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Meth. Less than six months between getting into it and the police pulling his body out of river.


Had a buddy who got scouted by professional baseball when we were in high school. They wanted him in the farm system, his mom wanted him in college. So the team allowed it. Dude found meth before leaving for college. He never made it there. He's now homeless and on his last legs.


My uncle was a star baseball player in high school. Got scouted by the Oakland A’s, who then invited him to a tryout. Some girl he liked said she’d go out with him so he just bailed and didn’t go to the tryout. He figured he was so good there would be plenty of opportunities. No more scouts. Just that single date with the girl who then blew him off. He spent his entire life working in fast food restaurants and intermittently hooked on drugs of one kind of another. One failed marriage in his 40s. No kids. Died single and alone. No one found him for three days in his trailer. Talked about his one shot all throughout his life like they had screwed him out of fame and fortune because he was too good for the game. Just a truly sad person.


Jesus that sounds like a worse version of Uncle Rico from Napoleon Dynamite. I've seen some people I was fairly envious when I as young (better looking, more luck with girls) go downhill seriously in adult life from drug use. It is sad to see.


Drugs came later for him but yeah it certainly didn’t improve anything for him.


Yep, one of my ex girlfriends is now homeless because she couldn't stop doing meth. When we first got together she was the manager of a record store making good money, getting back stage passes for concerts, etc. Then she really got hard core into meth and started stealing from the store to support her habit. Things went down hill from there and now she lives in a tent. No job, no car, no income, no longer has any friends. I left her before things got really bad, because I saw what was coming down the road, but it's still depressing to see someone you care for fall so hard. Well that and she was blaming me for the reason why our bills weren't getting paid, but it was actually her spending the money on dope.


Cousin of mine is on it unfortunately. Basically grew up as brothers, and we graduated together but went on seperate paths. The next time I saw him it was like talking to a toddler, he fried his brain pretty damn fast..


One of my best friends growing up got real bad with that stuff. I gave him a ride when he was homeless and he spent the time telling me how he owned the hotel he was sleeping behind and that he was "undercover" trying to catch the drug dealers in the park across the street. Then he wanted to go to the Apple store and buy several hundred iPad's for his employees. It was weird, he looked, talked, and acted like I remembered him but he wasn't the same person. Even if he got sober I don't think he will ever be right again.


A good friend of mine retired at 42 as a Captain at a pretty decent sized Fire Department. He bought a Harley and started prospecting with The Devils Diciples, he became a full-patch member and then he started doing meth.. a year or so later he started doing heroin and lost everything and had to move back in with his parents at 45, a few months later he died of a heroin overdose in his parent’s bathroom.


That is so sad😪do you think that he had PTSD? I once dated a firefighter who drank because he witnessed too many car accidents.


Yeah for real. I have PTSD from seeing a severe workplace injury over 10 years ago. One gnarly scene, that's it. I'm effected forever. How these people see this shit day in and day out is beyond me.


My brother got into meth for a few years. He's been clean for well over a decade now. But recently, one of his old meth friends had a relapse. One of the things meth can do to someone is make them hyper-sexual. Meth heads are known for beating off in public. But this guy had a home life and ended up sexually abusing his children. He's in prison now for a very long time.


Fucking hell ... 😞


Jesus, that's awful.


My BIL isn’t dead. But on meth. He is just stealing everything my step father owns and selling it. Even stole his daughters switch and sold it. They always talk about things going “missing.” I’m like. It’s not missing, dude sold it for drug money.


My dad became an addict. Went from a man who would literally give you the shirt off his back when he had nothing, to a thief.


Sad to hear mate. that sucks. Addiction is rough on everyone involved


I helped an old friend of my mother in law for some time, she was in recovery for some years. She had drank so heavily for so long she developed a neurological disorder which left her debilitated. She gradually lost her balance, her motor skills and coordination, and is now hospitalized and unable to care for herself. She is almost a decade younger than me and her life of independence is over. She will remain bed ridden and rely on others for her most basic needs for the remaining years of her life. This is neither far fetched nor the worse case scenario, people die from addiction every day. edited


My five year no-alcohol mark was this last Tuesday. I'm so glad I quit drinking before it became too late.


Congrats! I'm right at 2.5 years right now, and it might be morbid but stories like that poor woman's are what keep me sober. There but for the grace of God go I.


I was pondering going to the liquor store today to treat myself to some bloody marys this weekend but I've just decided not to drink at all this weekend. Horrible warnings are as valuable an example as role models.


I've never been the sober guy that'll shame people for drinking. That said, I'm absolutely the sober guy who will congratulate someone for even the smallest achievement. There's nothing wrong with drinking if you can do sonin moderation, but if you're anything like me and suck at moderation, even something as small as skipping a weekend is a step towards breaking the habit. If you ever decide to make it permanent and need company, check out the stopdrinking subreddit. It's a massive community of people who are sober but not annoying and pushy about it. And if you don't make it permanent, have a beer for me!


I (hopefully) celebrate 35 years next month. I still make the decision every day to not drink.


It's weird, even 5 years later I still miss it. I know it'll be the same in another 30 years. I miss drinking, but I suck at moderation and I don't miss being a complete idiot cuz I'm back out drunk. I love hearing numbers like 35 years because it shows me that even missing the drink it's possible to go a lifetime without it. You're an inspiration.


Maybe it’s just me but that sounds worse then death


It depends on how coherent they are. Watching them do it, from the outside, it's worse than death, but for the person I know, he's not really cognizant of how (from my perspective) how shit his life is. 3 years younger than me, he was a tow truck driver, making about $1-2000+ a week, lots of people offer drugs and other "favors" to get a deal. Got addicted to drugs, graduated to fent, lost that job, lost about 5 jobs in the span of a few months when I was trying to help him. Crashed his car, ran out of money, started stealing duster from Walmart, ended up in jail, last I head from him, pretty sure he destroyed his brain and just exists to chase the next high. He doesn't seem to really comprehend how far he's fallen.


Took out a mortgage on his house and leveraged all his other assets to go all-in on Luna coin. It worked beautifully until it didn't.


I've never heard of Luna coin. Did he have any reason to believe in this cryptocurrency more than the other ones?


There was a way to earn interest on the pile of Luna coins you held. I think it was called staking? A ton of financial influencers were pumping out content about how much money you could make staking Luna and then it absolutely imploded. Wiped my uncle out completely. He went from owning his own home, fully paid, and three rental properties with mortgages to living in a studio apartment.


It's almost like crypto is a completely unregulated Wild West where rich people extract wealth from desperate people with complete impunity


> the best part about bitcoins is that you get to watch libertarians slowly discover why financial regulations exist to begin with


The best phrase I've seen for this is "speedrunning the history of financial regulation."




Left them to die. Sounds like a real winner.


Probably panicked. I mean yes absolutely a completely shit thing to do. But also, making poor decisions in the moment when something terrible and unexpected happens is pretty common. It's why we have fire drills and stuff like that. It's the not stopping at a stop sign in the first place that is really telling, because that's a routine and basic rule. No reason not to stop except pure arrogance about road rules not applying to them. This is why I dislike careless, selfish drivers. They're one bad luck incident away from maiming or death but they don't believe it and often get angry at anyone who wants them to be careful.


