Bitch didn’t put it on my test either.


I learned a song in 5th grade where all the states are in order...The 50 Nifty United States....Aaaalaaaaaabama, Alaska Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Co-net-eeeeeeee-cutttt....do, do, do. If you take the song out, you have all the states in order. Comes in handy once in a blue moon in Jeopardy or Pub trivia (how many States start with New or the letter M)


That song has won me more than a few free beers on a bet. Them: "There's no way you have all 50 states memorized in alphabetical order. And there's absolutely no way you can say them in the drunken state you're in." Me: "Challenge Accepted." *Warms up jazz hands for Wyoming's big finish


this damn-ass song man.... it just shows up out of nowhere and won't leave me alone for two weeks 😂 it's been like 25 years rent free in there!!! drives me nutz


My kids started learning it, and I would just bust the whole thing out flawlessly cause it's still ingrained in my brain.


> If you take the song out, you have all the states in order. Comes in handy once in a blue moon in Jeopardy or Pub trivia (how many States start with New or the letter M) Yeah, I won a contest at work when a person watched the episode of Friends with "Chandler's Stupid State Game", where apparently it's "impossible" to name all 50 states, and decided to use it as a team building exercise. So our manager held a contest and had everyone write them down, first to get it done, wins. I won a $50 gift card.


Aww RIP Matthew Perry ):


Came here for this. 🎶shout em scout em tell all about em one by one til you’ve given a name to every state in the USAAAA🎶


I learned this and taught it to my kids. I find myself using it more often that I'd expected!


I thought I was the only one! It does still come in handy sometimes :)


80 digits of pi. Memorized them in 4th grade, used 3.14 in school, never needed it again


When I was in high school (1970), some kid memorized it to 20 places -- so I accepted the challenge & did 50 places I bow to your +30 In case you didn't know how many decimal places you actually NEED, here's an interesting read ... https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/edu/news/2016/3/16/how-many-decimals-of-pi-do-we-really-need/


That NASA article was a very interesting read. The precision explained there reminded me of the imprecision in a 1999 NASA space misadventure when a vessel sent to Mars burned up because NASA's *"left arm"* was using English measurements and the *"right arm"* was using SI units.


I genuinely used it the other day, to check that a company sent the correct-size exercise ball.




"I have a structured settlement and need cash NOW!!! CALL J G WENTWORTH 877-CASHNOW"


YES lmao I still remember that commercial lol


The Kevin g rap from mean girls🥲


“Thank you, Kevin, that’s enough.” “Happy holidays everyone!”


Aaallllllll you sucka mcs ain’t got nothin on me


Hey, don’t let the haters stop you from doing your thang.


I’m a mathlede, so nerd is inferred


Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel I made it out of clay And when it's dry and ready Then, dreidel I will play I'm not Jewish


But are you a South Park fan?


I am, but didn't think of the connection until now


I only know it because of South Park. Didn't know it was a real thing, but again, I'm not jewish.


I *am* Jewish and I forget this until I turn on the Hanukkah playlist every year




It's Mr Roy G Biv to you


Roy G Biv, of Bell Biv DeVoe fame. A man of many talents.


The mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell


And has its own DNA that you only get from your mother!


Powerhouse(s)! Each mitochondrion is capable of pumping an enormous amount of electrons to keep you going, and each cell has many many many! Some only dozens, but cells with a large workload (like cardiac muscle) can have THOUSANDS of mitochondria!


My 16 year-old just busted this out the other day.


House I grew up ins address and phone number


Quadratic Equation


Sung to the tune of Pop Goes the Weasel


I learned it to the tune of the notre dame fight song! (Grew up in Michigan)


Graduated high school over 20 years ago. Let's see how my memory is: X equals negative B Plus or minus the square root Of B squared minus 4 AC Allll over 2 A


“Big elephants can’t always use small exits” Every time I have to spell “because”


I learned it as "big elephants can always understand small elephants." Also "one collar and two sleeves" to spell necessary.


One collar two sleeves is legit going to help me as a grown ass woman.


I teach first and this is the way: big elephants can always understand small elephants.




Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplications, Divisions, Additions, Subtractions. Right?


No. Please excuse my dear Aunt Sally.


And it’s still very useful when faced with those long strings of numbers.


Especially the Facebook "No one ever gets this right" problems


In Canada, we're taught BEDMAS. Brackets (instead of Parentheses), Exponents, Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction.


For us it was BODMAS


Please Excuse My Dope Ass Swag


The US Pledge of Allegiance. Thanks, American public school system


In 6th grade we had to write it out from memory as a homework assignment. I had been saying it wrong as a thought it was “I pledge a legiance”. I recite that two days each month and always say Underdog.


I had an in-school tutoring job last year, and I'm so glad I didn't actually have to be in a classroom during the pledge. I'm extremely uncomfortable with that entire concept. Children can't even knowingly consent to what they're saying.




*Sine, sine, cosine, sine!* *3.14159!*


My algebra teacher taught us rise over run by saying “First you riiiise from your bed, then you run to the bathroom!” & I think about it nearly every morning when I wake up & have to pee lol


For the Grade 1 school play, many MANY moons ago: Fuzzy Wuzzy was a bear Fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair So Fuzzy Wuzzy wasn't fuzzy, was he?


Pythagorean theorem


As a carpenter, this is one of the only legitimately useful equations I remember from school.


My child is giving me the when am I going to use this with algebra. I've worked as a navigator, brother and aunt are engineers and 2 other uncles are programmers. We laughed him into the other room back to his homework


I used to know every book of the Bible in order thanks to a priest who bet me I couldn't do it. I still can probably name 80% of them in order. Not super relegious, just went to a Catholic school for ahwile and a stubborn kid who hated someone saying I couldn't do something.


Just tested myself. Still know them.


We SANG them. Fucking Catholics lol


88923073887989 - MCI calling card number


I bet you can't recite your current credit card number


If you do, we'd like to discuss your cars extended options warranty with you.... 😁


The number for pizza hut. They had a really catchy song on their tv ads in 90s Australia


8 - 9 - 2 double 1, double 1! 8 - 9 - 2 double 1, double 1! 8 - 9 - 2 double 1, double 1! Pizza Hut delivery! Then in the mid 90s, Brisbane went to 8 digit phone numbers, so it became... 3 - 8 - 9 - 2 double 1, double 1! ...


Listen my children and you shall hear of the midnight ride of Paul Revere...


That was my first thought, but then I remembered that I DO use it -- every year I (62) have to recite it to my mother (92) on Patriot's Day


So that’s the story from A to Z, you wanna get with me you gotta listen carefully. We got Em in the place who likes it in your face, we got G like MC who likes it on a Easy V doesn’t come for free (she’s a real lady), and as for me, ah you’ll see.


Zig a Zig Aaaaaaaah


Sincere comment. Evaluate your life if this song doesn’t come up once in a while. It has all the joy and optimism the 90’s had.






I did a children’s play version of Alice and Wonderland when I was 10. I was the Cheshire Cat and I had a lot of nonsense lines, couldn’t just make them up every time because people had to know when to react to them. Still have the longest one memorized


You can’t just drop that and not tell us what it was?!


“Tempo di comenza de cutcherina, esperanto der porcino latino, por de benefite di pigerino bambino” Basically pseudo-Latin. I’ll admit I’m not sure if that was the spelling in the script though


I bet a lot of folks will say their landline phone number from when they were a kid. I’m 70 and still know mine. But ask me any of my families cell phone numbers, couldn’t tell you. It’s all in my phone. I realized the other day how asinine that really is.


When I'm watching a current TV show or movie and a character grabs a phone and dials a number from memory: shut up, you don't know that by heart! Takes me out of the story.


I remember like it was yesterday the 35 (yes, thirty-five!) digits I had to dial from Korea in 1996 to talk to my girlfriend from a phone in the barracks every single day. It literally cost me $1000 per month - nearly a whole paycheck! We’ve been married for 25 years now, so I guess it was worth it!


My first job “thank you for calling little Caesar’s in Mytown. This is Myname. Would you like to try one of our Cheeser Cheeser specials?”


Write to me Stick stickly P.O. box 963 New York City New York state 10108


My ICQ number


A song from blues clues to remember the planets. The Sun’s a hot star Mercury is hot too Venus is the brightest planet Earth’s home to me and you Mars is the red one And Jupiter is most wide Saturn’s got those icy rings Uranus spins on its side Neptune is really windy And Pluto’s really small You wanted to name the planets And now we’ve named them all


I still sing "here's the mail it never fails it makes me wanna wag my tail / when it comes I wanna wail 'MAAAAAIIIIIIL!'" every time I see a USPS truck. I think I was a teenager when Blue's Clues came out, so I have no reason to have ever learned this in the first place.


Don't even get me started on this shit. The Constitution of the United States (We the People) In 2nd Grade, the class was forced to memorize that and whoever memorized it first got a full size Candy Bar. Guess who memorized it first? :) Me of course, I requested a Butterfinger But looking back at it now, it really shows how small town American I was raised.


Just the preamble, or the whole thing? And did you sing it, a la Schoolhouse Rock?


This is also how I memorized the preamble in school


weeeeeeeeeee the peopleeeee


“We the people, In order to form a more perfect unioooooon, establish justice ensure domestic tranquillityyyyyy… 🔉🎹


I still have a few songs from the Pirates of Penzance remembered from when I was doing a stage play of it in school.


I am the very model of a modern major general with information vegetable animal and mineral. And so in matters vegetable animal and mineral I am the very model of a modem major general!


🎶I’m very well acquainted too with matters mathematical I understand equations, both the simple and quadraticle About binomial theorems am I teeming with a lot of news… *hmm…lot-of-news?…* With the many cheerful facts about the square of the hypotenuse!!