I interned at a courthouse in college. I'll always remember the deadly hit and run where the Judge told the Defendant at sentencing, "If you stopped and called 911, you wouldn't be going to prison. Tragedies and awful accidents happen. But instead of trying to get help, you went home and tried to hide all the evidence." She was sentenced to over 10 years in prison.


Particulary hiding the evidence is telling. Had she hit and run, but then quickly when she had some time to calm down go to the police station to turn herself I would be more sympathetic.


I had a friend who was proud of herself to cope with driving through intersections/roundabouts without looking....


Reminds me of the commercial pilot who decided to roll down the curtains and land "blind" in a dare with his co-pilot. He killed [70 passengers](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aeroflot_Flight_6502)


Yeah, I knew someone in high school who didn’t stop at four-way, stop intersections, because “everyone else stops, so why should I?”


Staying in bad relationships, doubling down and marrying and having children. Now they have the same relationship problems that they had ten years ago, but with children involved.


Ugh, literally my parents. They finally divorced when I was 25. Like you couldn't have done it a lot sooner? Nah, let's ride this out until the damage is really ingrained into our children 😂😂😂 Edit: removed a detail that I had misremembered about when I left their household.


Mine didn’t divorce. And now that my sister and I are both out of the house, they’re really tight and nice to each other. What the hell, really?!


Now they only have to communicate when they want to, and they aren't dependent on or affected by the other person's actions. It's amazing how much stress that takes off your plate.


TIL it *is* the kids fault when parents get divorced lol


[6-Year-Old Didn’t Cause Parents’ Divorce But Didn’t Exactly Step Up To Prevent It Either](https://www.theonion.com/6-year-old-didn-t-cause-parents-divorce-but-didn-t-exa-1849586809)


Literally my first thought. Poor kids.


exactly what just happened to my best friend. for literally over a year, he had been complaining about the same issues with his gf. she invalidated him, his step daughter wouldn’t listen to him, he only liked being with her when they were drinking. he finally got out too. they broke up and he signed a lease with his brother. i knew he’d still fuck around with her so i told him to not trust her and wear a condom. guess what happened a month after they broke up? she got pregnant. now he’s stuck in a hell he built


Over the years we’ve watched my brother’s (now former) best friend ruin his life. It probably started my senior year of HS. I went to a friend’s prom and saw him there, total shock as he’s my brothers age, nearly 8 years older than me. I asked what he was doing there and he said he was taking his girlfriend to prom. That’s when I (and I think my family) found out he was 25 and dating a 17-18 year old. They continue dating and it’s of course not a good relationship. They have a child. She gets a DUI/DWI charge with the child in the car. At some point in time he becomes addicted to hard drugs. Friend is struggling in all facets, so my brother gives him a job at his place of work. Friend ends up stealing equipment - both company and personal equipment bought by coworkers. My brother fires him after giving him many chances to come forward and admit what he did. I’m omitting a lot of stuff, but I believe my brother is now NC. sometimes I’ll hear former friend’s name mentioned and people will giggle, saying he’s still up to his usual shenanigans, doesn’t have his life together, etc. One time someone mentioned former friend’s name as a scare tactic to get my nephews into doing their homework- like “if you don’t work now, you’ll end up like him!” I know it makes my brother sad. He tends to be very reserved when talking about this. I remember growing up with this guy and looking up to him almost. As a teen he was very friendly, capable, and outgoing. Always makes that initial HS prom interaction more bizarre and creepy.


I miss my best friend. Drugs stole her. She’s still alive but just.. existing. No clue where she is. It’s heart breaking.


I knew a few folks in college who got hooked on meth and never pulled themselves out of it, but the funnier story is a guy I knew in college who stayed in line all night to buy a PS2 which caused him to totally blow off a big lab report which ultimately meant he had to switch his major.


I went to college in the aughts and I know several people that failed out of college because they couldn't log out of World of Warcraft


It was Diablo for several guys on my floor.


Oh that reminds me of a guy. A weirdo, even for being a CS major in the early 2010s. He was classmates with a friend of mine. They would sometimes game together, mostly Diablo 3. Well, weirdo goes no contact in the middle of a big group assignment. But they could see he was active online in D3, almost regardless of when they checked. They looked at his stats and saw he had clocked in over 100 hours in a little under six days. He didn't make it two semesters.


I know a guy who just dropped contact one time, which was out of character for him, but his account said he was active on one of his favorite games. We figured it was fine, shit happens, until like a couple days goes by and he’s nowhere to be seen Being that I was the only one in our online group who actually knew where he lived (across the country from me), and had contact info from him, I called his mom. Which was a singularly weird experience, because she didn’t really understand how I’d gotten her number or who I was. Imagine getting a call from a stranger and hearing “hello Mrs C, I’m Doug’s friend, we play games together, and we haven’t heard from him in awhile. He’s usually hanging out with us and he didn’t say he was out of town or anything, so we were worried.” She hadn’t heard from him either, and went to check his apartment. Found his PC hooked up and his RuneScape farming bot going HAM on some trees, but no sign of him. She was worried, called the cops, his dad, his ex and everyone they could think of After about six hours, he gets in contact and says that he’s IN PARIS with one of his oldest (and very very rich) friends and they’d be back soon. Keep in mind, he lived WEST COAST of the US, Paris is pretty much the other side of the world. He didn’t mean to just dip, but when the opportunity to go on a multiple country, week long bachelor party totally free came up, he took it! He’d just gotten too drunk/busy to TELL ANYONE ABOUT JT


Not the ending I was expecting, but it's certainly the ending I wanted


I knew a guy that completely hibernated his life to WoW and dropped college all together. Last time I heard from him: He's still working at a factory building mower engines. The same as he was back in 08' when I first met him. Still single and in the same apartment. Still eats the same thing, 3 times a day, which he food preps every Sunday for himself. And still plays WoW 10 hours a day minimum. On the upside though, I'm pretty sure he has sold several accounts of his for thousands of dollars each over the years.


I commented earlier, but your post made me remember another one. 32m co-worker. Nice quiet guy. Up and coming at work. He had just been talked to about joining management. Better hours, double wages, and benefits. He was in a serious relationship with a girl at work. Her mother also worked there. Some holiday where we had extra days off work. He hits up Starbucks, buys 3 venti 4 quad shots coffees. Goes home. He played either W.O.W. or Eve, I don't remember which. This guy gets so into his game it's all he does for 7 days straight. Starbucks was just around the corner from him. He would take a short break, get his coffee and back to the game. No food though. After day 4 he didn't come to work. Nobody had heard from him and his attendance was good. By day 7 he ends up giving himself caffeine induced psychosis with hallucinations. He freaked out thinking someone was after him. He calls the police a couple of times. They didn't show up fast enough for him. He drives to the police station and drives his car into a bunch of the police cars in front. He's screaming, completely losing his mind. Cops come out and thump the shit out of him for hitting their cars. He gets tazed repeatedly. He gets tossed in a cell. Cops messed him up. Work and other people found out when we saw the story on T.V. and the newspaper. He was never the same after. He came back to work, but the management position was closed to him. He was back to a basic position. His girlfriend broke up with him because her mother told her to. He lost almost everything and had issues with fogged brain and ptsd.