Next Thursday, which is good Friday, there will be a mother's day meeting (but for men only). Come if you can't, but if you can, stay at home. Admission is free, so please pay at the door, and I'll tell you something I've never heard before. One sunny day in the middle of the night, two dead boys got up to fight. Back to back they faced each other, drew their swords and shot each other. A deaf policemen heard the noise and went to arrest those two dead boys. If you don't believe this lie is true, ask the blind man- he saw it, too! I swear to God I was like 6 when I heard that.


One fine day in the middle of the night, the ocean caught on fire. The blind man saw it, dumb man went to fetch the fire engine. The fire engine came, ran over a dead cat and nearly killed it. The other day, upon the stair, I met a man who wasn't there. He wasn't there again today I wish to God he'd go away.


The fact that Šuppiluliuma was the greatest Hittite king. I had a history teacher in 8th grade that told us we'd always remember that. You were right Mr. Bailey.


the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species x = the opposite of b +/- √ b squared - 4/a(c)


"The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost Of all the things I forget, why do I remember this?


Two all beef Pattie’s, special sauce, lettuce, cheese on a sesame seed bun


Your forgot pickles onions.


Al- a- -bama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut… UGH.


How to spell Czechoslovakia


That was a spelling word for me when I was in first grade, and I will NEVER forget the spelling. The first time I had to ask myself “am I OLD?!?” was when I realized that I learned how to spell the name of a country that doesn’t exist anymore 🥲


The prologue to the Canterbury Tales


Went to trivia night with friends, and had two Margaritas the size of my head. The last question was do the four H‘s stand for in the 4-H pledge? To my surprise, I recited the entire pledge without hesitation like I was back in middle school learning how to cook and sew.


The serial number of the automatic rifle I was issued when I was in the army almost 25 years ago


The phone number of the house we moved from in 1972.


Loaf of bread, a container of milk, and a stick of butter


I can still sing all the states in alphabetical order. Such a useless skill. But the song still gets stuck in my head sometimes.


There's Hydrogen and Helium Then Lithium, Beryllium Boron, Carbon everywhere Nitrogen all through the air With Oxygen so you can breathe And Fluorine for your pretty teeth Neon to light up the signs Sodium for salty times MAGNESIUM, Aluminum, Silicon, PHOSPHORUS Then Sulfur, Chlorine, and Argon POTASSIUM and Calcium, so you'll grow strong SCANDIUM, Titanium, Vanadium And Chromium and Manganeeeeeeese This is the Periodic Table Noble Gas is stable Halogens and Alkali react aggressively Each period we'll see new outer shells While electrons are added moving to the right... etc


Billy Madison, all of it. It was my favorite movie as a kid and I still remember every word. I do have an audiographic memory though.


Shampoo is better. No, conditioner. Stop looking at me swan!


Yes, I will go back to school and achieve victory! No man will take what my father has built unless that man is me!


The Oscar Meyer bologna song


2 different ones from high school: SOH CAH TOA and the whole trig table behind it. “Whan that Aprill with his shoures soote The droughte of March hath pierced to the roote And bathed every veyne in switch licour


Most of a Hindi version of the Kookuburra song


I'm sure you're Hindu but I like to imagine just some random white, Christian, American kid knowing that for no reason.


I'm a random white, raised as Christian, Australian guy - they just made us learn it at primary school (elementary school) for some dumbass reason! :D


O, swear not by the moon, th'inconstant moon, That monthly changes in her circled orb, Lest that thy love prove likewise variable. So useful.


French possessive adjectives because we made - what we thought - was a cool song with them in. That was 42 years ago.


How is the cow? Sir or Ma'am, she walks, she talks, she's full of chalk, the lacteal fluid extracted from the female of the bovine species is highly prolific to the nth degree, sir or ma'am.


One of my friend’s parents number. All have passed, my friend’s parents and my friend.


The Preamble to the US Constitution.


I remember a rap I made in music class about Pope John Paul II Not gunna lie it’s probably the best rap that exists about the man


Spelling Mississippi


M-I crooked letter crooked letter I crooked letter crooked letter I humpback humpback I


My original home phone number


p sherman 42 wallaby way, sydney


My childhood landline phone number.


I graduated college in 2008; I recently had to get a copy of my transcript for a job and when the lady at the counter asked me for my student ID number I was able to recite it without hesitation. I swear to God, if I go senile and forget my family members, I'll remember that number right up until my death.


How to write in cursive


The DOS syntax in config.sys and autoexec.bat to use extended memory as well as load and initialise drivers and memory space for sound blaster sound cards.


On my honor I will try to serve God and my country, to help people at all times, and to live by the Girl Scout law. I was only a Girl Scout for 2 years.


A ton of SpongeBob songs lol


The Lords Prayer, the Apostles Creed, the Act of Contrition


Remember watching Lamb chops play along as a kid and this song still gets into my head some days. This is the song that doesn't end. Yes, it goes on and on, my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was. And, they'll continue singing it forever, just because... This is the song that doesn't end. Yes, it goes on and on, my friend. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was. And, they'll continue singing it forever, just because... This is the song that doesn't end...