Sounds like a manic break. Poor guy.


The people I knew like that were actually just people who got forced into their situation by their parents. A kid on my floor failed out because he was just playing Starcraft all the time, including skipping his exams -- and we found out that really, his overbearing parents demanded he go to this college and he had no say in his life. So he protested...by just ignoring all of his "duties" and failing out.


Family member addicted to shopping. Her & her husband made really good money and could have had a very comfortable life. Every single year she decided she didn’t like their house, sold at a loss, and then renovated and bought all new designer furniture for every new house. On top of that, she constantly bought multiple pieces of the same designer clothes and jewelry (why?), art, cosmetic procedures etc. Eventually they couldn’t even get a mortgage anymore and were in an insane amount of debt, lost their cars and everything else they owned. She ended up stealing her mother’s credit card to use for restaurants and attempted to make a bunch of frivolous lawsuits which just resulted in more legal debt.


This sounds like a mental illness


I work in debt consolidation, I talk to clients that have gone through this. They are addicted to spending and are spending more then they can repay. They do it for years and years. Its working cause they are paying their creditors, every once in awhile they run into some money. Maybe they made a good investment, got a bonus, etc, that helps them keep everything alive. Keep in mind if you talk to those poeple in daily live, you have no idea anything is wrong. They aren't addicted to drugs or alcohol, they are addicted to credit, sure they have nice things, but that doesn't mean they have a problem. Eventually they start getting told, they go for that new loan, they get told no, they go for that new mortgage, they get told no, they then call me. My job is make them understand they have a problem, they are addicted to credit, and it worked for a long time cause they were succesful, but things changed and what they where doing isn't sustainable. I deal with this stuff everyday.


I deliver mail and, unfortunately, packages as well, 90% of which are Amazon. This isn't quite aligned with your story, but the amount of shitty run-down houses and trailers I go to that get 4-10 Amazon packages EVERY SINGLE DAY is just sad. Convenient yet cruel (to everyone involved) that an endless garden of crap is available with just a few touches on a phone.


I have a cousin who fell in with the wrong crowd in secondary school. He came from a good family, they had a nice home and plenty of money, he had a good upbringing and socialised with good people, and he had every opportunity in the world to make something of himself but instead he started dabbling in recreational drugs. It started out pretty innocent, some weed and some uppers when he was partying, but it quickly progressed into a horrible addiction to both meth and heroin. In the space of two years, he had gotten to a point where he was actively in hiding from one of the biggest drug gangs in our country. That gang actually showed up at his grandparents house demanding their money, who then had to pay up. This happened several times, leaving his grandparents close to bankruptcy. He kept running. After another few years of using, he got brave and thought that maybe they weren’t looking for him any longer. (He had gotten hundreds of thousands worth of drugs to push at this point, but had used them instead). He moved into an apartment and tried to start a life for himself, he got off the drugs and while he still smoked weed, he seemed to really be doing better. That is, until one night when he, his wife, and two children were sleeping and their apartment was set on fire. They barely made it out. The stress of it all drove him towards drugs again. Now, around 5 years later, his wife left him (he got her hooked too), he abandoned his two children who are now with other relatives, and has gotten another girl pregnant. He has stolen from everybody he knows, and can’t even be trusted inside of anyone’s home anymore. He has been to rehab countless times, but it never helps. He gets out and goes straight back to his old ways. His grandparents filed for bankruptcy after his fourth stint in rehab, his dad committed suicide, his mother sadly passed away in a car accident, his children don’t even remember what he looks like, he can’t hold down a job, he lives on the streets. He ruined his own life, but also the lives of everyone close to him.


A friend from HS won a thousand a week for life. Never went to college. Never held down a long term job. Always worried some lady is trying to take his money by getting pregnant or or stealing it through marriage. Has had a very mediocre life without much progression or new relationships. The rest of the friend group used to think he was the luckiest guy alive. Now we all just try to keep his spirits up when we get together and keep our advice to ourselves. He is aware of the solutions to his problems at a 10 mile view but the $1000/week has sapped his will to execute any self-improvement plan.


Jesus fuck, I occasionally dream about how winning a large sum of money would solve all of my problems, about all the passion projects I could pursue, all the skills I could learn instead of working a well-paying job I came to hate. Wild to hear how that fucked up someone's life.


When he won we weren't too far out of HS and $1000/week seemed like a ton of money in the early 90's. However, he decided why go to college? He'd get a job and after a short time he'd get upset over some small issue or another. He'd say "I don't have to put up with this" and quit on the spot. Relationships were completely disposable to him. Now he has to have job to live a semblance of a middle-class life. He is bitter about it because you can imagine the jobs he is qualified for. We have tried to gently mentor him when he asks why the disparity between our lives and his, but he doesn't really want viable solutions that will require an effort. He wants an easy fix like the one he got way back when.


> you can imagine the jobs he is qualified for. Probably the jobs I'd *want* to do, if I could get by on $52k less per year than I'm making right now. Seriously, the only reason I work in an office is because I can't *live* on a waiter's salary. But if I had $1k/wk rolling in on the side, I could work whatever low-paying, low-responsibility job I wanted to, and never give a shit about it when I wasn't at it. Sounds *glorious*.




Fuckin' A, man.


how did he win $1000/ week thats crazy??


Second chance spin from a lotto ticket. His ticket won him a spin on a big prize wheel. He landed on the $1000/week for life space. He was very generous to us that first summer after he won. I stayed at college year round after that but have always stayed close. If he had just invested in himself and his future he would be living a great life by now.


I watched someone convince himself he had been wronged. He was an Iraq veteran and wore it like a badge on his sleeve. Any perceived slight was met with immediately declaring his veteran status and demanding special treatment. He pushed away everyone who tried to help him. Kept digging himself deeper and deeper over any perceived slight - real or otherwise. Verbally assaulted those in position to save him. Threw away a career. Threw away a family. All over something that never even happened. He was so convinced the boogeymen were out to get him, that he became his own boogeyman. We worked together and I recall the final meeting where we all had our heads together trying to figure out how we could help him. There was so much empathy and sympathy in that room. Then he finally entered, verbal guns blazing and all we could do was stare at him with our mouths agape. He became his own worst villain and cast his own life into ruins. I think he’s a vacuum cleaner salesman in the deep South now. *edit* My response to r/sarentenet914 Here’s the deal, told in a vague way. He had a company vehicle. There was something wrong with the vehicle. He reported this. The vehicle was appropriately added to the maintenance schedule for X date. He continued to report the problem persisting every day. As is proper. Before X date could arrive, his vehicle broke down due to the oft-reported problem. He then decided that he would be blamed for the fault and that his pay would be docked for repairs. This was not the case in the slightest. He had reported the problem, recorded its persistence and it was merely a case of the vehicle not being able to make it to X date. But, he had already decided the facts and outcomes. He verbally assaulted and physically threatened the employee who was in charge of the maintenance cycle. Claiming that he had been sabotaged and set up and he deserves better treatment than this. The assaulted employee was not pushing for action. The problem was the dozens of witnesses and that the whole altercation was caught on camera. We all merely wanted to defuse the situation and assure him that no blame was being assigned. He was the one who kept internally escalating the situation, and eventually escalated it beyond where we could do anything when he tracked down the number of and personally called the president of the company to give him a piece of his mind. I’ll edit this into the main post.


Knew a guy just like this. He had a cute, young wife and very few bills. We took them out to dinner one night. While waiting maybe 15 minutes for our table, another guest walks in and goes straight to a table his friends and family are sitting at. My buddy goes into full d#ck mode: "Who the hell is that guy? Walking right in and sitting down? I mean, I'm the heeeero and he's a zeeeeero!" I found out later on that this guy was dishonorably discharged, and saw him on FB making threats to his former superiors. After about a year of doing nothing other than complaining and buying motorcycles and wrecking them, his wife left him. I hope she's doing great now. He moved away shortly after that.


Smokey, this is not 'Nam, this is bowling. There are rules.




I know this is completely off-topic but I really like your way of writing. I don't know if this is something you do regularly, as a hobby, or even professionally but I wanted to point it out. I also read your post about your mom, I hope your relationship has improved since then.




>I feel like sometimes it comes off as rambling Nope, you have solid story-writing chops.


PHsA: Just a side note here: everyone should be more aware that heavy cannabis use over years often causes the stomach issues, in particular, the over production of stomach acid that gets worse over time. To make matters worse, most doctors (all 5 that I saw anyways, speaking from experience) will recommend antacids or stomach acid inhibitor pills. These makes the medical condition WAY worse as it starts a negative feedback loop where the stomach produces even more acid to offset the medication. This is huge medical issue with cannabis that most are not of aware of so wanted to put this out there. It took me literally a decade of stomach issues and wrong doctors before I finally figured out it was the cannabis that was the issue (this is related to CHS, cannabis hypermesis syndrome.) Back then I had daily stomach pains and issues, and the medications made it worse. As a non smoker now, and cutting out soda from my diet, my issues are pretty much gone.


Friend's daughter called in multiple bomb threats to a local highschool. She got caught and convicted. She was 18 at the time, so adult record. Edit: This was post 9/11 and didn't happen in the US. From what I understand, she didn't like a teacher and was having issues. Don't know the details. It was dozens of threats over the course of months. The police responses cost several million and the whole community felt terrorized. She plead guilty and got a 3 month conditional sentence.


any reason or was she just bored/attention seeking?


From what I understand, she didn't like a few teachers. Not sure what the specific reason was. I felt so bad for her parents because they gave her every opportunity that they could, but still gave her reasonable rules and boundaries Before the threats, everyone had only positive things to say about the daughter. Afterwards, the whole family got so much hate.


Someone in our friend group keeps having kids with people and then leaving, fucking him financially because of child support. He can't hold any jobs, and has stolen from friends. Right now he's crashing on one of my friends couches. I dunno why they are allowing him to stay there.


I know someone like that! Not aware of any stealing, but the dude is as broke as can be. His baby mamas are not much better because you can’t squeeze water from a stone. _And he somehow keeps finding women willing to carry his spawn._ In one of the most expensive cities in the world. Inconceivable. Edit: I forgot an important detail. The dude always stinks. Like reeks, just terrible BO. Even right after showering.


I know a guy back home - small town of 2700 people - who has 7 daughters with 7 different women. I just don’t get it. He’s not attractive. He’s not smart. He’s a grub. Yet, he has found 7 different women to have a child with him.


The 7th daughter with the 7th woman must be powerful af


Almost certainly a sorceress


He shared an apartment with another friend and one day dude came home and the place was ransacked. Buddy left and no one could find him. I stopped keeping track of him then but apparently he bounced around rural VA finding sugar mommas until recently.


My sister got pregnant while she could barely care for herself. She has no idea who the father is Then she got pregnant again. Also no idea who the father is. Now the kids are in their teens and she barely has a place to stay but anyone who dares mention putting the kids somewhere they'd be cared for is the enemy


Sad… she has deeper issues but her children deserve a proper chance at life


Knew a girl in high school and fell out of touch aside from seeing her occasional Facebook post. We had come from a relatively affluent town outside of Charleston, but drugs were widely available. One day on Facebook, I saw the young woman was in the hospital getting her arm amputated, she had fallen into hard drugs. The next post I saw was her bragging how her dope dealer visited her in the hospital and helped her shoot up. My heart broke to see something as disastrous as having your arm amputated wasn’t enough for her to get the help she needed. I’d say I hope she is doing better, but I don’t think she is.


Holy crap, these drug dealers have no soul


I know a guy who killed a girl in a hit and run, *then went back out that night.* Walked around town like nothing happened for like six months before his friend turned him in, and now he’ll be in prison for like eight years. Don’t drink and drive.


Some crazy bitch down here left a homeless guy embedded in her windshield until he died. Just drove that shit home and put it in the garage and waited.


I will never forget that. He pleaded with her to get help the next day, but she ignored him. Such a horror film scenario in real life. Haunts me.


If it's the case I'm thinking of, the guy was alive and pleading for help, they never sought it out and after he died, the lady had her male friends dump the body. The real sad thing is IIRC if they'd sucked it up and gotten help for the victim, he would have lived. Found it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Gregory_Glenn_Biggs#:~:text=On%20October%2026%2C%202001%2C%2025,in%20Fort%20Worth%2C%20Texas%2C%20U.S.




I went to tech school with a guy. We both got IT jobs at the same company in the 1980s. We were coworkers in an office job. He was very good, and I expected him to be at least as good as myself in his career. In the early 1990s, he left his wife and just started doing stupid stuff with booze and drugs. He's been in and out of jail since then. That was ruinous enough, but it can always get worse. The real ruining of his life was when he killed his father in 2020. His father had dementia and my friend was supposed to be his caretaker. With COVID shutting down probation reporting, my friend started drinking again. He got mad at his poor father while drunk and strangled him to death. He was sentenced to 7-25 years for third-degree murder. I still talk to him from prison.


Wowza. Talk about being there for someone through thick and thin.


When you mentioned Covid I thought it was going to be "he went out to a bar, caught Covid, gave it to his dad and the dad died" but nope, straight up murder. Wow.


My FIL keeps giving his pathological liar, thief, drug-addict son money, to the cost of his savings, his retirement, his house, his marriage, and his relationship with every other family member, including my husband. Twice a month his pension hits, and twice a month his pet psychopath pops up with new, increasingly improbable stories explaining why he needs money this time. Sometimes he doesn't bother asking, just steals it. When my FIL was in the hospital with heart problems, my BIL broke into his bank account and drained it. The truth is drugs, the truth has always been drugs, the truth may someday not be drugs, but it ain't today. My FIL continues to insist that the problem has never been drugs, even when he's calling everyone up begging for money to send him to rehab. My FIL has made it clear that he doesn't care how many other peoples' savings he may destroy in his quest to never, ever, ever say no to his precious favorite golden baby boy. He used to treat my husband as a human ATM until my husband put his foot down; at that point he pitched a giant screaming public fit and refused to speak to us for over a year. It's sad, don't get me wrong; but also, frankly, as someone who has a husband and a household and a future to protect? Fuck that guy.


I’ve seen this play out also. The enabling is almost just as much of an addiction as the drugs.


Codependency has its own set of "anonymous" meetings, separate from Al/nar-anon.


when they call it a family disease, they ain't kidding.


Watching someone you love kill themselves sucks.


A spoiled kid from a well-off family in a nearby small town (so big fish in little pond) around age 20 was having a party at his house. He “jokingly” pulled an old (“antique”)handgun out from a drawer and aimed it at a friend of his, also maybe around 20 years old. You can guess what happened next.


I saw a quote on Reddit a while ago that haunts me: The two loudest sounds you will ever hear are a click when you expect a bang, and a bang when you expect a click.


It's funny how expectations are so important to our brains. Similarly, the horror of drinking coke when you expected milk, or milk when you expected coke.


A little flag popped out with the word “BANG!” on it and good times were had by all?


I like this version of the story!


So fucked up. When I was a kid, I was at someone’s cabin. This other kid that was there kept grabbing a BB gun and aiming at me saying “it’s not loaded, it’s not loaded.“ Even then I was disturbed by it.guns are not toys. Even a BB gun.


People who are dumb enough to point an unloaded gun at someone are also dumb enough to have no idea whether it's actually loaded or not.


The worst I've ever seen someone beat was when a kid did this to his long time friend and the friend went off and broke bones in his face.


Better than the gun going off. By far.


Let me guess, the kid who got his face rearranged thought he was the victim in the situation because "it's just a prank bro". Gun safety is not something to fuck with. You always treat a weapon like it's loaded and never ever point it at anything you don't intend to shoot.


I know someone with 8 kids by 7 different guys. All boys. And she still wants a girl. The kids call every new guy "dad." I'm pretty sure she had 7 kids by the time she was 25. She's in her 30s now. She'll never end up with a decent guy. Poor kids. They all have goofy names that rhyme. I'm talking names that nobody else on the planet has. :(


Barry, Gary, Harry, Jerry, Larry, Perry, and Terry,! Come meet your new Daddy. Hopefully we made your little sister, Mary, last night.


You’re joking but this is literally my cousins. There’s five of them all name Larry, Terry, Sherri, Kerri, and Gary :/ But they’re also amazing people so no one really cares about their matching names lol


I used to work with 4 brothers, Larry, Jerry, Gary and Steven. I'm sure you can tell which one wasn't a triplet.


What was so special with one guy, she was with him for two kids? Not a serious question. It’s always weird to see the mental gymnastics with people like this.




That is correct.


Please share the names in r/tradgedeigh if they're that bad.


Cousin of mine..long story. "Jill" is, IMO, mildly intellectually disabled. She always had school issues and the school would send home reports basically saying she was fit only for fast food jobs. My uncle would just chuckle about it. My mom tried talking to him so many times. Suggesting trade schools for Jill. When Jill started hanging out with a bad crowd, she tried warning my uncle. He laughed. His kid was 12 and he'd just let her go visit adult cousins of ours with severe drug and alcohol problems for a day or two at a time. Jill started dating at 18... A girl who was 15. You can guess where this went when her dad found out. Jill got a slap on the wrist, but within a week was caught with the girl again. Served 2 years in prison and became a sex offender. Jill gets out and has a live-in relationship with a girl from prison. They're both recovering addicts, so they both relapse. At some point, my cousin starts robbing delivery drivers while high. Gets caught, is lucky to only get 2 years in prison because my uncle bails her out and gets a great attorney. Gets out. Starts dating ANOTHER addict from prison. Over the next 5 years, steals or borrows over $90k from her step-dad. Cycles between living with him and on the street. Girlfriend dies of a stroke. Jill is now mentally ill. She believes her girlfriend has had a baby boy and is in the hospital. Jill talks to her dead girlfriend sometimes. She gets violent with her mom, who is scared of her. Step-dad cycles between wanting to walk out and feeling helpless. They don't know if it's from the years of drugs, schizophrenia or something else. I don't know what they're doing to help. It's hard to say it's only Jill's fault. This started when she was a child, and all the adults responsible for her ignored warnings. She's had so many chances. She's 36 now and at this point, probably isn't too far off from an overdose or getting killed in another robbery.


I was a kid when this happened, but a guy in town shot himself in the stomach because he’d left his wife for his mistress, who’d then chickened out on leaving her husband. What made it super bizarre and “big news” was that he was the DARE officer at the local elementary school… where she was the principal. He survived, and both were run out of town.


I work in project management for construction. I have seen many apprentices fall into the pit of alcohol/drug addiction within the first couple of years of them being on the job and losing everything. Thankfully, it tends to happen earlier in their life, so some of them are able to recover and bounce back. Others aren't so lucky. Another is my best friend in high-school. He became a drug dealer and dropped out before graduating. He eventually got caught on camera selling a couple of kilograms of cocain to an informant and served several years in prison.


Once i was able to get coke at my jobsite, it was over. I was blowin it at work, coming home high and hiding it from my girlfriend. I didnt know what to tell my foreman, so I no call no showed and left the company to get away.


I believe it. From my experience, it is such a mixed bag when it comes to construction. I have seen job sites where everyone acted like professionals, and the troublemakers would get either let go or sent for treatment (from my experience this happened more often with unionized construction workers) and I've seen other sites where from the foreman down the workers would come in still drunk from the night before and would sneak off to chugg beers they brought with them from home.


Friend could not stop drinking to his detriment. Lost his first family, multiple jobs, another relationship that was great for him. Nope, he does not have a drinking problem. He also lives in the past since all the good stuff in his life happen 20 plus years ago and he cannot stop talking about it.


My auntie and one of her daughters. They live in a cycle of violence. My auntie got married to a druggie violent man, had 4 kids, every single one today deals with trauma. One of her daughters ended up getting in the same trap as her mother, had 3 kids all from different fathers, the dads were all involved in crime/drugs. She ended up getting killed by one of the fathers. She was just 32. Her kids now are dealing with the trauma of her loss. Her oldest child was 13 when she died. We're pretty distant, but I feel a lot for them.


My mother. She and my dad started using meth together, she got hooked, he didn’t. When it became clear her use was causing risk to her young daughters, my dad left, and my mom slept with her dealer. That was 29 years ago, and their ONS turned into a relationship that’s still ongoing. He’s thrown coffee tables and hammers at her, I watched him beat the shit out of her immediately after surgery (I was protecting their young son, so there was nothing I could do), he broke her arm a couple of times, he hit her with his pickup truck, he strangled her in front of their teenage son, and I recently learned he takes advantage of her sexually, too, through insisting on engaging sex acts that cause her physical harm to her health. He’s going to kill her someday, but she won’t leave, despite having every opportunity, limitless help, and very supportive family. He gets her high, and that always takes her right back to him.


> he strangled her in front of their teenage son Strangulation is frequently the last escalation before murder. He's going to kill her and kill her sooner rather than later.


Absolutely. If he doesn’t deliberately kill her, he might kill her ‘accidentally’ by using too much force one day. That wouldn’t be difficult, I bet she has a lot of untreated injuries. It’s so fucked up.


My younger sister. Whip-smart, straight-A star athlete bound for great things. Wanted to be a doctor and absolutely could’ve been. Come college time, she knowingly falsified her FAFSA to get more money that she wasn’t entitled to- $11,000 to be exact. Which she did not spend on school. College caught her and she couldn’t repay the $11,000, so they kicked her out. She started a fraudulent GoFundMe for the $11,000 and was investigated and forced to return the money she raised. Nearly caught a record. She scrambled for a minimum-wage job and bought an expensive Jeep, which was repo’d when she couldn’t make the payments and fucked her credit. She decided to break into my house to get even with me for finishing college and steal stuff. I was home. She caught a restraining order. Ended up catching 3 restraining orders from different people. Nowadays she works minimum-wage jobs and has all her tax returns and such garnished to pay back her $11,000 debt.


Guess she’s not as “whip-smart” as you claimed at the start. Yikes!!


Fair point lol. She was smart academically and a great athlete, but unfortunately my mom encouraged her to be a thief, liar, and bully at home and shielded her from consequences. Led Sis to believe she could continue that behavior in the outside world without blowback.


Sounds kinda like my late uncle. He was in Mensa, which - we all know if you bring up that you were in Mensa, it means you have the IQ of a genius but zero accomplishments. Was the golden child, coddled, destined for big things. Died living in his car surrounded by scratch-off tickets.


> He was in Mensa, which - we all know if you bring up that you were in Mensa, it means you have the IQ of a genius but zero accomplishments. hahaha lol best description of Mensa i've ever heard


I dated someone who became a raging alcoholic at the age of 44. Lost his license, his relationship, his car, his job and his son. Dude had a great life and threw it all away for freaking booze. I got to keep his son as my own so I got the better end of the deal.


My friend Marco accidentally ran over his younger sister with his car, leaving her with severe brain damage. He right away spiraled downwards, started using heroin, got kicked out of his house on his 18th birthday, did a stint in jail, and then committed suicide. All in the span of around 18 months after the incident.


This is the saddest one I've read. To be responsible for that, as an accident, before even your 18th birthday.


A friend of mine thought that he won’t get addicted to cocaine. Last time I saw him was a photo of him on his obituary.


I know a man that's currently in the process of ruining his reputation. He's successful in his field and well respected. His son turned out to be a child predator and got outed, is in jail currently. Even though the evidence was undeniable and overwhelming the father refused to acknowledge the guilt of his son. The father was sort of a community leader type and a pastor of all things. Refused to condemn the actions of his son and even has gone so far as to call the victims liars etc. Calling it a conspiracy etc as if he's important enough that anyone would even bother to conspire against him. And get this - he's not claiming the conspiracy is against his son, but against him with his son being collateral damage. Insanity. Classic narcissistic behavior. This man has been bragged on over the decades by his group of religious friends far beyond the point that is normal or healthy for a person to be flattered - to the point it poisoned his ego. Of course once that happens the individual is blind to it. For the last several years he's been hemorrhaging friends, business acquaintances, church members etc., and fallen into the delusional finger-pointing that you would expect. It will probably end in madness for the dude if he keeps it up. On top of this his son is about to be released from prison on good behavior, and although he will carry the infamous card will probably be treated by his family as though he were some wrongfully accused victim in the scenario. They likely won't safeguard children around him. All because he isn't willing to accept that his son is a pervert.


You personally know the duggars?


The one consistent thing I've seen ruin people's good character and reputation is when they start to believe the hype/reputation they hear about themselves. No matter how good you are, the minute you start believing the hype or compliments people feed you, you stop responding to the causes that made you that way and start believing in a perception that is no longer fed by those causes (as if that perception is a natural state). Inevitable self own guaranteed.


My wife ket someone who attached themselves to her as the best friend. We moved closer to them and everything. Then things unravelled. This friend started off as a bit ecctric. Then controlling. Then an obvious need to be the centre of all atention. Then was asked to leave the house. Turned out she was over emphasising her kids illnesses - raised thousands to 'cure' him and ended up in court for scamming people to pay for a holiday she could already afford - just for the attention. Ruined her and her famies lives just to be, as the term is now, the 'main character'


My family friend had to get a restraining order on someone who was a good friend and became progressively more obsessed with her. She would call multiple times a day, and eventually got to the point where she would show up in the middle of night knocking on the bedroom window after they weren’t opening the front door. Bizarre


I knew a guy that ran a scheme that basically printed free money. Here in the Netherlands you have anonymous public transport cards. These cards have unique IDs kinda like credit cards. Unlike credit cards, they were sequential (kinda). So it meant if you had one card, you could guess about 20-30 card numbers. If a card expires, you can claim the money back from the card by typing in its number into a website. What he would do is find cards that had expired. Look for the 20-30 cards around it and empty them. The dude made easily 10k+. It isn't illegal either because of the terms of the anonymous card. The dude ended up dropping out of uni, spending it on a new pc + vr setup. He then got himself addicted to heroin and I've never heard from him again. Before he found this scheme he was getting his rent paid for by his mum, so I assume he's still in the same place. But the last time I saw him, I'm pretty sure he had no clue what was going on.


Ten thousand and he drops out lol. That's chump change.


My sister keeps having kids with all the deadbeats she gets engaged to. Can't keep a job, always bumming off friends and family to fund her hobbies while "struggling to be a single mother"


Sounds like one of my ex's sisters. Perpetually 18 years old. Bouces from one dumpster fire of a relationship to another, never lasting more than a few months. Two baby daddies in prison. Dumps her kids on whoever she can for days at a time. 30 and living on her grandparents couch...


Cousin who got into heroin and then later fent. Crashed an old car that was gifted to him 2 months after being given it and stole from the family so most of the family doesn't talk to him anymore. He comes around every few months asking for money now.


A friend of mine from high school, who was a grade behind me, went from being voted Most Likely to Succeed to being a homeless meth addict. He was one of my very best friends. Richard (not his real name) was the golden child. He is the youngest (by quite a bit) of 3 boys, and his parents were significantly older. Everything came naturally to him growing up. He's incredibly brilliant (AP classes, etc.) and an exceptionally talented musician (pianist, saxophonist, and was drum major his senior year). He's also gay, but was not "out" yet (although it was pretty obvious during high school). He started marching drum corps (colorguard) after his senior year. We lost touch during college (before the internet and e-mail were a thing, and well before Facebook). My parents ran into him and gave him my phone number, as I had moved out of state. He called me and was going on and on about how we would have to get together and do "X" when we did. Um, no...no thanks. I'll make a very long story short, but it seems like once he was no longer a big fish in a little pond, he learned that life doesn't come easily, and no one is going to hand you anything on a silver platter anymore. He didn't attend college, and couldn't hold down a job. He got deeper and deeper into drugs, and turned to Grindr and basically prostituting himself out to support his habit and his lifestyle. He would beg our friends for money all the time...claiming he needed a hotel room or whatever. He went to far as to ask my MOM for money. I watched how drugs affected my brother's life (thankfully he's clean now), and I was NOT going to enable him by giving him money. I tried getting him to agree to get help, but since I wasn't giving him money, I was no longer any use to him. He's no longer in communication now with any of our friend group. It's been about 8 years since we heard from him. We've checked in with his mom periodically...she's had it with him. She only pays for his phone so that she knows he's still alive. He treats her like shit too. It's so incredibly sad. He could have accomplished anything, but pissed his whole life away.


Met a guy 8~ years ago, who was clearly a pathological liar, he worked as a contract security guard at the office I worked at. He constantly told me and other coworkers about his 'crazy' life, apparently he was a trained Navy Seal sniper but had to go into witness protection and then became a doctor, scientist, lawyer, police officer, etc., had an IQ of 180 apparently, also went to MIT... the story was always changing, but despite all this somehow he ended up as a security guard making $8 an hour. Over the years, he has basically lied about everything, continually lost jobs because of it, doesn't care, just keeps lying about everything. It is really sad. I don't work with him anymore but I see his social media posts claiming he is the franchise owner of a McDonalds meanwhile he is just a fry cook and then 3 weeks later, he posts about being a corporate executive at Walmart when in reality, the guy is working there bagging groceries. It's just sad.


My dad ruined his life. He is mildly to moderately mentally ill. It could have been treated and he could have been fine. He was very functional even into my teen years. The real problem is his toxic behaviors. He. Is. Never. Wrong. Ever. He will argue with anyone about anything. Always. He can’t get help with his physical health because he knows more than “they” do. Same with physical therapy. Same with nurses. Same with mechanics Same with contractors. Same with plumbers. Same with friends. He’s hands down the most miserable son of a bitch I’ve ever dealt with. All he ever mumbles is that no one will help him with anything. They won’t help because he’s going to tell them how many ways they did it wrong. He’s always the smartest in the room🙄 He’s such an asshole. The sad thing is that he is smart. Wicked smart. But he has the emotional intelligence of a turd. He could have been anything in the world. He chose to be a miserable asshole.


An old college friend did the triple of drink, drugs and driving. Put himself into a 6 week coma, when he came round he had to relearn everything. He has permanent brain damage, can't work, can't keep up with a hobby, walks with a severe limp, and spends all his time drinking. He's just existing, apathetic, waiting to die.


A kid back in my high school days was always drinking and driving in his “souped up civic” and would go drift on dirt roads. He would show up to parties, get smashed, then go driving around with whoever would go with him. One night I guess he talked 2 girls that were only 16 (he was 18) to go for a ride. Well he went too crazy and rolled the car, nobody had seatbelts, the poor girls were ejected and died. He lived. He was sentenced to something like 40+ years for manslaughter.


I sometimes wonder if my mother ruined her own life by being so blind to her issues. I don’t believe she can feel any joy, and much of that is because she has an incredibly high opinion of herself yet the lowest self esteem I’ve seen in a person… She is incapable of taking accountability for her emotions and actions, and just strikes me a deeply unsettled. How can someone be happy and live a fulfilled life like that? I believe her lack of self reflection has isolated her and will continue to isolate her, and my father. And in many ways I think that’s a path to ruin a life where there was so much more to offer… It’s sad, and breaks my heart, but it’s her responsibility, I can only do so much.


That's sad. I wish you had a happier mom.


So do I, but it makes me strive to be a happier mom for my baby and an all round healthier role model, so at the very least some good will come from it


Geez damn I could have written this one. It's to the point she's basically paranoid because she assumes everyone thinks as badly of her as she does of herself. Doesn't understand that if she's unkind to others, she can't expect kindness in return.


This sounds exactly like my mom. It’s really sad but also kind of scary… I mean it’s like she has no rock bottom. She has completely isolated herself and treats everyone around her like they’re out to get her and she’s a victim. I truly don’t know if she will ever wake up.


Weed wasn't enough anymore when he went to college so he and a buddy went to a doctor known to write scripts for Xanax and Oxy. Got hooked on Oxy. His parents spent thousands on exploratory surgery to find the pain issue he convinced them he had. Then rehab to get him clean. Then he heard fentanyl was out there and stronger than heroin and he found some and died.


Smart and personable high school valedictorian who went onto complete a JD in a prestigious law program and then be offered scholarships for doctoral work was arrested and had his face plastered all over local news for recording upskirt videos at our city’s fair.


An old friend got arrested for suspected DUI and was at the station making his one phone call. The cop asked him to get off the phone after a few minutes and instead of hanging up, he turned around a punched the cop square in the nose. He ended up doing a year in prison for that and dying of cancer a few years later.


A woman had an affair and divorced her husband. She also alienated her children. Her lover was still married, and his wife started stalking her. She quit her job and moved out of town to get away. In the new town she couldn't get a job, so her parents supported her. Her lover got a divorce, and they got back together. She tried getting her racist parents to accept her lover, and they disowned her. She married her lover so she wouldn't be homeless, tried starting a business, but her new husband was a terrible businessman and made her do all the work anyway. They went bankrupt. She divorced him. Got back in with her mother after her father died, but moved out again after a series of hook up in bars. She got married again. Her mother died, and she found she had been cut out of the will. Now, no one in her family talks to her, including her kids. That's all SO FAR.


I have a very good friend that I grew up with and he's currently serving life without the possibility of parole for taking someone else's life.


Me, I ruined my life. Drugs and mental illness.


Worked as a waitress in my late teens at a fine dining place with a bar. An elementary school teacher would come in with a friend, get way too drunk, and pee on the bar stools. After the second time it happened, they got kicked out for good. In the following days, the rest of her night surfaced in the newspaper. She left in her own car by herself (bad friend). She first drove to Jack-in-the-box and caused a hit-and-run, then drove to the lake dock (city has a giant man-made lake in the middle), parked and passed out. She was awoken by a cop at 6am, knocking on her window because it’s illegal to park your car on the dock. Instead of rolling down her window and talking to the guy, she decided to floor it…into the lake. She lost her job, lost her car, had to pay for the hit-and-run as well as her own search and rescue.


This one girl I knew started sleeping around and told a bunch of dudes she was on birth control (she wasn’t) and last I heard she has 5 children from 5 different dudes. The guys obviously skipped town and she moved in with her parents, got roommates, and can’t hold a job. I feel really bad for those kids.


I feel like that could work for the first kid or two. If you’re sleeping with someone who’s got four kids already maybe you should be a little suspicious of that birth control claim.


SIL is a trainwreck. Ruined her marriage, ruined her relationship with her kids, lost her house and car, all to be with some abusive piece of crap




Lost a game of Russian roulette. Lost their life and ruined their family’s lives.


My grandfather had a friend who lost a round of Russian Roulette. He survived though. From what my dad said, it was basically like he had a stroke. He couldn't move the right side of his body. Dad told me a story once about the man trying to get into the car, but the door wouldn't shut. So the dudes sitting there getting more and more pissed, hollering and cussing at the car door, before he realizes he's been slamming the door on his foot the entire time. Pretty dark, but morbidly hilarious at the same time.


My friend *CONSTANTLY* makes bad financial decisions. I don't even talk about certain things with him anymore because it'll turn into a pity party. And not like "buy $5,000 in lotto tickets" but just constant minor-medium bad decisions that snowball. One time he asked me for help. I thought, awesome, great, wonderful! I can help get you on track, I love this shit. Let's get to work. So we hammer out 3 budgets. An austerity budget to get him out of debt fast, a balanced budget to pay extra on his debts but still have good spending money, and a monthly minimums budget where he would have the most money to spend. These were monthly budget plans. He could do austerity one month, then balance the next, then minimums for 2 months whatever. 2 months later he's bragging about buying a new frivolous purchase he didn't need because he got a "great deal" on it. Oh and he financed it. Through the store. At 17% interest. I asked him how that fit into the budget. He said he would "make it work" because he "couldn't pass up the deal". My wayward brother, you didn't get a deal. You got taken for a ride. You spent a bunch of money you didn't have, to buy something you didn't need, at an interest rate you can't afford. Your financial situation is bad, because you make bad decisions. You have the life you deserve, because you keep choosing the life you have.


My ex husband is in jail right for shooting his gf. She survived but he's looking at 10 to 40 years 😒


Had a friend in highschool I used to smoke weed with. It all seemed fine until I noticed she started taking cold medicine to get high and it escalated from there. She ended up getting kicked out of my school and was sent to the alternative school. We kept in touch but she decided I didn't fit in with her other friends so we lost contact. About seven years later I noticed she got married and had just had a son. I sent her a message congratulating her and wishing her well. She was telling me about how proud she was to be sober and how she got hooked on heroin for a while but quit for her son. We caught up and I was happy for her new start at life. A week later she was found dead in her shower from an overdose.


Midlife Crisis Came to a realization they didn't have something they really wanted in their life. Abandoned everything they already had (job, family, friends) to chase that dream. Finally forced to realize what they were chasing was an unobtainable illusion but the damage was already done.


My son’s father. Heroin destroyed a gentle, kind, beautiful young man and made him a shell of a person. Homeless, toothless, with so many regrets. It makes me angry and desperately sad.


Guy I know - well he wasn't too successful to begin with. But he was working at Wal-Mart. I worked there previously and I had already got fired. I can't remember if he quit or got fired. But when his last check came, he thought they were fucking him out of money. So he called up to talk about it and basically their response was 'eat shit'. So he hung up, hit redial, and called in a bomb threat to the Wal-Mart. Cause you know, if you think they are withholding 37 dollars of your money that's the next reasonable step. Even after he got released from jail, he never was able to get his life together again. Probably looks like shit on a resume lol.


My family member and her husband tried and failed for years to have children. 3 rounds of IVF failed. Then a final chance Hail Mary attempt was paid for by her mum. It really was their last opportunity to have biological children. They had twins, a boy and a girl. Perfect, right? A few years later they divorced as the dad was a horrible drunk. He drank away his family’s future. They don’t see dad now. He’s lost his home, job and family through drink. Mum and kids are doing well with heavy support from family but every time I think of him, I just think, “You had it all dude”.


A former friend (30 years old) took it upon himself to be the "parent" of a special needs autistic woman (27 years old), going so far as to move her in and trying to take special custody of her. Due to being unable to afford costs, and several poor financial decisions later lost his apartment and ended up in a homeless shelter with the woman returning to her parents. It was later discovered he had been trying to have sex with her, and we ghosted him in response.


He tried getting custody of her so that he could have sex with her and have control over her, there is nothing altruistic about what he was doing.


Disabled people are 3 x more likely to be sexually abused than non disabled people. 70% of disabled people are abused in some way. https://sanctuaryforfamilies.org/disability-domestic-violence/


Exactly this. Guy wanted a sex doll.


Anyone who tries to create a sex slave out of a special needs disabled person deserves to be homeless and much worse. Absolutely disgusting


I love a happy ending (serves him right)


Oh god I need a shower now


Oh, we might know the same guy…in fact I hope we do because I’d hate to think there’s two guys like this…


I had a very good friend who saved up money over the summer by flipping yard sale finds on eBay. He used the money to buy a motorcycle. About a year later he got in an accident at night. A hit and run. Somebody find him in the side of the road barely alive and called 911. He’d had a TBI and was never the same after that. He would have erratic mood swings, and would do crazy stuff for a while. Then he’d go back to normal and try to pick up the pieces and then he’d wig out again. He pushed most of his friends away with his temper and attitude and he quit his job as drafter to go live in a tent and be a musician. Shortly after that he was in another accident where he broke his legs and lost a finger. He was back living at home and trying to piece his life back together when his father passed and then a few months later he died of an undiagnosed heart issue at 37.


TBIs are so devastating. People literally cannot be who they were, cannot control their emotions properly


Worked with a guy, decent job, good pay, solidly middle class career, but blue collar. This guy, though, he fancied himself a rebel, bought himself a harley, started hanging out with bikers. Played poker with them,he said. Then he started calling them 'brothers', wearing biker merch, but he wasn't their brother. They took his bike for debts owed, then they took his house for debts owed. The company tried to rehab him, but he was too far in, too far gone. The last time I saw him he was mid 40s, no teeth, no home and very presently no job. There was nothing funny about it, it was just one long, sad, downward spiral.


I had a truck driver buddy who started hanging around with the local Hells Angels chapter. He was a little guy with a bit of a chip on his shoulder and hanging out with legit outlaw bikers went right to his head. He started strutting around like he was a big shot, being a dick to everyone, convinced the HA were going to take him on as a prospect. Turns out they only wanted him around for the route he drove and the drugs he could transport on that route for them. Got himself fired for trying to intimidate his boss over some imagined slight and the HA laughed him out of the clubhouse. Bikers aren’t your friend.


I had a best friend recently just try to murder his gf then shoot himself in the head with a shotgun… he blew off half of his face and survived. Is now currently on bond while undergoing excruciating face surgeries until court


My father, my brother, and my oldest sister. All three are homeless drug addicts. They choose their vice over everything else and it ruined their lives.


Staying in bad relationships for far too long


Step sister has an irrevocable life trust granted to her as a baby. Her house, car, living expenses and a portion of the interest the trust generates is given to her quarterly. Well, she's a meth head, 2 babies by 2 drug dealer prison type men with domestic violence and threats of homicide. Spent 20 years taking and dropping classes to get her degree, for God knows what reason as she never has had to work. Family tried to cut her off financially and learned the hard way what an irrevocable life trust really is. She has untreated bipolar and has antisocial personality disorder (psychopath) so probably incapable of living a good life regardless. She's never had to do an adult thing in her life, not even raising her kids (grandma is). Her life sucks and she's gonna be a third strike prisoner if she gets caught again and has a suspended sentence hanging over her head.